but tdut those.-who feci and under stand Q) those, who. frwjiv' habit, ( si .. u4i!AU.Jp4f'tc.l io:iU.' its bearing and connections, should be allowed to prosecute a useful object, although thus connected,4 and conduct il with l be caie and caution it le qi i' P Ami il it eomequeuces shall lead lo the upp sed cootiUhiou, shall open a way, without violuling the rights of uny, (o deliver uslroma 8(n gu-a cr evil nil uo objtctioo that can tie urged against its prose cution f I o those who charge the Society with the contrary motive ui design ing to perpetuate slavery, lb? would beg leave io say, that il is not rea sonable to infer such purpose,, from -the circumstance of the Society's con fiitiug us operations to the ireepeo pi. of colour. The Managers could, with no propriety, depart tronuiheir original and avowed purpuse, aod make emancipation tbeir object. Aud tb y would further nay. that if ihey were not thus restrained by the terms of their association, ihry would s til i cousider aoy attempts o promotw the increase of the free coloured popula tion by mauu mission, unnecessary, premature, and dangerous. They hope thai more correct view, nre now entertained throughout our country, of tbe manner in whieh all -bjetr i n any way- coitttereil r w h h ""TaVery, should be considered and conducted. IT teems now. to be admitted that, whatever has any bearing upon thai question, must he managed with the uimost consideration, that the peace and order of society must not be ei -dangered by indiscreet and ill-time. i efforts to promote emancipation; an) that a true regard should b manilt ted to the feelings and the fears, and even the prejudices of those, whose with anxiety . lo learn whether, the (irjL-ek Heel hub actually arrived i- Misso oimhi. Letters from Gurfu say that the British Commissioner, J. Adams, has evinced a disposition to interpose bin good othces net wen Missolonghi and Ibrahim. Other letters sa, tb.it the Hrihhh flag was Uoaling upon that fortress : while o thers again, assert that the Greek General Gouras, had arrived by fore d marches, with a considerable uun ber of troops, o the succour of Mis M)looeln. Letters from Venice ol the 1st April say, "that nothing mon ts known of Missolnughi since the 18th of March, when the Arabs we're lepufned." 1 he Mew-York Evening Pot ol the 30i Is ult. in acknowledging the teceipt of the London dates of I the 2 2d of Auril. bv the Vav of Boston. says "It will be recollected bjlCJ readers mat the last ncc uuts from, Greece were by a private letter froo Corfu, dated March I4tb, which sta ted the fall of l ssolonglu, detailing the particulars of 'he attack of the 1 arks and tbe loss of the city. This letter now (urn out, as we suspected at tbe time of it a publication, a mean fabrication, got moat probably for stiine speculative purpose We can mow congratulate the friemls ol Greece upoi fair prospects for that uu try Should the rtpfarr be cor i eefy as slaiVtl hTlo w, tha England I' ranee and Austria have umed to I ctate to Turkey an arrangement ith Greece, it is presumed thai a rial adjustment cannot be remote. Ve refer our readers to the follow- iisj extracts:" Latest from England. We are in debted to Mr. Toplift'for Londoo pa pern to April 22. 1 lir-y contain very Mile news It was exp' cted that the dissolution of Parliament would take place some time from the middle of Co-operation is esieuiial. The Managers of the Society per- May to the second week in June, hut cHve with cratificution-. ibal.(tbeie the precise time was not tixd.- At ikmih wAwu'k T,s,vrap ws?t(!rs'.-Tvus-nr v i .r -jiL8Tr.7;i- Jirfc.ii:!sij.-vi,i'ft jr!jpri"tor and. llik lobf:.er for' thre' HttrTcction ur Valeuclay utider GyTttrT' al Paez. Several of the nrinerrjal inh'ahitantf Had been kijM, by ibe forces nnder Pnez, whose orroy c n sictcd of from two 10 three thousand men. He was snid o be on bin way to Caraccas, to separate that pun of tno repubhc from the otter two und make it u distinct government, Huch w us the constcmaiioo st La guira and uerto Cabello," ibst all vHels having provisions on board were pruMluted from leaving port, and thut these portx tvere to--be free from dulit-n for six months, Tbe Dutch Corttul requested the Govern or of Cumcoa to 'lispatch to tbe above mentioned place, a sloop of war, to protect the foreigo merchants and vears, or fur the time which shall h igrfedj.on between them. This con tract w'i'l provide for the reimburse, went of lhepasfingc money und, sucl other advances as the propietor shall have made for the Jaborer. 5, After the expiration of the con tract, the proprietor shall line bis in fluence with the government In favor of the Uedemptioner, who shall have nithfullv satisfied tlic conditions of his contract, to obtain fir him the land which has been promised to those wh shall emigrate to tho Republic, hnviijg a right to the equality of a H yien. 4 If t hp Reden:tionpr hIidII have in their families and of their kindred . - . some, who, by reason ol their ogje or 'heir properly, and to receive bini on infirmitien are not able tr support board. Tw days after the reception themtelves by their labor and reim- of the letters, a sloop of war wast hurse the advances which hall have sent aeeordingly to Pito Cabelltf been made to them, they shall be and the next d iy anolhe- slo p of supported in pari by their relation, war, to protect foreign merehaMn aod in a condition to labor, and in pari b all goods committed to the comaiao the proprietor; that is to say, two der of the vessel for nafe keeping. (birds by the relatives, aod one third i i by he proprietor p t ; Tlte 20th of May, being the anni- B. The ccritract which shall be vemary of that day on wbteb tbe made wiih mechanics anil artisans Meckienburers of 1775 iadeoiified who may emigrate. hall only be for their fame with that of A.nerieaa In eighteen montbn unless fbe emi- dependence, vr as celebrated in this grant himself shall prefer to make it plaee by the Lafayette Art tier y Com for a longer timei- , " pt ny. This tegant miiiUry b..dr. As soon as ihe agricultural code, uodr the commantl of GxLDXL.Thouia& wbieli our Legislature Is about to Polk, parad -d olit e collegf green, sanction, shall be published. 1 will and after pertoroning, in, handsome send you several bopies of if. It will style, the usual evolutions, they mov be clearly seen that the Government ed in order to th tavnro f Robert f. m anxiou-t ejive security and pro- Diokins, where an exec lent dinner. lection, at all times to those who as given in eomplim nt to their eum pire to the noble profession-ol ctnti vators of the earth. I salute you with high consideration, Signed, B INGINAC. appreciated in those states where slavery is only heaTd of, and wher perhaps the perplexities of its opera tions upon soeiery, and the necessi ties it creates and imposes, have not been generally, understood, Fr m the sittiatioo of the soi Imghi had not surrendered, and the accounts of this event before receiv ed, as we conjei lured, were uotrut. fbe Karl of Liverpool, in the House f Lords, in ansiver lo an inquiry re peeling tip Jet er wliich has been published in many of the einzeni of the slave states, they have colonel, saitl, -.he facts meutioned ("7 "f" 1 on" Cavello,) n the occa-iou U the rrr;rn,ry orjr iaire- Ji h.d abundant opnorlunilie. of wit- in the let.er could not tbe.efo-c be 3H.li the exHc; nature and object p.d nnces or-. 1 ho company wu ippHrlunilies nensing the progress of opinion upon tl .h subject, - nd of accurately know- ;ing rs present state. 'I hey are eon Vi'cc(i) that there are now bundredi of masters who are io onlv from ne " 'cessityr.wbo are prepared to manu mit their slave, whenever means are provided for their reception and sup port in IVei Colony; and they believe rthrit- this; disposition, evenMyithout any legislative enactments, will in crease far more rapidly,, than the r ..meant for its gratification ean he af- ,f. r ed rlwy trut, tlu wfore thai the ob : ject which tbej have endeavoured to place before the American pe pie, -and which is now proved to be at-tainabl-, will be found interesting to '"every portion of our country, and that ft-aTp ; q tences to result from it, can herea--Mhly enteridined. ! - V those, therefore, whom ha Selected as the guardians . of her in ;'.; teests, your Memorjalisls beg etve ( o irm irn i C t h i s lm poftant utjectt trusting thattbeir wisdom will devise S'tHf;weans"bylvbieh' the work they ibnye thus far accomplished, maybe r- f mde to promote those interests, and :.the- common welfare of our country. true, for it represented MiS"longh io r.uve raneti at a lime wnen n naa certainly not fallen " L wi assert ed on the Hiitbo ity of a letter from Fin. e. thai Mr. VilMe had declar ed that Pnlnd, France aud Aus tria, had agreed on detailing to Tnr kt y nn H'i atigeiiien! with Greece, and in cotMi quence, for the observance of neutrality. France would not allow of open conn tldiMons for the Gieeks HAY II- Copy of a letter from B. Inginaci President tie Philanlhropic So ciet of Ilajtiin the tinnie of the Committee of the Hoeiety, to Mr. IV l.undy, Kditor of the Genius of Universal Ktnacipation, dated. Port au Prince, 0 May, 18 6. $ir f received your leMer of tlie 3d. Int, and immediately consulted some members of the Committee of '..the Philanthropic Society; in order to answer i h five questieun wh'jrh you have propounded, respecting the slaves emancipated in the United Slate, who nhall be in a cont'itjoti to pass to Ha) ti. t' The passage will he fixed, for a laboring man, and will comprise food during the passage from the United -States, at (mm sixteen to twentv dollars, according to the sea- JWir-Foi-A". May 29. Insurrection m Colombia. In the Mary tiobin, which errived yester day from St. Ihomas, came passen- i a. army on Ins w y to f.ngl"nJ, will despu'ehes from Sir Hubert Ier Por ter. British Consul at Caraccas, and the British Minuter to (. olmbia, wi n was on board the frigate Gulalea at Ltguara Fi.om this gentleman we learn, that I their ouutry good. GiitVL. atokea maoder by thr- Artillerists, was hon ored with a few of those revolutiona ry veterans who yet remain with us; who, in the times that tri d men's souls, shed their blood freely when duty and honor called, and who con sidered individual interest but as dast in the balance when comoitrpd with v 4 lu tne eer fit. - - 11 1-!. i no8. ur. ro k in caiuiie emonieii of lh d ;v of public fesiivi m . - ty. It whs -i pu.die com ineoaarati) of thevir ii-s of our fathersit was a day of pride and gratification f the citizens f the county, and ev-ry bosom glowed tvitb honesi exultation sr a s vie trom tiavrq of me 2tM ann fi 'im London of the 2 2d April, render i ? X ircmely j! o o b f u T w h efber-'th is plHee has fallen, and indeed furnish s"ng ground to hope that it has D' t." ,A 'eifer dated el Flor-nce on 0 e th'or April Md published ii the C"ar er Fra' caise snys, r l ave inn tnn lliirda of thii mm Air n u n. Ch'M 'eston and Boston bringing ad three years of age. finilively known which Uas gi 7. When the liedemtioncrs shall labor upon shares, with u proprietor, they shall have one half of all they receive from the ground which"ifieV enltivale-their portion of the quad rupeds or fowl which lhft ratiej will be one-four! h. Ii will be neces sary for the security of the purtiei., IbftlbntmCtm m a , oTwmcri ws not Known, tun ii was reported that the (roups and Cabildos of that city and Po, to Cavell had proclaimed Gen Pm z the Chief or President of Ve ezuela. This tti eer, to whom the troops and p p r said to be much attached, nd sme time previously been recalled to Bo gota, and Gen Kscolona appointed his successor, but he slid. retained the command of tho troops, and as with his staff in Valencia when tbe revolt took place. Some lives were said to have been lost in that city. General Marino was marching on Caraccas at the bead of a body of troops, and expected to enter on the 3th 1n9 ant. When Capt. Brooke lefMhat place, the authorities did not intend to ofler any opposition to the revolutionists, b u t were jlriparing to . r ece i v e i hem The merchants bad been called upon for a supply of money, and had ad vanced 500 dollars on securities of the Custom house at La Guayra. It was feared list was only tbe prelude to larger demands. An Kmbargo was laid on all vessels at La Guayra on they dtb instr but on that even ing the Galatea touched there on her way to Carthagena, with the British Minister ou board, and at night the Kmbarg' was taken oft. As some alarm existed amount the merchants, it vvas supposed the frigate would re matn t.i n t i I aaii lid all An ts l fool sfwl ill o i ii tiuiii wiiiniriav i vbiuivui iJT- gener ally supposed to be (be formation of Venezuela i -td a Federal tcte. V-T. Jfr. cA 'ew 1 'o r I; May 3 1 . From Sou(lfJim7ric(i.-i the nr rival of t he ship.Chnrlestoir, Captain cherished wmIi volunteer and pattfo- tie song ir .m the gr tybaired hero whose bosoms glvie I with the firo to a tuazed o bug' tly i j our revala tionury strugicle. Irtb snd od huni'tr pervaded every bosom, and the feast was closed in harmony and gd fellowship. V. Several toasts were drank, accompanied with discharges of caonon. Charlotte Journal. The Editor of the Unif-d States Gnzclte relates the following anec dote, which occurred at th else of the late session of Gongre s: On 9st urday night, or ratber Su (day snorn-i-'g, it was fouud necessary to des patch the Sergeant-at-armsio compel the members to come into the legis lative ball in order to forma qoo rmn necuary towards witnessing tbe signature of the speaker to a par ticular hill; and when these tronnt members tfre brought in, it was also necessary by Parli uneniary osaes that they-shouldmake an apology, for (heir abscence. One verv vrorthv parsonage plead that he could not cunscieotiously sot in a legislative hall and transact public business, on the Sabbath. The exeus, wa gra ciously received, though n-t without a smile when tho Sergeant at Arms mentioned that he had brought tho wortiiy gentleman out of tn oyster cel, .4 ' - T-'i X ' I s c 4! :. wo Hitchcock, from CuriKpon, l.et:;of ; j.prr: tpiceZt' n ve I .Call- l heivdilQtuil thT Aotrtigta Chron icle offers a reward of g2( ftr this detection of tho person, w ho sent hitn an' obituary notice of the deallMif lr. J. J Miigtetiiii, which turned out to he u "ha e-4i-wf-aUeio!W fabrieatieo.9 h is to bo Ifoped fliat the ICditor) will prove successful in Tel ruling out "then author ol'the i m posit ion, that his scora 9 ' run) e in .ty-h e ' i ( Id up In i ' thg. ?'HJ.pA .SLfljj totIign&ipLiublie?