-r4- M- XT to , V 4? .-n-te,,,ffV1.fc . I i L ... led Dj the eolerpriiiog prising," emiatri. ' Meg. M,Ui'?f (iuat( mammoth pnul iui ?ei every other LOiiioToi ihtetun- L . as tnanv column. M iu ....... J . . .... ""..-n ' lio!- i (lUleigRe; rr EDJVEsoji r, jwjf3. ' i lia f ?!. L lnd an. .1. - n I mflininif I'.iaiIi. I.I D l v a .!..!. (y I , jr uuius iuviHuiug me oup j ""uwiu ui opaia in aouiu plertentary article bv which thi' Awnca, has surrendered to the wishes of the tilnte of Georgia, nave Chilians 11 aue does Dot speedily ti beeo ull more fully met, received ou Friday the 2ist of April, the sanction of ibe Senate, with only seven dis senting Votes, the Yeas and Nays are Yeas - .Weasrs. Barton, Bell, Ben ton. BouiiieuVak Branch. l.hnmLr. U 0 9 " - 9 M M US W V Chandler, Case, Clayton, Harper, The ItUnd of Cliiloe, th 1( re terminate her differences with the Republics of the douiii, Cuba, Porto" Hicu aud every inch of territory held 1 w. by her in this hemisphere, Will also ue witsteii from her. Ml- Edknto April 14. BXPhUitlON. Mft. Jft:FFRoN' Lottery. .Pub lic uoiice iu Ueeu giveu ihttt every liarri-on, Hendricks Johnson of Ky. thiug is ttrrauged in rttfard to tii Kane. Ltovd. MhtL vi.ii. v .. Dmilh, !.., IW, "il, vv?He '. 0l"e V"' "J ",B ,,,!keU 30. be ready for leliv ery in a very bIioi Nats Messrs. Eerrien. f!nliii. tfue. and the ul Lii ill ail i klinun in it a 7 i . j- " u .u uayne, K.iDg, Macon, WUile, Wil purtieulars. There are to be 11,480 Jiatns. --7. P anama Mission. By reference, says the Raleigh a tar, to our umm i fjr of1 Congressional proceedings, u Jiyill be 'seen that Mr. M'U lie a. mendment to the Uenort of the Com. mittee of Foreign (elation on (tt eiaicc ai leu dollar each, and the grateiul task ui superintending the Lioiierj, devolves upuii those enter puMiig Mauager, V ATEg and Me- In Tin e. Jksse Ufton, ui Kandolnh counfv in li.is Male, who killed his Mile a ASSITEK. ehdrtrrtif uritli . rk, ..... . in fckr "ounit,cf1eI.u Ctuie OM I ,u,sd-y alieiuuou, March 30,0. f. lr,p,er!.r OUrt- 'i'l"p"oner neldy eve. Tug laii , u.ttkiu6 ie. irip was defended by tien. irfoli i.i-7 . f-v M. . , I v, n.i.tu mis line a ission to the Coneress of Panama, h;;... - ...awtnn...,,... ..... .., . m .Hammm,i.x ' -441 a '-yar'44 ;ue,eQ ti'ftrW'teo Wftl fllloniifI in ilii finnan wf M I """ was adopted in the House of Itepr e sentatives on the 20th instauiah the JJepresentntivea from our Slate? wilh the eieeption of Mr. WdLams, voting in favor, of. the. amendment. and coinmitted to the iail at Koox- illea-IT ft uaei ie 1 1 . -vm . p4 ooghi u g hi afield uot far distant from that I'twn, aud accidentally came to th ..,..1 ,.r i... i . i i ...... . .t i . run vi iitc nr. i next i iiii rnn.il i I -,., Wl till) k a A .1 I Vj ' 7 j Jaies Jones, JK.i. ot Hertford Couotv. After u patient bearing of tue evidence, aud ibe pleadings of Counsel, the Judge sum ined up the evidence in a very con. cise manner, when the Jury "retired ind soon after returned ioto Coon with a verdict of Mamslauotkr. dt was aecordiugly branded in the hand. f- " ' 4 Gazette Geo WlNFIELD SnOTT. of thn IT 8. Army, arrived at Wiilmiiif too on mo wimnn,oo a lour to the South. Editorial Changes Hnl. Jiin f iPasteMrrhaviug transferred his in- leresi mute establishment of the New in IX da aud about iiif.ee uouis.- We be tie ve it is lie quiektsl p.ttg04 that h is ever been mad to IMubutg and back since the eommenet uitut of steam navigation uu these waters." Philadelphia, April 20. Dr. Hubuaid, wl.ola)beu Capidiil Isruel, has resumed to this ety, add voluntarily surrendered hisili ..a Tuesdiy evening to Alderman Whatr ton. We understand he has been ad" milted to bail by the ntoyor. Franklm Gaz. It appeari, from tho docurnentf communicated to the House of It. i re- veniatives ay the fresideot on .he - . ........... ..w ..v... m.a.i iu in c IUUU Vn the ist, the resolution reporter Lome travellers from North Carolina by ther Committee of Fureig-.i KeU -i. tions, as amended, was rejected. Those from this State who voted in favor of the Resolution, are Messers Gonner and William- in the nea" 1 ivevMessn. Alston. Brvtin. C arson a. . vO . vr. . .'. v,,,f uBHUiniB nun Sawyer. On the queition to strike out the enacting rlause of the bill, our Representatives voted as follou: FrtPS.. ..Messrs. Alston, Brvan Car son, Conner, Edwards, i!ines,H6lmen ' atf - m a - vii ducted uudr the firm of Watson k iVlictten. ; ' - tfill.in iiartikita t 1 1 1 t $ Uj J JJuder.w ho s e.m&u age meui it :ii ucicuner oe conducted. New Mail Route. A second nail has been I It (ll I si Ii sill Iku it uiin liis Iovvq and Liucolnton; leaves Lincolntnn. on Friday, arrives i.ere "i Saturday, about ll o'clock, A. M. ind departs on the day after the Sa em mail arrives. On its way from liincolnton to Salisburythis mail cross's the Catawba at Sherill's Ford, ana returns, by Heinle s Ford, riie - . a . a . a. tiftircuWh'on nfVi, rr.i r.;:i 1 II . II ., .1 ... . .l ..111 ..It . 1 - . wv, u.Mic, guiuuj uiKi longeu j f. turoii!u me natnral fljstera of ma j tiU.to await hi4 trial at the nr-x it gives life, health and vt-or to tUe term of tue U.S. Circuit Court for whole. The dittusion of information n district, which will he held on among the .people, is as reniiMite to the 12 h of next month. Hmvu.. s.ntaio a Republican sVstem of gov- '-aied m t:hrletu, u lUv 1 3tU in- -rnment and per peUiate i(8.blen'n . 1 'f:0v rntormation hud ifpnTPouiJ rrt an,t ......! ..n..it i ' . iTTI, pii , . ,. I", !liird throns-li the preserve a healthful condition of the , . ..i.i. in i iic I' IMIlv I . i i i i .. ... y 'iai!iui-j .piacau at the olhee -j - - - m y in a ij i , were passing-, who recognized him aud totik htm up. Halmou April 28 On Saiurduy night lat, mUs J). . .. .ii i ... ucati, c.iiargcu Willi iiavui'; l oenmit I Ii' t w . eu lorsrfTv ii J 7 " a if is nrolmble that Frar ee will lih.. 1 vej tAs U hjeAiLJJllLiljis helieved (says Mr. CLy) (hat these ' Agents of Great B itain am prance arreipFriwf fo fake anvnaFnn lsr conierenees Congress." to Take WW or negotiations of the viawmeking i nere is an estab ......... nut i nerr ji an rjstnn; li-hmorii now in succensful onet atiorj in new lorK called tiieirio-tliulioa for correct ine; he impediments. -Vof SpefcJ fly the plaaihereiipnfiu. ed persons linvp CHred of (lie most iniPtnrnfA hliri ,? stammering, and hnvn h ' "T(jV:' PIWV'VW I MAM . '.I A . .4. w vuuvrrne wiyp ease and racilitv.,, ' ' viiiir jtuu .' ii"ru v it ar to have taken jp ace 11 W-Orieins " M.n ji inst. nettveed iher steam hoals Hercules and I'ostB fbr ft bM of gsooo- to be runm Oi- leans to the B til Oouad, and batt- rriicn earner! oot Gen Lafavetfe 10- it is romered io the ri.iledr nl ii papers, that Col. Burr hud nroeeede: to Washington, with the intention o. calling Mr, Randolph to account, for iavng termed him o scoundrel, in one .o.'. j'1 Peches in the Senate, jivhteh hen been published in most of the newspapers. Agriculture... A society has jus been formed in Randolph county, oi rhie!iGrR. Alexander Gray is Pr. sident; and Jonathan Worth, Esq Secretary. At their first meeting Held , in AsbbornBgh, 0n.the?th 10 March, about 4' members were nr aent and the follow ing.preminm wer offered, which have been communis led jlJforpoblicationt Tor the greatest quantity of Corn raised on one acre of reclaim ' ed land, g10 Por the greatest quantity of Cot ton raised on one acre of re claimed land, Jh For the best eolt foaled this V rir ilia Uamt r n '. . . .-. win pan ti i'iinesiic Blankets, manufactured in the county, For the best piece of Jeans, not Irss than ten yards, For the best Calf of tlrs Sprint?, For the best Pg, pigedhetween this and the'eihibitioo, FQr the best a ,d nicest pair of lir . it . . i oonen otocKings, The Society has reserved a eonsi. derjble part of its fundi, for the pur pote of bestowing discretionary pre fnioras on sneh articles of itomesiio i ti waiting for him. In a few ilav In applied lor the letter, and was seized lie was walking oif ivith if. We-uuderataud that his detection is to be attributed, nriucinallv. ir fl... vigilance of Gen. Beverly Daniel, Marshal of this Stale. auimul svstem. But trann-irtaiinn of mails is unlike the eiritiltiiinn nf the 'ital fluid in one rmrfirnUr . rc-IonJant (low of the latter, destroys the organic balance of the system: w hile an increased einwilntinn r il.. Jo riner. Jlrengthen-..aa4-i u v is ra4a c wnoi syMem;n maydkie increased ad infinitum, without b'urdcninff its Fayetteville, April 19. A STuangku On Mondav nirrht last, a man. whse nnnen ad nur Ilia ' - I f - - - III. nimp In ha Wm M i t ltuiiu, iJieu SUU- iwui ium iuTU io iiiai,-lo CO lemy in this town, where he had ar-' ,n!o operation about the lit of July rived the nriepli n . neir . PI.;, tv.li operation A eorrespopdenf in Lincolnton in forms us that the Postmaster Oener al has granted a contract for a staee m :i t .1. . . ... oaii iroui IIHS I0Yn IO lliiif.-fn ifn atatfs. rivpil I ho nr.Aail:n r nr PI.:. .,:il i.. . ... Mn,.,.MHjj ruing, iie " - (Tin uc irem conven appeared to be about 30 or 33 years j ieoce the citizens wishing to tra- , ..... num. i nunrnri "v""-1" " innccs. nii hat he formerlv resided in Newhem. I moreover, the mail hetwpen flinf. ,,ul was now on Jus way Jrom the i ces at increased to sueh a: buikras V JQ"... Hwinj- purchased the Prtnt-ir ing materials of the late Carolina r X (riot, and presuming that theuli- scribers to that paper are eiirbljs of enconrBgin? a Printing tablishment in Gfreensborouffli, this nancr will be forwarded to them, and thev will be"conidered as subscribers, unless notified to the controrv. nreviotm i the first day of Jun neit. T. EdttLr SritAirGZ. DIKD,' rfelaliohs living. lie rode a sorrel horse, which ws the only valuable article in his possession.- Observer. 5 3 8 speeehes. It is stated in the Con- i j ienee.- fFest Car. eression il Poeeedin? of lci that when the resolution submitted by Th iiaa CI..:.!, ff IJ ijI'.J -v - v'i'i'ia iieraiq states. j r r.Tig- nrn r jCc-icfTop aofe a Tr'To rinini TOP bxecutive power, eame nn tar .i;..... ika n...A.A -ei . b V . . ... ,..... i iiuruix u i an ine lanus "., in the Senate, Mr. Randolph that are cinable 3nfn,n, i. n.a T. en o'clock, just gr Caoe, which will he the creat sta- .fn . this nlacB nn : n r a f . .. r . k-:-- --W , - - , u.,imj. L lit . .... . . . u 'ml tvasnow on Jus way Jrom the) ce8rat increased to sueh abuj of TiearlfSf -jouin, probably to Sampson or Dul torender it almost impomibleto trif i'liu C'liintv. ivhere it ii cnid ti I... i nort it on hor&ehaek TrAt llAnt I W tt m ' I SSBSSSMSHSMSlSMi mg the session of Congress7psckaee t : . '-.;rr7ff: are obliged to be left here for t wo ; wevefc! n consequence of the mail-batf . ii ... .,.. . . a - , j ?i"5 u smaii io contain all, A The present Is the age of long! flage-mail will remove this inConven eeehes. Il ia itiiil in it.. ; ie.ne-.. .frr P.nr "-r:r'7r x.. is nlaee-;oii:'liAl:Kti;rs -ii--? 4 Noteofhand. c-iven hvlnkf. r. bell to J imesjlohhins, dated 24h of March t82fl TIiXJri- ia. it bv aniilvinn tf thi nmaA ... - r. .. " iM.Kr irom one to seven o'clock, just i iiow, tnts prolixity is an pardotiabl, even in Mr. R ndolph. t rre u excusanie in aoy member, it W,,U,J ,,e !n .'iim, for jy hat ever em- enates from JoAn Randolph is eaeerlv rwrrjr uiiuy, anu nor to Know lll.l I- - J 1 I iiai i)p.fienvrea sucu a speech on sueh an occasion would hn tn ir-nn ?"r,lkB:,wn'!? In Hie case al luded to, upon the sunnositinn hn K W S 4 - . 7 a niruKB hi miifii in vii tira... t - - - -- Ji ni'mi ,u mutes as would fill a jeolimB of the National pie, anf whkh in iheiiatids of enter nriTa will Iw. .. l i . -: j.- If anv Person Jinil'd i'lmii-r 'v,-- r i ----- ; ii ta Mill built or repaired, on a priijciplo prize, will be more t rl.o ! tk-. r. . A..a . . .F it; i . .1 ,w - . v . in'ui (tveniy-nve 10 one mn ed state, than the ricti mlnes of dred per cent faster wilhl he;. im WoulliAnierica. Wemnderstand tlial -q;itriiri?.wMi Col nummett, 'rorno, has pUn-'th ted 45 acres of zWr nn nA I ...A.i ...-.i. A-Jjr ! . C.' V templates makinz 00 lioi?shcnil. .if i hIhIim. .k.. .i...-.. - r . . r , , - w aa.p v WM templates making nn linir.ha..i ..r O nugar next fall. Industry and pYrs .W rM IVI I I'M at & 1 l-'-fZ .-pi H'-- r .. NHvw vrriauiiy . iipau 1 10 inie pendenee. ff, in the M'est India ! lands, the planter ii well paitl for his crop at g per cwt fa it pot certsia . '-Vi .. . .' . - : ' .'-:! .... abilities, on tH-Uriesi n;j he ' pe r on' allnd piI t n inm t 1 1. ia I rieters in ?his t t and the state of I II I A : f

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