I ' - V a ft I. A r I VOL. I. uiii-riiNsimiio, n. :., ti1 riiSDAY. .il'LY 14. ! ! ri resource of th count. v , v. P . , J-h- tr-ulue PUBLISHED WEEKLY U many adverse circuit- v ?Ja f"AT ! r Uc. J'"1 AT 'AP .p. . ' i , j . AA A-.. "V ' iM - 1 f.r . jj - tWil mrfclRrifUN X : " .. . .-- ! . : i c . v i . ; ic : ! . ) i . . t- c ; .,j !e ti..- : 4i-.!-c :r:.e. ;:". v.;:.. i .:: .- t;. t ! i.. - war. GREENSBORO, X. C, LY THE Kkpublican Pchllsiiino Co2irA.xr OFFICE, &OUTII ELM STJlEh lf fJatftho iu.H.l.,:.: n,.;,- tit r,. , - V oMhcse creak" nrid'h-ima:: A Its roytoraticn cf r-.ti.l . .. "jrltLo m-rjietuaticn c( tLc'Uniou'of t;'" o. itrf patriotic c'u:.' i: 't.-.'.i-. -' i : l.. icf justice and equality a . ::.Y..id in M : r -c- pK t tar i..- r r. i r .' , a v ;;- i . ..I,'- it j. i : . . if c ' . trv , 1 1 .u r ici U 4 ( I'm '.n vf SabGcriptiou; it :tr.ticn of tho XJmwd 8:atcc A tuccorO : ir. r,t a: I ic;iiL vril.cij..c4, :.:f t!i r t'.- at.a '. wv .. ! : t uatry : i ....!. . j .: Euch SnosC4iuent inscrtwiTT Oce square tlircc woiin.; One square is Tufrril'b?, One goTist inpertion, - j:ach aJviilioual iujtrlion, Three monlhs, Six iuoutba, One year, Half Column and Colu.i 'vi- r' : ?. on proper discount. Ten lines or on: inch t::t:t .: connlii'.tt a s-jurrt . , tW X'Aices, :si. u- . '.'. tceA wOO. in f."lr: Yearly aderrt .'. a -y : e i Yearly a-Iceriitaua.i:- 7 s 1 ool r.o 4 o . ,r. of 'rlti'i1, ir;r 1 Lxtir oii,"!a--- a-.:-l a-.itliOiitj-'ii v.:. . FtlCi; a;.-.t i.l'. . "1 .'.a.ri.- .. (. :.'tr . ice. ri..;t(f Uith th:fcJV v .'.. ci. v' .' .( l c 1; 1 ' . . . . . t . 1 " ... . . . ' ' j . ' f ; ' . i I i i , j t " . . L ; 1 - . ' i. .-4 l": ot- if - . i ; : 1 - ii rfj: 1 'J l l-VJ':.-. .,r - . i. f .. a-J ' ' ' ' jrc- Ijv. ;v . ..... . ' . . t: 0; r)".Va:-,',,'i''-4- Crr-,i . j . ui:.t j -t tcr Ann i'ri:o:. -1 v. . tcs war! LISTEN, FUiEXJ C'F i'EACE! In LSOS, l!.v. Vk.i: in ry--.A- ij.j: i. to ilio rrc-i.doncy, : " v.iil! i!iul:c it ;r:-rc - Li r.A i RKl'I'l'T-lCWNr, '"; J 1 ; 1 .-. . .1 . ..II. . '7 1 ' I C1 ?' 1 i - rv : V- r : r .j ll 1 . Did 'not ii.:t f.:; I - - ? I iib ana orivciiv int t:.-.i .:n- f :. lH't ho ;u:d ;;ihri:- !:: i: 'j.. ' If. land : la:: : v. n.::". S'; tlii.", Ultr-ru. ! il v." i.- ; 1; lut v;..- -L '. P--'-: -.i.l. IX- ' -oa;- on oarli:. f...: ; M ? - .va 1: ' -: Lectio-; .i tno j-o r and t-i.- . u. 1 in to yea ly.Kl-u ot.c::?i.-n o: the : rht'cl uiir.-..'1 ' . :: d t -W :rAt.V Kl: -v" ':-.- -.-n.;d 1.7 t, .TI ' - 00 i v .;';r:i uion r, tbfir ':raoi con il-cis uvA d: fiii and ii'iiaovuhi-?. Y.:iw of the goot! anl ..r.--Iiopuidicaa pai ry A a.;.:' ocuio in cur S(a?-. I'o . do it bidbro iho ficcii.ni dn day ; and your Siai-j and are safe find. v 1 1 i :uutinuv xirity and veii-being 1 1 tlT. , -"V ....... -. 2 fat t::o c- 'i A: r.,A i ::0SiftTiSlnitf fjtTy'T.lrd t!;:s to : ;r-: 'va::tcr..v 'cr.r.r.fi: .j ..." fpc"? th: n v.-dm.y ; i - rvidt! by tbe pccpW tAe -State Foi cdu- !bygiv:ag fYco pa. r ; a,aon ihat ;-ntd purposeg. J. IlloaJ!! '.his ev n com tr- 1U lts PlalfcrIP oFHnoiplcs adepted In trnCi as Saxi:h " - Ino biato OonveaUon m Mav. I , . , j 11. Its opitorftion to that tookks and yj; I overbearing t-r :rit of intolerance, turbulence 0 .0 L'.'o'.v iq jros- a v 1 f l .1 .1! t ; .: ! 1 --1 . . 1 'I t r.'i"1 tc ion ri ! 1 s'.-.TiT. nr ir.Tr!frnr,p tnriii- . -!;. n or lli i . .aLlulUiJ. C' ; r. l !:n i.tuica;:.- m wuxcu cuajacienzai ins ?:i..;u- uiv -7 1 rauaw o ltinnp v ...... r T I ; .r...i -. .'j .'We sec that the SoUmd rails Far-! f tl0n C the tmc or Cou, ervative j yUy S, bcil v nid that' ov',", v ' u: i ' ; ' . row of Hyde, for being a drunkard, &c, since ,pp0nents, thus seeking td eu force their Vl2Jeo cf the l-oadlhvu.d v-r-to the lr. ill.- -;.,4 4. v bis nomination by tlie Republican party. j and notions by a srt of cpercion not consic- ' canftfcet." 0, lttil;, tlicaa r.77? nr.-: i. .: v ' a-.:. ' a ; ... Why dM not that paper assail him every: vyAi that jffttion jof propriety which mado thee crazy Jpvua 0 , t ; v i ;:r. t . : woek durinrr the session of" the General ATH:l.uid cl subsis Atveen uianaf.d man tL- ftbotlt$ lr , , 'f'' . y-'" ' I r..:pnjint nrd hiwn-!,:); tl .iiirooi Af;. t ...... - ..1. .4. 1 . . . , . , .. . I 1 J sembly since July 1SGS? Was he more tom- nprntfl tlion ttiiti nmv '? AT if n L.f if W . i.u- ....... . ..v-. t. v. . r ... ' ' v. .. UiCluUT, Xli LiUif U.iUlll ro gladi tJuit the cnora: sobrietv ot Koiur.-1 r-3nal- rencounteru .cajboruerlv and lTUTtus , tliat Smith was t no r.-iiicnint ana DeftWM-hiis tr.e.-rect ene.t i . .: . j 4 .2. .i t- u-c-Jrc disturbance the peace.'tetiris, ; ani afraiJ Lo "liJr r -0 .VC"J t J: ti. It y - in numerous iiistati5'in'ioj& li.suftj'-f.piir- j ticket. You ha ! f. I' .- : ' .-. .. , . L. t I- 1 '. . W I 1 . 1 , 1 i 1 I . M - I J licansia thus admiaed. If it meaiu anvth:!i- utiUU lu.f1' c.a..ueatii4u ivef treated you I - a - - . 11 , . , o , . UrutAl attacks by beatiug, mairauig and len ; - L , at all it says "thai a, Wz an Ot l TFkixling of those iho happen to fall.vitlii?-jlhe 1 .j?5y.cl. V" ' ' - adheres to the sJuvii Democrat v o 2Iiutr of their hTecial displeasure. I h:ra-h2cniiQ . her. 1 j - ",'- . a , c - .y I. 1 r TUiiK n-s mucn ana a$ t-jusn as n piC"vs ana ' "-""""- -.k vivV- rrfinaiiiT.r c.s ... . - y ..... r.,.,i r.f ti, ifn' ,tc!.iw,.,i n pu;i c i . , 7 . iV-Geiiei-al of the State cSamue! T) Phil- o note is made 01 a d ls cn$: cal and cs-1 v x n 1 . . i r. ie. i v: J who l-wcll knoyn is jnt41iLTt:!t , , ming in that jmrU hid xhc fic cxmc man circLes, AciQwlBCgecb to be, one ofitheaoii st, ' taanKS ; p. ; t error of his ways ana ;Y Ae I2c.,i&- soundest and nnt reliable lawye rs i; the Grreasbcixr t:.af W arv then it becomes a crcat crime Ktal? liberal - and rca coperrctive j will carryWwaf . t!- , 7 J7 , "r 7-t rLaracter and cqurse fi tUe Lepsiature siuoe, i f. tv2 ai,.4 ... lam to do the rcn thm7s that chd im.jVell 'as durliA beforJ tka ,var, has I ! SA) .fS muneed and tuw-mdemncn a F'cnocratr- I challoaawi the atmiratlSn of moderate men i 1&roe ccjoiKy fl a v. : Always may it be so. Vtc hope that t h. J tiiroogliou t- te btate drunkenness will remain Bemoftaq" asia ptop VMappcr! Tii kr.o v. S;...::- i t:;n tjt!.c e.-ro. ill vn csijr I'3fTI . .'j";r- " -; c ' x ' r. 'ate ih. wilh. deserted T puuv-uu. uxw .uv j Alamance iy it uy ... rec t.;::; 1. ::. . ; v. - ; . -at a miserab!lH t..e .....t jX,"'-"1 xxxuraiirv in tiioTT -v.n ' ,14 wsrr'tv :,ViwV" U4 -rvative Mr!v - : A.. - "- t 7, .. - - -r-- fr 1 - - 1 i f . v ' - - i ! . . . - . .. , TTTV l?rDTTT!T TP . V u"'u) Llial H-LW 01 CXtravCCf.r.CG niH b-i.: 4. " .. .. T" ijiiuuiii uijijijx..i :m 1 w .. 1 , . 1 1 . o . ''.!.i PAPTV --uo-cu xi.aua.irC!l,or.t Lancer. j :uctic,.l i,. M"Vr'u,r ' w 1 I :: - 1.-jVi .1-. 1 t ven and v.-: LrrA.t In: the present organization of parties' v find the principles of the National Republican . ut-0 aua ttiv.purary its nature-. piu.i,y nearer 111 ueeoru '.vu: mose v.ancn nave, -ix-v,i s.:.c wiic U:.u bent tic. at r.uv 1 ever been entertained and advocated by us, ' tiie i--iioual orginiz-itiwa. Ti.ese, having A, t. than those of any other now. in existence", and "fLUbt about, lux the n.-.t prt, ty a ccuilin more particular v inmost of the fcllowir.c; tKn ol circumstances, in wl-ca ..adii. - mem- pomts : " -f both r oiiiica 1. Its thorough unreserved and unquali-; vo' -rc and hai-o Lccn ,c.a aad r.-iett. , UiJ : urat TaKe"' acu fied devotidh to .tho Constitution, and the ,Vi:i be avohk-u ia the tutu-e, :.:.d rci.. ' try, like yen, by Union of the btates entire nationality -and 1:v- v'j be. Jut Li.:::ic: - "Frank," : Ad.tirrr. havoa t But von r.'jver r to ret the bill that Smith will x iv... 1...- iirHa't.iL-d-: iril y, like yen, b; talk in' and consequently its equally determined ojipos:- . -vugix, to be sure Lav.- koI, ve rc-r-ar, be. until your wife, Hon to 'the mischievous dogma of " States- common to ciirar raitv, hu.-, btciiu;.r"--td r rights," " complete State sovereignty:' and.ad was rcj.iv r.tcd. "iAr, tt-;jl iuv,dga- ;!'" r-:n--;: - P- thoir concomitants, secession, revolution and' n',n; lat oi 'he 1 Ira u r c, ru rait: oc na i-tnA... ti'-v, " 1 constant disposition and tendencv to section- c,caiiy sb..;rs thai i.vu;r.a. i::tc!:i-cut in- wao firs: elec.-d al strife and too general disturbanc; of the 2ectial"n: :al.i5, ,f b.ta j oacu! : ..ti,. ohna P, P.x 1 C peace. . e.!ii,ptrioiinjt very iifn-Iy. iJcntiMc-l with 2. Its support, of the principles, in tho tr the Rcr ut .re..u cvm! i0 :auu ;;.cir . ' .:, main, which were embodied in 3fr. Ciay't ' 'r-I'9::-ns I'r cvldt nee vhich, 5co icj.vi ' of" ?-oc':-: ); J!V. t:-J great American Systkit of policy viz : tho the C'caimiUto. Rv The wav,' la that 1' : , r was a v. i. . r. unity of the nation ; protection to American i nJ iuvestigaticn' be id .Midiy read irm v ...r- its xl-' -a.A industry ; Internal lmpr currency ot umiorra vali country four national cm favorable management of President Grant's ' lobyista "in c?jcc;ive cf party," v.tj.t it, Now, Fr.inlr, lection to American ; ,1U i-efeugancn L-e iiL.-ialiy read Ir.iu v.r- its tP- -zr provement : sound --vcr these cnurges are rnu-Jc. l.n.oc:;.ts cr TT. 1 ao throughout the 'Conservative?, and Reputiicar.s alike, hau ' rrency, under the i tkvLitiecds in the icgiilature, and their i.cits t : lt- ' administration, is rapidly approaching par: .' rrcs5I!g through favorites chemc.-:. Education; progress and the develoDnientof Most of it for wc do not place tl il ' '. .x .... . . . me resources ot the country ; opening up and 'tc oa making accessible to all.classes : the' benefits !c;-Lcaaats of new channels of enterprise, trade and com- ' was onc throa; merce, and multiplying the means cf iude- ''.csto of the res and asiis to el : - "c i.f- 0PV1E - - ; c., r.d .r;'Hr, lit. his joc. -Ur. 1 J.2Tc 1: r . - r .-. ...111 1 ax.3 . v. ; ..i . . t i . r. ycur shoulder totha wired v . ).. y cu. e:y i'ct., i.r.o ;.. (t ; rry thrcui-h whatever hr; J . j t. . dl net work for tho coun-. .: erlflsiing " llocriag "' a: 1 outing" and sitting rtili u.:., i h-u .. vv: 1 ratj.-r, qots ma-I a--out e -v.r.ct v -s. I - ! .... 1 - ' .0t i ' 1 ! ; . f 1, r : : I 1 r ll.e fvU. A" 4..-..4.I. v. . t ; 1 I 1 1 by, l- IH'J ..4. , W bi l t 1 V .... tsnlctit 0: tne r.rrth (Jar- tt vou ... 1 wh i e-m.tu any, ne voul (ti- ocaa v. ..re 0 .: : a j ci . t u - - j.e .u!..... . a:; , ri 1 . tue J ervAi.; wa, Pct. That k ' a,I-r7-ri' J t . . 0 st .'C . ho :1 '-r. iiuiw - . , ,.. , "--j 4..". . . . ..a ;-i them, and ih rr.id ; Uc: ca.uau.c .. 1 :. t - ift . ( .r 1 : vat W'.u . - - "-j .ui "w -.Ar. ' irj- Wi - U th... tadition a it w. wr.cr: :ni.; -,t likc-v.'-c. l ether il .ar.'i'i A.:. iu.. ..A t f . . cr. At Ibe i; s.;-j..-1. . 4 ,. .... ought to vote fr Srurth jed i: : be tcj.v'A ,lV-;. m. Yoknow ho 1j the 1 t:J-t il Wio iatc-n i tu 1 cl . A J i. tl :..e Liadi . 1 xe 1 o r cs- ' t..: r , J. f . . ... . . - :.i . - z . . nuaun nature wUieh many of o"f 0 7 ' kV eie-j - - --j 4 1 , j-.--. do in cruV to uvcn-r,-i c: Y.it F.lg Bank at Greens J ',ec!a!l?a Y ' ' . v !'t'J; . t. u.ia. -ha desire to promote the in- horo is under J Aour Brother AddUoa n,.f?m J; TVvro 'Ut "' ? sin,.,.!,, ; ,r. . -r ..f. recttvc sections oi the b'tate, will be Cashier J l-oa " blcwicc " Acnt. 1C:L I inf.r I . . :P. .... AA . - h;.'J'U;V .3 4 V I I - ' r i f ' - i 1 V. V . .--. . . , x ti f ' ' " J ' r w- -v I . - . ' .; - if' ... .