Hilisboro Recorder. Entered at the Port Offloe at Hilisboro,. IT. C aa second claaa matter. .. - '. TERMS: "From the tima'wbereof the memory of Mr. T. J. Oldham 61 Bingham Township. man runneth not to the contrary" it has I paid onr sanctum a visit on tron a. AiiRtnm of the winters craft to take week lie. will bring to the Crentral Holy-day at Christmaa. In conformity to fine yellow Tobacco, he visited the Central that usage we will observe that time honor- after tbe sale, and expressed himself well $1.00 TER ANNUM, ALWAYS IN AD VANCE ed day and will issue no Recobdeb ext week. As the old rear A. D. 1887 is now drawing to a close it gives na the opportu nity to return onr thanks to the many good people of Orange and the smrounding counties for the kindness sud , liberality satisfied with the prices. Mr. Oldham kill ed 10 fine hogs which averaged him 2G0 lbs. Hog, Hoinany and bright Tobacco, will pay the farmer, ' ADVKTMINO AT IIT1HO HATES, HiLLSBOBO POST OFFICE. ; rsrn. hnnntrnm 1i a. m. to 8.15 P. m. "Every day exoept Sunday and Su Sunday, from iz m. io i p, m. You will find the Rbooudks Omoi in the brick building over Mrs. M. L. Tay lor's Millinery Store. . Come and see na. m t ; Cain. ... - ... Mad. Mora rain. , f" Plenty of Ma1. Good time for ducks. Not so good for pedestrians. Only one remain in the county hotel. Tobaocoatilloaa boom at the Central. Nearly one balf of the counties in the .State bave ths stock law. . . There is some talk in our town that a Our "Cricket" (Alex. Rosemond.l pro poses to send up from . the Center of our they bave shown us and the appreciation I t0WI1( on Monday night of Christmas a they seem to give to the Rfcordeb. I mammoth Balloon. The dimensions of this Ou the 11th August last, we issued the Balloon, we are informed, will be 64 feet iu first number of the Recobdeb, and at that circumferenoe and 92 feet in heiguth, with time we did not bave a single subscriber or a seating capacity of four persona in the a single dollar paid us for it. But from day boat attached. Those contemplating an to day and' from week to week, we have I JJrieal visitation can take "passage on that gradually added to our lwt until now, the oocaaion. All necessary accommodations "130" Spring, Beds. AlsoMattras last issue of the year we m-gnHIM to win be supplied. . Fees for the round trip Jn a f . 6jze8 am, icegf a, i,w per neau op, noiuiog i o-iuio uuwo. . , CZrSS Dont Forget!! BUGGIES, rentral a load of - " 1 hat yon can get First CLASS FURNITURE OF EVEKY DESCRIPTION AT GOOLEY'S f URN1TURE WAREROOMS. CHEAP for CASO, and all kinds of Country Produce, including good LUMBER, clear' of net, &c, tor which ihe HIGHEST market Price will be paid. linrenu, Chnira, and Fnrnttnre by the Nult. "W0VENMV1RE. and the famous WAGONS, Fertilizers, state that we have a paying list of 600 sub' acribeis and daily increasing. We hope to commence the new year with renewed efforts, and give to onr subscri bers a paper worthy of their patronage aud support. Wo hope iu the neir future to enlarge our pape lu Older that" we .may tauke it more useful as a family Joui ual, and to that end we k onr friends, iu the plenli' tude of their goodnewi to come forward and aid na in , extending the circulation of the Ukooudeb, Next year, will be a busy year in politics. We impose to take a baud, (as we have al ways done.) in that exciting sport. We propose to show the people why Bill Chan dler, shall not reconstruct the reconstruct- "Dick Parish" onr pressman is one of the beat we ever saw. Bnt the way he wields the "Waahiugtoniau" ia a wouder to look at j 6 sheets to the minute ia but play for him. But we fear we will loose him. We under stand that he has some omtriinoneal incli nation and although they ere in the "Cra dle" liue of fominites. Yet it may ripen up with something reaL We don't , wont to loose our pressman. A NICE XMAS PRESENT. A few Sewing Machines AT COST. We have the most useful Machine and prettiest Woiker on the Market. One that darns TIN SAFES AND BEDSTEADS. COFFINS and CASES, io all sizes and styles, which can be furnished at anytime ; D a y or N i g h t at 1 J hours notice. A hearse as usual for Fuue- rata occasions. Thanking our frienda for their lor mer liberal patronage, we most res pectfully solicit a continuance of the same. Very resp. youis, C. S. COOLEY & SON. Dec. l.ly. Boots & Slioes, CLOTHING, HATS. NOTIONS, DRY GOODS, CLOAKS, GROCERIES TCICMIOXD & DANVILLE RAILROAD CO. PIEDMONT AIR LING ROUTE. Condensed SCHED ULE in Effect Sept. 4, 87. Trains Run 75 Meridian Time, ' L've New York " Philadelphia " Baltimore . " Washington " Charlottaville " Ljnchbnrg IOICT2IUOI'.I. Daily No. DO 12 15 a m 7 20am 9 4Vnm 1124 am 8 35pm 5 50 p m Daily No 52 4 30pm 657 pm 9 42pm 11 00pm 3 00am 5.20 am " Richmond 3 10 p m 2 30 a m " Rmkeville 5 17 p m 4 2:1 a m " Keysville 5 57 p m 5 05 a m " Drakes Brauch 012pm 5 21 a m Danville 8 50pm 805am " Greensboro 10 4i p m 9 43 a m " Oohlsboro 3 30 p m 8 10 pm " Raleigh 5 50pm t0Oam Durham 6 52 p m 2 37 a m " Chapel Hillf 8 15pm " Hilisboro 7 25 p m 3 32 a m " Salemf 7 20 p m 6 30am " High Point il 16 p m 10 lti a m ' balistmty 12 37 a m 11 23 a m Ar. Statesville " Ashevillo " Hot Spriugs 12 31 p m 538pm 735pm EXECUTORS' sale OF VALUABLE ReuU beautifully, Cor Ja, Tucks, Gathers, ed South unless he lues in his bill Ohio, Braids: anything that any Machine can do large Cotton Factory will be started at no i pnaniH miii ieveral other radical The . only Machine made that works any AiatAfli daV. &,didl7 I .tula. U'a hnkrAi U .1.1 in lifting tii I t.7.f Kt nMivn.!il LiIikW, IV. Oar popntaraodaeoornmolatiug Ragia- from the tbuuldera of our laboring and eon-J have them 20 to $30; will sell them at Cost ry Hj A I i liiO J.XJL-L Hi L-r of Deeda. John hi, killed three bogs tuaiiog masseji, and amend or abolish the until Xmaa. C. M. TAKKS, this week that webbed 11C0 pooals. Dr. T. C Tarish, who bas been for some time on'a visit to relaiioni in Orange, left for bis borne in Virginia last MonJay. The Mineral Soring at Opt. H. P. oov. 17 to. preeent tyslem of eflledinj the iuttrni 1 reve uue tax. We propae to give our snpitort iu electing to the Presidency, the ablest and wofct gifted mu iu the Uuited Sutes, to wit: Grover Cleveland We propose to aiil aud assist in restoring barmouy to the Jones is' now largely patron iz.-d and all I Democracy in our midst and electing as sptsk in blgb praise of the cnntive vir'ne Governor of North Carolina Walter Clark, of these waters. I J crr or some other equally good man. li s Msggfo Pariah left this week, to I Now yoo bear ii Con, to onr help, bold spend ber Smas witb ber siater and fiieuda I up onr bands and we will, with the peo- berries in Virginia. 4 Her place ill tw filled in the I pics asaistanco, do all we bave promised I Beeswax aud more Uxi. BiZAAn. Country MerebanU should Try Brown's Choice Sun Cute! Tobacco. For sale by D. M. Lws; wholesale and retail. IlllUbor Produce Ularkelt CORHBCTED WBEKLI' 2 r. to 5 Post Office daring ber absence by her ama able eonsin XI jm Mamie Pu.isli. we wish them a merry Christmas. iWeJearn that James and William Allen J not, got into a "difficulty witb' two lUi'b- cock, eol , and that bo b Haithouck were dangerondy shot. Dr. Wlton of Prospect BUI was seut for and cut out the balls. Tb condition of the Haitbocks are reported precariooa. Oar old town bas pat on some of the lif ftbe timJaC Our Merchants are solliug more goods than oju d U this season of the Butter. Ccnmom General Parade. Tliere will l a parole on Monday at 2 ! i oVIik k 1. M. 2a b Hope everybody will be out to i u as the grand paratle. Jt,-ep yonr ey s open and your mouth febut. Crom jn's is a n ighty man; carrica bis roi ks in a frying pan, and scatters them to : aud fro. Grandest thicg of the season. Hope to seeidl my old frb-nds out. Respectfully. J. J. Couhods, Capt. N. B. John's wife for the first time in year. ' Onr Meebanios are all bard st work , f miU on piiri(l,, j. j. C. and onr eonntry Inencis m em moraciioer-1 fultbannsnsL Tobacco is selling well and Tli Purlum R-nrJer stys: "Mr. bave peace and plenty. i P. A Wiler, tor fnr years cnehier of W visited onr eit't of Durham y4er.lay h Bank of Durham, Col. W. T. (Monday) and a tu-oal, w found every I BUck well, president, haa resigned thing baaile and full of life. Her peofde I that ryisitiort. lie has been a good Apples '(dried) ...13 to 15 to 25 Chickens 10 to 20 Coffee.... 22 to 23 Corn w ,50 to 50 Eggs to 20 Floor 400 to 000 Lard 8 to 10 Lime Rock 100 to 1G0 ileal 70 Molaaaee.........m. 30 to 45 Oat ...40 to f Salt 85 to 1C0 Sugar 8 to 8 Syrup 23 to GO Wht 75 to 80 ars alwsvs full of life and energy. When the d.Sertnt Railroads leading from Dur bam now nod- r coustrnetion are eompletetl, ' we pK'dict she will become the Urgest bu ineas city in the S-wih. Onr yoong frieod b Pog4e, Mi ns Uat Proclamation. 1 HEREBY appoint the undersign. SPECIAL AGENTS BY Virtue of the last Will and Testa ment of the late GEORGE A. FAUCETT, I will sell on the premisea on Monday February Cth '88. The following tracts of LAND, sitnited iu Orange County, immediately on r.uo iu TAr. to tut; The HOME TRACT w devirted into tnree tncta. TJnon this tract is situated the dwelling house and all neces-ary out bous es, also two good Tooacco JJarns. WARD TRACT The War 1 tract con tsiniuc 240 acres, to be sold suhit to tli life estate of 'Miss Partbena Ward on CO seres of said tract. This has always been known as the best plantation in tbe neigh borhood, upon it is a good dwelling witn necessary out buildings. A TRACT Known as the Chriatma? place i miles west of HiUabnro, about sixty nvcacres, this tract is nearly all wood laud and very valuable on account to its proximity to town. One Third to be paid in Catb.one third in Six months and the biUance in twelve months, wit b interest from date. Title re served until tbe money is paid, if purcha sers desire tbey can pay all in Cash. ALSO A lot of Wheat, Corn and Hay, aud other personal property. Terms Cash. STEPHEN T. FORREST, Ex'r. of Geo. A. Faucett, Dec. 8 tda. Hilisboro, N. C. NOTICE. HARDWARE, LIME, SHINGLES, STOVES. EVERY TIIIN3 YOU WANT AT LOW PRICES. At WEBB'S. Sept. 20 '87. dav Stock lo all citizen, a clever gentleman, ana wo trust that ho will find it congenial to his intereataaiid inclination to remain in Durham. We regret thi. for fear that ihi- O A Jjrp a fyr a rrq week for Knexville, Tcnn. Where be goe. ".oat excellent gentleman may leave bis Wbr, E H, Pogue in bis b. Dorbara. We hope however that it And want Everybodf who expects Ibmb there. We are loth te irive nr our wi'l turn out omerwiae ana ni jur F'wt EU"bal'eial"ulel,barUlb.y, J ilev mny remain at Durham. His aare ana see our sod wt know .bn wiU Jmake maay trieuds j-re exrwrience in financial matters ELEQANT HOLIDAY 19.. , :.. . . , .... I OJOHf me people who wuom u. uw . , j )t ,e remn,n wure he M . - . - HAVING this dav oualified as the Exe cutor of tbe late WILLIAM DODSON. we hereby notify sll persons indebted to said For the sale of CHRISTMAS GIFTS, I 'eto " forward and pay the same; IBlllI Hll frsuuB uuiuiug vmiuia j-iu wiiu estate to present them to the nudcrcigned properly ao'nenticated on or octore me 26! b day of November 1SS, or this notice will lie uleail iu bar o! tueir recovery, mis BAR ROOM. J. L. G. Hayes, On the South Side of King Street, 4th door above the Corner. Keeps a first CLASS SALOON. Where can be bad the finest WHISKEYS. BRAXDIES. WINES, RUM AND BEER. And desires to speciallyVall attention to the superior quality of CORN WHIRKEY Manufactured by himself, which be will warrant to be pure, also CIGARS, CIGARETTS, and pure Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO. I do not adviite yon to doixk bnt if yon will take ' somuthixo; come and tee me and yon shall bave something FURE AND GOOD. J. L G. HATES, ang 11 .3m. Hilisboro, N. G. L've Concord Charlotte " Spartanburg Greenville Ar. Atlanta 1 2o a m 12 01 p m 2 25 a m 1 00 p m 5 28 a in 3 84 p m 6 43 a m 4 48 p m 120pm 1040pm KOLTIIIIOIWU. Daily Daily No 51 No 53 Lve Atlanta 7 00pm 8 40 am Ar Greenville 101am 2 34pm " Spartanburg 2 13 am 340pm " Charlotte 5 05 am 625pm " Concord 6 00am 725pm " Salisbnry 6 41 a in 8 02pm " High Point 7 57 a m 911pm " Oreensboro 8 28 a m 9 40 p m " Salem 1140 am fl2 34 a m i Hilisboro 1206om f2 44 a m - Durham 12 43 pm fl05am " Chapel Hill 8 15 p m " Rtl.igh 210pm fGSSam " Go)dbboro 435pm 11 15 a m Danville 10 10 a m 11 20pm " Drakes Branch 1.144pm 244am " Keysville 100pm 303am " Burkeville ' 1 40 p m 3 53 a m " Richmond 3 45 p m 6 15 a m " Lynchbnrg 115pm 200am " Charlottaville 3 40 p m 4 10 a m Wuabington 8 25 p m 8 10 a m " Baltimore 11 25 p m 10 03 a m 'Philadelphia 300am 12 35pm " New York 6 20 a m 3 20 p m Daily. f Daily, except Sunday: 2lh Nov. 1887. Nov. 28-t6 E. V. THOMPSON, THOS. F. DODSON. Executors. bis lot, and we ish him much anose. We are glad to meet on our streets Mr. Eddie Keab yonugest son of our to wmuiui Mr, Henry'K. "Nash. Mr. Naab bas fo some years been living in the eity of New York and we learn bas been remarkibie suftcd'd in business there It aT irJ in inach pleasure to note the soco-as of our HUUboro boys JAMES II. 31 A SOX, AlTORNEY-AT-LATf. Hnx,5i. C. Practices in the State and Federal Courts' Colleoiou of Claims and Revenue LVes a specialty, A ar taxes paid on land, pro n . ffA.Knl 3.mih (?nllina. Jr. ho bu h. l..n.. f, s.m time at Be ittle. Wab- " e nu"r " 7 ,n9 P"ceB 109 inirtonTeirilory, Is here on a visit to his and WUbl UfcMUAlU Necuted. Send receipts. - . ... ..... I rrro e I ... ... psrents. It Willi pieaaure we note mat uuuuo oi me fcbhuii, runaiaiiiig oi i w oraqam Mr. Collioe is now a lawyer sud Has n In- All the LATEST NOVELTIES in critive practice snd stand lilgli in bts pro- j Ty j foaaioa. It aff ird na great pleasure to ace the snocflKS of onr town hoys. He wilt re turn to bis far dixtant borne on tbe shores Wt learn that Mr, a Tost Offie in-1 of tbe Pacific sliont the first of J innary and FANCY GOODS CIIRAi' and beautiful Presents to pectorwssin.oortownthU week on LU .nMry with him the best wishes of the uit eVfcrylwidy, the rretlicst line of tray to lnict some Port Offices in the I "Recorder, together with host of warm nrAa eooatry. He dnclibe J to inapect tbe Post I friends here. Office here although naked by onr Pt Christmas Cardd, Album and FANCY STATIONERY, Nov. 10 f. THUS. KTFF1X QRAHAM t RUFITN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, lllllsboro X. C. Practice in the Counties of Alrrnmm C&awell. Dirham, Guilford. Rocking isl :Penon ami Urange. Aio-Io the Federal Courts st R and Greensboro. t f 1 A .n.l mm f,t. I we learn irom a .ewer reoeiw vj o- for not doing so. that be bad an the t- Oconto. Dr. Bob. .of Eref Q jn ilLjbora childrena porUcfltbUofflcin tbe Tost Office De. u"0" r,""u"7 , . , WairoriP WTT . . a r a jm am a I . 1. a rmw-u mm mm inuwl W VSS wasv 'bsi nsauington, nu ..i oign . , L . nUrm. mat to uoraouiun. wuerti ua wui reaun until the 28in. Furnilnre. Persons afflicted with diaesaes of the eyes I Bicycles, ean see the Dr. at Mr. John Laws on the Hocking Horses, Stc. 21th or at O jrdoulon from that day to tbe T,,e arge,t freshest and best lot of Wb- I AMRfiiriAvi nitrnifA Isreal Turner, MANUFACTURE asd DEALER is All kinds of LIQUOR fine and pnre Corn Whbkey Apple and Peach Branilicst Made at his Dist llerytwo rai'es E istot Uiilaboro, He asrnres the pubho that he manufac tares none bnt a PURE ARTICLE. He also keeps on band at bis SALOON, I Io Hilisboro, at bis old STAND all of bis own Wbiakeys snd Brsudiea. also A large atock.oi Imported Liqonrs RYE milSKEY iFRENCIl BRANDY, 0' RAPE BRANDY RUM. GIN, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Call tor Turner's Tore Corn and Rvc Whiskey and you win get a good article. Oct. 1VU. totbe nambers as tbe best kept.ffioe snd Crouton, where be wil remain beat kept books in bis department. flow many changes bsve taken (place ! nee last Christmsa. This is a seaon. midst all its bellowed Joys au'l'memories that call for reflection. H w many bouse- bobb bave been bereft of some loved one. How many bave been parted aee rated forever. Where are some loved faces that meted onr Christmsa board one year ago. 'Friends bave been parted in life's young bloom Some at tbe bridal and some at the 10000." . The popnlar and well patronised School of Mia. Lnry w. WeaUiersbee at Osks, Oiangs county. WillJ open with its third session on the first Monday In Jan. 1888, with flattering' prospects, We eannot apeak too highly of this popular Female School; or ths worthy and mostsocompliah ed principal. Mm. Weatbersbee. We learn that . the Is a most excellent teacher and bet School is wall deserving of patron GO TO D. M. LAW FOR YOUR cumsniAS mesests. Select Hoarding and Day School PoH lOCXG LADIES ASD Lini.E GtT.I. IIILLSBORO, N. C. THE M1SSL NASU and MISSKOL LOCK will resume the exercises of tbeir School on Friday. 2nd day of Sept. 18K7. Tuition fur day scholars 120,00 per bes- sion . Circulars sent on application. B. C. BTRUDWICK, B. B. BOOR. STRUDWICK & BOON,' ATTORNEY'S AT LAW. PRACTICE in Durham, Orange, and Attorn ej-at-Law, Paacncu In Orange and the adjoining Counties. SLEEPING CAR SERVICE. On Trains CO and 51. Pullman Buffet Sleeper between Atlanta snd New York. On Trains 52 and 03. r ullman Buffet Sleeper between Washington and Montgo mery. Washington and Augusts, Pullman Sleeper between Richmond and Greensbo ro Pullman Sleeper between Greensboro and Raleigh. Pullman Parlor Oar between Salisbury and Knoxville, Through tickets on sale at principal sta tions, to nil points. tor rates and information, apply to any spent of the Company, or to SOL. HAAS, J. S. rOTTS, Irajjie Manager, Vie. Pats. Agent. Richmond, Va. W. A. TURK, JAS. L. TAYLOR, Die. Pan. Agent, Vtn. Pan. Agent. liuleigU, M. J. OcL 19. Clias. T.Postloy, WATCH MAKER AXD JEWELEB DEALER IS ALL kinds of Watches and Clocks, JEWELRY of every kind and style. SILVERWARE, Fine Collcry, Solid Silver Knives k Forks. The beat POCKET KNIFE made. And everything of the best quality usu ally kept in a first class JEWELRY STORE When yon come to town, be sure and call 1 will sell you GOODS as CHEAP as cau be bad in any market. irj7C AND JEWELRY Repairing done with care. .Jill orders from a distance carefully at tended to. Main Street, next door to the Post Offiee. ang. 11 ntnmvf, a. c. F r n 1 1 a, && Ever brought to this ! market. Candies, made to order from mi r Suerar. Orancee. direct from Flo-1 Person counties. '.. I also In tbe Federal and Supreme Courts. Fire Works of every dekcritjtion Also a large lot of FANCY GROCERIES. Executor's Notice. FANCY GROCERIES, FRUITS, FiNB TOBACCO AND CIGARS. a t rtock of all kinds of Christ- intend mas GOODS. Firework Tors for thai HUUWi Little One rresentofoi tbe Big One. n . T J Can and examine onr weU selected Stock H. A. JIHSIJ IU U W U1U.. and aeenre Bargains, M we lntena w aeu Doa.lSL Dec. 15 21. .uvww . nnfin(! tM-K MMj.tr.l HAYISO this dsv qnalinsil sa lbs sole Canned GOODS, bought eapecially ElW!n,or 0. ,h, ute WILUAM W. ALU- for CHRISTMAS. All of Whish SON I hereby notify all persons Indebted 10 said estate to pay me ssme ai once, anu PRICES. those having claims against said estate to n reect them to the nndersiirned rronerlf authenticated on or before the 22nd day of October 1883, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, xsiki uct. vssi. JOHN K. UUGIlFiS, Ex'r. ,12810. . Of W. W, Allison. 1 CucKwiXUUuniiAyiy I h T02ACOOC3. & Nivt :Xii.t;iJ.S e iVy KTBlftCKWELL'S-ca DURHAM TOBAGGO Is the M fHONEST, POPULAR, UNIFORM, RELIABLE, SATISFACTORY SMOKING TOBACCO EVES TUT CFOa T'JS ttiF.HET. I lance Csa'ars and Cetiturrfrs alwiva pro nowes U TUS C2ST. rtfnH IN IV 1-nmHl ,t i.i r trmr fnt fwvtns a pll of 7iaeie lljij ti t-VfifS.

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