1 J i J H 1 11 'V. " VOL 1. aiilihWSllOIUtUGIL A. C. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1826. NO. 25 h . , ; ' P THS PATRIOT, ft pointed and published weekly by T. EARLY .S"7?.i.V,:, At Two Dollar ,)er unrmin. pay able within three mouths from tn receipt of the first number, or Three !)' lar after ;lie ex jt r r t i ci' t!;:it time. N paper to te discontinued until all arrearages are paid, miles -it t!ip Of 'ioj of the TMitnr; and a failure to not fy h (lic:wio nunc? will be coasi cred a neyr eriga.;ftnet. " A1)VKRTIKMF.NTS Not fxeeedtMg 10 lines, neatly in jrtf! three time for one ! I a r , h rid 25 ee's f" :pry Miicceeding public Cfttivnj ,.t ho.se of &ftf t JtPgt h in I he ame-prftportron L"t f er t i h Kdi -for must be post paul Martial at that time; it is fr.'ie, that 4 'urn. t'ntiT. v Ttli a knowledge of t'osfaer, sud r,-; an article, subscri bo j 1 by his n rue, to appear in the vVashing'oo prints on the very morn ing o i.j t 'ay, in which he iudulg el in a - r.iin of acrimonious ami t.nbi coming invective against the Court Matt hi and the National Ex ecutive: ami it is true, that in conse quence of this fact. lr. Adams de creed annulling the decision of the Court as lie intended. It is further true, (if the narratives ol that day the cirect of tUU measure may be, carinctTbe predicted ar present, even should it be persisted in, which we much doubt, although the British Editors seem to consider it as the first step, in retraction of tho liberal ized colonial policy of that country. Far is, August 11. W have news from Gr eece to th '29ih July it is of a very unsatisfac t ry Mature for that country. The Gteeks are less united than ever. TiitV4ev povrrvnivri has less rner are cnfiti. il to treml. aou imy are g than the old. It has just n-muv-sureiy wo.th more than the naked! e,i t(, a 8ma, jjsm. B(llIj;.f OI,po. assertions ol men who are now sir- sfc Napoli. which if still occupied fermg the punishment inflicted on 0 lne Suliots and Ilomeliots, who them by the o.TVnded hvs of their arP not Wlilfi t(, ,;civer up u,Li fort country and who have b n demoi-jt,! hvy refeire their arrearages, srrated to be n-avo.thy of credit) j Several villages of Attica 'have w"--" eftrLaet!r, ibraliiin Ts their tlmeritr. '-d c uiteJ him as to the course, to the Marnotes. who. havitm- t.VPr i Forbearance on the part of the W- I he on ,fit to pars.it', wi lling up, in jt.t their mountains to relieve thcl"'""! exiiting circamstan- Cbief and Warrior of thee nations anil proceed with theiu forthwith tn S'. Louit at which place a Council is appointed to be he Id. on the 10th of September uext, for the purp e of endeavouring to effe-t an amicnble adjustment of the difTVrence at pre sent existing between them, and hi h lias for some time past bee i-xpeHed to break out into an opm rui'iure. Move Indian Depredations Wo are sorry to learn, by the following letter from . a respectable sonrce in Miller county, that the. Indians hare committed anotht" depredation on thr citizens of that county Their" bold ness, incoming into the settlements, and within a short distaoco of (he garrion, most be rather alarming to the citizens of that quarter; and the frequency of their depredations, lat terly would seem to justify, in our opinion, the sending out into their iv.m v! ij. i' n!vi:'; u v subst ce, with this remark. kl;t,er Greeks have never received Com. Porter and Mr. Jdams. cnuM consistently wi.h what:ai(V succour from them. I ..... . i . 1 There is a pi t-pabiiud iu In i 1 1 V VM. imigs, . ami io; IC American Kiundron, under im- lee ngs oi uie uourr. restore Coui. Rogers, is in the Dardanelles. om. i.o tor to iiisraak, and re-j Lieut. Gen. l'aulim is at Smyrna, inn i nun iiih awiii o. Aim it is ..,1(1. il,. .4 a ... f.,... - ---- ....v, iu,.w XlinilMII Ultllllll ciiy of New V.k. (l.tu-ly establish cd) cdiied by Mi . V?ue , a cashier cd Lieutenant, and iy a Mr rYleiy dismissed Cbapiato of the Umtei) Slates Navy. l'h:s ip r is callen tCoram's ('hiimno'"- wa es tablished to writedown the Secreta- the personal malignity of its fcoifors. also true, tint the General approved 1 li ., Ada:ns tlolcrmiua ion, -Snrli was the M utative given at the, m n -tit, JU was then uncontradicted: neithev of wljotn appears to deserve jlhc slightes; rr dir. Tiiey . ba been publicly aci us 1. by Maj. S teilee Clark, of N. Y. of having m tered falseli"ods in relation to him self, and tiie tat ts of ;!i cage, evinct tijctrulJi "I the accusation. Jlaj. Clark was an flicer jf the U. S G'.verumeut. Thf Kdifois of the "Champion " fnor, lo s' i utnor, chose to assume that Maj Clark had been n; x; teved by the Governinent; and rviliit flit t!ii'i i. n i i im i (i! (Cimi t li'iittMi these Romans u. the age of Brutus, it jtito i.s pages, with approha but draw tin a hisrvnf ihe cimim. !olv rVh ;yc deter.iunet stances tln v had heard in relation to S 10 ?m 'U,,ol !VN,1 11,0 IH),SO!' it. and nroff.r the aid of their columns . ' " "Ul IV" ,u' ",'t,r!, and :leiils to procure the Major jus- Vice admiral Neale is there also. FUOM POliTUGAL. Capt. Weston, arrived at Boston, lunon was popular with the people generally; but between two mid three hundred persona, who were opp-ised to it, were confined in the castle and ,.ia. ...... .. i . i rve , when they uisroverwMJaces uia additions were mukiug to the number ... ' . .J rh.4l uicreo ov 5j lieutenant wlio was broke fo e p ing the Hag of his coun try ii..t forbidden traffic, and by a (An plain who was dismissed, we know not foe -what; but n.it, we pro-su-nr, hpcaus" tie possessed too much honor as a m m, or. too much human. i;y as a christian. " If the slander had hi eti confined to t!;e columns of tlie "Champion," we should have ta ken no Motice of it; but as the En quirer, (which has an extensive cir cular n) has thought proper to trans co, would only encourage them in tho conimiitn of other. and greater acts of aggression on our citizens which may now be averted by the ap plicatiou of the proper '. cans. Miller C. H , A J, Aug 3 1820. Dear Sir: We hve jus; received infuniation, that the Ouage Indians htivo been eoinmittiug outrage upon some of our citi. ns, just beyond the Uii;ftffUivA stead, having obtained 'a permit from the GommamKiit hi Fort i'owson, to go into the bolfa!o range for their health, procedeu aooiit two days tra 'llf3m daily of those ho ev-m sp'k- unl'a fura.iis ol it: ' .i;I . huiiever, rt was ipiie; al i.ib,n vvjiefi he sailed. Capt erihtier, who left Maracaiho ontJie.Ilui ul. Htnli's that . General Bolivar was expected to arrive there about the mtddlo of thi month. V. J". Mer. Adv. tice! Maj. C I k assTired thejnli tois that what they had heard was untrue that l.e had never been ag grieu-d by the g v trmienf anil -l-L -LL'. FOREIGN U the packet shifts Florida, Cap tain I nikham, and Leeds. Captain Stoddard., the foiinar of whit h sailed told them they must not publish Hi. lfrom Liverpool on the ,U0U. and flte na-rative ihey haj graiuinusly and.! latter n the 25th ult. regular fii so patriotically drawn up. Tin y 0f Loridou and Liverpool papers arv agreed to suppress jt; hut,jnotitli- received; standing their promise to suppress it, Mr. Gallatin transacted business the next No. of their paper . ushered . f.r the His? time with VI r. Canning, it forth to the world, as a true and veracious history! Maj; Clark then publicly contradicted it, and t dd the facts which had occurred; but ptdl, tho cashiered Lieutenant and the dis honored Chaplain continue to avmn. that it is all ttiie! We make a so herappeaf to the' public. Are these men to believed? They surely are not.t,rAnd yet, the Richmond En quirer" .f the 1st insf, given cur- rem y to one o! its newly fabricated at the Foreign Office, on the 171h ult; The most important article, which presents itself to the American reader, is an Order jn Council, which was adopted on the 2 S f ! duly, hut was not published until the 28th of August, which, among other pro visions, goes to prohibit our direct in tercourse 10 Mi the Uritish poshsuons in the ficstr- hi dies tfc. after the first day of December next. . This will be no doubt matter of Wanders against IMr. Adams, not ' Qtiriiri'.p. hut still iv ue eortnirt only without any signs of iucreduli-. that the British Government has 1329 b .ats 2687 1380 ty. hut with an elTort to sustain It. It is not true, r.s all the narratives ol the times agree, that, when Com. .jnlci.iiffiTed.Jwliaid'-'Mr;H'd' anvs, si 4 he launch of the I J randy -".viteiflte--l-atfet'liTrned"Ttwa'y ft'oiri him. The remarks attributed to Gen. Lnfayrtte. are not jrue. It is true, that at the instance of Gen. Lafay ettc, M r. . Adams intendetl to V( tin n Cctn. Porter his s'word' aritl M'slfi' o i.im to the service from w hich not taken this course, in any Ins- tile spirit hut in the spirit of com merce policy. Fixing so late a-day-for the" "operation dfirdf-'rimVks as tFit was siijiposed some-chmge in t h e tl is jio sitTniV" V)f 1 1 1 "r. U nit'etl Sf a t es n'ght atlovv of its revocation. Ii is- foTtunativ thiit, in this" coujuuc lure, iIr. Gallitin is on -tlwrspor. lie is a man - filly . possessed .o! the merit-, of the (juestion, by Ue? ing .jfamiltar with it, and of h l;j hhd hven ijismisscd by a Court jvi. ws of his Governments and what Increase , pf the A'ew fork Canal Navigation,. Vc presume that bu a few, even of those who arc in the daily habit of seeing boats pass and repass upon our canals, are aware of the constant and rapid increase ol business transacted through the me dium of these artiHcial riyers. Wi have taken the pains to obtain from a correct .source, the number of ar rivals at this city, and the result is as follow s: In 18, '3 here arrived 182), 1825 1826 to 1st Sept. It is probable that the arrivals this year will not be far short ol se ven thousand; anu there is every prospect that increase will in future be in the samo ratio with the pas until it will become absolutely ne cessar to make another canal, dou ble the locks, or adopt some otli'o means to facilitate the transporta tion of the products of the. West, which must all concesitrate at this point on their way to market When the OhioCuialshall have been com pleted, an immense sum will be ad ded to Our canal revenue. Mba nu - Daily Adv. From, Beyrortfl 'the Mississippi.' Tittle li: ' k , Jr c ri'iV "f ."" Convention of Indians. We are credibly informed, that infractions j:tve been isne I by lhoA Indian pa rimcjft t i hw tJni tetl 8l itei A gent s fir tiie (images, Gtrer 'keen, JJela- w!l . .1 T. . ! I.. ;.Vfiresi o.i'i v uec mm ivicNiipo'i i(i- in"i. ihiiiki i hansr. ilircctin ihe'ai tn c l!ect the' wrtt N. V. Gdz. king towards I hem t fr.t they determined l give thrtn bat'le. but finding the number of Indium ab ott thirty, declined a contest, nnd all re treated except two, who were taken prisoners, and stripped of nil their clothing except their pantaloons. The Indians also took n pack mule and horse, and after abusing the pri soners with blows from their toma hawks, turned them loose and lei them coino home, but followed tbem tn the settlements, and stole some horses. The citizens are now assembling to pursue them to their villages, and it is stated that some regular soldiers will go also, to get some horses, which were at the same time stolen from the oilicers at the garri-nm- It is also stated the Mad Buffalo headed tho party. In addition (o what is stated above, we. learn by the mail earner from Miller county, that the horse were tolon within four miles of Canton nent ! ovvsou, and that some of litem ielonged to oll'icer of that po!; und d'ter committing thin theft, the Indi an only retreated 12 mile, and en eamped for the night in a corn-Held belonging to oue of the citizens of (hat county. akchitociiE", Lou. Ausr 4 Ind an murder. We havelat-h eon- versed With gentl-m in from the ri ver B sos, r picas, who states, rhat Captaia Clark and family, consis'incr of bis sisrejatid twr eliildren his nephew, a Spanifth boy, aud !reo friendly LidiaiH, w!to wpre encamp- ed three U'.igaos thissidcof (he Bra , on tju-ir return to Toyeac. Ayish liivw IJi'triet, i 'xas. we-e atiHck- ed by a party of Waco nndTatvanka lvi4n-n-(44l-wk414- Judge i MeV wlMMvasjn eompiny wuw 'hrm,.m!ido " hicape, after receiving four or live - wounds. Our esteemed and ;; aecomplished' pn.jntry 'nan WahinL'Ioo i ving, in at . M H(tMdrwhePe ' tift1 Is 'ffiii'i'i'd np'oii be hU Lolurabuf, now nearly fin ish"!, ie. thinks it will be hu best- y

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