sss -33c? 1 f rno.tsj.jnv .stop 33 .313 o 1 , GIlEh.SIWJWU(iU -W.r IVKlfESUAY DECEMBER 13. 1828 NO 14 3X2E2D , I 9 1: i' ,4 IiJ PATRIOT, Is p-iiit'ii ami nihiiuii ivi .kly by T. EA11LY STIUXdE, At wo ll Hnrt ,tr ant um p' y ab wiiii-n ihrer moults from he rn ! of the firs' number, or Hire D- e.fter lie expiration tha' time ' N'pperto be H sc'Htitiiifl unt all Hrnurjf art paid, 11 riles at the opimi of l lie Kditor; and a failure to, nofily a dUeontinuance will be consi. tiered a new engagement. AnVKItTIKviENTS Not exceeding 16 lines, neatly in. serted three times lor one dollar, and 23 ceuu. fur, every Juectfeuiug pulv. C cation ; those of ajreater length in the art .'' jr.portiou Letters to the hdi to mud be ftoat paid. liirh t'.ere air n Kr iimli; ifll.w iu Ui ..u, Nrlirr. .bl., M'wtjH ''J "''J ."PI'.' ;;.!!;, there . l...K,r if n..thinK be .Lme! w ...e will Irn ... b.u.b A "'' P'' 3 'k-".,j lllger on their behalf? a w spread and rapidly ino easing population who have daily been (aught the outrage of right. Alas' poor Africa tliy cup is the essence of bitterness! ' The solitary magnificent tern- ple of the Uoiifd States "pens its portals to a'l lier nations but life, and bids thm drink freelyv of the cup of 'freedom d happinessi l?uf s ;.. ,.i..a...a. trom neucv eoneiumons re urv a WOI II l"ici III llirn .r,, v.. II U lormeu i ne wmii c. I,t day i- fast dtwnin when the bright beams, of Chustian ln-nevo. leiue sIihII di.el the las vest age of It m trno that clinmiani'y eihibits mill an f -i I le very (ot but it not ! true, that ltd roper end i high- ( liid nun k 1,'iPiniirc in our 1'iVoils . i. a . "j i i i ly in exuii in" r ii .... j.ri.rriii" ij rojiitiy. Tn immortal Kdinuud ifljf(.(i a dferaded -ven unto l.ell; jKi;hddpli and Ptruk Henry anl ut de it ot puipote, at im v y to uetivciir pturei dt when tb uiiolTeiidinir. enslavi d houh f lank (heir blood Nineared rliaiiiH undrr its'towerH. it soeeia at their calamity and inn ks there lamenta ta'ioiiM with the erho of rotdemp Vell might the immortal Jefferson exclaim ! tremble for my coun- ir when t reflect that Ood h iist it lielougi'd to the lulure gi neration object, to raise Inn up to r!('ar oil'- coun ry of the i-iquitous 0w dignified do the Weriptt tivSerii ii Ah -raw !.i''. v; WiHig enV him to hnve heeiv 10 ki . . i Hi ..i: : It.. . . i. i. r 'OH gaVC I H aHVnt, Uy Selling lie MIS oui insjurru iur urmiii ui example ot lihe.ating Inn slaves the Almighty! This beautiou g'obe KuhIi. Kr.nklio and Pembert.n, ml nlnv4 and fahioed lor hi- l.b their band to the wo.k. We can .Kver, other order U-er but be aH'onbed that the. work ba, " hJ"d n ," ft . . .. fc4 1 He Imesell made eaible of I. -Ming been so t.rdy tn ita p.og.e.s, or ra- W(th , a( ftt.1,iall therthat it slnmld be let Jail and dte, . . . . hi r-mili.r imim iC and fro ii tulips and hands of thoej fr-r)(Mi j Ar1 no lt,.fe na - AN -A IHI it !.(.- "- --I '0 Spnngfieid Female lhjiiicfi ' i Auxiliary to the Munu nisu)'t So . a ly 0 nr n Cuidtina, to the Cit , i&ens generally A itlsongli .not. rjuulifi' d to add i ess you ttitb the genius aed Hoqoeuce tba so intelligent and weli inlormed a ronitnutiity iis lv demand, yet fr..m a sense of duiy aiuK with an ahVrMotr.i'i zea' .Me would call you at it in to the Thu lepublican. a 'i In istiait system of hlavt holding; t S( lit.UK X mnel. i,t Itie Mil. ji-rj tijivti fir m principle, and -tltv h tii-'h'iM' js men nd -s chMStlfttis to invite you toapafn Clp.ition in the exe- ti'nl of alieady enated in tie cause ot ci''i ii'g onr I'outitry ol this iniijiiit). 9" 'oil of perplexity, and big with dimmer Let.u reflect on ourselves as hu n to beings, let truth and reason h- tic if place, and t ts w:ll b i g Us to consider one situation, and f t opect of that of nu soccenus in life ol whom we are the present giia'diaio. There are now six millions of the Jfrir- ii race mi the ( on'intot d ,Aneica and its adjacent islands, o' which number neatly two millions and that Iiih ..justice cauufiLJljeejii ATficrAPjC. JlUir.1:. . 5,. ITP!ly!.ir. utleajir.. But .wutj-i'r,aMl3 J' l? t'.revrr," V:. J tiotil a rii'ntdtog v.!cario hegma 'Mran I. jet t be. mentioneU, liod Now is our day and tiniP. tlieiii use u1 from iiir lethargy. Then 90 Ved the warld, to give hi on let un be up and d'o-ing, that if possii? iei us endeavour to he found in the y b-g .Hen -on, ihai we ongh eot ble the powerful arm o inedtio'n field at lab oi k- jiing au eye of ;erniti. hui-hv.; everlasting life ' 1.. .. ...I . i ..m I .... ( ... I' . ..m. t. .l I'.. .if r.. (lift RlIU I ui rotiioiixti. ! V4tonitiiiiss eo idef at i' n! I. lo K- iua or r;nNeu io illegal vmum 01 u - ........ ... ; . . . ...... t.......l U..ri ..r l i.nttt.l II ill menr 1 1. (;ieal u Ml gliUloUS CaUS. " i " - i- - r r ....t i '1-,Iti-Ar-1-Ktihr,---iu(ui.a'Our jiatJirt-i... valuta ol redefining tiie lon Iil atitl wai. " , , , , , . . - . . i. u h:ffhlv. aw timi to Iu " bl-- 1 un- ilot-ljin il'ir:IH. !1V ITIF III irillll ll' county. Let tinwe who have espoused the aus' ol phtU' thiophy he etieourag edt let the tables of our state and n.i tionnl c tmcils he loaded with peti tions praying or their consideration and charity, a chanty the noblest to which a legislative body was ever i Cited. 1 V' let industii. ous t disseminate the p-ineiple Let mothers iclncate ri their prat iiif chihlieu Hie principlcsof i'igh! and equality: and let the christian Miaiti'ain the gospel standard do a oa vvnuin -Ue ilona unto. IiUiSiuiiii (.resume t say, to try to pilhaii iteir sordid and selfish purposes that Africans are. inferiors, ani doomed by a cue to serve us, :i p i silioii as remarkable for ita s -t ish uess'and s'u .dditv as for its a surd i y and villaiiv: a position th it wit h the most specious argiViiient can.'io for an insiam hush our cmvctence while in sight of it. Again som will say, many slaves are in a better si u.iti to t ao in a slate of freedom; (whii h even were it ad mitted, does not les'ii in the leas, i!egr e the argum ot aga s ae-y; but let such persons imagine how they wouid fee!,' to find ttiemselvra. bound to prrf nn (lie will of another ye I e , re'u o to the land d . y.ur fatiiers and live iu peacr; that if hap pily ventreame may be our bed inj the air, and il not ourselves, our chitdreii -permitted to see olir coun try's salvat im.. Signe! on beha!r of the Alerting, . NANCY I). HUNT. D-reetrtssi Martua.Toailinso v'C a within tie hsorn of our h'locd 'during life; and their enjoyment to couti ry. and their rapid inerease depend only on the caprice of those seems to he pot-tending unless some- to whom they were beholden; with th ru: h d ne to ch k the ci'eer, the reflection that their tender !f- another example of slavery destroy- spring musi he consigned to some ,i iviz the g! eaost aod h ippiest of em . unknown heirs or assigns, who may jure. I ins i' no i li nera, already mtlMary sirengtb rs deemed neces "flurv foi the 'y safety of some places wlore waves arp ttirnerous. How fYi southeiti State-m 'ii and politu 1 fiaA talk witli 'indiffprenrr of te divTsion of the rjniVnj . and try t sc l nto confempt h" benev dent ex"'ions of ih- se who are endeav ouring to drain our 'ountr f f hi- sir kening current of gall and dentin- i n? Sh uhl we eontinue to stiffen our neeks, harden (Mp hearts, ail ( all for (f daring rn call for) the day of oohte to ta)V"m "iir bends, it will Jii!iajyii!iJ-H: ! rapid steps; th it in the day "four calamity the (Ct of the mother :nd in ''nut will be by ' d: then shall w look bark i th. days of our happines3,i wt'h ep. ' t?' et 51 nn AV'' !r 1 r '' ,r!' wlien r even the voice of a female , would n if be held in conte.mpt on the oc- . casl-Hi.,1 j . , . . j. If a very far he Trn u us, to form . any cbiuierical, or fttnetful idea, for he demons for auht they know, the feelings ofma! wilL revolt at the idea. And are not such the exam pies we frequently see, anil many times worse? How often does it htppen that young masterHunan quaiuted with the feelingsrahd tnfir mattes of tnejr aged slaves, drive them beyond their ability, compel them to work under taskmash-s wbo treat them cruelly if they do nnt Mu. Kuii'ok lirfo-u og over a volume of the Cbristiaii t)bse v'er last evening, i occurred to me that the following extracts, winch are (here given a exlr.icts fihn the Coonnoti Place joo; uf a cituo. try (Jle'-gunao, vvouhl not be un acc epuide to many of your readers. U you thi k so too, ibey are 'hi y on service, V. A man possessed of great"! abil ities without a virtuous dis; o',t o(' heart, is one of the most dan gerous creatures in the world. In private lite, he is fitted to create suspision and terror; as every one connected wi'h him must live un der perpetual apprehension of b -inj; uped by his policy or oppres sed by his injiistiee. In the slate, he is apt and qualified to be a poweiful instru ment of tyranny, or, oi the otier Ii.jihI, to be a popu lar incendiary! in secret cabals, to blow the coals of sedition, andjhet. like Nero' on the top of his pa lace, to view with infernal tri utnph the conflagration he has kindled. Such are his pastimes in the affairs of the present life, ami these-may be styled the innocent sports of bis genius, compared with the dreadful evils that mark his ateps when he has once set his foot on sacred ground, whetlnr ie (seif. ibat -'--- mght be exa-tct; nd -ubuiits death that we mig t ne! ries again iVom the dend; r reols to heaven; and ..seats hnninn fi.MKo on ihe.; ve ry . U r o n of God! 1 1 1 1 4 1 . nature ree.T' the afloralfon l all the beaveidy' liostn .-and; eftV at( I us out Advoaaie in the court ot lli-nvm! r-nlnle h to called.- lik bun h f, oh of (Jd; uul, enditg fnilh hi-) Dtviiie pirii, piirifien nur luilu na ure, and r.rike x mret foi nn in Ije itinc.e uicrup hfe, undrfited, and thivrfadeth ni iw ! I iheo c?ntemiTaTos.ti te5 y-ty muru! sjive way: and w htiant. let us b lit fthal .which const i,r real lenity- let oh l-oast f ur rclig .11, and of'tiur redioier. Ptie unbelifvr in y uerhap e ill all tlJs eDlhuiam. and deem it io eiJter thtt'i.a vii o.' ny f b!e. uot Ibis Ufing Christian ty. be i Inoiod either to Hhew us thai huitiao itKture it more exalted on some 01 her ? rtnc, r to renounce lug ohj etioo.--Ibid, ANECDOTE. Abraham Vlnivre wa horn at VrU 1 1, at Chumpagne Ail). 1 B67 At Hie revocation of the edic t N meg, be determined to Oy inlo England ra ther than HWandon.tbe religion of his fathers. B -'ore he left Franee, he had beua the study of tnathema'ies; and h perfeetrj himelr in if at ei ehee in London Mis su-cegii such s"udies procurid Mm a seat in the Royal Society in London, and in the eademy of Seienees at Paris He enu'd never eft. lure any .bold aef- 1018 or indeeent wiiei.ins against rehgion A person one day t'iug to pay him a compliment by oberving, that mathematicians were attached t mo religion. He answered, l ow you, sir, that 1 am a ehritian, by forgiving the ipcech you have now .iiada.V--J6 . in Java. As an illustration of the na tural roneneii of the buoian n i d, fii.ish their task day by day; an ages,"' w,en unenlightened by revelstiwn to anil discripfi 01s are subject to every P',',s,,PbPt', orr with the engagr g irf.mry the most absurd a missionHey outrage and wr ms that interested, art -nd manner of a fine gentle i(1 J)ivtt .ur lhal , the village of or malignant capnee can dictate. ,r, in! f4,r lhe 'l,evil. emissar ies Bu,:,eezorgi id the vicinity ofjtsifit, lalifyfitrit Canrir How manv of these wretchtMl vie- 01 851 ' "ATni ,eM ," 8UU u,p variwua w ire inero II a colony 01 auu tims do we see yearly driven through '-i1i'rt'..iiUii.,w....,rti.i.1 ft, W...W.- . our country 'uv me Tinipntrr anru craft of the unrelenting principle of American avarice which has reduced slavery to a system, has invented an aricle of commerce whicb God and mature' abhor, and concur to pro- casts and humours of the world: uesf, ne found in one of the hiius, fl an Kuronean picture of Bnnttpsne, Ii lias been ohjeeted against ehrij. offer ineeme.;and pay tbeir morniog tianitj, that it exhibits' degrading aiTa evening vow,-- , views of human nature injuroui 1 lo v , Chfi$tian Spectator, virtue, 1nmioh (asJhey5enerat' -itarr- maan unit t.liit.ft alftt'nf mind 'M nd Comin to thervoint Codt of a S A "' ' w w sftvy . . - - J 'WW t u- 7 1 v 1 rv a m am w n mm w h w m m wbb wu w- am as i wm w m a n . h l m m i m m - m mm -mm m. mm m w m v mr t jiltho:,w powerfjjl, (soever prejti'rl ealled, w'uelr is the ineeuliveto If yoo will favour, me with the a- y diiidTiitprist' itHv he in t Ite miiidsjVoVtby actions. This is mV.JroQCnitt'til'ot: myyL.yu . Will oblige mej of some our fellow citizens, in favuitt ' among many, that Christianity is little il not, I must oblige you.u t X