f i siSdMiSIissrfi T 7 ' ' taken to round toll in iliii h), iJ ex.rl'i nje of contiguous territory i in ill wiled ncconliur to the most ap proved model, into suitable ' propor tion of tillage pits'ure, and wod land, with the mint r com partnioii ft ofgnrd-ns ntid orchard. T'e Gr errtl bo plain fd three thousand apple trers. which art-yet mall, but thr ifty opening to vistas u 1 1 over It is plania tion. Ho is much engug.-d in H cultivation of fruit of the best kind. I In- snil of this large iract, though Ut pci haps remarkable for iU natu ral fertility, has been highly inproved bv culture. Mud yelds wheat with o ther agricultural products in abun. dance It is finely wooded and wa tered. Half a mile from thr house, in the direction of Hose, there is a large and living fountain, canalled in a green vale, ami sheltered irotn the un in summer by a grove of venera bly imkk. lis limpid waters at thi season rpose on a' bed of autumnal Jewvts, and are as pure as tbey are copious. From this rural and se quemered retreat, a distant view of the Chateau on one side, and of two liftlf villages, witlfa spire to each and the smoke curling above theni, on the other, roak s n quiet and cheering Washington Lafayette, (wbje iime perl tip I ue somewhat loo familiar ly to t t f ak- f diiii ciion,) ii much Giig. geri in construed' gan icr-hoiis-, upon the plan f Bime of those he aw in our country. In short, nearly ail ihr improvements nf La Grange oow in prgre, are according to A m . 'Ci. ii imdefs.' v T. I), i-finrluded 'n our next. The arrival of the ship Emerald, Fort was sbot dead io bi own bouse, attempt was repeated near the same i Boon, 23 days fr in Liverpool, by huu prow.. eg. usm-am. f Mr plaee, uol lar from the house of a Mr. has put u in p.ssession of English Fort dud iwo of Ins children were in Miles Parker, on the next Tuesday i ivices of July 21 one day later the porch: Ins wife cauro in, passed night. A passenger, who was armed, than those brought by Capt Bowne. through the house iih a caudle in snapped hi pistol in the face of the The nrig Maria, of Liverpool, on her hau l, went mio the back room on depredator, who fled without effecting her return from Buenos Ayres. sunk , the lefliside, had tak u some clothes bis purpose. ni the British Channel, and 37 per- out of a trunk, and just as she had The Free Press, formerly printed muds, including several women ana risen, a gu n was discharged tnrougti j at Halifax, has been transferred to 1 arborough and its publication wat returned on the 2Zd inat The Knoxville Enquirer of the 2d ehihlren, who were pas-engers, were the window, aid hIio fell and instuul- drow.ved, , ly expired It is thought th person The profit able ofiico of kincr's prio-1 who did it mistook his object. It was ler, for Scotland is conferred on fair Walter Scott. Mr Brougham is aain returned for Winchelsea, and curiously enough with Lord Ho ick (Karl Grry's eldest son,) an unsuccessful candidate for Northumberland. Mr. B's brother, Mr J. Brougham, also a barrister, immediately t;iveii, and 1 wa among is returned for Tregouy, ailing with the first who got there, and never wa .a i tue room in which Mt irt generally : inst. suys, "an uuexp.cied dnaver sleeps; his life had been threatened has befollen us. 1 he v"orn crop, our he was apprehensive of danger, and J only hope of a supply for sustenance, was so prudrnt as not to carry a liht ' is uuw greatly injured by die worm into the room when he went to bed. 'and thr) are daily nxtmding their That night was the first time light j ravages Many fi Ids are already had been carried in. The alarm wa 'nearly destroyed We have hen m 0 w " formed of one tild of twenty acres in t s i.a. ... l)r Lushiriglon. it is caieu ateu vnnf in tiiiK.ew- sr . AJt . fariiimeot mere woifirt be nrjori ty of 41 iofarorof Catholic emauci- hmliou. ' 1 so shocked before 'o ee the fa mi iy in the greatest distress, her infant iwo months old lucessantiy crying, and the mother, an aoiiabie and iu oft'ensive wemau, lying, just as he had fallen, weltering in tier blood. rM p ion attaeh i t two p Sous, but it is impossible at present to be fount! out who 'did it. ' 1 1) i s happeuetl on Friday night. col Extracts from the IVdl of Thomas Jxjfeison. "I give to. my Ir e .l Jitmes Made son. of Moctoelier. u cold icountod walkiue staff of aoim tl horn, as a On Saturday there Was a large token of the cordial .pd tflVpAiotiate Jm ft! Kield. and in the evening. frfermhrppv:rinr1 half century, h is united us in the swamp, fought ;-nnd one stabbed the saw principles and pursuits of what other, thougti not dangerously. we have deemed for the greatest gotd j rOREIGN. a of our country, 1 give to the University of Virginia, SUMMARY. James Wills, Esq late Kditor ant! The paiket ship William Thomp" York on luesdav from LivernooT whence she sailed on the 20th July. The most important articles f intel ligence relate to lh existing contest between the Turks and the Gniks, arni to the'afiairs of these powers in di vidua) ly. There are rumors of en gage mi ntsby sea and land which re sulted fttvornbly to the latter; but on a much more certain basis, it is sta ted that Lord Coehrar e has gone to the assistance of the Greeks, carry ing wnli him several steam vessels. aro'ed with Perkiu's nevly invented L stfam Cannon; which, if the Europe an syrem of warfare has heretofore Jbeeu a matter of wonder to the mui flflmen. what will ihei lliii.lr nf tlila more reeent invention for destroying human life: and how will lhe he as to.ihed, should the hero of Basque ads. in di-fianee ol wim) or tide, pas the Daidanellt't, and u nke a duli at ConstaiiliiMiple itself? An article from Beilin states that the Pi ussian Committee in fnvor of the Grreks had sent a first subscrip tion of 830, oo or L7 500 to Mr. Eyad, the Hwis Philhellence, to be pip ioyed as he would think it best for the aid or relief of that heroic pe-ple. Oae hundred and thirty-three mem ber have been returned to the New Parliament from England and Wales, who were not members of the last Parliament. In Great Britain, the I distresses amom the commercial and " nianutacljfTng clnsses, so tar from haying abated, seemed almost daily 16 inerease Stoeks were yet declin ing- -B rks and Bunkers suspending- pay meiit Master Manufacturers giv ing up work- and thousand and tens of 'houands of poor laborers reduced almost to starvation. The govern ment eyiden.ly was perplexed and uluroicd and that the pricos of A mericuii produce in the British Mar kets should, under such circumstan ces, continue to give way, can be sur prising to none 'The quotations of our C ton M Liverpool on Hie 21st of July, were 5 1-2 a 7d Tobare'o J, , Leaf. 2 1 2a 7d Rteinnieda I 2 to Sd Poi' en cn u rap emeu t ,t I is. "t o the urowr. of these articles here! ' T.h"''tVrK'l,,M ' Lnmmereial Chtilri-' icle bniHiiinees the arrival ol Mr. my Library, except such books only, i proprietor of the Edenton Gaz t' and of the same edition as it amy ni- after a long 'and distressing ilk'-ss ready possess when this legacy shall ' died on the 8th instant vlr- Will lake effect the rest of my said library was a native of the state of New-Yrk. remaining, after , those given to the but had resided in thi8'ntt upwu.i University shall bave been taken out, o f thirty-five years, and was, we be 1 give my two grandsoos-in law Ni- lieve, the oldest editor in the Htate. cbolas P Tritt and Joseph Cpolidge. His widow, who has conducted th To my grandson Thomas Jeftersou . Gazelle juung the five months otMr. preference to the golden one, because 1 under her own management and for of its superior excellence. My pa- the benefit of the family. We hope, pen of business going of course to with Mrs. Wills. 'Mhat thegentleinen him. as my executor, all others of a of Edenton and the adjacent counties, literary or other character, 1 give to will afford hersuch a share nf their him as of his own property.-- . 1 patrt nago and favour, as w ill justify ... L give d gold teh to ea.fif a?y 'her in the -undertaking." grandchildren, who shall not have Nroian Edwards, of notorious mem already reeeived ono from me, to he orv, at present a candidate for the purchased and delivered by my exec- office of Governor in Illinois, in an utor. lo my grand sous at the age of swerto n query onjha subject of his 21, and grand daughters at that of ou'fit a minister to Mexico, says, sixteen. . . that when he resigned his appoinr- I give to my good, affectionate and ment, it was with the determination faithful servant But w ll, his freedom to. settle with the Government for the and the sum of t :ree hundred dollars, amount of the outfit, and that as soon to buy necissartes to commence i his as h s health allowed him, ho trans trade of painter and glazier or to use mitted through Mr. Cook, a mint to ivtherwife as he pleases. I give aijo he placed at his credit in the Branch to my good servants John Hemings Bark of the United States, which left and Joe Fosset their freedom at the in hibnds between 2 and 3000 dol end ol one year after tny death: and lars only, and that he took measures, to each of 'hem respectively, all the last winter, for the settlement of all tools of their respective shops or eal his accounts with the Government. ' lings; and it is my will that a com-. The moiinta.inou districts of Vir fonable log-hou. he built for each of gima are severe ly afflicted with siek the three tervauts so emancipated on nens. An epiderviic, of peculiar ninlg some part of my lands co venient to nity, is raging in an unexampled man them, with respect to the residence of ner. attended with a mortality unu their wives, aud the University, sually great where they will be mostly employed, A letter from a personal friend of and reasonably convenient also to the Commodore Porter to Mr. Niles says, interes's of the proprietor of the lands; T)o not b surprised that Com. Por of which houses 1 give the curtilage ler should at ti e head of the allied of an acre to each, during lifs life or natives of Mexico and Columbia, be personal occupation thereof come the terror of the Spanish Coast. 1 give also to John Hemings the If I err not, it is his destiny to exact service of his two apprentices, vladi- from the mother Country, by the bril son and Easton Hemings until T their , lianey of his aehievroents,-an -ac respective ages of 21 years, at which knowledgment of the Independence period respectively, I give them their i of the houthorn Kepubhcs. It is computed that the blacks in i. : . : l. i i i . . tlllB UCIgUUUMIUUU, IIJBI Will nor. It Ig believed, yield more than ten huh'-i. On night before last, w had a very eoptou- and refreshing shower, vh eh is the tiri for mAny days " Win. Hai!e, esq is tleefed lo Take ' the place of lr. Uankin, late m m ber of Congress from Mississippi at the s eond session of the present Congress. Mr. King, late minister in London with his family, hsve arrived at N. York jn (he ship A cast a, . - br E itgfl striiirm fry have ptae frj the Steam bo Comet, at the disposal of our ingenious e tuntrymdn, Mr. P rkins, lor the purpose of expert lieot Tlie venerabl!' John Jay, of New York, is the only surviviug member f Congress of 1771. Toe powder nulls of Messts. Keat r ig aud Bell, two miles from Cincin nati, Ohio, were blown Op oo the 3 Is- July. Two of the workmen were killed. A Frenc h fl?et of considerable f rcff ban :.AnehArAd.inIlamptoa.llu.a4a.it-' from the West Indies to escap lh nitumnai gales. create about sixty thousand a year in this country, and that the Coloniza- thousand a solemn, and dutiful thanks Charlottesville Gazette.' i. . - wi I ".,.. ....... . Dating and inhuman act- Tto Warreoton Importer of Friday last contains the following extract: of a leUerYfrorn'EnfielrJ, in Halifax Coun lt'ijVTjiiVd the lit instant: ' night last,, about half freedomAnd I humbly and earnest ly request of the Legislature nf Vir ginia a confirmation of the bequest to these servants, with uenms9ion to re- tion society remove a main in this Slate where their-fami- yoar. lies and connections as additional in- Forty villages in Indostan, eon- stance of the favour, of which 1 have laming about 40 000 inhabitants, have received so many other manifesto- publicly renounced heathenism, aud lions, in l,he, course of my life, and become converts, for which I now give them my last j A duodecimo volume of original poetry, entitled l'r'c ioems, ') William . G. Simm, jr. a youug gen tlemao f Charleston, 8. C wbos pruductioos, says the Courier, have occasionally graced our periodical Fr evidence R. I Aug, S, We learn of Cap'ain Car cnfer from Honduras, arrived tisSbirn, ing ni Quarantine, that ho ; took on. b-mr-l ar passengers Colonels Willfia Perkins and Carlos Beaeske. Coin nussioiiers from Guatemala, who liave been negotiating for the Canal 'o be soon opened from the River Guatemala to the Pacific Ocean, tho distance of which to be cut through land is ascertained to be only eigh teen miles, and that believed to bo not difficult. The above ptsseogprsj were on 27th ult lat. 37 50. pl-.rej on board the brig Eloanr r. bnun 1 to Philadelphia. ho Columbus ru for eveo days between 37 degrees and 37 50 Shocking Etfeels of Intemperence' An instance of the horrid effects f his beastly sjn, has recently occur red in !ms county We are ioform'dy that on Thursday last, a man nnmed Waiter Downs, an habitual drunk ard, residing in Peterboro , wnt to his houo in a state of partial in Via tion A little child, whose breath ho had already poisoned by frequency feeding it with the intoxicating li quor, approaehed hm, prying for whiskey. I he monster, under a pre tence of curing an appetite which hit inhuman hand had created and cher ished, admioinistered nearly a pint of liquor, from the effects of which the child never recovered, but died in tho course of tho following day. and even before thefatber was sufficiently re covered from intoxication, to realize the fatal effects of his crime. A eo roner'f jury reported that the death of i he child was occasioned by whis key admimntered bv its father. CazenoViO N Y.j Mm tor. The ceramoo'es attendant upon ta king the Black Veil) were performed at the Convent in Georgetow . on Tuesday last; when the vows which are to s e per a! eJiet frum lha w uiLd&i to confine her in future within the pre- publications, is i iu the press and will jcineti of the Convent were ti.k -uy soon be published. (MissJ ones, daughter of C in. Jones, Yn ineffectual attemnt was mads ,t. o!V (he Uuited Mates' N'Vv The Friday night the tith iust. to rob the Whiti Ve I Ma's iakeii htjj&A 1 his woy to Lyoni with his !prtyffiJ(jWski the wife if Ricfc. t5 m unajjo, i pviur' ' i. '. 1 v - t - " -,,,..v..v..,., . ' 1