ft f . The Moose t.id 'eiy little holiness y e - e Ufm, excepting t he Mission ; t 'mn. On Chit question Mes- gri Wck itt'e of K.y;i and Cmi n of ft poke against the resolution as leoo'ted by the Committee of Fo rego Affiles and by Mr. Wood, of JXcw Y rk 10 it favor. lr. live, of Virginia, then mo ted ( uiend lr McLane'i ameuil m 'v,t liy inserting ihe following after h id aforesaid governments,' Xfh ra tbtiie wordccur : 1 0 any compact or engageme nt bv tvMcU the United State shall te pledged to i lie Spanish American hi e to maintain by force, the prin ctpin that no part of the American continent is henceforward subject to Colonization by any European putter. Mr. U. expressed un lutentma to addi reii"i be committee in" support of this amendment, hut, in tl.e mean rVhile, mbve'd i hat the committee rise. The oioliou prevail ayes U4. U KEKNS KO R O IXJH : Tliursday. J3pril 8. After transacting ome business, of alj(-al nature, ine uouse weni im ... caH iiiilee of i he Whole on the Pa -nxuiA question. Mr. Utve, of Vitgi- Dit wIm bd a right to the tlooi, - be- irt:;wfKX;ieiediy nbaeot, Mr. tireni. of i:uiiiaua. ttridrruaril the commit- - - Altered bv lr. filcLaue of Del. -to the 'report of Ine committee of Foreign re- Jauoill4, MfUWM, iuiio wed My Vi , B uek'ner of K-y " in op ps u ion to all the 'Oaendmemsi utl in mpo t t the ; o r igi n a I re o lull on of the C m ni 1 1 1 e e . t Mr., ' jiamijlou o.f iu,th Carolina , "til e o c i) o m e u c e d at i peecb . i n s u p p o i : vof the amendineut of MrVMcLune, a -niodifivd by ; Mr. llives'j having spo- -r- keI tiil half pMfc.foJft!?!,,c l,e , 4 g wewajrTfar, a ;4notioi'ihVi'; the eom- mutee rise. ' ' - M i ask j-w . w4v t. r w tthiclr heihteiided ,to offe'r," ahould the preient aineudmen- not pre v a 1. t..T. i I A. JH'ritiatff 'Jlpril 7. Off motion of :Mr.-)V.liiariis oi i . C. r'ne Coiutnntee ou Claims were discharged from U lurlher cpuside Ou motion of Mr. Iliues of N. C. Ilrsnlved. That the committee on ; thf Jadicifiry be insti.ueted to enquire iiiiD tiie expediency of altering "be r tinie of holding the District Courts fcr iu the state of North-Carolina. Mr. ICfituiun, of New llainpshire nffef id t h tf .ill o3v i ng joint res oiut ion 4 Tvbicn mih roMl tvice, aud referred to ih C (mii nut tee of the Whoie on the fta'o ol tl u Union, and ordered to bj '-printed : Resolved by the Senate and House of " Representatives i$c Thai the follow .iug.auiciidment t the Constitution of -tberUnitcd States be proposed to the JLeiitlatures of the several States'; and which, when ratified by the cuTaiures of ihree-fouriha of the 4;K ' ttfdieii, mail uc f aim w an init-um an-V purposes, as part of t be said Con- In uahfrmg to the world anev pe riodical paper, it becomes rpcenary to avow the principle upon wlrch it will he conducted to makeanpen DECLARATION OFTEnET3 II TVIIg to its patrons a touchitone tiiicb at any time its eolumns may Us (eted. We, therefore; declare our1 verna tion for the principles of ilie'DEjLA iiAriov of IndepekdeHce ;,'thot of the Federal Con&titi'i ion, ;-jand State Sovereignties; an i ourar lui attachment to the Riohts of Mas. ' Detesting tyranny in ever shiipe, lirthpr-Toretirrorrfoji'lgirreTllltair be our aim to roakrt iLU pacrftiN tyrants foe the people's friend." We ! all support the l)einocratic cause, not as blind partiaris, but from a sincere conviction that ithat ix termed the Demucratic cause, it tl cause of the people for lu speak Mnpbatically, theius alonh is the ciuse we mean lo support. The aggrandizement of the few at tbff..cxieuie and wbjugatioo o f the MAsr m aristocracy ; and wherever Ms p'inciple shall be lotind opera ting upon the body politic, in the re. iiiotcsi degree, it will be our duiv to iay it naked before the people. Our motto is principles -not men.' t dis daiji all personal innuence Ve ask no trammelling patronage ; but unbiassed, and undismayed, ue shall march straight forward iu the "w "wtinnagjiruia erw nere praise i due, aud usin" our best endeavors to ferret ail quackeries, whelhtr po litieal or moral, wliieb 1 ajendr-ni cv (o undermine the general welfare. Our columns will be at all times open to the temperate eiauii nation periins shall be avoided. vVa solicit communications ou Sci. encc, Literature, Agriculture, aud Morality. ferable. as a I ne of commun eatidi urjeans iroui iiiosummaBr ccwu- from TCt-iv Urlenn fn WA.hintrti n HSSanCe 1 147 iDlleS. -k I I'hIiaKIa IliolnMiu lAflmi MAl n i, r.l v..:' .... , j M" at 2 am) :-utli, and 3 8 ' In order tit f cilitafc the com j From this table, we dr w thofol parisou between these tliiei i ootpi," tng conclusions with recprd fo the we shall presi tit, under the form jf cnmparaiive merit of the tlrce routes a table the general results that tlj under . onsidertioru rfCfintiuisaiicc affords with rrspcffl , Materials. -The iVIiddtflpotitcnn4 In them. As to the Middle Rotiti,! Western route-are abojt eqinll we adopt in this table its upper set ! provided with materials, n this rc tioti. without piejudicing hv ntir- pation any thing against its low' -erf jon. Wo adopt, also, with tip a oe mstiictioiijihe Western Rout assmg thr uju II kfish Gap. E ,S KU'N ROri E Extent throus;hriiit v hirh mater -uU-r.ahtHeraHy--he'prnirtif-fit-j r -xintav-ly-r-24? miles. ! Exieut throughout which thc" will he a si arc ty d' materials, a) proximativel) 890 miles. i Qusitity f Hoils traversed by tie route. (ienVrtl growth of Timhei tltcji in the bottoms of thpyalleji . but handy in the intertnediatr par. The predominating growth is p: Total length of bridges 6 mim. Glfi yards .Total .length of Causeway t raif ck,- 58ft ynrdB-; I. "J 7 u neraon hresfter lo beannoin- 3 shall 1 Id AhW:ttrXuA:vi ' ' ni.y cobrt under the authority of tin ) A V ijl eil 8 1 at cS a(Ur h e sh a 1 1 li a Ve atiaind the age of seventy) ears.'T " JJonday;Jpril tOj" of the Whole, on the sfae of the U- Ji i o n 9 -iMrjjse ven isonofyirginia, in the Cliatr. and resumed the cnauer- (;rad(i:ttiou 735 miles of 2 292of 3 ; and lAOj.ol 1- . f Popu utiotr Wtiite '10 Z i:JO ; o lured 10,S4 Total 41,71 . Distance from V ajdijgton tN O leans, from tin summary of recj nuissuiife 1169 mdt's. Probahle Db;ani:e. 11 30 ITiK oT which 5 8 at 2 and under, o t ! at 3 and abovi- 2 degrees. MIDDLE ROUTE. proximafively 752 milefj. Extent Jhr.ughont whicli thlr will he a scarcity ol materials, ip proxjimtiv ly 35 miles. Quality ol soils traversed by iie route. (Jrne Igr wikjil limbiM From Wasliiugton to the.CliatMirJi- sp ct they have the advantage over the Eastern route. Sod. The soil along the Western route is generally better thai that a ong the mi ldle r,.,ite. Ouihe e fern route it is interior to ihit of the other two. JnVM.Tlie Western rlute will require less bridging than rlie E... tern and Middle routesthvse twa latter .ii ut the s vn-. ('(iuseways. The Western will rju irs-s 'eeg'li of c ilsewa than the othors ; the Easterl a less length than the middle. . Graduation It wiil he oitaimd wih less expense for the. I astern route than for the two others bit it Will become more expensive lir the Western than for t!ie other roi jfes. 'PlHlation--- The Eastrrn3Jn.ifJ; ll "'resXaTeVlearly the sVne w n unt "f pojuil irj n. for the,run. fs, dis tiers, and paristieJwJiTrb" Ihey traverse ; hut for the Fhstern (Mite the win e pupulatlon In that l color as one to. i.ne ; and rr tle niddle rou e, the white jmmjlaiion ts 'o I ha of rolor as three to twb. $ t the total population of the coun 'ies. districts and parishes, on tho Western onto, it is about tliree. quarters wf tliat of the other roi)tes; Distance.- The length of the road w.ll be less in the direction of he iwddle Hmii iothar either of the Eas- ern .or, W.-ton rout s. y; h rft. ik' t to time, and with the same grjj. dua'ion we are inclined to give the preference to the middle route. r toome. The expense of ntltl Having purchased the Printisg materials of the late Carolina Ta iriVt vve shall forward The Patriot to the 8ubscriher( of that' paper do not uotily u lo the coutran, pre vious to the first of June next, ami consider them us subscribers. The Patriot will intuluro he prin ted regularly on Wedneiiday. The National Road The Uc port of the Board of Engineers, of the surveys with reference to the propo sed National Road to New Orleans, iilpfn? the : Tl JJnn t the CoiiKressbf Panama Mi. IlaniiHoUf of u!l afonna, concluded a lcccl begun some days klr;f6uclianai gpeebhYlavor Mr. MeLaue's a mettdoient to the resolution, repoVted XlhyVihH: on the Panama Mission. ' wasryenerdaraosiQitted'' to -'-le: House d T I U p r e s e n t a t i v e s " r d n? "l b i? AVar Department, says.the National Intelligencer, of the '3th inst.) It n minute aud precise in its details, and comprehensive i n its ..genefaLviews t . but does not come to any conclusion in. favor of any one of the routes surveyed grow houehie to New Orleans, rich in lie tallies, but sandy in the intermedi ate parts. The grow Ji is pt incipsl ly pine. I Tola! h ngth of Bridges 5 milei, t473Virds. I length of Cause way 3 (iraouHtion 714 miles of 2 34 f 3 ; and 1G6 ef 4 1 growth is oak. Fiom the Chati- iUa m-XM. ., . ..J . . the middle and Western rotitesL but much greater for the Eastern; ! bridging, the expense will he mueh less upon the Western than up on t!ieo h r two r ires In causeways, much less unoh the western than upon the other two routes, and less -noon the eastern than upon the middle. To obtain the same graduation in both ro ttcs, the expense will he I -ss Vipnlatton W tutis 2b2.33a; Cof lin,m thptkrn tn .nr.n n lored tb4,dS2-Total 42G.967. ,,e am thc raic(1c D.ntance Irom Washmglon to N r()Ilfp that) u WMf,rn polfjl Orleans, from the summary of recoup r;C p, jro (if U w , oissancc--12.4 miles. y be lhc same a!on the mi(dc and Probahle Distance-.! 106 milcs WMtcrn direction, though less Hir of which ii.8 aV2 and under, 3-8 at 8orno sections along the latter; but 2 and above 2. 1 it will be higher along the eastcrn.', WESTERN ROUTE. Extent throughout which mater i ls can generally be procured, ap proximativcly--782 miles. three routes, fer three reasons9 viz : that it is not entirely within their province to act upon the political commercial, and other epnsideralions, which, independent ol the physical recornmendaiions or objectiois to each rout may recommend a preference of one over another. It appears, howe- ter, from theptee ascertained by the sttrve, that cithct The Board then go on to submit at large their views of thc commer cial cojnsider of the poiiiLr ion. political conside-,' Extent throughout which there rations, military consideration and will be a scarcity of materials, ap transportation or the mail, and sum proximativcly 35S miles. up their views of these considera- Quality o soils trs.v s d by thel ions, as "o'.Us : routc-cncral growtbf timbWt ' From Washington to the CahawbaJwill enjoy the exclusive advant ago rich in thc valleys, clayey and good o I facilitating the commercial cor- quality in the intermediate partsjrespondencc between our inland im- p, . Ill' ' Sr1 liaiHJ III mv miivi nn niuiv .. maw. vJVitij; U&IW.VM IMI'lllll I- From Cahawba to New Orleans, the middle and western will contribute valleys and, prairies productive : the parts intermediary unproductive. Pine and qak general growth. Total, length of Bridges 3 miles, 953 yards. more than thc eastern to the deve lojicmcnt of internal cotnmcric and industry. 4 Accommodation of population Thc eastern and middle routes will rm I it r i - .' 1 i I . I . . I ioibi lengin oi vMuway ac oramouaie cnrer'iy moreti-es miles 1211 yards. t than the wester n ; but, taking pb Graduation 662 miles of 2P ; 339 VieW A and by anticipation, thef in of 3? v-t 6 i of 4. A t rease- o f pophlaf ior i , i'rlia i J lip A Populat n w lutes zrj 295 Uo- three rotites ought to be placed!' on lored 107899 .A ota! 312,19' t the same footiii. A i i v i " t ' "IT i.'.

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