rav.TfBi.PfriMi: ........... .. ' ii.. 1. . gueexsborougiL JV q. Wednesday, December mm.. NO. S3 VOL. I ,-'""""( " " "' ' ; ' ' ' r 1 1 ' 'If' v i i . ' " T . "... j . THE PATRIOT, U printer! mid published w kly by T. EARLY STRANG Et At Two Dollars ;er annum jmy able within three months from ile oiint nf tho first number, or Three Dollars after the expiration f that " NT. paper to besl-onnued unti all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the Editor; and a failure to notify a discontinuance will be cousi. dered a new engagement. ADVERTISEMENTS Not exceeding 10 lines, neatly in- rJWlftfj tbree times forone. dolla i , and 25 cents for every succeeding public it naked and deformed state, .hilxprCHH his views concisely for pub qu.l, Asm.), and Quin.o, reHing lls.naKeo aou uaiuruir i ii,,. events in Ven zucla. I he meet- Itiey may nc aoie lojuugo wi , ....... hi...,? and necessity. I hough , rh iwnt stale of Greece is in we are well aware that there are onTivabiy Wretrhed. Not only anme established iu , their belief and are thousands, of its inhabitants des nothing but the close of life, will "d'tit uj(f luthiiig sutncieiif to pro socieiv ol their unfouod.d and be- ect thetti fcmihtK it(c h-mtcy of the wildered npmiuns, im we vr.su. . ,p',roa( ,,,, ir,ti r, hot arf in v. ant aat toward them noi w.ui ti.c.j W.sns lu , rWiUwJimg: or cruelly but in ft maijnr cmm ,jfl -Tbl. 9tt.iJiil of the ,.,.,.. -. " , iriosH wasrnist i in the I'eloponessus convince by frrendly nolicitatioo, I ' . l,nenone will be discouraged in a more than five eai eai.e f such vast i. portpte, to ulnch t.me the (.rk have .hewj, convince the world of ronS, but a detennintioii worthy uf thi' iri faiihfully persue the rational Vure Siu; and, in many a haid I- light bat. pointed oat by the finger ofwiffUm, tie, hate fully demonstrated, that it is ni the work f a day.week, they will live free of the Tin M r a nwith nr a year, but the wurK oi ,lP ,,, arm. I h Ititve column ico aces; It" u ende vour if pitbtc.io yU at .VistAes but not giei.tei thnn eenvii i e om lellow member Cof t?e onP. arnuaintW1 ' one. arouamted with Iheii nuiditi- n. imuoliev mnliffnaiid'y and fiMlyI wafj g1:w.ilt tiaVo vtwrti d. I)ih ins mv hy cxjuinltf..u eatloa; thoie nfireatfHeniH4hej lvi ,aa,e proportion-Letters to th8 Edi-jael ennMitenly wuh the principle pstoriis,e( j Cor mut he post paid. The n sult ol then hut crimes, i 1 1 KPeinif , pr . , b.. hr, d. 1- ,, VM,ut.. a,nil!s, t,,rl, ,ir, learn. i.ci bic:i u oh io5' "v ' r ... I .1...- i.i.t. i. and conftiHon. OIIU uir Willi in - . : . h. r ,.'.."i.;nnf Hwer ..iiiirMMive t-vih etrujrmle, I hink. ts uncertain, ..n .kr....i.M.i i..nstend(Mi: anv thins which can ho dune to re. Delivered 'before Ihi Orvnge Peace ' wi(l be Society ou Wrist., as aaj ty.its h hnA t 1 olchii ity, vwii ihV of those w!m . I .1 .1 - k. jj I thf Viee lfeident ! I republic, the adopt inn of pacific mensui i in the agitated depurtmenlM, in ti e ba lief that they would be mote liWly to. coueiliMte all partira than what coyfd K, i' fleeted Jiy the adi.ti. of BfiiTile mivstt-.-aDd urging the return olVBohvar o the couihV ag one of the noil pwerful inti to By Bequest.' AU -XUIIItKSS. y$,rr;':;ondin Secretary John Staf 'ford. Fellow Citizens, by the irresintable dispensations nf Providence, sickn?(i in Person and family. I hve been UMuVit t,oj'prp,si.u u!nrrit,k ai(fVti,: ""P tbK vrtl not ftrevent thona wfee abilities far.ex- ceed mioe,frm ttiiful5ieethe?i viwt. ? comme morale. upin the uKj-i. oa uhic w ai'e ontii:l, It is ifidifVcS r. mK?f of aa to :iimM:t and regret Chut '"..raiorsi M.kI tnwm t a w a g.P a L jk f a !onf u ari'l rrifi)i ' minds so teldom touch upon ?' u--gV4ditititfl pHrftie.u practice of :public hostilities, yei a ..fttatier of. mnr surprise when we rllrct thai it has been the chief road to fame for more than five thousand years, arid is at th' time, the wonder & !ra'rn ti ' of two thirdi of rnankiiMl, a tonishin bow far men have beenhd atra? by th faeindiin view of rob bery and murder, h;w far they av been l?d from the p ith of reason. There is nothing I hut diat jnguUhe maa from thetbrute creation, rueh does not blush at the thought of ap palin, to-vialenee, for a redress of grievances, or a recovering of justice. Suppose thre was a nnsn. for t ven rod of trnuml upon tho whole eurth, and an equal division made and a battle commenced, car) any reasonable feature way, that such a at i!e truetion of the Uvea of men tn J tre. mendouawaste of human blood, would be , more likely, to br'ng viflb T), hi favour of tne m ffndin party than a battle between ten me or a inle com bat between tw ifidividu als. If not, national disputes mijjbt as well be decided, by rafQ ns;, or any orher uacrtaio, or unreasonable pume. Alas howx many million nf meo have been destroyed, what rivers of human- blood have hern poured 'm by brutal and malignant .pngsinna whilst it reasonably and er dt-ntly appear that all national disputen, that have oceured, durms the last fifeen hundred yenra, might have been as justly settled by tossing up cross or pile, linw can such palpa ble iiicougistencies, such manifest, injustice and cruelty exist at so late an age aa the, nineteenth century, in 'a country called civilized, and among; beings of o noble a structure as tiia'n it is evident that . en are- .misled by early education, tharmed by the pop nlar Mound of war, tnslaved to acta of lasting shame and crimes of the largest aize; : :f he object of thii as eociatien, into divest this wore tbaii i brutal custom; of all ita borrowed plumes, and place it before the pre fail in justice' to the decision, did i reioirr in leaning the Hggreatt of n; avail myself of it, to My to those uwn mvsrry. I here is intfrrd, who d tubt the undoes of our vlev?, enough of fliisery in every patt ol or efficaey, of our labours. tnt: tnP urld; but that of which I iw at chr tiaos,t!tey wish Christianity g,,! fa uf peruliar kind, juxi tu p cvail, they would cultivate the nus eMc k ,PHl.t C)f evfr .p.rit-fc.e, and.mitate the e.am- A . the Greeks "iri Strug ,.r ........... u.r jvsnnr fathers did, for frcedot ami itidcpeiK!ehce; though rsotfroo From the Httslou Gazette, a Chrisiian l;;it a -Mtdiumet.aii pv Wc kt n.iivi ii .with Mr. The saci ifi es they have math , Mittrr, who visited Greece sd,..ut tw- I believe, are greater than wrr year-H aeo, under tl.e patrooaue ol ever mde by any other people the (ji e R ComtnlttP? of this ciiv?and -I hey cannot 8iiho.it at nimti..i.. the accoot he irivea ol theeshtule without jeopardizi'ig theii livev, e.nd awUuffWKitr eonditi.m of that on- exposinr thtir wives aiul dtmg.'t ers presKcd people ii most appalling, to the . lustmt of a beasliul Iicni.fiiuiH tho statement civetKio soldiery. I he history n iomii i I papers .lor some time past, of their Turkish trcatien teaches them wha, nriva iuiis mihI iliHti esses, i he :iv they may expt CI lli iney hu irai m rttip caiiitulate. What cai thy iW soldiers Koff red exrenri'ly durir.g I ell me not of lurkwli mercy .or the ue of Mis.qoloi.ehi? so !il of Tin kisk faith. I hey are merci those, afterwards, v!io escaped. Ma- fnl only when there is fear f ictalia ny chose death rather than he cmm-, ti. n; and Keep tlietr promise wny 'ured S he wants d' most of the inhabitaots of the M.o'rea ate ex. ireme; atid those captured ate trea ted in a nrst brutal manner, in Atiica and yEti lia. the people are in a dcsti tite condition, lul nothiru will induce theiii to subtnit to their cruel oppressor.. They air etitin-ly devoted 4o free theinsclves fiom the Turkish yoke, or. to b na, rnfii ed in self def nee. They do not fear death. It is only the povver of the 'irif:def f whic!) hev dread. Mr, Mdhr nays that r restore the couulry to its fornieraiaio of tranquility. A to meeting held in Guayaquil an the 28th of Augul. it rrourd-. 1st 'iia the ex rcise of rhe soVe reignty,"ihould be devolved upoi Bo livar, the father ol t is eounti)- liat lh Liberator, being invesitii with dietftliTial power should ucc c iifge of., tire rieiiinies of the lh puh.e 1 hat he shall call a drand C n(i biiiifl "Coitteirrtirn -rtir x1ix.hNwBi1itrs " (ion of the .republn r I hn eof of the foregoing II solution util he triiismitu iTto l.i Lxre-llcnc-y 'l I at ail the rleproient3 of the li 1 odlic bhi uhl b invited t- foimw iu t-XMin- ple ot bua) ttquil and i hat, until Hi hxvellenn 8' ouhl arrive ant on- lei take lire JJit tat r iHf,-4i.e aoit.jor- iiies of (juayifUiiil h-ud rniaic tho name, and in the iao e ? before Ban. fed. Guz. when ii is not lor their inferest'to h'enk it. This is the uiihapjy state ol (ireece For my own prat, alter having seen much of the natute o tho iiresi iit atruirtrle.. and learnt smiiC'iiiing of the characler f th modern Greek. I have. 110 hesita tion in paving, 'th?.t I consider them deserving the cirnparhy and aid of tbc christian world." Boid. Gaz. IHNWIA. We see in a London paper, the ilioni f 'lowing: ' 'rhe Dartmoor frigate would be as acceptable to t i 111 i men or at mv riiouclr thev a e n . in regular disci plinfdXrmies, , they unite and fight bravely when the enemy appniachesBut that it is ilifBcult to form anil keep up a regu lar standing ,army. He thinks, if the Porte is ntberwiHe occupied, as may he the case In a war with Rus sia, or the present difficulties wilh the Janissaries, that the Greeks will soon be able to recover from their suffering situation, and be free and prosperous. Mr. M, is a very in telligent man. and his opinions are entitled to full credit. He went to )( Jamaica, with the British min rt;r Irom the Congress of Panama, arrived at Ports.n uh Oct. 12b'' Where 19 the Amenean mioister to. the congress ol Panama, about whom the nation was in a ferment last winter? Is he about returning to the United States, or has he bc n engnged a whole year, in rtnlHting the elee linns in Pennsylvania, instead of attending to tho public ihhim s." ' V. V. Eng. we are indebted 10 the polite atten tion ot Captain B jisstiere, for (ilea of Panama Gazettes to the 17th Sep- Greece with honorable anil dslW-r,M,!er: MilJtej terested views. And he will always ,n 1 . M ivv.u.'. e ... . t . 3d we find a .'..description q la'ge a r.i.ie Ha,..,a, nm. . meeting held in the City of Panama. tej? 1 P'Wf. Cby the Tmriniciijal authorities ilntl a th mnchmitredjfeopte. number of ciiirent to take intn eon. Sihce nennlvt: the above para iteration the situation of the repub- gratdi. Mr. ; Miller handed us the lie, in eotifequeocf of the procediiis The following inloimatioD cat not fail to be highly iuieresiii.fr and gtat- fyu 's to all persons whom puliiieal dutv, Trade, or pleasure, mat in v te ' . 1 to travel betweu 1 lie .iHtis;ippr a. u tiuritic enuntriffl: Cincinnati (Ohio) Nv 1. An expei tttcn h bti n made wih :i mairiieanT bout. duiiig the" p; -hpiji state of wan . vv I. ich pi. veu oeynod a.doubi that travellers 1 d not in future be detained beiwer. C'tr cmntili and the month ofil et'iio The Triton, carrying about 0 hnd her -engine takn nut a f w wefk since, and tawed over the ti Iff, here she wa4asrHiti refiittl. Nnco that time, this tine little boat l i s bren running niili'iit intermismoo .r stoppage ol any kiul, ondwitl a lull complement of pastengeili, be tween Louisville nnd lripiU. I''T the mouth of the Ohio. I: is gener ally agreed that th river has ml been low, s if nvv is, for ma y car; and if such boat as the Tritcn can now navigate it. no fears need in future, be entertained an to tlip pas sibiTil) of keeping up a constant cm-" muuication between thi city and what is called the "lowec couu r),''' at any season of the year. A few sti-am boats, of the proper size will no doubt be organized into, a regular line of packets, to ply iiystcmaiicaily lie' ween the frails and the Lower Mississippi. By this means an important im provement, and even a change will he tftcctefl Tin Western traveling during the early weeKS in tue ran, no rnueu lifnculty has hitherto existed Irom low water that the idea has .become " prevalent that the lower Ohio is scarcely navigable at this seas n. Aa opinion of thi. kind has prevented imny ot tne noumern - innauuai.ie from returning; home this way, jrt.d sent, (Tern by sea. 1 vviM be a grat ifying pieee of, intelligence to r our friends below, to hear that in fuTore they.jmay depend upnn a certain and safe.steam boat journey home at any period Jiis bat an act of justice to the nwncrVoffhc steam boat Triton to state, that we have R cn letters in the highest terms rf the rhinner in which this briat is managed and eondoeted. CVmm. Reg. Tenne$$ee bill j before ho L'srtfitii ". uf tl is Htaie. vich lent, as well as rising generation, jOtfo)lbit ImTiiDg'Jbcer'uestetl.'ta'ltQid''''' in the .departments, of Ou'aya ; seems likely to psss, which has for 7 w -- f- , I