lOT" i the hone cieaitys.wi i SONO. tp- i. .f " ' Tu itottSf au Dream. Sf e tn 'moon oVr eloudles June, Shining in the ti& below ; See tl.e distant mountain towering, I. km a nifimiil of SOUW. will the process of shaving become. Scenes of grandeur scenes of child- Dip -the razor in Uiot water before Beenei dear to love and me; Previously to the operation o kbav ing, it will be found of service; par ticul?irly to those who, liave a strong beaid, and a tender -skin, to trash the fare well with soap and water: aim the more time scent in lathering appeared .with a: turkey ; faith and a fine (often it ii rejoiued a Printer. SI 'tfiav i o sp" returned ml i . ' ', if'"" imum i f phia, where be has been aJtaadi'a a ' eotfrii of Medical Leetorea in, the University of Peaosylvaaia, respect- ancj moistening toe -beard, the easier wrong" sijiTby'sTaiiderf-itiiiaglit u 1 1 1 tlm titfisiaa r ulioninh m l 1. ' . IT . . ... 1 1 WM ' ..T. jll i to be. Know all nen." Very well answered the other, If me woman eman sat down to write a deed; and began with "Know one ffrlly informs hit friendaaud tbt pao- women by jhese presents r y u are I lie in generally, thai ho reloads easi- Lt ui mum by bower and wild wood, All is lovl.erwhen with thee. - ' t 0 Lr man's breast the winds are idling. All s ilentin the grov And ibeft'-fvrra, witb dew drops glis tening, Sparkle like the eye of love. - Nght no calm, so elear, lo cloudless, lit sied niht to love and me ; - IjH . roam by bower and fountain, A'l i loviier wltn with thee. H SEEING A BKAUTIFUL COXTAOS. Bmhortm'd n a oeauleous vale, Fniiu'd by the gentle southern gale, There ttandi a co hard by a brook," Int wboie wave wild flowers look. AIIaJonelj.bffJjuJlPf.aA. , i Yo well might deem some sprite of . air. Snme weary wanderer rtpace JJaiLeliILili!'rjl.ieMj,S pl"V lidw calmly could I pas my days h Jhat sweet solitude with thee, Far from the eold world idle gaze, Coo'd'M though resign the world . for me. . 8. Mild, beautiful and y ung; Tis true but then Iter mouth's so small,, It cannot held her tongue The 'qursrinnkWh Printers do not succeed in business as well as Brewers?" was thus answered: BrHU!i Printers work., for. he head and Brewers for . the stomachy and where twenty men have a stom ach but one lusa head. A Sailor at Auction At an even nOTAt rHYLOSOPHT. Happy the world? the pwei sings, When' tbey have Philosophers for Kii.g; A t d nearly tuch was Constantlne, Who mi.ht have reignedyet would reiisn. A I liotiian annais pern ncirnvu T . i i Peeing how Aaloerats tleparieu ; idjhrewdly judging by the fetter, He thoMthat INick would suit them better. AGRICULTURAL From the Amer can Farmrr. ... : IM TUB SOV'TH. - yertOf5 cre iu tlie liand-J 2d year, Cotton, do. jko do 3d year, Cbrn, , do. do do METHOD. "IiiJolv, when the oats ere cut, applying it to the face; use the blade! knows it. all men will of coursV' marly flat, always taking care fo Observe VairJJelia, all in all, ive it a cuitii'g insteao 01 a scrap ing direction. Strop the razor, im mediately after using it, for the pur pose, of effectually removing any moisture that may remain up'in the edge; and betaretul not to employ a common strop, as the composition with which they are covered, is in variably of a v-ry inferior iuuajfy, and ioiurious to a razor. The BtMt(. should always be of the best manufacture, and when the compo ftitiori is worn off, it will be found particularly usctnl to rub it over lghtly with a little clean tallow, arid then put upon it the top part of, the snuffof a cand e, which being a fine powder, will admiiably supply the place of the best composition ever used for t he pd f pose. ' Ano ther exeellent mode of renovating a r zor-stro i i by. rubbing it well with pewter, and impregnating the leather with the finest metalirc particles. 4In closing these observations, I cannot elastic easily yielding to the pressure the razor, removes the fine, keen, flat edge produced by the hone, and 4iihstituts an injurious roundness in its place. A flat strop, not ton much hurthened.with leather, is beM adapted to continue the I'irm which a ' a I ft. eocce rejeeia in iioruric: 10. an r any practice tlie priciples on which cutting edge is formed." ineocing immediately, the prae irr of Medicine in its varioaa araaebrs, ia the Town of IxreensbonragS tSr rU einity. and in the adjoining Caaatie when hit services are rrqarr4. He has purrhased L lUase bI Lot owned by Dr. Watsov.as well as the whole of bis Medierneo : Tbrse with the addition f thoso he parefia hI in the Ci y of Phil adrt phia, will mnke, it is prnumed, a Sp mat to frior to any in the state. IVrvoas from the country, can be supplied with Medicines ori rcasaaaJile terms f P!nsieian4Syhoae assortment nay ba bmken. xr on applieaiii, bf op plied at a moderate advance en Jbo prime eost. Those who require hi prfesaiaa ervie.es, may rely on his proanf aea i. - ing 'aah'v h.ok. a sailor, half "'! puncioality, as well as hi brat seas over, was vociferaus and trou- "ibn to serve them Caitafally. blesome. -The auctioneer, bavimr in !e Ctttt 5!ro?,i!,: " more th lea, f uia wjcuicni smii run, nnij DC appiiCft by a candid and gemrroas pablie. vain tried to silence him, proceeded to turn him out. Jack entreated that he might stay . long enough to bid l wotrr takoCyour bid, said the auctioneer. Yoii will," ,said Jack, "for Til bid you ailituT A rustic in Connecticut in pay ing his evening addressee to a cousin, omit to protest against Hie IaRt the volatile ag.- of thirtv , said, cushlan strop, wl.Mi. Iroin iy y stolen my vieldine to the pressure of ltVtr" 'P! Mr. Huatlv don t you mean y our heart?" h, true. I knew it was sme of nv inwards. The Examination Of the Hlodrnts in the Grcensbo rough Aea lemy, nil take place on i nursiiay me sin 01 june. i ne ' njs 4 A.El MOTKS. : -"tarn in the stubble, &e. with a dagon, :V8nw about a bunhel- ofcow peas to .the. a ere, broad cast and harrow them :f' 2li with an iron toothed harrow. Be - fore frost turn in the green pen vines vwiib a dagonand harrow the ground ; "The. next year plant your cotton : . on the gronnd thus" treated, manur ' ing (n the drill with your animal ma - nure and "st raw eotion stalks, corn tatklsl&e. ffrain your farm y a d. . The next year plant your corn on thA- land oeeunied the vear before X with t ton, and m anore the hi II or drill with cotton stalks, planting the itf p oopacfjwijjpeas for B ed, &e. . n tin way jjo on; first wFth ooTsT "t foMo wed: by Ta manur i o g f pe"Lie-. S Cond;withcot'o rnHunuredtwith ani- -.ma-Umannre. ote. an t third, with corn anii peas, manured with, eottoo seed. 4 Eaeh vear-yoo wili navein, nve acres of NHis.,five of cotton, and five of corn' I'-h a pt -fi fteen acres Ja, . I iUlt. .0 ?e,r the to r rk t the hand: if so, say less. Bn'Cj think hy using the ploufih more atid llie hoe leiV hat quantity can basily nianagVd, especially wheju deep ploughing with tt.e oagon ia U Morel Rccommcndulion One day when the late Lord Chancellor fCurafe? appled to ii m ft a Itvintr, w hich w as then vacant. u Don't trouble nul said the Chancllor, turning from him. with bfw. dorit you see and can't listen to you! What Duke or Lord iectmmetded?" The initiation miur&s convenient ne neit ses sion will eo ninenceon the first Mon day in Jul? E. W, C VUU Til ICRS. Greensboro , May 3t. I82r fol for the eitnive pa'ronnge whieh hff has reeerved in ht boiineaa, wou d inform his enstnmers and (he he baa formed W It. D. Lind say, in the Saddle and Harness Ma- a frowning wtu 'nform biauSt I am i,usv . PttW, Beri,J thtf , .... ''i a Co-partnerhip with mi I W Imt . . kins Buainii: and as a matter of Curate lifted his eyes and in a tonecouree, it becomes indispensable that f dejection, said he had no Lord to he should close his Bookstand re recommend him but the Lord of quest, those. who may have open ae flosts. "The L'rd ol Hosts! I counts standing that they will call (relieve I have had n commendations, and close them bv Bond or otherwise. when they ..become satScieatly ae- nuaint-d with him. Greensbor.ogh, Aprils, 1 816 If , State of NorthCarolina ' ' Guilford Count Court of Pleas nd Quarter Sessions, May Term, mm. ) igma! attach ment Iffiei ea heizl!iciBlivi. J m . - oeupariintro trans of Laud See. " . Ii nppea'ing to !he aatifaetion of th" Court tlia llie I) f odan'.in this ease is not an inhabilaui of hi- State. Is s ordered that nuhlieation of t'ie J times Stafford, vs. Vfalichiah Pyrgee ...uu .o ,i nn rany an ,alriol iittd jD (Jrefnbbr0ueb. far six Week, that unless the defendant appear at our next Court, to be held for this county, at the CoartliHuii in Grcnsboruugh, on the third Mon day f August nrxi, thrn & there to picador replevy that judgment final true eopy from the lUinaies. . Teat. JOHN H NNKU,. e. e. Mny at. I"s.f i 50. State of Vorth-Caroliua, Guilford County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May Term 1820. Alexander Wrighfj Petition for the and Wife, division of tbe vs Linds of Tho- Joaeph Cuppaek, j mas Bojamio, and Wife. J deceased. If nppearing to the satisfaelion of the Court that the Defendants in this suit are not inhabitants of this .State: It i therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be made in The Pa triot, printed in Greanabprooghfor six WHfkn successively, that unlets walking he bad an unfortunate limp. I all It. .ri... branch.., I"; ,0TUSn .Ml a .k .! r .i "kn: -L-i ..t, . .L .. . icourt to ne neia lortnis county, at tno (Jourt House in Greensborougn. on the from m -st Lords, hut do not recol leer one from him before, and so do you hear young man. you shall have the living; and be careful so to con. duct yourself as not to 'disgrace your recommendation JOHN May 25 1826. HOSKINS. THB UBSCItiBERS having for med a Co :tarnefahlp as above sla ted, intend carrying on in the Town of Greensborough, the versus MacNaily. Saddle Harness Ma ting CVRRAN MacMallywas .yffyJameAjijidwljf.!lI. Vd in taming the peasf &eh) which bih the difficulty as to grass is greit if " . . . . . i - .i . ... i . r I iiiminisnen ami hip cuihuiumi ir. - - i --Ml.' I.. .k...l I. i " in e'O anI COimu VH1 ur irnifri as feiored much lighter? J. J." r Newberry. April J39 1126. At the time ot ibe rebellion be was artiele in the line can be had on tho seized with a military ardour, and shortest notiee and mosTsatisfaetory when the different volunteer corps terms. w-ew forming in Dutilin.tJhilf of th .LLVUSAY & HOSRJNS ' ' - . - . : : " lawyers was organizedr Meeting With Cuiran, MacNally sauUMl deaf friend, these are not; times for n nerson to bo idle, and I am deter ' rll . rf-i a 1 mined to enter the lawyer's corps, me lown oi ureeuanorougn ana follow the camu." uVou follow ,ho ?oun,y of Goilford He hopes Ma; 2t, 1826. 6 If. Da. It. P. WILLI VMSON. OFPBIIS his professional services the camp, oy little limb ot the la'w," said the wit, liut, tut, renounce the idea; you never can be a disciplina rian." Aml whv not Mr. Cur ran?" said MacNally. "For this reaion,1'- said Ourran, "the moment I you ere ordered to march rou "r?Vrflhe llonihg and Stropp nUaxoir. 4Let the hone he seldom f never, unless by frequent and re house, and not finding dinner ready, A,w.T,r,;r-il1 f iLa. VVhttt '.XL. nrftihpri nn tininim of tion WOUtU 06 given at JOJ mini niiuw Miik,, , :j, 7r;7 r f iar--, .C 1ft. Ui.ntireli destrf.d: naetbe bwt-dinneret V' No.-iinfara pale oil and be carefal to pteserre cd a Lawyer. 1 here is a sam after receiving the best opportunities in his Medical education, slnd some experience in the practice, to do jus tice to patients that may be entruated to.hif care He has opened his Shop in the eastern wing of Slade's new building, where he, can always, be found, except when absent ou profes sional business. A very advantageous situa tion would be given atjhts Officv, ti third Monday of August next, then land there to plead, answer or demur, iiiai aaiu pruiion wtii or ibrcd pio confesso, and beard ex parte. . A true copy from the Minutes, Teat, . -.J C..- . . . -JOIIX llVNE,c.c.c. May 31. 66. P's.f. 3 flOi. "r : j. uiaay'"Wjt Improvhnicntbn Saw-Mills. If any person iliould 'lvant a Saw Mill built or repdired, on a principle that cuts frim twenty-five to one hutia dred per ceQt faster with the same quantity of water, can by writing to the Kditor of this naner. vast mid. ha I .Ifll ft MSM AH ll A ... . .Li., i I I. "..LW &mfei on (be shortest notice. - The p'ersdn alluded to came to this place well recommended by the first cba- meters in this state and the Kate of M0trejitbroMtrM'8r-iis f ... is, fi 2$ "7 I ' 1 . f z ; 4'- ; . -