11 i Vow He Livevjjuol AlUitn. THE STAR 4MK)1'K. Th err is u Star, one lonely Star, That shines from yon deep -ether Mee, i And bright ils beaming come Trotnfar, Yet oft!y as the tilcul dew. Unlike the lightning's lurid j;lare. M I en thunders wake the sounding ajr, " Its peaceful beam And modest gleam In iiutlifti inutfthed lustre glows, And rtsls in undisturbed repose. The firery orb that rules the day Hides from the world its lesser ray Clouds may obscure and tempests rise And blackness overspread the skies; 'Tin from the darkness of the night It tited a brighter purer light. That Star is Hope, given toman That his low thoughts may -up- -tturdrf rise r.A : - To cheer him through his life's brief span, , X"'- And lure htm onward to the skies. Coeval with all hnman birth, (Vet not a native of ibis earth,) -Fren heaven-itr beiitl ,;t' i .iLJitui ii it- ie u8 - J V I. ere bright its unobstructed fay Outshines the gloom of . life' short 'a: Hope luightest shines when cares op pn ss, And cbeer the gloom of deep distress. Givrs comfort to the troubled breast .And to the weary sufferer rest. tuHurry likkuts;flm bigpryzes, but i duzzeni krvr furjHwl tliatfuv iT t arr poor i kin get llecktid too Jon griss, an thats more tha;i u kan v That e is a graUvinatujv owr part tec hoo ,tppuzi:s me, anabee u hav hceru' v him Ickk yf Tui tjaymo is Jiunc'ral Kleevtla idcvbut drot mi old short, iV i kecrs fore liym fore t kin beet him tu to won eiiny, day and thttj fokes up heer in Habbersham sais I an a beep the best skoller : and more than that two, that i has a bettur nattcrral cumpassitce fore du ing eiiny thing. : Now, lckky, the reczon4wi i rite this heer lettur too u is bekaze i am nfeerd u izzunt agoing to tieet Pay tience rite, fore u sais in yure lettur that shce nccdent too waite.for u, us view -of the celestial hierarchy, but; iii -yairi, he. could not assign to bia saint a 'place wjrthy so many virtues as lie possessed ; every sentence eh Jed thus: Where can we place this patriarch :' One of t lie congregation, ired at last of the repetition, ex claimed, As I am going away, you can just pop him into my pew.' Chinese Jesc. rich man propos- ed to a covetous greedy wretch malco him a present of fitly pounds, If her would let him beat him to death, rha miser mused upon it for at Ion:; while: at last, raisiug bis head, uNo,' says he; "give &5 pouuds and beat me till I'm half dead. What do you say?" Jl veritable ii m,not Til Qalm u is going tu marriegh sum of HienijGttZelle of lhe au, jBi t,e fallowing Iilleedelphey gals; now, lckky that extraordinary niece of inteilicence: aiut klevver lnutoatalke sopst be- "At the T 'eelebratibo Tof iudepeu ka?e n got a big pryze in the lottur- dence in Freetown, N. II., Coll Tar ry, fore u knd Paylience jsgittin old hox, one of those who fougbt;bld and and wonts a husbend, an i tel n wat died at Bunker Uillwaiked alone it iz, now. if u 'dont marriech bur. the processioq -iu the same dress kurn nn ilirn flii on n fr which he wore on that memorable AIH.UST. A cloud lay cradled near the selling I vvv HCTJ tISV ot: in hreetch of prommis and fite u he- occa8,oa si(es, like Rhiy did Jiaiidolf, an k . k . , . .r"-' 1C-k i f.s 4i: i A Welsh gentleman has, with much wata more I izzuit agoing to shutc hefaJio j 5uiry aQd deep research, ayhe star kold as a vagruii tire thats how it jjiousand years. In the middle of is so yude bettur teati the mark olejtha manuscript there is a N. B. "AT i uu uv, uoiu vii u iitvb u.uuul litis pimti inf woria wascrcaicut Uuck on a June Hug, so t wil. The iujuns are making a darnd fas abowt the nu trecty, an I heerd a gratelcheefsay heed kill evree drottedinjun of the horscstyle partce, if they didunt keep rite. -Tell Kur nell Pluck to kum .oute to Georgee and wee! make Vim a jinncrrall too fite the injunsi fore this herejiriner A Quaker, in Philadelphia, want ing to buy soma oysters,, requested the oysterman to leave vo orilhr. e bushels at his house. .Pray sir-said the oysterman, what might your name be?: Tt might be Beelzebub;, replied the Friend, but it 'aint. . ,7 ... watched lie glory mov- on. O'er the siill radiance of the lake below. Tranquil its spirit seemed, and float ed kIuw ! Ev'n iq its very motion tliere whs rest; While every breath of eve that chau ced to blow, Wafted the traveller to the beaute ous west, EmMfcm, racthought, of the departing bouI! To whttse white robe the gleam of bis is given) And hv ihe breath of Mercy made to roll ItigM onward to the gojden gates of Heaven, Where, to thn eve of Faith, it peace- fui lies, And te!U (etu&n his glorious linics. de8- VARIETY. From the Saturday livening Post. Wen u rite too ole Varmount, give mi luv to ant Charity an all the gals and tell Tobilhe that I dreems of Imr cvrce nite, and as Mine as i qit clektid to Kongriss i arr ii cummin to sea them awl in mi koatch an fore. , From yurc aphpheckshunait Kuz zin, V Ohauiah Nutmeg. - TRAITS 01 LIFE. There are people, cnninued the corporal, ' who can't even breathe, witliout slaiuleringa nvighbor.' You judge too severely ,' replied my aunt Prudy, very few are slandered who do not .deserve it.' 4 That may be,' retorted the corporal. hut J have heard very slight things said of you. t he face of my aunt kindled with anger. Me!' exclaimed she, 4 Me! siight things of. Me! what can any body say of Me ?' They say,' answered the corporal gravely, and drawing his words to keep her in suspense, that that yon arc na bet ter than yon should be.9 Fury flash ed fioiii the eyes of my aupt.- Who are the .wretches?9-M 'hope they slander no one that docs notileserve it,' remaiked the coporal jeerihgly, as he left the room. The feelings of my aunt may well be conceived She was sensibly in jured. True, bIio had her foibles. She was peevish and fretful hut she was rigidly moral alnd virtuous. The All the iv uy from Habersham in Geir gee. TolCAKOD Pl'MPKlN, IN FlI.r.EE-BFLritKV-. Deer Kuzzin lckky, yj. i j'mst seed you re lettur in the pajiui, I was surpryzed too -fymle u wur in the grate silty ofFil- Jertlrlphey, for I heerd fium kuzzin - Vo Sirickland that you went to kape Kud, and dice of a skcer at the )ig purest ice was not more chaste. The See iSat"P' nt an how that Pay tirnce pope himself cor.ld not boast more like too dido of a breaukeii hart at it, piety. Conscious of the correctness and all for luv at ti, poorkiectur, so !of her conduct, she was wounded at she did. j the remark of the corporal. Wliy K'you las diawd a keep of tntin-; should. the neighbours slander her 1 t:ie lckky, u iiecdnt a he bragging ! She could not conjecture, nbowt it awl ivur the Yunytid Staiia, ! I4et my aunt be consoled. She fore I li aits to see people with no ed- i falls under the common lot of nature. 'i .-I.:..' ..:... e. I i.,uvvivtf:':";-!'iir""" '"'" OOiKasui.0 ixiUMii 8n.ii a ium mi wte i n. oersmi no can live in mis wpriu. without suffering slanders must be too stupid or insignificant to claim attention. - J - f - - TW-bP.P ,StsIlA4a extremely, ill. you arc near the bottom of the hill, but we will endeavour to get you up again.' She answered 'Doctor, I fear I shall be out of breath before I get u p to the top.' Oil. It: l W1LLTUISO N" OFFERS his professional services to Ihe Towo of Greensborough and the county of Guilford He hopes after receiving the best opportunities in his Medical education, and some experience in the practice, to do jus tice to patients thatinay boentrnsted to his care. He has opened his. Shop io the eastern wing of, Slade's tiyy biiildiog, where' he can alw&ys bo found, except when absent ou profes sional business. ; i May 10, 1820 3tf. ti -'H . .i An excellent 01G0 & HARNESS, uearly new Apply at this OlHce: . August,, 1926. ifrlf. W& J,K. FO ULKE Se Having returned from PhiladeU phia, whe re be has been attending a pours of Mo lical Lectures iu iho f University of Pennsylvania, resnect- amy luiorms ui irieuus and lhe pub lic in generally, that he intends com mencing immediately, the prac ice of Medicine in its various branches, in the. Towu of Greensborough, t'ie vi ciriity. and in the adjoining Connties, wben his services are required. He has purchased the House and Lot owned by Dr. Watson, as well as the whole of his Medicines : These, with the addition of those he purcha sed in the Cjjyjf Philadelphia, will make, it is pregumod, a Shop not in ferior to any in the' state. Persons from the country, can be supplied with Medicines on reasonable terms'; Physicians whoie assortment may bo brokou, will oh application, be sup plied :at a moderate advance on the prim eost. Those who require" h is professional services, may rely oujhis promptnej exortioos to serve them faithfully he can promise no more ; the tests of his medical skill can only be applied by a candid and generous public, when they become Sufficiently ac quainted with him. Greensborough, April 31, 1826. tl. Shoe 5 Boot Making. -The Subscriber respectfully in firms his friends and the public in general, that he has now on, hand n- ell much lower than he has hereto fore done, for csh, and will venture to ay a low as work of the snmp qiility can be bought in the state, le W;uld also iafo ni theaifbat ho has a quantity of ihe best northern Leather, and will e mtinuo to mauu fACtnre. so a4 to keep a good ansort mgnt and be abe to furnish those who may favor him with their custom. He now returns his thanks for foii mer patronage, and hop-s by prompt attention 'to business to merit a con' tinuance of the same. C7 JAMES BRANNOCK. , .Greensboro' June 27 lOtf. fSCHOOLBOOfcS. Just Received end for sale at this Of-. y'Jlce, a variety of School Books consisting in part of VYelnter, Dilworth's, Murray's and ;Nt;w York Spelling Hooks, LOTTERY. ; TIip Tlravrinn' nt" Mr IVTurnli v't Lottery will commonce on the 2di Z ;Yt T6u ,B r ;T. i pc i ' . I Sequel to the Jbnfflish Header, Monday of September next. Per. , nlluUui ion l0 tJ0 E Iiih Kea,,e sons wishing to purchaso Tickets can English Urammir, (lar3e and small.) be supplied by applying to Dr. Ale- Ex reise and Kev. bane or Christopher Moring, "Esq. Bonnycastles Akebro, of this (own. July 12, 1826 12 nt Key to Algebra, Smiley '4 Geography and Atlas, Pike's and Dilworths Arithmetic, THE HKIIALD OE SALVATION ! Walker's Dictionary,. Lillunciiy w in liJ. I is- btuddecin law up bur. oiid i ecksptct to git adinilteil snon-lhe peoplef Troup's par tie siiys'jfiny fool kin git too be a lawyuv .ui.dur the prrzzinl Judggiz hiii it ti'.int ho. fur if om judgiH us mnUuifg " h'rc JTl aia br;?c; as r' iriulch iis n !dte of yurc .... -, A clergyman, preaching a sermon n some particujar patt'iarch, was txi ix wclyL.hiiUvi4s- pa nejyyrfcarrff ikiShJ r f-x eel ling every y.mit tfi the carnTrn'rsfltijck a Garnett's Leetures, Blair's C itecli'um, Copy plater, &c. CLASSICAL BOOKS. Lexicons, Grceca Minora, Gr(?ek Testaments, Virgil Oelphini, David son's 'Translation of Virgil. Sollust, Crcsar. Viri Ronuc. Selectee EVeieri. 'The work will ho conducted by thei Corneleus Neooa. Mair' Intrf!,n. subscribers, and devoted to ihe pro-; tuinf Adam's Latin -Grammar', Rud motion of imnurtiul grace und salvu-j dima' Jotroduction, WeVienhalPs tion the illustration of the sacred, Will be published at Philadelphia, semi-monthly, containing eight pages octavo, and constituting a volume of nearly 200 pages, at om dollar yet year, payablo by the city subscribers, in advance, and io six months by thos in the country. scriptures and the defence of the uncorrupted principles of Christianity, and moral virtue. Ilcligibu intelli gence will be jsought and presented, and brief und interesting extracts in serted, with a viow to public edifica tion moral instruction, and the ad vahecmcht of the emnij e of Christ. s: Ii. SMI TH, LiTitorswho insert ,the forego iig and. forward their'papergwill rccoTve liT!i'f'iera!d? in cxclihnge : ALSO Mevisal of t It 0 Laws of North Carolina, Potterls Justice, Taylor Digest, Martin on Execu tors. Family VLbles, Wall's Psalms and Hyriuis, Portraiure of Quakerism, Watt's on the Mind, &c. ece. Fine and Common Writing Paner. by the. quire or ream. rB- be filled at a ftw 1 ii.it on hand' can (Ir'..'en8lJ.jro, Aug, '2 1826 iTirr divj Jli.Mlll)M t

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