t T oe;;uy, am mi 0. ' rciIiii K of tse liveia vi o cannot eudtire nit seice J must om: eternally at (he let 1 of my fair iw my -such, I tbiok, n the f 1 1 le with which romances lent us tf grace 1 be fair am) cruel to whom we devote our hearts uud liven bpeak (or it , good line," he added takDcr up the instrument, 'and show whether 1 knew not my duty." He suiie, hui with mere taste that execution, the air of a Fiench ron deiai, to which some of the wits 0 sonneteers, in hm guy hdu roviitt; train, had ndapted Kuglish verses. A hour with thee!-W hen earliest (lay D tllos with gold the eastern gray. Oh, what can frame my mind to bear The toil and turmoil, cark and care, New griefs which co miner hours uu- fold, And sad remembrance of the old? One hour with thee. One hour with thee! When. burning June Wnvus bis red flag at pilch of nOD) What shall repy the faithful swain, Hi labor 00 the sultry plain; And more than cave or skell'ring bough, Cool feverish blood, and throbbing brow? ; One hour with tbee. One-hour with thee! When sun is set, O, what can teach me to fcrget Th' 'hDklSft labor- of 'be day; The hopes, the wishes, flung away; The increasing wants, and lessening gains, The master's pride, who scorns my prtin? One hour with thee. "Truly, there is another verse," said the songster; "but 1 sing it nol to you Mistress Alice, because Some of the prudes of the court liked it not." 'I thank you, Master Louis," an swered the V ung lady' both for principal fault of the style is Us ex- prompt relief uill '" ine andj tiresome siltineis and L jiligbtesMoJibji, be ctation. But when you begin ' to kneel, it ffcr to take toy hand, and V Vnlp'si' more keriouitooe, I must remind you of our ' real feharao ters, 1 am the daughter of Sir Henry sir; and yon are, or profess to be; Mas ter Louis Kernegyy, my brother's page, and a fugitive for shelter un d nij' lather's roof who incurs dmT. hv the harbor he all'ordsyou, and whose household, therefore, ought not to be disturbed by your ur pleas ng importunities." I w uld 10 Heaven, fair Alice" said the K.mg, lhat your objections 10 mo snite wicn 1 am urging, not in jest, but moit seriously, as that on which my happiness depends, rested only on the low and precarious sta tion of Louis Kerpeguy! - Alice,Hfio1u wo have not tUo extended to. thou unfortunate men and their fumilicr.'' A pubirciiubscriiioi is-about loj-bt set on foot' in Liverpool, for n ((he re lief of the distressed manufacturers and weavers in tbe interior ' of the country, and a public meeting 'for this purpose was convened for' the 2d of May, by the chief magistrate" It is regarded as a happy cireum- stance, that feelings of political dis content have not any slmre jn caus ing the present disturbance, which fortunately distinguishes them from those which' took place under the dei perate spirit of Luddism, in 1812 and 18t3 and again during the years 1818, 1819, and up to Thisllewood's execution in 182" periods which are fttih in i e public mind. The question of Parliamentary re- It was hast the sou) of thv familv, anLuiti form, bat been debated with mueh needs lovo honor, I am 110 more the warmth in the House of Commons needy Scottish page, whom I have The speech of the mover. Lord John for my own purposes, personated, Russell, measures one yardand a half. man 1 am the awkwa-d lout, whose in length in the columns of the news manners I adopted on the first night papers and that of Mr. Hobhonse of ur acquaintance. This hand, the seconder, f-ro yards which is one poor as J seem can confer a coronet. ?' fool longer than he ii himself. "Keep it," said Alice, "for some Letters from Havre, state the ar ambitious damsel, my lord for such rival of twelve ships from the United 1 conclude is y.ur title, if this ro- sta'es, with tO .00() bag's or Cotton, manee be true I would not accept the largest arrival 10 one tide tbat your nana; could you confer a duchy." ever took place, m To be coocludMfl; .ote ofS-tt,.'." FORKIGN. auumg given me pleasure, and in forbearing what mght ijflVnd me. Though a country girl, I pretend to be so far of the court mode, as to receive nothing winch does not pus? current the b'j'ter class there." ., . 4I would,'' answered Louis, "that on were so well confirmed in their creed, as to let all pass with you, to whreh court ladies would give car- --cv-i,-- - - - - A S ItS.t "Anu wnat wouia no me conse qu.nce?" 8id.viAlicc) with perfect composure. t r llnlhat case," said Louis, embar rrassejd;Hke a general who finds that his preparitioni for attack do r ot seem to strike either fear or confu . sion into the enemy In that case you woiildHforgive me, fair Alice, if J I spoke to yoii in a Vormer langiifigr than that of mere gallantry If I told yntn.owraucli my heart was interes- - Iffj in WHO' vuu cuuiiucr an luir jcbi - incr r 1 serionslv oMned it was in - yrur power to make me the happiest - or nmit miserable of humau bei gs." -7-tMaBter Ke,iigiiy-i,,8aid Alice vth tb same unshaken .non cha New-York June 8 The packet ship Canada, Capt. lodgers, arrived last evening, in SO days from Liverpool. By 'his arri val 1 lie Kditors of tht. Commercial Jdvurfiser have received copious hies of Knlioh paper. inejudmgLondon of the evening of April 29, and Liv erpool of the 1st of May v There is no news of moment from the manu facturing districts of England, that is verv -important. H the operiitives in Manchester, Black burn Chorley. and othes places has duven them to inndness aud all hut open rebellion. They have ansem blt'd in fiio I) ! , nnd in ti spirit of infat 11 'tion, have directed their veMgence nnst the properly of the master manufaetiirprs. tt formidable in deed, were these assemblages, thai the (roups have'ieen compelled to fire upon them Nny there - were-not ro.ip enough for the protection of 5r perly nd the preservation of pub tic pence, and e; resses were sent to Ireland for assistance, and one regi ment had arrived from Dublin at Li verpool. Some alarm was felt at the latter place lest the rioters should bend their steps thither, in the hope of finding there a rich booty. To guard against such an invasion, it is suggested in the Albion of May 1st, that a wall of cotton bales be thrown up on the land side, after the manner of the cotton fortifications of New Orleans. The same writer also pro- . I . ft ft M . t ft poses that the hundred ot Sailoru bdv up all the cotton in Liverpool and barricade the towns of Balford and Manchester. I Perhaps he is a large holder Our Liverpool cor- '.:.l!br.UniaB:-afrWcliiaj;tftnr'hAil.iAr rived in London, from St. Peters- bnrgh, and had an audience of the Kins;, and one of two hours with Mr. Canning. ThetrLil of Beauchamp, for the murder of C'I. Sharp, took place at Frankfort, Ky. last month. He was found guilty, and sentenced to be hanged on the 7th of July. His wife, who was supposed to be accessary to the murder was acquit' d The Kentucky Gazette, of tbe 25lh ultimo, furnishes the following particulars respecting the trial : . lance, 'let us understand eaeh other, lam little acquainted with high-bred - - - a - 1 i . manner; aim ii m unwilling, t leu respondent writes at 7 o'ciecK. on -jranjui Monday evening, (May l-).wbile the tonnfrY cki, wo eitner. u oijrngi W.8 evening ranee or conceit, is startled ,nt . ever - word, of gaUantry addressed to her " y f Toung man. who-for the present v'w liaWiiolliin belterio do than coin and rirculate. such false compliments Bvt I must not let this fear of seem- " fng r rustic n' awkwardly tfmorvus Crry too far; 8.pd being ignorant of the exact limits. I will take care ; to stop within them " I irnst, madam," said Kerneguy, t!at however severely 3011 may he disposed to judge of me, y ur justice Wft not punish . mtoo severly for nn off nee, - f which your charm are alone tt,e ocf'assionf" ;rar me out, sir. if you please" resitmed Alie. "1 have listened to yon when yon spoke en berger-! nav complaisance a8 been so , reat as to answer yon en bergene f,r I d i, not tl. rk any tt i'ig except rHrulc en .rn't; . 'it dialogues be lwit Liodor and Jcannaton; and the rg4f a singers and letter bag were leav I : 'Wr u.4 Ik. portant a d interesting case brought to a close o Friday Inst I he itiry went out about 5 0 clock, and, in lets than an hour, re turned with a verdict of guilty. We ur informed thi prisoner received it with considerable fortitude The evidence was in proof that he made threats agamst CM. iSharp's life some tiie before the muider was commit ted that, on his return. l.eIL) told the very man in whose presence he had made the threat, (hat he had been to Frankfort, and carried home the red flag of war and victory; and, when asked the news, made no men tion of Sharp's death further than what might be inferred from the re mark ab.ut tbe red flag, &c Mrs. Sharp swears to his voice, in the most pointed and direct manner, and says hi size corresponds. In addition to (his, a very long paper was read, written by Beauchamp in prison, con taining six page , and enclosed to his wife, in a pair of socks, with direc tions to be given to a Mr. Low. It was in the form of written instruc tions to Mr Lwe, as a witness, pro pounding interrogatories, and,dietat ing the nswers the witness was to m ke on oath. The witness possess ed too much integrity for the purpose Aluain.il an II an It tw ti defp laid scheme to eutrap Drb andmigbfhave succeeded, in part. butfor the imprudence of Beau ebamp's wjfe. JJarby rrmafoed in Court all tlo time, and looked 0 full in the face. Lnwe declared, oti oath, tbat, so far ' from Oar by s ever offering hTm a unbef he never taw him before in his life.- The whoie f4brication of Cbl. Sharp's murder, having been the result of politicil animosity, and of Darby s btin u auy way cuicerned. is completely put d wn by the disclosure made on the trial " A proposition has been submitted in the Legislature of lassachuseits for an inquiry, iducbing "the T expe diency of passing an act to empower ' the selectmen and civil authority of the several to vns in the State, to de liver the bodie of those who commit suicide, and those whose deaths were caused by intemperance in tbe use of spirituous liquors, into "the bands of urgeuus for dissee ion." The K-li-torsofthe New Y-rk Commercial Advertiser questio n be policy of 'such a law, on the ground that a man who had made up his mind to cut his throat, would nol bo d -terrvd by ny particular dread of the surgeon's knife; and to puaish a cold lu.iiji of ilesb tor the dend of the disembodied """ spirit, would only bi inflicting addi tional pangs upon bleeding and bro ken hearts. It would, indeed, be punish ng the innocent for the sins of the guilty. New Orleans, J fay 11. In a Vera Cruz poper of the 20th -ult.-w find an account of inaurrec non which hrok ' out on the 29tb of January in the city of Alujuela, pro vince of Costarica, Central America. The revolt was made in the name of the King if Spain, and caused much alarm to the Republicans on account amonig the Indians. The leader was J He Zamora, a lieutenant olonel id the armies of Spain, who reached iie province of Costarica from Colombia. Zamora was sevemday at the bead of the rebels, before he was taken, a,,t,j(u.f h was the dread he. inspired, that the Republicans shot him 12 h urs after he fell into their hands which was on the Oth of F b. Several other prisoners taken on th is occasion, were condemned to the mines. Vera Cruz April 26. ' A Mexican frigate, two brigs-of war, and several schooners, are now lying here, and the appotfraoce of a Spanish fleet is daily looked for, by the inhabitants. Several suspicious vessels have been cruizing . oif the Coast. The place is becoming very sickly: from 80 to 100 persons - die daily'and many foreigners' have al ready fallen victims to the fevr. General Paekwood, tbe English Con sul for Vera Cruz, arrived hero in the sloop of war Tweed. Captain Hume- The United Statei' frigate Constellation is d.-i'y expeefed. The French frigate Nymph is still lying here, having brought out Commission- mar, as lotTnivr nirccrrttnrr rrum r Manc hester up to th s evening, are pacific- The troops which arrived yesterday from Dublin, remain in Li verpool under arms A gentleman arrived this evening from Oldham, near Manchester, who. states that they were under very great opp e (tensions in the former place, hut nothing had transpired when, he left this mornincj. The Liverpool Albiori'says, these riotous men, "with their numerous families, a renew in.tbs most wretch ed condition to which human beings can be reduced; and (hey are-only saved from the horrors of starvation, by (he scanty meals which are provi ded for them and their fanfilies by the benevolence of their opulent neighbours. But it is added, a knowledge of their, sufferings will call forth the sympathy of the hu WUIIIUBG . 1 tn ,roat artA i,en.ll. and k-nt th. d.e..0 oJJwr'l'Sr'T'T' attorney. It also purported to con-; " , tain a conversation between Darby) . . ... . , ' and the witness. (Lowe) where the . iranhington's Utters Chief Jus former is made to offer the latter a !,ce Warsball and Judge Washinton bribe to swear to the handkerchief have seleeted from th -p .pera of the which was fond in Sharp s yard,- like- Spared hero, a large port on or his wise a conversation which should, correspondence with the eminent per- h taken nlaee between Kellv. one! 80r 01 M,e country.-( hv soon will . 1 ' ) ... y - of the men that (o k Ueuuehamp, and I owe, the witness, at the house of Beauchamp Kelly is made to take Lowe to one side, and ofler liim one hundred dollars to swear to the hand kerchief The witness was also to swear, that Darby actually paid liim tweoiyfive dollars not to inentiou he ever law him; and at Court, when he swore to the handkerchief, he was (0 have whatever reward he would name The object of this document Vvfi? to fix the murder of Hhorp on -Ilarhy, and a en nil' Beauchamti. It has com I.. " .J . - -' mano throughout the coontry, and I pletcly failed, and fixes the gnilt con- be publis'ied by Carey Sc Lea, Snakcology. The pelvidere Apol lo mentions the exhibitions of a col lection of two hundred lUtt'lesoakes, at MUMurtie's Tavern, in that place, t hey are worthy of tho attention of the uaturalisi; being, probibly, the finest and largest collection of living Rattlesnakes ever seen in ibis coun try. They have all been caught within three weeks principally in th c b n ti t ie s o ; P q - sylvania, and are noM on ibeir wny to Philadelphia. - V V 4 - - ' . 1