i) ' --rJ .-'-' -;- - "All IUIUI"UIQ CMIITM UVf V UlUCk it, at iLe distance of nine winii u Biikm j now the (own, wnere tlitr workmen employed iu the uiauufac to of aim vtere wailing on their kneel lor its approach, aud earnestly BumCihoJ p r.ti4iua to draw the hearse -a duty which the)1 performed cnnit in nmmnnff. 'jl'ber battle now dettdTf Turv.--The' village of St John was three times taken and retaken, with ieai slaughter ; their second in command fell iu the last attack; when they gave up the contest, leaving 800 dead on .the spot, betides prisoners and wounded, Gen. Gouras aY the head oflne Corinthian brigade, car wnii all the sign of ardent zeal and ried the village of tit. Aniie's, and or tpiou rep-c , tut the disiauee i eighi jdi red a general attack, with the whole force, when i ho I urks tretecompie i went. Al we uisiaueo oiuueweisi froiu ihe low u. the wetiLJelieVed by the merchant and eit !!, wm had alio wailed on l eir kuees the arrival of Hie procession. . .U ilie barrier, ttit Biitiop, accompanied by a uumer oui uo.J ofcleigv, the lioveruor, and Ciii oiHcef, " iNobiuiy and Cili ze.i uf ait classes, joined the boleinu piott tiou,tit a tauftpv erected there, su passed iu uiaguitieeuce all we had bei re seen, and proves how ihe mem ory ol Alexander is uuiveisally cher ished, i cauuut help remarking the p.oliiUiiU veueruliou shewn by ihe in IijimauU of tnii lty ou the eiitrauc of ut pr cession. Notwithstanding the ineaicutabl crowds wi.icli tilled the sireels aud the'wiuduwi, and cov ered the rout auU walls, the moil pi ,und iileuce was observed as H iiid Wt sel .iul agaiu at li o' clock, after the usual ceremonies." Trouble in Spain, --1 heGlobe fur fluliti ihe luovviU5 .aciouuli ftum Madrid, which are up lo the lint ol ..... larch. 4 rue landing of ihe Constitutions, fo ce near Ancant, appears to hav rff' odueed ihe deepest ttelmgs One S letter savs. Terror aud coutusiui: 1 rtign here. The King and koyl .r :J : illl iy rCBuc ai tin jum t j dlu, and their guard now coust e:i LLlirely offswiis. i he .Ministers b.avt demanded of ihe iiugh b Abassador, in a formal note, explanation repeet ing the movements of General Mma, ipnaMoypai of Mr-L mMvatr t hat he understood be4rad lefi England, but in hit rhove mnts or intenliuui he knew nothing of. We await further details wnh the greatest auxiety " I'lie Curate Merino b s declared t) routed, and fled in every dnection, leaving 3000 dead, 900 pruooer 400 ttouuUtd, 2 lienerals killed, 14 th eers wounded, 25 taken, with 2 can nou, the Pacha'a lent, 1 bnggnge and ainumiion waggons, &,c Our loss Mas 800 killed and 700 woUoded, A yuui.gman of the name of Herbert lo k tw standards, for wt ieh-tie a made Captain ou the hlrf; three o ttier standards were also'takeu.' Tle Tu'kmh force was ten thousand men; ours was eeveu thousand M4te all TirHarnev. of nueif (hanhequeguofi on t Fie pas sage !' this bill should be taken by yeas and nay s. MrLecumptc, of Kentucky, was proceeding in some remarks in oppo sjtion to the1 demand, when he was informed by the Chair,, that any re marks on the question whether a vote should be taken by yeas and nayni; were out of order. The yt as and nayg were then or dered by the Honse. , 1 v Mr. Lecompto ihen delivered bis seritimt-tKa in opposition (o the bill, as did also Messrs. M DufRe, ol S. C. and llouston, of Ten, Tin q H'SU n was then taken by yeas and nays, and derided in the affirm itive, as loliowj; Ya 131 Mays 60. Panama Mission This question, wliicti has km iunn iiiritaled htth , .1 - o uie Dane you can to join us. , i hope. Houses bt CongreMs, which has f e the next will inform you that tb?lated an interest and excitement rc C ok W'.ats on the walls orLepanto.' y oe re anesseil, and a hard fought Letieh fhom Col. Bkkion routes:, on one side at least for se yt,ii,pai Lepa.,.0, Jan. 2J, .6.- j moni hiS at ,e u M 7Til'lHttt,d,K11 2 'Passed to a third reading to ik, we had a fatiguing march in purauii ' t. . . 1 of the runaway IbTaham Pacha, wl.oj 4II,,USC ol Presentat.ve e rc wi collect. at; hi troop, at Lepatito,! er ,,ur waders to the Coiigiessinnal .nd Patras. aud talkinir ve. ! heaJ ,or a (ietrt,, of ,,,e prbceediis. jiitgtiyl poW4ng 4i a io t4m awor4UConsto anu mueiaiigabie zeat wiiii winch the measure has been opp ised, 'the marshalled forces and experienced generalship enlisted against i t;.t lie ingenuity and management to dek'at i(;it is matter of no little iiiuiiph that t!ie question shouid have paired by so large a inujoruyT riiis fas tin- first Executive measure ol nnrjor lance, whih was suhmitted by Mr. Adams to Congress; and ono in which it has been sutd he teJi a li i ly and intetwa interest. The oppisi- tion at ad eaily nay rallied tleir nut we saved his Hi -burs the trou ble; by a sigual defeat. We arrived under the walls of the above place, iu Ihe x'9th, driving his pi quels be ' re u. and next mornnit; blockaded ihe town, tienerah Ia F yeite and Oelcroui having sui v y ed ilic g' ouuil, we began our trenches, iu sniteofa heavy tire from Ihe lown aud castle. On the 22.1 we were joined by 1500 French aud Italian voluul?er I mi in ijeghorn, consisting of lancers, hus sirs, &ek and a smull battering tram of eight 35 pounders and four moi uir. ue same nit u, iwo uer llll. two oeserieo iu us, nn man omeers ii ' tin u IU" Pacha's lutent ol formed us of the attacking us in thn morning with oy uoo liorse aud foot. Uur tcirce was ooly OOU. At day bietik, ihe uik advanced, covered by a heavy fi rotrt the f rtitica!ion, with loin! nhouts of Alfa and Mahomet. Out artillery and musrur.try "opened or them with tremendous cllVct. and in ufieen minutes the whole line mhh funouly engaged; our cavalry charg ed the ent in , iu grand style, cutting numbers of I hem to piece,. The bai lie had now rged seven hours will, the greatest obstinacy, when the line convent ol St. Marv' whs blown up ami 730 u'kn with it; their line wu ii'w broken nod ou'ed, they (lying v every direction to the town, pursued by our cavalry to the Ejales; a part entered pell-mell with them, but not being supported, cut their way nut only losing six men in thai daring ex ploit. A party of our cavalry had nearly taken the Pacha prisoner, who was carried fT I he field wounded b a carbine ball in the ureas' 'J'h enemy lost 4000 killed. 800 wounded, 20 0 prisoners, 8 standards. 10 can non, 6 amunitiou waggon. Our loss wat 300'' killed, 400 wounded. Gen eral Uouras wan slightly wounded BTTKR"r FUOM GRERCE. jjn the head by a muket ball TV oruers to give no quarter. himself hostile to the pVeient Gov f, r.. be mj f.a iMisiderable force, wiiicn rTititutional ause. Tho' we have no -u; s'doub of Ih Curate's insurrection, we are nuher sceptical as 'he accouui : 'iye,i of his principles, and those ol r.Jiis troops. . . .( parties aro already in possession of the forts of C xthagena, 311a expect Turther reiulorceraents from the Al- ijeriot' coast. The Dys of Alg'ers having declar ed war agiiinsi Spain will, it is sup p sed, afford facilities 10 the patriots. The commencement 8'iy the Globe, of hostilities by Algiers, we announc ed on the 16tb, on the authority of theSpanish Consul General at Tunis. Several strong parties of Constitu tionalists have appeared in the north, and have committed great excesses near Comnna. f?pthi'liostfm Evening Gazette "X-jJ-. near i.epnnto J tn. 17, 1826 I tak VV .th iirt opportunity of "writing you '' the account of the late victory. On I tlie l'ith there was a smart skirmish, ii. hich the Turks lost a number of thelrtiest men anci officers, nd fell hilr In Ihfk VIIISPP. AnoUI 7 O f&CSXm I - -TT .1 kunuil mill. Iiexi ninruiUK iir. vuiiici urtnu nun the'fut posts; whieh fell back into liue. A large body of Marmalukes were VcJiArged byour cavalry, headed by ; .Colonel Berton, and totally routed Ou Riflemen iti front picked out the clheerj.as they advanced to tbei post f J . I I I mill mltiiA Kl 1 ruti.il and Knglish volunteers, w vdenot t fire till the T who had or- urks were 123 ollicers. 1 forgot to form you in my lust, the Pacha (Ibrahini'i) -a nt and seraglio of ladies were ioncD. B. .BKUTON. Congressional Summary M r. Conner, ol C. offered ths lollow- Resolved, That the Secretary of War be instructed to report to this House what will le the piohahlerost per mile, for making the road on each of the routes lately ex. mined (rom Washington City to New Or leans. This res Itition lies one day. An JroRsedi bilf making ap- vvit! in 200 yards. The enemy nowrOpfiatiojiTor fflriyinp; intotff.rt eniavouVed tourn our left ynng i but (,r uppoinlmeni i f a n ision to the iver. r reived at the poin! 'rf tbiLhay--t 'vtm)IH ,J Iallnma:,, tvns read a craet by General ha Fayette our ie -"rfhird lime. t ion thtir plan of atfa k; and slice the orisjaiiization of their lotfces luve kept up a constant and Imlfire which, from so formidable a pli l ux, Ae are surprised should have rnul I 'd in so litlle iiti-y to the 'Adjiin istra.tiu.il, iind.a deled I to tiiemsi-a-vB. so signal and complete. AVo :on- uuiiili over a setthul and leep)aid scheme to hat rass th Kx' iMitive.jand undermine some of the best meafirt-s of the Goverument; to bring oltiui atid disgrace on the Adininisii iijon; to overthrow the President' anjjb. crctary of State; and finally tooeci upon their rums, the frtuue&iaud plans of. despicable and datigous ambition. We brieve that a or ire lh , ni utanrto T this countfy particujariy as Is re gards Cuba and Port Uicu; and ia placing our commerce on the most favored footinj;. The mimfestations of our frieHdsliqvaiid tli?lively in, tere.st we take in the affairs of our sister Republics, (by a repreutati ia at the proposed C ingress,) will link in closer union the svmpatiiies .irfd intereatSiif the tw America; and then g eat and benevolent agency in iHioratins the tsoodition of mdu. may be felt by after ages. II 'individual a jtipitnies personal prejudirrg, and prty feelings ind passims ind bei.-n laid! aside' iiitlic .lisrussion of this most interesting riueiiion, it is more than probaule that the vlis. i.n to Panama w odd have been regarded by all intelligent m-n, as a prudeu', liberal, safe i.id wise measure. Kv ry bj -ct looks yellow to the jitindiced eye. The spirit of pirty, woen goaded on y private an I p dittcd anim ist y and personal hatred, looks on objects tiirotigh.a. false medium md nat which in truly I ively to ben ld, pre scuta Ihe appearance of disg.HH ig dfor tiny. It i tois spirit of jin ty this green eyed n irister, w .ich iwieen in 4ne-"Panama - h st of gt'gims, hjjlras, and dinner a? dire. Bui the discussions on this sub. jed will not b- wi'ii ,ut their b on lit ? to the C Miotry iiiey will e tig ir n the ainils of the p-ople 'bey wilJ give to lorein nations evidence of the pure, spirit h vVlticli wc accept the invitation to take part in the de liberations and discussion? at P ma ma. I'll y will instruct our Vlmis ters, a uLgive tliem prutlenee aud cautious circumspection tbev will which all i np irtant measures arc tlisi-usstd in he United 3ates; t!io safety wiMi which error may he per mitied 'o exiiaiisi iis weapons f T leuce and defence and that Irufi is great and rrill prevail. Aodl'u lii'r, tiiese i!h( ossions wiil ivo a plMgir to tlK republics ..al South Aimva, of enlih ened and disinterestesl re- nr i,iu inc in nit; person ii ani mosiiies and party rancour, w!ii h liig-aced trie proceedings of Con- gri'ss on tltisquesti in, and strove to turn aside the current of good feel ing, and drive the Gorern merit from the path of souod policy and rue wisdom. Constitutional fFnq. tion .f the iniiiorifv were acluatf by honesty and good intentions, ittl to such, these remarks an not intftdeu to apply; hu that a parly does, exist inimical to the Administration jand i its measures; and who staid -prepared all times to oppose to ti( ul most, every act of, the ..... ExctU ive, however just and necessary; an who are ever ready to indulge in the nost wanton and course abuse ofthtJPrV. eident and Secretary of State, ctnsot be denied. We regret lor the loiiir of our rouutrv.that such a nar'td-is exist; that feelings so malignant b lone to the human breast r shou be indulged in by enlightened an respectable men. Foreseeing no possible dange from the adoption of the measure Ttrarnofhing can or wil-lrenrlo1T(TT(f bind Ihe United States, without the subseque nt sanction of the cnnsttluj The Philadelphia Gaxetie stafpg, tion in all its forms; we became ththtt the New Steam llm Line be rarly advocates of a scheriMJ. whirl! tween Pluladelphia md ! N orfolk we believe is likely trt result in tin emmnce rtiun ng in the middle if ..w,.t imnrtflnt otid laqtinp- food mill May Both the boats d-stiod for this ... - a, Saw Votik, pi-il 2t Va'ionat ul i;e3 v re xc ang"d yest-!ay ttveen the Pencil Sloop of war hide, filigiblti .ind Fort Coluoibus. V n- w and -.egant brig of 600 i n, e lied th" merica, was dropped dow tl B iy, ind will s til this nrirn I tig, far - V raC. uz, under ih cohm oand ofCipi D 1. P rter, Commo-d-re Porter and Mr. Law are p tv n gers. This vess-l wa built bv Ir. (yhirles Porter, entirely fliveoakr. and Mi!) not suffer in eomparis m th any vessel that evr left the pirt. She is pierced for 2J gunn. T'le Hwr-disb frigate (ybapoian, ar rived here on I uedy, from C .rtba s na. Sh' sailed on the 29 ult. in mpan with ihe Svtedili tt f i j p l p. rhestnn, f 7 guns bound lo this pori, both for ihe purpose of Cupper- ? -ii iiiinr.iiMrrr ' ' - rm Co lie i a i , Rpqiienrra lo a large portion of ilnl ":"' "? ' ""'"5 filbr. heretofore benightr.! nd tram P ; ' ! ' mm,. j ...v ... j .""',.l An liv ilia direct rnnt. k.t.a.n mm w mw.- m w y. f y V W I V i " - U, i I I- I. ol " niiiirPHSiiin: an vih oihv crK tin t .. j .1: . 11 ' r , (i 1 "iiaucipuia nou me norm ..n e erect on a sure ann permaiiem louni who(. ,MM 0f ft ,tw down B datioii, their tuture ireettom, prosj Wilmington, N. O. penty and happiness. , ft It '

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