re 4.r-'" ' 'KKVIMMlV"' CPIDVPU High perehon Age's stately tower- , in rock, Fair science lendi her friendly crook, And guards her children o'er the foaming flood, To freedom's home, a land unstained " - with blood.' 1 II d 1vt-in weitern' wildsfwit h-ma ter hand, SbeYrear'd her fabric in each genial mind. What honey'd streams of transport round her plays; Bright rapture calls tasie soars through all the maze; Widom mounts, in all her beauteous pride, Aloft beholds her influence spread- ing wide; Now warms tho thought aspiring V smiuvAnR ni? JRAT.OITflV 7f I A nunfif stiident cotild not fill his v?Ahnaa of the nameor Oiiyeit wai heet pt Tlieme. .f) The examiner put arrested on Monday, and brought behim in a low class, and orderedhim tnrn th hniiM mn:trntn'r hf , NnW-ii correction. Showing Iiisnaners York, charged with tho inuler4brfterward8 to a friend, 'Twasthat Maria (Jilhert his wife. "jfe oflreTedhaif 8l,ect vacant that ruined me,' to make confession to the ofticerj but sayH . m committed no other his examination was 'deferred until fault.' Oh no, no. 6avs his friend, f my.'OTraiiiber of witnesses came a tier looking at the papers, 'tis all forward aud gave their testimony, the ve ajj h jg vou ,ai gonc ,uu, BUt7' Vu,cu " . w on as you beean, and filled the slteet, verai weeKS since, uic ueceasea carae i , - - ,,, . , tn tht ll.inriin hniui OI Mr. Wall. I ... . ........ ...,Mf- .... , 1 1... J Ill T tttCf ill UCUl VjnilllIICOI v. uv account she gave of herself .wan, that she runaway from her husband who was a printer, and lived in Troy. She had remained a Considerable tune Lvilli Mrs. Wall, when her husband lrrivod. andieame to see her, which be repeated frequently, never howev- r, without a violpni uuarrei neiween them It would appear that ho was ririnir her to return 10 Troy, and that she refund In comply with h s re r. - . . quest. Within a few days, meir ddTerenee had become mre cermus Yesterday he came to Mrs. W'a when several person's were there: his wife was sitting u'pou the lap of another man, wheu he looked in at the door and said, "Maria, come here.' -l.e went into tho passage to him5 n words or altercation were h ard. hot a piercing scream from her immdi ateJy cau in f hero :h t i r u ' into me passagf, wiiertj ium. vmun was found lifeless upon the floor; the knife with which her ' husband had slabbed her, lay by her. (Jilbert was walking to and fro in a wild und hurried manner. He said to th' who addreitscd him: 'l have klltt her, aud 1 am willing to die lor it." The weapon had been well directed as it p.erced the heart of the deceased a U caused "instantaneous death. It was a butcher knife, ground to a point ind sharpened with evident design to .-- 1 iiinivv 1 1 tui . v w ...... T .... . . . -. - J 1 fiat imnirt. its . .0 10.1. JTPm.Rwe ipifc: k4 .kSM.AiMV'' ldi:,,:.i.l"i....L . .e?,-i.T t ? '5? . . . v . Caaper the Ardht.:1i!nrkwond s Magazine thus speaks of Mr. Coo per 1 he" American Novelist: " Coa- tint. ' Oil 1 - M . . . . The annexed advertisements are copied from a late number: of the London Mprnitts. Herald. i1 Matrimony; A gentleman of family, 21) years of age, and who is almost immediately going out to In dia, wisheso meet with a lady wil ling to be united to him. and share hU fortune. She must have the im mediate command of 4.000 : if pos sessed of more, the nurpluM will he entirely at her own disposal. By a union with the advertiser, the lady will be mistress of a most comforta ble and respectable establishment, and will have the entre into the. best society the country affords. The most satisfactory references will be civetu and secrecy and honor will be rvedt Letters ',:Ynosi"'j)aTu'"'a- dressed to No. 236, Fost-ollice, tins iol, will be attended to. To Noblemen, Members of Par. l ament and Gentlemen. The adver ;iM'r. a solicitor ol ' tood education, appearance, and address, who is well versed in tlic law on 'elections, qual ifications of voters, kc. is desirous 0 being employed as a Private Secre tary or Jmanucnsis, or as an Ageii1 to any gent eman or nobleman who is likely to be engaged in a contest at "';$ftjT Having purchased the Priot ing materials of the late Carolina Pd triotf and presutni' g that the Sub scribers to that paper are desirous of encouraging a Printing Kstablishraot in Ureensborough, this paper will be forwarded to them, and, they will be considered as subscribers, unless notified tov the contrary, previous to the first day of June next. T. Earlt Strange. April 21, 1826. , , Dr. R. P. WILLI VMSONt . UKFKli-S his professional services to the Town of Greeusborough and the county of Guilford Ue hopes after receiving the best opportunities in his Medical education, and some experience iu Hie practice, to do jus tice to patients that may be entrusted to his care lie his opened his Shop in the eastern wing of blade's new building, where he can always be found, except when absent on profes sional business. May 10, 1820. 3tf. '1 i-A'J t.- ki afinrnnrhiiifr 'lertun. nossissine inquist was to liave been .. M wl. ...ri w., -hlc ot addressing a meeting with el feet. His servires in the latter capa city would be truly valuah.e. Tei- sonal applications, ur. letters tree . lee. An mqu held this morning: the verdict was wot yet known. Mrs. Gilbert us a native of t!n city.ngt d wbool t-'.iirt);-she had lieen married five years, but hud no children. Ajkihe itnesses .itr eed in a belief that Gilhert wax perfectly oberaud 411 his senses, when nosiac", atluressru to a. 11. at no. -Lierester Place. Comberwell-Ncw . . 11 01 unnuestionauie gvinun, unu imn- ltari-e.t v )t;r an in lussenes ,w hen , L,ifcester 1'iace. omuirrii iuw . . t .J ! Oiir author an Cmcer ol rank, we I A V American. ( f. . .1 n .knoW-iwtVi las give i us sumi' ispirl 5Kfeu7 even splendid, picttins of naval A life. Mis individual chaiacters are SIl somewhat exagerated, which is a "-i ieat ptliy; li .they are wdl enncei veil and contrasted bu his (lisrrip J5 .liolirSjll" sort's of jnanoeuvrcs, in 7r:-airiwtsriif weather, and at all hours fe'Jof day and night, are at once truly r nautical," and truly poetical. We never were more interested in our ' lives t!ian in his account of tie es. v cape (after a running fight) ot .the. Antci iean frigate and sloop from one of Ids Majesty's squadrons.-" The s bearing down of a 9 gun ship, J thi;r ugh a stormy and clouded night, t f ; is magnificent. Cooper exults, as ne r ouglit to do, in the glory of the A mei ican stars, - yet ho. ia. not unjust - to our navy, -and there h nothing S:shtloubtlcsji.'lien. both in battle and T lirvprctki and is a man Jhat would ' ' v-i!i8piscR cork jacket Vc hopc he " has nut a wooden left-but if her has VviaX; iictjot jBnd go.jon S"XJ i.half a 'FccntuYviie seems' ft manwortliy of f haitiif sailed with Decatur; - Never marry but lor love, out sec S hatjoullpvo what is lovely. r?V-' If foVo'boiiot thy ehiefest motive , jL ... ...Ill nnM fVtlV Mvurv nl' tllP '.inutl Will nwuii (y " -r. marriage state, ami stray irnm toy Byrcading we enjoy t!ie dead, by convrsatii the-liviiig, and by con tnnplation, oiitcivey. Heading en ricltes tbe Hiemorycouver.-satioit po. lishes thej,vit. and coutemplation im pi ovts thfejudgment. Ol'these, rea ding is the most imp rtant, which furnishes both the other. Jests from the Chinese. A man sent a note to a rich neighbour he was on friendly terms with, to bur row an ox fori a Jt xv "t"hf vvoi thy old man who vjs no scholar, and happened to have a guest silting with him at the time, that he did not Wlali to expose his ignorance to. O penirig the note, and pretending to read -it, after .rcflccing a -moment, turning to the servant, Very good,' says he, 'tell your master I'll come myse "presently Min Vans:, one of the Judges in the shades below, sent up an Imp to this world of light to. fetch him a doctor of repute and skill. When say 9 he ' you come to doctors before whose doors there are no complain ing ghosts, that's tho man.' The imp takes the charge, and up lip -ascends- to the regions of light. -Eve-rv doctor's house he passed had lots of angry injured ghosts thronging about, wailing and complaining of tneir wrongs. "t uc iumw.i Sally Ueed for vzi.assanil committed on her husband, John Heed, of Bed ford, hy pounding" him with a large mallet on his k knowledge box." She was sentenced to i months confine ment 4nOhe common jail. At her reowstrhe was permitted to go to Cambridge jail for the benefit of tho sea air " Application was madcj for a divorce, by her huslnnd. who DR.J.A.FOULKES, Ilivioi; returned from Philalei phia, Avhere ho has been attendi'itr a rouTsa . of Medicat" Leclnrer'tn 'tho University of Pennsylvania, respect fully informs his friends and the pub lic, in generally, that ho intendg coro Miencing immediately, the practice ot Medicine in its various branches, in tho Town of (Jreensborougb, the vi inity, and in the adjoining Counties, vvhen his services are requirfiK Sf He has purchased the House and Lot owned by Dr. Watsoo,as well as he whole of his Medieines : These, vvth the addition of ili )9e he pnrcha- eu in t lie LJuy ol f niladelphia, will I v :. . .. . from the country, can oe supplieu' with Medicine:; on reasonable terms; Physicians whoso assortment may ) broken, nill n application, ho up pl'cd at a mudornte advance on tbo prime cost. I hone wlio retjuiro Ins proiessionat exrtiofM to fmrve then faithfully Sie run prnmiK m more ; ,the tesis ol his mediciil n!:ill cn only be appfied by a candid and generous public .when they become julfieiently. ac quaint imI-nit !i him. ' "jf Grensbor'Hisrh, April 21, 1325. if CllKAP iLVTS. " The Subscribers -after" rpturnin their sincere ihaoki for the encour- asement received, heretolore. berr J had received so many striking marks leave ta iuf..rin their customers and a of her auaciimcni. wim 11 w hs crameai nci,r"'" i",.?,.,vf..T.',-"v 11 without alimony. Host. PaU An impel tinent poet, having up (run to read to a certain. person a poem of his own making, asked Mm 1? uJ.irh of his verses Were the best : XT7. . ' ho answered " those thou has not y et read, for . they have not made my head ache." 'ttx m A -gentleman walking early in Chcsnut street rhiladelphia, wit 11 a friend, was jostled by a baker run nintr his rounds of business. " An insolent fellowl" exclaimed the geq, tlemam 10h riol't said ihis friend, " that is the best bread man in the city.' X- Pray, Sir, said Lady Jeky 11 one day to Whiston, why was Eve made of one of Adam's ribs V " Because, A... ....,nl. il.l lilauOIII'Dtl nromtsc 10 sihiiii u hit iivoouivo -- . ; r ?Brtr"rr' 'Zwfc 4v - j tit ' J'Irt' loflt fl tt nGf-backwards and lor- ther augment aftection f it-being the wards before th.- door. This is my bWest of passions to slight what we man,' says he, 1 his must he a sue- sighed .to4utss.ej3s. ... They that marry for money can not have that true satisfHCtion 0 .nitr l:itlm renlied Whiston. k the "rib was the crookedest btme tie nac." : Tan-Bart Wante Til R Rubieribers will cive ihree dollars per cord for good -White or hand, and will keep constantly for sale, n complete assortment of Fur fijWooilliits, Made of tho best materials thecotin- antrin the mostlfashion- able tvle : which from the exterstvc- ness onheirTiTsThlss,' they vill sell as cheap as any other person, for Cash, or a short credit to those who are punctual; "Juryjtud State Wit ness TicKets or ouqUy pjdujeem llA rAIAlV0l1 M Ptl. . T.- , WILLI AM ADAMS, PETEU ADAMS. c Greensboro', April 24. 3w. Improvement on Saw-Mills. If any person should want a Saw. Mill built or repaired, on n principle that cuts from twenty-five to otto hun dred per cent faster with the same quantity of water, can by writing to the Editor, of this paper, vostvaid. be - -5, .... ' served with a man endowed with such nliilitiei on the shortest n.ttticje-Xh perSQO auuueu to- camo mtm well recommended by the first cha racters in this state and the state of -Virgnt-rr- " """' Greennboro' May 3. 2 n. . S"tfrorcIUi: requisite thisieSansefbusi but) SJrM being wanting. JiXECUTED ir OFFICE. -r 7v 4K V