V r-ft 4 m .v -t 9 V' i TUB P AT 2110 T, Is . print-d and p'i 1 I'll w kiy by 7. njiLV STILIXHE Ai I vp !) dlars ; er uiiimm y able 'vii?nn ihrec nmullis from the receipt oftho first number, r Hiree Dtttf&r after die i-xpiratiaa f 'hot inje. ' .. . alt 'arrearacet are paid uhicsV at 'fie oft tuifpft UifMfyi ! f I u to' ll ' ft (HICOUimuucr tiered a new engagement. , AUVKIlTHBAiBNrS Not exceeding 16 linen, neatly iu fterte I three tunes for one dollau ud 25 cents for every succecdm;; publu caiioi ;. iliue of greater length , he physictunn of those tim" a well ihe piei. He hud a Mverei-n bnlsti.n no nt hi n, he had cu npoaed himself, for he wh veiy skilful id al ill pi if' thai grw in the fit ! d or in i h forel; he staunched then blood. pplied his balsam to thei wounds Mid brought them it we from !c.th t life again. A- soon thev were milliei. n'ly repovered, he benri to enquir intojthe occasmn ol .0?jurjI.W td the lilaek knisht. vi 1 have it, .liif'il vunder in ailve"- "Via he will have it,'' - rcnti d the whr k'ntstit. ihti m is : ld, and then told Imn all the ptieulars nf the ntV.il. A ! u! Ibe Hrind, wiib a ieh. vou ate hoi-. of you mv breth ern in ibe rg 'i. & both of you in the wr uj; liai . ei.'her of y u ijiven nfin i-ifiitne to o k npo- tbe nppoi'e ... ft ..i .t r the at.ifilil. an well as rai 1 a proverb, 'n'QrUl ,imJ re igiiuR nin " Tbvv nri'' nhktinitte. fier tfrveriug. and old fashioned jnjalj heir way oil (hiokiog'i and aeting: frug.il jet Jrtiie to a ,ori old Kni boit di'y." They are capable f rtny ' hing jf prejiared, early; -but hi -nemi are, Uf tineoL io varmth r(i lenient, eittuiam delicaey and petfu'iariiyi i'nf ylemper -r They are t'.oiifrh you .married fr jTe;!a;il Vavi h'er'owaMvay, liowever dear V u iii ayv be o e V. ben r' heu1e?.- lieYtt n her duty to uaye ihT o n JVew.Monmy .uagazitie.'j a, ubieh fir : presented . iif elf to his ; Kn-Nnd -r, of g ooite Yu.ke in uu MKMBBHS OP i ON lihSS. ; A list. 'of the names;of iiieinbef otx fii.ttt re AikMblc. Hbrhail tit iheir ih urfnent Coiiirea hat befit imb- iial diiii.e and i jiidiUlry. lh if liabed amaner'lthe-de dinnti:tht c plain dealing, tbeir eijuitable lempe also the . Pt?--"il fJl?i UrT Hieir persveranet, their iound praiv. fiilhtwing' auipmary Taf?meut may iieal morali'y. cool coiirag-. an l'va not be devoid of interest: i.'. y ff resource after the overthrow Maine 7 representatives. 4 na- f ay i whatever. The true tives of the stale. 2 Mesfrs.Loeola y rikee 'is never discouraged. and prat;ue, of lasachueiii, and Of bun, h of the ?e .tchmin, i! t. lt. IS Kleith, or," vk.tiampsiiire. Wtr Htmpmire 6- native, 1, l . Wiupp' -, -.eti'urtis. Jliissacliuseiti 13 alT natives, ex- tfeiiileuia iust now l b. iiaiive New een fb er, ol New Mttniishire. " .... - i . M IK li!v ate Mand 2- ir. renrce. ua- eiiobi y -dogf much ma be mad; any ?hi;tJ5 1 ed but i very fashion able marr r ha( whieli i o J. e . a s.i- i )' ;nTNion-Leu I L. t t. . k a it n l il il tinllilVr Hltr41l fiP. ih wHl bHl irr'tfeStn setts. to' in i l be post 4id. ar- r ...t 'i il Hi Ul iiinell vVe wu 4 g(t,'V W'tieO folW", t'lJ .ilMtTl It Willi pi ,i u c. in tiitif, ijjj' xpiteuit-ni -- h.. pii'.ent, ivn n it is f.tr pr -'u oo it;:it 'ners'-n 'mg d'Jjircnt direc?lo'is in- q y .nx iou to tt!cruiin lrub,-lo. e-i -ry is it ilia'.they sliould ex ini u- b.nl idei ot a qn-stiou bef ie y w mo gl .. a iou v,it rrtay b epty muIi Jish-diii iHiy ruer, if "' ey rety uinii to know the faetn, nnd are wi ling to submit l them! - ' In. the dnys of khiijht. errantry n". pagauis iuone of the oll Hrilish prm ces set up a statue to tbe 1 ie- t viefory, in a point vviiere four ros? met together IjiJbexil.d..h hftil Hfipi'ar, a:ul restdher If ft ttfru;, :i sSieid' ibe ouifcide bTtfiii shier wa- '(gold and the iiisid of silver-, o t'ie torinei vv.s inscribed in tb old Hf.nb Uniruiere. to the g-d le ever f ivorable; nod nrthe other, for four iiMi'it, ibtaiued sueee-sively over th i'iets and other inbabitauts of ti e nortbern ilnni). It hapienel one day that two kuisrhts cumiilelelv unnd, th one m blarke other ui white, arrived n opposite parts of the coiiutry to this statue, jut a unit Ihe sun lime; nnd aa neither oftbero had seen if before the) n'opped to rend the msriripion, and observe) (lie -xcelle.iCu of the workmanship. After contemplating on it for some time, "this "ldM slit 'd," say 'be black knight fci(l- HitfAie ease, th wHI bl craeeful setts. t'-ere s a verv g d ison to be promptitude, th supeib sell p Connecticut 6 all natives, learned from 4-viiathat havr b-fUeu io-.i t e vrLo .we: of geattluy, rrmwt Messrs. Bradley and oi. on this '.rraMoo. Perms' in-,! v:.i"eh the native raalo of a more , Wales natives; Mers Vlnllary, tfi-rerore to etitrtil u u uu 'ir i B-uiti'' tomu ry where, at all times, in all plieea, Adams Fosdiek, Marvin, Porter, wt'h an air wh'eb nothing can ever torrs, Stning, of Connecticut: Vies 'lise-mpoas '"d which it were 8rs. Asbly and Wbitti inore, of New in vsin ilec'eribe- .Hampshire, Mr. Oambreleng, of a ft . m 1 j a r i 1 1 n a I e s r s . J ge r , r.Am. Hil Kv ihi 0..4!Im nf vietoiv iii O'tri M'i!ar. iievt- l i enter -nto any dxp'itc lot Ihe future, till you !iuve a1 j cuisi ie r-d brh sides ol tUf qii"4tion. .yurs urg C I -A. 1 ki F TUB RBAL V lvr',B Theyan the Scitch of Amenta t. Me t tie euie.h. tbev are ou Wiidlv poll, Sfverp ntd selfish; inwird v nc, ateadv, and about hs Hu m a uple who ar brought up to be just icfore Hiey aie me'ius" ever ure ;me ibo Sc cb mo, 'bey arcsiirewd. HMstli, inqoiiitive; sineere, Iriigdl, .ud Jiarilw o rkifig - .. itkLi h : ..ot"1ttey"art' an edueai.'d peoile " eMluiiatel as a feople. in the HiibsJaii t ul prN of education, t such a dc 4e os to fit th- mi for a I ttf cooi r.nii dir.ies of life. And, I k t'-e Scotch, tb-y ar gr.ive, moral and rel's;i,!us. to n pri rb. A d people, Hie have rnorf pi!ii ca! ku wl -dge, (beeaue I hey have more Cd of it h iving so uch ; lilies noner.) atl -I ai"if ne spa,T kno viedge, tan, p rhais auy' other pfiipl- ( n earth, not -xecptiog tin-Bitgii-b 'be n -lves, who have more thin ;be Seotctt. s apo;le, too. they spurtk be'ter Btigl;b, Id as t niny appear an-l laughed at as they a e lor sayiru -o, than ooy other uotly rit pe-ople existn g on our earth Mill, .l.nwvei, they ru r.pilber stutennen. fhh BnUnder is not ft illici- North ently 'all, or when Ul enaugi, is -myden K.ello?gand JZ ti U'e, of too broid ovei thefhoulders, loo tift. Massachusetts, .Mr. Uose,-. f Vir-fnd-nVb too Mi-ilyi eVcr to acquira gin'a, Me. A g'lttit Rhode llaiid. V.c pr 'p'er uu in atin1'or a bnlUro m Nkav Jrrsey 0 J 'vcs. . s. t -awing room, ilia carriage Pksssylv sik 20 23 natives: everv whore is that of one who would Messrs. Miner and .jJM, of Coonecti. be out uf plaea in tho world of higti cut, 'r. Wurtz, of New jersey. fa'shio , who eoul l nut lireatho freely j I tt ku e" t 'j a 1 1 v e . tri the atmosphere of Courts, ft'id if Makyland 8 native, Mr. Lit-' he should happen to gel there, he is j tie I iUyauia. . - apt to bee imuo ...wie and in'jch .too Vi KfUX 19 nativt,, .-Mfr. ttioaghtfui for the" ocess liebave like one who at tho same lime -of irelaud; Mr. Johnson, ".of Niw . a 4Ia t.li! " ri..d Ihe while hniiht i ci.h lji:a. siipukeri or writers: olid (who was striclv ob-ervioef the o'p-' thpir ev ry day language is so aller posi'e aide)'why, if I have my yes, tt here by a pa'ttatiie tl tone, there it is silver." "I know nothing ot the rapidity ind vivtcny oi uieir your eyes," replied the black kn-g'-t, but if ever I sav a golden shiehl in uiy life, this is on- "Yes,"returned the white knight, smiling, 'it is very probablef indeed, that they should, expose a shield of gold in so public a place as ths; for my part,'! Avonder even a silv.-r one is not too string a - temptation for the devotiin of some reope that pa this way; nnd it appears by ther date that this has been here above three years. 7 rhe blaek Knihieould not articulation, which i like that of one who is ab i it ' be overbid or over eacbe.l iu nh t'gaio, as t appear hki-bid Bullish. There is not a man ol Iheir whole number so iguo t4 tu.i awkward, and too cnscieiii oux lor t)ie people about bun, l gr ive and absurd for the efeant hy-pii-rics of high life. He canno lonk rietiple in the face, fi .v, mntle, scjoeze i heir hands, and swear tha be isfijtud to seethfMn, while iu his hea t fie is w'ihing them at the hot torn of tin lied Spa, nor, if you were to I ilk with hun for ever ueS; is the fttopulity of ihe animal, w old you be"ahe to make him perceive I hut tich behavior is either expedient, or wise, or manly. To give ti e character a decided 8lftpC if you are on the look out fo a friend a fnend lhat will slick by you through good report and through evil report, so Ion as you are able to satisfy hiui, whatever tho wor d may York. Nor vi! Carolina 13- 11 nttitvt; ' MeS . C' U er . 1 L l i. Virgi-i a. rt.UIH C-AHOLINA D 7 lia'IV'S, Mr u kei I N-nh Carolina, Mr. M Dodi'', of tieorgia. (jeougia 7 -3 natives, Messrs. Forsyth, liayoes and Thompson, of Virginia, Mr. Cory, of Maryland. ICiiNiucicY 12-4- natives viz: lesrs Henry, Leeompte, W ipklifto and V nog: all the rest Virginia. I'ennesee9 l native, Mr. B air, .Messrs. Alexander, Allen, Ceke, Houston, Marable, Mitchell, of V r ginia: r Isaaeks a( Pennsylvania; Mr. P k of North Carolina. Ohio '4 not one native; Messrs. Bar: ley. Bindley, Sloane, Thompson, Vance aod Wood. Pennsylvania, Mr. sav -a friend of few words and of Campbell, of Virginia, MrrJenn ngs, plain word, who will prove hisjof New Jersey Mr. MM.ean, of Ken- frieodsbip, whenever there .8 need ol moral proof as few o'her men wotUd though, to pove bis impartiality, he AVinil-l be sure to abuse you behind votir back for that which he would rant i h ,n ii 1 1 1 ft dp n f Bo t o nc: hard-1 f.n i ve i u another, and befoVe- vou ly a inn. luni-you would be willing ) face, for that which he would ap K put among the boors, the rustics, prove were he n tyoar friend; jf the pe;i-anti , or Hie p'oviucials of y -u are on the lojk-out for frienship ihrre fourths of Bui pe; but, theu, . like this and are wiltioga0vaif.a tbeyJlo not abound mi v ry superior ; year or t w.i, or an age, or iwoy as the mn ilir tlMV hut U e and there ' cksp mav be until u deserve it, or one who would be qu tliliil for conifoti have occasion for a hearty lucky, Messrs. BcecSieri Wright and ...... 9.. m a m W hittlesey, ijoonectiput, and ir. Vinton, of Mo-sncbusetts. Louisiana 3 not (ne native, Mr. Rrent and Mr Ourlev. ''"of Co'iucti cut, and Mr. L vin,'i n, f N V k. Mississippi i--Mr -nkm d ceased) of Pennsy lvania. Indiana 3- its B''N North Car- s nliua, Jestr-. Jen niogs aud Tesi, of New Jersey. . . III! no is t Mr. Cook, of Ken tucky ' : , t Alabama 3r-Messrs. M K.ec and T ....f. ..ft- ii years. I fir oiae.iw mji'h -uui'i mhi , one vrini iiihi urijiMiui-" -'","n(y" - r ui.;.. ..,.11, iii.. Urji rn .ii nf W (i . ! c i it f., i fft- hfl who will be sure to delivered, and grew so warm intbelrop . st-.rp they will have; but just keep you at work, night ni l day. Owen, of Vt pjinia Mr. dispute, lhat it noon ended in a chah j now their chief men are bui ' liUryj for the rest of your life tin;- (ien North,.. Garli.n.a.kr-.'".'. Alttore, of leng ; thev both therefore turned tbeir horses, and rode hack so far as to Lave sufficient space for Iheir career, then placed their spears in their rests, and Hew at each other with the greatest fury ami rope u shy. Tlr ir - shock was m rqdei'aiid nhe' blo w iirj each side so effectual, that they both fell to the ground, much wounded and bruised, and !ay there soxne time as in a trance. A goddrui f, who was - travelling that iray, fouud them in .jjiis condition. - The druids trcrc the starn in the hkv ..f their country nine Yankee,' tb eoid, upright; Missouri 1 Mr. Scott, oi .vjnry- I liPk hnVH ihe Sii ttcn iiar'ii- ttouara tooKioi; nauv inew imaii-s lauu. hoo t. H e Scotch rabiiyrad a ! .od , ler i y.iur. 'iian. . .h'Hil'f WL!? in a rch ul a iion r neoioin i. a se - - -'.,- j ,, vere cri if, a profound lawyer, a gen ... share of ihe Scotch forbearance, or 4Uhrni!tiv .lies-, vbieti th-y eall re signation, Vptnjhe.poin.!.. . n.hcre...uU 'mVTris''To io g . p diiable; but not hin- of t b &Tyirctnpir Ue-tfo sycopjiint k tehe hy the w.iy, whteii we hold to be a caricature of ludividiraN. t f a nation cari mature ut ot ctcb .t-opie, .'huv 01 rcoicuuicn. jluu & univcvs niu, iu I he whole number of members ro 2 is- of whom 5 arr- native-f M -ttwOT 19 ,if New H ":.nMirc. 20 of M -mi. mm i ft . m m " - - - - w w w m w - .. . eri (for lef Mthe uarictan, abusband, 'who,' C 'nneetien', 2 ..Vermont, CI .f hnworcr much he ma respect and ew V ot, IU m e ' y. " ' - J ., " - . - ' . ! .. . .11 .... It ...ln...... 4 i.l II.-' IVit f Ia. , run i n. prniiif .17H.V. tun m i-tiin.iiiiuiti ,Urr to V,r:5et yU are a worn in every .Mary Ian I, 42 -f JL. -gna, i n i lit mm k.in I ever valour in she Vnri b CariU' a 7 tt S u b C (du?-f V " be'.ive like a f t nay, i of titH gta 7 o; lv. ni ' h: i ' . .a I ... I . : .. ..,1 ikousrh ton are jinot nan tusvue, etinssee, auu oo "uu . ;-'v-' . : . " A.' ' 3' of 1 ,.f i.v r - OI v. J -, IT .w.W'.,.w:ii'.l-u.!.'Jii-ia,q

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