-. ...... , L J i 3 I more in bin hnUtrra' ' 'nml mum I -l . . . 11 "Fqrjhe atriotr ' HKACTFft I" WOMEN. Through many a land and clime n ranker, 7: "With loiliome slept I've field my A lonely, unprotected! stranger, To f frnngpri ills a constant prey.v W) tie' steering thus my course pre eariou. "T vy. fortune ever was to find, Mrr's hearts trd dispositions various. V i wotj n ireatful, true and kind AH to every tender feeling, "i'. (!f m : ti(eifv alwavsnrone. The wouds of pain and sorrow beal- With soft compassion's sweetest tone. No proud delay no dark suspicion, Taints the free bounty of tbeir heart : They fotn not from the sad petition Hut cheerful aid at onee impart. , Form'd in benevolence of nature, Obliging, modest, eav and mild. Wi mairg the same endearing creature In courtly town, or savage wild. When parched with thurst,with bun er wasted. MilfsteMly ft Ire" totes fcga now sweei tne coarsest food l:ai lasted. How cordial was the simple wave ! Her courteous looks, her words ca ressinj, Shed comfort on the fainting soul Woman's t" stranger's general bless '&- From i oltry India to tbe Pole. DUELLING. There is scarcely any subject bh which more discordant oDiniona are a Haeram violation oi all the Jaws b(tli of God and man, other are contented to reprtsent it as a ricccs : sa v evil. W i thout, however, il is cussing t present the expediency of the practice, it appears that if an an. p il must, in any case, be made to ai ms, the great object should be to ji - the i hampicitson aniqual foot. jug, and prevent as lar its pi ssible, thr better caust from yielding to the Mm v skillful combatant, fnonesin eh solitary instance has this been at ti ed. On Ihe? borders of Austria at:d Fuikey. where a private ninuA . .... or private quarrel of a single intlivi- dual, fright occasion the massacre or a family or village, or desolation of a province, and perhaps even the more extendeO horrors ot a national "w.ti whensoever any serious dispute "arives between two subjects of the (Jif! rent empires, recourse is had to terminate if; to what is called the -T Custom of the frontier." A spacious plain ot fii Id i selected whither on - animoiuted.day, iudees of there 8 I dive nations repair, accompanied l- tll . i I . . . . ' ' A . " oy an mose wnoui ruriosuy or line test may assemble. The combat the ( hoice more in his holsters, Jand two uiore in nis urcast, and a carbine at his pack, and a daereer in his belt, ad vanccil like a moving majaiine; and poiioping round hts adversary, kept man conscious that little or no dan irer was to be aimrehrnded from sucl a marksman with sueh weapons, de-liberated- continue! to smoke his pipe. rl he Turk at length perceiv ing a sort tiT little explosion, as if hi antagonist pistol had missed fin-, dvan-'ed like lightning to cut him d' wn. and almost immediately wa shot deadT The wilv fiormn Imil put some cun nowder info h nine. the light of which his enemv miatnok J , " -" J im - ' - - as the otherxliad foreseen wuld be the case, for a flash in the n.m. nd T , ' ' ------ no longer fearing th Hupttir skill ami superior arms of his adversary. he Ml a tictim to them both when seconded by arlifire. Tn-s ait- nt es rwved in ooiurober tf tbeir arms; or in thcii n g, but each is at Ji- y bertv to employ whatsoeveFhlf'"Cir ceivcs is most advantageous to him J $. and avail himself of every arti cle to ensuio hi; iwn safety, and de 7 8ti y the life tf his antagonist. One ilj the last times that thi- method of def uiing a qnam l on the frontiers " was resorted to, the circumstances ws stvfficieioly curious, and there cai of t fie in nny serve to illustrate wb:t js mentioned b ve. 'I he - phlegmatic G'man, armed wif 'he most desj eiate weapon in tlit w rid a rifled pistol mnnnted on .r,affifie.Mm'k-a-iiftiif'in'ihe nu'tdle of the fi ld ; and conscious tha' be , wnild infi'llibly destryy his Ci n y t if lie r ctilii ot ce ge t in vi., lJHLk;!f'-..r.i :.i'tlb' '-f- an'ke his LOTTERY. The Diii.wing of Mr. Murphy's Lottery will commence on the d Monday of September next. Per sons wisliing.to purchase t icketscan be supplied by applying toDr. iie bane or Christopher Moling, Esq. of this town. July 1,1826 12 nt J OB PRINTING " Will be published at PhiUdelnhlft semi monthly eontaininer etiht n-.ri. octavo, and constituting a volume of neany zoo pas, at on? dollar per year, payablo by the cit? subseriheri. in advance and in s x months by those in the country The work will lie conducted by the sibftcribers, and devuteil to the pro motion of impartial grace and salv tion the illustration of the fucred eeiptures and tbe defeneo of th oocorr pteJ priuciplt s of ehristianiiy . ind moral virtue. Helicons iatelfi s;ence will be sought and presented, mil brief and interesting extracts in. serted. with a view to public edifica tion, moral instruction, and the ad: vancemeot of the emnire of Christ. s u. 8 n rn, PI I f AlOiiSK, Kditorswho inner! the foreeoinff. and forfard their papers, will receive THE LADIK3 GAULAVl). a l,flPer containing misfcllaoe us literhture, and. as its title pur port, dedJcated lo ijlio ladies. JOop, ains, '-(merer, matter of interest to thegeaeYal reader. It is published weekly at II .rner, Ferry, Virginia. ft place celebrated for its romantie seenery,U'.d it comprises io eaeh volua.e;2() quarto pages of sm.II )pe. the. advaoce price is only 'ne dollar and twniiv-tivo crni- ..-1 j'tnnum, which nukps it the cheapest r uw.r.i wi mr wod in me United ies. It will bn furnished, bound in uoanlg, for one dollar seventy-five cents. Poit-maler or others who for ward, free of p ge, five dollars, fr Iur numbers, will be entitled to an extra number for the irouble. Copies of the first and second vol- mej ear. be Had or, application. The thinl volume will commonee imme diately. Ilarpers Ferry, May, 18i 1826 Du. it. V. WIJLL1 MSON OFFKILSt I uoumunv rcipt-cuuiiy uo i ,iWu oi UreeiuboroQ(;h hod informs his friends and the publie iu;t&e county of Guilford. He hopes geueral, that he still continues to car-! after receiving the best opportunities ry 00 che !in hi Medical education, and some Pnonli t Pin-r HfoM BXPer,ence n the practice, to do jus Coacll tslgg Making !ueio patients that may be entrusted iBMSJa iU u mr raitiern winnp nt v;i..i. J V U. V. The fleraid" in exclianse COACH MAKING. TiritiW rP r -i- Lz" 'wine eawrn w n lin- thankfully received and prompt.,, '.S' w,iere he n always bi Ijattended to ; bis prices are as low .U,,J: ?xcePt wne absent ou profes iff lower as can be afford o.l in n!l0,,al bumness. . . .... otner piaee in tne state. BENJAMIN OVERMAN'. N. B. Coaches, liie. Carrvll fic.c. repaired on the shortest notice. ureeusooro' June 20 lotf. A List of Letters, Remaining in the Pot (im. m Greensborough, the 1st bf July 1820. May to, 1826 3tf. DA; J.A.FOULKES Having reiurned from Philadel phia, he re he has been attending a eoura of Vlefical Lecturein ue University of Pennsylvania, respect fully informs his frieuo's and the pub lic in generally, that be intends corn inencinc; irnmedisielv. thA , . ,M - - " v 7 I .,.-' J ' MV ' nrhith irn.l ... I V. At . . I ln ... :. .... s..jr ... unuuci, uc lurvviiruea loj "v -n ut vJrccn uo ucucrm ruvi-vince, as ueau let te'rs. " A. Robert Armfield, James AlexJ anuer, lary Alexander Jacob Arm field, David At infield, John All ison. B. Rachel Bales, Henry Ballen- !er nenry mrt, Ump Brincefield, Eh Biowo, Charles Bland, Abner Uniwit, John Beales, C Jane Cummingi, Polly Cun ntiihani, Martha Craft. Thomas Crensliavv. Robert Carfield, Abel Cof ha. Jonathan Clark, Jacob Clap, I nomas Larbry, Joseph Cummings, Beiijainin Clark. I) Rhoda Doak. Joniiih ripnrh..rn Kftch Davis, Richard Dillon, Sam uetDoheriy. F. Jobo Garuet Foust, Solomon Frazer, Mumford FitP, Obedience Farrinton, R.bert Fieldg. G Smith Green. Jemima Grnrlv. Thomas Gilbreaih, Isaac Gullet, 2 II. Jae.ib Hubbard 5 John Hoskins 2, Samuel Hemphill, John Howell, Naihau Hoggf t. James Hanner, Isaac Hollinworth, Arnold Hutton,Ilenrv Heart, lydia Ilarvy, Henry Hay worth. J. Joseph Jackson, William .Tud kins, James Johnson, Susannah Jes sup. Thorna Jenkins. Jam ps Kerr L. W. R. Lindsay, Simon Lan dreth. John Lister. - AlT-Ger-AlavT-AlexanderMax ma ST i m am a lev, Edwin Pachal. Jeremiah Priteh let, Jere.uiah Poor, Guilford Peppin, George Parsons, Jenuthan Parker, 2 I John W Parker. -r II Mareurct Ruseet. 3 Thomas jllos, Jacob Rodger, John Rigsby . l it. VI cinity. and in the adjoinu e Counties, wiim uii services are required. He has purchased the House and Lot owned by Dr. Watson, as well as the whole of his Medicines : These, with the addition nf those he purcha sed in the Ci y of Philadelphia, will make, it is presumed, a Shop not in ferior to any in the state. Peros from the country, can be supplied with Medicines on reasonable teims Physicians whose assortment may bo broke-i, will on application, be sup plied at a moderate advance on the prime cost. Those who require his nrofesstont services, may rely on his promptness and punctuality, as well as his best exertions to serve tliemrfaiihfw he can promise no more ; the tests of nis medical skill can onlv be annlied by a candid and cenerous nublic. when they become sufficiently ac quainted with him. Greensborough, April 24, 1826. tf. Shoe BoorMaking. The Subscriber respectfully in firms his friends and tbe public ia general, that he has now on band a bout 300 dollars worth nf Sl,. Shoetees and Bootees, which h sell muebjower than he has hereto fore done, for cssu, una will venture tO SaV as low as work of. the aama ijnaiiijr van uo uuagui 10 ine state. J...nuLU.lJ. .I.k-L t . . .....ii i :r vi-r.i- i, . .i.n, quality can be bo I llAa A nilAlllllv nf Ik. k.al ...1 m . in - Leather, and will continue ta mmni, facture. so as to keep a good assort ment and be able to furnish those who m ij favor him with their custom. 11 i..w returns his thanks for fort mer" patronage, and hopes by promp- 8. Stephen Seagravos, Mr" Swan, I ,, T F . rmP' Ihv Salter. Ur. San... Ileninmin! UtenLot. to business to merit a COD' Wily Salter. Dr. Sapp, Beninmin Suibard, Mr. Shelton. '!aliuli ' She ly, Michael Sbaderly, ' Uetty Slade, Richard Stephens, Hauuo Qtckes, William StufTrd. T. JesscThoinpsna, Isa,oo Thprn borough. V. John Vanstnrc, jun. . V. Henry Weaihurij, Levin Wolen, Utamas Whitington, Bei. Wood, Alexnndrr Yates. - inuancc ol lue gamr. - JAMES BRANNOCK; Greensboro' June 27 iOtf. -Blanks and all kinds of Printing, done on the short est notice, and most rea sonable terms at this .Office 1 4" 7 V r J .it- (i . . .. ".A ' 1 j7