V - . . N " - f i i DTrDn KTI I -v SB,. ., , yoi. i?T GBEENSBORO, O" Wednesday, July 13, 1881. XTo.40. - --'V r' nr Kb tj.. : " '' ' ' ...... 13! ubeeritfta end eentotBalcsuees-to this paper ' sn De addreeeed l e cnpuriD pud. co. We earsestry aoOett ewrtrleads e3rrr Ik eotuto wr& us easrt letters fHlaf utIUmW CsnlislOTecL-JS nrv .to vzlt plataaad oa om aide ef tm ptjr cly. ... ' ;.?! j SXJBSCBIPTIOJI BATES:.- '" Oo irMitv;..;..;;.....; io .gxmtta,..,'. LOO JWmiMIMi'.M .....'... ..". 1. J . . . , 4.00 4 itfOr daBpftlcn'bnhf 55 wait,- ' 'AiTPMa tending font NbMtMn thall hsr. . jAiLXtieoA or proltltducB r nrgd to blp c, -wrnoMjMninu.M wma ny .carrier or tknmchtkepott.ffic., . - . .a, , Ko uise atred usttl money l"reoiTed. The PraUaat sUlI eonlinQos to ImproraL The market peopla report ebiakcru in do-m&nd. The market u fall of lixnoct all kind of fruit. The colored brats band vers oat night before lilt. They make rtrr era di tibia mnsle. i Urer one thousand persons attended il . xjumer ieunns jftciare in ninston on Monday night. One iacb OM . OM-, m . Two -'Two ' Twe ; Taree r . . l&ree Three" -fkXt toL v" - -sea ,-Oaa AlTTESTXBlJta RATES : 1 day :i .V.... 3 dsye a dayf 1 day dayg 6 "days , i day We thank onr many subaeribers fox their assurance of their continuance with ns afUr Pn&a the election. Mr. FoartTs Address. Lost Night, A larse audience creeled IXc JL JL Foard in the Court House last night, llhas Vaca onlj a few dsji tines he ease oat tsd bold ly declared himself in later of Proalhitloo, and the people were anxious to hear what he had to aay. He daliTered a epeecb that will bear hearj upon some of the anti-Prohibition doctrines, He etxuek at the very bottom of their arguments sad completely annihilated many of their pet theories. He was strong la argument, bright in wit, and exact in atatlstica. Taken altogether, it was without do lib C one of the most forcible lec ture wehare had. No man deserve credit lor doing what he thinks Is right, but Hr. Foard does deeerre great credit for the hard work he is doing. He speedily gained a position among the foremost young men at the bar. and ahould he decide to make Greensboro that It will In Li. ..... . 3 days.. 6 days .... l-4ay..... 3,-daye.... fi days.... i days .... 3 OayS . . . . , 6 dsya t. , . .25 .60 LOO 40 .74 LIS M . . LOO ...i... lee e $Q e .. 400 t xeo S.09 Prof. H. Cooke, a genuine expoeer of spiritualism, who was here four years ago, win sppear again at Benbow Hall early September. not th oar, we p before he holds a hi rs of the county. relict galace We call the attention of such of oar fb- At Home and Abroad. i The amount subscribed La Chicago ea. 8etnrday to the Qaxtald fond was $12.00a i Twelre cases of ssoslroks were reported ia QncrinnaU up to Bat tr day midslsht. three of them fatal, Cocgrrsrmaa HsndrkkB.) Wright Is dan. gerously ill at his reeidtaee la Wllkesherre, Pa., He was denied to all emllere en Meter day. The Eepublieaae of Seal Franeieoo hate Dominated rx-Jodge M a Hake for Xlayor, and ex-United States Eertnue Collector John Sedgwick for Sheriff. Samusl 8. Coon, of Chatham Four Ccr nem, X. Y., ded at the Loxeroe Hotel la WUkeebarre, P., last nifht He was takan aick yeaierday morning with cholera mor bus. Th report of toe Ifiniatsr cf Justice shows that on Jane 30 there were 1,279 convicts in the prisons of the Dominion of Geoeda, a decrease of 50 as com pared with the previous year. , e Bev. J. a Kerfoot, ' Biehop of the burg dioceee of the Ppisoopei Church, yesterday afternoon at U yersdale. County Pa., aiter a prolonged ill result of a complication of d CriIonJ.P.Yatc3'(&, L1BD, CJLXV1SS22) HXUS, BII0S22) BACON. WE KXTP K TCVL LCCB 07 e STAPLE AXD FAKCT GUOCEXUZa. BALTfflORE FAIULT FLOUL WARBAXTED THE BEST IK THE UKITTD STATES. Aa, xa. ia WE XI AXE A SPECIALTY Or CIQAES, CI0ABETT8 and TOBACCO. WE WILL NOT BE UKDEESOLD. Pil di Soml ness. taJSatered at the Pcetefiee in Qrtesaboro, V Q., ' mm eecone-ciMn www; , . . G OCI ET Y - D I RECTORY. Knigntti of Honor The Benbow House The re-opening of the Benbow House, In our little city is looked forward to, not only by the travelling public but also by the scribers as have fish xxmds. to the latter I from Hon. A. M. Scales, to be found ii an- Udpations. This elegant hotel was built by Other OOlumn. its Dreaeat owner la 1871 and althouch he Our thermometer did not reoort for iuW neTer u7 experience in that line 1Mb moraine w mn u - of business, we do not hesiUU to assert that Clnrlin high yesterdsv that it wont be able to cet no ma eTar exacted the businees more ed f 1 back for the next twpnt.fonr fcnnr. quietly or with lees apparent annojance to nati cilf bonds, newtess. paying t pec I himself, guests or employees than did Dr. I oenL piemlem, to be used as aa inveermeol memoer uxat Lamer Benson's last lect- Bennow for the five years. He then closed of the sinking fund. ore wiu do aeurerea in .Benbow Hall Friday the hotel for e. terra, and on the firat Ait of I fcemnel VfaltbY u aAridMitaDv mht. nA Binkiog Fund Ceomisaionere of on 8elurday silernooa purcaaa- 5,000 of the four per cent, Cincia. Gcxxb The gallery wiU hold over 200, and next month he will re-open with improved killed by some member of the Sixty -tXih . OaEKEDOBO iCnpes, No. 399f UmgLtt and Snishts of Xokor, BMta seopnd ancj foogUx Breday nicbU .1 "itim&Xtl Tuee v&f&h-. i-.v V- i-a t t v -. a- ; . -'Patnxx ifcrcjFM3trr, No. 10, metis ecortLand t fevrth.i'riday aiebte in each xaoptb. , ; . . , " lka&j& ziden t herJood Templars GEJaBoao Ioai'NoTVrnieeta Honday nlghi -n f ii Ancient Fre Mbwhs.- '' &axx9Sos6 Ubndx; Ho.' 7S, 'meets on Saturday "night before the fall moon In each mcsth.' The Caldwell Corner GrMiuboro. M. OOCUPIXD BT I. I XXXXIXO. LVj Hit V 1TOCA A ITJCX LTXE OT Dry Ooda, Setkxe. 1 - post V ctfi cEibi n ept o r y. , a -. . - V- i rr ' '4 '. .c. . Maila going North close erery ilay . at 3 o'clock, a. nv, and 7.30 p.m.;- t . . Haila going Bouthcloae .every day a 9 o'clock a. m.,s&d9p.m n .Mail going East ctoae every day a 9 e'eloek a m. MU" going, to. Selaxavaad "Winaton doses every de9 Sunday!iexoepteL at.9 o'clock, a. m., and 9 O'clock p mMlA Sundays at 9 P m Mail going to lTankineyaje ; cloeee o- 31ondayai edneedays and Iidaya at 7- o'clock, a. m. ' KeitarriTaSf frpiH, rranllinfTille cn Tuesdays, Thursdays and Eatardaje at 40 p. m Mailgoingto Snow. Camp. close ou Tneedaysand imAavk t S o'clock a. m.. . .... Mail going : to Ig Milse6 n Mondays at ' 6 e'clock a. nu Tbe 'jioali for I-ong'a Milla only a4 not for any of me intervening 'Poet Offices on tke" route; can be sent Xaat during the week. vMaH krriTes from the Korth every day at 9.26 a. m., 9.Vt p. jn.,'and 2J p. m. " ' MaQ arrives froni tbVSontn every diy at 9.30 a. m. aad P ns-. Mad arrives from the East every day at 7,81 p. m ' Mail arrives from lalem and "Winston' every day BOOddy excepted) : at 9 a. m. , and 7 30 p. m. On tnsnczay.s at t.ou p. be wants the colored people to pack it full, apartments, rooms besntifsily aulsomined, regiment, which was engaged ia rie ahoot- This is a free lecture. refurnished and re-carpeted. In fact every I ing ia Uoatreel Men day. Deceased was r. ' ua , . thine looks new aad comfortable. swimming in therirer behind the butts liuwuiMtn znovea aer Doaraing-i . . . . , ,,. v . . , - house trom th. .noi o,. , , vl '' benbow says that his son, Chas. D. when he m.t hie death. . low the BxTOS-Gsotrro office, on the oppo- Iksnbo,r' Mp- a a form" The Sl.200 road hsrae fWhilsbeiiv be- site side of the : street. Parties desiring longing to ue uev. netcner iiambiin, pas- first-olsss tabid board, will do well to con- for X t jemrs, ii toh.veentire tor of a Pooghkeepe ehureh, died on Pri- suit Mrs. Edwards. management of the house, aad we know day night of lock jaw caused by bad ahoe- them to be lire busiueee ..men, able and ing. He had a fine record as atroUer, ai- ; Luther Benson passed through the city willing to please the traveling publio. thoagh sir. Himhlin only, used him -aa a yesterday en route to Baleigb, where he was We mentioned a lew days ago the arrival ot family horse. : - . Aft .II I. t t .1 III announced. to speak last night The WJn-1 Q new ana Deeauini omnious, wnicn wui Eighty-three burial permits were taeued be run by Mr. C P. Venaiory, our wid. hnCaico on rturdsy, theUrgeet num- awake and genial Livery Stable proprietor. fcer io nt hUlorf elMhs cUy . for one day. The House U- oentrally located ananpoujThd tcmpSratcre la Che aflernoonwss much high ground, and Las sll the conveniences wer. and the death rate will probably de ot the present day. and yet it tsqalet. There crease materially if the coot weather con- is, in onr opinron, oo more pireni piece tinnra. for the pleasure seekers ot the cold North Ba leads is lew prtoae aad ceckiaf St e tVat a nirinasnt OTTX HIM A CALL. Ho for ML Airy TThlte J AM SOW AXTCTXa A TTJCST uxx or ston people are loud in praise of his lee turee. Mr. W. D. McAdoo has lately added many improvements to his hotel. He will pat np a wind-mill in a few dsys by which every room in the house will be supplied with running water. A large reservoir, for hold ing toe water, has been erected on top of the house.' Mr. Seymour Steele isiorms us that he will continue- to run the Central Hotel. There will be considerable improvement made in the house, and he will have a livery stable connected with the hotel, and run his own bus and baggage wagon. After August 1st we will have four hotels here.' We are satisfied that the old adage, The more the merrier" will be verified, but we anxiously await developements in re gard to the balance of the proverb 'but the less, the better tnjJ?? b:. -. BACXl rOM WIXTTOT-AALXM TO MT. AUT. TAJUt TO MT. AXtT AXD XXTTXX fXM. I raa a seed Uvesy U VUMm eaS eey ktad mC Coavryaace drfr4 reraiWd e sriAtWe. T. O. rsi li'iirmn The excessive heat cretailinir in Pitta- to spend their winters than in Oraensboro targ tb. pa4t V4t anxun, the thermom andlnthe Benbow House The chma.ei. eUr regi.uring 1 W 7-10 degrees Sunday at charming and we are not aflected wita any taVhTgheet piint local objections. . , ' For the commercial touritt, Dr. Benbow fb0 ?c w" wwuihum wunn, vi. established here nine years ago. Eiht ia- has arranged, upon the ground flor, ad- laj 0( gunsUoke were reported Sun joining the office, two large bam pie roome. dsy eveaing and twenty prostrations. He knows the importance of securing that The intense heat In Rochester yesterday travel, snd says that if good treatment and proatrated several persons sod half a dozen fair dealine will induce them to stop with rarhor.es. Ahesllby, robu-t man named I w wv 4A , e ii .i blm th.v will romi In th Rnhow H.m.P. 'ame MCiermo ageu iv, l. VI cum w We intimated yesterday that a certain 1 prominent South Elm streetite, was going i to be married. He has sinco denied it -t-. -. ' ..." 1 - evejsiweto . v- m Mail arrives from Afeheborp every day (Sunds j ex- This mak 8 US believe it is SO. He save the fV?V-Km-" V , reason he wante a large house is because he .,1. vu., is eoingto boarders-well, helwillhave to board-her" if he gets her. His terms will be $2.50 and $100 per day, $14.00 and $10.00 per week, according to room; with suit of rooms at $3.00 and $3.50 per day or $20.00 to $30.00 per week; tegu lar boarders upon moderate terms. Wo bespeak fcr the Benbow House a liberal portion of the travel, and guarantee that misunderstandings and over cbargts will never occur at its desk. sue stroke, hoar. and died in leqs than half an Would, do for a Juryman. C-mnsel you knew 'anything aout The' Old Bcliablo ! - A 7 j.u. Mart, ii. icy. OotnlHi Wi,OrUe, X. Cj DKY OOOD8. HATS. SIX OLA. QUI IS sa4 XA Din' xrxx wrau, sad cLonnso. aorcrr vea CASH sit WITH SHALL EIPEHSE. X aza prvpwd to Ct Ike ss a. Wm se caa be sold la this Bari.eC A trtal Ua3 I ul te g-aanstae vkat I cp. m. aad Saturdays at 6 oclock , " MafiT arrives ftor? IoDg's ilDle, on Mondays st . f o'clock pi in?. !s "J" . , !.. WHrri, f. M. An opportunity for our merchants to do a Personals. Mr. W. IL Moore, of Clinton, has our thanks lor subscriptions sent. Bro. Evans, of the Beidsville Times, -fii-wiOS? ?.TV3 f fie fi. .1 i tavi 3jt: lie I. ! '.So : ?s : f.r -- pail . ... . . aft $ I , '1 (IIVT'ATI A I 11-vi JS4 en : 41 I eai'ar Iff I I i. i u. lx. lit f ir i er3 i . rv - s a- sr m s i 1 i fi-rr,LY M good thing and benefit themselves. We called on us yesterday. Tcm is a good fel- ltarn that Messrs. Walter Hobba, J. Van low but he is on the wrong side of the Lindley, D. W. C. Benbow, were appointed fence. at the last meeting of the New Garden Agri cultural Society, to solicit special premiums to be distributed at the fall fair to the per- sons exhibiting the beat specimens of any articles designated by the contributors. The committee will be around in a few days, so Miss Nannie L. Bobbins, of High Point, is In the city on a visit to Judge Bulla's fam- lly. Greensboro. July 12, l&SL Ed. BaiTXJuGaocTD:--In calling attention that those who wish to aid theg Society will I to a statement, in the Landmark, that Col please think over the matter, as the pre-1 Armfield had made arrangements with the miums'. offered are wanted to be printed oa I Commissioner to supply all who- wanted the hand tolls. : In esse the committee fail I them, with German Carp, you add that you to s ail those disposed to help the Society 1 have no doubt the same sopply can be had they will please notify either of the above for this district. Prof Baird, of the Smith named gentleman. I sonian Institute has furnished, through me. - v " " ". m m many gentlemen la this district; but bis The Lawn Party Last Night.' I mppiy has been limited. Hs' hopes now to Wo had the pleasure of 1 attending the be able to supply ali applicants mad wffl do lawn party on the Graded School grounds, 1 bo, rs he informs me, f either through the and must say it was one of the most enjoys- State AgTfcrult ore Commlssiober or direct ble aflairsjwe have attended There was a 1 from Washington. Letters directed to him Urge atteDdmc;and we haTS heard cf none I at Waahiogtcn will receive prompt, iten who did notTerfoT"themselves.4 There were tioo. I shall be glad t ail times tb give plenty of ice-cream; :csie,". ' monads i and I any aid la my power : '-'-A. 1L:8catjdi. "nttmf -MfiMfittrtit: ara Qisfhaiieitiea' were I lw " ' ' v 1 wnutmtna late hour. We have not A wtsber ia BOiii van: 4ouw7 . uea a space to make specii? mention of all the UT 'weeks sgo, lesv four . ymm subsr rl 4ij l-s xl-hI 12. l.v:w;!( w tion unpaid. . The editor appeared at 4the , wmeay:tbeasm 7?? T tTf credit to minrvteii" for the Urf ttoe, j!t to eafsa. iboro. ' a tinea coat, and a thermometer this css ?" No." Ever read of it? v.. Ever read anything 7" No." What ! Nver ?' "No." Apptauae. iUve you frmd any opinion of the case 7 i -Na" Any otinion abo-t it ?"1 No." Wht ! Never V " No." , Applause. , Ever heard Pinafore? Na" I ? Groans, BemarVa. 'No wender he didn't do iU Sold " i ? No eym path y" with anythios pertaining to public interest T" ' 2tu information, no knowiedge.no opto. ions, no taste for rrsdiog. no de-Ire to knew what is going on in the world 7 Good. You'll do for a juryman, you are accepted." . E.M.Caldclcugh & Bro., axd coxrrcnoxrjts. socm C. Kerpa fa3 Um t familt onoennrs. coiTcnoiroiia, to- iialw. auiu, nrn. wilix)w ajto WOOD- aisoczns Ala 2C WABX. he. ICT COLD SOD AWATQt ALWAYS OX DBAUOm. CALL AT OCR OLA S3 TOO ST STOBZ. lorrosnx bcceow rtiTf. John Cliamberlain, DZALTJt IX watches, irsrtxnr. sxLTxzwAcr. cL0CX5 WATCH XEFAXBXXO A IFXCIALTT (rspen bzsxow notxzj GBEKNHBOnO, rj. W. B. Bogart, Weal Market Street. Orenloro C.., ttaj rBxcrjrzsAFixz Lzxxorcxxa UOOOS. H06ITST. S0TZ05S. F1XCT GOODS, SBOXS, SATS, AO. SrTCXALTIXS XX LAWX3 AXD sTMXXB CXX1 GOO I. V Skirmishes. You can't eat ffour cake sad have it. too. Andent Proverb. No, but you can take I your drinks ana, nave em oao waalitng- too Critic, izperieaoe U a great tblng.- tBostoa Post. , j i How do you know, have' you had soy ? Some men are born great, some bay great-J area, and 0 there cant help 1L buakes- pSArs. u ,l I t ' - It is said that hnsbaads. are ; what their wives make them aad from some personal observalion wej would remark that a Uw wives that we know of deserve' vary little f-r? T";" T'rV - I suburbs. t suiuUs for .either dweUings or on a rather poot fobs. i 1 - 1 - - - . J HlToahltbrsathe ruUri''s specially, aait- the two mocquirors which took rexaga is' the ark f ha.wosld havstrendtrrd sxtasof the atrongeet words la tbeEnxUah language aa aeeeasary. " Sererai rPcSale. valaahls lots ia the city and ed for a tobacco warehouse or factory. , For further f afbrastioa spply at thss I