i 1.1. V-M. I.j GltKKJWUOROUUU. :JV C WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 1826. NO 20 IP JffiSl! S i 1 (IP-Mi THE PATRIOT, 1T& printed ami published weekly by T. E.1IILT STItAXGK, ' At Two DoMars per annum pay able, within three months from the receipt of the first number, or Three Dollars after ifie expiration of thai time. No paper to lie discontinued until tit arrranu'-i paid, unlrs the' option of tli Editor; and a failure to notify a discontinuance will be consi dered a new engagement. ADVERTISEMENTS Not exceeding 16 line, neatly in tetlnA lhrxa limt&Ia cjdpu d o I Lai and .ifeX-jJlfi, 35 eeuts for every succeeding publi cation; those of greater length in the r- proportion Letters to the Edi tor mu-f he post paid. three or four varieties of wine, inelud-, Th.e whole muken an -xienive muse ling champaigne, crowned the festivi-j um, which is gunrded with more vi I ties of th board, 'he General en- gilaoee, and is shown by the family trrtiins no doubt, that the grape from with more delight, than would appa which the latter is made would fl ur- rently be felt in exhibiting the costliest ish in the United dtates. but Aether J eolleetion of diamonds. All the ar the wine could be produced is more neles wt re taken out of their places problematical,. as it is confined to one forur inspection: and the history of province in France, and depends thiol detailed with a familiarity much on a peculiar quilitv f lfe soil, wftieh proved how much they are vat- It is, however, my intention to send tied, One of the most conspicuous f hme Np f the vine, by way of ex- Me mewormls is a beautiful -model periment. offtTw.aierwMks at Phi'idelplua. On retiriog to the drawing room, which the General took to pieces, to a large folni volume, buod with red point out the ingeuuily cf its eonitruc morcco, and rie -ly gilt, was found lion lying upon the table. It was present- Tbe library itself contains about ed to the Genera' inst before he sail! two thousand volumes of well select ed from Washington; and contains a ed books. A lara proportion of transcript of all the addresses to him these were presented by bis friends. authorities of New-York One compajraent is .fiH..,ln.MX?Jx 1 he - specimen' oHariiamemai pen-r with American" works containing u manship are certainly elegapt, and majority of our best pubilcatioos- Air La. Grange- delightful Carters Visit to Concluded. On our return from this promenade, and after resting for & few - minutes, wef were merely consigned fro:n (he hands of ne part ot the . family to receive the assiduous atten tions of another. The (general him s-elf a&oun&uie4"B fe have excited general admiration at '.Additions are daily making to the the Chateau. By its side was a voN collection by the attentions of his cor- uwioous portfolio, containing por-i respondents The Phi Beta Kappa traits and autograph of public- per-.Oration of Mr. Everett, and the Ad- r ranee siuce the com ureas oi Webser before the Hunker Mill Association, are cherished amo.ig the cboiceHt treasure. It was a curi ous incident, that I should here recog- sonages in mnncement of the revolution both brought out for our amuement After tea the lad es f wored us with a great variety of sonars and music ..nise the copy of the Coluoibiad which upon the piano, wMch ihey play with, had been brought to me at New-York much taste and -kill One of the : a year previous, for examination as a number, finding; (bat her voice and . speeimeu of splendid binding, before execution enuld contribute to the en-, it, was presented to La Fay ettc. tho fn-r m vrd- I iffjrfftt -af Wili4pu" nd-fnl-' IIttV"nJ'anj4 tn re interesting, especially to the ey f au American, than all the parks and pleasure ground we have seen fn Europe. A range of building ex Cend quite round an open erea, con taining. perhaps, an acre of ground The tirsi-iif tbi se: it !ei graner) . which was onee a chapel, and the tune of whie.i i y-i lift standing Men were at work in winnowing wh at of an excellent qu?xliiy. Tn te n ! department is appropriated to ail kinds of poultry . among which ir"e wi d gee-e from fie banks f the Mis 9isj ,pi v fl )(k of about a thou tan i ai inns, p-Mtily feeding at their o rnnges of crib, ecupied another p ii'iO of the buildings. It was odd en Mjgji to see the hern himself lut in upon the construction of a new kind of piggery upon a plan recoin mended in the American farmer. A wuig the twen yiwi cows, are eight nun Switzerland. se.t to the General pj iiis friends in that country; and four of the llolkhnm breed, presented by Mr Patterson, of Baltimore. Til to the co.nmou slockof pleasure, con tinued to sit at the piano until she was solicited to lettve it, instead of the ordinary request to remain lunger Phis mark of politeness- was so pecu liar, that it appeared to me worthy of record .iua luiiiaiion. oioiig iue musical pieces, was one or two com psediu tbe United States, during the iieueral s visit At 0 'iVIock in the evening, we maniieHted an intention to return tn Uose that night, and set out for Paris next morning, desirous that if the hospitality of the family were not al ready exhausted by a visit, which seemed too long for strangers who had no other claim than simply that of being Americans, a sba,re of it m ght be reserved for others, upon the republican principle of equality. But at La Grange, feelings of gener osity and kindness to anJ even the hiiMibl'X cittzons of the United States, know no bounds. Favour al ter favour -descends spontaneously upon the visitant nko the dew; and assortment of horse is as extensive in view of the paternal aflf-ction m i as the other kinds of domestic animals, i nifested on this occasion, our country In naking the circuit, we next came I might address to its illustrious bene to the farm house kitchen and dairy, factor the forcible apostrophe kinas the walls of which are ornamented much as thou hast done it unto the with a map of the whole plantation designating the ground appropriated Jo each department Then follow 1he pens containing several rare sfie eies of animals, among which are wild turkeys and partridges from the United 9rat?s (inteodftu, If possible, to be domesticated,) docks which came as a present from the (iarden of Plants, at Paris, ani a pair of beauti ful Mexican Pheasants. For the latter, and for tho American partide. a nww honse is pjoing up, f h artifi cialiy warmed by a stove. To these ammals, may be added a dog from Washington, and a raekoon from our fur r, who are inmates of the cha teau instead or the farm; vjud. . TheJ la1 ter is frt'TUnie, iis to play vbout the par io r, and climb op into the Gen erul lap ,a At 5 o'clock, the bell called" us t6 dinner, which was bountiful, and ser t eil r u .i . witJiou tlJuny-Jiixmal -pa r atle Among the peculiar dishes were lepr til9, much resembling boiled jieas; and' a rich kind of pastry, hucIT as Wt had not found in the lufioite"" aslorl- merit- of h 7jearf, and Uiy fruits, wnb least of these my children, thou hast done it unto me " Pretexts as plau sible as genuiue hospitality requir s. were urged with a politeness thtf could not be resisted, and the resul was a happy prolongatioU of our After breakfast on the following morning, the General cgnducted us to his library, whieh is On the third floor, in one corner of the-chateau. The windows, .which in summer are shad 'd by a corpse of trees lifting their ag d brancties from below look in two directions, and command a view of a ru nl domain, such as Cincinna tus or Washioton would have en titling contents, we took another long walk with the ladies over the farm, pursuing a different routs from what had been taken on the preceding day and treading many a bye path io a loui; eireuit through the woodland y-fcen December air imparted an additional linge to complxiotis na'u rally rosy; and to the eye of a poet, some of our fair companions, in their rambles through tangled copses and groves of oak mighi have seeued like Oruadt. In the course of this promenade, ona of the daughte-s of General Lafayette gave me a cireunt stantial account of his imprisonment at Olmutz, and of the sufferings both himself and family The story is long and its leading incidents would not be new to any of my readers One little anecdote, however, which gave relief to the tragic tale, so much a mused me that 1 cannot forbear to re peat it. In their flight through Ger many, the female hart of the Gener al's family were obliged to assume tho guise of Knglish travellers, in or der to elude the violence of their en emies. As they had some knowledge of the language, to which was added a similarity of national dress, they succeeded tolerably well among stran gers. At length they were thrown in contact with an English waiting maid who had emigrated to the continent xome years before. Serious fears of detection were here apprehended. But the poor girl entertaining no doubt, that the ladies were really Knglish, although she found difficulty in understanding them, and as they were supposed to have left her native country at a much ater period than herself, she came to the melancholy conclusion, that by a long residence abroad, she had lost her cauther tougue! lu the midst of walks, conversa tions, and enjoyments like these, (tie and the weather wa unpleasant: a servant should be sent to engage pla ces for us, and it would be ity to reach the village by 8 o'clock, the hour for the departure of the coach on the following day." In vain w ro any suggestions opposed to thes kind persuasions; and at 10 o'clock, we rs tired for the third night to the ebam brn of the Chateau. The next morning at 7, we found both the General and bis son i the drawing room before us, with c flee upon the table, and his own- ooam at the door, in readiness to take us lo Uose. In a few minutes more, a cor dial grasp ojf the hand aod the parting benediction of the patriarch, produced a state of feeling whieh on our part admitted a few words; and we left La Grange with a full conviction, that if there is a paradise o earth; it nvosr be found in the domestic, and if unal loyed happiness be the portion of ny mortal, it must consist in the luxury of such feelings, and in the prc tce of such virtues as are possessed by General Lafayette. FOREIGN France The Aigsbug Gazette states, that a coolness had arisen be' (ween the French Cabinet and Court of Home, and adduces as a proof of it, that t ho Etoile was interdicted for : 1 ab on t Or bi o nib iii tlx;, 4s&ySt a - has mule to the trench Government energetic representations in favor of the Greeks. The dissatisfaction of (he Court of Home is said to have been 6c?&iined by the. declaration of tho' French Prelates, the prosecution of tho ibbtt di: la MeunaiS, the m.er dicii'ioofau Kccleiiasticul Journal, elC. Lieut. Gen. Livron, one of the prin cipal ngents of ihe Pacha of I'.'gtpt, has been for some time at Prig, where, it is said, he has had frequent conferences with the President of the Council Spain. Great changes have taken place in the new Spanish in inn try, A plot ha been discovered at A an juez.and several parsons arrested. The Ind'cateur gives the following extract of a letter dated Irun, Juy ?: (It seems certain that the order for the evacuation of the strong places occupied by the French troops has beon countermanded. It is even said that a politico-sanitary cordon will shortly be formed upon our frontiers," The Memorial says, after intellig nee from the frontiers of Spain of th- same date: -"it is a fact that the Fieuch garrison of St. Sebastiun was ready to evacuate the place on the 1st inst. as it had beeu settled between the two Governments In pursuance of fresh orders, however, not only the French troops will continue to keep the for tresses which they now occupy, but a corps of observation, consisting, it is said of twenty regiments, will bo collected upon the banks of the A dour. We are informed th'at t By onne the repair of cutvp -ffef s 'r pro ceedio wih activity a quantity of gunpowder was sent thither foai Pampeluna. Is a new sanitary cordon to beformed there as was the case 4- joyed, and .nuch as its own,. .nrqtrietor-ilMiir: of dinaier: attain-mc rouncL: iwouKi noi expnane ior an empire. iv this time, our place at table had in me aoii-enamoer, ana ineaart-; been as perfectly learned, as if we meut Itself, are several likeaetos of had become permanent inoiatesof the his friends, transatlantic as well as Chateau. Another evening of music Furopean;and in several ueat eases, and social pleasure was added" To ihe iMj which th u-tmssk ear has -been unrof our bapptnesst rAt & orH'' bestow'd, are deposited all the little clock, an jintebiion was again signified presents be has received from oar to go to Roie, in readiness for the countrymen, from ': sa'ered memari-i alh,li2iii the bote! To t ie h i ible't p'edfljes of, gratitude that'niglit, where the accomodations andtotolWctedintsa years ago .?'. New-Tori: Jlug. 21. ' he ship Kxl id, it m "llTvre"rtof N- iv Y -rk, has arrived in the Sound, aod hi a.e ut' her letters and papers have reached the oity. We are indebted to a com mercial friend for llvre paper to the 20th, and Paris t.. tie 18 h ult., inrlu'ireri w htchi h d wever-wo-nnd nothiog of particular interest u The Paris papers say that suelTTn Lwakna. jltuve beep despatched to Hayti, as w SSS "to sett e n dillicu ties between trte e;oYern"meiitf . ' '

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