-1 V j GllKKM55SJOlJ(iU-: U'KlhVEsudi' JJ'r. c:. trge and all - ! When Gen. Lv.?,yrtle v;i. in this! country, a present was prepared 1 ! ; the Libera No Hojiyar, h Geo. W. I'. Cusms r.s... ul asimigton. con sisting !' a ring enclosing a lock Hi' hair, and a miniature porttaitoi tfie Fa'ht t of his country, there crip? of this relic has just hern ac knowledged by Ho!ivar, v!i' in a letter to M. Ctistis, observer 4 This day have 1 phred my hands upon this invaluable present, the im age of tin first hencfavtor of the c- j xi;tt. at Sj a vcar n J f well p i in ted paper, dcvoU-Urio I tics, literature, he and ('inducted with 'ipi! it and ability. f The Christian fldviKiiL; published ( also at I'. .st' weekly, a; i a yea Messrs Hangs h Emory, publisher s hr the Methodist Episcopal society ; I). H dger editor. This is a paper of lage ize. and U very handsomely prated devoted ' the affair! of the lelhodist Church, and to Religion g.'tiei iilly and is evidently entitled t Hi uhci al support of thai very numerou Society at least. JVW. Int. On the evening prerrcding the c- lection of State officers in Vermont, tU j dtrtcrtcrVas discovered, and, on j hoYcfc tut thoimpr$vcibnN which .tie re;iirn of the Cvaue in July last.l liavo.swiee been inude", would :oi at was eiveii uo tt. the nrooer authori-4 first have beta at rail-anlteinntcd. giveu up n the prope ties' "CtopL B. at' the same time uia ki;njprii ate inieiccssi u tor his par don which, as the following cones poudente vill bhew, vas granted. Jljiisifur te Commandant : ' 'lLRi?tM nvwre convinced of. the nobleness ofyour seiKimeuis, from the nono'aole manner in which you have just acted, it is will) the gremesi a i intact ion I give you the assurance thaf, from the personal respect to jou; tha Moldier'Hchennir of the 3d U. g metit of Battalion, which 1 tiive lue h.mor to eouimand, nhall not be pun ished. - . Nn persftu can be more certain than hmiii" person were together, talking ! myicir thai neither by your command. of the candida'es. h:. for flection. lincnt Columbus presented thro') foreigner who was present took in the citizen II-ni, General Lafayette : i?re,i dudgeon s-me obscr valions of and offM-cd bv th- noble remount .of, :l Vermonler, and challenged him to that immortal family. It is a "re-j Tight hinr with pistols at any distance, rnmnenre worthy of the first and; Hie Vecmmter chose to fight at if:iiiil. anu iiivt iiiiii ! or I lie design f tny oiher of the very l 4 : iir-o mucn Riff nicu iimericuu ouiceoi M S. Viucent hnvedevoted mori at- lentioo to ibo taogt tninutc ttiiiinajeuirG which the microscope Ims yel uureeo- ded in rendcriuu t iibte, und a me- nioir enntmning hi observe.tioiii ha I oeen uuuiiftUvu in ran lie id cioi- vinpfw! tt ill toft i mVif r f I nuhifaiP ui!i.im'f)ii);5 glantes. liny a g od microscope,'' a s he, M tuk (he trou ble 1 luck into it, do not 'suppose you cau see every thing, and above nil da not imugine that your ku .ri di;r em braces the whole extent of iiq! tire. ' He begins his description with no tices of the most minnte and simplf;of the animalcule the Monade, or liir ing point, oue specie of which il so small, (hat under a magnifying pow er of a thoosand. it appears no larger than " the hole triad by ihe finest will aiiv Brazilian soldier be induced! necdlf in asheet of delicate paper.'- to desert ; on the contrary you have I The Shapeless insects ( ffer the most given me a sufficient example of your ' surprising phenomena under the mi dia)rbaiiou of such conduct, in the erosc j, and reatize the fable of circu tistancVs which have just occur-; Mortens, by their wonderful changes red, uml which would not have taken of form Others exnibif feelings, easn re ami gratiruqe, wnicn wnir" i""' "J"k , J3 tYinat tlitctriant! rlmrnrfpr nf thr TT- i arm 8 Diverse. Shall 1 he worthy of such with a bottle of New Beer, holding pUce. but for the arts of a bad subject, thought, and instinct of a peculiar an honor ? N '. hut I mcvvl h with U. '! su;li a position as to appear like , Vf whom Ihe person to whom they character 5 they move about; in" a sin a pi be attached to the remains of fhe ven crable father of America, Xh the most remote geiierations of myrnuntry : they ought to he the last temembran. ces'of the New Wnfltl." The civil authorities of New Or leans have removed from office, on an application by the Attorney Gen cral. Zehir B. Canenge, the per son who killed voting Preval in a for mtirdr has ;o been found a gainst this individual. i:'On the ,30th of last month, a pub lie dinner was given ;o M r. Clay, a t Leuisburg, Va. as he jiassed through tb-.K f.lar t on his way t Washioi ton. The dinner was very numer ously attended; reigner's phiol flashed in the pan douwitie. . tteeeive,.9ir, the 'assurance . an ocefiftiingr'wariim-tfijp!' hut the Vermonter's bdtle cork with the. highest consideration, with e!ve wnu me greatest activity, the contents W the bmtle, struck his , whieh I,hove the honor to he, your They have alo the. faculty of s pa- ,ntanit In thn f.: who fell :uid 0inuie anu tnosi ouedient ser- , i"5: severm p.eces, cried, 4t I am a dead man " He re covert d, however, from hiv affright, to the;no small pleasure and amuse ment of Ihe by-slanders. f Burlington, Vt. Sentinel. vant. w each or wnicn necomes a distinct ac- l.E Chivalicr Edward D'ewald In ascending the scale of be,. Maior and Cumuiandant vf the f ing, some of the subject - t ear short sd.R;. of Grenadiers. j h.r ik eve lashesj which they can 10 July, t836. IT States Ship Cvank, Wo d Jeneiro, July t2, 1826. M?,DEAn Sir Viur highly grati- w th success. II's priir ipal objecis in going to Greece were the resto r.itroi of Irs health, and the iin- AVhcn the intelligence of the de ; pri,vcment of his k lowlcdgc in sur mise of Vdams and .Jefferson was an ! ge v nounccd at Itverpool, the colours of( the shipping in that port were im mediately displayed at half mast. Americans in Greece. Evan's last view of Greece, cotitajin s vxr n t i - Cr hfi JiT A-fty ingf a v o r; o f the tH h i us -Tr Jtfcel m'-ricati ciiaracte' s. who are engrtg rnwrne arnnrtrcritriTw ed in the rause of G"'ece. Fiie A- j now the honor to acknowledge. ne leans are How. Jarvis, Miller, j The generous manner wiih whieh VVa.hiogton and Allen. i ) ou met my intercession in behalf of How'is a Bostonnn, of small sta- I H'o man who had unknown tome. e tne. but of middling height, and pus- j freted himself in my sh.p, tends great-snss,-s talents and resolution. He is j o . .diance the a ready justly high .. ,, i i i t pi :u cm t had entertained of the Oer- iMcluily etnployrd in dreece, ar1 1 . , .Me. livans jiresomes ne win tnei On the 1st instant, three persons (whether men or hoys is not men ti- nedl were tried at Jamaica, N Y The Ifi.li military repu'ation which you Inive so nob y exertid in honora ble coirihnt, and the promptness with which the heart has been opened in x ciidir.1 he hand both of charity aud furgyeness to a poor soldier, must Jakvis is a native of this country," leave you in possession' of n feeling but had heeu a resident oi Germany. , more eaiily imagined than !eseribed He is of common statue and about j receive, therefore, my.Vsl wishe 30 voars of aire. Rather hrditiary and permit me to subscribe, truly in his person ;d ipp vara rice. m iti of much native shrewdness, and in his habits truly a G"eek. He has been in G'eece about five year?, and f.i dis. rderlv conduct at a Metho.i basgill proffs of his courage. di.t riinrrh. and fined five dollar1 WASHINGTON is a Virginian, anlTl j ab'Mit -12 years of ago. i tall and cac ' 1 (elegant man, and possesses brilliant ni I, c nNni ! talents. Evans s.ys. it is unneres- j he Grenville (S. C.) Repuolican . , r, . J .. v ' 1 sary to speak of hirn further" of Sept. y represents the corn crops mIIjLEB u from Vermont, from as having been much, -injured by thp; 30 40 years f age, rather below late drought, but nothing like scrious the common stature, and of ordinary distress is apprehended. personal appearance. He has na - , tive talents, but they have not been At the Superior Court of Surry extensively improved, n ir well rig. County, held last week, Judge Ituffin "lated. Were he in Military life, presiding, Daniel Rash, a young man Evans thinks he might display some aged 27 was sentenced to be hung out age, but as yet, he lias exhibi on the 29i h instant, for the murder tcd. nothing' of the kind worthy of of his own uncle. The circ tunsian- notice. ccs attending the perpetration of tins Allen is, from New York, and unnatural act were of the most ag-' was forme ly a midshipman' in our gravated character, and Ihe Cause navy is 27 years of ag , and a to which led to the murder, affords an- lerably good Ukiiig man." lie has other lamentable intance of the hor- 8,,!e(l on -vrral cruises binder Mi rid depravity of humarrnature, 4 tt-auUs and t!ie Greek to umanders by wife of the person thufnematurely .wh'-un h has be n much praised. He deprived of existentalthough the fought valiantly in several rti mother of twelve-Jiildrrrv eloped- ti!ncs from - litr hushin-witb hi :eri i f v f5 v: t! r e i y wuuijlm, - r.: ,1 your menu, ; J. P. ELLIOTT. To Chevalier Edwaiid.d'Ewald. The Plain of Jiericio.--The travel er Bfocchi. in going from the Dead LL perspnsjndebled to the Sub-' iber are reuuested to settle up their ccouots by November court The hccounis of those failing - will be put but lor collection. . . , JOHN CONRAD. (ireensboro Hept. 27. 1826. 23t. nephew, and it vas proved on trial. that she uvgedhe nephr-w to kill her hnqh;trid nnd io rmmw1irnfifiti if ,a -1 1 -r t liiiii.rri j - - - .w-t.t.i services yas to give him some infc .r A 1 ior articles of clothing-! Ualeisjh Ilc( Tyt.y l Arr.us. The Mmachu r ..sdt&JJwMt Xwbhfrhn) at IJ - n, tli rcc times a weeky by T II, Jj- National Courtesies. While the (J. S. sl.np Cyvne.'Capt. Ellmtt, was aFTTToTTen nr t asTmiTgri?tirrv visjted ty f 'ur Austrian .!li(erSiWh lettiHnd:d a deserter I'r rii th? armv supoed to he uii board. . Capt.-El lisift assured thetn tha if the ma:, was 1 uld i.i hislhip, fivsh ui h " AlilUCULTURAL. A Meeting of the Guilford Agri ultural Society, will be held in, the 'own of Ureensborough, on Wednei- u.sj of the Superior Court, (23th Qe tober.) The members are r quested to be punctuul in their attendance, , l!y order of the President. Sept 27, 1826 which is raised or tne stinsrs 01 in 9ects upon the Pistatia Terebinthus, lie remarked, thai no where had Flo m undergone greater changes than in the Plain of Jericho. The valuable shrub which gave the balsam, had disappeared : of the celebrated rose of Jericho, no vesiigr is left: of the numberless pulm-liees,.nn ueeocnt of which Jericho was call;';! the t'ity of P films, there remains oiiiy a hi'iijlf "te prescntative j in vain sliould one look lor that fig lreel;.of u h'ie'h M. Lake iiV!nv.if I' I ' . I. I ..I.. I.. 5 . s neftKt-?-! 114. ir.:mmmuiKMMA5 j . nmt r .itun now a desert waste, whieh h rcatehes ; ma(Ie n, bf raftferiillf tVom ibq mountain oi Juda.i to tn!wif!l a n.laib.pr -t Bridles? hduks orrhr Jordan. , h he ri of t,0 Sfaft, nf -t:tuor O,ordintteratlr DftTon'! VmtmtU. There will bo offered for sale at public auction on 7lh day, the 7th of thd lOth tnonth, at the dwelling hoiiso of the subscriber, two mileh s uth of Mnrtinsvilh. Cattle, Sheep. House hold ami Kitchen Furniture, Farming wtttfltt shorty Alter getting to'sbuv F r ) i - a I a t e . F r e a c h J I .a g a z i u c . The credit ?of ihe invcntiuu of th 1 irTrtopVH ; c f 1 1 :i ii t f." ' f t r. VV o f I ' Improved Corn Shelling Alachine t ,ry percon xvishing to purehftsts would ! I weli lo give ine a cull without 1 i - J ' - m o RiiiiaiLTM x i J j.-4ft i.t ' K'r"4-f? w-f;'.l iiurSth mn ittiZX h 4'?-