1 r V. . M'lt- ' 1 rHOH f HIS. ALB ANT AHCUS Messrs. EDtronsA teudollar note of the bank of Lansinburgh, came a few days since into tny pus- S( ioof wim me enciuseu noes wm- Xvijierrv Hung: as. lie hastened to 'trie' ywu stole my heart, I feel it oangitplfJA field Svatid the rosvrheeked lass as ueainst mv rib, lust like the Deidi.lCn!yt l-W 1 ' a she sat by the window, looked out painted it on her cheek with a smile. H l'UUa mill imc iuKiuiu it it-' 1 - 1 1 1 1 ,eD upon Ih. back of it.: I have trio- j h .! beautiful, said I, is Mature . - I Stilt uf .1 1 &k i 111. n iliir.itnt ntinn ttr i . 1 scribed tbera, and they are at your service. The poet added to the in scription, the declaration, that tin bill was received by me, as the prize for my - Ode 10 tbe Moon.' from the editor of the Boslou Telegraph, Jan. 36. 1825." V. Oo, thou bane of genius ! go ! (jo, thoql ueeesiary ill ! Let thy grov'Hng minions know, Genius can idipise the still! t Tho' his coat be threadbare worn, ho' tiisf merit be denied, Tho" his heart be deeply torn, And his character belied. Tho' grim poverty assail, And neglect and eare oppress, Daring genius will uot quail, E'en in utter wretchedness ! Ue bath that within hioi horning, Y ich sustains hi m 'gainst thy frown ; Thee and all hy voteries spurning, For a glorious renown : -Jjlhnui my knowledge or my -suit V All unsought, ihuu eam'tl lo me ; '';mi r . ; IJXUn unhirtdjniustrelsy. 1 ' . :x- - On regret ted now thou Jest ; S Ity ervaiit- 'oat my god t hou a n . 'nd by thy inscription shmest J i'Thoor't uot the idol of mv heart: Go:nntttrihro?erreaehin knave, Nor.the AYorielous spirit, KoriieehtiouH paistons slave ! . Seek and bless neglected merit. Sithe.poor- 1 ... - ...11- olace of tjiose wh roam forlorn ; 8eek virtue's unfrequphted dnor. Aud bless the suffering' child , seorn. If opp ession sfrive to wrin fhen from unprotected need. Tell him that remorse sbail bring ;,7iwejson his heartless deed. T V-fM.I trr,friTJTi 1 STiowftf the miser s ek to cam, And secure thee with his pelf, Tell him that deep disdain , Marks tbe wretch who lives for selj 3 But at evening a different scene was presented : a small cloud apjieared in the west, which kept risinc and swelling ; the viied lightnings he gan 10 streak across his Threat, and the distant thunder seemed the fore bodcr 01 the, tern pest ; as it approa ched the zenith, the winds arost, and with a sudd n crash tore the huge houghs from the oak, miglpy sou of the forest ; the beasts of the field looked astonished, and man ga zed in amazement. The rain pour cd down in 'floods ; the lightning seemed to intlatnc the whole atmos phere, and joined with the iffiJJfcTy roaring of the wind, and ihe crash ing of the thunder, seemed to say that all was lost," Terrible, said 1 art :hou, O God of Nature. Credulity. One of those gen try who get their living by their w its, lately arrived a?, a town in England, and advertised a bill of performan ces by five Arabian conjurors, a m lug .ivliicli was the "fidlowrrtg . I hey are all brothers, by the 8. tine father - their names vluley, llenas-8-ir. AhdciU aIj, Mustapha -and Sue Kie. At the conclusion of their nr. ,rr yet .quailed feats of .flight of ihihI, legerdemain, b they will ke each alighted torch in "cither hand, wlx-n o incredible to relate ! Suckee, with the hurtling torches,' will jump clean dwn Mnstaplias liroat, who, in an iostant, wiih e. jual dexterity, will ,ump down the throaUvpt AMall4h t It n A' (I Itah vvill jirnp down that ol Kenass ir ; and Beoass.tr 'down his brother Alu linn of a duck o cl K'k ! ShctliS. WrO M U2)on the the heauiifui mm bintr. and I dear, widout you bemineriwiir-l-e''!',4 rence will he after dying an odd sn-icrmiy m -m Mmfm m maid ! By the nowm of batte roil.! fine lormrd JawI o'll just go off like the snuff of a rush light so he will I ' ' A1 Scorch.nan inlove, taks apt Lie o7sneeshin A d 1 1 c r ra a H ai fc ' n ftp m4 forporfeet htppiae it, f1rae his mull, ; A Mintaoa t ih I nf .f whyles claws his elbows when it ds. vy, on the tvf fcer warrli t ti na yuk. Hechi Donald, . mat!; Ik f Ui'?ualy I '. what the muckle deil's name8 coBe!t,lin5 on martin atl tUh I r .WT ye noe ? Fye, fye, dinna fctl wefe roahl at r4 at tH. Vlairerv M'Cree's nawkv ee'n t hxl' 0reln" if 1 1 aw f ye through ? O. Sawney, Sawnfy rt4f?!t len me ye r lug a wee b. , my f - tJ h rreet Inen , and keep a secret. Jts hin be Jf dwJt friw( mr her twa gim'let ec'u, or her pdn c0r1(1ant. Ilpe at for eoostaot bar ted face, Im courtin it's her til-, moy in ihe 'Married ttr. fh b-s! ler ! her siller I hiuhands and witt ars th ho A Wtlchinan in love, looks afiiil be.ir oecasionallv frm each oih ly as the goafs on his mou:taiff sillier of hu:iitrvith ptient mii.lti refuses leek porridge and toaled a obliging vithtfut putting qreat va- hcese thus proving the powet of Ul y,,nr favors Hope not f. he blind arehpr in h fl.n Qim.;,, return of tpndrnets. Mei the blind archer to hp tho qamih every country. " Poor Shenkinin J1' u!. fr; lmselr-t ci T d have us eonhi Vu need not .vbftbee I d; m it s I- Ir lie tt ,hr pains t -n- hur heart go pit-a pat, all tay ! : ir Wtn r. Hor cannot work, bur cannot jdif, ?ttbej ire M;ab!it:-1 P ay Hur cannor sleep, hur can't b-$f. l k"e 1 y."0. fro.n jealoity. your lit. And Sheukin and Winifred he .nan and wife. . , . . . I wc tr.'i rifto nreehd A Uuu hman in love, fW-.ij. l.a.t .lr.,i ,tr.,.lc!n. eciioners ice h u c. and 4 Jfaa;t- sara f-vaMnt in hi- pa.h, JTSu hfi4hnd nri f . t v ai. oUioti,renroaetieA ,.!llir?lttLTiat . .... con f lard ay hot ab agrillM devil : a It ycr in luve, pleads away hUjul, and a Love sirk I) idur physip a way his soul by the bye. a dptoi must he sirk indeed, when he Ikes his own pin iir ; a .Musician inW fiddles away his kouI, aud afoet rhymes away his senses Origin of Pihiasks Torn ley's, who, lastly, notwithstanding i Rousl is to govern, manage oatre ne is incmnhered wi h hi- four brol.-tside over : Johns in osenes, Mi.if Hiers, and right torrhea Ivill tti iW it o iginaily written Hoist wjcii a iU flap summerset tlown his own i'signili s a tumulr, and then impled - .Or should profl'gacy aim " , " To arrest and nquander thee, Tell him llmt contempt and shame, - hhall disgrace his memory. livery kiwi and generous heart, That I waruilW wish it wll, ; Ami would Madly now. impart v Tbnusauds ludli as thee,' to Mens jBvery child ogwretehednets. as kid to direct the rabble. Bradlev'sla- riely of Literature. Piping Hot Ting expressio.1 is taken Irom the custom of a hak blowing his pipo or horn in villncs to lei the people know his bread just dravn, and consequently hoi light. Brady. Under the tlosc Tbat is privi or serrctly. The rose was, it rs jsd acred to llarpocrates, the Gdol Alienee, and therefore frcquentlyja ccd on the ceilings d room ilesftet I Love and its Effects. Love for the receiving of guests, ant in is like hoin-8ty, much talk (I ol uiid ply ing, that whatever was transited tiirom and leave ihe audience in to tal darkness J" 1 he house was crowded to over . flawing, hui unfortunately lor the audience, the conjurors, after ge'.l ing their money in their pocket t, pimped down their own (floats bel oe h performance began, and were never seen afterwards ; one i em only ol the bill being exhibited .(hat of lea ving their dupes comphteiy in the dark. c . A aFragment 'I he sun arose ; - ort a fine mwi) rig in' June, in all his iKuaiTu'lory ; f he pearly ill ops "Hlieelah, Sheelah! my box diamonds! . .VVtlm! Siting on the-sprrVa ofthemea- my essence .d cruelty ! m pearl .of, dows, fihVrik away at, his approach, the cattle on the mountains rose and streached themselves jn gladness, K v 'regaled themselves VfWh tlie rich vei Jue tnbistened by? the- morning dew ; ' zrrtlietarTTwSrH sounded her nhrilt matin song, and ' " tb tees weal birds Awaked by . the little understood : like c tuhitou sense Valuable and scarce thrMniser calls i it a bad mortgage the sto. k jobber, la sinking Inndl he doctor, a hypo. :hondria (he layerta suit in chau "cry a soldier,. his parole ol honor aud a sailor, the mariner's coin pass. An Englishman in love, amu jsrs himuelf w ith the blue devils : 'ask him a question, and I will hold a thousand pounds to a dueat you feel y ourself insulted b his auswer j ffof instant e ' Fine morning M'. Bull V9 T1I7 I liiivVseen a tii us4tid finer. How are you o day. sir?" B. Don't know can't ted. What ads you, friend John V9 B. What' the dciil business have you with my ailings ? An IrisuoiHi in love, (and who lovrwlike hiiii ?) gets jnerry with I rislivvomen, then exclaims, () h ! there should not be made publi Brdy. To come in pudding fnnc tha hv dinner time, or time to begin t tier, pudding being the first dish tl was served up. Brady. A fl'iutk Tlnbb t bread and dice k toasted ; that is a Welsh rare bit - - Brady. i'cwjo5gcT- nine uiny am nev. Ate. It is derived from t Krcncli words, 'Pot it rogue, stn cruut or iiiuo repuiauve. ura da ; but, brethren, ler m caution vu not to driuk more than Pve mentio d or may be ye may' pass tho bounds of moderation !' To V.sn WooLrw Goods Th art of washing woolen thing so to prevent tbem from sbriukiog . Vaa of the many desid -.raia in domestic lecononiy worthy of being recorded nuu ii it mcrciure wiui ailSraCU ttl ttiat we nnw eiplain this aim it pr. ce-s tocur readers. All dieriprinnf f wiffden go ds bouM be well wH. cd uiih soap in very hot water and asotitas the article has been cleans, ed, immerse il io cM ra-r ; let it Spaxisii LiniEs. The dres the $panin Udy is remarkably el gant, and generally adorns a ve I" wrung and haa up to dry. perfect sbap. Black is the unisi mm. sal rol nir. and the robe is most taf A Gooo Paacro. r c'Uw fully vandy ked. A mantilla, or no ia siletn, V J V.-., K,ty ,rre tf. j of bl.rk silk or lace, and sometiuA a letter fnoi Phils l. pl' t rioiIni of white lace, is thrown oter t'' fdlawing : tUr.l ifs'U to head, and leaving the face uticovett dllas j lnerrf ; ; .Mlar ; falls gracefully over the head lh tsi5 ea . d In Mm lew shoulders, and is confined at i:ttr 23 JMr -nVni TJf a m a. . a A . a . ' I jwa rls, ami my Uower o all iljwrts ; vaLDylheaTmt oTUheari a . a . a . m . . mi t a. xcepi tne p oaioe nower : Arrafi. dear; 'why trill you shut your one eye against Ferrencc .MGUddcry ? Ilav'nt 1 got a genta!eommodimsi fofljnale Tillfe mJidTiirfiTl Vn't 1 &ot a cow. 'and afurf..t her with ? Hav'iaH I gut an empt) There vat w-oe' s -and palpsUe rueot in ibe apfeeh nf a runu uJ, ta an idler, wba Utted bii an licit fmilv.M.a mash ih fliey are both etpendtc a. d naf cular in dressing tlrrlr feet wji neatnrss, their little sir tea fit cIod . Hie large Mark et e, the dark l,,eal rmtlf a wash ih 0r fBr iiresslve gla ,the MM'tod tit. t;Pr' P;-w as we pUo-li. Ivh of the glowing fomplei Jfn Ml0Wfr the seed, tUvor make tho f-onnillii Ehhshcian dt I r91' tf tf th renirt iid ha who i'.t hMy rte ,pt. i Whatever e '" !ritirn" aid he, d it in mod erauaa. and u!.on all be -tnoder-vte n drain drink-ng. When ynu get up. iadee l yo miy tak a 'Irarn and nai-ihe-put before breakfast, and per- isp nuither after ; hot dtnn& b$ al I way fra n dnnkin5. ye-'UroW1,vXKf ia the .nor , yo ntty j n t brace yeMelf ao vi?h a-'iither d-ain, and prfnips 'ike naither before luoe'teon, :hii Tfear tnko aoe (er, wbia'ria i very hli atle; but dinna ha always dram, dram, drunaiinc; awiy. .Viehody 'an'serupla for cne just afore dinner, and when the dessert U brmi;lit in, an' after its ta'en away j ad perhaps ane or it may be twa, in tie course, of tbe afteron n, jus to ke'tfp ye from I rotvsying & snozzlin ; lull dinna b always dram,- dram, d' uin;niti. Afore tea and aftnr ten. J w--.wT and between tea and topper, s na iar.e than rigtit and jood ; but let ma e .tuion ye, brethren, not to be alwa g dram, (learning. Just when ye start for bed, and vhenye are ready to pip tatnnraiid-perhpiwhenye waVe io the night, to take a drum r twa is no more than a Christiao mav lawfull I i I j--- Y