I; ' J ''' s" .. i '"-""'"" ""' " - ' ;- " " " ' ' ," '' y ''' ' ' " &W?;S;iiB35) TOffiS. l 'a)e4,SH&T & gT&-u-Pno deo, et pro patriae S8;? rU? g GREEN SBOHOUGli, N. C, FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 13, 188. VOL. II NO 8. NEW SERIES. 1 i i i i i IM i f -1 I : tiriiECll OP lilt CLAV.Op KENTUCKY, (Conclude!.) It Wits deemed necessary, no doubt, to Vi'St in the Secretary of I lie Treasury this Vast aiKl alarming discretionary power. A new and immense Covcruiiient bank is jbout to be . reel. J. How it would work in all its pails could not be'aulicipaUil with certainly ; and U h.is thooglil proper, then lore, lo l.:.sinv a di:,cr,!i-i.i couiiuoiisurute With its novel. y and eouipk ;iily , and ad opted to ;.iiy i x.gciicies which inilit arise. 'I'm; lUiu sidion oi' tin.- bill id tbat in which the power to create a bank is woic particularly coileiTid. It is short, and I will read it to ihe Sena- ; 'Si.fi. lii. Aiui bvitiuilrtWCHiirtid, Th it it shall he lavviul lor the. srcretiry of the Treasury i l dfi; in hi (lan-lcr tin- inoncis in ihe nanu o.nt.-irj. hereby cou.Miiuted l i lii. 'J i' i.-'jT) ot tin. Ci.ueil S'.ate: o Un; i 1.. , nt i'mhuLlpiu i : lo the l-r.;:,ch .Mint liw rtileans: or .o .ne oiiices of . i I Ue r or the recei vers g.'TiYi.'l of puolic Rio. a y s, by this act dneci; ii io bo appointed to be ,theiesailly k';.pi,-ccor4i.i to tne provision ,;f tins ;;ei ; and .ul.'W to itmsfiT mOtlSjS ill ih A-.-.'..- jivtitwy rousiilutcd iy ,'.'.; (,-! iV oin) o.-i. r dcpJ3;turt cotoxti h.ird hi! ihi. siru- a! In u.. fuiiw, and -la.-. iliu Kin. !s td t'ii' puL!ic moneys, 'and th. .,i,,icctii. in v of the piiUic service, sln:l. i-u. in lo hiMi to mpuire. And tor the pur pose oi p..; uienta on the ps.blic acoy.nt Jt j ,i .il I). ..-.uf il lor the taul Si cretary rlruir vttoii ! o,' tin: js.kid diVosztoritd, to ; j;. trim;, uu si cowl net re to tin public i'lhnsis n tin co.iVviueiice el the pnl.lio creditors, cr bo.li." It Will be .in that it grants a pmver. i i .1 L- . I . . ! ' 1 . , transfer oneys' in the ' uauils oKiijTMe cbpositary coustuuted Uy the act, to any other depositary co.isiituU d by it, ut hi tlise.-rtian, and as the safety of the public pi-rlectty un.l. na-'-ft, 10 ui-; ftcreury 01 tne j win be Hie representative oi a uoa.-.i u 'i'reas-nry , to shift -and -trausler the -public 1 s.M.-:ie in the hands of the receivers g-tf r tiionev. Iroin !i nos:',arv fo ilepoit.,.rv, a- 1 ;ti or oilier denositaries : and, S. eand!, it i . - . : t. ,,..i a IS l.o fj" u . i en ei .o;j .f -(!... . ... -it-.e.?. Oil V.ljicil eoutrn- l- to :..-l. t.) j l: in;;. : - I ! Ai! :s 1. 11 .i 1. 1.- di.-;ret;on. JJc i. W .1 , a lie ...i.e ntc - (ai'al more l.n., i . l i not liae Li en viii I , m i.i :i:m to r. pim it. l li. 1' ft :i ..nd'ueit in IlOtlllllg U'.'ltC il !! t.JC c- tOi'i.il'y. po .. el' oi traiisli r, cxl i Ci rri a-.rv I'; .rtea :it lioui to .e f'evi "i'niia nt. 1 ii r,y ir; i:t ii. It i.-. a ioiaih (!id' it et ;.ou el It tt, UmucJ-M'.'..1 .iMi.i:i'Jl..l;i?.....''!V!f"'A.''. C ;;:i.-!,:is ti dsati.i, and other .Se r tail s lv the live, wf;:' ! a -to:., Ii-?f:c a f oil i i -. UrfmiU iy in.n'i Ujyrfvt to establish . 1 iie transie nt larj'e suiii-i, ". v Ku IO Ti lllll. lie.. , tti. v w. re ( rlitcil i.' in nt b i k.-. Willi wlneii tne pun i lepoM i i, or lo w titch tt w is 1 i.e i ol . xeb Ui:;. - U. re tin- m: et the market, ,tnd . . i .i.- r;"-ins;irthH ail iilu. uai.JvS. r e, i v o to era.: :l r i.i wit::out 1 1. nr.,. as to sii.ii, , , !,lr; i ; thing to tit i Lie S. en fiV of die Ti a.-tt-rs g ii1 ral, ;iu'ni-uid-r b. iiat a t.ce;.'e is jiUvV'.id in the li.vilion oi tie r tt s of exchange, whether of ttremiuin or dioiint, to regulate the I imo.-icv, ana ro'in iHi iu L e. u.e uoiui iar sp.ncr 10 uic piper ui any pri-tniv vw u't , w tT U.X 1.V o brat ttr rttjuirt.ipetwa:-"xslrA ; 1 l ii.- 1 r. .ir...r, a now r 'i ; i; t . ;:: ;i e:: c tie1. . 1 t d.- i'.d W i: t " OMt t :...:! if l!l ttl II !..!!!. ef iiie I i:l'c I,-!' w . i.i .ii . 1, I li'fli r . ;' 1 ' J . . . . . . j :iiii v. r. I. lyio f , lit CU' V. j in y' : - I J"molln t ..:e i n ... y- ' e,- ui .. 1. i ' ) "7 ti t! r rb' I" :.'.' - ii.o'i, pi ..' , or to.. i,1 til: ei'. I.O.I III - r . lie- r. c '-I lt.o. V - wlitlf--dou';Uc ec!u.ug. s ef .the cmnitrv, ! v'ano.us.p Tts-ef tins lull,.".. s.m-.h. im! lull-, to exercise favoritism-? ' These former - nr pipr, i-smd tu.rl r the., authority of .tin ''"tTaiT''frrs'"rci1:''1;0T'nt;!:j 'fjriaiWr"rfTrir?rSttH:r . .-.Tliiii.vi axou-uiU4ikM prej'v.irjtwi y -w-- tfoftk-mtrtst 'j"At44 i-brfrsetl. ' it was tr iierallv in b.tiik ; . ! iiote. Illfdia! in bi'.ti Th.- Ti.r ir oivferH of this bill are un-i . ..'.,, , iw ..! i i-.-n.c!it imrtn-not """' - i ' '. liqte?, but in sp.-rte. last teir t;r.:jdi in the srctioii'pro- vid'-s that, for ih' i urnose of pa,. u.&Aio'o llu; iiul-die viCetiu .1-. at .stiai. I; lanliU liM' i ue the'Se.eret rv to draw i.pOn any of the said di p:ixiltf)irx,'i!.i If twy think most condu cicctothvlic interest, ot to the conve nience of the pbhjic creditors, or both. It will he seen tltaKno liuiit whatever is imposed tijioh the amtfmit or form of the tlralt, or :is to tin; depositaryxtipoti w:hich it isdrawn. lle'is uiado tiie exclusive judge of what i- ,; most conducive to ibtNpublic nb tests.'' Now, let -us pi use a mouitujJ, rnd trace the opt ration of tin powers thm tesicd. , T!itGoV r.iuii irt has a revenue f from . lv ntv To thirty millions. The Secu lar ie, i ('raw il any one or more point?, f. Ie p'i , (.f. .More thari a nioie U of the r'v -iini' arit.iii'' from customs is n ! u;dde at t!i - nort of N w ork, toltien.- i he war v !ir h noiut lie- ttr'i -.t in iv draw all nor- j t . ..( ;. ,f I.,, i!.,: ,i , I, K-in. i , tli. J'':.ii!:e interest. A m . has to receive, 'ui i r an nppropri.ttion. law, SI 0,'HIO, and i;:;-- .V:A! . . , j- . nvHient . en wi:i ui'i ncme it! m: is askru. ( i to lb. - U'l :ot- V'wVoik. II u ? Ui drafts from ! Voik. Mr. rv will mve li , :n il,.. ,', r.- .........i 1, ..,. I. -Mil t.i. ii--' i' 1 niiiiin, . i'i'ii. w'm." ...... i '..".1 : ' ' 1. 1 .: 1 L. L .Ii t!l . 1'ti . , 1 : 1 1 j 1 1-. si tl 1 1 i, e a i i( 1 SM IIIU Iu 1 1 ug oil 11 k t- J baviiug all Miitable emblazonry, f-1 . sig-c '!.le..niv7ii. ml, the Treasurer, (whose ' iTA Jh U.' ,M .o:e I "nud solid and hi. -r.ttncl i-nToteiii. i t- Md iuen at the heaHotli Ctioti-rf the bill, in order 10 disguise -4--:"! ! j'ri-i-nrV". m-.;T-4-.,f -Mr-T rf AVoK 1 4 '.'-: r,-, whijf.. Ihe .'Mi-pc ;.,moii 'of s-cie pav-j .t.iiUdtwUtlJ' h;iv.v relieved oi v relieved or signed by the Comptroller, and tilled up in (ho usual way of baiiK notes. Here is one of them, said .Mr. Clay. II.' here held up to the gaze of the Scnato a Treasury note, having all the appearance of a b ink note , colimd, engraved, executed like any oilier bank nolc,' foi $oU. This, couJLiti utd Air. Clay, is a Govei.iin nt pout nott , put into circulation, paid out as money, and prepared and sent forth, gradually to accustom the people of this country to Gov en i in nt paper. 1 have supposed SlO.OOO.tobc received in the mode slated by a person entitled lo rec'i he it under uuappropriaiion law. Now, let us suppose what he will do wild n. Auywl.ero to the South or vcst it win command a premium of from two mnv percent. Nowhere in Hie Liuiiu Mai. wjII if lie under par. Do ou suppos.. ili.u tile holder of till se iir.ilis WOUiU Oe looi e iio to convert Hieni in.o r-p. on , lo ie can'ieu a.ai transported ut his umu.' you think he ouid not n f' r l.iat hi mono, shoul ! be in the"rciponsi!u cu-ai -ly of diw Covertuneiit, raile r than in u O.vn insi euro keeping f Do ut-t ilmi.i he i I deny to imiisi if the oppoituu'i. ot le .ilizinir.,the premium of wtnHi in- may lt l. if. etlv sunt,? 'I'he Ljreat- t v am ot tin coii.iiry is a nn ilium ot 'general ucuiatloii. if (I of tinilorni Value cverywh. re. 'i'ilUt, i sreciallv, is our want m lh.' sU rn 'nne i rior Si.it a hk (liuui ; '. Now, here is . xa and, suiiiiOMi.ii tne tiv suru tiot r.i- nieiil bank to be Il0.it ami t . 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 H y administer d, it will, during such an ad ministration, be the best coaveriible pa per monrr in the world, for two reasons: The fust i-, that every dollar of paper oui - i i i . . . . .. I .11 i 7 J tli iccwvcrs general should clilht 'A'l'.i' tm p.nnT.rinoney.liixTe's erimieiit to nav the drafts rsstied iipj.i tin 1 r . . basis l tiiitt money would remain uunn paired. The paper, therefore, wyuld be a: e . - . .t. r i . .m. i m (.ha ( i nnveiit ol the United Stat'' an superior liaise of sucil coipoiattous j 'i'jte bmklftJt capacity be di Kb l j three faculties: deposiies, (.iviei-i. -Ot in!; ot' i xrhaiM.e, ai.il .nntii-surv,,t6t s, or t i 1 !, r , iin l circulation, 'jlrrs Uo run:- e' 'bank would combmeUrlan all, except I!: , it w.ll i:.)t dioOi: private notes, nor 1 reive piivalcrti po.-iu . In i i me!.! s (oi l-K. ...vl ln.l ii..li.ixl. iiiiiivitii.iiii; Lit j 1 1 1 1 I'-.' 1 , i-iimi in... - ' ,.iioyed to in d.e di poMt. s, ..n-i l. i. i;..e- r ' fieates id' their atnouvsl. Tu-uaid aiiirT t'u.ir in .-.iti..bV.;'tV. a clause ins iv-.'0-ni- iii lio'.lti'-id to i .i.) r tli--?ti ii.iwngM i!d.-. lint ho A Will H be possible to inuillaiii -iiell 'iill IliCOI.Velilenl ri. r.tri-lie:i, l!i it i-ountrv wle re i very description ot. pap' ' 1 imposing an oldie;. mo. I lo p I deliver protx-rty is .eiguable, I e pnty, li oui the roanon icu IlioiieV nl law or in iliilc am. I 11 -oil tig rhiiriictt r of o::r ot n::r p i.j.H f DI ;ill tin: facilities.. un.eii I n . st..tt : of a bank, thai wioeh err ales a riletila: .e I- lie l:;o-l lin'Hji tao' to 1 .k" 4,o.n ii I.. '. 'y .. i..r I. is ta il in which ihoas ,n.!s in i b,; 1!jUI. o l :i t . or iiell !, v. ho litv-jf oblained a du- 111 ui. -:o-l.- wittt a bank. 'A ii . ever a ( Jove ninn-nt .agrees to receive i.i ;:.n -ii1 ot ih" public dues is a medium of' ctrcul din -., i'-. u 1 no to iit r w!i ;l lis loi . :iol. , (Ir ft-salraWMl at 'y, current nionev. i '-'n , I) , 'i a-'i i vVahi-:. .o j, I . j , 'J're isun r, :) tie r d ivi r gem r il at N ion, or, to n .-' t!ie langai.ieo d i- weri-proWitWv .in,jlei .imjUoI.V. cavei. the case of Treasury note?, b.tt nh it r,; . . i ,-.' i . .... p... .i. . ih. se dr.ilts in due st-axm. ltit it lie re ivern nn i xnress nroviioii ot law, that ihest (Halts sno'iiu ne - r. e. i v ,,iiih: i.i . .unrnt Di ! public dues, they would, ii:k;.,-ar.ily, b, i iii. ...i.i ., -r 'so i-inkv d. lfom tlicir own intrinsic The want of the community of .vgehcfai' circttlatiotf of miifomri value eva ry- w heia jr thiJUmltd Slates would occasion vast amounts' -of the species of drafts which 1 have described to remain in circulation. The Appropriations this year will 'probably fill not much short of thirty millions. Thirty millions 'of Treasury drafts on re ceivers gen ral, of every denomination,, and to a 1 1 amount, fiiay be issued by lh. tTi tary bf the treasury. What amount W'duld reuiain in cirvulatio:) raiiuot b': de termnred ir'tori, I sniipose not los than ten or filtfHi iiullious ; ;it tin end of anoth er venr. some" ten or fifteen million more ; tht'v would till alMhc channels of circiila- i'he war bcfWceii the goxeruinent ami State bank:. coniinurHg, .d i his mam m, uli irnvemineiit bank beirig hi ihe ma r- ket constantly demanding sp CU: jWr jts varied and ramified 0k rations, confidence ... . . ' .1 i. i.k.. . 1 1, i in. i in 1 111 . ne uw--ii . . and a IrafTngo, and when its present be lost in the noteiM trve local oatiKs, i:i. n v r . .1""; ' ... V-";i. ZZJnr7.'X-TTrfilSt?X ihff ' Mm - W to circulate, ;m.l tlic 0.1. is in. ms, wouirl DC crip ; ' am. .n.. ... . ..e t..- iii.i'.'fii' the irovernmeiil li.m .. . . . . .... r, . 1.. ".11 .1... !wi mm 114 it Won il 1 1 1 s-1 ri 1 1 f . maieiv 101 tut ly occupy fhc place of the notes f the late Bank of the Unhid States. I mn awnre,:Mr. fresuKtil mat Dy the U.- mirnowi- of - Ac: vast . imic In lie rV w hie M we are almut consirucung,: 11 't pro.vmcu 'ifiat it phaU lie. -tho dpty of tho Secretary of that - it 'shall he-the miv oi me .secretary oi a Governtnciit-lrafts for payments at the place where payable, 5ic. Now wtiat a tre mendous power is here vested in the Sc cret .ry ! He is to prescribe rules and reg ulatioiia to enforce Uie spWty prescntatwii of all Government drafts for paymcrit at the place where payable. The. speedy pie. seniation ! In the case I have supposed, a man h is his $10,000 in drafts on the re. enver general at New York. Th-' Secrc tarv is empowered to eiiact regulations re q airing him speedily to present them, and. if he do not, the Secretary may order them to be paid at" St. Louis. At New York ihey inav be worth a premium of fiv'e per een'i.; oil St. Louis they may be liable to a ,iieoiint of five pi r cent. Now, in Ir. e bnu nitiK iit, who would ever Uimk Ol S it). jieii..gihe prop rty oi mom y of a citiz. u ;i, the"i xercise of such ii power by any er.'tirv of the Treasury ! What -opportu.. uiiv do. it not afford to reward partisan, or nil. 1 1 rli an oi po.ieut ! ll will be nnpo- s nle to iniiiitaiu sue" an ouious ami uw I s res ri tion for anv length of time. Why .-ho, i d the debtor (as the Government wotdd be infill? case of -pugIi drafts as I :i ve suppos- d) require Ins Creditor (as the o;.;.-roV the draft woultl be) to apply v. iih ,:i a prescribed lime for Ins pay tin ut ( No,--ar; th." pystf-m wouitl couirol you: yon .could nut ' couirol the sysiein. Ilit n V.rch a iitlieidous "reSUiction couPd be so .tiutt.'nii d, the drafts would, iicverlheL, wiulst ih v ware out, be the -time lo.ig or Ik.h, pcttoru: the otiice of circulation and ...O.ll i . Lot us trice n little furih r the ojera noM of this GovrnuiHiU bank, and follow il out to its find xpl'ion. 1 have suo ,ios"d tin: appropi iation of sonn- tlnrt. .Millions of dollars cinnally by t'.ie Govt r.i. i .1 .. . .n. nt, to be disbursed in the form ot d.ratft-, Ti V. in1. ' ' 1 1 y - trpwt-1 1 H l.iHiH4w--wujU. .iii:oui:t,ouie ten or fifteen' uriiio.is would rein nw, the. first yeajfih circulation ; at the c:.d e( another y.i'ar a similar amount would Wttnuc iy lirculatiou ; ami so on, from j v LifeHu-uatiU. .U.ilw.iyi'J.oC.i."J-i.,jd -mix- fiv" or six yciM, there wouhl be in "r .ei ;: io i, to. supply the indisp-eu-jibl, .. m of couiiiM iCv a.uj of agen r'tl :n l-i-.: n of imiiut'u vfii.e, not less lb. m soon Xl t:r elrht I'.ill oi l.--of tlr-ttl- l.-MI'-d by li.)eruni ni. 'J'le .-e dtal'.s would b. Iierallv Upon lb ' r. -t .V r gi in i d. at N w t oin. I cans', oi l!i tt point tiny wohiUI Ie i n f'-.T d ov, r all otin rs, as they would e...,,..la.pi-.uiiu:,.u.or. Lie at ;: tr. t:Q-;h c). v. !;!. ''cxif.-i i.i ih-.-'l -.it-i't it. ? ; Tiei T.ie h ie si. i n that tnr Seer tari d the "l'i't'iTsTiTV IS" rtTves'lt-sl Vi i ill ..ui(i.'. . ajit tun li.v.. '() ee ,e. ill IV." ill ili.il point llu V. hole J'e i li'ie ol I lie I States. A.: xp' netice hM d, i;u):i-'r d thai la banking tj" rations a much lary- r ;i- Mouiit of p p r can Ie- kt pi out in cin u- .Oio.i tli. in tie :-p' cie w inch il ih nt ccssa t, to 1 taio III Hie jf.ll- lo lilt i I It v.ll. 'i j.!'. S'-nied for p . .a- .1. i .e juopoi i n:,- . !u. u t! I oe ' r oi C Saill. t X;- rie..Ct II t.V.e-c 'ir .,,i . ,! r. IV - .1 'ti''; O.il: Ot .p: I'll' to iia-o. r. ll, therefore, the L.xi.cu- l-.ovemment hatl sixtv millions ofdo!- i;i l:rs u .iuinai.Ui'd ;tt the port of New York in t!i- hands of llie receivir L'e.nnl, rip i(sr;,tcd by sixty millions of Uov ruincm drafts in circulation, it would be know a thai l went v of that sixty millions wduid 1111 en et ot retail! to meet any amount of ilrails t !neli,iii ordinnrv t.mics, would be pi : ut. t. lot pi ne I. In. re uoiiti ib n re-t-iain tor t.' millions Tii lh' v mils, idh--' and unpro ductive, and of 'sui'h no practical use could be made. "VVi.ll ; a' gieat clet.lion' Is at n md tii- tluliutcof Ne.w York, the resuh of . which Will seal the late, of air existing : iliirioi-tr.itio'i. If the applittitio i, of tt ii unllioiis ol that dormant capital could save, at iionit; future tlav, a cotxupt Lxeculive from ovel'tbrow, can tt he doubtctl that tne leu miliums. would be applied to preserve it in pow. r ? Again : let Us suppose some gr at ixigt ncy to arise, a season of war, t'r atiug severe financial ' pressure and em' hiirrassmcnt. Would not an it&ue of pa per, founded upon and, exceeding the spe cie in the vaults,- in some such proportions as extierteiicc had -demonstrated" migln be g.ifelv emitted, be authorized ? i''iiialiy, the vyliole amount of spt cie uiight be exhaust ed, and then, as it is easier to engrave anu issue bank notes than to pttTtorm the un popular ofiice of imposing taxes and bur-, dei.s, rhe discovery would lie made that the (;n (lit t,( the (iovenuncnt was BUfh Mt nt basis win rcupon to make cuiist..3 of paper money, to be it d i uied when pence and prosperity" returned. Then we should have the davs of eontuienul money, and -of assignats, resto.etl ! Hi'-n we snouio nave th.it (lovermnent paper .meuiuiu, which the Senator from South Carolina (.(r. Calhoun) considers tho most perfect of nil currency ! - - . it , . i . .1 1 . n. ;ii ill . ii 1 1 ri u . .1 . ' ' l, lurini til ' prourossoi hanks vvoti d be air nrosHat.U. MoiKing well, it may, if hoinstly admmt-tercd, in 'the tir-t p nod of its existence il will be titteily , uKis-nble for them to mamlain the unrrjud comiM tition. Xhojr.-eould nol maintain it, .even it hc Governn.ieiit ware actuated bv no -unfriendly feeling towards thetir. .But when we know tlie spirit whictf animates the present Executive J.nwards them, who can ooubt that the f . xam fat! in , tne imcquai mm;?'- ...... , the uficqnal contest ! iiieir io fresidenl would even now put into optra tioa'against ihem, will, in the sequel, be passed and enforced without difficulty. Assuming the downfall of the i lodal banks the inevitable conseipjeiwre of the opera tion of this great Goveriimeiit bank; as suming, ns 1 have show n would.be the case, that the Government would monopolize the paper issues of the country, and obtain the possession of a gn at portion of the. specie of the country,. 'we should then behold a combined and concentrate moneyed power etpi d to that of all the existing hanks of the United States, with that of the late Unik of the United States superadded. This tretin minus power would be wielded by the Secretary of the Treasury, acting .i ider the immediate commands of the - ('resident of the United States. Here would be a perfect union of the sword and ..i.e purse ; lute would be no iihaginnry, nut an actual, visible, tangible, consolidi tion of the moneyed power. Who or what could withstand it ? The States 'thcmclv es would become suppliants at the feet of the incentive tor a portion of those paper c missioris, of the power to issue which, they .lacf 1jwfT!lTtppedt and which he now ex. clllsivf'k p'.iSSCL-i d. MVr-I'fcMde-nt, my observation and ex i)i fn"ii'-e hive Siitisri-d me that the safetv ol liberty mi prosfK,rity consi.-ts in the di- vision of power, whether political or p. :cu - iiur.. In our ted, ratiyesystcni, our sc iititv i to be found in thalTiaiijy dislri .uti.Ki of j : w r wnitdi exists belvVeeu the I'Vil'T il (overninent and t!ie Slate Government--. In our monetary system, as it laid;, tiiiUrd, us excellence, resulted from th il beautiful .irr ingeiiruit, by winch the Sutes h t,l their institutions-for local pur pos s, and the- General Government it .nstitiitTon for the more general pntposc of jfcii!est conccniality between all t!i ol I'irs. admirable' yslem. All w is Homo geneous. .There w is no separation of the Kvd.eial i'oVerument from tlic States or Irom the People. Tht-r.t was no attempt .o execute oracticaHy ihat absurdity of sus - f lining, u "t "t1trs3ilt IeopTe,""t Wd"tfi ft rent c-." t.itles ol unetpiiii value. And now itdurr :hl v tlnl the Whole -.-le;r,"du- riug th-' liety yi:.irsof Us t -xi.steuO, nio e, t.id work ! And on the two uufoi luute oe.- iMoiss ol its ei ,ie-:ng to exist, liow t)nic:k IV (lid tile business ;pid 1 1 a ns'ie t ions of the country run into wild disoider atid utter i o itusuai ! ; - ii-thtjrtb., 1 have consuLvcd.. this new. :a n e " S .i. it i-, .iccuMing to its (r.. nature e.i eliai ajler, Uiol. w.if-it it must i.n.vitablv .lUvCoiuu... U ,l.aV,e,imtl,e.,x.m.iNied j t as it is .. .. ... .-...a .:.,' i .. . . . liit. Hill ar! 1 1 1 1 1 1 'Hi l -s ,v ! m 1 1 ' i 1 1 iii er.i-i 1 1 it 11 1 I'h'-v hoi i out tl'.e i lea that it is a - iitpl. contrivance lo cti'h cl, to kc p, ami u disburse the public icvi nil". In that vievy of it, f v ry coositb ration of sab ly 1 1 .... . Hid securm rt . 0111.111 nua ine agcuck 01 te- spun -1 ! do oi poi aj 0.1 s, r-iiin.-r ih in tlie ,111- ,1.0.1111 nt oi,'.. 41 u a .c.i.ai indivi.lii ils. ll has ti -r irmm h- iluri.ig rue ctii.riH! of this d.c bat. , that Ihe amount which h is be n los! by ihe defalcation of individuals has ex eecded three or four times lh--itmout:( ol ill thu has been lost by the lo-il banks, although the suuis confided to the c:rre ol individuals have not been probably one - lentil tirt of the amount lint has been in the culotlv of the local banks. And we a1 1 know ih it, during the forty vears yf tin I'visreoi'-- ol lilt' Iwo tfiissot lile Luiiiil Si il. . , not one Cent w -is lost of tho public isjv nue. I htive ber,n curious, Mr. President, to krmw ftlicwe ihrsi vdeu of. rece.1vur4.gc11.ur-. il , Was derived. It h is been supposed to Irive ffetii borrowed fro.n France. "It re- quued all the power of iiMai : extr-aof-j linary ruin that vver lived, Nvpoje n Bo-, 11 .parte, when : he ' was 111 his meridian gii atness, to ilisplace tho fanners general and to substitute 111 their place the receiv ers general. Tlie new system requires, I think 1 have heard U stated, sojiethnig like ldVHI0 iMfdayees to havtnt4iX.jeu.' ed. And, iiotvvttnsianding the inoihsty ot the infant promises of this new project, 1 have no doubt that ultimately we shall have to employ a number of persons approxi mating to that which is retained in Prance. That w.ll undoubtedly be the case when ever we shall revive ihe system of inter nal taxation. In Prance, what reconciled them to tin system was, that Napoleon first, ami the iitMiihoiis altervvards, were pleased with ihe immense patronage which it gave thrtn. They liked '"to-have 100,000 de? pendents to add strength to the throne, which had been recently constructed or .re use tided. 1 thought, however", that tho learned chairman of the Committee'' on Fi nance must have had some oilier besides the French model for his TccM,vcfs gener id ; and, accordingly, upon Tdrvt&ng into Smith's history of his own State, 1 found i hat, when H was yet a colony, aome ecu- N w, Arusienl am, the historian says : "A i.o g the- principal laws enacted at Ibis session", we may mention lb. of for establish iwg the rcytuiue, which was. drawn into precedent. The sums raised by it were. made"jTayable into, the handi of receivers gciie.ralt and issued by lhc Governor's war--r mt. Jiy this means thctJovernor hccitrrc? for a. a :asott;- mdependeot of- th Peojih r and hence we Im T ffcqnent Hisfatlces of : 'l.vA?JdLcti contracted on the faith of thcGovermnorit." 'i'he then Governor of the colony was u man of great violence of temper, and ar bitrary in his conduct. How -the sub Treasury system of thai dv operated, the same historian informs us in a subsequent part of his work. "The revenue," lie "says, " established the last year, was at this session continued five years longer than w as otiginally intended. This was render ing tiio Governor independent of the Peo ple. For, at that day, the Assembly had no treasure, but the amount of all taxes went, of course, into the hands of the re ceiver general, who was appointed liy the Crown. Out of this fund, moieys were only issuable by the Governor's warrant, so that every officer in the Government, from Mr. Blaithw ail, who drew anauallv five percent, out of the revenue, as audi tor general, down to the meanest servant of the public, became dependent, solely, of the 'Governor. And henco we find the House, at the close of every session, hum bly addressing his excellency for the tri lling wages of, their own clerk." And, Mr. President, if this measure should un happily pass, tho day may coma when the Senate of the United States will have hum bly to imploro somo future -President of the United Stales to grant it monev to plv the wages ol Us own scrgcanl-at-aruu and 1 doorkeeper. ho, Mr. President, are tho most con spicuous of those who perseveringly press ed this bill upon Congress and the Amer ican People ? Its drawer is the distin guished gentleman in the white house not iarofi; its endorser is the distinguished Senator Irom Snitli Carolina, here -present. W hat thu drawer thinks of the endorser, his cautious r.serve and still. -d enmity pfe. vt iit us from knowing. Hut the Oa'nk.H -s .4h.i.ta4ii4 ignorance with restwet to his opinion of the drawer. TTeTias tfr'Sxprfesedrtrfon .t. . il .. e .i.. o , . . the Hoar of the Senate. Oil an occasion not very distant, denying to him any of.the , nobler tpialities of the royal beast of ' th 1 forest, fie attributed to him those which b - tarffttrmtrtlK one of Ihe meanest of the quadruped tribe. .Mr. 1 r ".sideiit. it f duo to tnvse I lo sav j that I do not altngefTicr share with the Sen ator from South Carolina in this opinion ol thu President of the United Slates. I have always found hurt, in his manners ami d. portuicnt, civil, courteous, ami g"utle uunlv ; and he dispenses, in the nobi ui'iiUMOU which h i now occupies, oae.wor-atic.it ; -n i.r n -nee ot tne t,ti:el Vliiristia ol a great' l oph', a gent Tons anil lib.r.l t hri?pitttl t Iv-tVh -aeapiaintance with, himjoi- I .r: . il. ui i .,-' ..V,. . . '.11.-..'!.'. iJ -. ' : I of il iiii.ii . i u-i u i . :i i y i .ii a lllll ai ll spred me with a respect for the man, al- I i-mjli, I regret to be compelled lo say, I I d t st tin .M141.-tr.1te. The eioi.u. nt Senator front. South Caro lina his iiiliinalid that the course of fin 11111 11 in oiiiiiiauo 111,11 iue course o j b 'u mis a.al tny-" If, in opjiosmg this bill, . was unpatriotic, and that we ought to have followed iu his lead.; and, iii a late Jettcr of his, ht has spoken of his alliance with us, and 0 his motives for quitting it. I eafltrot admit the justice of Ins re pro ich. Wo unit, d, if, indeed, there w re any al. j ha-nee m tht carte, resi rain the-euortnous ' expansion of Incentive power; lo arrest j the' progress of corruption : to rebuke 11- surpaiton ; and io drive tij ( dais lio.n the eapiial ; lo CJoihs and Ya'i i p. I Br 'iVi I'u s a.i.l ins iiorile from Home, wiio, wh h h turew Ins sword into iho scale, toaugni in tlie ransom demanded .from the Mistr, ss of the world, showed his preference for gold ; l.that he. was a hard-moueV -chieftain. It Was by the much more valuable" lhelaToT jiroTtlut he was . (friveu from, her jatcs. Aiidjiow oiten luvo-we witnessed tli:.' Sn-- aior fi oui Soutii Carolina, with wnfnl emm tcnance, and in doleful strains, pouriitg fourth" toucliing and mournful eloqu, .ice on th' degeneracy of the tunes, and tin down ward tendency of the Uepublic I l)iv af ter day, in the StMi.ite, liavu we seen tin display a hi lofty aid lmpasaioited io queuce. Although I shared lirgely with Hie S uialor in his apprehension for the pu rity of our institutions, and the perm in. ii cy of civil liberty, disposed always to look .it tho brighter side of human aiTair, 1 war sometimes inclined to hope tht the vivid imagination of tho Senatorh id depicted the dangers by which wtiWei-e encompass ed in 'soinevvh.it stronger colors tlian they jusiilied. The ardumis contest in which we were so ioug engaged w as about to tcr ininate in a, "glorious victory. The very ooj ct, for winch the, alliance was foruiv'dV wis iiiiout to lie accomplished. At this critical moment the Senator left us i he left us for the very purpose of preventing t.ie success of the common cause. IU look up his musket, liiiapsick, arid shot pouch, and joined',, the other party. II. went, horse, foot, and dragoon, and he him self composed the whole corps. He wcul, is his prt sent, most dtstuigjuishcd ally com mTmau-vrtTrriiis- cxptmgwg- Wtrttorrrf solitary and utyne. Ihe earnest instanc n-cord: d in history, within my recollection, 'of an ally drawing off his forces from "the comUuiciI army, was that of Achil les at the siege , of. Troy. He withdrew wifh all his troops, and remained in the ncighborhootl, irt Sutlijn.ariiL digtnfied inactivity. But h did not join-thn Trojin forces ; and .wherrj drin tlm progrc'a-of-thc siege, -his.aLth- ful friend fell in Iwttle, hc'aiscd t,u4uvmg-' jntf..rm,'d.royc tjm,. Trojans jbaclt iiitgjth'-d 'acJt - intojlht-J by slaying Priam's noblest and dearest on, the finest Ucro in the immortal Iliad But Achilles -had been wronged, or imagined himself wronged, in the person of the fair and bi nutiful Bnseis. VVe tlid rip wjong di the distinguished Senntor froirT Soulii Carolina. On the contrary, we rcspcctetl him, confided in his great and fecfenow lodg ed ability, his uncommon geniii!, his ex tensive experience, his supposed patriot ism: ultove nil,' we. confided in his stern and indexible fidelity. Nevertheless, he le.lt U3, and joined our common oppbnents, distrusting and distrusted. Ho left us, as he tells us in his Edgefield letter, beCau so the victory which our common arms wero about to achieve, was not to inure lo him and his party, but exclusively to thVbcn cfit ol his allies and their cauee. T thought tint, actuated by patriotism, (that noblest of human virtues,) we had been contend ing together for our common country, for her violated rights, her threatened liber ties, her prostrate .Constitution. Never did I suppose that personal or parly considerations entered into our view.- Whether, if victory shall ever again her about to perch upoH the standard of Iho spoils party, (tho .denomination winch the Senator from South Carolina lias so of len given to his present allies,) he will not feci himself constrained, by the princi ples ou, which he has acted, to leave them because it--may not enure to the benefit of himself and his party, I leave to be adjust ed between themselves. The speech of the Senator from South Carolina was plausible, ingenious, abstract, metaphysical, and generalizing. It did not ap'K-ar to mo to bo adapted to the bo .soms and business of human life. It wis aerial, and not very high up the air, Mr. I resident, either, not quite 5s high asi Mr. balloon. The Senator ttnnpunced that there I . . . . . - . . Irom one or the other branch of it. 11c stated that Ve must take the bill under consideration, or--the substitute proposed by i the Senator from Virginia, I do not ooTK1'nu""iiSaTS Phere is another course; c.rihraced in nei ther branch of the Senator's itlternative ; and l hit course is to do nothing ;Nd ways tne wisest when you are not certain what you ouglit io do. I,. t us suppose lhat neither branch of the alternative is nccep i il, and that nothing is done. What, then, ivould be the consequences ? There woultl restoration of -the law. of llb9, with. an its cautious provisnvis and securities, p.oviifod by the wisdom of our anc sto-s, uucJA-iU:btiMi -.-tf i'iiud -upon bv tho r.tte. and present Administrations. By that law, establishing ihe Treasury lparini' iit he treasure of tne. United Slates is to bo r. ceivt:d, kepi, ami disbiirs. d, by the trea surer, under a bond with ample security, ua iei- a large penalty fi.y:d by law, .-ind not li lt, as tins bin leaves if, to the "uncertain discrettou ot a .S-cruury of the, Treasury. -If, therefore, we are to do irollinig, that law would be revived ; the TrY-ariv r would havu the cqstotly, as he ought to hive, of the public money, and doubllesajio would make special dcposites of it in'ail insf.ni e wUh sale aii j soiiJid Slate banks, as in some cases ihe Secretary of the Treasury is now obliged to do. Thus, We should 1 h ive in operation til it very special depos ile .at..ai, so much dt sired by some gen-tie-men, oy Winch tlio public monev Wo,:ld remain sepirate and unmixed with t:ia money ot banks. There is yet another course, uuembraced by either branch of the alternative presented by " the Senator .'rA,W'T."t?'t..n4 '- -.:!!fltal Ilsh X Bank of the United States, coustitu- tediccorduig to tlie old and-approved mo tliO'I ot tortiHiig such an insntutioii, tested and sanctioned by experience ; a Bank of -"tho United Slates Which suMTUld blend pub lic and private 'interests, and bo'' subject to -punlic and iinvalo coutrol..uni'tcd logeth or i ii snub m inner as to present safe- and, .salutary chetk agauist- -all abtise?. i 'Pho Senator .mistakes fus otv.i abaiidoninentr of that institution as oiirsPuovyxthiit tho party in power has barr1cadedts'elf against tne establishuient of sucih-d bank. It a dopted, at the last exyejession, the extra ordiuaiy and unpfocudcutetl resolution, tnat the iX opjtro? the United Ft'fitcs should not have sufi a bank, although it nnglit bo manifest that thete was a clear majori ty of them . demanding it. But the day may come, and I trust is rioldistant, when tlie will of the people must prevail iu tho councils of their own Government; and when it does arrive, a bank Will be estab lished. The Senator from South Carolina, re minds us that we denounced the pet bank system; ami so we did, and so 'we do. But do it thcreforo follow that, had as that system was, we must be driven into the: acceptance of a system infinitely worse ? lie tells us that the bill ipider considers- on' takra-ttre-tnibtrefuml-trnt'of the-haritlr of the Execurivc, pnd places them in the lands of the law. ll do. s no such thing.". The are now without law, it is true, in ihe custody qf the Kve(:uliv-e:jwid the bill proposes by law to cnniirm thrm- in tliaf custody, and to cotivey new. and enormous powers of , control to ihe. TTxecutivc over 'herm 'veryvcMtoJarv lo iho pubfic' 'iiiuN providel by the bifl is a ere H tiro of ihi: Lxeeuiive, dependent upo '. his brrath "av siiJjvt-to 'ihe -Sirme breath for-reumv iiti V-iwu-JiawciJui!Wil'iiW I jt-if-iTy.audyibAliaU;l,,lii4..v. t th ftav.ftiHiejii and the IVftnl .-.-Mt..,iS."4i

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