www GlltiKJS'SIWRUUGJI, AT C WElJNE&DAY. NOVEMBER 1826, VOL I NO 28. ; ' i i mm. . I ' S , 7 f J- THS PATRIOT, Is printe! and punli'-hed weekly by T. r.JRLY STRANGE, At Tv O'Uollars per annum pay able within three months from the receipt of the first number, or Three Dollars after the expiration uf that time. No paper to be discontinued until atl arrearages ore paid,- unless at the Option of the Editor; and a fail tir to ii6Tfy a d i co nltfn anVe 'y i J , be const, tiered a new engagement. ' srt i i nere ne ma by t re Indi bad walked between sun and sun, not hiine on a straight line, and a bout 30 miles of if through the woods was estimated to be from l' O to 120 miles. He thus won tbe great prize which was fiye; pounds m money, and ouu acres or land an wncre in trie 1. , 1 Have been informed that James Yeafea,,uho ld lhe way for the tirst aoijesor more,jyas quite' blind when taken utfjoliamOnrekV'u'd Vvrvl'M t' 4 h rVe day aft ei Wtird lomon Jennings 'did not bold . out to eros- the Lehigh, never received his aith, ami' lived but a few veara Kdar Marshall lived and died on Marshall's island opposite Tinicuin and are two or three weeks otherwise, th re- nrkcd a tree, witnessed i at "moach towards one size, and are ian. The distance he I taught and dried promiscuously by oiainder of the warm weaihe' w. old .iir(uinprmeo.iDe5Dft eoo an- Dot oe sumeieot to dryA(t. oee, feri from the other: varieties ia bis the cod.fishery, according to tbe pre puce of resort, which is almost ai- sent rood of caring Tiich is," with " ways on the backs ' at a distance from the exception, by drying the fish io Jiml; he is also larger arid itongef,'-the sun, eannot be earned on farther wflb larger scales and spots; his bod) , north than a cerlnin latitude ' is of a lighter color, throughout with :' The fishery of Newfoundland eoiri- the SDOtft more f?tnArjtlf w iliflffiftfkr! mprif in .Tuna annn i ihA sftn and more distinctly Biarkud$ his Besh, lin appears on the coast, and- f rtdf ' too,' is firmer. ,.. The shore cod resein- about tbe becinnine of Seote.nher. QIC niOSt the rod in k hn lthc at n t- Mrhn tit inill hina m' n..,v .eoastii of Biitaio a d is tha frm the here The cop? tin if S eatig'ji owiog to us beivinoit coin- 'oV tlx' weeks, anda venientlv iaten; the back is of tie fish. J dusty brawn color; the belly, silvery When baifis scarce, considerable or tellowish, and the spots, in general cambers oT cod are caught by jizz niZ not remarkahlj duticct. Tbe red the jiggtrs being an artificial bftitf" ru,,.V prooaoiy, srgef man our rock wiin n. Ks amzed. eod, and is not numerous The seal- The p atss of eurinff the cod re ! . ..i . L l t Al)VB!irHH1ENrB Not exceeding 16 lines, neatly in " acted three times for one dollar, and ', towntbip, in the I) leware. ased a mm r. ' . . ti' III UlltetV VP Mrs. Ha t u vrual ':cm i or every succeeiiin puniip - . , . - uwi uuiunvm ircoi' i r jj irtrKii oi curing cou re ...,.,.v,.jh - ,i' u..t n il man o ii i u mr 'itr a inp snore-cou, anu in iikc weatner ' lwpnpoTt,nnerrtb:i,p .kin, and it is Of the four hundred million! and tor mint be oost p.,t. julver mine, that rendered lirn "an" d TConiparnTtvety rare, Th e-young cod .UW - . . his fa mi I v iniinMinna ufflnitf vai ! tnm und u...u- i.k, jki . uiiijict jnni ui in uuiijjci out iiui in uir u nisii i'iriu -,iitr IlK Irri0fl ihu irnir..! ivhan,. it ... ill nil ikn U I. - I I 111 . . ; - i . . - -w . , . "J 77 f7rir r.;.lin SSb: t, : c"ieu me serr-c. wnery it was pear fn out of the world wth him "'round's lllwrv, that in A7A2. I Lim. Pu fi . ....... ...I r mi , i a hi r u i r it !i 2roiirietnrv. And rAiriAitiu.t uk,.ii i.. .. mi v t nuuiaa ft v y,or Ii has been stated to me ihot ! roni an article in io lout ume h contract d with ee Vr Philosophical j una of July. (lyustung and some other whom 'he Of the fish'e- of British North A lndi:in. had no right toel!, for a eer- w - V 7. ' - ftftftftft W m w j f ft V. fk Hnn A'V ft 1" in all tbo harbors and shallow wa- ican seas, about on hundred millions. tCrS. flR OnutMrila lit liltv ihimi.iifi t.-.nm I'here are sone other differences pe exported in a dned s'ate by me tain siini, the li.diatj title to all the land to be taken off by a parallel ..f latitude ffom any point, as fur as the best three men could walk in a dav. betti-pew ttnpfe-atrk slittweifrmn. a certain ehsaut tree at, or noar Bris toi, n a north west direction. Great cart w med to select the most ca pable for su-h a walk The choice fell on James V-at's. a native of Bucks, a tall slim man, of much a- Rlilty tt,,(l speed oljoof. 2d, Solomori Jennings, a yankee, a remark nhly stout and strong man 3d, Krlward Iariball, a native of Burks, a noted hunter, chain currier, &e. I knew hi personally well, he was a Urge, heivy set, strong boned, nun The dav was appointed and the champi. ons notified. The people collected at what they thought the firs- 2n miles on Durham mad to see them pass. First eume-YWs, stepping as Ji;'it as a telher, accompanied by T Jtnu, and attendants on hnrsebtek After him, out of sight, came Jen ...111. . . who & strong, srraa n ep . an jei far benind, Kdward Mar shall, apparently careless, swinging a f.atehet in his hand, and eating a dry biscuit bets run in favour of jte.'tres Marshall took biscuits to support his stomach, und carried a haethet to swing in his hands alternately, that lueactiou in nis arms should belance that in bis legs as he was fully de termined to beat ihe others or die in the attempt; He said he first saw Veates in descending Durham creek, and gained on him. There he saw ITcatea setting oo a log very tired presently he fell oil', and gave up the walk , Marsh all Kent on. fihff " w " ! I.T i 111 'I'll. &rr A. I . . J w jK-iiiii Air,uib iY ri?V! !!.. in tlio cod, which may partially a- British, to the warm countries j Ku- ui ... . . . -l!.. t . .1 1 n? . . - v.... . ..... lo-.tVinAiit.,,. r irom uiuerences or laiillide and rone and Aineripn lit tho rn . v M M .riivil I , - ' - . . ' ' " 'mr . I ."f.-", ----. - -I . I t I . . ruaniM w'lere mey are lounu. uer, a pari equal lo Utiuule .lhal ol . iiij., die tanner norm me less oil in" n tiisii ih taken awav by the A- mericn seas, the mom abundant is. ,l,n,,,, ,rom ,Jlf,m' thp,r ,,ver!i n,fr',a"S a part by tbe French at the same time,the most important ' , 5 fmfuer? .aou l,,e 0i4", cod a.,,1 n part is consumed m the coun . ii: . . ' - I VieiflM flll Ipuat nil n f nnv Irnu I lum..l...... . io man. i ne ewi here hold domm- . - . T7u,a, , , r. ion over all the habitable parts ui , otl l ulWle cmight eix feet! It is from thehvers of the cod ih. the ocean, from the outer f " ,r,,??," l)Ul ?Per.e- aro accounts ot. mat tiie cod oil or commerce m-whiIc. be great banks; of Newfoundland, ,,; v yi5 De en la Re n larger.; All) I beo are exposed in, eoskii.,vi d t-.oiL uuey ine saatQ gen sometimes n vats, to I lie sun, and "eTal fa wlb f in ijrat iufi r Tbey shift jtugjieatia all these -countries hi Hi- w hi e h ar e m ft r e tha i mife- f r m I A V 1 ftkl mm. 1 r . 1 . I fiiMi aim uiwic innii ni ninnmi i ... . . i t ." mv r deen. to the veres'or everv oreL- 4.r HCCon"nS ,0 charges of temftera- j cient ta render them into oil. There eove of the ' hfimiiii... ........ !,,rp n ibeir element, arisioe from i is a fallinjr off sofne vtars in the a- - ... - ig, II uirii I . I'll I 1 abends into the fresh water. To . "i d w ith . the suppliesof verage quantity of oil obtained frum support such aVnass of living beinsrs, , lu -'tay ucewmpuny be ..eeun .emU he, ..pn.wtiLi ...1 chants. I'll bank cod seems ------ m.w-m . Vft llUn Nes of other living hetnjrjif and these in tt;e economy o outnrey an twx: m impiirtanc, and, of necemiru. in A bundancein fiese seas. Nature fur nishestw ' stieeecsive irilies of an mal as food tor one trihe. mh.I tt.r the eod, throuehout the B fi h ries: but as thr French ave the x clitHive privilege ;' fiaiug u t' oge parts- of. ihe.islandw.Ue.riUh.e diff-r- I s a s a . eni Kind, oi IHU an titm most, it is fo ht the m nt slationarv s we a'dvimeo farther northward fro;?j the Gulf of sSt. Lawrence, the migrations of cod assume a ''more de-1 probable that the nuAmitv of oil in cided character, and it strikes in J proportion to the uiian'itv .t fish creater abundance. This hold as ftMiizht. iriclu,liiir all'ihe fi(.tierie. in ... I J - ---j 7 the il.reo t. gcther, this busiest part ' "bing posts have yet any one year may not vary much, of the ncenn seems in eri.t j been established on the coast uf Lu- As the sun withdraws fr run fl;o The 6W.-The cod is accomDa- br.a,,or The tHWVx '? U,( ' ",,r eu;,H ra.ure of ,he crfaco mea at one season by shoals of mv- ,i r V v 1 T "7Viaav' 7 t" ' - riadsoftt.e eapel.n and at an. l er ' IP ,nfhab:,,n5 sett9; m' re I e vanishes, and it ,s no longer n- bvenual host. f h. - m.li. especially of .ihuo, connected with vit.ng to the free inhabitants of the '-d- y arise toother from deep5 I be cuttle fish begins , re. foundtand the suuip The three al I?!."?!. ?ertt' ,h e. with it man ends h.'s war- mals ore migratory, and man who VJU" OI "l ueg. tare wi n ine cod All feel the w-rn- stations him.elf the shore's f .r v'"' l'.: v J U ,?3 ,h .'V of " r "5 it, eir ..mlwnil .1 i . " '1CU,,B Al v iruuswirK. luu- "ous in uieir respective element. iZnZT tt?llh a'"nt -lre leaving the field fLu.try .idsum! Srat.on. By art. he enntures aim..' I..? . ' .Val "" mer joicini:, where air, earth. nd ally more ttian two hood ed m.lliiin, , xvnere per. water hud met -n harmony; i...B t. Iiaps, in eonsequeiice, more other! become the confiictinir scene of an .rihp.rf.s.k;i.. I". in nequeuce. , , V . .:.". ,u' T'V". hhes remain during the winter, the arc ie winter. "'ii i u uiiiiiuii.1 iv i in hip p utile us ii t. . i ti. - . r i i c,,u,. . "erring arrives in spring:, about tbe in the Coast of l.Ai.rminr n.l in llu 3 . .. On the coast of Labrador, and in the north part of Newfoundland the cod is so abundant, that it is hauled on shore with hues in vast nuantifies. rhus, by these means, and the use of errings and s elUfish for bait, a- wng the southern shores of the Gulf same time tlmt it arrives on tbe eoasi of Newfoundland and Labrador, in April and May, when the cod, i consequence becomes equally abu- .. ii s' i One of the iiost shameful and al most incredible violations of the ' t v, nay, of the very principle bn which our government is based has of M. Lawrence, there are caught i i, m ftm mm, . , J in the B llish Nnrlh mari.,.n in. - ' w mm aiBIV Ift'IKa I I . Ii mm . Upward nl four hunJrail mill! -i ' j - w .wvftvf w llllvbVfJ 1 f hafs s A Iia ma Aftk .1 L. f I i f if r vciuiu icacucu iue ijen leu. nvr. coa annuauti S'Ai .r;..iT.i''f-"'".,,e) ( Th''e "PP."'" b. f"r vari.tie. Btanus. to tlie Wiml ( n ri.u ..,., 1 1. . . . . f. ' . , ,i i T: . 1 uuenueu io. to determine then re uslar as tbe path hai heen m r!r,l I u ... ,, - j coun umer as ipecies or I ?- "" "-;"" " I'eopie round on tne Krcat bank manv miles i . i . ' . . . . 4 io see ii a-.y ,,r the three would reach it by sunset, lie only halted iur .ne surveyor to give him a pocket numpass, anu started again. Three Indian runners were sent alter Turn o &-foftUe..wa l,ow far .-.i;. fetncn passed to the . right orPoeone mountain, the Indi 4 us finding it dilficujt to keep him ri!n '$ltti.l he reached Htill Water ' --and he vvould have , goie a' few cii.'cs fiirtherlbiit for the- water. from landi the second is the sLnr codi caught in the bays urouMd the snores una m.tne fJulnh oft. Law. rence; the third is the red cod, re e;obling the rock-cod or red-ware .t 5auSbt near the s h ii re: t h e fo u r t b and in s f 7e m a r k b!" U-itfisrnttarbff called th. ne?dedcodt from its head resembling that of a seal or dog. The haddock f'a large -iize, Is aNo met with mong the proper cod.AU the kinds dant at all places; but afterward j happened in the iiiato of New worlds uf food arrive on the coasts o Vork. A Mr. Morgan, of the vil- Newfoundland and' Labrador; first 'g of Batav ia. in that ..State, nag the capeliu. over the shores or both lately soized in his own house, and thet eountriei and then,, aain, the forcibly carried" away, by a pry cuttle fish, around the shores of Now- of men, on. a cbaige of being ohut foundland: iliey never failing to "bring publish a book, divulging the s in with them their hosts of Cod. and crets of Freemasonrv. and as nothing 7 , 0 " f3 to retain them at these sliores during bas since been beard of bini, it ia tbo summer. Neither tbo capelin, supposed be has been effectually si--nor any equivalent, evpr appears at Jenced, A Mr. Miller, who wni the COUIltrieu further inn! h. nil Ik.mi imnlieftleil in thn fhtrir wam u in tie cuttle-fish visits, and sonu times violently assaulted, but not eorri.d inconsiderable quantities, the eai off. The inhabitants of Batavia coast of Nova Scotia and f!Min Itm. village hawe held mAPfinv n.U. tou;7iec.(lie pre-eminence, of New t'on to the (abduction of Morgan, found I rind And Labrador n n' ficLinm. and tmisprl ranl 11 1 lrn SI Ia USA asaapa? - ! " r0-ft V'W'VWIWftftC W ftft ft. V WT m J station, over every other part of the "exertion to briu the offender to Northern Hemisphere justice. , At Labrador, and in tho north nart of Newfoundland, "wiief e the P ' ... u - -- m mm . -'mm m ftft w mi A W Si of the summer i not mdralhjin.fiJlie.W bas tru ned weeks or two, mouths, the hook and from liiTvtit iniK "1Vr.rihu?iar-- v - the line arp often laid aside for the Commissioner, jointly with (iene ai. vinrjiu, .i ij ucor5,iy uim Hi ninis, 'o i'e Indian A noes in that of cod should betaken within tbe , first, region of dooniry. If. - - t. 1 VMr