... I ' ' ' '' 1 4 . . "-.. v . - e ' 'f " ,e'i "V"."?. l . EW:g.2Z;Sj3Xl WEIt&Y; niT QA.WqT' TTNS -.-pro DEO, ET PRO PATRIAE-S&Q). E-'AXX M AMA GilEENSBOllOUGII, N. p., FRIDAY MOHLVG, AUGUST S, lb38. ,VOL, II NO. 1 a TO THE ntKlf-MLX OI' CL'IU'Uilii CO FtLtov. tiriz! " : Sometime prei ious I d never to he :. can. li id aliiio-t detcruiin ilulate nii ii for1 putdie f.ivor, and had rjn sscd inyse 11 to a few of niv intimate - J'r . i ! i J - I f it willing to have given up all political UU.st. t:) VOUilgCr IIICIT ," bllt, ;hj t ; : 1 1 j v t-t j! i t and some conpl.iiu of the want of a choice in tin; selection of their r p. i'iitatie. , unless I permit my name. o n" 'i, 1 li lie consented iO hecoai ; ;i C-in-ti.il.iie to reproscnt you in our next L-mjis. laiure in the lions i of ('0.11:11 ih. To tli.s coiicludiou I hive been broujii; ifiotih 1 ir aih t.'iced in ycar.s, fro 11 tli ; reileeuon tint inv nidt.btediicis to the people of (iiitl ford is sacl) that I am not at liberty to de. 1 1 hi w lien they, or a. respectable porliu 1 thereof, call far in" or my s rvices Altlio'ih my political views of .State policy, uiudjt, from my, frequent . communi. cations to you in years pist.iand the maiiv votes I have jiveii in your service, be pret-' tv generally known and understool, and although, I was not a member in the list (J. neral Assembly, yet 1 feel it not ouly a privilege, but my duty to express my views of some of its actings and doings I al lude to o:ie of the greatest importance to the people before that legislature, tu dis position of the surplus money received .from tlio ( leneral Government with that runner, received in the gold and silver, it vras in their power to have done more good for the en iiiun citizens of lNjrth Caroit-nt, t'i in ti ni miiv T . or isl 1 1 11 re rier l."line Bit how ,r!i Tnvo they don-.? jf, i t i i i. i .... i i . . .. i ; , t , , i ties? If the who!,; o . ; million nine bun- ih'.'d and eh: veil thousiml six hundred and seventy six i 1. 11,,.. r , ,l. .i.m.. i foutt nof tint, sum already received from th" ( -ii-T.il (iovernincnt, had ben receiv ed in gold and silver, (as it ought and p -r- haps was,) h;ii been used as the capital of . ,,a .hmk.-.owjiediuiu.tcj'y .iju. Lh,uSJ;atc,.lt would in my opinion have resulted in much good. It would now be furnishing to our citizens a plenty cf our own State money . iM ft. A IX.C-U I Vsi .P2,.i"?,l.liut!!(n?'!?-..?UJ A' h !E. If ird' nollnng of a scarcity of money. Tu pacer id' such u I'mk would have ii a - ood -as gold and .ilver. i:id under into til" projier inan iL" mi lit con v rtdde pr, emu-; ne 1 its at uj - iv;n oi ine noiuer. . .. i ii . i iii 1 in.- wlinle u .ami ol the Mate, woul.l iiave added lo the credit of thbvpiper, already I I tlfill (til Gf tt I I 1 t ii til i lll't'l! ' . 1 ,, m.wt J..ir.-.l.l.. ' : . -, , r ' ,i was. th it 111- prohis or iivad mils Ironi .tin-; . 1 O O i I I I A I I L.T1 ll'..- - , Mil .l 1 1 1 , n i u i.. w . . ".. ( , .......... .1 . t r,.c i-. , I i .1 iw pnlin-lv- froiu paym I 1 ' ' ni'i i tovvir.s I lie imuro. ein.:u oi me State. The capital of this liartk would th is rem tin safe, to l ; rolujmod if evei c.'.ll-d fnrbv fiv C n. r il (ioveriimour, and co .'d in a slioit ir n.; b-; , feluru-d wilhoul tio ii ihle or oppressiott wi. our citizens, tl L to be. hoped that, the money will never be called for, yet-at is only deposited or li you plea-e, loaned to the State",- and on the express- condition that it be returimd whoii called for, or interest paid for it try the State. And it is th" duty of a Slate, as u.Hdi if individuals, to provide against all p i- able d ingers. Another plan of dis posing of this money was before the Iqst L giJature, which I should greatly Inv. pn f. red to the appropriating of it in as sisting a speculating company to erect a vol r.i.nrl ni-rtv;--. the. Illstcril Part of tile toiaf..v una. urittung: me.. . s.w.in. .- , I . I . .. v iiliud.' u the plan ol dividing and loaning tin- moeev itmoHg the citizens of the sev f r tl counties, proportionally.. Tin; Pr liiiiliui) to d'uilford county Mould hiv- been over 'tifrr tlious unl dollars 3iipiosi tb.-it sum under s:i l: and mopt-r caution , i iio'i h.-n ifoii oai ' ii in uniu ;ul aio:i and sifver an aiJifforfr-rtntfTmrif-f twr j m llw several Vout.fi.-, what would he the, "t-it,. ,,r ile'ereid ilher iiV-dl'ltn Col. ::ed .itaeot the c.rcuUilm yu " ' ; - i w .in its present condition. - l "l ''i,,, m in.'ii, il li u,. Iom'm ms-iireil. ami rcnlv.at all lini'-s if ever called for ? . How inm-h ' good' vi- o'sthl tfl,v -i nt i-fT'st- .ilone - UlJiiU, coimtv ! Thb interest would be 83,000, nearly tho amount of all our county and j " State tax. ' I ..-..nl.l lirtiv much is (Jllillord and all this section ol the StafR benefited by th- nrvpropriatiiig of two hundred thousand dollars to the ilraiitini' of the swamp latins in the Kastern part of the State, by the1 - large amount of money appropriated to the hinhliiig of a rail road from Halifax to W itniurglon, and ni short the whole appro--prt-ttio irt)oih to rail n ids and Hanks an ''uleeii individuals an- sad"idy interest- . i i n ...I. l is for nore tl) in i i ,.- s . i ,.!...,.,! .-..ruinst the: ii'.ii uu; nine i vii v iws -t- I wins a id erviug ne-sety of tiie p;ople,; alum i g ! i it borrowed of th ; last i'isi al.it' ji.i j thre,.- hundred iho iu'i I dollars, in ad li- j tin to the St itc's subs-riptio:) tor h r fto-k, ii. 1 l-r t'.u avowod de -ugn and' pur-; jmsr bf a - ;o nnio I iling tlio p-ople. H is it ever ae.'o nmo l ited a smglo mm since ( tins lor: f The (.Vtjv: T '-ir Hmk, tluverl, j "V vPl till m m ured with inare focimg'-aitJ ; ha n miU:, In, added Iiu1.-t'i the Slate cur- , 1 ..tiUTSTVh' we have three Blft liS ! ir:i .vim ,uti,rf-.n.. .. v . ' - , . i 1H..Hit:Ht.vr4uHU aro" mast" vlacply lntej:--: . sp !, v.,!!, a capital of near.t!iree and a ! i.il:' uuHioas,. Uo.eaii scarcely. go,i .miii tJamlinU niaiiey c:ro-toii.to pay o'ir taxes. , V ! ,v l" ' . ,j. i r u .-UK lui.is iow? tli.it 1 1 , as will .is tin otln t 111. olii i'anks, liu-, grejtly curtailed, lo the tiis- " tre-s of the country. As lor the Mali: Bank, it has acted as though it was umli r i 110 obligation to accommodate auv boit-, but rurh peeu!ator(, and esn;c.i;jlly in-gio traders, u lio borrow their thuusauds at .1 tiiiii , aiul, uniort unati ly for us, spend t:i. no. icy often out ol the Slate. 1 wo.ild inply ask, would a Bank loiin.det! 011 the fa. ids of til ; State, and co.itiolled tiy the people.-)' representatives-, be liki ly thus to sport with the interest and money of the neon o 1 lioad t.'iat Banking privileges granted to 1.1 l:iduals, are ' ix. i.'.-firi' c; -r It gives lo a set of nem power to make in tension ' their credit. 1'or fiery iloll.ir the Bulk lends over and above the specie it has on hand, is that much increase ol Circuluioi upon the credit a 1 I'd sol ve-ncy'ol the Mink, or perhaps on the credit ami sol vency of the ile b tors of the Bank. The Bank is authorized to lend its own noti s as money to twice the amount of it specie, oil hand, which alone is money in fact. If any individual were to lend his own notes as cash, and that top to tuici. the amount of the money he has 111 n aliti, n n j li-i ilr:ive interact no diiiililo ifio :i . 1 ,1 M . 1 mount ol Ins capital, would not such con- , , ., ; .11,1 1 duct as that authorized by law, be an " c.r- 1 ;'.." i 'i',.. v. . .i, . rlir:irc privilege. I he State, t!ut in- re. -01 to expect a:i increase of C i.n.ilii ! li ? iiul ilui-s liol lie iii 11 . . . 1 11 '', Hie 1111 luiuin 101 u e oe 11 in o 11 i -lud-s all, our proajrty and mouev, has , , . , r , '. .- . " ., ' 'StareWi he 1 he same, as that nine 1 ot t e i certain! v' more suusiautiat cieau man a r levv of her individuals im-orporaud. And 1 1 inonev is to Ix: matte bv CT( (lit a;ul bv '"' wh-v "ot Ballk mi,,ch wa-v' tu ,,, iKo " , me prou i s a,iu .mwui,i"'t ineieoi. j ne , .i i i i. il'j'l WJll IU1IUII J ,,. , r J Jl.-,,- . . 1 . I 1 . I I. .1 . -''I urn; weie so laige, uin annuo ;: mere is .v,i . 1 1 I 1 1 . n..i 1 1 i.t lliij oriilo. m,i mi- i .,, , . , i i i.t i 'i " ' lo be ji-CeiViMJj and ulthoiigh. a consul dera r- i i .i' , ii i i i . ,i ... . I hie liiml will li.leH accr.ie lo t he S .lie Wo iirTTie sole of lh-rtTiero I fear thtTopportuinty has passed by, when it may be in our poivi lo have sued li ni k ., . , , i . ,i . ink. ibis pian ol banking is with me ! fai'oTlTe, and it is trie o.ifv svsfem or; . i , , iii . 1 1 c 1 1 heartily approve, I would approve j V of a I uiled Slates or A itioual 15 ink, founded o;i the s im basis. And, altho U'jh to'ill'. oipos d Ida .Nation d IJ mk ..' e.ra . In i ' i viij u.ils, and h-dl those ni di v ideal.) or more loia urn r-. nd liv nig in oci ig) coi '(a i , vet 1 a. n in lav or of a N l,u)!"1 ith a bra:i h tht reol in , . r . , , . r-.e-UM'it.-, loroieil upon lie; IiiihI-, MIIIi, i 7 , ' . , ,.' , ! ink coutrolh-d by th-; represent. itiv es ui .,.w,lt. ,mder their ovvn i.troV a , , ,. i fi , i ; fircii I nor mei 1 1 Hill, of UUi OUOtCi "e era , i ii i erei it, and at l ie same time reali." all ' . . . the nrohis of the transaelien themsclvcss A id alt!i i"'i Ih profits would of course tall, upon t.eis:; v!io b'oirovv a:el us - bor rowed 1! ink pap'-r, yet the interest these men pay for money woftld gn to the sup port of government, and not to individuals under litis svstem of Hanking the Hanks iii i . . .. - i . . i r i i . woiilil DC in ucuer creuii, ami 01 uiiuouoi-, ed solvency. Every i.iaii.would feel easy j as respects his money, whether it be coin j nr nmnr it-hir-ti the rr-nvernmt-rit is timitnl ' ' ' ' b . , , , . , toredevui. 1 hen each individual would be placed on a level as to money in .Iters. If a:;v It. id hipney to lend, as thousands : have, thev ciur"k-nd iVcn tin ir own hook not two dollais for one, but one fur c.i and that too at the even six per cent. ,:lirl, l',ir ttu, ,,.... ,,. v-. , , . J . c ,. , V. id iiuiler iius sv sunt oi uiiiiyuig inoni-i would not only be uiidouhti dlo rjood. but w ould be more, ph iity . It wotihl be a's plen ty at least as llie. necessities of the p- ople ii . ii . . . i 1 1 . . i v I ri IJUtlCU. e VVOUUl HOI nave inonev ii-iii ,- I . . .1 ...1 .1.- ... .. .lC i.i-n.rirr.iir .-I It - (.ur ,,,-ns, who may w ish to ex-( , ); r t,r. p .;,f , ' - -' K . -' , d-bt, a., I Ha oppres t . ; ,i to dr.;' ,l)S,nJ in'.nto uiMsi.ro by which ih -ir po.v.i' i i I i ill i ;: Id iv s'u 1 t'i i tu ; Wt.atl igtOll : 'I'- z ' ui i .' be enlarged. ap-ir;irt rtio i lo III j . i 4 ' I 11 .el If :t .ill, i le. to a SU2CL.1 .l..'ir CO n.i J.r,'. 1'ile l i . . '. i . . i .: . . l . I name is uc:i.;aii it his uoinujo u no wuu Raleigh, that name is merely a,blind : it ought to be called as I named it before, tl,,. W'lbn'iert.Ki and IllliflX Mi l. It IS a i . .1.. i ,.r w...,r,.rJ Hue u.. vtM,........ - ; from in: S.-it.i to. in; Vi'tl. and rom , .1 ..k' ..I. I I , ,, , . ,l nn .-,..! ,, Nil til 11) ."'I 1.11. Ii . in o i'i o" -oi- advantage to t!;e v.-st. J ln y n iv use for it. It e? so lo ' u d tli r t c :,o'. assist evil tTi' ir travelling, ' ll I co not have had a bank, and ton. id tint Wis co r.p' Hed to vote appropriations " ' ' "i I w ould Ci 1 1 . 1 1 : 1 1 y ll ive se, n iv tl I lenu fl.it it was t do some iroo I to til'' West ,l' eot to my. ow i county ot ( iitord. I w is astd:ns!:ed the iilfold in 'i lo li.id th.- in i nty o-i nbers Voting for such a thing, I am e'l'l .ill v- n ippy io mi l in it all did not. 1 flier the road would nave enquired wnc s "-oing lo assist our ci.ti- ii ,1 .eii's IO g' t'O in irket themselves, or with .1 .. .r.i lllfli nppxapu to tins 'work s-hould be lol the failure of the en j ntvs a laW U1 have to)iv h-r portion T ? 1 1 lJPI on ternnzc! to rnake , monCi'VOr to sustuui it- postv, uytnose wno itvc near on ineir purcuu dl we in Vv not1 fed Vt m c is? thi mo; -s7 Airaln ills said he is Tor innng am tnrs hi, we, m iv i.o .-,,.,.,. 'i-Tnds for the reason that he w disposed to tavor ocy u..not feqmied tiybt.urni bu. - h boy thf rlCtIU settlement, iu tf it is tnlTUil for. what Counties will hue!, ,,v , 1P,m Jnnrl mhIV- enbitimr ly ; thou'jii she rec. ivd no benefit. IL r mess 111 this least will be a B. niainin's. I I can t se that she i to be beiufnrd bv a- nv ol the Kail Roads to which inonev has beiii appropriated, unless it be 'the road from 1 'a etu ille to the Yadkin, and lom; by this, unless it should be brit near er to us than I cxpec!. But in shoit, none Mtin lik ly to go into operation except die one from Wilmington. If a bank of tile Iate cannot be liad, which 'iiiii past trials and iii- great influ ence of Stockholders and Hi- i r ireuid-; in our Legislature, I fe ir we cannot have for some tune to come, I would be in favor of issuing Treasury Hills to the amount of some one or two hundred thousand dol lars. 'i'!i -v have been found to answer a Hd purpose tor change ami the pavment nf t I es. Tile V ill ilso serve to increase the circulating ni' diuin of thi Stale' ; and if inonev' is to be made 11 pan credit, I can't see why the State may not accom modate their citizens with a loan of thai amount, and use the interest arising on the bonds of those who bonow it for State pdr pose. The interest on two hundred thou- 1 1 it 1 iii 1 js.iiui iioiiars, each year, wouiit do twiivi ; t'toosaml dollars. Then, the citizen who loorauvs, would be- benefitted: those who June these nous for change, in the A ' uieiit of debts and tax- s, will b" Ih-ih-lilted ' and tie- State will have the interest. If , , , , , , , , , tliev shouh not be oiuid, but paid out in , , t. ' 1 I instances wnefe Ilex Male has money lo . ' I-IL 3 UUH I lOOU.S O.I Mil, IUSL HUIIIII , saved ; and 1 have only mentioned the hi m- i , ... V. . ll,. - C I r. , .1.1 I... to in-tance tlie lienents ot s.ueli an issue j cf Treasury notes to the State and lu r ei- j tiz II.-'. I Members to the legislature have but lit- , lo do Willi f d. r it iiolilie, but as it f us In c.omo lashio i il.le to sin ik of lie in. : :,"d as i am acciisi l of beinir a partisan ol , - - --, , , . -, I , v : i lIe l- l tsnii ii i , i l i , -v ue mo icini ii" no ' - . 1 en niei on I ill n is if n Known inui i ne,- er have been wedded to any one man or set of men in polities er any thing else, fur- m i oi ii in in poinies , , . .! . , . . I resident m some t . , , v., go.Togbi-ww-ui4.-- thtno's 1 ii'Tre and in t others I hive my. own opt-nons, and will j j act upon them I b' lo:i; to no part', fur- . . tiler 111 in we i in -e'ree in pr:ivi:ila lean i not for the man, iultln r tl: norl what I think i- for tie i he lu'tv sun- ' , , . 1 ! in i ir it i and when I cannot g t one who goes with , ., " , ' iiie in all my news, l o lor tin- one wnor I" onus lit,. Mt ,JI.11I 4fcilltllllV &v'i',' for .m llureii it w,.s i-iu'nnt to meth.it! . '. i inoiiH'd corporal ii'i.s li.ol got. too strong a hold in this coniili v , iliat the p, ople w ( re Hiul1 i53u, iimi im- -m. . i """ r ' "'"r , ....... ., issues, anu llie ureal laeiuiies in ' inn i money on credit and that if tin se things continued for a h nth of tune, the di bis i-of the country to these individual corpo- r rations would b.eeonn so ureat, th it to b- ' iilieved t!uiifi in v. mi l.J l e lifi'-'ilt, it : i v r possibh I s:w thai we v,re fa-t ap i : , . i inonev on eri'on anii-iii.u n nose nones . c -,, . ,- , ,, , . . 1 eontiniiei or a i iL't o t i e. tlie ill Ms i . . i ..i proirlnng a stall ol la-.-aiage lo ine.'iu o corporation.?. I'h it this was the st id-ol things then, is s' lf evident, from li fiel 1 , , , , , . n r,1,r ,,,,,, ,,' ,,' aiu, ll irra., ,... w!ll, ,,;m. ol Uvvll cut, - . . . .. . . eo;iii'S, v.'r ceiJ lion) their farms ar.j anil Iiave nil along i ,(i(.n irUm,r th(. , irr, fi,r ,..U1V j ,:i1,ti)v ;.,is;. ,,, sui,. Thiri ,.1( Vrs : , , ,.;,;',.,. !(. i , .,.,. tr;l.,, a,;, s)(.ruhtion n c:ioit-l. I ft to ,-.ili: . .'..'.1 tie. 1:;. ::vey who WT" ,'il n..- J in.;-, iv n; so only input, and pirtidly enja-' f-l in tr-ido the.-etliiiiiifs, I knew, mu.t i-top - j ml peiiiaps better io;i. t'nn al'ti r.v ltd- w!i.;ij Ih.' comitr'y would be totally rune 1 and 11 !" ' ,i i i " . . , .... . . i ' ere ,)-'rations and iiihk-, einei-' i n- ver o . ih-ri'li'i-ivl itinncy is power: and tie- !-!! r lev er em feel so mdepeudont in conll.el vv.th his jv.-e.bt.ir, who bolilshis de-tiny m h s hinds. I ft a Koulv Jndre Whi'c and Van H-iren befoi" ii" TV" h i I Imtlt been . J icks )'i men t.n -.r.', 1fr,t TTtrb; , frmcipfc, n)..T iffn.o du VN !te a, a and agreed w, ll j u.ui I!) uianv thlHJ-s, vet ui IJ i:e.i cvnlenllv 1.n,.:, ; v vi,nv, v, ,,, mv,.,r ,;, ,,..:., to n l.v hi d ' ino::,.-1 c,r-.nr ,t,o,H and t'i" ruin to w'ech t'i cuuinry was tiy ir;r. I cuii- i.: i in v jil : ...i 1 1 1 1 1 -1 .i.ii-i' , . . v ..... . and mtfdleot, and .v't i-ttnwerfptiou. th.i iuatt 'ie !ii ! r: on fro: i) n e.ei.-v : ! o'.i-cur.ty to e.aiet tfi vole tor lint 1 au:n:rei n,s inene ii .eie-t honors of lue eo i .try i'ir us i .. . ,.. i, i,:., . ;.. ..! , ii .1 t e :- .ti 11 r m li:.- ' i . i .1 I In - i- i,. ,i ) ei o! tin rivii's ot tlie prop.thO tipj'o-i'-J. t-iy t ; e i a ) n-; I operation or corp-irations, oau.;- an i :r, i w i neVer more the:.- inchd than lie sl.',,;d I.e. of u tat he WM focgiviui ll ' 1 public i-in ls to tlie new States-tlu par; iii .it, here I tetri w is u rocic on wuicu . .... , r i ild split, o il l w'licli would prevent m ini r u in . i - in i i to mi mi i-oiihi s .i paLon of nil t : - ' m- m these lands i . . vvlien I c ime i.i ne ';..iv io leHn'r-einu ins MO 1 v.e.vs on tins mi!,,. :-t. I could not see that les t oflt. anion- th:: codnlies, and if!-' to C;,t 1 a groat, doity ought P'diey Teiided tint way. u;, . .. jeetfj." a, wj,at tr;i.t done ' : u blit 1 a' compelled lo do sd so as In many sect.ons win re pu,d:.: I.m ime ; u vrrV identical thilc that yo ;ir,. : not to be tedious , ''."en sold, tac'goel lvi all ,.uld. .tMv.iiiri ,a-0.,I(r.lt (o'vf. been supimrted and ad-; Allow me to ask a question or two as ! "'nT'ae lo-aied up,,:, the failure ol the other two 1 ! the co.-is. qu.-n-es of th- dilh-rent plans for wh.i a' when o;S. 'e I ei mtrk-Tc.-t! ! net b'- n.fd : NYlty, then, compl.tiii ? lite matter was j the- disposition of ibis .surplus revenue. 1st thrill'? re -win tint tin !tm.-.. pnre- wis more j man'igeil precisely as it is acknowledged it as to a Hmk : (I speak-not ol the policy l ban 'llie Imd was worth Van IJuren is iii fa-: ou-.'ht loli'ave been; and it, turned out jusl 1 ofjmch an , itisiituiioii under fivoTable cir vor n,f . reduenrg the price o'' tiiese lands to a J ,-,'.,r,..s,.ril,..(J : and yet' there is complaint. ; cuni.-tances bat of its creation With this nr-.re it vvnic't tliey wni sen. ,i.- tins giving , iXrisv. Lin tot be" . y 1 1 1 . i if not better tOK cat down and used tor pasturage or other pur- .LH, Is at' (lavernmenlnriee. an d' s-d nlry) in uest ofl-m I n which o settle rlieir cluldrcti at the h'L'ir iT:ee. Is it not rcuon:.blu thi.t a IVu i leiitiaf jr, some Asylums for the af a p-M.r ma:, v-. u i,hes to buy i.-ind for settle- j mclct allj Jeranged, for llie tl.,af .t-ul ih lilt 111, C..1...II 11 ll.ll V ii 141 ll3 j'tj'lll l.f UIIJ lllli lands at St.'-J"' as the rich speculator ! Tin' l)nr man s meney is as gnoil to the tro enunent astiu; rich i:n:i s. In all tins 1 thought I saw equ ility :i:i,J ,ie-iiCo, but nothing unfriendly 19 t.ie iiit.-n -a et the old States let who would be ih,. our, i. er, htdl the money would into', me trea.se r, ... u,e r n.ieu ,-iaie.-- at m i cmviee,, or uis").-Cii r lor me Dcneiit 01 ait ie rtiaies. , ,1 'iv, c !; 1 1 As to th 1 Sim-J reasury ol winch o niiieli is ! it ;. ,,v In.iwor,. n,ul .nt rmlnr- ,., vo.re tlu? Ties,,! ,:t:al election. That subject was not bdorc ii . '-'n I voted for Van Hun n. I tear i am n-.t siiiucieniiy lnioriiicii on tnui sun -ct, to nave or na.ar.i an epiiiioiiHs to me propnc- journed many projects faded and I con ty of the i:'as,ire, or its ;U11 bearing on the fc8g frdIlk, to ihaUbe entire scheme r ii'fniw" ft urn I . tiii ti f rfiu.;iiit t iiiim a.r ' " . " i - the evi-,i,i:.i,...M, nf a v.tinn.,i ii-,i- ,,rli n I Ifliv.- dicr U'l, tlie whole controversy would be en led. T;in Ifitik would he the denositorv of ill the public ioeii:e.j, and of course would pay pay it on'. At all events, the measure is voted down '"or. ye p.!e.y?iit.- Perhaps it is Ijc-t, as wc w il Jiave lime ti ro il' it, ami un-lcr.statid it more fully, ami also tune to bring this, .subject iifii'iintioual. Rank with a l'laueh ui each State coutrol'd entirely by the people's representatives to the full consideration mil dec;.- o!. ol the nation. I am clearly for the iover;e:i. ,:'s collecting its revenue, in such way as ;.s , 1 1 tie s ite, mid at the fame time be or.'ikrt.o ol' the lea.-t injury to the reo-i;!ar and uccu: tun" -1 ouer.itii n of siife trade. That.t' is can he Done ly a . National Hank on the faith, ere. la, m '. t'uiiis of tii'e ( i-iv erimient I feel con- ii dent.." it we cainiot have this 1 1 i , k , and tiie "llh-t.e I -urv plan W :!' lint so eo'leel and p i V out lie iv n i rr.i inoilK-s tiii-n 1 am ii'jam-t it. I lio i Ui ,1. i ei- fivoralue to the use of Stale Hanks n.iliv idn lis ovir v. hielt the Cioveni aii d c-ui have no control. Citizens. I am done ; perhaps I have th t ri what vHs necessary, I could not i;ive my views on till I-idiiig ioliti l a 1 inn dispo. cd to keep no ojiui- rti::i from you. p't-levtcl I will go in- 1 'i viee l ennd :.;n! pledged to siis'ain no i v or irine:ide a? variance with what v n :ee!!t I, r. :: -a ui in-,: s tV Irrc t ,'l s:;i.:i , ion I e:U. iKVn':r -I I '' I' i i -ii: -.vui Us in ii;r-U.u bei t uitereti f' my C-tkur u;y .-t 4te. an.i l! lie nation; but pledeed to -Ttromrevirr pn m your inten-st anU ptuspenty to the best ot' in ' judgment and ability. U'i'.h reii'ect. 1 remain your Fellow Citizen, JtVATitAiVr a-a . , m 9 j i . n'CCIUVII Ol NIIIIIOr. ,, , , , Having, in your Uiml- to e 1 ;ol the linnnlir ol lei rt ie 1 1 n 1 1 nfr in i I ' . lore. ! ': ,i s and iloings ol tlie last legisla- 'eel eonstr, lined to s::y a word in re- . 'heiiu .j.',.'-; wtojug that a few d.aya . the cit:,liont the feople Pliouia oe , d and confused bv the appearance I r ' b p. ipl. uf eir- ilars ami Hie i-iiiiiiiK' nut ol new It doe; mi -me tin in inn,, oor-.f,me to- aertam the-p . ,i .i i , , ,i . ,,i,,, ,..,. i.r,,i, rill I or .1 -l llOOll of VVll.u 111. IV liC 3.11(1 it di s i.oi give tin- Candid I, s who came a fur and -'( in rous chance ; ' o i out in gomi Hum it seem-; lo eairv on Us verv lace some- Mini- hkc d. st-.u-.-o.netltiiig like taking IS;.. :.i. .. ,,f the '..-ople ihemselvcs void m ,., ti!" ,r' told, i.M.iv i,rom. - s i e.idt , lend complaints uttered oi h:i - the'iiis. Ives applauded to th gainst -skies 1 held lot til ,IS the only friends to t hi conn- tl in i eileinent is proJueei! , and in the i liurrv and ( onl ,i-iou they cp' el to get your vote- from vour alarm ainPgo into the I.c i -liture. This is not Healing the . iptiet, in-.. I,: icnt, and the ju.-t people of liuil Inrd i:;;lil I'.trv one ought to be out in 1 titi;-.- :-.ll 111. '. d- id u"vr.; ten tn"irs ' .;,.! ;;i n I, t tiie p' ople decide withoiit ex (;i!e;u lit. That litis has not been done -this vear, lies tit !e; dior of o'iiefs, not my- I i , . .... ' ,1. . I. . . : '. i, li ; an.'. 1 n gre I very mueit i.t it cauoe. h is .in.stu lr my trouhhiiL' y;n in ibis way. Set as e!i iiges si i in tub-; m id- a;: mi.-t ill last Legtsl.tture iii a mass, of course! yon would say ihey must be auswe r.-d. lb s it not partake of a go 1 1 deal of va- u'ax Ju r,a..,;t,w'u.i.;i a .lat jhat.lIUav,w.3j;t-U-!.. UT1,, "cllu,ial of ,0 . eou.lty, were goveriiid unpare motives ; lint Ac in their conduct, i ;, ...r.t of iu..ir ! belt, r than 111 e- whole ol litem f . L-t us i I i ' i 1 1 ti i hit a ittie. li! la si-: i ; i i l.i i ... .lU...J -K-.x ,Trt4 Jl- "H.li lint .lUlli.'.lefJ.! it,:!is m i l, ,t, lint 'came o: iheCenerll tiovern-. "to ainotintiiif to in .-i' iioe llllil .'I ll'l ami i.-. ..n; ... .- i.ni.r. wi,,. 1 I lltl.llOll Ol UUll'U o. . , I'e .m-.eilizens. a t hat nossilil v coulU Have been done towards making a Ha. ik, w m. doi i i:ni lliose w no speak loud, St 111 ll r, co ild h ue di no more h id Ih. v ' ui' en iln-re. i was among llie iii.. lirt ,eo .-ni'.ns to disiioc of that inonev; and j . , f. i efo.f. What morn irmtl.'f have I,-h done? and what more coathijC' re- uu it s - ... . .i . , i i .. .- ii oinred f It was trieii, hut it tailed : well, ! i , on i red ? It was . ., next tnL-lliol el ilisposuion was 10 ill- l tie i ii i, ,,, ,,, ... i.,, ., uru nf iintmri. &t onninatton to compl -riglit r . - .. , '. ul'Ss -.1 i eierniiii.iiiuii lei i;u iniiiM-tf-i ii in in i wroier. It is easy tacensure, but hard to' actsoa te")a;ause no censure, llx imine, and j yo'i-w iil find these-thmg to-be so hcm ! ing in mind, I b"g yru, at the sam'o time, ! tht thero are (in counties in the State., Ii.iv-; ing 'dill', rent soil-, ili.tiieiit produelions, ' vl iti; r.eitt iRler;sts,iui in the st-ttkmenl uL,. acnU'-r f t'-'i.-'m -i'v. itu-1". -iW'sr" io !;: '. suited : Some want Public Schools, some dumb, some R.i'l Kaads, soan Bank-., .muii Tuinpil.i s, !ili l-so-on ; j isi. as various . -I lie re an coimtus. How is it lo be settled iheu, when tin re is such 1 f 1 1 r s 1 1 y ? N h eviileiitly 111 that wav upon which a major- iv ran :nrr.,. . jsniisl'inur :n in-mv ,.(" tli. , various interests as practicable. .No man , , . ,. - - .. '"ould adjust it according to his own notion 1 1 . 0 !Ur COtllll 01) V OllC COUIltV. J he I.fglS- ,a,,1,c ncstowcd great labor upon this sub ji ct, having ngituted it all the session, (9 vvecKs,; and ilecifleu it just before it ad- did not receive my sanction ; jet, under i tlie circumstances, the Legislature, with an j eye-eingle to the best interests of the State, i and an undivided-desire to promote the general weIfare,lhought it was llie best thai could be done. Arc you not willing, as honest men, to bclivu that they were lion est in their convictions ? It was a subject of vast difficulty j and let it have been de cided as it might, yet. all would not have been satisfied; complaint would hive come from some quarter. Examine, critically, every act con cerning this money, and you will find stamped- on every feature the careful fcti ps j " --i'on, piuueuce, anu sait-iy. nneu a ''uurse tmgaged the anxious solicitude of ' (he 1 gicdaturet and if not attained, many CMM-rieiiCeiL n.alrintir :iiw! inuul moo li inr - been mistaken. Are we thus to be assail ed, after having- drtnc all and the best we could ! Eu ry SUle was engaged, at the s line lime-in legislation upon this same -ubject, and that of N. (.'. has been most highly commended uiul extolled by her sisters, and Judire Harbour, of the Supreui' Court of the I'. 8., who lives near us and is often times amongst us, but not at all iu- tt.rcitid, savsthat the wisest and mist far - 'ghted nf all, is that relative to r thb Swamp It is said that Guilford rcceivcs.no bet. eflt from the surplus money. This is a mi.-, take. hen the last legislature coiivcncd tiirngiione, was to psy that tk-bf, and she now owps not one copper entirely free from debt, and actually lias a capital of two millions of dollars, over and above the an nual revenue from the 1iuds and Polls, und-so-on, which is more than cnoaigh to li fray the ordinary expenses of carrying on the (JoveiiuiK.-nt ; and in fact, herealter U.i " 't lw m iiridllS fViVnefhisi cnlirnp f.. l ...... ,... !. . . iiii im uiiiitv oiioo, uiiou. -.. : 11 ..... .!......,.. il..., .1 ....... .v.. ...,t.l "'""b "'' vin for the Legislature to have acted, in (ruth, sui i ui sucu is me 7 ticT nmi more, ion, .' ' I,,r "tiring me nexi year, mere win oe uu- llcl to tll,s su,n "bout one million more, ...i.: . r n i. . i mm .n: ,.. ; ..r i I . ,1 .1. . .. Ill I . J I "ml-" J1,uul i""o"3 oi lars not ui debt one dollar, and enough arising in every year lrom the usual sour- :, - '"l - 'V.'iiue.o pay all expenses and leave t surplus hesnles. (iiiiltord was bound lor this debt of four-hundred thousand dollars j (g tlivr with all the oilier counties ; she is ho ir- rclt'itsal. She is benefitted in ano ther very material ami most desirable way. 'Tin- last L-gislaturo directed the Literary Hoard to-collect all the information in their ; power relative to Public Common Schools, and lo digest a system for their commence i.;e;.t, :::id repj;'. tj t ! l next Legislature. If attempted at all, it is tlesigiied to be f or nun i i s ii lienefit, for cry neighborltopd so that evvry - catucJl , and t--Very - ctHld, however low or hi, h, may have a share in it. Is not (uiilford interested in the cdu e iliou of .ill her citizens Well then, the L gisl stitre provided for her; she set np.nt lor lies )rais"vvorthy and beneficent od ject, one million of dollars in cash; she placid it out at int.. re-.t so as to ou aecu- una. ding, until neeilju, and so it is at this moment". bv in) uopcr audi 1 various couitics are all sisters, eom coild'hive done ! P-"i': one Siaie, a ,d : .ile.l t . veiy goo, leeli.i-i li ¬ nt-,! iii , ail I'lvaiicement vi r ctii ii is the prosperity ol ; etc, t a:."l l.k' ilv.i.ie- .'ueiit of each coil nt v, that of 1 '" u,i," ";,M" '',l cuul- ' s" '.s beuefitled by the onward march ol th i - i otiu r in i mprov emenr. l lies : tiiin., . niii Ii ive a begi "iing; a. id lltev will ?pr-:.'d ine. 'u-:,i ii -..! v r . county receives a slim- I ni its 1...1 uiareues loi w .ra will) Her sisters " UH' ?'r"''s r 'JJ 01 vnproiMtett.- ltere f - are iioiu's loo u a re uainro intended !-i..i .i- i ii ... i i " """ anu cacn " e4.'.liv her s!nrt! in due time. Is it ossibleTi any good everyone doncifthe .. I , m -v i i i I ,.,irt rt lln I3,rf iii tit,-, AlnnWrtr la nL-ivorl l r."--"V".- '"I. - . i.l ..,ni.i.i ....i:... a,., i... i...., i.41r ... ti,. . i v mo'iev under the then exisii.e' circumstau- 1 Th., 'lmrviiiii r......... .1 I.,. .!. Si ,t v,' r .--- - -J - . . ..... . ... is souf thing uuderai.fe and a half millions. s.ty for the sake ol" round numbers HI. 0IEJ..l'Iie present Jumt by Jaw to liank issues," is two for . due : Well, the Slate place 1 ,500,000 in gold and silver, in her Hank, and wisiies three millions of pap- i uawja d-lhis ia til;A.C'j ld.ili.bti:; 8llL(,0;).j the bank, nid three millions ot notes in circulation, for which the State holds in Hi Hank tile lJomls of the indi viduals wnodf.;w it .i.i a- suppose the (jc in ial (Jovi i:i:ik i,i c ill-lor it ivlial is iho . o.is. epjeiie ? ;Tn siecn; in lite bank is n turned lo llie L!. .S., fumg llie suite mo ney th it w is received from it what now is the eouditiOn ? Wlr, not a single spe-. cie dollar in bank, and :j, 000,000 of paper notes in circulation from one end of ths Slate to the other, among all her citizens. You are told that these at all times would be the same as gold and silver could at any moment be converted into them. I ask, is it ao ? Could it be done hom;,? Hear in mind, that we have been constant, ly liable to bo called upan by the General Oovcriiincnt for this money, and are sc, any time it chooses. Here is a sad-dilemma for N. Carolina a debt of Three mil lions of dollars, bound and compeUcd to pay every dollar on demand and in gold $ sihet too ; and not a dollar on hand. This is not fancy it is sober truth, under such an occurrence. What is to be done in this case ? You are told everv citizen is to h n o out of this Hank "what ho wants ill aro to go and borrow what lie likes, from. liu highest to the lowest these notes get into circulation then by the citizens going and jiving their notes for them; in onb-r to redeem tltese notes in circulation, lite not on the -citizens must b? collected, and I ho holders of the b.iak notes were assured th it they were as good as gold & silver, & would lie paid on presentation in such.; wrl-l.t'ir State then must collect the gold and silv- r or how else is it going to redeem these no! s a specie Mt comes down then to the fi i, hat the St ,te must sue its oil i . ': : nd Ir.ivv front lln in three mi I lions of do!; ir . i;t specie, and according to llie principle laid down, it must operate upon the high ami low, the rich .ffid poor. Could -X. Caroli na stand this? Did it ever enter into vour imagmatipjis, thatjsuejh a serine could Iiq devised for ingulphiug yrti fin universal distress Xr'j Would you;ka re thought that those ' who profess toi be tho exclusive friends of the people would have advocated sych an unefcrtain policy ? would thus havo and your leaoct of mind I would thus havo put in jeopardy tho very existence of the State, ready to be blasted any moment tho General Government chose to order it .' 'I Iius, the end of this project would have been a Bankruptcy of tbc bank, and a bank. ruptcy of the State. ' Tins would have been paying our Taxes at a sound rate ! This is relieving us from taxation, of which there is so much talk, and in which tbor i so little reality, yen. n candidates to ride. It is not rcasoimbie to Hupfiose that in sueh a sum as -OuOjtHfO al I coii Id be colli cted, you tnow some debts would be lost; well who lias the loss lo make up the State of North Carolina ! How ? By a tax on Iho people !! ! I will one word as lo di nding the money among the counties. All our Ni. tional and Statu action relative to popula. lation, is based upon what is called Feder al population that is, all the slaves and the whites 5 slaves making 3 white men Wo are represented in Congress upon liiis pnnc i pic so a!soin our State Ley is-; laturc. Tins surplus money was divided among tlie Slates upon this principle, by Congress : it was pr iposed to divide it n mo ig the comities upon this principle, and none other would have been sanctioned. Where aro all the slaves of the State ? In the Eastern counties there, you sec, the money would have gdiic. Trace! it down , to the ..fact and to Us reality and practical cilcd. I own not a slave, but you own 20 sa'y llie sum is fifty thousand dollars, qud the Foik-raj popul.ilion "JdjO'JO well, upon tins calculation two dollars and a half com, s lo-each head,. I get two dollars and a half MU.Ji.u4. &vU '- a.uJLa M.C foruiaulCaud . i wo unit a half for Hiree-fifths of your. 'laves '.hree-fifihs of twenty being twelve, mi, g, t tor luirtf i n, being thirty. two dol lars and a half; so in propoilion if tho slaves be less or more if forty, you get sixty-two dollars and a half; if .onc-hun-dred, ninety-one dollars and a lta'lf; and I. owning no slues, got only two doll irs and a ii ilf. I do not it dieve vou would h ive suieilOiied til -n a ine.M !f- ; :' we'ttiil havo he. i giving tue,,mone) to tiie slay- -holders. Weightier objections presented tbemselvis against the measure, and caused its def il, i.$ho', really, thtr was t-nongli of itself. I should be glad to enumerate them, but time is short, and I am grow ing too ffdious. Tieel u.rfecily assun d, that with a fulL .explanation and und.-rs(a:i(Ii'ny"6ii would , . . a. " ...w .... l... .. I . r -i..- .f . l . -'ppiov- cmhuuci ui me uegisiainro up- -i -..w ? . i - - i i ... on thi'spoint. If divkled among the rtfi- zens, the amount to each would hav becn so small that you- would not have. troubled yourself o take it ; recollect, was to bo loaned to yon; such a siiial.istiut.yoti would much prefer to get from Your -'neighbor If loaned out by the (TQtirity.soine ,-in,Iicants would have been (jenied, others favored i would h ive been a sort, of scrambling busines.., and partial in its benclits, btit after iliys ..Scattered over the country, and goiie, ii .the tlene rait vjrnmmtt bd call- ed for it who would be called 'upon to re turn it ?y the county ! Suppose SQinc of the: men had liTnk4'f btiver TWHtwflyj.nfJ.4ti,)f tin- inotiev' lost thicoiiseijHehce'theii i.-i ;f N ix upoii'i jou, and me, ami every one, tho vie bad iii ivr huiidh'd a dollar ofj,. This luu wyuj:el .be-..iL line, w ay to pay pur taxesi. . . -i t fourth r 1 f s--if f ' -s t t, '" - t-c 1 -v - r. .- w rnc - :i-t -::H5'.neV:re1Mr.: 'e A"