1 10. rom the liichmond Enquirer, July 7. A Great Man has fallen in Israel!. Thomas Jefferson ii no more! The friend of Liber'y, the Author of the Declaration of Independence, a- "the Ornament of Human Nature it- it Jf"? (as be oree said of Benjamin rrnnkliu,) the mat man left in hit C utury, and of the fint in this age of gieamen, is gathered to the tomb of nil fathers The mate, the nation, thr whole.world iff f If,. bai sustained ia iotf which rm laouttge can give , an ndequate description. Liberty ffMztriff her favorite child: and age yet to Come will bow with revere en t ia 1 gra tj t uuV Jh fo re 4 It e 0 f 1 y mon ument,which his labor have erected. Ili fame bejong to' History; and if Talent the moil rare, virtue the most .fcuntpieuoyi? services the most useful, eaTtjenutievnnjr-TnJiii to riory, me re putntion of irhomaii Jefferson will he A among the brightest which she will -Jiave to record, out we leave It to -other to commemorate hs v it toes: Iu few di)s the Orator will dwell w'v h enthusiasm and t he Poet will '"pour forth his rnost melting strain. 11 tU great services of this public benefactor. Ye have time only at present to state the evert of his death, pnd te sketch a ffvv i f the transactions of hi rem keble life. ,. , f?n Saturday last for the first tin ..i-e"iYaUnrtli-iir he was. ilf otic : t hat tif p h j avians en I er t at e d e r i- jOCLic1t tuuJtJUlx. I U i t e ii e 1. La d been sent to call his dniaut relations. t A vvt still trusicd to the his constitution thou eh we aw n An! the evcnlwitlr irembliue soliettiide- In.. 1.1.. ..V m. a. 1.,:-ijwrr' UH tin IUU UI'IK V I UI9'1 m.imtii. n more alarming accounts reined us; that his cooiplaint (the Summer Di eae) had left him yet thal.his ph) -id na (Dr. Du ngleson) was afraid he had U01 strength enough to rally froa the attack: A subsequent letter,"uw ever, was reud in the course of the day from a near relation, stating thai his complaint was not only abated. Ijut his strength was increasing. But on the Evening of the next day ' 'the tnge brought to us the fatal tidings of his' dissolution. The paseogers slated, that when they left Charlnits ville the bells of the town and the University were tolling for the illus trious dead; and the mail brought let ters of which the following jWex travels; , .... J&rk' Charlottsvillf, July 4, 3 o'clock "Thomas Jefferson died in day man. The patrot, statesman, end Curiitiin, is gone? .There is n t at to shed at nis exit: for the gratitude to heaven for preiovlng liini so Ion, and that he died at such a moment, has drank. it ere t jell. Jladthe hor f. and chariot of fire descended to lake up the patriarch, i might have been more wonderful, but not more glorious. Hut our feeling must not be indulged at present lu suine fu lure day, it will be better to recount hiN sirviceS nud mud tin his merits to dwell upon his munly thought, and the productions of bis vigourous pen, and trace himfroufl'he ciadlc to the grave. Then the little' bicker ing which follow a politician's path Will be forgotten, and tho little frail ties of human nature wbich hecessa rily beleng to man will lie buried betit'dth the ponderous weight of his virtues. to close their doors, arid (11 etlizeus to- suspend htiiineisi That the Executivo be requesred to permit the bell to toll from bunrise to Hume! of that Any i and to have ini uiile guns fired iu tLo uiomiug aud evetiing - 2. That' our fellow citizens of Rich nioud. Mauchestor, and their vicini ties, be invited to assemble at 10 o'clock on tbe morning of Tuesdry, upou the Capitol Square ; and to unite in a funeral procession, to be formed at 12 o'clock. 3 riiat the Military, the Mauonie, and other organized Societies, oe re quested to unite iu tbe ceremonies of the day. - 4. Thai a Funeral Oration be de livered at such place as may be desig nated by the Committee of Arrange ment, hereafter to be appointed. 6. Tia J'hn Tyleii. Esq r.o- vernor of this Commonwealth, be re quested to deliver an Oration on this aolemn . occasion ; and the Heverend Clergy invited to unite io prayer to the throne of (trace. 6. That a" Committee of twenty four bn appuinted to make the neces sary arrangements to earry the fore going Resolutions into effect. 7 Thit we wilt wear crape on the , left arm 30 days; and our fellow ci tizens b requested to do tbe same. Drank on the fourth of July 1826. At Haleigh. By Gov. Burton The Constitu tion of the United Slates. Limited in its construotiun unlimited in its duration By J. Gales Esq. Thomas Jef ferson, the enlightened statesman id patriot, may his fellow citizens be al ways ready, to aeknbwlege his public services with gratitude. By Mr.i We1.0n It. Gales. Our venerable citizen lval Havwood. a- r-aj V- 'Tr, A few hours Italeigh, July I4t after the receipt of ten minutes before one o'clock, 1 VI " Extract of another letter, same place ,hti ne'"choly intelligence, on Sat and da u urday last, a meeting ot our citizens I "The latest account' from Monti-!" be Senate Chamber at ibe ;llArnn'tA 15 nVI.lc i,..di rinr, Capitol;when Governor Burton being the unw, leome tidings that Air JK?.!C5 ,ed totheChaif, and Joseph Gale., person is linirerinir uoon the thresh:; Eq. npp 'nted Secretary, . ma 'J I . hold f eternity V 8 Twoo deck Mr. Jefferson is no more He died at 10 minutes b?Me. too, on which the Declaration-of In dependence was read " From the Boston Gazette, July 6. DEATH OF JOHN ADAMS John Adams is no more he denart eld this life on Tuesday afternoon The angel of death seems to have been walking with him for some months, but was not permitted by Oin oipotence to call him away until tho Jubilee of American Liberty bad fully j come. otWc ind not thedi until his soul had tions of a joyous People for the bles sings bf the day- The truriipet ha' sounded through the land tn mum iag honour) bad been pnid the noon tide was past and, with tb descend ing sun, the good old patriarch de parted on his journey, to enjoy the everlasting rest prepared for those who use their talents to the accep tanee of. their Master. " Fifty yewrs ago. John Adams spoke freely annconlidemly witbin the wall f Congress upon 'i e 1ml-pendence ol t hi country and uch was hix buli nss, eloquence and Hrmnent, that the wavering were fixed, the timed jncburaged, ant all were resolved to soVport it on the pledge of their for tunei and sacred honor In this boo of terror urn! distress, and darkness, his genius penetrated the gloom an ', rapt in" future tmrs, he foemld the eouiiog glories of his country and. rare felicity -he was hu Iff red to wit ness a4 the extent of half an hundred years, the verification of his propbe sr .. a ' ! 11 . .a a m cy. 11 nas iaien 10 ine 10 01 out n- men in any age of the world, to nav witnessed so many Jiappy changes he has He, haa seen the People of this country pass througb lour wars and multiply, from two millions to tvveTve-- sefn what were frontiers once t made wnodlands now" and nu Vilder- inernuaimm blosou iu (he ness around him, and throw a-aorplu population into the ranks of civiliza tion on its march to the West lie lived twenty-years beyond the bounds of hnman life, lie was born on the 1 y th of October, 1733, crailu ated i"55f commenced the practice of tbe law 1759, and continued scduloii Iv engaged in his- nrofMiun until t774, wheu his reputation for talents, independence, and Roman energy caused the public to deraaud his ser vices; and, since that period", his his tory has been blended with that of ruuiitry and is known in some inea sure" to all. - . It wonld,'ot this moment, he. impos iblo to give even a scanty chronicle . I his services. This must be left to ins liiograplief, who will have an urn pie field for his lhbor the materiajo n-a;nTn n tt'inrh t - m orr-d arable t Iran braiSj lie ull at hand for the work- m a a e loilow tog preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted: A great Man has fallen in our land The imptr wt a nd f ried-of 041 r-be ' loved WasbuigtVn tbe enlightened THOMAS JKFFEHSON, the Au thor of our Declaration of Indepen dence, is no morel He lived to see fifty annual returns -of the day on wh'ch this Declaration ra made to the world: and what is remarkable died on the very day which completed this term, and about the same hour at which C'titgres gave it their sanction Mr. Jefferson has not probably left behind hiui a man in all respects his equal, as a statesman, patriot and philanthropist nor one who hat act- torv ot our Uouutry. From the advanced age to which Mr. Jefferson had attained, his death ought not to be deemed extraordinary; hut having observed the wisdom and energy which continued to distinguish all his writings, however ieeblo his body might be, we did not aceustom ourselves to think he would probably soon tie taken from lis Even the lat producion of his pen- a letter (written but ten days before hi death) addressed to the, Mayor of Washing ton, in reply to an invitation which had been sent to him and the other two surviving Signers of the Declar ation of Independence, contained all that strength of expression, that love of freedom, and patriotic zeal which have always characterized bis wri tings. As expressive of "our affectionate remembrance of the charact er of the deceased, we offer for adoption the following devolutions: II 'solved. That this meeting is im pressed with a deep sense of the great toss which our coumrv ha sustained in 1 he deaf h of THO M AS J K FFK It HON. whicu is this day announced . Ilesblved, That the citizens of JI leigh .will wear crape on their left arm for thirty days, as a token of the repect and esteem in which they hold 1 ti e x h d r 7c I e r t al e n t s a nd v 1 rTu esj of the distinguished individual vrhns? loss they deplore, and they trust that this manifestation of their feelings ou the, oeeasion will be followed by the e 1 lizeii H n TI h e S t a le gc n e r "a I Iy . Uesolved, That these proceedings be published in the Raleigh papers. H. 0. BURTON, Preat. ' J. Oals, See'y. A meeting of the Citizens of Rich mond, Va. was held in tbe Capitol "ti the evening of the 7th inst. to (fevise such measures as might seem ben calf culaled to manifest tlieirrespeet for the memory of their fellow country man, Thomas Jefferson, Joseph Fate, the Mayor of the city, uas called In. the Chair, and Thomas Ritchie, tisq. worth and public virtues. Bj Capt Lawrence John C. Cal houn, Vice President of tbe United States: His patriotism, services and talents have acquired for him a char acter which cannot be deitroyed by the malicious assaults of bis calum niators. At Fayetteville. By Mr ArmisteaJ, of Portsmouth, Va N. other Majesty bul that of the People no other Government but tihat of a Representative body 1100 llier Sovereignty bm that of the Law. By Col. Strange The Ephori of the U. State a million in nnmber: May the imp rtant-functions of their olrice never become extinct by non user . By Mr Thomas Hope. While the evergreen of life beato proudly wit! in the native breast, let the laurel of Fame encircle the brows of our Blake' ly and Forsyih. By B J. Male. Ireland: Who would still the troubled waters of her oppression, while they bear to our shores and to our hearts the flower of her sons? . At Charlotte. The Presid-m of ihe U. States An accomplished Statesman:- May his adminutration redound to the glo ry and Prt9pefity oL jiujrcqmmogu coun one, appointed. secretary. 1. That Tuesday next, be set apart as - a PablicMourning"tlrnt p'Tr that day the Merchants be tequested - The Univeriily-of N. Carolina The pride and ornament of the State. I he Constitution of N. Carolina- VV h i t . w e .acknow I edg 0 i 1 1 e 1 ec 1 Icq cies.Ve cannot be blind to its defects. A eonveulion can remedy the without impairing the other. - At CaxxvcU Court lumse. By B. Vancey, ftsq., President of the day Our system of government May 50 years of experience pros perrty and happiness under it, con vince 'he world that man is capable of self go vein merit. By Oen, II. M. Saunders Tho in -dependent Re, ubiicnn Senators of tho United Mate,syik ConHcnpt Fa thers, they hava maitaioed tho enn Htilution and rrhts-irrfiieir eoUulrj, and whether denounced by the detiia- gue, or pros(!rib-d by;"tht po veri HhWth-beM hey w if I be-sustained hr the viocc cTa fre people.

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