-- - f I GREKJWSUUUOUGU, JV C SATURDAY JANUARY 13 1827. HU 3S VOL . 1 .V i . .ji but it was not suttieieut that we inn n :ig THii PATRIOT, It printed ami piiulibeu weekly by -T. E.1HLY STJU.YGi:, At Two Dollars per. annum, payable. Williin three monlhs Mom the receipt of the firs number, or l litix- Dollars ufur the expi ration of U'.ut tune. JJu paper to te d. ntinued umirll rrcar sgea are paid, unless at the option of the Editor; and a iailuu to notify a discontin- , oance will be considered a new etigugc mcnt. !. AUVEllTlsEMEXTS, otexceeanni .6 .iocs, ncady inserted three tunes tor one dollar, and . 25 cents tor eve ty buccetding publication; those ol glea 'ter length in 'the same "proportion Let ters to the hditor must post paid. Legislature of N. C HEN A I K. Friday, Dec. m The Speaker auimuuced the fol lotvr.it; gentlemen, as composing tite Doiutuittres ou the several subjects embraced iu the resolutions, submit ted it the Senate., by lr. Picket t: On Education. Messrs vl'iCay, Sneed, iliil of fcranklin, Leak uud On Internal Improvements. Ut , st.-Fuiuey, ."Moke, King, Wilson, of fidgeconibe and uiiainc, of Mar lin On Lands acquired from the Clur oke Indians. viessrs. Croom, Al exander, Love, liaird, of Burke and B.ddie. On the Judiciary &c. Mess, i. kyti, Mill, r, Inichrtsi Beard, of Hntv un and i hll, of Strikes. On the Mititta L.rJtvs. Messrs. Spelful of Greene, Gray, teller, V it nuns, ol Beaufort uud Ward. On tlit emigration of Free Persons of Colour into this Slate Mesrrn. &e.uell, Speighl, ol Greene, Slakes, Spaighl. of Graven and Gilchrist. On the Patrol Lawn lesfrs. Spaight nf Craven, B ickwell, I'y on. M'Lwary and Uiddiek. On the Proposal of Jonathan El liott Msrs. Hill, ol Frauklm, D.iVm, Smith, Hunter and tiolloinan. A mesage was received lr..m the oilier llnue, covering the Treasu rer's An uui I ) urt, with a pmpn gition to prim it for the u - of the members, one cpv for each, and to refer it to tie joint fHeet committee on Finance whicli was agreed to Mr. Vltttthewi presented the peti tion of Mildred M'Milly, praying for a divorce from her husband, accu o panied vtith a motion that a eommit tee of iJivorce and Alimony be Hp pointed 10 whom that petition should be refer- l. 1 be motion tvai car ried, and Meiirt. Matthew-. Gray, Montgomery, U vane and Parker, yrcre subsequent ty Announced at eom posuig thin ' committee. - Saturday, Dec 30. Mr. Speight of Greene, introduc ed the following resolution: Resolved, That no miich of the ms gae of his Kxeellehey the Governor a relatei to the amendment of the C,,,, u'iOvii of tlir U. Staten: on the snhjeet of the emancipation of slaven, an' the several resolutions therein alluded n, h referred t a ielect jo i C'unmitt'a. Mr. Forney remarked that, at the Jast semion resolnMohs from the State of II h i o, o f a s m i tar chafacrer to those referred to in the above reno vliitionf had been presented to the oovmideration of the Senate, it would Do'; he in order for him to pek the wisdom manifested by the euitte. in taking no notice-of r'se ubjvc . H- thought that encroachment' an) of onr rights should he reis . Ty a terrijerate though manly itaadj but it wan not nuHieieul that we im giued our rights availed, we should certain of it. t here was a grr t leal ol ftencibil iiy excited whenever i Mt subject was mentioned, and po iUon was led to take umbru when, p!tip- n offence wa i in end ed He could see no good which, would e It Irooi referring the sub ject to a committee. Jlr. Hill, of Franklin, said he had uot intended to say a world on this subject, nor would he have done so, but lor the attempt which as he con ceived, the gentlemen from Lincoln (Mr. Foruoy) had made to throw im pediments, in the way of the resolu tiou. He hoped the resolution would meet with the approbation of the Le- g stature, and that it would do re ferred. This was no new attempt of the non-slav lioldiu State at en croachmuut; lor some years .hey have beej . o.lticjously. interint'ddjinilh our domestic couceru aud we have J ion. and no do .ht this is what Mr Davis Wednesday Jan. 3. pr Stuttu a uui pre ks er t n I r u i m 1 1 it. until tiiir nilnfA has Iimmii i collided .nto an assnit to Umr doc-: to vest the right of electing; Sberiffs tritips. It was bin time to take no- in the free people of tins' Male, whirh Hce of these nuHierou and unjusiih-jpttd it first reading was ordered, able interferences aud to trive an ex- j be printed, and made the order of: 1 'J I m a m ft the day lor iVlonuay. h n without the limit of the V vont coute nplated in her resolu- scribiuu the mun er in wt'ich Ui tions. of the uuerir C urts shall her .2 The question on the adoption of be appointed; which paed n last the amendment having been decided reading. ., in tl e artirmative, the question recur- Mr. Crooni' from the' couimitfeo red the passage of the reso ution of Privileges aud Llcc,ions, lowb m which was also decided in the nflir- was refered the cotnuuu.cai u i onj native. , ' ' Cornelius Dowd, sUtiug that Ji..aU Mr Beard of Rowan, presented I'von, the Senator frou. Mooie eoun the fallowing tiesolution, which was ty, is not legally entitled to aseui io ag ied to. tl.e Senate, reported iu iavoi tf tha Resolved, That the Committee sitting member, on tle Judiciary be instructed to On mo. ion ol Mr. Davis, the ub- quire whether ,&pj? and if any, jeet was referred to a conjouitite of w at smendmnt is necessary to the the vvboltu House. ... , law respecting Administrators j(f the The 8enate then, on nionon of estates of deceased personal the more Speight, of Ureeoe, resolved itself effectually to prevent Ions to such in,0 a committee or the whole, Mr, states by the mismanagement or ftiokes iu the t hairs and, after one failure . of adaiiuistratorSj aiid Jike-. tim) aelii.v..in4h.v4Bij4dei.AUo-u.......f'.., wise to protect the securities of ad- ihe Hep -rt, the comuiiiUe rLs7"e mVs. and that they have leave tfo re- nuncj progress, and obtained leave port by bill or otherwise. i0 sit hgaju to morrow .Mr. Montgomery preente a Dili presion, an nltgnant expression, ol ou feeling on ihe subject. tiiere was an actual confederation nit toot, to sap the foundation of tbe lave holding State, in a point which wa considered vulnerable, atiall Me. aaid Mr. If ill, still fold our arms u icy sleep? No, let us kIiow them, i they will not act in accordance with the AUggestiou euniant d m the bsi annual viessag" ol our (iovenior. that it i uettt ltr every one to iuiiij fiis"t)wu bnnne" let n h tem, mat w w :t attend ti our btt u.d dearest interests, and. tiat NTth Carolina vv 1 1 1 stand forth in their defence, at she early determined to do in the great contest, lor I bt-1 Mr. h'mg thought it of great im poriance that eveiy subject houtd b well weighed before it a refeired to a committee to be reported on. He did not see any rengott for Legis lating on the subject ut prenenl. So doubt, all entertained the opinion that slavery was a great evil. It was a delicate subject, and for himsc!f, he thought the kg said on the sub ject the better. "Believiug that the neveral resolutions proposed to be re ferred, involved other topics beside thoje contained in the resolution of the gentleman from Greene, he moved that it lie on the table, and if any tbiiig should arise during the session, which seemed to demand its consider ation, it could then be called up. Mr Speight hoped the niolion to lay the resolution on th table would not be agreed to. He conceded, it was a delicate topic, and one which required to be judiciously handled; bu however delieaie, he intended to assert his right. As a North Caro linian, he felt that he was imposed upon, and that there was an improper atteinp; to dictate to Ihe southern State govern their own property, and be-j Mr. Croom presented a bill to a mend an act passed in IS19. to pre vent the fraudulent trading with saves. Head 1st. time. Monday, Jan. 1. Mr. Hilly of Franklm. .remarked, tint it was within the knowledge of evert member - present, that in con ' ((! nee of the resignation of Judge AVs7i, there win a vR-etfuey on the Superior Court Bench, to be filled titling lb present Se of the legislature. I lie Klecunvr 'Hid Cna.icil hn tcaarornrily - fi-l (I the odtee, by tke appointment o- W I t Mait'uhi. it would devolve on them o supply the vacancy perma nently ;te mowd, therefore, that a mesugc ItecQl to the Housofcoai m ins, proposing to ballot on V ed nesday next for u Judtre, and he I k lint opportunity of nommatiug Mr. Mangum for the situation. The million w carried. flic next sutijoc' in order, was the HOUSLOF IHMMONS. Thursday, Dc 28. Mr Potter movdto recoiiH?der the resolution yesterday presented ly Mr G eene, oropoiing to relei SO Much of the Governo.'s ' Mennagi as relates to the subject of slavery nj tbe eonununication troai Veinioiu io a select joint cotuiniltee. i b q s tiou tor reeonside having b en deeidt d in the athrniiitiv , on th no tiou of Mr. P. lei, i was ordeied to lie on the table. On luotioii of Mr.tLovf, a message v us sent to the Senuie, pioposin to ra:(a joint elect e inuniilee t . vt 1 . tn shall be refer ed that part of th tiov ernor's MeHae which relates to the Ch rokie 1. ud. U.t oiK n af Mr Morehead, a mesttg was seut to ihe enat p.igi.vg iu raise a oeiect joint c nun tee i con-iii of two number mt me l art of this 11 use, o be styled the Com mittee l Public Building. Mr. shepherd prcsenltd a bilK iconcerniDt; the a . graiiiing Hceii-e, to practice in ihe County C.uns ol this 1 . Stale. FPrnviile llmi uprtmu iu bill Io utter the annual meeting ... . ttfa the Lejulatiire hack again to tbe od 'ionday November. Mr. Seaweli moved, thai tbe con sideration of the bill be postponed until to ntorrow, as it was not prob able the enat w .uld remain long in sess on on that day. Mr. Slokes m vedthat it be made the order of ill? day for Monday next Mr. 'Sanders thought it highly proliiibb? t. ton M mday there would not be (in full an ai tendance as on a ny other day at least, this was usual ly the case. Ho tibed the subject to undergo a thorough investigation, and to that end. moved that the bill he made the order of the day for Thursday week. Mr. Hill, of Franklin, moved that in what manner they should j it pisiponed until the Orsl day of their own 'property, and be-j June next fore he would tamelvaeuuiesee in hiivi A De spealter said the question infrins ment of hi riplit n this par- would be put on the most distant day particula he would d stoy the Con titution. Law & everv thini most dear to him. The motion to lay the resolution on the table wis neg tived Mr G'lchrt&t bgs;e leave, before the q etin'i on the adoption of the resolution was put, 1 1 submit An a mendment io it. He proposed to 7u"hsi'itu rp f'Vfth e wo rd e manf tpr tiou of slaves,' the words usud ii the Ver ont liesoluinn. viz. ' abolitiim if slavery. ,v The definition uf .tbe wo phrases, though similar wafi li ferent. Kmancipation . mean the liming loose amoegst ourselves a certain spfciesof property. Aboli tion 'implifV not onlv this, bul : tiiuch more. It embraces tho idea of' cole- obtain licence to practice iu the Ciiunty Courts, previous to tin ir having; attained to the age ol 21 years. J Head the first time. he Speaker laid before the H .use, the annual Report ofMohn Hnu... d, Public l easurer, vhich being read, on motion of Mr. Sw in it w s or dered with the attendant dorumen's to be releted to the join eommin r of Finance, and to be sent to the Senate with a propiisi'liou to print one copy for each member. Friday. Dec 29. On motion of Mr S.m n, a li e's- . sage was sent to the Senate, inform ing tha John Carson. Iliehard A Mi lison, Joitn coti Robert IJ. 1'i'ics, Leonard Martin, William A. Bj.u .t, Allied Moore ahd Uidiert Sim-ge, form iheei-mmittee of Fmane on the part of th s House Mr. Clement introduced a bill to establish Mookv lie Ac uleno id ll wan and to incorpomi the ' rus tees therrof Head the first, second and third times and ordered io be engrossed. i Mr Wyche presented a bill fo alter the time of holding le meet ing of the tieneral A"seml'y Pro- poses to al'er the time to thv 2d of reference, and accordingly look ihe sense of the House on Mr. II II mo tion which resulted in its rejection. The question wa then put aril cur ried on Mr. Sauders prop .s ti n Tuesday Jan. J Mr. Gray presented a bill to con firm tbe name audio legitimate Al exander Murdoch oi'Uandnlph Coun- .Monday' in November 1 fy. Head the ft rt tunc,- and subse-j 1 M r Hatnpt'in presented a hill ron nuenily the si cund and third tunes, cerutng certain otheem in DaruNna an I ordered to he engi ued. Cotiuty . Provide tha1 whereus the The paker laid, before the Se- term of olliee- of 1ie Jle-k of the nate a communication ''from Corne- C -ii i y L i. "f the :liilr, Uh's lios Dowd. nl VInore County, contest ter, &C, of Davidson County expires ing t e rii;ht of th vittmg niemb'r. on th-vfoiii'th wek in "January and -Josiah . ry.on,jio. !iis eat H('fer - d nex rotin do n lot r eeor until lb- 3d! n tb Co.uniitfce on Privileges and tA -yjJ .Mioh, .i . the; ;.owt rs Kleelions. V ; continued to them nniil said corirt.2

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