... n,i'rm;M jr taKMTAiiV a inir. NO 'art . 0 vm. ' ..nit proper, that the State should lenience, we. o useless, because ViSS PATRIOT, ' contribute somewhat to the diminu rors night be committed? 1 d - noi X aiJ ? ...... , .,Uni.iP. dr m -iah. the nu die klv bv tion ot mm ouraea, wmcu, w pan. , ; r . . it has created. Ana wmie u exaui w..v - i - and expects obedience and support when it can be avoided. But a pru from the citizens In its laws artd in- dent, though unfortunate manage stitutions, i. should give ihem theop men t may be lamented, although .i poitunity to appreciate their privi- should not be blamed. W hen 11 is leges and improve their condition. onsidered that th-re is already a The leas' reflection will satisfy us, luno heated, (the Cherokee Lauds,) that re ding, writing, and the com and our fellow citizens will not mm rul a of arithmetic are highly probably be burdened with atlditio.., e ndnlr , the healthy action oi al tales, il i3 most respectfully sub- T . -. i . . ur trovernment. founded, as it is. mittcd, Whether a judicious -y upon the supremacy, Hnd executed of Internal Improvements, ht ti, t ti, twuuiln- And not be prosecuted? In coi they unquestionably contribute more with this subject it may be veil to largely to the individual bene- mention, that under the pro visions lit and morality of the body of the, of the several acts, prescribing the people, than the branches of srvcremod of surveying and selling-the science usually taught to our estab- land acquired by treaty from the VAinlat niiMii this Cherokee Indian, four sales at nuU- .itW 4 suiriff-t, f-hetrlwve- t-emekHhat lie auction have . nee had,., and the -biV of-Mrth'Gttrdiuu?'- ..V :.l...ir :.. u.. o,.;.V- most valuable (and di nosed-of. It , Mir VPII1MI.'IMI linillllll 'in. nivii-Fn . t priiiit.il mid published wee T. EMILY STUA.YGE, At wo Ih.oars per annum, payable within , tim e monihs from the icceipt of the firs numbc r, or Three Dollars after the eXpi- rsiion of ihat time. $o paper io be di ntinued uiv il U arrear. mgi s are pud, ui.iss at the option ot the EUitoij and a ta.lure to no ify a discontin. Uance will be considered a new engage- AbVEllTIsEMEXrS, jot exceeding 6 It ie,.uatly iiieried thret tune lor one duilar, and 25cenU for eve ty succeeding publ.caiion; tbe ot'grea. er length m (the same proportion Let. ters to Atie Editor must b- post paid. bOV'kUiN Oil's Mtfi6i.iGl. m i . . . MU -U.U connection Okntlemkh.- Although we have ?oniiiiuYl during Hie past year, m "the" unin'.ej iupifd ehjVment all ou- civil uid religious privileges; e'. tht diastftiiMg hand of an oil se piovidence lias borne ht avl. n !articulav sectnms of out' StaU . Mhrthr the injury nusiaiiied b) the Iht'- untowered seas ms, is f oag III! u do suineieut, to merit your in teiferenv'". is a ,qu;tiu.. submi led Vjntiely to your 1im reti tn. tlicving it universally admitted, ihat the existence of free goiern dents ikpftKls upn the virtue and iMelligeirce xif the geat body of the people; and that' then are also, the sources of individual comfort and ltMMfaSrt''' H'''Tmto?."u hi Vur time in ieCAting arg'.m nts s ofin adduced, to shew-ie necessity of riilfusing the benefi sof education w tl ng the poorer las of our t' I i w citizens. Rut, permit me to call y.uir attcniion to a clause in our S'ate Constitution, which rn forces the obligation, o giving to this sub- iect your Serious consideration. If I Is this. A school or schooU kIihII be established by the Legislature of this State, for the convenient in btrucii.in of youth, with uih sala ries to the masrei , paid by the pub lie. as rosty enab tlnm to ins! run H? iowj-ifVs AH useful learning shatf he 'duly cnM iir aged, and pro. Wted in. one or more Universities." rJ' e latter branch of tl.ii coustitu- k..i...-u ,ii ..nli iit.nii-Pil ix believed. hiwever, that the lauds the obligation, but has BUggted an. remaining unsold, ai of sutliclent nnpoiMin mean f r the execu:in of value, to be well worthy the atti n- tin inunction. ti-n ot the Legislature. It is sub- Ue ..enents resulting from a well mittrd to your discretion, to dete. - regulated and properly '".ndnrtrd nittir vvhat dispo-iili q shall be made svste i .1 Inten.al I a: prove me nts. of them. It isobv.ously the ioler in a country like ours, ure too ap- est of the State, and more imu.e- parent. ton quire many remarks to diately of the citizens of that sec- prove their importance. Let us,'foi Hon cl the State, that they should instance. Confine .tu'rHelves to the forthwith he brought into market, lim ts-t North-Carolina, and mark tinee their value is ' continual! di-' her sitaaf.on at this time. We all minihing, by tretipaiserg, who de kMo .hat in particular sections jmber we;ir "ul the State, the greatest distress is at "1 "a l ... , Hwued h u.akc god citizens or nuiot present apprehended, nmontr the -,V hether M wil! be ad, poorer clas- of our fellow citiz ns, v;ilU l0 htB lh an,arTeyed land, troui the deficience ot the van-ius r,n u ftnt, uh ,f, lllrv,ve( 14ll(jH 'r'r'7;slVn;nging fnmi sntirsea, wnich Kllain,aed f, :.flWed at publie aue it is unnecessary to Investigafe. We tio0i t onen nn entry ollice umie. als'kriow, that it. Otlitr seci.ms, luitable regoUtions, are tobjepu the usual .productions were never i vhib ivill properly fllaiui your coo- iid.r.i n. lieore we take leave this nuhject, you will pardon me fu 'fhiii" ?er. (iei ur? Lv :ngniii ratling vour - attention in in ... a. 1.1.1 n.i.0. tu i,t..r.. i reciRimina ot our Mwarnu innu i mini I'". ii w. I. -j more abun!ant. From the rrat variety of 'soil and climate, may not me ask then, what is the propers; lemeov 1tr buch evils? Can there be anv other answer iriven lhan -fa. cilitate the intercourse between the different sections of t ! State.' In other words, open your water cours es, repair your old roads, and make tiewonra. Make them, what they should he, cheap and convenient me diums of social intercourse! Then the failure of crops in some lew c unties would not have the effect (rfthrining a population, already ..no tioal injunction has lot.g since been ' much scattered and diminished, complied with, by your predecessors. Rut the redundant fulnees of some it hel eved to be a subject, iu which m the Stale if deeply interested Ifihe StnlM have the power of regulating their own internal police, if the) have the power of instituting precau tion ?Trlht prenervation of the heallh jand live1 of their citizen, cao there be a doubt of the powei t tei npoo lhi ubj-et? What eao l ay the tile of emigration, now flow ing totb west, but tho improvnnieui of our Male? 1 here ca b- bui lit tie doubt, that (he undertaking would ii o L prove hurdf tHontt', but would ra ther direct 1? and :reatly enhance WW w... ff ? .. . . , . -.ii.. the nreat revenue wile It would W e have an Lmveisity in a prog, parts, might conveniently be dr iwn 1 , . , , - . .. pcious Kndiuon, with competent funds. Hut, as to the former, and no less important blanch, concent ing s' liof Js it is to be lamented, thaf from he formation of the Con tdi'ution, until the last session ol the General Assembly, (a period of for ty nine years,), nothing whatever has been done. The lust Leg'sla tue commenced the important work; bin if that beginning is not well sus tained and pursued, the present gen eration may pass away, before any thing effectual Is accomplished IMany enlightened persons believe, that it is mote difficult for an . indi vidual in ordinary circums'aoces, to obtain for his child, at thig time, the common rudiments of education, than it was at ihe period when our Constitution was adopted. This i ir . . i . increased auncuirv originates, in part, from the incfeased demand which (he exigencies of government have made upon the .esources of in dividuah and Ihe enhancement of the necessaries Hf suhsistPiife. tt appears, therefore) peculiarly just off. to fructifv and suntilv ltss lor unate situations. Th-ro is ever reason to believe, that at the pre sent time, grain and other necessity art idea would not command, more than their ordinary price, were it not for the great diffiiculty of trans portation. Those who arc, fortu nately the venders of produce this year, may be purchasers the next. It behooves the people of every part of the State, maturely to consider this subject. It is franldy admitted, that money has been,, perhaps un nessanly expended, at the com mencement of undertaking. But is not this, the fate of all human un dertakings, without the benefit of the State, improve the health of our citizons, and relieve our territory from a melancholy blot on its geo graphical appearance As to the particular works which have been carried on, during the past year, their progress &c. will be detailed in an other eommnnieatioo.i Some of our mott enlig tenod fellow eitizoa are of opinion, that the crim inal code ii ausceptibln of improve j rm aii . , a rT ment. nut would oe attained, oy leaviug it discretionary with the pro per jurisdiction!, to substitute either the tread-mill, or work homo, instead of the present modes of pnniaiioiear, for petty ottenees, by tine, imprison meut and stripes. T'je assertion can lBfnriMlv hf dutilitAd. that iu the Iieih- experience? Is there an individual,; borhood of our towns and villages, who for the first time; has opened a within the last few yars, the com plantation or built him a house, who mission of crimes is much more frc-irt.n.aU..ai-il.lxlosA--Cftnvinced- thai quent than formerly. I'hF preenr he has committed many errors, and modes of punishment, especially by expended money uselessly? What imprisonment, which is uiost geoera! t hen would hn thnti?ht of the rea- Iv inflieted, present feeble, very feeble ionin. which should eravelv con cheeky to their multipDcations, arid! ' ry :j .. - Cltlde so much that these things, which add i l"'te, either to an ch to our comfort and cin.," "f the CU,PJ'U,, raor' a mend -j or to produce a wholesome n tluenee on o- ther wrong-doers. At lb ume ume the neral insolvency of such eff-o-ders,'teavilv neeuuiulatcs the rhH.ges of proseeulions upon the dift rtnt counties. One of the present nmde, of punishmeht, that of whtppug. es pecially where mranness enters into the commission of (he crime, I es teem a valuable feature iu vur crimi nal eode. Ihe propriety of extrud ing it to some uii demeanors, at pres ent punishable by fine and imprison ment, particularly ro the ch of. fraudulently trading with slav s, ii resptetloil) submiited to your consid eration. 1 doubt aot, that the us of the tread-mill and w rk bouse, whero such establishments were found prac ticable, and were well orgamz d. and conducted, would contribute largely to .the effleent administrat ion of eriiii inal juticet to the reformalion t of IVuders, aa.d -sensibly diminish the charges oi' projcu44on, by the. profit of the estab ish ents. The present' mode of coti.nensatine; our losecu- ting o tlicer, appears to me objeriiou able is it uot the policy aud duty of evers wie and liberalgovenime.il, a well to protect tbe innocent ua to ti i$)ir "he guilty? Caa ii be right and just, (hat t e conipeuHutionrOf iheso g.-i.i men, shou d. in great degree, depend upon eonvici'on? Is il not their niteiest to convict, whether the accused be iuiiueent or guilty? Aud, .however respectable, slid the nro bo', men! liable to all the weakness? which tleh is heir In " and enpfbla of being iatluence I by all the consid erations, which influe ee human ty. vVoutd it not bo preferahlfl, th it they should enjoy Hxed salaries, thai re iiuviag alt UMipatior to persecution, and ii)aket lh-ir present fev p'y hle to tie county trustees and Htate rresury, as reimhuraements? Tfiat h re ate o her defects in our judicia ry Mstern. cannot e i uxly e doubl ed, but wheiht r they are of 'ha d seriptiou, which require legislative interl'eraoee. or sue1" as are incM n to all human in-litjuioii, you alone aro competent to decide I herewi h 'rvnumi' you a commu nication from V rinont, enclosing a resolution of then (ieneral Assembly, fur your concurrence Ii a, in sob tane. that slavery is tin evil t deprecated 'y a free and enlightened people; aud, declaring that their (Gen eral Assembly will concur in any m'-AMiires. which may be ndnpff-d by the general government, for its aholi. ih.ii m the United States, that may bo consistent with the rights ef the peo ple and the general harmony: This is an addition I instance, indicating, thai Slates like individual, may fall into the common error of believing, that they bet er understand, xod with more skill and to greater advantage could manage the eoncerus of others, lhan they display in their owu trans, actions. The reason is obvious: They take but a partial and imperfect view of another s affairs, ithout the ad vantage of being possessed of the whole ground. May not this be the itilafSnn "nf iKo nnn.ilav linlflinr. States, and can they not, without transcending th modesty of nature," fairly presume, that this suhjer. in all its bearings, is fully understood in tho South? It becomes every Htate. ati'1 people, to be peculiarly alive to every circumstance, which may threaten their exist nee; and Jo pro vide every p ecautioo, .again any emergency tto whieh they may be ex posed. 1 repeat but a common truim, but one appreciated by oyerj wjpe.r pe'Vide lti,at peae istbe timelo prt parf for war" From foreign fbree, r internal insurrection, we are in deed proreetpdh constitutional pro vision. Bra it does no? become. ,ui. ' to n lileei 4iur renoorees orjnverlriofcr tbe peculiarity of our situation, in i '