The Buale. For Tut Broi.K. pain wc noticed jocr Greensboro Markets. PRODUCE MARKET. C. F. THOMAS, FfcoPKrK-roR. - f JAS. W. ALBRIGHT. Editor. I Ed Buii: With reference to the a.lvertLd of the Greens-1 I boro Female College, but rjoici at the de-! ... 1T ...,,,. w 1. 1 V Corrected by IJ,ntot. A Ilio., !n.le4! tenmned behtf and expectation that Meth-j Orcers kcntl llha tr t. odLsm mist not f,urreu.trr 11. ihc saoi,!; x c L(1 the Troy University, New York, to the llo-! Wtvrci aide.... i man CVtholics entailed inestimable loss, i ham j To atiniubl thcwe bearing this burda.L . ooulJ-r allow the writer to mention a curiou coin? NEW GOODS In.t it in .rt of RATES OF- ADVERTING IN DAILY BUGLE, ilkcax THE'dent between this institution and tLat culled Buttr . . Ch?o. , lU-ti 1 iD. A. 5 1 3 ins. 1 3 ' 1 coL 1 cel. Il 1 day 3 days 6 do 1 day 3 days 6 do 1 day 3 days 6 do 1 day 3 davs 6 do" 25j f0 00 50 00 50 00 50 2 00 1 50 2 IK) 3 00 local notices do do do do do do do do do do do 50c 75 50 75 25 50 2 00 2 50 3 00 5 00 1 1 1 1 jtha Greenwich Academy, a imiUr confer- 1 'UaUilleri Inland, the home v( Nat, Greene, (ClI?.' Ui-i our city's nauiq take. I Jagur:i. Through extensive reiuiirs, in 1&73, an old: . , ... jCfcicktna ueui uuu uiucu Euiiunutigujex,.i. m uh'iibv sf-d panic and general depreciation 12. a V'. 114 a l'.'i II a 1 8l2t X 2'- I 14 5 a lt Ui a Ji me uress boons, ZEIGLER'S No notice inserted or leas than 25 cents. of property oda this school found itself uuder a d it of f 10,-j I allow 000. .O-ttoti. . Again and again was it advertised for sal , sheetings though none would Rive even the tare of tle,I- rather mnrtiTiifTf fiir it; bat ft.- ottru wns it rp-4fTid s Hoar- Familv Entered at the I'ott Ojfice in Greeiubor; ' t'cor.d-clus matter. x. a. a THE ELECTORAL VOTE. The Presidential count bill, "which passed r.e senate witnout amendment, provides mt the Presidential electors of each StaU shall meet and give their votes on the second Monday in January next following their ap- . pointment at such places as the Legislatures f the States may direct: that 'each State, it pursuant to its laws existing on the day fixed ... 75 a N) .. t a 10 Git lo a 11 74 A 40 .i.. - n tu . t 1 1 by the heroic iiiUrpoiUon f the credit of 1 Meal 1 0l 10 two other noble christian mtn, thcu:s.lvts (jr-;U crn. l.OOnl.uV alrealy burdened uti.rly to bankruptcy . j Wheat 1.251.50 The trustees employed and kept iutuej (tg ft field for six years a man of prttyer and work, jjjj 10 all who little by little baa Ihvjii w no cw. lirvn . . . 4a5 knows exactly how. to raise tLe whole mm. .L.trd . 11 1 a 1; Thid year Greenwich Academy, an ia.-iitu-'!',-"w'' tion of SO years standing go-s fortn free. J Kenene Oii may the Greensboro Female College. jlU-d 0" Chi. . IloiEiri- ,Svufr:ui Oil ... .Salt coarse ftu liliSHOES AND SLIPPERS, SPRING STYLES. "Thompsons Glove Fitting Corsets, " UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS, LADIES Brilliant LisleThreaii Hose I1LACK AND COLORS. a5o fancy Goods in Great Variety, 3 1 11 a 3- Carpets, Floor Mattinp;. growing on the walU of a touse make it,' 'K , . damp. The attachment ot ivy to w;Ula, so , vh 1 far from injaring them and causing damp-L , ' nesa, is au advantage. If the walk nr drrl1 otatoca-lxiah. when plantwl, ivy will keep them wj. , damp, as the plant overspread their surface ' the dampness will disappear. here damp-i ;rt "i " ness prevails ivy sucks out the mc.isturo.".a,,onA: J' bnfh' and its thick foliage 1 will prerent the ;crw j of rain to the structure; and thu.4 it u not! iel. 5.CHV4HO' 3 Ck) 4 22a2', ' 2 40 a ..determine prior to the meeting of the electors ti - i . j . 1 1 . JF of all or anv of them: that such determina- tirtT bV,!i11 h. rinrlnAivA pvide-nca of their ahi! itR thick foliacre will uravent the acr-w t 1 "AlACKerei' lr u,a . . ...1 .... ... . . L( t iv .tra.tM. .n 1 t.nj i lli-rrin lawful UUe and shall govern in tne count dj DlVv 7' '" ""'iGolden Millet sd. tnr bmdnl only a remover, but a preventive, of diiut;, ' 't'' , , ' r' 1 uuu Congress. Jue The nly jftngeV attending the plant-fer. IK-mlork (o) ; Th? bill furthermore provides that no elec-;jng Gf jVy on buildings where fissure 0c- !"c,'Uon toral vote or votes from any State from which jcur in the walls, in wLich case the shoots sn,r . 1 v " ci,n i. M laud roots will enter, and, if lft undUturl- jacted, excep. by the affl,maU votes of bej& SS' rKAW . -BACCO MARKET. , two houses; that if more than one return isipash against the side of the op niug. TTTerrbj; From ivdc a-tu.lly wade at lb Stah "Sare-' chived from a State the votes of those; enlarging it, and eventually weaken Ui-j ho i-4d Patriot Umldir-g. .lectors who have been appointed by the law.) 7 I' " ' . Lugs, com,u,a and frtH. ful triDunai 01 tne uiaie snau De couniea and in the event of a question as to which ol two or more of such State tribunals is the lawful tribunal, the votes of the electors ap pointed by that tribunal which the l.itaUl.10 l.V 9 ill; 12415; llalJt We would cll ynr cia1 aUiittkn to our 1.5); lu -f floe w)SHITE GOODS, IMBR010ERY, ITW. D. CURTIS & CO., SoutS VJm Si. plant does not make figures, although quick! J" ,p Wf,r"-U6' j: .v Lnk'pt, t Tight. 10 uuscu . Lt.f, prtnitnon grwMi frfUd Th Dpnartmnt will comtnenr. the iiue! "rking red. .... I.if rii'M u.-v r Urk red. lmiA, . ill . urn maiAUDauiiju t .Liu w . . - twOj m;n.,;nn va Tit x nn.t nf th followintr !..."" H . . . . B . . . . . . oval' '"" i''fsu't U'rjii'r tinf . . .1..11 j:j.i. 1... is ..V.I,.:. I "is I'm, iuhiiuui. nnriAii n a - " o Ara i-u taiv uimii i i 1 m 1 mm rrATawn 1 a aMi ri ti if in 1 1 11 m. 1 1 1 1 ua 1 w nil the authorized one shall be counted; that m i " lncwetianieifi a-wruiru w,lu u caacsofan nndeUrmiced coat 17 "lU.t of Vi VntL. two or more seta of electors of a State, thoseigtates, James Abram GarfitlJ. looking to-i votes shall be counted which the two houses, wards the left, engraved in line. At the le j acting separately, shall decide to bo the law- of the oval is a dark, rix-pointrd aar. relijT. 8 led by a white outline, and in the centre the fulelectoral votes. ....... Ifigure "5." Disposed on the right and lett The biU also provides that if the counting Qth sUr flowBa ribbcn contiiniu the! of the rotes shall not have been completed legend "Five Cents," in white Roman cajwj before the fifth calendar day next after thejitals. Below the star and ribbon, on the flxat Joint of tbe two bo, no -S. WZtuSSS? cess shall be afterward taken by either hou;Th j f the g.amD chocoUte browu. i 2.00 (S. 4 GO (a 7 K ( 7.00 la(X) ("i U 00 i 12 20 CO ft 5.( 14.i. 14 t 2Ui 1 .V 2", fi -' 40 ( TV0 CAR 24 Hoirslioad i i r LOADS- f inon off. ringi ( NEW cRor Robert Harris' FAMILY GROCERY, ON' MARKET STRIXT. CJufaa v v i V until the counting is finished. Where you can buy Sugar, Coffe, lUc4n, .Lard. cent stampetl envelope, to take the place of, and evt rythin- kept in a well annorUd rrtai those of like denomination now in use, willjeetablikhintLt T he Methodist Episcopal Conference at be commence!. The envelope stamps will; He uNo ha a arst-cLw Kewark, N. J.t Tuesday, adopted a rtsolu- be somewhat similir in deMgu to ibc acwj RESTAURANT nuuawb, . r- t ! VWit '..nnMion nf t XUaIi at tiou, aua ox auoui me fame coiur. mt-i - : I shape f the sUmpemU-fted on the envelope; l "Hir- A J lm pardon or wm be oval. the Chinese bill. The petition in favor of the pardon of Sergeant Mason preparing in New York for presentation to the President is now a mile long and the number of names is approach ing a half million. James House was killed by a millstone burst at Vance's mill, Vance's Station. Ala.. Saturday. I be miller and two otuers werei seriously wounded. Molasbv. Just Received, .A.T The work of track laying on the Midland N. C. Road is progressing. Tso imu put down is of the bet quality rf utatl raiN. The Midland construe: ion tniiriH arc now casing the track of the W. A W. Rod and follow up the work, which i nwnutke pv'v of th! riv r.- G bUboro Mtnnt C. F. TIFO Jl AS. GREENS DOR Ot N. C. ! I Odell & Go's., GREENSBORO, U. C.