rr : rzzzzz . L GREENSBORO, TT. C Sunday, July 31, 1881. No. 56. 9f J : - ' : T ,'.. . ' " . - - - - - - - - - J f - 4 m-.'iJMLLi'ViiLii-eiioniiD . 3. i I s ..... Sfourid ":;-2A7T2.2;cr:r -5 Funeral NoUco, . Th rtnaxicj ci UlaEItnK. Hendren. MraMTy aolldt ovr trtcsdt &3vrv Cm I vbo died at Ccrj, 2T. CL, jjterd7 momlDg StoxJfS1 t o'clock. r. bmight to thi. city slcU f th ptpr etxl. I lost nitt aad tb faatrU Mrricrs vill Uke Dlsc it2tlIetbodIit eHvrcb lbl f- Er1j GTpe bare xaxd Ihelr adpearwee. ternoon &t 30 o'clock, fcr. T. M. Jone Ckaxiia Ttc it gtttlog np aa txeanloa will preach . lb f antral 3armon. MUa to HortLiad City. ' Beairtn trai wll kaowa birr. Laying o-e llexl mmoo'v will haraBiae tobaeco teacber la th collar. And b.r death t. faetoriecj Frbapa more. , The trains. ITorth and 8onlh. ara crcwd- ,r' ii d'witpl Wkte'g tpbi mtM. 5ii-'t td'VLfc.c' th tbel '":ro tplca- ft deep lbeaa eculd- be felt br bar mas j ada here. it 4,-ixijwp.miuuon ,i rceatxHpa, j a naa w&o voai aieep laeaa wJ VTi jm.wiu Mrru tV tifrir crJ atbt to fcatt the Ufiic!s-Aihao be 'HO HUM dnfjet n..1 K. ll ,ZZm Iff j.i.,11.'' V,f fi k . tii IP ' M -ilQb 1 Uy ,Ca -f-Two i Two .Two a3ao 'J &ura4v..v..'. Jcv.l jt.;:rl'. il.oo ;c. vii-ai"".rrA:;'?II!.-X"I!!I!X. 4.00 W if . !...., ;.. in ajg . .,;v;. ...... tv...'.r. 8 CM L Ur. 'Geo.ll Tat, otbWi citj, if now codaeitei with. V exont wLoleale grocery, boot of Ea jn . pdraoo &, Bard. B4lrinaora WwUhrj7;'..aU tbe ucc nlgbU poaaibW 1 T Mr, a M. Parks airirad in tbe city, in company with bor mother, Mrs. Dr. WiUon, -Ion Friday ereaiog. ;,w' i Mr. Thomas 8btrwood. tba firtt lientn t IJ Jl:. I ...I. ... ... - . ... I ' luo 0WaBcc Aiu-uwHi-yiy. ... . w Rtt -.for Now York . t I' WjUKntered t the PocVr&o ia Greensboro, Nt so eerod-clMa matter. workcDea(T?aisdd U)iongh the city 1 on Friday night Ho got to pat ia orders . A t x o -i I r 1 l 1. J .V. k . : 1 1 v iXUilniaA, Horw wIR follow soon. immense. fifrris shipped a act of harness Mrs. Nicholas II ban, of Haw Hirer, w to to Heaven yterdy. Mrs, Hearen. West & beca lalUng ber fainar nere, un lor Pbiladatphia, Pa.- . tome yeaterdsy. .. , . . 1 lri . f ft. t . I Tbe baggage master says be bad the 'tobmi w '"""B" fate and cap stlv bed. Tbs? tried to die- lifthtest baggage Friday nigbt that bo has j nm- m ' pose of it at the ioak store bat were warned had this Hammer. Ho had oabr 35 tracks I not to carrr that infernal machine near the for Asbeville. ' . I store. Tbey soon foand they bad sa ale- At Homo and Abroad. Tbe sarvry ordered by Oongrooo to asecr tain the cost of giving the Janes river channel with the depth of tweaty-flre feet from this city to the sa was began yastar day morning. Il U nader the general di recUon of Col. IL D. Whiteoah. with Mr. C P. Bargwya ia immediate charge of the sarvey. Tbe party began their work at the ship lock. Hichtbond Dispatch. ILaleigb Ukoa the lad aa the beat cot too market ia the State. Tbe yoaog part- ridgea are aaid to be well growa for Una era. son of tbe year. The early brood are aaid be to finely groa n.and in the coveje eanoot be told from the old Mrde. Forty Breech-loadiog rifles and cqaipmenta were j&Urday sat to tb Doptia Bifiea, the new company at Kenans ilia. The follow. ing are the c (Scars of tte company: C-pL James Q. Kenan; lt lien tenant, William IL Williami; 2d Ueateuanta, N. W. Fal aon. Jamea O. Cooper. IiaUigh Kewa-Ob server. Yesterday morning a con pie of yoaog men wbo were etgagrl la diving for what ever tbey coald fiud at ILe wharf of the New York steamabip, succeeded 'd brinKing to the surf see a ery Urge bomb shell with Callon J. F. Yates & Co, . TJtos ctoxcx irouu corm. mcit LJIED, CAXTAS3ED HAMS, SMOKED BACOIf . WB KXKP A ITJIX UXZ OF STAPLB AND FAKCT QKOCXIUXa BALTIHORE FAnill FLOUB. WAIUIAKIKD TOE BEST IK TUX UNITED STATES. ac, Aa. . Aa WB If AKE A, BTECIALTT OF CIQATTa CIGABETT8 and TOBACCO. WE WILL NOT BE UKDERHOLD. The Caldwell CJorncr Oreensltoro. TS tXXXriZD BY 1. L. XJCZUJO, WHO &aC io. Y DIRECTORY. r0vrxvoaj jLonoa, Ho. 1TTV KnibU of Honor meets first aadjUzTbar eday nights in eaeh montb : . atunoBO Lopaa, c 389, Lad and Knights ' fifBdnor, meets seeoadand fourth Thuradaj nights as each month. Li-0 u : .jladependent Osklex ofOdd Fellows, ; ''Banna Viera Zxie, Ko. 31, meets every Tnee tsa? nhL VaisUrr fiRUMnooT. Xo. 10, meets second and ssarthlriidy nights ia eaeh month. JbadexHAidemt OrdcrOood 7enai?launs Loses, Bo. 7. aseeta Monday night. Jljdolent JTree IMomoos. jutuif miglit before tha fuji moon in eaon monUu POST OFFICE DIRECTORY: Mails going North close every day at 9 o'clock, a, aa and T.80 p.m. t Haite going 8outh close everr day a 9 o'clock a. sa., and 9 p. m. Kails going East close every day at 9 o'clock a. m. Hails going to Salem and Winston closes every - day (Bnnday excepted) at 9 o'clock, a. m.. and 9 o'clock p. m. On 8nndays at"9 p. m. . Mail going to Franklinaville closes ot Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 1 o'clock, a. m. Mail arrives front FrankUnsviUe on Tuesdays , ' Tnnrsdaye and Batnrdays at 4 JSO p. m. 'Mail going to Snow Camp closes on Tuesdays and . Jfridaya at 0 o'clock a. m. Benson Backs Dockery. On Thararfav. TTon. minp IT. DMVcnr . .. . . - ..... The Gallford Grsys will oxcart to Kinston went from Charlotte to Uncord and Dro- P? " . . to-morrow ia order to take part ia the ct 1 uimed it aload that bra. anxioa. sad 8 , J? " monieaofanreilin tbeOaawtUmonameaL . -rv nvrr.-iwiimingioa review. w.v.k. im. . hangry to meet some ProUbiUoa speaker. I . ... -vwvj. wm v.f . IT. r-v,K5,, n,ur trA anere are now ,ionr Dnca-yaros in ran We ; can now almost see that far away- kIm 0,. thev'Vnld aeraoa no blMt tnniing oat, brick for the new factory. look in yoar eye to-morrow when the colleo- mn nho m uieRTtDh. Jobn Caldwell baa charge of the two la the wr -comes aroana wjin me mxaaionary to charlotte for Lather Benson to come CK)UUleni cu. or town and Captain Odell lmmediauiy. venaon, aigrays ready for a aupBenauig uo two aoore ue oil President Garfield was shot at 9.23 a. m. little circus of this sort, peeked bis collar factory. Concord Bon. By reading the figures backward, we g-t the box, and waa on the ground la good time. Work baa beeo commenced on a section cabalistic "329. " Will the superstitious J ij nooa as Dockery beard that Benson was I of the Midland railroad, beteen Cascade poiiucians see anyuung snpirnaiura m 1 tbe man, be eat dirt,. tlecianng be bad Junction aad Danville, commencing on the ehanged his mind and should not divide N. a line. There are now npwarda of foar We anderstand the Winston Water Sop-1 time. Benson then oSetod . to allow Dock- haadrod bands at work on the Midland, and ply Co., have ratted a greater part of the ery to open with one-hour a Vpeecb, then he one hundred certs and maiea. Leaksville materials, for erecting their city water pe one noar la reply, ani allow Dockery uazette. 1 wvrks. and the work, is beias poshed for- another hoar to dost. Th"! offsr Dockery " ,TI rapldry. Thr Winston rjeoplo4a.kaonr.pTomptly roiasod. IklvUo-pvepee4 j-Qood Tempi ar'a Grand. Lod O now to pasn tilings. Tbey are as live as a for Dockery to open with one boar's talk, Tbe Grand Lodge of North Carolina; In- Benson to follow with only thirty minutes, dependent Order of Good Templars, will and give Dockery until jodgment day to re- naeet at Clayton 00 the 16th day of August ply. Tbis offer waa alio declined by next. Tbe following arrangements have Dockery. The Prohibition Committee then been made with tbe rsrious Railroads: offered the "wet" men $100 to allow Benson IUleigh A Gaston Railroad, 31 eents per to speak first. This was also declined, mile first class, each way; Atlantic A N. C. Dockery was afraid of Benson and the "wet" Railroad, six cents per mile round trip; Sea men were determined that he abould not board A Roanoke Railroad, throe onto per 1 1 .1 1. 1 :i . .. I . . .. ... . .. eye., uqi iucj "iraoDta wiwoni meir I uuet eacn way; xsyeiieviiJe liallroau, one boet," for Benson qmetly seated bimnelf in fare rvund trip; Western North Carolina the grove and listened tq Dockery, and at Railroad, three cents per mile, each wsy; tbe close, the Court House bell was rung, Richmond A Danville Railroad. (N. a Di v..) S ll . I W7 ana we wnoie crowa, wnue ana discs, mov- round trip ticket rates to be bad of Local ed from tbe grove to tbe Court House to bear Bemton. Upon arriving there tby found at least 1.000 people ahead of them. The house whs rammed, jsmmed and pack ed, not half of tbe people being able to get in. The 'an tie" promptly started a brass band to playing up town in ont-r to draw the negroes awsy from the Court House, but they didn't draw '-worth a cent," tbey weal ed to bear Benson; snd they beard bim. For two hours Benson took up Dockery's srguments and scalped and skinned bim np DI STOCK A Dry Oeeda. VetfcMa. Merchandise, lie leads In lev ftieaa and thai he can rccsBMava. GXYB BIM a can. rm lxxb or Bats. eaJ hornet's nest. JWe have on our table the current number of that excellent periodical, "At Home and Abroadr" published at Wilmington, by Dr. Bernheim and dsughters, Misses Liaette and Florence. Like its predecessors, it is a find publication,full of interesting original and se lected matter, and is an honor to the literary taste of the South. We copy tbe following from the Fsyett- rille Examiner: 'Dr. D- W. O. Benbow, of Greensboro, advertises in the Battlx- GaorcrD for five young ladies to take obarge ami uuinir toi.oua's Minloee8 on Mondars at of the Benbow House Dinine Room. Tbis o'cW ck a. m. fllaa mail for Long's Mills only, j8 a capital idea. The presence of five nice She route, can be seat Et dnrin the week.l young ladies SB waitresses, will be certain Mtt arrives from tie North every day at 9.30 . m.. I to take away the appttite of all the unmar AH p 1 m., and 9.2t p. m. tied commercial travellers and other young Mail arriTes from the South everyday at 9.30 a. m. meQ WQO msy stop there, and thus the table . at 4 1.57 p. m. supplies will be greatly reduced in cost, and Mailarnvs from Halem and M inston every day the hOU86 Can be run Cheaply. ' Bui)dy excepted) at 9 a. m , and 7 80 p. m. On ' Sundays st 7 90 p. m. ' Mali arrives from Asheberc every day (Sunday ex oepted) at o'clock p. m. Mai) arrivea from 8now Camp on Wednesdays and Hatordays at 6 o'clock p. m. ' Mail arrives from Long's Mills on Mondays at 7 o'clock p. m. J D. Wain. P. M. Ho for Mt. Airy White Hnlplaui- Hprisic.. W. AM BOW BUXXBO A TTXtT CZJLS3 LLXX OT BACU TBOM WIBSTOSALZM TO MT. AUK. TLtX TO MT. ATJtT ABD KXTCXB ta.00, I ran a good liTsry In Wlaaios and any kind ST Conveyance desired fnralahsd en iUaUss. Agents. The Subordinate Lodges should report the names of those wbo will attend to J. T. Elliugton, Clayton, N. C.' Tbis session will be an important one. The Old Reliable! AT J.IL MAT-B, (epyv OeatHtfti.Orneboro,B.ai DBT OO0D6. BATfl. SBOLS, OCT II' M n DH3' XICX WZAB, and CLOT 1HXO, socoarr roa CASH ui WITH SHALL EIPEHS1 I sa pr pri to tCt IL a u krv unsU scU a this market. A rrWl Is s3 I sk to rsarsntee vnsCX ear. QBOCZES tin Street. Oreanaboro. B. - O OB jb,5- f Jl5Sfc j 8 o 5 E 2 5 co a nii w 1 s a- rw - rr. rm u m avk iiiiir as -t 1 a l f I I ; Il pa S 2faW The house of Mrs. J. M. Anderson, Me- banesville, N. C., was burnt to the gound on SalurdaT last. July 23d. at 9 o'clock. Nothing was saved except the parlor iurni ture. The silver ware, bedding, etc, were all lost The bouse belonged to Mrs. CoL Bingham, widow of the late principal of Bingham School. Tbe origin of the fire is not known. It is all a complete mystery. The men of the place, 'together with the ingham cadets wbo were spending ys ca tion there, worked manfully and succeeded ia saving the parlor fu rait are. The rest of the house was so enveloped in 1 flames that no one could get to or save anything. The fire originated in the back part of the house. dollar is now in circulation. Tbe imitation is in all respects perfect, showing that tbe machine ased Ii of a high order. Tbe met- in such a way that D ckery'o most intimate U U lhe oo1- mwk b wblcb pwioos E.M.Caldcleugh & Bra abd coxrxcriojtrjLg. C Xsep a fan bne ea A Mysterious Counterfeit. I familt oboczbizs. ooxryxTiosrBiza. to- A new and dangerous counterfeit, eilver BACOO. aOAta. PlFXS. WILLOW abd WOOJ- KB WABB. 4a. ICB COLD SODA WATZB ALWAII OB DRAUGHT. CALL AT OUB OLASJ BBOXT 8TOSJL I t a s friends were ashamed of bim. Do just took naraner can oo toia, it nemg or a white Dockery s Hi eecb and swept np the ground Ub6. in o wsy resembling the silver ased with it We wonder if Dockery is bsnker- ia rTnoIoe- wl compoaiaon ing to meet some more piohibition speakera of Benson's calibre ? rorroemc bsbbow ball4 Our Churches To-day. Episcopal. No serfiees. PazssTzxBLix. No servioes. St. AoBBff Catholic) No services. Baptist.--Sunday school at 9 s. m. No other services. f MxTHOpisT.-ReyJ B. a Phillips will prch at 11 b xa., and the evening servioes will be conducted by Ber. W. B. Tldball at the regular hour; 7 " Y. M. C. "AssociATxbfc. Regular deirotioa 1 services tbis afternoon prom pur at - 6 o - clock, ' ' '' - To School Teachers. We want the narAea of two bright, k lively boys, about twelve years old, in every school in the State, who would like to do a little wtMk among their" fritn da and receive good remuneration,, Pl'ease.send ns jthe .names ona postsl card tt your eatUrtt. conxen ienc-. oonais's 01 nas not been decided upon bv experts, bat it does not require aa eipert to John Cham berlaiii. DtALXB IB Sunday SchooPic-nIc Messrs. W. J. Edmondson and a W. Lanaiey, oommiuee) or arrangements, re quest as to say that there will bo a Sunday detect the metallic impurity of the spurious I watchb. XwrutT. siltcbwabb, rryr aoiiar. City Property at Auction. Oa Tbaraday, Aug. 4, 1651. 1 will sell st tha Court Ilouja Acar In Clrnmn .t school ple-nio at Mair-s CbspeL cn Satur. nbic xlcy01K House and lot 00 corner day. Aaguat 13th. A general invitation is o( e MMket Md QrMB9 uxrt . s a .11. a a n is ri a a e . 1 1 exienaea to an: out aon s iau to isae n weu filled basket block west of the Court House. The bouse bss IS rooms, with dining room, kitchen. Ar. Sixo of lot 87xli91 feet. Sale at 12 o'clock. Terms: Oat half cash; the remainder in three snd six months. .Title r stained until J. R. PBAnca, Auctioneer. U-Cl FlinULock Flashes. Tbey sin who tell us love can die, The night is long that never finds a day He that increase Ih in knowledge iacreas- P"ehase money U paid. eth sorrow. Tha last roes of summer final shad, of the season ... To lira without a purpose is to lead a rat a- less unhappy life, Marriageable young men belong to the surplus popuiauon. ' " We suppose a dap' of thunder Buy be called a weather report ' ' Protested notes Those emanating from your neighbor's violin. .iJ- Quarrels would be abort-lived il tha wrong were only on cue side. - . -. f WATCH iirAtliio A 1PBCIA (TJBDX BXSbow SortBJ onicicfHiJoiio. 2. 0. W. B. Bogart, West Masks SsrwC O reonnboro, T O.. Boarders Wonted. Mrs. Edwards, corner of Bast Market and Davie streets, can acoommodaU a fa mere gentlemen with board and rooms and an unlimited number of table1 boarders, at ! res sor able raioa. Table well supplied wifh the best the- market aZords. nSt)4 Help Wanted." T jb A sa WAttft is si A T asSi a IVsa Vaa anVaa A man should nrrer be conlenled with thi'lbcw Homo I Fs m IaI W?tn If ! rmlA for. I ter A crust 1st. H W. Q. Qeraiv. I a .1. i v ... t TTAS STTT BXZ2TX1 A XTXX LIXXCTDJ XJL UOODs nOSZZBT. BOTIOBJ, TABCT'OOOTSL BOBa, BATS. AC. i KPXC3ALTXP IB LAWBJ AXD STMXXB' - - sxesa goods. . For Sale. SsTcral Tslaablo lota saburba. suitable for either ; dwelling te business purposes. One lot specially suit- in, the dry anA ' farther lsioraaUoa apply at this cSco.