NO. 8f r - ; VV returned from our excursions . - F ii mini" ..---. - r - . I. prints! pushed w,.ky by ,ub1ime More ,u Kre. r. strmtqe. , hj fhn( f l()-Pi4;t, -yyl j w 0,ly fe.-t ad Ilia" ill"' ii" '."' J , . i -l..... ii,. niiiiitds ttllil lo onnr-rs .. . ,i -i.i.m. nhumpd ot the iniuJouf ive., olu mnus, Mountain, coml 14Um i onuineu - flv,.ti,.b,. Kro cirort ob up .be,. WJ. ID ,.u.lfr . Well, aI"h rertuiun) the htighl of A J.-A r l i lb,. o br t84 feel ad e,., (N.W Hi .u-r. ii i i con 4tn ii rii i T ' ' , - , it . vf.fy B .ilUeoniinr,(. wiH b mml J , I ' n eft)ie pio, ifi auofrg, nd mr..HrmS t6 , . . i mrmim prnncr: n is iitu, m Fnnn n H-rfnl perionn. -no n a- - our rrtinbpover ueM gnuuir Ai Two UMllam . er hiimuiii abif wiif'n ire n.imM s from tlte ree-i oT the iirst number, orThree D .itari nfter ihe pxpiralign r th1 time. JT jieperjo he discontinueil until all arrearie ivre pttVl, ntf f ih.. Hditnr: am! failure lo dered a n w engtpni-il. farn.p , "Uel, Wa rnhH growil. in our euolr f ? VV,. vUu.uHtl, oear iV r, . , J wt . O lit Y rsichester . . b, 4 j fiiroVfri 7 ' ,AM(1 IU UC. Hj v eve!' In ui lively urie nie, there is not a.doubi bul w? Iav qualiri, ad ttp.vsVnd' hiiMf and beet , &. &e. to rivaUr oiiUtrip all6UMiiler. Unl) ,.bi rve, thr.' WtteliVier editor Not excedicig t6 luiei neatly in if rtfr.r three timevfor one dtUi and 35 cents for every: vjoceediw; publi """ ";r:v. p.iprrtiiYr) -fiittf!fa to ibe Kdi, tor mu?i bf. pos paid. Tlia l'lLOT aNB AWHATuVrN Moun 1 4 1 3 i gjrV;-1' thM&st'WJ fftf State. cuXCLt OKI) V "AftPr feaiHi j; l-r weik n the native limine fllw Pilot, we n- x psfcffv miles 'eastward H 9awrailwii , cnouniiim. which naeend-a at tb hei pnt ofeli tion,eHed A!.re MiM'tntain. i Lin1neare, tlboti-h l ibber thaa :;' Pslot, ii lest difBcali ..d peril..os the tMteulf th ogUMiinciently Uor. oun. The veiw viiih u preAeu'ii, i' VxaUr io tl& ofbr, if ihVodtlnie of t!u? Hle i ide I... a liitfejaf i RfAod-ur l,y a '-! ' crease irlirrneTtrr- hn - - IbAti compensated by tb? ilut H ; tvhieli stampioti th most hfutitoHftiir. Vhwttn that ad.irns tthe- nuh". cT ilor Mouot'iJiV U:'also -of a highly iger caitng eliafietcrl On nswii. ue Are. conducted to a pa( dc which, though irnall, i emincutly :.. to tbo viMur it chrtnin -iween per peadieutar rocks, iy five fen i. bf.ght, a narrow sheet f ailtery foaiu, falling first dbn a pree:;'ee 30 feet, aad ihbii rolling flown an in clined plain with peculiar grare nt b"jJiiy. This water-fall is r' bi4 deo among inaectible roc ';. atu emsineri without a name, lint in;r party, that Mr tc . weiKi'tz, ihe, celebrated hotanl had recently penetrated to this npo.f, in purnuuig wrd It is quilf in the ntye ofj New YoVk. He announces a puinp k n a we would a' .aertad) or a Keaiu an.peinng of a lull s Ht ud, r a bobiizing of a Hatre packet. La l Ka I 'UOM KlIliOl'K. tended us n our rrtmbiesover llee gu.a.. , FRrwell In" " . . - ti.:- .nidivmi i nrnkx a nie fo a rareweu mountains, Wf hail nrnri'i-ireqiieni .... n,,P.v rr..M, ., remarkable emim-ne s, M ,c V i ilKi,r ri.H... iI.h head waters of he U mnokef theit annhe appllobular, perhaps they J, th,Vthe.B ue ridce. ver, ,,e may t.ckle it, nuke M a globe, and w hn h a-rtsited 4 p: d4MMMW J I " dy geumrlry . J 1!. VKU c' hr nrrn f t b .nsWiiju set nert i tema that-inaat; asJLBi: rvv i v. . iwf 4jpt, .Maey!rom,ilLy.rf.t.sef .o see it ; and, it is all. Here is a new way oi lei- R of Furj8 lluKr8 lo lhe iviihiKtlie hmils of Virj? ina, and ling an ol'J 'ry. ' .nfembt.r, an,j i ,ttVie to tho ... . .. L,' . i- i. i iiprn sftrmn lo ne i therefore asi le from the row which "JK' Z1"1. " T in lvilf(r,,,)r so ,neh taken ,n giv.rg eurLty too much nvral.n.,,1 ,. ..H,em,tsof krgc apples, permit -inn rested w. - region of wonder,. A da,', ride to ; n.eniion a largn pol.toe lae J 1, io.n Voor's "mountain, brought us Mr. Benjamin Andres, of W .-d- .o the base of the H-ne r.d.e. anil h,s bur , Conn. It .s ofthe k .ud, provided o.rseke. wi.h guide, and e.,ha 3 ..ond. and 12 ounce, ,;et otrearl in the morning tor Tt,ts is the poSM,e m r Pinnaeles of the l)a;ad reached wLi, began ous. d!, I u ...e ioprfrtbe ridge long before, the enpked oyef agaio, called Mer.M,, . (Ihich sho glorf usK otf the ant toftoh-r rdit.r as a com- Vonical mnuntaius, th, for- an in- muuieation fo. . or Mnn our ,reMing se,es littl, etnrd nf worthy ea rj fnenuj nemain ridge, ), Ud 'removed the Ke1ip.e turn..s. bir Heuryj b of light f'om .he profiud vali.ts Menn, heets, c. Ac- I bl? .?: V ' a . i , it.iu like icood c UhSincahon. whish lay at our feet. 1 canant. wiu. Pun Su' (1t wandering to., far from thv prin- ell, lot us go on . . .. :,,,:.... -..J,,,!.!-, Eriflf Wm.-As you ha. I. iL'o ,1 lha reon of cids, iraordlnary' f' . J . nere' (iieai Nuiure ,weN inHsrlul yr pipr, a-ui.. . r ...lirodrT" The rulct is -ftyeller.nnve J n.w" j . v- inei iii Mime pce, uibi w-, n time, w.'hii a stone's throw of i tie waterK thai empty inta the Mis i!!p;: oi ihe one iilra::S of those that empty into the Atlantic on the other Ofthe former are the head waters of the New It.ver, and of the .... vp.I in Humden. C nn. A puni. kin vine it s ems had beeome ilmcuu-tenu-l wi'.h its proper sphere. had ciinihr up t!:e side of a burn t: the ridf. which might be 30 fee. au.iiPDded a fine v el low putnpJiin: it Jwill probabh take;it waters Oi me new invci, i .t i. Utter are tho remotest fountains of fliulit in abaut two weeks lor thanks the Yadkin and the Koanoke ine'giving Finfiaete ofthe Dn or sharp conical peaks, riii iia; twelve or fifteen bund dred feet a 'ive the bed of Dan Uiver. uud converging - arly to a point, that one standing on the vorrex mat &.'not reach r u .d the -mountain with iis eaoe. Tberu are several of theie sharp peak which t .ether coustituie the Pinni iea. The mica slate roek J w - i l. r. i nkiui. mnn the rti'Min-' a !,it. d. ! thpir hnM' nmieet (heir nernenuic n.rttion of its romantic se.enery. we ular frnta (called J)y the inhabitant. agreed with one enosenr. l deigna.e it afterwards by the name f octiW' einitz Falls. On our return, w vis t-d a" ted grotto called the T'tiry "House. The access to it on all ide i pre cipitnnsand diflieult Uenee it was elected- during the Revolutionary war, by a number -.-f torieu forming a party of marauders, who. like eot tish Highlanders of former lime-, sallied forth now and then upon the neighboring lowlands, mid plundered ii.a inK.Kitonti Iii this seeliKleii $au'teeth) into the stream, first u one side n d on he other, forcinc it im a z gzag toure down lb de elivity, an obstinate and angry con flict wi i itn waters. A DI8H FOU l uB HUNGIIY. FROM THE NTl0NALiA0TOCATIt. ?: Large. Putatqe. A Jjio t at oe, of t be long red kind, weighing three pounds and twelve ounees, was raisedvio W oo Iburv. Conn the iireseni seasod. ... . i Ur lUui Anilrews, rauisn bv Mr. it" m Anilrews snot. Wft discoveredKan rcfied en-' meono-23 inches 10 en cumlereuce, trance, through which we r pnsieu. , wa raii-u i an.uc,. ... and found oursefvci in a vaulted ea vern of very r gular struefure, fifi en feet hich. fifiy feet long and twentv feet wide in the center,, but. converging toward the further end. The nreh is th ro u gko ut - r e ma r kably we YLMisAi bsrdlya knobor migular point ap p&rrto impair the hmbothnes ofthe surface. The roek consist of angular pieies of quartz, st wedged as U H-t "each other with grpftt;'precision, aud of white mieacous rocks 'ileely;pard b i be hand of nature Uolbs sauiw level. ' . Uttcr still. A vine climbing i j to lieu vi1 u on the fide of a harn, at ' the pumpkin taki'g a fiigtit t Thauk(giv':ig as Noah's dove dui from the A(k, are truly new a. Ughyr porlical ideas. This nitici' wns taken also from a New Haven Piper, and the fttory must have con.e throuIi be brains of ome of tlf ConueetiesH pnets or pedlas. Bui Connecticut must not Have an iue I'!m wav fo- Virginia. Jfammoih Cuniblin -A. eymblin h w s raised bv Mr. 'Iy- .r Pnulkr.sof his county, weighing 8- poonl and measuring 6 feet in e rcumferebce. It grew on a plant ...... i. un,i nf n wimer sneeies. It i now eiliibit'iig at this place. ; Hal if. H. H V.) Oct. 10 b V ' jyih inclusive were . reeeiv . n. rfondo paper of the 25th. iwn days ..trr than before received, un-e-by th.s vessel. . ChK Fabiier has at lergth driven iIjp I ii i k from before Allien-, a d ! opened v c'ombiantentinii wiih Agoi ami Napoli. A Mvtionar n ' y Vat to be held in the 51 ore a onho litlruf Septfn.btjr, at wMth it wus hoped Lord C'f'Vtirape ;Jotild be.pre seut. Colojotroni twas colleeiiug troops to ai'tHrk' Ibraiitm at T'ripo--lizza and Cantiiiii, wbofis said to have gt a rcihfr emt nt but it will h pn.v .to crush him ' A letter fYorji the Frenel. Ageut t, thetfcpk Ootn- (ini tee a raTisn o".en i p"" koma Joty Stst, siaiefk itia iweive tsel s :f ro m- Kf and n4 P r-ee f tn.Jen with iuuniltns, sce tui arri vnl in nafety. A great lire broke out ai ().nstaninople, on ihe 3t-t nf Au giiH, which coniinu d on the 3d of S-otftfiber he the lu t jecoutit. were recv', F akes of fi e were tl.rn falling upon the Srrtt, thct ... ' .T' i 7V 'It gales ot wliieti were nprneu m an Hie fugMive who bud. faVOfedJho. refarmation htveral thousand bod ies, it was believ. d, had falieB a prey to ibe flames. .It is added tlint i;o iVonle onDosed the. measures iak n to eiiiiigui!i'.lhe fire, otmervir)g tbat II lTn U iUUI.HI.t.'. run ....... ; vr ii for Ihe laie dft rlirtir.J)f Wn Jaiirsaries. I he fire hao j.netra tsd from the garden gate lb he mos noes of the sultans Arrorat and Ba- pizet, tbenee along: the Walls of the - Seraglio to the ea n M&ruinra taking in its r uite many palac s of the great, containing immense riffle.. 1 On the authority of the French pa pers, it i stated that Com Ham ilton has communicated to the frVtk aulhoritiea, tbat the British Ainbm Hador at Constahiioople, is authoriz ed by t'e European power, to treat, with Turkev for.Nittlenieut of vouOf thsyeaabnt give the nation rpore Fresidents. they intend to try their luckm squashes. But think ye the noble Virginians would enll x by the vulgar nam of squash? B no ireeee. but that the ugotisiions have beeii.delay ed jn eonseqiience of the recent difficufties in Coostantinople. The intelligence from Sir Peten is to tb- 8th of September It trie vulgar nir --. 0- . - means. A cumlin they call it for is state ... the W pape rs hat . m tar t J. L i. ..Ita III I II V ni MSI HllllI'Ma in a ditffi of remarktuie poiaioea, imbruing r. . . . p , . .... , - .Liv. i ....ith.ttr in. oh r neir? lnrlioou.. our cry reauers uoiii. .- - - ... ' i - . . F. tir nnr dinar u bxuwrance.- e ...ihV...irv summer. I he are lufonned thai Mr. Joh:, I it', of Ja.kM.o .nee havr issued new papers S..mers, has raised in his garden ilic i . . . In ..iim.ilr.ri .ovii. hlitniiMirtl l.ase t-cyi varied ason fro.ii a single pumpKin eu, ' '. . .' "' A . f J-. . ' I L ...,.1.1..,. I.lltt l Lull. to record t he . Une ul-s.iuaslres-t.uny puoipKius, Alter s - name and radish, toiues beet.. Oil ft i fflr , Uiv-rcwiif itsg V i I'l l 4r the auuals of pumpkmi that in wei ruie. pre.cnw UntHian troons hnv marched for 'he Crimear Forty -.-fiv4-Uttsadjnej, are ready I" cross the Pru'ji, and one "lunilred thousand are on their way to reinforce,; The Fu ueror . Nicholas hos pub I is fie da mani f e tito. i ii , w hie h " Ii e s a ) J. -r-- hp-"-"