'averv town in thtv ftlnfiv (lux ,1. n ..u... i. . r.Ti .. .. . . i i!.e v.iuM..hniei.i t a f m'liUm fert li.v 7r",7' - U'rom ll.o Virginian. Ho- I-luteal liojirov.. The d rf, wi I, oT, r VJZ,ty i,, US t'S tU"U'"S .dU ar8i Tl.e..Eq,rer",,uUI.,l,ed. a few till 10.-,P..r.S . hoard 4e..i... ,,ro,lt; from 'one aud Tlil " ?Uml,.e"9a,,u", "f' " . dialugU, which owe" '' " iwpr. f,..U h.lrt.fk. p.rre,f,. ,T . f '"" 'l' i,a ""S witless wight, tJ.f hoard for lulormil .:i,irof mi,i . I (,,,. ... .i... ..r """sand to nearly lour hundred-i.relendmi f. I... tl, ,.-.1. t in tj wvta.i. c V1l mousanu dollars. " I f thousand dollars. ler,t :.oBd the directors to, be chosen ; other small grams, and other product! mihVer "' the year 1800, wherij ftl,., fjayf wjtj, Us usua, wuini na ru uc.,canl of rducUflCO in inSU.tillZ tbO j i y4 - - J vui 11, IIUUI the (.overnor to bo ex-idheio presi-j thirty to forty hostels of oats nnd . , , , I i.n. u nit I UlUUUCII .y the legislature, to have such com- in the nuniu proportions; whereas pc -i satiuu us may be allowed by law, I 'he same lands under the with power to appoiut a civil arid to pographical igineer, and to ditt-cl surveys and estimates of public irn- iir'Vfirienfs, the reslut of which Yiicrc . , i luuuauto ill insuilUl? 100 present increase of Post 01hces:goml 8en8e uf tUo cwrainuMityf bamj xn mi Mail routcs has been very great; violating its own feeling of propri- ' t llPr-f VVPPO limn llcu lliun una I linn ! . . .. . . system, do not yield more thn - W m w the ubaveciwwiiinnpH it it'inf w iu- there wero iho.n livs flin nno ihnit Out in hp-'itnl in mikiiiro lui.-l. itm i Rilllll IKiet tirtu milv olinnl tiiiunlv difference is Mill greater, l.ittle or uo thousand miles of post roads, and shal Iron, time to time be reported to ; attention is paid by the great mass of the total amount of poshes was the egj-lature. i he bill al.. pro j farmers I, grounds of tins deieriptiou near a million of dollars less than tiura. iiini nit i vliil. uii ihi:ii rif- - n iniHn laniiu tiiu .... . . " J c'i'.ouuuiB aic is now. Unt hi nee -the close ol villi's lhat five per cent, on each re new til of notes in the state baak, slmll b'i retained as a funtj for inter nal impr vp i.eiit, to be applied under the uirection of the above board. Mil. MOXKOK. ('ol. Monkoe have commenced the publication in the JVationai In tt'lligrncer f a "memoir ou the sub (eel of his t laiuis on lite govornrnent of the U. States. " It ill be sue coeded by documentary evidence, Cj sus'aib 'i fit eh'ttraetef of his elaims, and to expfaim fu I ly and sal in factory ety, by publishing it: but unrintr that its devo ion to the libe ty of the Press, would not permit it to throw it in the fire, which demagogues manu facture out ( of the sacred name of Liberty too frequently serve as a If a A - a . geuei.ly very inferior' both in qaantie war in the nost offices have ! r ! Tequently serve as a tityaml nualitv. Perhr.ps it v'ould , m 18, uk. post oftices have 8nej to defend their Improprieties nofbefar'.rome truth lla v 2. U M hMand Ibeir baseness. It was the- u ! , .,' . r ucrii him mail uouuieu, anu so nas not Ue tar iroin the truth o say that .i . . r . . irnir, J the extent of post roa(N here were irom lour lo live ares are noiir uso- . . .' ' ally required for pasturing e eowr n T 1 ,,UM,II P" ' rts nd whereas (bat qua-diiy of laid outfit onv "r(J-'our thousand miles of to afford sullieieut feed l.r at least Post iiads. lvo. ltxleed two cows have been pas- L ,f' 5 tured iu this (owi,. mont of (he linie flfafi.Rhude Island and Lou to the-AjWTic.ir people, tht course Mien uuder,our. own obafrviilion, aad - pursued by bun .daring his two oiis hiim to Kranee. 4. oir1 ol these doeu ments, miys Mr M. relaiijmr lo ei t! :'T mission were ever published be-fi-rs I'or nhou.d 1 nov publish iliem; il" ri hdvaiieonieut to olliee was de pi I' liD in any instai re,bi fore in) ft t iov. eiiizej.s. Thy are connected w lb be- history of our Union, re fpe' iios; whieb. in n!J its important oefurreiiee-. a just opinion should be Im mcl. Iu I lie pres nt itafe thej cnu eff ei me "in point f character u'-ne, aUs!ractfijl from e.very otTier consi'leration To ibis I have look ed tilth g.-.eaf . 8 nsrbiliti through lif. f loving l ad oer .sii-ti to noliVe" l -th mis-tons in tl eir most materia eircumslHtwes with a view to m elnimu, and eon queoce character, I havrr ttTTT'iijr.t n :i irvvalHioronlv proper lint a du'iy io eomrrMjnieate everv docMiirnl uf ii'h eniilil ihron I j -vumi iiii'iui i.iinnu anu ii- (ivriog the present season, and might ' isiaua are at the extremes, in rc mve Oecn all the time, on less than apectrto'salaries to Gov'r:i..rs and .Mff ljeyj!aveh are in ine nnest oriler. an( have been i vl. ... . . " . . ' . . " deep ,in:Prs 1" h is fill hat has rrV,u' ai,H "'jues ot the co.ieei ever to have seen. It l,a . I Alllul'ilii' ll r i 1 to i . ..rfl.ZL f.;..if.. Qi rrahn.!. I ""?.' - 1 ..... .. berty of mind which threw down tho temples of God in revolutionary France, and consecrated altars to prostitutes. It was the liberty of ac tion ivhich made almost every man a murderer. And now the liberty of the press is appealed to, to justify ono ol the grossest outrages on pub- i-Mtou; icriiiit .which we rc j is fully illustrative of the. puiot we wo.iki esiaiuisl). It is granted that there are but few cows that would, with the same keeping, luve givei the sume'(uaiitily of milk, Hhouid i' ii asked, why? taeanswens obvym?.. i'l'O.'ll a IVAfll of lirntiur .. f r t . . .. t. tuif$fi-V f!ie salary Ontie Goverli. oris 7,500, and the juilees of the supreme court 5,000 dollars a year. Philadelphia. Nov. 20. as general ascit is just. Right or wranzl f he oonosfira of Mr. Adams, anione other uneandiil asserti. tis s ty that his friends would nave in in supported, regardless of Ji)ht on 'iher the one or the other.'' CIIIMK AM) I'U.NHH WKS V. A' the Circuit Court, sitting laxf mailt!) at Tuscilo-isu, , I, ,Jw,r, WilNams fou. i ' suiMy maustatth ter, was li'iel fijhj do lavs and sen tpne'd to six m -ii hs imprisonment.'' AN bile, at the saitu . Jam" 13 .Moure, Co .i iediif kiilin-u mne, was fined seventy five dollars a..l Siiit. need to two monlhi'iinp'is iimeDl." Verilj, it-would appfur, that in the opinion of an Al bun t Juryjjhe" life of man wasufKs nuc than the life ef a inrfr! AGJilCULruil L. 1 is of'r asserted, am.' by far mers themselves, thai nothing can be m 'I. by Agrij ul!urit. That this" uiiiin roiiR and resp- ctable portion of our citizens, taken ns a whole, do in iaet make little r notbi.'r more than ji bare suiHMirf for tbemselvi-4 nnvt vant of a defa attentinn tn I'm brieils and qualities of domcsfie animals U ihi topic sii'ne remarks will be tiade hereafter Mjsh. Vrumnn. GREISBOHOrdll : Wliik- Virtue reigns, le. be.' sons rejo At a meefinc: of the Guilford rj- culturrtl Society, on the SOth till, agreeable to prcviot:s notice, it was OrdefcJVUat the Cattle Show and exhibition of other articles take place in Grecnsborough, ou Thursday (he ii h dy o December next. Mr. Sergeant, the minister to Pa nima, paid a visit yesterday morn ig to the l j iiitcd States' sloop ol war H fir-net 'now iying in .our river. K;1 was received with a salute of thirtern guns. Mr. Sergeant will sail lor Mexico, in the Hornet, on Saturday or Sunday next. On Sat ui wrunp. . I nr.. i. . . a t . . . 'iiucmuco uBiwcea iur aarai Irinu iiid bis enemies is this: the firt are- lisposed to Rive him a fair trial. t support him until he violates his sa cred obligations and bctravs the in terests of bis country; while the kt. ter, having declared, immeil iaIai v after ihe election, that 'were. h.a. pure as the angels he shall still bo .a 4 a urday last. Ihe l1,il.dlpWa Bar Z l" " "L.J ."" i a usu i ram vfii in a i aa ave that centleman. at the Masonic n1ih that nhii .i....f . " p ii i- i - ' . uu luoiviiire op- 13 'ill. Sk I fl " 'J i 1 1 i innup iilimlt I ....... I...n . 1 ....... ,...y.. viiiniMi t i.ii no ji-isu nun iii evry act, and evey marked by the utmost cordiality and where misrepresent hi supporters. John H. Eaton, was this dav re. elected a Senator in Ciigr ews of the United htaten, for six v-ars from the j;h of March neVt The vote was 5 1 for K. 3 bla.ik-i 5 mem bers absent yVashville Rep. A'ov. 4. Mr. Jonathan Elliott, of Wash ington, has in the press the first volume of a series of Debates He. solo'i'ins and other proceedings in Convenfoin, in the state of Massa chusetts New Y rk, Pennsylvania, decorum. The number of the com pany was from sixty to seventy, and thevrenast sumnttious. William H- r - K twle; lsq., presided, Joseph Hop kinsiSri, William Meredith and Ha race Dinney, Esquire s, acted as vice presidents. Jurora. wV . Journal. - " " U t ' v,.. n iiiihk fum lies, eaunot be denied, liut this Vireini.i. and North Gsfrulina. n . .... .A . . " . - . ' uoes not prove me incapability of their bbuneg being made lucrative when properly conducted. Its ua. p r o ti t a b ! e ti e s , t h er f u r e as o h t o be Jiee, is to be attributed principally to an injudicious and mtlaken policy in conducting it, or to arel'esness atd Inattention, Among th capital errors ol our prnctieal farmers may was be riltlt. I'd U iliarairarrl I t mnn.i!. I tilling their lands snllicienily. Ah i ,ne "'limn, for Sacrilege, in tit ugh much has already beeu said ! committing robbery in the Iloman ou this subject, yet it n oue that can- Catholic Church of that city. iit V too often brought in o view, so ' r- ; n- us tho present system-. pursued. ! The Post Office.-Thirty-six years . -.i - ..l our Tanners- attempt toHm ago (i790) there were only seventy, prove more, .and tbaa what they can fiVe Post Offices in the whole of tile ut.eia to advantageously ,u!,ey United States; their number now w ould expend all the labour and ma- .o ' ' "iiioer now JW.pnA.tbjrdti.,raimo. oae l.lr ' 7L S'X ri,,usana. !,Ve the quantify of land 1 ' ccneialh.. thev wonl.l in nii ,was then less than two thousand A. C. Banks and Notts Th last Georgia Journal has an anieln o this subject which it is proper ii uo n iiceii, ir lor no other b je'ct than to correct its errors, as we hope they are. it asse;ts that "The StftfA ..f r..,.n. n ?: I "'' l MUM'I OHI.Ull- we nave tno proceedings oi the Ua, (we informed) finding it eonven Georgia Legislature to the 13th in-1 icnt to transfer funds to thd X rih elusive. A Committee has been during the winter.awison. sends an a appointed in the Senate to report -gent-tu Augusta wi;b a large amouot bills to diminish the number of mem-' 6,a ml'5, Toese are expe;idl in hers iu the Senate and in the House''! tne Prchaa- of Cotton, which is ship- of Representatives, by an alteration f. Y ,rk an: tnero ''d- in the Constitutor! of the State. A . e a,k ,,Uin the eomnd bill has been introduced to define the -d' m J1 - , liabiUties of endorsers, and place them on the same footing wt h other hi ftnL- i- ini,,..0j .-i . , .,. , , ine UAnk is interested in the answer, securities; another bill to repeal the whether it be possible that the State act of the last session, securing to Bank of North Carolina has stooped the State all valuable ores, minerals, to engage in a petty traffic in cotton? mines, &c. on any of the lands ceded We shall be gfad if the Ilaleigh e- by the Creeks: and a third bill to ditors will enable us to contradict Itnake the estates of all attorneys at the report. ' r; law liable to'paybefiire any other Tu0 Jwrti also states that N. C. debts, all sumsof money placedin Notes are at i i-s to 5 per cent. dis. their hittifl uf Vttl an I ii in In !... cunt in Charleston. This is not tho A man by the name of John Hart 'Senate on motion of Mr. Clayton, ract V?r has 11 been f,,r omH i ish tngat Quebec, Canada, on j a resolution has been agreed to, that J,a"J if we are to rely upon the quo-- t0tl. ultimo, for Sacrilege, in tbrnmmirrpn on u,a Vein f h0 uons in the Charleston papers, in Republic inquire into the expediency cent, discount. Fav. Ob. '- of resuming the applicaion, on the part of this state, to the General TAe National Road The Peters Government, to make another at- burg Hep iblican has understood from tempt to extinguish the title to the Washington, 'that the gdverument ' lands now in the occupancy of the -ha .'defiritely .determined' ftn the Cherokee Indians within the limits route for the great road from Vash- of this State, and in order to, "ngton to N. Orleans. the adoption of the Federal constitu tion. It s expected that the work will extend Ui five volumes, large Svo. The first volume is to pub lished soon after the opening of the next session of Congress. I rP!. II II ! I I i lilt ill. ii. i irnrv I lav. riiriisir'i i 1111 no 1 n-ii . r i. ... j ....j , ..i.. ... . ....i., 'icmpi ill or wrON'" nnl" uf ITiiii iiL' v onI T Aila nlinri.a. . . H r. ... I. . I I . .. ( e, our iarius are generally slocked ' " nJ l"K,5c" r ""iij wnriout 'v'h an inferior and degenerate bmtl M,,I", of Delaware, arrived in '"ondation. i'he supporters of Mr eatile, whieb aetuAiTv impaverish ie Union Line Steam Roat from have not, as y.-t, and we trust tieir owners. This sug"gets the e n- Baltimore on Sunday, and have ta eer will, by upholding an adoiio- iderati m 0f a second cror in-the heii lodgings at the Mansion House ',,,rd,,0!l "rjshl. or wong,, , imitate p eseut svHtem of aifrieuliufe H e U'tel. Journal. u" ' HP"rt w" are uetermined to -assail it "right or wronff." The eent. inoro produce, and the danger of a total fnilurejn their crops would he greatly lessened. Thi is Uot theorv unsupported bv farlHtatd 1hat65jcct, Crenerai upvernmcnt to proposo a route, ftiuginii ia, N". Carolina, S. Caroliov Georgia. t;es ohtain iivpoiw.f- .A r r,., ! miles, they now exceed ninctv thou, treatv allnwiu pnaercnfUTiu tn ibi' aul iaoma., We should reioiee to 7 . J J lid r I'll . m ' ' w f " " " . w.w.wm.wv... ...v , . . , . rtnu. inc.. toiai amount or posta- Indians, the agcrretrate number and . .U,B yeen nxeu. .. ,i:.i i A i . .. i oiu nor exceeu tinny eight thou- amount of whichi not o exceed one, , r j oe mc i sand dollars. They are now more sixth of the territory acquired, sub-: 00 yow9r than twelve la i s. I upoo but that cannot yet be the fact, the ?lvc liundred. t,o,19aDj d,,. jec, ( be -afterwards cxlingiislicdl VZ?foJlWL l,he t. "SI .V r exp e tif ne c t ox t u nu t e I y 4 h e r e a r a manv practice' v 4 . 'a t MMt- f wenty-twd! 1 alt. 'Journal. ' nivitirs4. wd Wft nni.i.n-

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