r ; GREENSBORO, N. C, Thursday, June 9, 1881. No. 11. Vol.1. THOM BATTLE-GROUP Is published every morning except Monday at GREENSBORO, U. C By the Battle-Ground Publishing Co. J. W. ALDRICHT, Manager. SUBSCRIPTION BATES: One week One month .... Three months... sTWe earnestly solicit our friends all over the county to write us short letters firing any Items of general Interest. Be rare to write plain and on oste side of the paper only. .10 .35 1.00 Anree monus i.w One year 4.00 Jgy-For the campaign only 50 centav-C 49 All friends of prohibition are urged to help us. City sobseribers will be served by carrier or through the post office. No name entered until the money is received. BATES One inch One " One Two Two Two Three Three " Three ' Half col. ADVEETiatXG 1 day , .25 3 days 50 6 days ... 1.00 One One One 1 day 3 days 6 days 1 day 3 days 6 days 1 day 5 days ..... 6 days 1 days 3 days..... G days .... 40 .75 1.25 .60 1.00 1.50 1.00 2.50 4.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 t&JEntered at the Poetoffice in Greensboro, N C, as second-class matter. Greensboro Markets. B nnett Seminary Exhibition. This colored school closed t very rsoc ear ful session yesterday. On Tuesday night a public entertainment wu given In Beubow Hall by the school. The crowd ni is piense,notwithstanding an admission fee tu tt KEYISED DAILY BT HOUSTON & BEO. Wholesale and Retail Grocers. Breadstuffs Flour, per sack, $3 00 a $3 50 Corn meal, bu. Grain Wheat, per bushel, Corn, Oats, Peas. Provisions Bacon, hog round, Western sides " sbds Lard, Beef, Butter, Eggs, Chickens, Annies Green. Dred Fruit Apples, bright slie'd Peaches, prime, 12 a " good .to co. 2 a Blackberries, GO a 75 1 00 a 1 20 55 a 65 50 60 75 a 80 11a 121 10 a 12 8 a 10 11a 15 4 a 10 ,15 a 20 10 a 12 1 15 a 23 125 The usual routine business was done be fore the Board of County Commissioners on Monday and Tuesday. The Methodist 'Sunday school will not hare an excursion this year. The children are sad, still a pio-nio In the wxds will be a very enjojable affair. v Look here farmers 1 Mr. John Barker bad to stop work yesterday for want of bright wrappers. Let him have plenty to-day, for bis orders are heary and be will pay good prices. ' ' ' The velocipede has long since been de clared a nuisance in all busy towns like Greensboro and New York, and we are glad to know Chief of Police, Bees, is after the boys. The foundation for the Sumac Warehouse is laid and soon the building will be ready. In the fall the factory will certainly be re built on a lartre scale as Messrs. Bryan k Co., of Richmond, Va., will run the Somao business extensively. Fritz," Dick Bogart's little dog has had the misfortune to get his under jaw broken. So when you see the lip havging down don tired it is now one of his ways, and quit asking what it means. The Board of County Commissioners re fused to grant license to sell beer and wine, upon the ground that they could not grant for less than one Tear, and did not want to THTN1TY COLLEGE COM MENCEMENT. Yesterday's Proceedings. Special Report to the Battle -Ground. WroanAT Ethtlko. Jane 8, 7 r. u. . COS(Sra sou wt irua wui m The dosing exercues oi ue io yrax u ... thmrt tn .-mm.! .... f ,y. c,w - . . 1 A C . 1 - MtMV I wuia viu bvww Vy - - o m id( ttx ice eingiag was iicsucbi, ut Captured from Our Exchange. From Rali(b Ntwa-Obeerrer. A grand inter-Sute shooting match wOt come off in AsheviCe during ta Era wassk In Jaly. The Aeheville club iictiil making every preparation for this event. ice tacmtwis ox toe iietgu uun wuo nave 7 - ! IDS BIQDTI charged, and we learn more reserve eeaus u latittd. They are tow the "chaxs- varnmiw rrnaTTT.asnsrF rinfrsn with declamation by the Frtsnmeo, on ... ft . 1. Ur.ted dosrn and out of the PoeiUoa at Monday night, declamation by the Sopho- i pleodiL rt. E.O. Tkayer and hts a- roimater and Mr. John Nichols sUppest ras deroted to . iv. i ID- v.B - I Z " I The Republican 6UU Ex satire Commit. In which the school has been ondaeted. . . . .J" In a k eitv o. We regret to learn that Mr. Thayer has ae- t Thursday. It Is probable that soma rery mores, and Tuesday night original orations by tae Junior class. We bear special mention made ef the oration. by Mr. L-ne, on ProbibitijT. m being a splended effort. Sint When I arrited here Uiamorning, I found the Chapel filled with people from all orer the country, and a larfce delegation of ministers. The exercises of the morning were open ed with an anthem by the Vocal Class, fol lowed by the Annual Sermon, by the KIT. J1XXS 1TXXXB, President of the AsheTille Female College, ReT. W. 8. Black delitering the opening Prayer. Mr. Atkins called attention to Acts xxii chap, xt Terse: "For thou shalt be his witness unto all msn of what thou v. hrA." With this for his ce pUd a position in Georgia and wiU oot remain with us any longer, but trust that his successor, Rer. Mr. Sharp, may be aa successful in winning the respect and con fidence of all with whom he comes in con tact The school is an institution of merrit nA ( nrtU af ita founder, and we hot its eareer in ueefolnese is but merely com- 230 tt ones receded Into the rarioue loose. menerd. important mature will be discussed. Bishop Lyman en Sunday was la FsyaUe Tilie, where be administered the hts 0 eosv firmed and ordained Rev. John II sake a priest. Tae re are in this BUU 221 Masnnfcs Lodge at work, with a membership of V- i j j. ukM Tear m memoera aiec sna ustw Came to the Last. Mrs. Oats, of this dty had a hen, elsren years old, which could boast of as nne a pair of spurs aa a rooster. Tney ware 'i inches Ion or. but curted so as to toutih the rould lodges. Of strawberries 1-C43 era Us. or 5C.000 quarts, have been shipped from Goldaboaw this season. Wa aia eimA La understand LLat the proe- pecU era said to be good of cwttina srabaeri tions fur the full amount of f 10a, 000, the CAXHtalpropeaedlor the eon tea plated colloei rectory, b&ouia uis suoeeea eeTerai omen ill doobtleas Quiekly follow, it win . m st .1 I . .V ..1 J m m nasi seen ana newu. leg- Airs. i. uiougui sue wumu cui i-uciu 1 wn aoatrueas qtucriy 101 tow. 11 win subject, he delirered one of the finest ser-1 off tut tQe olii ben when she attempt- six months to get the machinery made. 1 a, fl L. t fAA t d Tmm m i A I mons mas 11 na bt umu, vu ed to cut one irom ner eg enacnuy pra- tnnatohear. He took the life of St. Faul lurrlno deaih to ciriae ud her "spurs." afx From Wilson Adranee. News reached her Taurtday of a m wrier " iauo vj ucnt. xao wu w w. w- umog anw w si'iig i - riews reaened nere xaursoay 01 a mrer Is under jaw broken. for exAmpie and held his works up to d1c Bogart fell heir to the spurs and they mMch took place La this county. 00 the fans little fellow with hie young men as a fit guide to earthlj and T9 a curioe!ty ot Edwfo Bames, Br. It seems thai t't think him mad or gpiritaai BUcee8. He dwelt npon the , ' ''Sir methods used by St. Paul in different cities in the contersion of sinners. How in Ath na h moke to them andtrsued with tween Uanly EUU and WHcht Kewsossye twn nomM. and it earns to its eulmlnatiOBi la ,riUag p r. a a Brown. . (.w U,. JUf cl A" Correction. ... v.. .coke to them andanrued with , L . w t v , , . . some st tue tanas 01 saia taus. uoronsr ens, he spoke w cm !T ago, we stated that Mr. Brown had sold last peeU ceid Uquest Fridaj evening an! them as Grecian philosophers. In Corinth. ow $i5000 erth:of goods, snd ex- rendered a Terdiitln acoordance with thai how be moolded his words to appeal to a . . ... tIs state- shore. Ellis has not been seen since the :a Mue UVahi feiTr si wsarss) fkmnAsitvi s I . . i t if. . 4- r an I fnnrdtr. - I I atUl WCUWKU w WW wjumw w - I . . foresUU the action of the people at the polls niAMnra-lotincr Deoole of all known nations, a rmft.LS. who was a member of the r ron inoir Topic r 4 tv; ti mil Via nfii-k I in Pnrn h knnmtrhd them In a I - . , 1U AUKUIv UCJkl. JL Ul a nv.u a.. J . Auw (u Mvuav, -rf I B a. pie Tote first manner calculated to bo felt upon a cuy and. its power. At Ashe court. Lin Til le Waters, 00 rstst for. the killing f John Maguirs, last tall. Fast driving is getting too common in this city. We have very fine stock, but the known for its knowledge Under the circumstances he preached rita the -oorree Sucrar Brown, Refined Tea, Syrup, Nails per keg, Iron per lb., Salt fine, per sack, Coarse, Lime Per barrel, Cement Per barrel. Calcined Plaster per bbl Wool per lbc. Hides Green, per lb., Dry, Potatoes Sweet, Flax-seed Bushel, Cotton, Cotton Yarn, Sheetings, Hay In Bales, Loose, Shucks In Bales, Rags Per lb.. 15 6 6 11 12f 25 a 100 publio thoroughfares of a live town is not a speeial application to the habits of safe place to test their speed. "Somebody's people ne aaareaseo. i darline-will be dead or maimed if the thing Mr. Atkins then called attrition to the ... . civ 1 w. miVi Wa InTA A. fajtt hOMft-"DUt BS I SUOCeJBS OI ow ra.u.1. uw u iwi ww , , m m - . ii tv. naa increasea. ana now -n jrrr tti" was a Arm Ttmwn A. Armfiald." when the sales . ror.lbe aliung ot onn aiaguirs, issi ran, were so large Mr Brown not having oeen WM kcaultud, The case of Douglas, chaa- elf onlv a few months. 1 ced with the mnrdexcf James Gentrv. isi .1 v: i vnM 1 Jaffaraon. last Christmas, was removed tat IMIUl LLienei Wt Mmt UCiii Ul f 1 I fci mm mm m m I their own account now renders it necessary that this eorrectlen should be made. is not stopped. WnrrroxN. Ccn 1&8L USBSVA a&fJWB) " fASSBSPW I tmmm 1 ' - 1 mm mm mm mP n f W-av-- . r..rrTTf"j.. cm Uat PridaT niffht. bU . . j irf - flnenon. v a t,nn team, ot ur.BamiAPPw, n.tiV mdi hid nrea i fmumraae, tn Mr. Mnrrav'B hltOh- I , nmOA nt riAtc 35 a 1 00 DWHUO uisuu . - i tad Deen given w r . i nnl iriff lot on Testerday and camo out at fuU , mMa th- Minervan V Jd of decay 3 a 5 speed-running against the carnage ot gwept away the gUded Vlwea and Si yu v uu judge Dick, which was stanaing opposiwi $10 i 60 PreUfelder's store, where they were over- 4 00 hauled. No damage except w one oi mo 3 00 a 5 00 hind' wheels of the Jndge's carriage. 20 a 5 a 10 a 75 a 9 75a 30 6 SO l oi a1 40 100 2 27 Domrj and splendor of -Corinth. His peroation was one of the finest studied'speeches I ever heard. From this synopsis, he aeaucea mo u, young men, that under all circumstances, they must adapt their methods of working - a a . to the manner of those in wmcn mey come in contact. That God had a special work . v. iivtnAl and that such work 6REESSB0R0 TOBACCO MARKET. ' ' EEPOBTED DAILY BT Scott, Hatcher & Co., or ENTERPRISE WAREHOUSE Lugs Common, Bed , do lied to Good Leaf Fillers Common do Medium do Good Wrappers Common Medium Good Fancy gmoxers Common i Good Fine, demand good, none onenng Personals. We thank friend, W. 8. Bill, for subscribers yesterday. loreacn muiTiuu, Miss Florence Starr, of Winston, sends us after the manner of 6 subscribers, for which we thank her. g p Under all circumstance, and in Mwi J. T. Humphreys and family will wh--Tex Question, never let the answer loee TVmehburir. Va. .Ht of the fact that Jesus died to save cumin TUnsom will accept thanks for sinners.- St! Peal was always true to his Public Documents. commission, and was ever alive to u. tact v.. i.w that he had a mission to perform. Bev. W. F. Thorn, oi mis county - MTeral plcturet for wort tn tne rwuj fif wh.t the success of the student must be. the neighborhood of Bcotiana eca. fooUteps of SL Paul, wish him success. Und his sermon will no doubt be productive Mr. W. S. McLain, general agent Uarne s Th audience then adjourn I - rt T5 f Vin r Vi . T-. I "v.. b I3j to bale ana jjook j is in the city hunting a hoose. We welcome 6 to 1 him. Our town is large and healthy and 8toW strangers always find a cordial reception. 10 to 15 IB to 20 20 to 60 toar We noticed failed to decide as to whether we would eel ebrate the coming event or not They will meet again to-night, and then the result will be made known. The officers and teachers of the Baptist Sunday school met at their church yesUr day afternoon for the purpose of devising mm a clans xor tne enveniiiuc" w Trr,am Bantists 8. a which is to visit US on the 14th. A. hsppy time Is expected by us water-fowls' on that day, as the Joys of our reception in their city last summer sre not forgotten yet, and a fair exchange will be no robbery. c VrnV Tufcer. who was shot by ooe Smith, In Btokee on last Thursday morning. died 5 hours after receding the wound. Mr. Baker waa one of Sheriff Estee most efficient deputies, and his many friends mourn his sad and untimely death. We notice Miss Ora Brown, of your city, in' town, as are others whose names we do not know. Now let me talk to you a little confiden tial. . nn rf Salem's "cood sons" is Watauga. Kmiti. F. Pleresv. ot Providsnoe. B. L. and J. C. Weld, of Cambridge, Mass., wee In Lenoir last wees, i&ey are locrinffors. of tneu wins " nud- From Bockingham Spirit of the South, Dr. Alien MeLeonon, of Dry Creek, Moci- . e a mm mmmm mm gemery county, was stricsen wi pj la rift fUinrdav mornins last, and died Bsn dav morning, remaining in an nnconsdoosi W m, m M ii . A 1 V m. m T state and speecmests irom us uhi am w stricken until he breathed his last From Gas ton la Gazette. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Cheater and Lenoir Railroad, held at Lin coln ton. Thursday, W. Holmes Hardin en 4 James Mason weae unanimously re-elect president and treasurer, and the same old board of directors. The gross earnings the road were about $8,000 increase ovec the ....imi, p Tha ceneral situation of its affairs are highly aatisfactory to the stock holders, and eoapumeuiaxy w u man ger. From Kewbern Nutshell. On last Monday, only two or three milea ki th rli. our fiahermen surrounded and captured a school of the largest oU drum fish we have eves- ea brought to this market. About 125 of the fish were take and brought to this dty. Some of thee fish would measure four feet or more In lensth. the average lengtn neing over tnraw R R. R A9 t. mm. mm MA S M ft line lO OI peacuea Kvuug rnrth bv the Southern Express Company mm IMV m I m,mmm ' Our manufactories are in foil operation ana are -.foj morning. ririM eood prices for all working grades. J JlMU' aSbuyingKnoaers for ore, and wraprl M W NewslL ed for dinner. it Q-sn n. m.. the audience assembled In the Chapel to witness the contest In reading, engaged in by Preparatory and Sopho more classes. The medal offered was oi Gold, and was a valuable trophy. rru. rnUnnn war tha JadeeS : Prof. N. , " .IfeeL TM MM tU IM vij iivb ii w Shore going to have a Webb woven around ftrf efBU .1 AAA ikMiAMS 1 his affections snoruy. s. . TUt amd Bevies. The iron xor tne uuoro aaa Jload has commenced to arrive and win at Mr. John Chambertain. c.. J- ni S mm for LTncaoniK uikuw , ine oraers mm tier markets. We called yesterday to see him and take lron LorM jn Oxford by the end of - iv .( tha rvla thin ps be brought homef vaathsr. a English, ProL Gannaway, Prof. Wright &cm Northern trip. We saw From Aaheville Cittrsa. and Bev. aa Dodson. Thub select- emr we bev. ever Tb. . X&?tE doteJ ed was Shakespsre'a 7 f d seen In Greenabcro, quadrupU plafd oaa- fJSei first stndsnt tores'" ' yit,ol baakeU, card reoelvers, toilet wtll Md m .uameT wiU be plying recslarrj Wayne county, secw -is, of .unds, pickle stands, Urry dishes, knives between Brevard and Abbeville by the tta tt 'a w T.kIiLarfEAlelah. v. ftah kmltee.- silver sets, July next. Air-Line BaUway passed through the city, L T. BUlt cf Triniti, 5th, W. F. WhiU icf ltchert Ac ThM goods are aU of From gWJn TWesaine . . iwft aira with CoL .n, .ItA P. Pattarson of Caldwell , . nfaetnra and exceBeut designs. The work ea tte Asyiues as S.fnrd. T. M. B'Talcott and others, on oounty, seventh E. B. Hodgesi of Tarboro, chamberlain wilLspeak further in r-n.. .rbes. t m a Itrbth.-W. D. Keach of Tarboro. nmtn, i. . . roods In the advertising col- -a fair oroecta ier INUVW I O ' .. - I , . . , i w j - - - . W. McCollum of Orange, wain x. sr. n- jj Jott want to see someuung abundant ylsU oi wneax. the obliging telegraph operator at Capt. Smith's office has our thanks fo favors. v lV I tf I Pf XI C flD ULTAII . Kvfnrra VAHULtCIHUi: UR nuH Theeigntmeverr- , ft large suppiy .mu n w. Soanrer of Rntbward bound. v,aos ' - , now; bo much traTel, heavy baggage ana.so Rtv. cf Wilkrtboro. All I many trunks to handle. 1 a w.n. but- the deelsion of the The Monroe Cornel Band furnishes aiusic . .- rl. JOtt go to see his slock. IlVGjnJiETT, ; ;ALEB DR yUESlITJKE, OOTTISS, 40, . (HendenliBuUding.) , . Rrmerlor AS- . -paiae eann sjssaau. aTWevsw : e hat Milch Cow-Wanted. A good milch cow U wanted, apply to Ii. w. Axmrsra. aClty or uoui tew days, Babaa cr Va this seceon. -. t onlr tus. tnaaty lime of .Burial W. ALBRIGHT .H . ' ..4 via.nt for I dtan . - k m a, sm waaw , Bdies ProhtbitipnMeeUno. Dr. Uco "S-"- AU the ladies of the tojsnarried and ..big" day. Grad. o'clock, at the room of the Young Men's- RJ, uboomln. N. ... . l a ,- Christian Association. A Liberal Offer. GaxzxsBoao N. C. Mat 23, 1881. T7.--n.AT-n Praxxsxzwa . Co: Be . . . V . mVm. V atnlBg offeT 1 thai has our Interest so much at r-t . - . . t ni hands ox every ooay, a vieli of wheat. Is not tnis reauy etxcouragfeg to the totervcf apjle-oiasv pllng, pch and bhvekberTy plea 7 Capt. D. B- Murehlsoc presldsnl oftbt Carolina Ontral BaHroid, received ft Ws. i v c JAknaon. suDensw tutY7i Mr! YLTvL TinX. atatie. lenti SdBaika. was killed at that pfe thLs morning while cowpiiag m. -Tlx. Pmul was ee gaged at the time of kia desA In coupling some Umnr cra ogw -T sidetraek. Tber was t? ff the ears were belli pushed together try IX rani's cam haada, wbea bU kesdwai si v.. . fM.tLv o timber sad trrrtwy ii ai-a in a tvw sufiaivi u IV. rmjrv;,v .nd take produce of any'kind, eggs, chiekene. law students from Dick and I F . , rtlons andraytbe W. 8. Mooax. i -r"fc v.-.. TAii. f tbla tjlace. was mar- All of our tt stuacnv mm- - i . . ... n nrcriTjUons and pay , fnr die or . T . . , t? a Prrmnt. of the Dillard's school succeed - . -City.HmI?7Jr,dVf7r'ie: . tied l nigu, w ' ' ,terdav. 1 ' "SLffSSCiS feuV. 'ntor u w1 egut I Air-Line Bailway. cash for the peper. Josh Biliincsaajs thai aa enthusiast U a saan who beUevea about four times as much as be can prove, and who ean prove abowt four Umee aa much se enybody believea. mV au. uvs . n wflidoweUOcVF1116' A

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