.. to- .a:s....;.v... V'i-:.rrwj,.ji:.TrJ-!'f'-w., " -: tbat not (lie on resi i? whif ttil In bo lamented. V- rAr i nil be considered by Ib'V Mivonrter 'nt I e ?;f i m a c y -4 a IV r4. u cj. ,. p.u of V f. ' I) I incomne-te-ncVJif man .to Kvern him- J -!!". On lisf Hoc r hood; u I Pnez hinolf, nod ihoa'e essncialed with him. nppenl with ct fidence in 'he umpirage r Bolivar, if n sincere ly to be Imperii. Ihat, on his reftin from flip Pacific, he will be I t f 1 iipel a storm which looks so threat ening. .V Journal, ''TTtffT;,.trT i - u ji'L. '' " 1 i - i n i ti- .1 i ... . inP? u'bs emM zoned riieivftftxrlrrfwiHftirtfrrnn-' I j.Jir Sfce-wat urt'z ar tha date if . f GRKKNSUdROrGH WEDNESDAY. JULY 20. Judge JVfl t has resigned his com. mission as Judge of the Superior CouHs of this State ; the c;n crime has Called O meeting, ot the Kxetu tive Council, for tlio purpose of a pomtiiifj; a suitable person to supply the vacancy. The New York Times, of the 17l1i instj says, we ate nuch gratified to perceive that trade has much impu ted. The rise in Cotton oh the -ther side of the A italic, pnxiu- ceo a-iri,iiiiiileiJirf:.cL.hei.c Mil for the last lew days we have had an extra demand lor the article." The British Hrg of V ;r. Frolic, at New Yoik, fired a salute on the 4th of July. Remarkable LoinadcnU: Missta ted thafJohn Adams was right years older than 'I homas Jefferson ; Tho mas Jefferson, eight years older than a James Madison : James Madison roe ; ami James Monroe, tight years older than John Quuicy A dams. , Supreme Court. Alexander H. M'Ree, of K.w.tti. nd Matbias K. jNTar.ly, of Chathum county, liae obtained I ire tees to practice law in the -Court Courts. R. Reg. ,JPot'Cff cts n h re have t.een cstpMiKl eil in the ITiViiid States .y in the last six n onth. four hm-Mred aid sr ventythree new P ---Off,e8 thirty of which are in tin State. 1M. We sTesitfry t" he obliged to Btnte that the lone continued drought has ,rnl i f the pvrami Ur'orinily. T'ie Dee'nrntlon of I l ' it - T . rce was 'rejid.wifh tuphns S ) t.U . II u ?J pa ivi) ,n r s sun;. by. eyerj in'lv in the ?-!('0iii!,'; ! ( oiit and it irh! n tl;at iffceiiiou ncarjy nl' ll" inun, and tliirdly, the jeai of Jtilu ' m' wft prooliumi'tl Ht he dinner, and lie tfhpriflTuQg diroeted to open tlx prison doom and brini; in hi bill O.v f" i lasf point we may bo allowed t into tartirttlr. B fore the win was land, several hulVt nr.tw r eentre bpi , . a; ve wnyv and a body .( fleam en v.C I . neij l hv tvo black fire men, ivh A ve V irihif'8 s ii? a n d w how ere ipt tik in.5jly scalded by jr. A pother . nf , b IhhmU also a colored man. bai luUVrrd ev.-rely; .'I'he , two fi emen are badly burnt, (bat 8 igbt luipes mily can be entertained of their r cvery nod it was matter of astouiHhoiefil to n'l. 'but tbey ibould have re ched the circulated, a eii'leman. (Mr. ( deck, os ihey did without itanec. f t at and oi'ire tne uteam nau eaeapt-u from below. The unfortunate men IjHw.) rirouoed to the President f.fnde Perkins,) tbnl ihe romiianv p pent mak h efwrnl JaM Delivery ' were immeuiately conveyed to the ofdi'htnri, he l?e amount of tbir Hospital. I be ae cident iiincer ly deb's more or les The motion was to be regretted, net only on account carried unanimously tbe her:lT was of the relcbed Siiflfcrembiit because ordered by aui' ority of the President it is calculated, although none of the nftbed.-M, to t'peii ihe doo'r Hnl passengers or ol hern .' dek were bmi in his bill. The pfaie was -ini'ired, fot-iinpair pub'ie eonfideuee i-4sed, and wrn tlif first, see ud, in this Ht eou? enient id ode of con- himI third ii u ahn wt.niii veyance to the Island. was Capt. (po. (toners of the .Navy, had pti' in g20 each, and oibir vve pmntitiir fb" r p keis, tb sberiff, - rse and told the company that tber wis enoub; or if iot. tbt hi would 10 'k to ihe remainder A coorm'tee a appointed Ui see to a general elanns; out, and t.e debtors wer nddresed by the President with a i licrt'y a hnirably suited to the oe easion; for, instead of reminding tbe.in i int t ! were free, they were tken liy Uih huiiit ami npit' d to drink n la" of oioe, by which was prol;ibiy 11 i. It-rsiood as many glasses as tbey wanted. - r c.orreponifeht''.eo,j;in u'.i "3 'urehison's cJilldren, it alo an gora, m 'Oin nome wnen me noi-o ns burnt. Ve' cannot twm ply .with ver a'l from home tb vvisbes of our corfespondpni in, uTilisKing aby partoflhe ev d r.cer ihu would be wrong, either as to the nublic r o the prisoner pcrliaps to both. Fay. Journal. h Fay rltevilie July 12, F re in the Sivamps There is now an expensive ti e racing a few nnles tuili of this town, in a tract oi. coun try which is usually covered with wa ter, but which now in consequence oi the drought, burns freely it has been observed since Monday after rt noon Loseruer Detroit, June 27. Cast week G. Cass anil Col. M'ivenney to ik passage in the s h'r. (jlierit, lor the Saut de hante Marie, o' their Way to the 'head of Lake Superior. It is the intention of (So V'-mor Cass after the arrangements with the Indians are complehd, rt attempt the removal of the celebrated This extraordinary mineralogical curiosity lies in the Ontooagon ri vt r. about 30 milrsjrom its iniuHi. It weighs abm o t ns The ur rent of the liver is in some idaces pretty rapid ; but we are informed that hatieaux can ifscrnd as far as the mass, of copjiei. C I. Crougliai, "f the U. 8tntes A'niv, alsii t ok p -.ssacr io the Ghent. He is on a tour of inspec tion to the upper pus's. wVc w Orlc. i vs. June 1 0. Althong't the levee" is still well li ned wtli shipping, stam boats, and fl.it. boats e think there has been: a consider d)e decrease in the pnpula tion. Nil n hers have gone North blasted, aln ost. il not complete lv. all i nd South, and East and West, in hopes of our crops, and that it has sean h of health or amusement, as so far dtied the streams nr whir!? (their tears or inclinations predothi Chas. Courier Aaper?on , "rhu pfptf pdo ht Progress of the Ohio Canal. The v'i k ui tfie Noi-ttie'ii divisi n ol .'hc Ouio Canal is progressing with spi rit, and generally at a rate which promises its cntnpleti h within tho time prescribed by the cootrncis. Upwards d 2000 laburors and ab -ut 3vJ0 teym-i are constantly employed on ihe line between Cleveland and Kendal, .which is now under con tract ; and work to the amount of between forty and filty thousand dollars, at contract prices, is pcrfor meiljnj)nthly. Hie contracts require the" cotnptefidh "ol ti Wtiflctylifflr Tirst d y of Ocober next. there Pie mills, as to leav nof more than one or tw. within 20 ti'iles of this place, vhich caf griiid one turn tieth part of the grist hroughi to them. IVarrentan Hep. Raleigh. July 21. Scarcity-! n eon s p q u r n ee n f 1 1. long drought which has prevailed if. mills in this and the aijaeppl eoTinTt?s: have slopped frc m want of water, and Flour ar.d Corn .Meal have become so scarce, thot it i w j I J great Vi ffie.it liy ihata snnVeieuey of the 'stff 'oT life" can be obtained. - Our oldest iul abi tants do not recollerf of pvpt Iih experieneed 8uebfdistrpsii'j tine b fore. In ibis eiry. Flour ey n nd about 8 dollars pr barrel; Jfeal fron 1 dollar to 123 per liu"' e?: at. 1 Corh 0 dollars per barre'. Star. The Jubilee v. celebrated in New London in a n-w and Mnkinu manner, which is thus nnnniir.eed in the t'ni -tiectieut" Mirror. j Occurrences pf the wetlc -It so liapiie4!-than.WE-?,P,.rt! eik. itnil nf eotiroe ti e lnr-lth of July, in New London. It hi t u vs od -pSTtire-tnwJd:"ia Jifjhts, cud ht cur vieM this, prinvi- natcd. H s an instance of the hw price of bread stuff at present in New Or leans, we can sta e t!iat one of the sMirtiy sons of the West applied to the muster' of a steam h ;t, loading 4i the Levo'', to transport a quanti ty of flour bt-oce fur Louisville for which be agreed t pa St 05 per liejiAidliil.ltt;tii- was of good qu iirty, and as'weTrTlirTvhrfl Was. Ph,it In started Iroin Ohio witli it in February, in a Hat boat tha' he could not now obtain S2 per bariel in New thha is ; that he re ally believed he vuld save nnioney by takiut: it back t Louisville and selli- g it thei'i. which he intended to do. v We believe tbe article 61 flour l s never been a: a lower price in this ity tlrioit is at the present -ime. We ire told flint bacon can nw be purchased here for two cents per poiiud.-aud wheatoo fl ur af one cent au -a quarter' VAh'n is propirtiwv abL low. The Avags-'Of ; commorr hiboiei per d;y is one dollar and a half to two didlats. --,'i. ....... f : j 1 . f r :icijf, ; , - v A li J 1 1 e i al 7 -ur!C"! : V "ei " : "a""tttestentr tjoul .Macon uas nbutil to start. from fi J.fftrson Fund.Wf learn that Mr. Jefferson, a few days before his late illness, was pressed for an im mediate sum of money, notice of whieh was received in New York. It give- us no ordinary pleasure to state, that the Committee of the Jef ferson Fund immediately placed 87,0,00 at the disposal of Me. J. which fact was alluded to by his grandson, in a letter received by most giateful feelings, and the receipt of that sum may have calmed 'tie, last moments of the venerahle Patriot We but thug reiterate the public voire, in suggesting that the balancc of tlh- Jefferson. fund throughout the XJn he placed at the disposal of his beloved and affectionate child, Mrs. Randolph, 'which we believe will be snfhVient to purchase tho Monticello estate. JV. K. Enq. AUCTION" SLK. THE Subscriber begs leave to in form Ins friends and the public gene rally, that ho intends celling off hid entire fclock of Goods at PUBLIC. 'AUCTION, At August Court next ; the Goods will b put up in g'lviil lots so as to suit purchasers ; the sale to com mence on Monday and continue frnrny lay to day until all is sold. Now is our time, come lorvvard and yon ball have jood on your ovvu termi9 is 1 intend to ell without resefv I afso hove the riirht of a number f States, of Bailey's Ilielilv tinpro- pred Cor n S Ke I ling Mitch i nTjiVeh" VZ IT ra m M .. .. ner lor sale. I nis viacnine is con- iiUrxdj upej:ur . iaxaytaaUulfiLjeVejC icen tnvenT?MTToTn!STreTrr implo and cheap, and vithiri thO ' each of every Fft'mer, it will bo old in lots to fut purchasers fa ac- JAf OB' HUBBARD. (Srepnsb. tV, !N . C. July 5, 20. Lfade to suller from the itnprudence of its Iriends 1 ue nocieiy iimavowN all intention to meddle with liK.que- 'tion of slavery,, or wit b the rigo.s of citizens. Its sole object i to reoov frer coloured people from America lo AirimyCul. istar. Wc have received a eor.imuniea tion. from a frjend, in relation of Mil' dach Murchisoii. now coolined in V jitil of liiebm uid count, arj d e gl jo ' pHcHiii;y :iiitmr:vi::ere:;3::iiia'' l'..iime'J us t'o'bts true living in f?f i- - r I pommodatius; Improvement on Saw-Mills- If iny person sbou'd want a Saw till built or repninMl, on a principle ' 'at cuts from twenty five to ot,e Itun '-d per cent fasJer yyiflrHJve siwo j Diiitily of watep,,ean by i. il to Kditor of this paper, prist pti fl. b ervuitlyatlLH man vtidowcd .with na b.ilities on tin- shortest notice. i bo ii'rson alludod o eane to fin pl'to v II, r;,eiii:iMii-tdd b 'he. fl'"? e!a-' i ! i siit- !'il 'the state ol V it,- rs :ai 0 7v :i

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