THE DAILY BAmi-GRODffl) '"ea nix except Monday .t aoitfd be ddrMM lo the HTTe cnouriD PUD. CO. One week ..... Oae jaoata ......... Three mouths...... .10 .30 1.00 One year.. MTor the campaign only 86 centa.-s taken for mKurdstin. .4 4.00 -W- All friend, of prohibition ate urged to help u. WU1 rred by carrier or ""vugu wie poet exnee. No ume entered until the money is received. ADVEBTIdlXG RATES 1 day 3 days .... dy. 1 day 3 days 6 days lday.... 3 day .."..".".'.'."."." days ' " i.euy .-. ;; 3 daya 0 daya..... 1' 1 daya 3 daya 6 daya One inch One One . Two ' Two Two Three Ihroo Three Half col. f One One One " .25 .50 1 00 .40 .76 L2 .50 1.00 1.60 1 00 1.50 4.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 ..-Entered at the PosU-ffloe in Greensboro, N O., as aeoond-dasa matter. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. Iniaht of Honor. GmrroBD Lotxjs, No 1777, XoighU of Honor fleet firat and third Tharaday nighta in each month G&kxhcbobo Loixje, Ko. 389, Ladled and Knights of Honor, meets aecond and fourth Thursday nighta in each month. Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Bttma Vista Lodge, No. 21, meets every Tnea day night. Paislxt ZxcucruKXT. Ko. 10, meet second aad fourth Friday nighta in each month. Independent OrderGood Templars OunnoBO Lonos. Ko. 7. xneeU Monday niht. . -A.ncient Free Mumns. GaaxssBOBO Lodgk, Ko. 76, meeta on Saturday night before the fall moon in each month. POST OFFICE DIRECTORY. Maila going North clean every day at 9 o'clock, a. m., and 7.30 p.m. Kails goitfg South cl e eTery day at 9 o'clock a, rfl., and 9 p.m. Maria going East close every day at 9 o'clock a. m. Hails going to Salem and Winston closes every day (Sunday excepted) at 9 o'clock, a. m., and 9 O'clock p. m. On Sundays at 9 p. m. Hail going to FranklinsvilJe closes or. Mondays, 'Wednesdays and Fridays at 7 o'clock, a. m. Mail arrives from Frank liii6Ule on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 4 :30 p. m. , Mail going to Snow Camp closed ou Tuesdays and Fridays at 6 o'clock a. m. i Mail going to Long's Mills closes on Mondays at f o'clock a. m. The mail for Long's Mills only, and not for any of the intervening Poet Offices on the route; can be sent East during the week.") Mail arrivea from t',e North every L.y at 9.2C a. m., 8.17 p. m., and 9.26 p. m. Mail' arrives from the South everyday at 9.30 a. m. asd 7.57 p.m. " Mail arrives from the East every day at 7,5 ' p. m Mail arrives from Salem and' AVinston every daj gSunday ezoeptedj at 9 a. va, and 7 3d p. m. Ou Sundays at 7.30 p, m. I Mail arrives from Asheboo every day (Sunday ex cepted) at 6 o'clock p.m. Mail arrives from Snow Camp oo daea days and Saturdays at a o'clock p. m. Mail arrives from Long's Mills on Mondays at 7 o'clock p. m. J. D. Writs, P. M. o 'OB". S s 0 o 2 fi - m m . 2 t Jo will? nyfl y V mm - GREENSBORO, N III Sfound CJkn,p. general Interest. &nlL?2 "Tltaasof How about that bath boos ? " " Thethcrmometer ye.torfcj reached 102. Tto brightnes of the rri. i. rTTfr djlDgOOt J Dr. enbow haa been Tery Ick for aerer. a I days. Please hand in the church notice this uiorning. bon pfo-nio at Pleasant Garden toniay, came to band too lata for publication. What haa become of all the yountr mock ng bud. thia Sumiaer ? We hare not one on Bale the whole aeaaoa. nol6 -ad T6rj 8light rai Jiay after ns thxnk how mce a gooj rain woixld be. Some of the aaleamen say that the earl Zmgthl 'l0"8 then more t me arraTg:me7Lth8 tne 7 o'clock Jobn Chamberlain showed us a nice line of bndal present, yeaterday. Thosd q torested can cut thia out and save it. We have had an attio built to our ther mometer in order to gire the mercury more room to operate thia weather. In answer to many inquiries we will say n n T 8Uppl abera of the Battxe-Gbocki. They are all ex hausted. ex We noUce an increase in the tendencies of the young people, to drite late theae moonlight evenings. Thev mom :j erable dust and "hotness.' The Mayor any if tnose mhIm. hn ... ! mt 1 1 w mm a a V - - - vvjsuuuusoie back lota, will notify him of the location he will see that tho ordinances are rigidly en- forced. - r awiwi sna objectionable la ..a ... I The new omnibus for the Benbov Houae uas arrivea. it in one of tho finest in the i .. . . . State. The doctor is nnttin. i.. I "stylte" in opening the new house. WehaTe.oommanic.tioa ,i8ed "Jos. - i tlCe. Whir.h VTA Mnnnf nnkl.' .U a, I reason that we inLTt nr. Vl . . reason inai we insert no COmmnn Mtnn. . . . , - a0,.s8.oD.paaJedD,ta,.atW8 n.m.. The street cleaning bureau Ihe street cleaning hnrwin rM - " w wa Thursday night and last night, ahoveling up the dust It is so dusty and dry that they can't work during the day, as the streets would be impassable oa account of the dust raised. Mr. W. D. McAdoo is -making arrange ments to get up an excursion to Beaufort as soon as a party of 25 can be mrwi j Fare to be $6.75 for the round trip. . This is a good opportunity to go down and dip yourself in the '-sad sea waves." For $6.75 you can dip to your heart's content There was an ice cream famine Thursday night All the dealers sold out dnrino- thA day, and many were the disappointed onea who searched for the frozen edible. This may bare been a conspiracy on 4he part of the bo: bo didn't want to set 'em op." We still receive numbers of letters and postalby every mail, asking ns to contin ue the , Bxttix-Gbotthd Eftex the election. It is our intention to do bo, and il all . the partly who have written-ua will got to work ind . help .'establish ; it, , ; we promx them the best wa have in the. shop. Mr. JXvG. Brrger one of . the popular Bergers,1 . well known here, wroU to Willis & Nicholson yesterday that he would bring. them Mr. Geo. a Knight the great est of all German: com edlnsv fsr their r cuit next seaaoxu- Mr. Knigh will be rap- porte ny KAight and a oaref ally se- lected company in the T Uugnabte,. comedy. wtea company in the T iaugnable comedy, I Baron' Budornb. Their date '4n boro wiU be Jan. 21st 1882'i J i ' - - - - - - i- - ' - I Suicide. Madbos; July 6, 1881.-A Mr. Warren of thn place', died (6-day at 2, p.- m.k of an ovarM of lanrl&nnm miiiUtaMrl K M. own hand. ' He bad' bncV Ibeaa a r t,.4'i'-.VA.'. ujJ;. fman;but i faHeti inlo6UsaiTition. ' and! KrnnVf Kt, 'V.JL-- -.'it- ilt I which was thecftase of bis auielde. We commepd, this cam to the Attention of the prohibitionists, .bp arA .triTingtb all thvir might for. af .fialJ0- i .. .... ... T V 5 i,! 1 i rt . , . . . . , it........ C., Saforflay, July 9, 1881. jr. j. Henry Smith. I D, will deUver dtacoorae on tempera. , at tb pmbj. tman chureh. next SnrT ij aittrnoon at 5 o'clock. Everybody are invited Md there- will doubtlea, U large congreg. tton present. ... Ij rmtaar en about twa' that wasfil a and Rood points. speeches than the on ear better (LiTered by him last night. He is doing tiuch bar vnrk in this campaign, and k gathering laurels' wucinct uo goes. IT S I hundred more like him. J Lb we had one Per8o Mr. A. C. Wray has fine specimen ofEibbe al. ft at our office a wheat, that was sown Feb. 15. It has remarkablv lrce heads nd U well derelte'd In the "grain. air. u. liUmer MinoJ representinC. the Ceiem arug nouse 1L W. Powers fc Co., of Richmond, w,jin the city yester- d7- I : Mr. H. B. Welbora,4 f High Point, was In the city yesterday. J Mrs. H. N. Snow, ofi Dsrham, has been in town for several dayi She will be ab- er T w " s-w sa. sent from Durham soci Ume, on account of the Ollie. ill health of er little daughter, 4 Our Foraes Report. At nrxDQUaraaa, xi Mmrr Hovsr, GaxAr&BOEo, July 9. For Sundays Mess Wejean get the follow, ing for Government 8ork : Beef steak cuts 10 to 12 1.2; rn.t r,? . 8 to 10; soup piece. 5 ii 7; mutton 10; veal o vo iv; pora: 10 to 12 1.2; chickens 12 1-2 to iyig i; butter15Jo2i 1U; ouotam&ere ISO pecdosT; caLhflA H fa green corn 26 rv.. , uiuu. '.wpez pai.; peas 40 per Pck; snaps 40 par fpeek radishes 2 pr banch; tomatoes ldperlb.; peaches 200 n?r rmtA tnnlA a ja a. . fur Anm 1 A . i a a saw aw a bj usubi i sisaewr on . Ir. , . ..toPer d;qUi 10 to 40 Pr Judcr''""' bo', it watermelons tn v.s ..k. .u or Market well supplied. L, . "nM. thC ASSflSSi- - ' " 2JQ,0n' hM glTen QS In' ;.nAni:. o .i..t ocaiuoi oi juiy old. oontainine Hoa. Tboa,- a. H.nd.icL- Po' of ,a, oration at UreencasUe. Indiana. W f .k..i. . . . . K . .. .. ' " Pr;niiam county, a., from the Nyrth. b,.w. wt "o not space to publish it, , ln-vcst-log more cash, as it were. for it would delight oar readers. It is fall ..wi . v i- . -t r , .v . a . j "V hat I sediment ' as the river murmur- of grand tbonghU, slothed in beautilul ed during high water. -Keokuk Gate Cay language. Many persons remember a short Did that settle It ?--Erl Marbb?. There talk by Governor Hendricks at the depot in , f,re Rroand8 for believing that it did. -Free May. 1675; ho had been Charlotte. to de- r?8' liver an address and-waa passing throoch 1 pMi t0 muih n lLi olJ jok'' il l Greensboro, on hi. return home. The citi-j ,48trmiDloB" il lo mttch-z-ns went to the-depot in large numbers ' Tbe wil1 of lhe ,aU v- Wlllum Morley and on the arrival of the train IW r.n 1 raahon.w proveJ without trombie. No vr ti ? I V. 1 tt,W i'One dared to con-at it fur fear of a Pun.hcn for Mr. Hendricks, and ke come out on the platform of tbe . car snd spoke for a few minutes long enough for them to know that he was and is a great and good man. We extract the following from the oration, on the attempt to ass?asinate Ihe President: Ladies axo GrtTuirM-.TitU wM.tAn is robbed ot much of ll pleasure bv the fact that a wick'betoWde upuu uio lue ij feel that the srre' him from " citixen feels' In hb-cfSc' President spect ir Oorl dence u. purpose ol Enterprising Book Agent . An enterprising Boiton book agent re turning from New Tork the other day, with aome elegantly lVndon-bonndV and cosuy copies oi ine. revised New Testament, Soon found, him. it tniA U 1a tl" ")T w . ,.' 1U Y airectora' 10001 of Oo- of Wf .BuU street Unks and tow e caahien who. m soon ai ne learned ials business. orAtrrA rii'm.V agent, quietljr. rmark.-iaesjfitb so genUexaenin the eourse) of a week Uut meit.irith'a pb occaa. ionallv.!. Walked Out. Xevt diav ha .1 thabaak a era In an 'UJ coaix ,W a.ahown into. the directOT' TOOm. Cava verr atiaf.rfnrv re,lon for opening ha sun't.'and, fcdi fW- vT,-"bJef MlT . . T r nMw . . centwudntwaovtrBomoii Btan- : t Scted "jood wlf. Ahm Who Saw it First ? The question of who dxacorartd the pre C1 bU- -oat uJLZ one. Om.Wh... ... the honor and the-Warn. r TV,.. . ia clein. ta and all of them are witn tu . ' itLin aparaUttly a u aeairable tLat no lo- jQ.UcebedooeiathUmatUr. and to this end all . ; v jt mm wz ii iiiiv j nnai FraBw Ot V wu, or Pretioualr ... r-m ,orwAxa their claima without AS. the discovery was made by a private inii viaaaj, bat who that Individual is to be seen. How a Dog Trots. The Vaw YnV Rnn V . .j i . i lo a dicuson in regard to the reason why I uvk u aiagonaj position to the line A if Am Kn , . 2 1 . of bis motii n. One correspondent explains that it is th beet way for a dog to trot lie is less liable to upeet on a broad gauge than whn going on a narrow gauge;" if be want to turn he can do it more eai)y, be cause he is partly turned around already; and he can throw a glance backward, so that he is safer from the attack ,in the rear. A question quite as interesting as this one, and the public would like to see die cashed, is : Does a dog trot sldewsys ?" At Home and Abroad. Guitau's wife was divorced from him on account of neglect atd brutality. He treat ed her rudely and about a year after they were married deserted and left he r to earn har own living. The Lady Franklin Baj expedition sailed at 12 M. July from St. Johns, N. B., on an arctio exploration, her powder and all stores having arrived on Ume. The Point Barrow party, under Lieut. Bay, 'of the army, will sail in the schooner uolden Fleece from San Francisco days. rithin a few 1 A great fire has been racing at M in. k i"111 muo., "c, been destroyed. McNamara, the crazy man arrested in Washington for avowing his intentions to kill Secretary Blaine, is not a native of Vir- "iue, is noi a native or tr- nor of the South: he came m K,B. if:n:. . . ' t Skirmishes. ! " Ubt , W VUV a S4 ai KV ' I f C"et bnl i8t'ld men don't ' get in mat nx. T.ilo . Ukio, afe. ln J ' their baaine. Phil . . tbe head .Boston Globe. . It was damed .mart of the Wall Street News to call Gould and Vandirbllt a pir of tock. kings. Picayune, Tho Piciyone man socked it to them ! tlme- Heel tee tbe mark as a humorist t yet They were speaking of a miar. just de ceased. "Did he leave anvtbtng? asked Smith. "He had to." was the .laconic a swer of Fog. Boston Transcript If he'd hades own way be would have car- 1 M a a nea it wiw mm. , $4.00 FOR $2.00. Tho BestOfferTctMade. eess Kow ii tie tine aii Dea't yon Fcriet It ' L ' - ' i - - FOR TYO.OOLLARS We will send to sny sddrees la that United ! States, Tax Hawxztz one year, and I Ths Biae and Fall of thm If the popular book by Bobt J. - , Bafde!le hawkey. Ho- tnorial The Eetaii Priea of 'tha Hawkey e is $2.00. ' Tba Hetail Pries of tie Book is $100. Yqu ; can set them BAfk nn k. with this Advertiaenasnt from the IUttt-- Gaocwj to lfmm. ;' Txx Hawxxtx Co.. V ' i r: .Buxlington, Iowa. Or Wa will aend the Hawkeya for csze and the Daily llsOUevGrsand untii afie the Angnst tlce Uon both lor $LC0. The priesj of lhe Hawkey e alone U $2.00. , No. 37. Tho Caldvrell Corner i Ti . XX STorjr .a Oooda. XoOoca. H leads La low triM. "' F"ce aad sta eataf lit. . . i i riTi .,.1)110 for Mt Airy White Hulphur Hprinpi. J 0W tcwrjro a VTUT CLAM LTXX OF iucrj raoat wwstoxjlj-em to mt. aixr. TABX TO MT. A LET AJTD EXTTTUC 100. I ran a good iiwj u Wlnatoai aa4 aay M of Conveyaace dalrd rtmalalMd ea aptLratlosu r. o. acrcnrnLD. The Old Beliablo ! Mara, V. (opy. Central He teJ, 0 reeaebero. K. a DKT OOOD. HATJ. 8B0L8, OOTB" e4 DIES RECK Wium. aad CXOTHLXa. kocesrr rc CASH anfl WITH SHALL EIPEHSE. I am prepared to oCer ths at a low as caa be aoldU thiamarket. A trial is an I ask to roaxtatae what I EaMaCaldcIengh & Bro., SJ" - mo- . ir - g m m 8trt. GaMsaaoro. JT. a Keeps f afl Its e TAMILT OnoCTJUES. COSTtCnOMrRUM. TO BACCO. CJGAES. PIPE8. WILLOW A5D WOOr E3I WAHX. Ac ICX COLD SODA WATXB ALWAT8 031 DRAUGHT. CALL AT OUB OLA S3 FKOXT 8TOKX, OITOSrrE BXSOW HALL.) John Clianibcrlain, DEALER IK w iTrnrn irvrtv .t,.. , . .a-unan. CUa;ISw SPKCTACLEM, ETC WATCH BEPAIR1 XO A SriClALTT (truDta Er2rDow norsz.) (inisENHnono. r e. ' W. B. Bogart, West Harket Btreet, Oroentoro. 2V . C . . JJ8 C8T KXCITTTD A TT5Z UK 07 D1XSS oootw, nosxtBT. on 08, rascr ooow. SHOES. HATB. AC i SPECIALTIES IX LAT5S AXD SUsflCEA DREES GOODS. S Call on J.F. Yates & Co., jrj0B cnoicr stoats, ccitxz. rrKtm L.IBD, CANVASSED HAMS, SMOKED BACON. WE KEEP A FULL LINE OP STAPLE AND FANCY GllOCEIirPS . m BALTIHORE FAHILT FlOIji I WARHENlED TOE BEST IN THE UNITED STATES. Aaf AC, : AC: J WE MAKE A SPEC1ALTT OF ClOABS, J aOARETTH .ad TO II Arm i - . w : h WE WILL NOT BE UNDEHSOLD, KorSala. ' Several I..M. 11 i--.a2 14 . I . . 1 . aobnrba. aniutU for ellher dafClsn or boa ne porpue,. I4:t!peciabj suit- ed lor a tobacco warvbonas or factorr. For , - ' . . farther iaformatioo apply at thia chca.