, .V FOREIGN LATKf I FROM'FR ANCE C F am the Jeto York Daily Advertiser of Oct. 18. ; Captain Roberson.'of the ship Bay "anh arrived yesierday from Havre, p litcly furnished uwith Havre pa pers to Sept ldlh, and Paris paper's to the' 141 h. The news from Cireecc is much more.ctefjriug v - -.v- Greece. A letter from Zante, o( Aue 15 raeniions that Col: Felt a, antintei: in jconcert with anqtber f'tiiih fttnnintfk fKiftf .-'."I htt rftll It , I Ia Itiniiin AAfnt. And Hrc In mnrnli immediately against Ibrahim,; who, haying; laiely jet out for Npoli, beajjog of tHMeniious there, was am bushed in the defiles of Parthenia, as we nave nnore uparu, aou tvas unven back 'to I ripofizza, with the Ions of 0,OU( men, and a I hit equipage und munitions. Part of the garrison of kl icanlnncrlii ur in t Iia liAtllo. I. . ..... brahim is now beiieged thtrc. - Th Greeks have burnt a 'lutkis' frigate and 2 corvettes at Sams, and i . i I i i ! attack n the island Another dv- V i S n ii h fA : 1 1 r e j Jx . lit u ii . It m k I i f 1 . 1 1 v . dra to fight (hem at Smyrna. Al. Greece it in motion, and a month or tw ws expected to decide -: her fate" In essaly and Kpire there wer co t nrki. The vessel which sailed frnn. franee with volunteers, provision. forGreece, Jias not betn taken bjxAlteritjes, but, on thef cootrrv. hu passed safely through the Tur fleet . .'al .yrove3thGt thewnund whirl JanariV ' ceivcd. at Samo V very light. V,,--;-;-.- The following. are some particular -of I he-Writf eten t of K erfehtd Pa cha. Decent J.500 men from the frontiers oPLivadia gnd Boetia, moat of them cavftlry, for Athens; 70u Ilofnelo!'s-fefirhat city in the l ight, ft' upon them at two leagues dis tance, aud after u great carnage for eii7hc-mB-ftysao(rTriore"'"Turlc CBiiic on threerdoj after but Goura-. wl o was not present at Ihe first bat tle arnved, and made a simultnne ou attack with them, and dispersed them with great loss. He i said to have done as at Bo jiiliea throwing himseit itmiM i t; i eru'iny sword in h'nd. fnnther bat tie endued at the EuglcV Hock; an Ihw l iirks 'havir g lost in all 1 DO UT 1 - w I T U U ( t J ITU II U IB df families had returned 1o Athens from ineeti tlm recent ebanset In g It .rt rieci ranqmuty Pnro-teign" through the Portuguese provinces without even excepting Iras oi-Mon ten. against which had been directed thejunited ellorts of all. the intrigues of the Spanish aud Portuguese Apos tohqties. R ; From the Paris Conslilutxonely . Sept.XZ. 'ZantPi Ang.t8-( Private -letter.) -On the II i instji vessel arrived f ro mi Mar e i I J ea? ;'afl e r n passage of ten day, having on board . Ilaband and other'Freach Philbeies, who set oo the .ane uay for rMaupna. paraote, aid submitttog the form of respectfully suggesting the neeeisity II V. BlllU IOU. i be fubject being 'hus presented it was resolved unanimously that it io higoly expedient to form such a teie!y, and it was accordingly a- greed lb unite for its organization. The Constitution was read, by sin-; gle article, and adopted, and is as; of being triei and paringof t! eir licences for the retailing of ardtut opirits; nhd also of mon rigidly en forcing the laws against drunkenness. 2.. Resolved, that a Circular letter be addressed to the different denom inations of christians, aud to influen tial individuals, thoughout the coun try, earnestly soliciting tha great ob- follows viz: 1 l itis society shall be called tlie jects of this . ocieiy. society f r the suppression of Intern- 3. Resolved, that a Premium of within ihe bounds of the g50 be; and it hereby is, ; ottered for O angje Presbytery. 2 The officers of thin Society shall a jtM;k, educated a Paris, has rli8(lJoui i 0 a ;eorps of 500 .pephaloniotandj ' B1 u 1 WM M mt m tS .11. ll. A .Hi Allt' . - K manaeers, together forming a Bonrd be a President, three Vice President, ! a corresponding Secretory, a record- aiijIaii nrli a .p-fVArl in I Ii a tk o m A t J r :' .f i- . : ins: becretarv. a Treasurer, and five I to r r h i rn m vaiiiina bpi niii' . neit morning for, that city. ! Col. Petta, a Greek, brought up at ' " 41 9" w" ..rvrjr" n . . . .f, - , . & , r . three or whom shall be a quorum. Pans, has ju.M rjned, ,n concert 3 phe , rfliurer t have with .Doihei Cephalon.an Ch,?ff charge af the -funis of the.ocietj; eorp. of aou phabniotes an.rn- th ?jorre ondMg . b(!eretar, .hall tnv 1 h? ?idef PPnr condllet th correfpondehce:ytbe re nwh ntneeri. I he reeiments is to be . . 1 . ,, , ; cortiin ?cretur snail preserve a ..ll.il tli. I Anion ITnrriQ I hte. '-' ' - I . i . I - . i r . . . recurti oi uie p o(eelIlng oi me so cietyr and of "he Hoard of Ma fingers. It shall be the duty of the Bnrd to devise and exeou'e all such incis ures, as muy b" best calculated to promote the great object of the so ciety J. I tifrn slmll Iia n nnniinl mit. .ssembled there to .attack Ibrahim, ai o. (hff mom of lh(i after having lard an anMmsh lor u.m 0fn preab.ter,. fo iear he rp the tlehle o rarinenia an,., t -fhi 3oan,.if mHlr., , '. iiilm.inAii nana lilni liullln . ' elect elheers For the ensums yeai. the best tract on Intemperance, suit ed to thecoodiiion of our tioutl.'iu coutitrv. Tie tract not to exited called the Irfnian Corns. brave und died noldiers ar-e to march immediately against Ibrahim Ibr-ihiin. infiirmed of the discord which prevailed among the Greeks at Nnuplia, advanced on this city with his army; but Oaraicaki suc ceeded in reconciling all parties; audj Kgina. LATEST FROM KNGLAtfD. From the Ma timore American- of ' Oct. 20. The fast sailing ship General Put upm, Cptaiu Bulduin, cam- up Inst ev.f ng in 27 days from L v rpool. T the politeness of Capt. B. we are iii'dv'bied for .Liverpool papers to the 2o( and London to the 18th Sept. both inclusive. State of Trade. Al Leeds flud-dei-lield, York, Manchester aud Peon, under date of 10th Septem b-, the report of the slate of trade was reouraging, n obvious imp'ove rDCi l hrtving occurred." l JLundon,'- !onday'ep t.; 1 8 XV vavf rect'lved the " French papers of F'dayi and the, Ktotletof -SaturdayT cn " article iu the ' latter (lakeb frnin the Universal Gazette) it' is sta ted hat 8atnnsihad surrendered to' ihe Capt. Pacha, hut nn authority is g en fr this statetrieut. Porfugol, b all occoucts, is ina state of Iran quiht'y; The., .Spanish'.. Government hv instrueted, their "An)hasador at L:ho" tor intercede on behalf of the p h o r x w ho'tle-erled the Portuguese, rmrtef and IoirgtTw. but nothing defiriilive is yet known regarding-ihe fate of tjhese people. 11 1 e 4 r v-u i i ft JIhi epn-1 It -two- go v -. e i f h e n t i p u 1 A t for it ii , e X c h ujige o I J, -Tr ert ivit lion any conditions; this i? i f re e, therefore; 't ihe paft of j ain', iifli i n'ly iudieuVes ' the feeiita oi that government at it re- ' , ' - .... in Heaia,) where they gay e him battle; the? Tell upon his-troops, put them in confusion and. obliged them to re treat"" W Tripolitza, four leogues distani, with the loss :'of three thou sand men, and all their bagage and Hinmunition. The Greeks lost onlv 500 mvn on 'he ft Id of battle.- Am oated -by this victory, they marched on Tripolitza and laid seige to it Ibrahim ia surrounded in this place, nd will proliablyjbejobliged to fall hack.in the utmost haste on his- fr tresses. Letters from Nau'plia state that 'his battle took place on the 18th, ttud tliat the immortal garrison of I'xsoloiighi Mere actively, engaged in it. L .. Vhilat Ibrahi.Ti marched on Nam plia. Kedchid Pacha atlaeked A thens. ho' he was repulsed by Gouras and obliged to retreat The division of the Greek fleet which was before Samoa, had burnt a Turkish fripjate und two corvettes, and obliged the Captain Pacha to give up his enterprise against tins Island. A second division, compos ed of forty fo r vessels, and fire , ship, has just quitted the port of Hydra, And directed its course Jo wards Hmyrna, for the purposr of meeting the Turkish" hVet, which was -opposed to take this direction after the attack on Samoa. Hydra is well fortitro Col. Fabvier with his regular troops, as well as the Crandiotes and Poreotes, are in this island. Thus the Greek fleet may scour the archipelago, and follow the movements of the Capt. Pacha, with out the least anxiety foMhis island, which contains within its precincts the families of these brave sailors. All Greece is now in motion This month and the next will decide her fate; and re hope that the will come out of the struggle triumphantly. There are no Tuikish troops eithe r in Tbcssaly or Epirus, and wr hear of no new enrolment in any other quVrteiv ' From the Milton Gazette. "During a recess of the Presbytery of Orange, at Stonj Creek, on the 7th inst. a meeting was called to a- and to attend to anv other husine which miy be brought before them At these meet ngs seven membet shall Constitute a quorum 5. Any person becoming a'memh of this oeiety shall thereby engage to abstain entirebj from the use of ardent rpirits, unless when ueed ful for health. This shall he the indispenib!e condition of member ship. An annual contrioutiu .will b:-expected " front caeh member to wards defraying he expenses of the Hociety C I he Board of Managers shnll meet on their own adjournments, or at tho call of the President, or a Vice-President. 7. At eaclf annual meeting ' amem ber shall be chosen to deliver a er nion or address, at the anniversoiy next ensuing And alternate shall be chosen, at the same time to per form this duty in case the first up pointed should f ail. 6. This Constitution may be al tered, at any onnual meeting of the Society by two thirds of thememlfers present. After addresses by Dr. Atkinson and the Rev. Mr. Douglas, and the signing of this Constitution by a bout 50 persons, the society elected the following Board of directors for Ihe ei sup g year, viz: TheH.-n F.edenek Nash, Hills boro' President The Ktv Joseph Caldwell, Chap el Hill st Vice President The Rev. Ez k.. l B. Currie, Or ange County, 2nd ditto I he Rev J ln VVilherspoon, Hills born 3d diito. Dr. Thomas P. Vkinson Halifax county Va. Cor Sec. 24? Oeiavo pges, and to he summit ted to the Committee of inspection, on or before, the 1st day oi Febuary next. 4 It e solved that the Rev Joseph Caldwell D D. and the Rev Piofes sor Mitchell of Chaprl Ihll, aud the linn Frnd Nash of llillsboro' bevlte Committee to judge ot the tiacts pic.; seotedHiid to award the premium. 5 Resolved, thai lt0 eopusofthc proceedings tlua mweling. and of the constitution he published. The Bonn) was then adjourned to meet ut Faettevilie during Ihe session ol the muoi! of . C. in November uext. E ich. ijrja e r.sjb o u Id ;b e jcjjo rn. iied ty dtrectibns for its isposat, xhould it be unsuccessful: and also by HPHled paper containing ihe oame of the au which may be opened, if tlie traews accepted. UREttNSBOROUGU: WEDNESDAY- NOV. 1. While Virtue reigns, let her sons rcj" c. 'keIails. According to the new Mail Arrangement, we shall havo at this place, two Stages u week from W ftsln ngfon-Ctty;: by-wny nt - F rrd- t icksbnrg and Halifax court hm v Va Two front Raleigh 1 wo fi m Poweltim. Geo. by way of Salisbury, and two from Salem ; they will ko into -operation the lt of J.mtta y Air. Moriug 19 the contractor for tlie three last. CMm. The Petersburg Intelli gencer, of the 24th ult. says, within the last four op five d vs, Cotton has breti on the rise, and an "ri'dvawo of near a cent per lb. established Good Ctton ay now he quo d at 10, 10J a 11 Cents. In some frir instances as high a9 11 J has been given hut we would not make such sales a criterion." Review of the Fajretteville Mar ket, Oct. -25; Beef, Fresh in market, Bacon, Butter, C-tflW', best, Cotton, Corn, Flour, 0 The Rev. J. . Douglas, Milton, Sugar, Rec. Sec. , Salt, Liverpool The R-v Samuel L. Grahfem, To rks Island, cVc; Gnuville, Treasurer. Tallow, V The Rev VY m Paisley, Greensbo- What I rough, the Rev Samuel Paisley. Or- vvhiskey ange coun'y, the Rev Jesse Rankin, -- P-rson County, Ilr hlia Hawes, Newbern, Dr. Arannab Bafdwell, Hertford ( ounty, Managers. Toe Rev J a W. Douglas was chosen o deliver the next annual 4 In 5 c(ir. 14 t , 15 15 to 20 17 18 9 ' 9 t- 50 to 70 00 o 6 50 9 fo 12 80 to 90 75 -.t 80 7 to 10 00 to 1 lp 45 to 50 dopt some measures for opposing the discourse, and the Rev Samuel L. progress of Intemperance, within the b'-unds of- Presbytery. The Rev. Jesepb Cildweil I) D was called to the Chair and the Rev J Doug las wa appoiMH-Seereniryr Dr. Tlmnias' P. Atkinson from a Committee which had been; appoint ed by the Presbytery to consider the ubjectr laid before- the meeting- an interesting and able report, detailing the measures most proper and prac ticable to be pursued; recomuiendiugjLSet t!ry ddress a circular leierjo Graham to be bis alternate." It was then resolved that the Ed itors of the N C. X legragh, of the HillsboH' Recorder, and of the Mil ton Gazetto, he requested to publish these proceedings; and the, meeting adjourned. At a meeting of the Board of man agerufheld the same day the follaw ins resolutions were . adopted viz: State Elfxtions. South Carolina, Wm. Draytou, James Hamilton jr. Thos. R. Mit rhell, George M'Duflie & John. Car ter, have been re elected ; and War,, ren Davis lias been elected, by a majority of 25 votes over the pn spnj memoer, jnn vvuson ; win. i Nuckolls in the place of Joseph Gist, who declined a re-election ; S'arlmg TiipItpp hv ft hrn maiapitv nvpp 1r - 'I J -. - n.n ti . J xtr ' r t s. wuiuwcn j ami hi. u ltii iiii id;, .1 - ciety for the the formation of a ko- ipression of Intern I liesolved, . that the Corresponding! pace 0r,ie present Rtresentativc, Andp vr R. Go?an, by a majority rft' the d.flVicnt Courts and Grand Jo ries within the bounds of the Society, about 500.

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