Ml WEDNESDAY, DECESMER 20, 1820. YOL I j G U E hYSlt OH 0 UG , ' NO. 35 JgitV - - - 1 THE PATRIOT, Us printed and pnll ittlted weekly by T. EARLY STIMJVGE, A Two Dollars per annum pay able within three months from th . . f .1. c. 4 I - TO. -e rr'MjM 01 1 nrr iitbi iiumiirr, ui ine mil p88 six. At a Town Meeting in (his Town n Saturday last it wai voted to appropriate 350 dot Ui s fr 11 ' he 1 rcasui . , t delia) the expenses of the Independent mi litary companies m attending the funeral solemnities at Newport, and (xin1.nuti'i4liiin nt leSOeC.I 111 a ......IF'. w - - a - jj'iwarn niier toe trimrauuu m t l" llil meni.ry oi Pkkky. iyiiivuie guns were accordingly fired in tlii place, from 11 to ot yesterday. tine. No paper to he disrpntii-iied ui " I i all srrearaijvt .are paid unless at jh' (he bells in the 1 nun he weje toiled. option of the Editor; am! a failure to and colors displayed by the uip notify a dufontinonnee will 6e consi- pi"fi mast. lcr' dered a few engagement. j 1NTKEsTINQ 'ellBUB,P ..nob -e- ADVEft TISKV1KNTS We ate inueiiieU to ine politeness Not eieeedins 10 line,, neatly in- of U. W,. P. Custis, fcsq. I Ml gerted three times for, edoll,.M! I-1 itTInei -VVe! Hrs trice 0 iha- hand which 25 cent for every succeeding publi .,.ui....u f ,i .. r..V. . . n ... .... Cation; those of .greater length in t he tame proportion Letters to the Edi tor mint he post paid. 36 :.- :- " : , i pression upon me. li i probable Hi a next packet will bring me some information from my excellent friend Mr. IJrahatn. He has, 1 am told, entrusted a french gentleman with ilespitehes for me, which, for the sake of delivering them himself, are not yft come to hand. Be pleased, in easel cannot w ile, by the tirst pack et toilet him know 1 hit cireumsiance. Le Vanseur has returned Irom Ger mim .- v:lh a verry amiable yi.uug wife. Adieu, my (Tear Custis; believe m , must sincerely d with paternal attachment, your f imd, LAFAYET E. Gen. Bolivar to Gin. Lafayette. Ueoeral: 1 hiveJidU the li ur of seeiiiff. for t.e firt Mine, the uuble. have HVHUed- urselvt a t'L 411. V H im. ri.u I ..Mained bv Coi Mece pei intHsinn to place them before ur. KV10 ,e(Ve -d to me j .u most e- . leaders; 1 teemed letter of the 13tii Oct. of the Jh-1 titer me lit of. Vam. JPernj. Vrt;om lutctlispncer. La liiUM.F, 7oe tSid. Ia;t )ear Uv the noblie papers 1 understood i wiih in .xiirHsible pleasure, tliat you Your lner l the 45th May h.tsi h-vj ,j tt1(. c .odness to honor m - - - ijv . V a(Toh(l ine the. highest nle.isure. 'my dear Custis; the more so when you make me anticipate he happi ness to welcome you at La Itranafc. Pruvidkncb (U. I.) Dec. 3. The interesting eeremonies, in hoo or of thift brave and mitiOMon olli .1. .1 . r . ... . 1. . ' . . " r . , J. Mv whole tamily shale with your 41 oist . in conformity to the arrange- 1 J . ... ,J , 0 brother G'orire and iDsell in the nn,ii had hetn previously an- ,'r'",iri "'I'1 - Dn, need- In consequence of neeen- RralHymR xpertation; ami rnirrn. ar) en-menu in town, we were. ou to redeem jour pledge as soon unHl' to be present on thin memora- as von can in the nvx Spring. r n. bl : oeeaHn. a 'id cio only fnrnivh er if possible. 1 hope you'll make it ur'r -idem wih a few etaehe I par., a family party. lie.uUr of the pnieeedingvwhi.e j While I have lately hm. (0'iur n the h irryot (he ni'imenl, we have fr ,,e juH uf venerated friends and betalfet e. llefC. associates in our Vdierican Uevolu- The Steamboat VashiiiKauriinary strugle? and have, in vrr.n. XvUi, ! eft here between 7 and 8 o-j m,)tl wilh ail thinking and feelmi; !-. k in b" oi'irnm, 11I1 tin nli- j mini's in both hemispheres, admin'. I lary inpanies of ibis place and rnincidenreH the most strikitij; on T; in ke'. Hilda very numerous i the rmnls of history, 1. have, with idhrti.-ii of olhceis and citizens, ar- nvdancholy satisfaction, blessed my rnl at Newp rt, ll . M. at ihe om nrivate fate, that mv visit to mom tit the reiiMms of 1 ur laih' ti'rd hT.. were in 'heci ol hi ins; convey ed fro n t ?e L '"'ito t; sh mc. IVIiitotc guns wi fe fin d as the baige pretded from 'he ship to the 'trt'. and on landing the corpse, i ..s placed in a larjgc car, hung Wt '1 ni 'Uinittg, and drawn to the glMM hy four white horses, appro piiaely ornam :ivd with waving pinnies I he procession, it is be lieved, was the largest and most im fiosijig eve cdh led in this Stale on any similar oecashn, and cm pi ised not only our principal rticers, fi il anl military, hut the finest col leciioii f (iliz' Jis 8'ldlerN which tlie L'nion, could exhibit, fier the pro Cesst m had been arranged by tb M tttslalsid . theday. in the orde pn sc ihi ii by the, Committee, it pro ,Ced4 (l widi h oiemn . music, the tol li' v ol Bells, and a regular discharge of ofillery, tli'ough Thames street, t !he cmumon Burial place, where tic funer.d wervice of the Kpiscopal V inch was read hy the llev. Nlr. Wheiton and a volley discharged over ihe grav' of the deceased, i he '' mony of interment beini: co ti pleied, the pitire-sion returned, anil! Mi in has preceeded this half centurv Vwiveiary day. s to your plan of memoirs o! iir id t d Fathers, lec CiiHtis, inv recollection or doc uments an mucii it your service. I thank you fr the pleasant in forma'i'oi you give me respecting our Liberia Settle tenr. It is founded' on the most philanthropic and disinterested principles, ably conducted, and congenial, '! know il is, to the feelings of the univers dit v of the people throught the United Sutes. Ti greatest diTiculty is to find suflicicnt means of transpofta lion over the Atlantic. It is also very desirable that the Africans miht be instructed with to become useful to themselves and to the cum muoity by the time they arrive there. What have you done with your plan ' one day redeeming self-labor, in 1 ! Vl. ...... With a treasure taKeu irom Vermin the fikens ot Washingion ,f in relic, and one ot rhf mooumetiU of hi glory, which you were t. otfer me in the of the maim of the s;reat aod first bom cu izenufjbe New World. So inexpres sihly trJorious a combination of tbingi aod circu tistances renders them val inble to my heart. The fami y o: Washington honors me in a wt vliieb I eould never, even remotely exocct. Yes, Waahiogton, by lh n u,,! of L.r.tyite, i the crownor all human rewn ds He was the illusln-vi-r 5,r.:.n:)ter -of -isl reform,.a. v r.- Citizen Hero, he asserter ..iderty, whish, wait mo hand, you have defccled for mricn, and w it. ibe other for the Old World. Whai nortal cfinbe worthy f ihe honors vtb which you and Mount Veruoo wish to l ad me? My confusion is equal t.-i the immenity of my grti tudtvwhiuh I ortr t you: sir, with the respect and venera ino which are due to the Master of Lib rty- 1 am, sir, with the highest consid eration, your respectful r.dmircr, 3 BlLlVA.i. tin, our prenent Minister to tireat Briiaiu. In addition to these documents, there is, from the Department of State, Copies of the ratified Treaties with Denmark, and with the Feder ation of (Viitrnl America. 2 From the Dep rimeni of Mnr. These documents cousisi of a (ien eral liepnrt from he Secretary of War, on the Administration of the War Department for the eurreni year a comprehensive and Retailed Report of Major General Brown on 1 lie state of the army, tieports from the Quarter-Master-General. Commissar) -(inernl of ""utisisiance. Fay master General, Surgeon 'general. Commis sary General of Purchases, and Or dinance Department, K prl f the Visiters of Military Acrfdemy at JEmM!i:te , Depar'meiit;. U'port of the Board of Olfieers and Commiinic itions con nected with the subject of a improved organization and discipline i t the Militia, Report of the Oftieer par tieularly charg d ivilh Ind a A flans, lieport of -the Pension Ollice. Re port of the Bounty .' and OHiee. S. From the JVavy Department At the head of those Documents .we. fiud a full litport 'ho Secretary of the Navy on the D partmen! under is charg a very fall and detailed Tep rt of the Board of Navy Commissioners on - the condition,' fice. of the .. v-h"!s . composing in favy,lhe Navy Y .id-, ffce.; a Lis of the Ve!sl ol the Navy in commission and then sta tions; Papers respecting the removal of lh.i Ufuiai s -tH omm U. !l Pefry Copies ol and extracts from the cor respondent of Cooim John Bndgers; Copie ol uud est 'Hcts from the cor respotulenci of (yoiutn. Xsuc Hull; Copies of and xt. ac s frmi the cor respondence of Captain Je8e. D. I'il liott: Kxtraeis fiom (lie Cot es,oo I-. ence ot Comm. James B ddle; extr act from Connn 'W trnngtoo, C pie-of Letters in relation to the cruise al'.tho Sloop of War Lexington lor tho protection of the- Fisheries, Copies uud Kxlrael respe ting the African Agency, L of Deaths in the Navy since d Decembei, 18ij, List of Resignations during the same period. Estimates for the Marine Corps for the year 1827, Estimates for the Na VaMervic for t827 4 Report "ftlie Postmaster General A concise' sunmiary of wluet. is givert in the Mssageof lh- Pregid"nt. Report of the ommissiontc of the the week of whi-h van spoke to megevej.aj clistitict series of papers, as neiore we pinrn riwin ' "' follows; fectionate regards to our good friend VI r. Gurlev. I will be happy to liear frfii him. He ought to ac companv you. Here is a letter I have just received tt':ij . iliyinisi'il. The ! rii viiin Cm I one I To 11 will see that officers who attended as hearers onivour present and oor commtinicttions the-occasimi yerdeliAered; Otirio r y. Capt Creighton Catit. Crane of them as known as to pro- Cap!. Shubrick, Capt. Turner, and tin,,. a"J .,llbVa, ,e1(e, C'Dt Kearnev. w,,,oh- ,ee,,n?.ot modesty ought, per- Ket . r 1 haps, to prevent my sending a copy, If the survivors of the glorious .......Ii l. ,l .i,,,,. - 14l r . - . r, . i., " was I not encouraged hy the thought battle or Lake brie, there were fW feUer t QlJ an( e present Dr. Lsher Parsons. t this f4(nijv Hi mue), a tn my9M. and that place, Surgeon of the-fleci; Capt.' iN principal object is to express the IY. Tu ne Licitl Y.rjray lor Liberat nrs respect for t he memory of arn' Vlioins Breeze, .Purser, all of 0iir great, nod, and paternal Chief ewpoH antMiow fd the N ivy; Your ideas respeciing the cultiva i The AVahinVJil raturnetV tit?ro at-tion;if Plortda-lands mftkt) 4 -dtte ini; r, n tha ittiiatriniin I.i1nrator R ili- Rritwin. eoncernin Commercial In var. It was hroiixht ove by a Pe j tercourse, which it hs been thing t proper to ntaKe puhlic ' - mpers composing it consists of L iters ha tween ine ,iaie uriun 'imuuu u Washington, Dec. ft, 1820. A ifi ril ino in anticination. the Messaze of the President was yes- tpnlnv transmitted to Congress, and real in both i louses. In the Senate ; nenerai lanl OfRc S. vcr t.atis. three thousand copies of the Message faCtory document, with an exhibit of were ordered to he printed, and i tne ,tate of the accounts of the lie the House of Representatives six cejvers of Public Money s, and the ar rangements pres nt and proposed of the General Oilice at the Seat of Government. . The only department, it will be observed, from which there is no re nort.MH the Treasury. Ibis . omis sion it will occur to every reader, is y. . . . - f.-t 11.... . 1 Ap OWItlg 10 IIIO IOCI lliai nr lirou wi this Department is required bv law to make an annual report to Congress of the state of his department in quisition which does not apply i tlier of ine other Secretaries. The sum f his report, il will be observed, is stated in anticipation the !ess go of ihe President Sat Lt thousand of the Message and Docu ments. The VIess is before onr road erg, and wil- spealc for itself. The Documents which accompa nv the mess ice are voluminous, and highly interesting. They consist of 1, From the Department of Stan. The docuoient included in this division, appear to comprise such part of the Correspondence between this Government ami that ot brent this country, (Mr. S. Canning) and Mr. Seeretary Adams; between Mr. Secretary Adams and Mr. Rush, then Minister to Great Britain; betwem Mr Secretary Adams, and .Mr. Ad dingtou, 'Charge des Affairs , of Great Britain: Mr. King, our late Minister to that country, and Mr. Secrefar Clay ; tr. Secretary Clay and M -Vaug'i m, present Minister fr m Gi-eii Britain 'tft this country ; an-! Mr. Secretary Clay, am .Vlc'i an a Convcss. though this hotly lian htcii i lti ses3iiin hut a abort ttme ' two of the most important subjects which will probably be discussed,' have already been introduced to their notice. We refer to tho Bankrupt 11II amTthc bill for thr aboh'ton or imprisonment'' fur Debt. Messrs. Hayne and Johnson, the persevering n.d eloquent advocates of these 'nils, leservcmuir :ra!de exertions "ta carry them The various Committee . ,.-.-.1. I tIS;:.&. ta'Auf SJ 1 '.