.t. :'-. A v 3 i ren to If it'e despot ism, and Id give his government tin nir oflm d m f I i murl was uM'hool ui urbaimv, w hero pen,. I fl m mtit or fj tii i 4! that ilili cary of tnsle, that elevation of .senti ment, and that puriiy rf expression, which ihurueiene the wiilers of his ' ' lime, he honored men of learning. TJii? ceil I he re foie useless lo mcve ing was coiuingdown upon us in large flakes, and Iho fall of n largo mirro at llie moment, which we look Jo he par! of the house, added (o the dhtrni. It was indeed nppslling neverV'nevcr halt 1 forget it. It passed, having lasted 40 seconds. We then went in to the street, where crowds were on wft,;u,t ii.. n. i.. n.i.lo. i iwl wjifc tlu ir knees Dm v insr fervenltvV A bountiful to thrni. ( general rush was made for the square It veuld he painful to follow the j in which the palace is. There' we decline u the line am in Home io j found, thousands collecting and col il.eir total txi if p tt ion. t lie tyranny f lectcd. . Women and men just ns they of I ibcrtu, end of subsequent cm pe had .pimpotf out ot bed) u itlMlte ad rors, broke nl lust the eicvuieu anu 'independent spirit of the hruve Uo urnns, reduced them (o abject slavery, und left not ;. spark of genius. The ncieneo of law is the only exception, us it flourished even in the worst of times.: the lawyer were a respectable tiody, and less iho objecf.of jealousy than mm -of power iind extensive landed property. Among the (J reeks, also, a conquered people, the fine arm decayed; but not o rupidly at at Hume; the Creeks, Jartber removed from the tent tf of government, were lens within the reach of a lioaian ly rani, During their depression, they weteguihy ot the most puerile con ceits: witness verse composed in the form of ax, an egg, wins; and suctt Amei-iciD paJridges, a variety un ,' 'Horatio Gczcni, Kmj. a (?h!..:. kuolvn in Kurop?; aud of terrapins, 'guiahed member of the bar of 8.1 . l.t;u two orlH of novelty which 1 would. was aasinaled in that plnco oi. like first to nurse at the farm, then to ; 'he 13th iunt. by-Mr. French Siruihei. uaturah3 oti my grounds. The The Editor of this paper, who was splendid boiling steam machine given : thero at the lime, understood the cir to me by Mr. Morill, has be n much euinstances ti he as f Jlowa: Mr. Co admired: drafts have been takon, and zens was engaged as counsel agaiust it shall he in u few days placed in u :Mr. S rother; and the latter lioJing ouildiog 1 hive made on purpose to ' the cause was going against him, uk- receive if. mi si.'i that mv iiulli-: eu me lormer to siep asiac. as ua the rcin of he cmiMTor AdriaTj, i iiui ro'iJ, , ob,( urc, tiff, and allVeted Luct:i. is the only exti piion thai muy be nie.de. W e .need not name r.nv other eause hui f! 'pfism, to account for the de c!ii:( ' ietamnry and paiDting in fi tee. 'I'licKC arts had arrived at their utm's! perfection, about the time of A?exander the (reat; and from tlffti lime, they declined, gradnall), wii ii o vitfor of n free people: for ti'.Tv was now enslaved bv the Ala he uhu'rvfd.Uiat when a nation be-feartfiufiltorhWjIsay t hat tin shock eomen stationary in that degree of poer, whie'i it acquires Irom it9 ditioii i of a blanket thrown around them moihers in the agony of crifcf and apprehension clasping their cliil- morean iarmitig obligations liaeuol been lost upon me- And since you allow me to uttr all mv wishes. 1 will add that ono or two couple A mcrican rabils would also be a new introduction on this side of the Atlan tic. At to the iustlv celebrated can wiltJ to fcjit-ak to him. Mr. Cozens complied with his request, and Mr. S. stabbed him two or three limes in ihe hi east, and once in the neck with a dirk, and killed him iustaully. Mr. ti oilier vva coiriuiitted to prittou. Is it out tune to put a stop to this dren to their bosoms fathers and'vass ba k.t!iey only cn be njoyed in j Kiud of assasiniion, by inakiog it brothers endeaviug to pro ide th?m ' l lie vicinity of the Susque'.aun and with covering groupes of femaje in the Patomac, a condition to which every direction calling eaeh others non more heartily lhau myself would names to be assured that all were safe.' Itk to subniit. ' Dismsv and desnair were ceAerat. I receive three times a montb, ac- No one would return' home, andihou-counts frun the United States by ihe sands passed the vvhole night fflRhrliavro packets, ah iniulVtcient conl- pensation lor aosencc; mey are now- v,.. ;y- ftnuare T4iree o'clockji P. Mfr' "avejusl returned from making a found of the ever, very precious io Die. livery particular of public and personal na town lo observe the extent of dama- Hire, are eagerly looked for, and when ge. Several houses are Ihrown emlynu are pleased to write, 1 beg you to tirely down muny are rent assunder, let me know as much as you can of from top to bottom. The Cathedral,' my Baltimorean friends. Present me tt, spi-Vidid rd ihce; has one nf ifglrigs; very all rctiontety to tbem. scarcely a ijousc in uie i iiyf; is wuI.U'lrIlcK, u irgnimo, uu tcuumi; out injury-miue has every one of its lis known tiiyou, as well as the pluugh principal walls split in several places! which lias been presented to the vx -diniri'? room in ruins i!ib narti ilinioj? room in rums the partition of my bed-room has fallen in, and had I been io bed I should at least have been- severely bruiied. A sey.ercr shock has not been felt here until now since the1 year 1805." About six years ago, it is said, tlicro wfts a slight one; but no injury was done. It appears miraculous that only three lives have heen lost. Many who are here, and nmination of the Agricultural Society in Paris." You will learn the favoriv bie opinion that has been expressed. Most cordially, I am your affection ate friend, LAFAYETTE. ; highly penal to carry u dirk, or any Hung of the kmdr Lui rona.) Last Sunday, a convict in I ho Pen iteutiaiy, odnied Edmund Jphnsoo, was slabbed to the heart by a U Uuw cdivict, named Thomas Bradley. The latter suspected the former 0f having communicated lo the board a plan he had devised for making bis escape He was a blaekkuttth, and had made the weapon himself. On Monday the grand jury ' was calfed, and hr was tried and found guilty yesterday: ' '- -- ..-.-.r,:.:. .. scenes, mutdorers would find little' encouragement to prosecute their bloody designs. Hut a fell, uneom prisiug spirit seems'to be stalking through this Commonwealth, wliicli nothing can check but an inflexible execution of the laws. Kij. Paper. Fire The warehouse of Messrs. Campfield and Bjt wick, lately known as Burton's in Augusta' was consumed by tire on tho night of the eonstiution and situation, the nation- l,eeiJ 'esg' was much more severe; but the houses being better built here the injury has nl spirit subsides, and men of talents .bejioiue rare. It is utill vv orse with a tmi'jin that is sunk below its former power and pre'-einineno; and worst of all, when it is reduced to slavery. Other causes concurred to acceler ate the downfall of ;the arts mention ed. Crreec. in the days of Alexan der, was filled with statues of excel Jedt workmanship; and Ihere being litte d in und for more the laMcr sia li.t s hup reduced (o Jieuds and busts. At !ai Ihe Ucmans put a total end, hifh lo sintuaiy lind painting, in GiceCi, hy plundering it of its finest pi.-c.s; und the. (ireeta, exposed to the i vtiice of the cumjui rors, . bes towed no I'Utger any o'oney on l!'e llu uMs Tie decline of tin fit" it-ts in to me is.:.. l'tro;.ius Arbiter, a writer of tan. r d ;leguncer scribed lo a cause j C'ajsf . Macy lias been pleased to take Half past five 1 bore been taking ianothcr survey, and was surprised to find that hundreds of families are sending beds anil bedding into the plain, and erecting booths there , for the night All fear another shock 19th, 12 o'clock, nonn The night has passed quietly, and the alarm is subsiding. The New-Yoik Statesman gives tho following letter from -en. La Fayettk, addressed lo Mr. Skinner, of the American Farmer. la orange, May 28th. 1826. My dear Sir: I have, with much gratification, received the 7(h volume of ihe American Farmer, and hope, early in June, by Capt. Allyn, lo hear from y , and to know how you all fare in the beloved oily of Baltimore. Scenes ofAgfs-Alrao9t every mail from the west, brings some tale of horror. The following atrocious IlllC last IIIUUlll. W4t nAminliniPHIoil ti' i j n nt Mo re horrors,. We have to add to which, from the rapidity with which the list of the many murders that the whole builhing was inflamed, have been committed In .Kentucky, j must have first struck the ba.gs of that, of Michael Cottman and Grorge Cotton one bale of which was per- W Courtney, who were shot willi ri fte guns on friday evening the liih . m m U - rinst these meni- it-is staled, were returjiina; hoiue, from the house of Thus. James, l-'.sq near the Beach fork, in this couo'v. It is supposed they were way laid by some two or in 'j re persons, and shot. . They. veo found on Sunday morning the ICth instant: A coroner's Inquest was held over the bidiespf hedeceased persons, who fou d a verdiet of mur der, by Rome uirsons nnki man was shot in theA.breast.andi fell d d , i i i s s u p p o sedtini IiTKoadjbii bdy had been removed about twenty- n, 1. 1 . I .' i s:Ll '' li - live yarns, anu inrowu upoiuu a large dift'r fr ;t, hl bove mentioned, a j on hoard a couple of shepherd's dogs lor jon: Mr. Worthington, son lo Ihe former Gov. of Ohio, took charge Vfti'f; and thst is opulence, joinedUf them ut Paris they are of the best . C . f I - I. I .. caue mat ov rttiinmi uitmuuoii, a Wei. i3 i line arts, wherever i 1" vvitb i'.s i'aithful attendunts, avarice Hind luxury . In England, tin fine arts n? ( far froii.' uch perfection us Jov.IV,: by opulence They are in a ; prm e!.. indeed, towaidn maturity but th y proceed at a very slaw pace E.vi i met from a letter tinted IJngotdi June in. W e are all here h stale of creal i importations excitement and nntioti . Lasl Jiight ful, and while 1 keep some individu breed, and well trained. But I fear the-American method of keeping ft floek will not give so much scope and usefulness to their instinct as when they arc under erpctual admonition from their master. And since 1 have entered on farming topics I must tell you, my dear sir, 1 am making? great improvements, founded cu American Your hos;s are beauti wns l! e i!'si aw ful one I ever passed. -Ve were silting at whist a the eloi 1; eLimed n quarter to eleven: als of pure breed, I generally eross it with Auglo-Chincse animals of the kind.. But yours are . better same ot that moment we were all sensible j shaped, and I have arranged a pig- 8th, with upwards ot 2000 bags oi ' ' . . , :,,. . - .. . ' - ftrated with a black hole, from one end to the other, : and vas smoking through its wbole extent, when rol led from the ware house. Others think, the electric fluid exploded some spirits, which were stored there, and thus sent the blazing fragments of Iho building' to some distance round on ihe adjacent houses Such flashes of Lightning,., und peals of Thunder scarcely ever dazzled mortals. A '&fSS.,j',W.fl?. u "truck in Ham burg, un4 ft pott in the lower cud of this city shivered to splinters, at the same time. A light breeze favored the houses most exposed; and to ihe torrents of rain which Ml during the more than to our own exertions, the preservation of a considerable part of our eitv. - Damatro estimated at log. Courtney w as shot in the ba,CKvj whole continuance of the fire, we owe, supposed to have run from the road into the woods, where he was found. We forbear to make any comments upon this murder, or the circtiuistan- ; $75,000. ces that have led to the apprehension of five persons viz. James Watson, William .Walton, Isaac Watson, Doc tor Watson, and John Watson; who were charged with the murder, and committed lo jail for examination and trial. SI. Louis (Jaz. THE LADIES' OAKLAND Is a paper containing miscellane ous literature, and, as its title pur ports, dedicated to the ladies. Con tains, however, matter of interest tp ; the general reader. It is published The Editor of the Louisana Ga- at U'Pr fl rj zctte says, under date of July lllh- (a T eaob Ye conversed last evening wUJi a "o" '0 of small genueman .rem ttyou oar.o, wu.cu The advance prices only place he left or hunday. h mm him! ' 11 1 . Y !t. 1 , , ,,,, ' , . , one dollar and twenty-live cents per we learn, inat on lnursuav last, a personalrcjiconire took place between two young gentlemen, Mr. 'Owens and Mr. Bradshcar, in the town of St. Prancisville, in which the latter was killed. Wrc feeL gratified in beiorf per annum, which makes it the cheapest publication of the kind in the United states. It will bo furnished, bound in boards, for one dollar seventy-five cents. Post-masters or others whofor- .,f.h, iM k of an ear.l.qnake, not. gery niter your own principles. Of ; tf hat b jiiricullie, be! ard, Iree of p .stage, live . ollars, lor hiu.r. si, lent enough :o make any j the handsome II0lka.11 cows, given : . e 1drlies, did not arise from T er.f will he en 1 led to un atra.nlu.iwy impression, and we pur-1 tne by Mr, Pat ersoU, three are lve . , coi;iJerttlion. extra number for the .rouble, sued,.,, ijame. About two minutes and ih.iving, the younger bull, and J , . durin: tllc Lop.es of he first u:d second vol- . . . I I . ,i 11 "I HB niauit unit 1 uu.uut. t.b. v. i lnp.e,!, when we experienced n inost , tw.. females- Of the wild turkeys,; WCf ft persona, rcI,Contre took an I'u I n n(iiion. 1 lie walls ol llie . oniy enc.iiai ueen preserveu; i jiar j oelwc;n tvv0 h'ousv v. ire dreadfully " ncitatcd, out neuiariy regrei me giani uuKey J . U . . . I I I ! I I . . I'll . eitndl -a w ere overturned, chairs und I ables thrown from one side of the loom lo the olhei-vvt'ould ourselves tfoicely luaintaiii our erect ponitions, oik? w er so perfectly paralysed. iIihi uVBTtr thouglil "bTgelTiMitol ttie iiotiM; !.;! d 10 v own belief was ll-M vfliieh my friend hud so kinkly provi ded for me, und if such a one could he obtained, it would he u hew con ferred obligation. The" surviving n u e I h u s 111 i xv d w i t h t he hen s 0 f t h e tii u n 1 r y j ami "1 h a v c go t a 11 u in be r o f eossed opt;' but h lew wild ones 61 young men at Woodville, Mississ ppi, in which one of them was killed. . '' i'hese are melancholy articles for a newspaper, atid should only he told because lhey.ure true.c. i , HTe?viTrol -Crii((neinea of the 27lh ull. gives the follow ing !soiial)l5 ttil'ms at this OiVlCf times can be had on application. Tho third volume will commence imme diately. 4 Harpers Ferry, May. 18 182G. A Blanks and all kinds of Prihtinsr done on the short- s l.DUe must la I helote.. w . ' ' f "xcs w ould be very '.'.welcome a c co u ntvi ILfl u. jasiassjjiaJUiia '05Ml-... -f . . v,rfJlilt A