; 7-;-- ;- : I ed by the lealatorj A viilljf to bere- fgold in the fiimfci offocks, ti well 1 fined. one hunire rdolljr foririrtoi- ' ; - I Y i.xitfor. bti miles, in live Lour tuiU live iu.duU ! llure-!ttciug, bull buiinfc, tuck -lighting, 6tiotiijg, tu liftitiitg, are umUSfDiruU of winch t bt n(e very fond, aud to indulg in i iiein they utiare ueither tune uoi money. In .some instances, spym w itlrNew lhugland-is call vulvar biii imutorul. are here malic ti lt life, and- studied by thoie would be Ihougtit both moral und te fined. f V:; FUOM THK, KltOXVlLLE Jt EGISTfcH UihUOlUSr. INDIANS Somr ctmoaty haviqg bten expres sed us lo the laws olthe Cherokee nation, the following sketch ol tbeui intiv nut he unacceptable to our rea ders: They prohibit the introduction by wmie ,oeo, i p.rHuj.iquur. in- I E ,bh ,elleand (keolber ..ol imiiiug ouu icguisuug iurijjft. , pro hibiting stealing and rape,' requiring .it Kite men, if they take a Cherokee wife) to be legally married-(a her, and then the property cf the wile is not thrown into the bands of the hus band, hut. remains at her ouu dispo sal; nor tl o tbey "permit one man to La? e more tbau ooe wife. :: I dicial districts, and a judge and mar thai appointed ip each district, in ortjer io the'' due administration of jiiatiee. They have their raugets in each district, whose ituiy it is to post and 'advertise strays. Their taxes are regularly laid and collected by signed by the testator, attested by fw witnesses, and its validity proved to 1 tie satitlBetioii of the Court of the district There are also some regu lations relative to nuncupative. wills. the property bl any peraon dying ntesla e. is divided equal y arnougit i he chiiilreu and wit-, the vife lak a elnld pnrt. If there ! are no ch ldren, the wife is en- to a Tou th ;.trt, uud the cftidua goes to the next f kin, after the entate is freed from nciiuibrnnrrs. The ptojieriy of tbe tfe, who has the exclusive right to it, ib (Imtribiited in the name way, be t ween her children and husband.. l'h i is a faint outline of some of l he laws by which (he LherokeelW lion are goverueu. 1 ne resoiuuon to procure two sets of y pes to establish at Newtown a jjrinting-ottice has al ready been noticed in a former paper; one set of tvpes t . be composed lot" . m t w mm m i u k , invention .f George Guit, a "Cherokee. This in veution is much admired by those ac quainted with it for its simplicity an usefolness; though there are perhaps more than seveo y distinct characters; they are learned by the natives in a short time wit b great ease, aud in their 0 wn janfljiiage they riw eorrei poud with each other injbeiO.,.char: ntert. 1 the marshaii, Mor do tbey overlook the benents of tuition in ibeir mis stonary seminaries; they compel pa rent to pay the expenses of such ebiMrm as leave Ihe schooU wub ut - anjuii catise.J They permit the su- - periuti ndttiit of the missionary sta- a a. a m I mi A m a IBk Ak ti'ins. with Jhf? Mnsent oitbe jiarentSil T J B,ror' wu ,,,r c" as may be suitable to Ttiiem and Charleston, June 24 bKSJlUCHVt F1IIK! .. Afabout the hour on one o'elofk this morning, our citizen were arous ed by the appalling cry of Fire, which broke out in a saddlery stores of Mr. Conner, on the west Bide of King steet, four doors south of Boundary street.' it extended south lo the cor ner of Houndary-Rtreet, anl thence west to the Orphan House enclosure and, north to within three doors of Vanderhorst street. On the east side find, llieie veiufc huvu been i bur asunder by uoterraneao exploidou and the gold scattered over the ladju cent reioiif, ad loiiitC f . l ckrnu iIqwii in tbe water-coursev There i a quarlz-rormation'in thr lower part of Handolph couuly, neai Deep liiver, containing lead and cop per ores, tlio' mconsiderable quanti ties, on the surface of lh earth; they may prove more aounuam a tuon depili under the ground. As these veins are similar to those in which gold is found, they may probably con tain gold with the ores of other metals. V Ev, Pdst. The following article 1 is in vnisou with the accoants foiuished, by cue mail, from almost every pall of Ala ry land and Virginia, of the disastrous effects of the late flood t L y h c U a u a o , J v w k 29, Fresh el.- rh see. luii ot country has been visi ted by on of (he most tremendous rams in the memory of the oldest in habi'ants. It commenced, aud rained fradutlly, nearly the whole of bun ay uioruin. In the evening we had sora rapid shower: after dark, the rain poured, in ao incessant . ... m I m I nave never puuucij c'ri-iaru any , giream, until about 4 o'ciocK tne en opinion eo-. erning the probable rich- suing morning. The consequence tiess of the gold oouotry: it canuot be wts, a rapid aud considerable swell expected I should make a comparison ,t. all the water course in the nfigb of this with other gold couniie, as ljort;0od to a height seldom, if ever, it has not been sufficiently explored, before wi nesned. The road are se anu is consequently not as well kiov.. ri lusly injured, and bilges have been as it will 4e at some Juturo periodji rij away in every direciiou. . Sat Loealities have been discovered, a mill, as far as e jave head, iu which show manifestly thai some of any of the nurrouuding counties, the veins are equal, if not superior which lias not met with ssrious dam in the richness to any other, bkil- age, and many of them are complete ful in tnagernent is all that is neces- ly swept off. The lands on the bor nary to work these veins with great ders of creek and. rivers have all profit; and in the eourse of tm , o- been deluged, the "erops of tobaeeo thers may bo discovered of equal and wheat entirely ruined, and the ntfmiiP,:i: injured, in fiiie Uie I am, dear sir, jours, most r'espe ct - jar ro iiti(j o.a.otrjt as Jmijl ... we fellyr,- CHARLES K. itO THE.- -bv.rbardf indart IVelsou, Amherst, Bedford, Halifax,' A Court Martial assembled of the Pittsylvama, and Campbell, presents ,t 7th itirttant at Cincinnati, in thti State a ra re general aud co nplete ' scene of Ohio, for the trial of Major Bab of devastation than has ever been be oock. of the U. S. Corps of Engl foro witnessed. The Farm Mills, neers, ob charges of misconduct by this neighborhood, owned by Mr. neslact of rtuty in superintendence ol ueo, isruce. or iiaiitax, which, we at the expiration of their apprenticeship, the nation is bound to procure them N Ettcb distrie is entitled to be re presented injbe national council by rJttUr members. Tbe pay to each t. mtnh'r for his services is one dohai r per day, and to the speaker ooe dol lar nod fifty cents. The principal Chief, the Path Killer isjiljawed g 1 50 per oniiiim, and Charles K. lliekf, in cnsileration of his exfra services ns interpreter and writer, dollars. The comoiitte men are allowed two dollars, and thei7presideut three d llirs nnd fifty cents per day, dur itii hc lifting of the national Council. .,.'-FoV embezzling, intercepting and f opening sealed tetters, the punish .m ment is line of one hundred dollars, -aiiYneuwndred'itripei ou tbe bare back. - ' ''fchy wUMuM.of iSif 'council during ;T, its session shall be suspended on the sabbath, and all merchants, pedlars Tfr ..---,, ,?tr ...... i. Uliii iiit'cnoriivs ni .KHiwnii, tiiuii cloe tbeir doors during that day. Th, eyT hav a law declartn g- what ; shall be' a lawful fence; thevhayc ol "Ti6a s(a1ufeiif limitations; but it does operate on notes orliquidated nc : " ke e""h a t loiiV is authorized to loan up o rofd;irc n r 1 ty s ue Ir a u r p I us fun d f f ns may remain, nfler discharging the 1 annual appropriations.' . s A marshal, a sheriff, depnty sber , iffand two constables are appointed Hu each di'fttict. These officers have f Superseded the companies of light luse, hich before the passage of J if lliis regulation, executed the deereen t ol their courts, and brought oflVnderr. to justice ' The marshals are elected by ihe national -cnnimittee, the eon " sVilbleirbJ't lie pe npleln each d isiric t . IT'm diMy of these vllieers arc. prescri k d, and security taken for i heir fail li It.: . rformaoc . In pursuit of criai-inil- they are allowed to suminoji as many tuen as be necessary to assist Itiim. A will, if found amon the valuable pai it of the. deceased nllhnngb not a(k d, it etinttdered estnf is belli I proved to liaYO been written and lign- destroyed, from the eorner of Bounda ry street, to the east, several small houses were commuted. Ih' wind wa very hiijh, and the (lames spread with the iirmottt rapidity. We hav not yet obtained the particulars ol this extensive conflagration, hut art informrd that abiiul forty IVnuse ivere consumed. Two or three person wrft seriously injured from the blow ing up of some of the houses. Ihe wind blowing from the westward, the Orphan House escaped damage, al though several time's in emmincnt danger. Property to a large amount has ben destroyed, the principal of which, however, ite aro informed, is insured The flames were not sub dued till after day light. The, Gold llegion As a great deal of anxiety is felt abroad, to gain information of the topogmphy and geoloiv of the regi ii of country where Gold has of late, been found, in consideruble quantities, we have asked and obtained permission of the author, to copy for publication lh following geological memoranda, promiscuously noted down by him at leisure moments.ifFesf Car." Salisbury, June 5, 1826. ....... Jl K. T Kll j . rnTTP ioinj nrauc S'ine geological excursions, chiefly in Randolph County. Hitherto tb mm era! wealth of this county bar-been but iu-p'Tfeeily known, it biui; u ate in the n uth-east part of the Gold region. Tins section is more broken and mountainous than other sections of the gold country; the gold 1 have here discovered, is scattered more ex teiistvfly, in 'I in liner particles, than in other p aces. hs well on the sum mil of the 'nils, as in the vallies and beds of water-courses This gold is equal in purity of ihat found in any part of the gold region, and is about 33 carats fine. Jt has been incorrectly supposed by me, that gold was formed in the illuval tracts; but this opinion must ertainly appear erroneous, when ilfis known that gold is not unfrequeiitly found on the su m m i tifla t eT por lion of j-eouniry, as 'in the case in Uandolph county. We'cau traes the the execution of the contracts fur Hearing the Ohio river of obstrue- lion. The Court is composed of the following officers, viz : Lieut Col. Walbaeh, President; Lieat Col. lay lor, Major Foster, Maj. Davenportt Uapt, Zaaiz nger, Capt. omtth, Capt. pled uot guilty, and the trial began on W ednesday the 14th. A new de- Meription of military offences appears to be introducing itself into the law martial, 6y the extension of the , du ties of othcere of the arrriy to the sub ject of Internal improvement. It would be thought an odd associa ion to cite an Overseer of a C unity Uoad before a Militia Court Marhal to an swer for neglect of duty. The case are not parallel, it is rue, but in prin ciple they do not widely diiler. We do not mean to question tbe correct ness of the course pursued by the War Department in this case. An iuvea tigatiorihas been required, we sup pose, by tbe loud complaints from the Western country of the manner n which the law has been executed & ihe mode pursued is the regular mode of proceeding agaiast officers of tbe ar my for neglect of duty. In such a case, however, we should think it ve ry difficult to discriminate between neglect of duty and error of judgment. Officers have a delicate duty to per form in determining such points, not knowing how soon the case may come to be their own, from not knowing what similar employment they' may be put upon. These suggestions, brief as they are, would be withheld. the court before the termination of its sitting. Nat. Int. ; New York June 2. Trial of Gilbert. .This man, who had been indicted a short time since for the murder of bi wife, was rjut up in his trial yesier'Hy in the (Viirt of Oyer and Terminer. The fact of the murder was fully mad nut, and the defence setup was insanity. The jury retired about eleven lat night. and about one ' o clock brouebt in are Hold, coat 40.000 dollars in their erection, are swrp off lo the founda tion: and a whole broad sde of. Lynch's large mannfacturiog mill shared a similar fate. Where so ma ny, in such a wide range, are snflfer- ers, it. is impossible to guess, with any sustained .tm,tr" f FftOM tiUKcPE. 1' The packet ship Lwis- Capt. Ta cy, bas.arrivd at iV. Vork from lia- ivre wbeuco she sailed on tho 2nih of uay. Wo have before , us intelligence from Vienna of the 17th lay, whjicb announces that the... - Ottoman Poirte h,i9 fully acceded to all ihe conditions t'ipiil i'ed m the Ultimatum of the PinpTor .VicholaiJ7 . dm Turkish Cabinet h already designated two plenipotentiaries to pr ceed to tho frontiers The hostages moreover have oe -n set at liberty : and positive orders given for the cvacuati. n of M ddaviu nd Wallachia." - - Gre it exertions are making to aid tbe (ireek cause by subscriptions in various parts' The reigning Dnko of Brunswick ' had prepared fur a journey but being informed that the proceeds ef tire I'heatre on a certain night was for the aid of the Greeks, he pin off his journey to be present at he Theatre. The King of Prussia has . au honzed the J iur als f hi kingdom lo publish lists of the sob-" crip'i's ried for the Greek cause t Ue lin, the magistrates and clererr t r .1..... . I.A .... 1. 1...! I . i - k. w- uiici aa hicj.io, "um -u miiriu, re actively . engaged ' in Culie1 in v:U! iijkjtu ine Mes- lvotamittee rr:: have collected oO,')oo fr.. At .Munich r ein!derah!e hs' ben raiedv. Ouo individual i;avn 43 000 fr. A 1 public collection Tias been made at Grtiieva. On tbe 18t'i of May ibero was to bo a grand ceneert of vocal md instrtimenral ntunic in tbe Uuteli lt-formd Church at Sehildam for ho benefit of the Greeks. " III o Par pa juts state that Lord CocliraiW !iad quitteJ Dinsscls for J ja verdict of Not guilty., Gilbert Irlettcr from Trieste of the 7lh of the person who came from Prey in May; mention that a vessel had just search of h& wife, ao'd-fouil her nt' arrived at that pnrt from Alexandria, a boarding house sitting ou a man's j which announced tln in the course lap. lie called ber out ol the room 01 nemontu oi uarch, u Ureek: squad and then stabbed her with a butcher's knife. , A' a late GorT of General Sesiions, held artomei- for- Oneida county, Judge Starrs preiiJi'g, - J onatban Whaley, a Juitiee of the Peace was ron disembarked at u short distaneo from Barint in Syria," and s-ized ab.nt throe millions of tiastres. It wuld have made a aimilaf "attempfar Cy - pruvum was preventcu ViltuverHJ wicdi. Y . .. 1 7

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