.,.'yfc!V,ui,.'.u,rBirtjj.);,ptM.lav--V'.- r 4 It VOL. I NO. - . .. -i - , 1 .. v ;vy- :r . A .... - Is THES PATRXO, printed and published weekly by At Two I.) 0 liars iter annum, in able within ihree months from I i t receipt of the lirgt number, or Three Dollars after ihe expiration of th .i time. No paper to be discontinm d uutu all arrearages an- paid, unless at the option of (Tip tiditor; arid n failure to 3 fy a dicoutinoa;jce 6e iron-!, dered a new engagement. cheeking instantly the speed of 'riiy '"org: his pace neer exceeded a clumsy rolling walk, but .s su'lii'ieii' to keep U' Immmc t ft hort gallop I q ve him a haf front e teh. barrel ol my gun, at aheul fifty ja It' dittincc, and the second, wi.ic struck his eur, seemed to gjve hi.n . mo cent's unea- i ne s only; hut the fust, which struck ititn on iUr body, failed in nvtkiitg the h nut uiiprssioo. Afer ivm him another "par, vvhifh flew off In i nh hid'- witlioiif ' xeitioe; ihe least seimalfiDii, wc lefi bun to hi laift. and iincp; there are no public mijseinerttsor public ocenphtions lo eiigagerufr uUeot'ioo, and their do oeKtio cafgH are few. 4A haHid there fore to ibem more than a Cull, it is Hi awnctier from uieoibiiiy lock ed up HTetion an intpirer of motion nud ih agJil. Ac'rduigly there is more aresut is, , more pansion. than tiwrk eyViof aureole girl ieein to j nMik uclideiirotion'ayd earnekfnessi f .pmt that on cannot choose buff ntaK f u iif i ner t Jnr wei near i The pa. ktM sliinQiitn Mb. fin x icgham, has arrived at ISew V- .fc om iiavr, aou brings tiles ot KjoiJO ' nl liitllignttrii s fgsiuer to -tho 3'h I J u n e . the Con u t i o n c I f he 14 h -nd Havre popers to tho- Dth all incloiive. f r it.. r..:..u i . i kri, for the reception of Mi Can? v AI)VKIirisEKxrS Not exceeding 10 hues, neatly io- ilrt(l IIithh tuni'O fnr ntif ilnllitr. Hid 25 ceats for every aiicecedins'Subli. ' w,'.rt; q"rcV;ini thrown -it'oof- brougftf u iiyft; j of nn '''.'hour; iKere'fs an arVackmtfnl eii'ht eienhaii'H W'-ir at no erot i!i tHiice; and comi, towards us: it vva thought p u-lcut to chase t heni away, and we all mounted forthar purpose. 'V ey pp''ared unwilling to';o, and did not even ttiruJ.tfieir baek initjl w 8! 0111 , , : rrar pti8 ai tueili; Mie uaHfifS iron eatiun: those t qreiter hntrtli in the, f i.-o:- 1 . , 0 m. tlie p? oltlie miti, hiivrfver, appear Trotu Maj )r Dt nifi..n . i..es in -tinea. K K PHT N S. Expedition Iq the Tcha t -'Oa ar-fivi- $ at ihe l ike Mai.nny left us. l e -id, to ofk for tiie elephant as he s',f ikh had des;r'-d him to t?k' m- ioe to them; and I romuenc--d sliiMitiijgj and examining the bau'il'u vurieiy of wate-fow's tfiat were m tlouiiids sporting on tie Witter and its shores. 1 Mieeeetieu in snoot g a hill, and om snipes, "which were a numerous as the swarm of hef-s, and in three shots killed four couple of dorks and one couple of wild peesc: tV were vry nrtods'-in- y m.w k i u df fine speeimeiis Whuc I t' n;'employed, Maramy cam-, gailou up, saying that 5e had f und thret verv laree elenhants craz'tiar to the f . smith east, dose to" th water. Wiien Me eme within a lew hundred yauis of 1 hem, all the per nn n fool, unit tnv servant on a male, wvre orderfii to holt, while four of u. who were mMinied, rode up to these stupeudou - anmals "The 'sheikh's' people b'gm srreeehiug violently, and althcgh al fir-t the) appeared to treat ur up p H( h with great eonl Hipt, ytt uiel a li'tle they moved t) eiv ,g tl.eir ea s. which had u.iiil thfl hung flat on their .houJders, aod giviii"; a n ar thai shook he ground under u. (J t wh' an immense fel ow, I should up p'e sixteen feet high; the other two ure female and moved away rather quickly, while the male kept in the rr ar. as if to iivrd their retreat. V e wheeled swiftly round him, ai.d a ramy caMing'a sj.ear at him, which struek hiai just under the toil, and seemed to give him about an inueli vw'fl toua were perched on thr bucks of the elephants. . Tliee. re senble a thrueh -n shape; and noi, and were represented to me as being extremely useful to the elephant, in picking off the vermm from tliov pnriH which it is not in his power to reich " T ' Ou the loth of February itajor D continutu, 1 tliis "inVnii.' went i the eatwa'd. in ord PP In ttlWft tin ft. tenl ofthe forest, and also, if between you which is ' delichtfuL and you cannot resign it A without . regret., slfe is pale, it is true; but f there is a beauiy, as Suth sad, in' thts very pah riess, and her fui yet delicate shape, is at once the shrine and ceu ser of Love, whence breathe . v . ''The --n-It tnfr thought, The kiss' ambrosial, and the yi. I Wog' smile." will hold ht on end, and think the minutes all too short. At four in the mornin my last p rt nr went; she had started at, half nasi even:'she could 110 louder resist the eavernous yawns of her papa aud mamma, but it was reluctantly that ie tvent; ---- iiti tlwn tiataTecesit I hke a ball in ihe AVest Indies bet rerthan if Knglafid.VTrue it is thai J you perspire, but then yoir have noli lo undergo the triumph pf superior j if ' t. ft I N O, tee nave sentenefd, seye aily. fs. CharJfX UiineaJv: V S'. tlc.Yilleneuve, and I)., ..... an, editors anil nronrietor ,.f it.a iieraryjourna,caMed I o three months' imniis,.nm. n o pay a fitle of 30(Kr. ff,r l,; ed of political iiih tiers n that liitner! essrs. Ailei and It ck. hizh tropVieto of i-fce, F onde,,,. ,r. jeniei-eea t o ti ve-drt v ir . uid hoed 2o0fr for a .milHr fT-..., Russia The Emnernr .fw,!' ias d n CTk,, ,v w.ieh guer- are perm ted 'o obta n nu onl zati.n. and form part of liussi. D trading comiinnies. The Austrian Obnervernnoun hat the coronhoti f thi tn (V.cholas irposipoiic.l to the mid lie 'f August,-- in 1 onsi'miAMa r .t. . lenth of the Emnress Kl'izabctli. x-ract of aprivar,. P,tf.r of tjl(; V w auls ot one hufidrt d and - ftf y ele phanls, whi.-h some of i, AralM had seen the day befoie, while Ihe camels urn f dii.g. i WHs no' litsappoii ied i found them fibt.ut sis milea front rtUi-.m the ; uurstis ouallv ft Wflt by (he waters of the lake. wt.ere tte coarse itrass is twico .the height of a man: 'they seemed 10 cove, lite lace of ihe country. iud, 1 should think, rxeerded thr number I had ex-p-et iJ to see. hen ttierwa .Cm hw vei these their pastoral s they are forced by hunger to apptoaeh f e toWo and -Ynrpnd ties rido'ties, as Ihe P.iims's av whi.li . : e- t' tth the orient humor hurst forth a' r.h-rvais upon her ivory cheek, raviaie'if erjinhms cont raHuen?' W in tour yw r, Vy i: unvis, da'ats, no! j;il;uies are all 1'srown open lo th tiFtezf's 0 iiigtif ; Mowers and ever i'eenn give in,' ami voruancy to v Wrtlls, and the goidn mo-in or dia tpi'tid t:it s;feafn through the many openings with that rich and i t-p splendor which good m- n will see hereofier in I'arudise. It in rn ad vice-not t drink much; restrain yur uirouguoui meir marc h: who e nan 1 if.11 1 1 1 , iAti,..l il,.iA..M .1. . VI V i',,f 'vvelve o cl ck or so, and then Wi u.ivrZ .""'"'""'eat m. cold meat and absorb a pint JlDHX,!ii"Rle night Nothing how. ver, more ieioeious than large tjutelopes, witlia fox an.! wild h .g o fwo. w as lo be seen beside i-iephan s "J" I before sunset We can.. im,,o a herd of elephants, foti teen or fifteen 10 nuirber: these Ifu iiHrrorg mud to dance and f j.k ike So main emit. oy beating vio.tuily a ura-s hisin ith a suck; and as i.ight n w began ol port, r ui', winch is p 'rfecllv in noxmii- 0 the system, and more res i-orar ir to the animal spirit than punch, wine, or sangaree. Aonve all d not be persuaded to swallo.v any. wastry lea; it gives neither strength nor vivaeity, bu raher impairs both, nnd rn - ......w.. in ni m II I would excite passions that miht le-.(d o an . xplosion. Jt is moreover ad ded, ,hat his pr-senee in th Capital ol Co land is "nov more nc.cessaiy tlmn ver, as fresh commotion b gn tube 'It m several of tho provinces of 1 hat Kingdom.'' The (iHEEK ("aUSF. Tha Prntih. fort Journal, of the 6th instant, vUte8 t at the Lolocotrnmi party has fri umpsed at Napoli di Romania. Ma v.;cordaio qiit!cil the town in the night to escape an ignominious death," and he, as wef a Couduriolti, h s tak. n refuge ftt Hydra The Naiit.nui Asuecnbly of Greece iia ixsueu a tteoree temporarilv v st ing the civil and "military aff 0f the country in a Commisvion of Eleven Members. F ve Hacks full of the hea 's and ears . .f the Greeks who fell at Misso- I 111 liani. I. ...... T ' . n uccti ieet'ive(j at lion- to cast over us its rnilml iho npilr. unit llm fi!lj n... . ...v .... ...... w IIIH, u Slooinv vt'il. P , 1 . 1 o .. . . .. 1 ...-a- - 0 J . ' .: re wuue siock 01 tnicic llo and r.crm.Mfu on 11x1112 nurselves until ..,.11 '1....1 ... ntnr;.w :.. .11 . ""niumiiM trim aituw ruox in me morning in a small oiifii sDitee. where 1 na, . . .1 -. .. u tr a .u , '1. 1 ""rt best cravat; otherwise with the ordi a large trie, destroyed hv tiie HtiaekH .... of the white ant, had fallen, and af- J aI,,arUU' T0U,r C',n "" for.le.1 lir, ' ...I ' .'mv: a rop,, an.l the ent.ro focale pain as when we pri.k our finger i ,ip, rMo sf ek h a any istance " ,l f utter dissnlution. withapia,thehue beast threw up ! would have been dan-rrou at that 1 l'lJ"IJ'e -st nuelque cho.e his trobocii in the a,r with a loud i i,n,r. in ' .J y..?. I.?1 a Danse! said the French roar, and from, it cast such a volume IOns: and the liiilr... i ' . " .i1: "T n!a,,h r. the Ali,,("' of sand, that ' unprepared as I was (gathered for our horses was furnish for fuch an event, nearly blinded me.ed by the space within BiJlf r I neveiepoaiu rnreiy, 11 eer, uuupns. iu Uur amnias Were Mirht n I . . 1 1 .' and it is only when irritated that he!Plose to u, noH-,1,1,. ,,,i iZl Jm".1 a. ,,ur d,nner ,,f : a ... 1. i i . ' ,mrr,."l' ciimea low m, sweet when vt nprne ; ; ' r sw ruu- !lKtkH VOll rlP.Pft4l vel II nun 11 1 1 S t a II 1 1 Oli ni A If ia.nu ...l.l.l . - j -.. w wj ....V"... -.. iinruurtj 10 ex- fortab e. It is important to remark hibit four Greek C-vptains there alive inm your suiri i-ouars stiouKi ne loose ao kiii mem tietort. the Keraglio. but wiudwarfl and leeward, il is even so with you! 8wcf t are ye ;.r yoiir breakfast of yams and plainlains. is dangerous, but he wi I 'sometime! fires Ihe greater part of the m-hf a run uiMui a man and horse, after chtik ing them with dust and destroy hnn in an itHiani. "As we had cut him off from fol io" ing hi companions, he took the direction leading to where we had lefi the mule and the footmen. They quickly lied in all directions, arid my man Columbus (the mule. 'not being inclined to increase its pnee) Was so. alarmed, that he did not get the bet ter of it for the whole day. We pres sed the elephant nw very close, rid ing before. '.behind and on each side f of him; and his look sometimes, is he they were sciz d and carried flf on me roan it m v'pped thll lbo Captain Pacha's jlftt will next i-EEl scend upon Hydra and Sp zzj8. A letter of ihe 29 h of April, frorrji 1 Trieste, states, that since the fall "t of Missolonghi, all the (ireek chiefs have redoubled iheircncrgy in calling " ' their countyrnen to arms. jbrahira I aeha remains perfecily inactive, awaiting reinforcements from Alex, undria. The Greek Committee at Paris have received intelligence ofthe Gov- niuicnt ol Napoli di Komania hav lew roam cr Kiihiiuiinn principally from the , .elephant and jackal, were the only'disiscbanee that we met with.,, trate political economy, nnd urge hu- i ent provision: to 8alona for The ...v.. r. il. 1. .1.. . 1 I . I t ,r, ... I 1 . . Dancing in the West IndUs.Vw. ry t reole fem le loven daitc ug i she love- herself,' From the qu .drille ol the lady dou to ihe J.dm-J'thn of the negro, to daieV is 10 be hnppy. The intense delight they t,.k in it m the naiural consequence of thru mio. pno!t. f .. nniusrr vivacitr whicttrfe w hich went" w.'i'f. (Un i'.. . hVU .eJiutthfiaki-ngofCape Bet;;: inanity towards the slaves. buf sweet ef than your father's sugars are ve, dear heirs of the Caribbs, when ye come (ifilliant and happy t.i shine line uris in i lie (eiice. Coleridge9 Six .Month in the West Indus. j The oldest warrior in the world-, Tbyre ih Vfow '"living in, Kdgnftow, Masn. tli! oldest wiirrior perhaps oow 111 ihe world, Cunfain I'eter . . 1 . ..'.- t'edMe. tie wa a cabin but h. the fie- ITl Mis''J"nghitcs who have tnk. u rr. fagf there. M Eynrd has mm pro visions to tho troops of Kirakoki, ' which fT several d tys ' have been ' reduced tiih nfce8iyof subsisting uiion tlie wild f ui.s -flhe moil 'ains of ICtoli;!. Xni hne t'.e towns in po sessi --.in of ih" (. ks is yet b'V -ed, nd h.vsie m ei;.j:!oyed in furnis'hu--r 'he-:i wiih amm-jni ion. The Cnni' mit eo hart also received frntn general Kt.cii .a jlj iwileil report .'upon th prrr 11, omiuiu wii, kiv. -sent on!, up t tii" ri.cif:ir iini. nmi ii.. u. rf1 --"i r f J , P 'ilU-- i.intt.l.i fa q I, Jos. reaso u , a u d iihlliuiUi 4i4,' u-e4 f -t-Wrw--a-ij'-, -?. -: . ,-..4y.'-'i. -"-V j :x

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