HHIsboro Recorder. rCBUSHED sx C E. PARISH, ind'i kPronr'i. F. N- .STRUOWICK. I V" THURSDAY, AUG. 25,1837 The Indians, - We Bee from the Telegniphio re ports that the Utes on the White and Heaver Rivers, are in arms and 150 of them are fighting the settlers, des troying property and setting fire to the woods aud committing all kinds of depredations upon the harmless and inoffensive settlers, this ought pot to be longer tolerated, why treat the Indians any better than any other class of enemies, the Indian by nature is the natural enemy of the White man. Yet the government continues to tnrnisb supplies, blankets and eve ry thing else for his comfort and sup port and actually hires him to behave himself, but notwithstanding this hu nan treatment on the part of the Government, every year some tribe or another takes the "war pattT and kills hundreds of men, women and children and destroys hundreds of thousands dollars of property. The policy of the Government may be right, but we cannot Bee it It aeems to ns the best aud wisest policy to pursue would be to treat them just as we would all other murderers and robbers, hang and shoot them and let them know that they are not a privi leged cla68 instead of giving them bread, meat and blankets, give them plows, hoes and axes and instead of giving them large domains of our ter ritory, let them go to work and buy the land like the whites have to do. The Hip Pocket. The hip pocket and carrying of Pis tols should be cambered among the things of the past There is a statute upon cur books that makes it a misdemeanor in North ShtMu m vs J wuwuiwva HUOUI' bat this is only bosh, it is worse than no law at all, span the subject. No one is ever, or rarely convicted, and if any are, the punishment amounts to nothing, they are generally discharg ed opon pay meut of cost. What the country at this time wants, is, that the Legislature pass a law making it a Fdony to carry con cealed weapons, excepting certain of ficers of the law. You can bny a pistol now from 50 cents all the way up. this puts one in the pocket of every boy the land and many a good man has lost bis life by a pistol ball in the band of a reck less or drunken man and many bith erto, worthy men have gone to the gallows by a useless and improper use of the pistoL Ninety nine out of eve' ry hundred boys and men now carry ing pistols Lave do need for them aud ought not to be allowed to do so. . Wonld it not be wise in the next Legislature to make carrying conceal ed weapons a felony Senator BidJlebcrger has been re leased from prison until such time as the Doctors wiil certify that bis phy sical cocditioa is such that be can stand close confinement The excitement incident to bis ar rest and imprisonment has somewhat abated. We are sorry for noble old Virgin is. She never had a Senator who would outrage law and order as Hid dleberger has done until the advent of Radicalism . But thank all goodness his days are cumbered, the next Virginia Lcgtsls ture will soon came his successor and that man we hope, may be the Hon Johns Barbour. Forgery. In olden times perjury was punish ed most severely, but as time passed and in proportion to the relaxation of punishment the detestable crime of purgery increased, unt'l to-day swear ing falsely is just as commou as swear ing to the trmh, if not more' so, No one who gives his oUention to the proceedings oi our courts, and will closely observe the examination of witnesses and particularly those wit nesses who are interested as to the result, but will be forcibly impress ed with the tatol disregard of . truth. To escape punishment due to violated law aud giiu the point atissufl seems to be paramount to everything else aud the most general way they adopt to avoid the truth when confronted upon cross examination with search ing question is. by saying. "I don't recollect'' or M don't remember" while to all questioi's fuvorallo to their sid, thor memory is perfectly clear and they can readily tell all they know and more too. We do not coroplaiu at the severity oi the punishment, it imy be suffi cient, but we do complain at the total neglect of the Courts and the solici tors, and all other good citizens in not bringing this cluss of rascals to uuishruent. When it becomes appa rent that a witness, as to a material act is swearing la'stily, he should be immediately pravf.d into custody and required to give security for his ap pearance to euswer to a chargoot erjury. If a few of these geutry were dealt with pretty roughly it might be a terror to others. Therefore we call upon Judges and Solicitors to make an example of some of them, it would have a wholesome influence am"ng wheals. Ireland. Thfi great chmgo hch have come over the English people in regard to Iome Rule in Ireland is phenominal. The ex premier Gladstone without excepting royalty, is to day, the great est man iu England. After a , life time spent in studying the difficult question of home rule ior the oppress ed Irish, he became convinced that ocal'selftgaveratnent was the best and accordingly took his stand. At first his views did not meet with sue cess, but stauding firm' in bis convic tions of right he could afford to but- fit the storms of opposition coming as they did from the lips of the nobility. the newspapers and the Euglisn speaking people generally B'lt now a year has pissed aud we note a won deiful change in the sentiment and feeling of the people. G!ad.4(ne could as easi'y stop into the Premier ship now as he grcurully relinquish ed it a year ngo. We cauuot doubt the ultimate sue cess oi the home rule party. Justice bus long been denied the toiling, suf fering miFS'-s in Ireland, but, must iu the end prevail The action it Secretary Lamar in taking a Urge tract cf land out r.f the dutches ofsthe Atlantio and Pacific Railroad and opening it to settlement deserves warm commendation. should Lav been taken before and should be followed by other recove ries from the land grabbers, both cor rwrate and individual the effect a reforms is greatly enhanced by carry log them out promptly, vigorously and consistently. A man escaped from a jail in Rhode Island by means ot a twisted newspa per This is not i much so illustra tion of the power of the press as o: the carelusfflisj of a "down cast" jai! cr. V We take from the News and Obser ver, these timely remarks; ''It is; by no means too soon to begin the work of preparing for the. next political oontest' Those citizens who realize that the welfare of the State demands the retention of the democratic party in coutrol of affairs, as is the state of the cnsV will begin to look about them and sue how the party liues ntand with reference to this matter. Nothing can be left to chance in poli tics any more than in anything else, aud it is high time the preliminary steps at least were taken for the re. organization oi the party for. battle. It is necessary that the ranks should be closed up, that the recruits who are constantly reaching maturity should be taught a proper intnrost in publio affairs aud.be eucournge'd to take the places to which they are' en titled in the active service of the par ty. There should be reoigination in every county, town and township, and patriotic democrats throughout the State should see to the matter with- out delay. That it is ,a matter of prime importance no citizen having the welfare of the Stute at lieart will tail to Bee. Let the note of prepera tion be sounded, then in every neigh borhood of the State in ample time so hat there miy be as little fl iw as possible in the organization when the time comes for actiou. A Public Question. It is suggested that some cf the R -public m Congressmen from the Northwest, whose constituents have protested against the useless and bur densome continuation of the war ad ditious to the tr.ff, may vote with the majority of the Democrats to re duce the taxes It would not be strange if some oi the Republicans frm New Krg!and, whose manufactnrrs are calling for cheaper raw mat amis to enable them to compete with foreign rivals iu tb markets of the Bust aud of Central and South 'America, should Tote iu the same way. Senators Hoar and Dawes have both spoken in favor oi such action, The prevention of the surplus by a reduction! of tax.s is a tub!ic, Dot a party question, and it should U treated as such. In their nation! platforms both parties are committed to substantially the same line of so tion in regard to It. In the republic csn resolutions it was declared that the party "pledges itself to correct the inequalities of the tariff and to redti-w the surplus." The Democratic plat form fas simply more explicit and emphatic ia the same direction. All men who love tbiir country more than their parly, and who favor the peopie instead of monopolies and tax-esters, should aot together to stop the surplus. - Slate Treasurer Bain advises She riffs of the State to waks no further arrest of drummers selling or offering to sell without license until after the November term of the Federal Court it Raleigh, but to take the names of 11 such for possible future use. The Prohibition party iu Virginia will hold a State, convention. The Uuion Lbor party of New York met in convention at Rochester iu-t week and nominated a full S.ate ticktt. To massacre s train load cf passen gers: first bankrupt the road. Cheap lei vice aud cheap excursion will jlo the rest A fVinnAi-tifiut woman liaa bees ari rested for huvtner seveu husbands. fhe old maids of the Nutmeg feiate ire overcome with indignation J A tramp threw a man into thr ri- er t N jrtoik, . In the ininuota tramp there is no revenge so terrible -ui one which results in wetting a man all over. ': The Virginia Judge who sent Rid dlelwrgur to jiil tor his antics luck the artnstio sense which nnfces the punishment St the crime, lie should have bad uim spanked. In the next Kentucky Legislature there will be 7 Republicans iu the Seriate; in the llouso there will be "0 Democrat, "(i upublicaiis, 2 Labor Union aud 1 I'rohibitiocut. According to a foreign thiosophica1 journal, lergth of life is determined oy the will. It a man makt s np hts miud to live u.dt finitely, it t iu hi power to tscape death. 1 luc, oi course, does not apply to a mau who eats too much cak'o colored with chrome yellow. ; . . The following simple qus'ion in the rule cf three is trtontided f'r hot . a .. " mm . m. west her recreatiou It a United states Seuatur is sent to jail for ten days tor contempt of Court, how long should i senator be sent to tuinon tor stiid ing 20,000 in 'explaining I Lings to a wongresKiuanf From the Mmroe Enauufr ami Ex piW. lliree convicts umuo a nregk tor liberty while at work near the 1ockad on Wednesday last Que til tliem was snot in the bead and lo ntantly killed, aud the other two, i white man and negro, were shot d iwn, but finally made their escre. The man who was killed was part white and pari jnaian. Senator Leland Stanford, of Califor nia, may yet find Limself brought in to a court of justice if h does not ex Iain more clearly than be has thim fur shown a disposition to do what has Irf-coineot tnreu qirter t a nallioi of dollars "I the dichursernehts of the Central Pacific Railroad Company If this money was expended legiti niatciy snd not, s is gent rally believ ed. in the purchase of Cone res men and Government ofhVr, why should Senator Lelnnd Stanford decline to tell what bat become of it The New York World remind its readers that there is now lit, question of free trade before the country. This is very true, but it is a fct which some cbstiuately Wind people refuse to see or believe. It will be time enough to discuss the merits oi free trade when we get to it. At present the surviving war tariff is a proper suojeci ior a (bate, and argument is iu order. ' Norfolk, Va., Aug, 17. Mrs. Wil liam Crockett, wife of Dr. William Crockett, a dealer in patent medicines told a pitiful story at pclioe head quarters to day that ber husband, after packing up his personal effects, left on Friday last for Pocomoke City, Md., where be had a good trade and quit a sum oi money due him. At ter his departure she discovered seve ral letters aud notes, written to him by MiBS Bertha D. Towell, of Mao Masters, near Pocomoke City. These U tters, were filled with lovable terms, telling in language utimistable that the doctor was about to take uuto biiTiselt another wife, and also indicat ed that during bis former visits to Po comoke be figured as a single man, snd under tbisdittguise won the affoc tions -ot Miss Powell, who did not suspeit that he was already married. Mrs. Crockett is left iu a deplorable situation, Bhe possessing only a limit ed amount of household furniture and 274 feet of a panorama, entitled 'From tire iradie to tue urave: or, tne uie of a Drunkard,' left behind by her hus band. Ur. William Crockett is a lout; haired, heavy moimtached, long limb ed iudividunl He married hiv pres ent wife in 18S2. Coming here in November, 1883, he engaged in va rious occupations, and at one time held a position in the navy yard, and was a meinour oi me iwung j.uens Christian Association of this city, Letters have beeu written to the au thorities of Pocomoke City to preveut the doctor's marriage with Miss Pow ell. Nemand Olserver says: It was re ported here yesterday that Wui jooch, who with James A. smith, killed John A. Cheatham iu this city twoyears ago, had. escaped from a squad of convicts who are at work on the Curthage and Camerou tailroad in 31 ore county. lUleigu people will remember the excitement into which the city was throwu ou the night of June 10th, 1885, when it was report ed that Johu Cheatham hd been killed iu his store on Wilmington st4 Gooch and Jatnis Smith were arrested and after a long trial iu which great interest was manifested, both were convicted of murder aud sen tenced to be hanged by Judge Clark. This sentence was commuted to im prisoument tor twenty years by the Governor, at the solicitation of inaoy citizeus of Raleign. Gooch has Leeu in the penitentiary for about two years and was recently sent to Moore couuty to do railroad work, trum where he made his escapo last Thurs day, a man named v ukerson escsp ed with him. A Farmer's Club. A goodly number of tke Farmer's in the Fairfield neighborhood met at Fairfield Church aud organized a Farmer's Club. N. P. Boll was xatUd to the choir and explained the object of the meeting ia abort speech. N. E, Bain was appointed secretary. A committee consisting of X. D. Bain Sr. J. J. Taj lor and James IX FarUh ware ap pointed to rt-eoiaaicaJperaiuout outers for the Club. Ia a short time th7 reported N. P. Hall, President; David Taointu, Vive Frmi dent; Frank Smith, Treasurer; and N. D. Buin, Sr., SocreUry. Tlia report of the Committee was uaauiiaousiy adopted. A Committee of litres "was appelated to draft a code of By-La for the got era meet of the Club, Three delegate, to wit: Xtmes II Parish, iMvid mompsoo ana A. w. lUrk, were apt aioted to attend and represent the Fair field Club at the Farmer' Meeting ia UiUs borooa the 27th Inst, AH farmers sre rvspeciful! invital to meet with us. Aojoutoed to meet 2nd Saturday ia Sep Umber at 3 o'clock. ASOIHEa SMASH UP. . rum mil ix Baimoas. Th train on the Bitltimors and Ohio road coming into Baltimore, Wsdned tj moi niog the 17th, left the tract and ranhed through shriek bouse, atterly demolishing lb haute, cftptiziiig the tnginaand killing and wuondiug a Utea nnmU-r of twoole. The air brake Uomuig ODmaua-utile is nitj, 10 oe cauiM oi we aountoij. I hi train Wm running at faii speetL H. L. PARISH, JEEPS constantly on hand, and receives DAILY all kinds of FAMILY GROO ERIE S,- - , - ALSO . . . DRY GOODS', Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Notions, . H ARD WARE READY MADE CLOTHING; f dec. Ac; WE keep constantly ou hand a fresh snpply of sll kind of Caunoi Goods. LAUD, BaCO.Y, rORTORICO MOLASSES, Ao. FLOUR, WEAL, , CUBA AND ALL KINDS of CO UNTRV PRODUCE Taken in exchange for GOODS for which PRICES will he PAID. A WEEK'S READING FREE FOB 61Z GOOD MXIUKS. Sond your name and th name an J addrens oi Be or joor neighbor or friend oa a pttiJ card and get hv for J our- U and eaeli ot ilmia upooi tuna copy of TT12 CHEAT SOUTUEIIN WEEKLY, Tlic Atlanta Constitution oun imiEE humorous writers "Uncln IU;mnV Word Famous SkotcU csof ttifl I'lunUilotj Utrknr "Bill ArpV Hiirncrou Lettors for tb llome snd Urartu Htime. lfciuy Uitiiilton's V al ventures told In "Uraoker" VmlwU War bUte, Bketebes of TraveL Kawa. I'otn, Fun, Adventures, Tlie Farm," lb Household, eorrtwrmndenc. A word ( inatrnction snd EnUirtainmentl T lv 1'agcs. The Brightest sad Best I'leafies errry memlor of the Family. eona a rosui tor a npcoiinen Copy, t ree Addrtts, "Tas CossTfrCTioK, Atlanta, Os, A s H COME and see me, at my old stand ia BERRY Building. Opposite town Pump ; I w!U gire yoa . . ,.:,..--. ; ROCK BOTTOM PRICES n every tling to EAT snd WEAR. Your friend v H. L. Parish.. Ang. II - . . '. GOTO E. A. Roscmond & Bro., ' FOR FINE CONFECTIONERIES, FAJfCY GRCXEBIEH, FUUIT3, FiSE TOBACCO AND CIOARS. ICE COLD CREAM SODA WATEa. SULK SHAKES, LEMONADE, LIMEADE, Ginger Ale, Boot Beer and MINERAL WATER. AU kinds of FLon, French and Fancy CASDIE3. A good STOCK of all kinds of Heavy ASD FAMILY GROCERIES. One door abovs the Bocorder Offics. ED. A. KOSLMOXD. A BRO. sag. 113m. - Billnboro, N a ALEX, ROSEMOND, Watch Maker & Jeweller. ALSO DEALElt IN ' ALL KINDS, Styles and Qnsity of JEWKLERY, WATCHER AND . , CLOCKS Repairing of WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELERY a speciality and done with neatness and dispatch. Office on King Street, Opposite the Records Office. ALEX. ROSEM0ND, Ilaog.em. fjillsboro', N. C. p. a. siTntnwicu, , AttorneyLaw. riucTtum fa Orange snd the adioinln 10 ii - - Executors' Sole. VALUABLE REAL ESrATE. BT Tirtoe of theUatWiD and Tarts- meet of the lata OLOttUE A. VAUCETf, I will 11 oa th premises on Tuesday September 20th 8T. The following tracts of LAND, situated ia Orange County, immediately oa Euo Ri ver, fc wit:. The HOME TRACT aonUintn ahnnt 150 wen. Ul-on tLia traot ia .ilii.lml the dv-Uuig hoas Md all neorarr oat HUUKS, lu iw guou 10DBCOO WUM. TRACT No. S.-ConUlning about 100 acres. : TRACT Ko. 3.-Containln about 100 acres. - . TRACT No. 1-Kaowa as the OU Harf Mill 8eL nnon whtk i. .itn.(,l one of the beat water powers .on Eao IU Ter, and before and daring the Relation- ary war. there waa Fulling Milt and large gnat Mill, containing shoot 23 acres. TRACT No. B. Tha W1 ia Uining 210 screa, to be soU anhimt u th hfe eaUte of Uias ParthenA W.rJ n. AO ere 01 sakt irct. This has alwars be4 known aa the Uat pUntUion to the neigh borhood, upon it ia a good dwelling with aecoibarj oat building. . Jr .. . TRACT No. Known m the ChrUtmss flce V miles west of liiilaboro, aboat rait? five acres, this traot is nearly ail wood una ana very valuable on Seconal to it prozuniiy to town. . ALSO 3 LOTS In tha town of HflUboro, i m m A, lialnla V.S . sm ""-""j 01 w uoor uotm, e on one lot (twins' a enrna u .iin.ii good 8T01iE UUUSE, the other two are oecopied as Blaok-Bmith Bbope. All the traele in the ooontry are wry valuably for Fanning parrxwe and adjoin each other and will be sold in a body m fin. Inui. M aAn.Mt.t -1 . 7 ""'''I BOOT DOUOOrf ea to snir. pnrchsaers. For tarthor information write or eall 00! the ondcnignsJ, who willtak pkiMare ii s showing th lands. I All th tracU will U nr.l ...1 ru! of the diflorent tracU roady for inspeo ios after the firt day of Boptomber nsxU Ternif of bait: One Third to be paid lo Cab,one thlri in Bis months and tha UUnoe in twelw months, wi.h intorest front date. Title r served until the money i paid, if trnrob sers deair tlmv can pay all in Caah, BTEPUEa X. rORUEMT, Ksr. of 0o. A Faaoftt, AuftMllda, ...... HUUboro, N. C K. C. BTRCDWICK, B. 1. BoOJI. , STRUDWICK & BOON, ATTORNEY'S AT LAW, PRACTICES fa Darbsm, Orsnge, sn reraon eoantir. iUKla the Fedoral a id Snprome ConrW