. . -.... . ri .tfi -'- ; 7.'' ,. VOL. I." GllEEJVSBOROUGir, V. C U El) frMSDAT, AUGUST t), 182C. WO. 10 -IW"aT.V . Tqflfcayia-m-i-M t . ... a. 4. 'A L.U'ttiiUR5.av.a:iMu.: VaU PATRIOT Is printed and published weekly b T. EARLY STIUA'CF, At Two Dollars per annum pay ablo witbin three months from the receipt of the first number, or Three Dollars after the expiration of fhat time. No paper to be diseontit ucnJ until nn battery, at the Old Bailey, may 5 never sleep again,'' replied Athels tun. At thin juncture 1 interposed, and discovered, with amazement, that my i 1 1 ut r io u ly allied fricod was ta ken lo he H'iftVv White; that a war rant had been ii-ued ngainM dim in that character: and lliat ! wan indis pe'nsablc necessary be mIiouIJ f,rb with appear beforr Colonel Clayering, the County Magistrate. I see him standing be'ore m e- as I, with tin all-arrearages are paid, unless at the most dilheulfy, expl -iued the circurn- ontion of the Editor: and a TaiIih-a iiJ sinncp I - j - , w - - -r ' ' - - mi S nMijro iin nrii notify a discontinuance will bo consi-ja,on'8bnent, bis bitinacy in .declar- jpef '..exed a tie engagimeolP - 'JP M -VeVr V believe js P ! A man of my station in life of otii ADVEItriSKVlKNTS W .1 Not exceeding 16 lines, neatly in- my station nay connexion" of my nppearanee -and he sal bolt-nnrieht in bed - to be taken for a Highwayman' It' I am.hasteniog to a "world-. vl.i vwicc ventofIm a (juaver)--where there is neither marry in.; noi giving in umr nage. -Uolouel Ciavtrinf;, far weiii Vu look for the last time on Alhtl smn riuniagentt. yll is over. Drive on.' . , The gentle leader, perhaps, will smile ui hearing, that malaaie ima ginair very shurtly had her trjumph. Whfitier coM, over exertion',' excited f eiirtgj or bypochondriacism, . pro due.eitthe event, is unceriaiu: but a ren..werk-arternrards the ionm pu- 'Z'Pnv' ueaiti, at t'.ia cii irtli ot iiis noble rela ive of (h'hon- otirahle, Athelsian l'lantaiienet. oiii-Ip hi ti e late, and cousin to the present; wuje oi cardigan; M. A;, F. Ii r. Li. is aoU ihi ks J to myself, A. o. i imp, However, anil ih ira coua"eons " 4 , ( - - 'V t ? nor, now ever, anu I tie cares every suce.ecdinR publi-' ,ook draught of lemonade Hardly '0 maturer life had almosteftaced the e of greater length in the "" Vnlf-j my recollection, uum tom, :rml:.:f; . .rr:'""n p-s -5h Northamp' serted three times for one dollar, aLd out of th course of .ature:" nnd hp 25 cents for c&tion ; those amn nrnnnplinn I .attar. A il. L' "MS UlCe W 001 t j O O 0aSSinC thrOU-h iNnrl hi. mh -Urtnntrntrpm- paid; mmw .this inoltv and vis vvith rl, law my gfnTe. j, reeorV Whi! .. i i ivi -vrniia. i V I i. -i - ' "-'V'iiexroT to neryous laities and elderlv . . . , lw,tn them:' - and carefully closme It vvas4hv-beS4iimnS of the year .h enrtains he tamed on his other mai, lor my sins, I was iravell gi,e. 8Ild diaannoii.ted in th f.rhr. iog in the north mail to Lincoln. My oe( compamon wa a cion or a noble jlHa! Hai a, BUw mp jf ial,g stock," and a soisanf invalid: so m 8aid the firgt con9fdble tenacious of descent, that, as Boniface -but it won't do, old on,, it won't dov jafdifhis ale, he eat, dra.-fc, slept, This is a fifty guinea job: rand d'e lived," and died upon his "family;" rl,ink we're such fiatst,hj& we have '""I' ' ""; you sneug, ai to let you slip tether prosing, disconsolate, heuty old: forbit of blarnej? No, no. Come. i t ! - t- ' ; on ifit-xricnfrer. fi eiantis acquainted with. Our only (Cardigan's cousion bolt upright on other fellow.passenRer was -elo-; hi, legg in the middle of the apart quent in silence: for we heard his mem. My interference was aea.n in voice for the first t. me, when w- par- dispensable. Plantagenet suffered I. -J?.4 at -Market HaHyorough, where be ,im,ef(fl b dressed in silence: and I, ...I i. .l VI m P!anln unnnl .ailn l on Ilk I . . . 7 p n naming pTviiuf Jv rrrpirr mvseti ; satirically aiming, tnai ne -Ofesse.l wh (rumrr, flir rretifyine-ihe uuu uo VWU.T.IU..UU,. u,muiicp, Hicompanied him and his at An infiux of strangers arising from a county election, obli gentlemen, after his last exploit of rf.DOing the orlh mail, was tried condemned, and executed in this very town:' and afterward, by thfLfentre -i;eof r hi frinds-who for many nights watched around' his grave", buried in the chtirchya'rd of St Oiks ihe parish in which the gaol is situa led. T" the last, the daring, reck-Icss-, ipijitilisplajed itself, w hich had. characterized him through, life. 0- his way t executi n, he snatched ai inteNigent, virtuous,, ad frerdiiin is no! in them Let Our neo pie swerve fiom this; and ir matters little whether, in name and. in form, they are Irremen or-slaves.- Lrf our national charaet r fail in the gteot trial, which it is pa -sit g through; let vice stalk abroad f arless'y in our villages; inefficient, hanhrup' in properly, and more- bankrupt in spir it; let our noble j outh lose the prin ciples of a virtuous education, und vie with each other in. xJravoji'vce and feveilij and farewell t thp clig niiy joy fedom? : Though th 8emblane femain awnile; the snli it will hrtvo fld forever. " " : Now, thtour national eharacter is improving, Ave wish it, were easier to maintain ttian it is. No gnber citizen certainly can look without concr rn, on the increase of .luxury, nnd tho fearful inroads of intempernnee a?..4,' mong us; nor npk, without solicitude, gress? Tosa)vthot we want mro virtue, is only say iog, that - we hare toojnuch vice: and is therefore onlv (o descant upon the evil, which wo wish to correct. Of the means of correction for our grand national vice; but iwo things occur to us as at all likely to have any ' success. One is, to lr.y a tax on li quors, such as must exclude tbem- from that common use, which now brines temptation to everv man'i dnnr. eyery day and hour of his life . But lo ints tne community is not yet .vir- iuous ana ingnioinded enough to con s O tendant eonsiables to the magistrate. Huffky was speechless. Kveu con- lcrn i',.r tiiu hunlili !.: ...... I w ;w, i inn lirtiiiiik mi l ma im iimi with a double-bedded room. Mr. F. , dread of a draught, were forgotten, had token his nightly allowance a e looked aro- n,! him occasionally, posset, some caudle, and a basin o water-cruel: had arranged his le monade on the other had applied hot bottles to his fret, and warm pillow to his head and, having exhausted every waiter within his .reach was Ul inui in n ii&ir ui iju ir jurucr, wiirr -i t i . .1 a inunuenrer rnn was nearo at in j i door. 'You can't come in." said Mr P, faintly, from under the clothes, as be saw me about to unbar the door, 'the cnld air." he observed in a smn thered voice .'-would be fatal tome at this tim of night." You can't come in," lie repealed in a shriller key. "But we will," was reiterated outside. "You will! what drunken Vagfthoad is this?' "Don't jabber t us, you old sinner; bur unbolt tli door."-"God bless me!" cried thr hypochondriac, "can I believe ro ears? An old stnner! There must he tome mistake which" "We'll burst the pannels," interrupted the assailants. "Uh! this is unbearable. Give me my flannel pnwn. I'll leave the Inn instantly." "Force the door, Jaek, I say, d me force the door, or the old one will get ofP'V.And, our assailants suiting lustily the action tn the word hc staples gave way with a crash two constables eoterd with a warrant desired my unfortunate friend to surrender and instantly ap pear before a magistrate ! Gentlemon," aid the Honourable Athenian with all tli" ditrnitv he with the air of a man awaking; from a paioiut nre a nt, but not a sound eeap e him On our arrival at Oolonel Claveriog's. a few minutes' conver sation, aod the producUiiti of some pa pers, soon rescued the noble Aihelstan from the charge nf being a footpad. It appeared, that after . ommilting va rioiis robberies in the neighborhood. uie toumy JviHgistrates had ascer '.ho stood near the foot of the eal lows; and on the platform replied t the devotions of his fellow sufferer "Come! look sharp- let's be off " The corner is almost concealed from public cazvand' whellr annrr priated to the remains of malefactor The spot is lonely and qtiiet- tlM grass grows green and freali o'er hi grave-but Superstition has east he halo around it: aod the peasant in tiw hour of twilight, will take any other path than that which runs he"ife it -will whistle-will sing will fix bis eye o' any objeef however distant and uninteresting and feels happy and relieved, when he leaves the spot behind him, where, beneath the sod. moulder the remains of this Prince of Footpads. Black Boole. I L.. a .... nouor, our silent fellow passenger, 'who had no nonene about him," had been--Huffey White ! Many and sincere apologies were maoe inr the mistake: but Mr. P. ro 8dute(y declared he should never rfur. vive it. At my time Jife! a man of my family to be taken for a com- mon fontpadl Say no more; my death arrant is s aled 7--reither argu ment nor raillery, could remove the impression. You are very god," was his reply lo a hope Colonel Cla vering had expressed they- should meet again, and often hereafter but and his countenance assumed a m t dolorous expression, 4I oni now bound upon my I isi jouriiev.' Our 'lospitahle host detained "us thai ni?bl. itnd flip npTt m(irrt;.in. , t .Could assume in bin nightcap, "this returned his route. BnlJbe vu .ul may be nn excellent joke to y(u. hut haunted by ihe same idea. When 1.1 1 happen to be n man or influence,, his carriage, he replied, with n. wave and bitterly shaD yon 'repent if. It is-of hvs w hite handkerchief, to mr - v.iu, j.., mu , -...... , ov-frtnifffl'-'f tronr ins tatr1iosrF9r rp: we (lo;Hnl a ilevit oi a elias yoti've spectiog a fu given us. ho now turn-' out" If -n) 'Vlntiv POPULAR KDUCATION. The North A twined HuHVy lo have quitted London; July, contains an interesting article by he Lincoln mail th t wrtrraotion Popular Education, from w hich we had been iasued out against him in! make the folio wine? extract It mr. W r-J - - - - w - mm a consequence-and that Hie same des- its. we think serious consideration, caption applying to both iiarlies mil Tht snbieet of ndDlllnr PflllAarinn ii hapless friend had been annrehpnedi oni nf retor mnmum in h. in iki. - . ri i - no ,ii iiiim V,ir Ilia I. !.:. 11 i . .1 .i . ... .iic unnijr iii.u tvajmau ueyojiu . count rv, man any oiner people. Ed iintihf: niir uLni C.il..... .1 if, p.. vim ii. iir Biiaiciirn nr i o - . .... . 1 . . .. . . i rirr vuniiipd n . - ' . i . vii.ui v una uir usurp imTiixniiL " I ucation, and the education of the peo ple, too. is the hope, not of our im provement only, bat of our existence. It stands with us. in .'lie rd every thing that makes other govern ments strong. It stands in (he place of the establishment, of the army, and the sacred throne; it is Ihe order, and defence, and power of the nation We look upon this nation us mak ing a momentous and perilou experi ment on free and popular institutions; nor is it lo be thought, that the ex periment has yet gone beyond' the point of danger. It is certain, and it cannot he too i.fien repented, that such institutions as ours can have n permanent standing, but on-tbe basis nf knowledge-and irtue. The char ier of our. privileges is our national character It Ws this, that bought th'un when our strength was "hot in ninews, hut in brave hearln: in the pirit of nin. lhat nere fesiived lo cable, perhaps as it is unpopular. Or, to state the case more truly. ineet among us, the feelings of the, peoplo -are. represented in ih government the government baa no mcfinalion to do it. " The other means of prevention, and the-only-one, it appears, which is now open to us, is to educate, to entig.ttQ, to exall the public mind tfn w ledge reading, must supply those resources the mind, which shall render it in dependent of meaner excitements. For why does a man resort to tfJP a'm :oxieaiing"draugln? Commonly, be cause he iiunhappy without it; he wants something to excite or to enter tain him. lie sits down at home for an evening, and it is dull to him; he goes aoroud fur relief and trw, finds a re ief which is his ruin v0w let this man have been educated, not in the technical artificial w too much prevai s, but educated to the love ol knowledge: let Bnm,.tl,;n of ihe science and mystery of nature ' n-ive uecn opened to him; lei interestv in books have been provided for been associated ame nursuilst- w Mro, nr Hi?. i rein lire Mrs. PIantag:iei i'nttaiu t'i'the so!in nrivSI - - ---- j....... . , , ' it- 7 -', i'niuaiji. liuuniiw i oriiil'J i, liP.il e r "raf i'i r ; "i V rin'ot ger; if paii., cannot be him; let him have with others in the and he won.d not have found leisure auuruen; ne would not have found company a snare; h.- would not have V " Tiuud his home irksome. Life, with" ' him, would have received a new'iini pulse new resources; and he; would be proportionably raised above sense" and mailer, to intellect and virtue. " ' "-The hope of seeing commuriitieg "'' thus educated, intelligent, virtuous, r ' and happy, is one. which we delight to cherish. W,. gia.dy g af , v however "au'iously, with t,is spirit aed promise of ih,. :;g,.. Vf.ionV of iripvement, not of r,erf, ctibilii v. r before us; hii i though past experience, stems .n mooK Hum. we will not be lieve t!icy are drenns ' Tho rni-fuAt.. of freedom. Ihtr ferdeoeic. ,.f t-.'. ' ledge, he e tinsels of pro i.leriee. the pr miiisjh o, Chris' itiniiy, il,c l0,e favored eornamnitieV.-nio their iJutt, Mid there s!mll be nojTaV CV? t fr Fcepiicirn. Teffus not i .'f ditHcol lie, of expenses, in thn way ol rev.r- nv? 11 wiv oiid- eitlsj-tii u: d, Unrf vt:h .';' ii crnf left, (in i rid ihe I. 1 . 1 .....L...: the "pifi' rf