VOL I 3 GREENSBOROUGIffNCrSATVUDAY, FEBRUARY l 1827. NO-4 1 . fuse to do it, for which he re ceive a compensasion ol 2l0.) 12. Further to amend an act pas in 1812, making the protest of No tary Public evidence in certain cases. THE PATRIOT. Is printed and published weekly by T. EARLY STRANGE, three months from the receipt ,f the first jl I 7 number, or Three Dollars after the pi. j UemamW ; 1 V.k, 13. I repeal part of the 3d scc- ration of that time. I ' V . t T i o piper to be discontinued until .11 arrear. tion of amac4 passed 1 820, to jxtend age are paid, unless at the option of the the jurisdiction of Justices f the Ednor; snd a failure to notify a discontin Peace. (Repeals the Berth re, uance wJl be considered a new engage- quiring the Defendant to plead in menu abatement, and makes it the duty of the Court, when actions shall ADVERTISEMENTS, j ,ercalter be brought on bonds, pro. Sot exceeding 16 lines, neatly inserted three mi89arY notes and liquidated 8C times tor one dollar, and 25 cents for eve Countg under BtOO, to dismiss the ry succeeding publication; those ot grea. suif S.) ter lengthen theame proportiori-Lef 14. To alter the time ot tne)anti-" ter.the B?it0' Tslbelt paid !al meeting of the General ABsem. '- :v:r--: "'"" tbTy. (Repeals" the law of fast ses- CAPTIONS. sion, and fixes the 3d Monday of: ministrators and Guardians. fPro- Ofthf Law passu! by the Lagisla- November as the day on which it Ujdes, that when any suit shall be tun ol North Carolina, at its late -8hN hereafter meet.) brought against Executors, fcc. it Session, j i& Limiting the time within!8hail be competent foi the parties unnirn yir-rc whtcti certain ottences enail oe pro- tVUi.li JWl. Wuted. and prescribing! he duty or 1. An act to allow further time oranj jurors relative thereto, (or the payment ot the purchase mo- (Provides, that no bill of indictment Dtn uii ttitires foivvacant land made fthall he found or presentment made, in he year 184, which elapsed on jn rase8 f tresspass and misdemean tjic l&thday ol December, 1826. or, except porjury. forgery, mali , 2. To make private acts printed cj0Us mischief and deceit, where by the Printer of the. State evidence HUC, offences shall have been forn ix u- Courts of this State. knitted three years anterior thereto, 3. Concerning net stakes in Pam-' unless where the arsons committing lico River and Core Sound in Car- suc. offences, shall have absconded sufficient clothing and food, treat as respects the counties therein them with humanity, and teach them named som? mechanical trade or some use 27- Prescribing the time in which ful employment, aid shall not move Pr"mption of payment, satbfae.ioo them from the count v. 1 or abandonment of claims shall anst. 18. Authorising the President and I.'" th' Um r. t r .i t- i 1 23 To perpetuate the evidence of Directors of the Literary Fund to()hf elaimPof ;b(, Slle of orrCllf raise money by way of lottery. ( ojoa (Q 1)ch lmreg or ock 5n ht (Authorises them to raise g50,K)O i ie?era, Banka aod o(her crDorarioDf one hall of which is to he applied in ; have been, or hereafter shall ho aiding A. D. Murphey to publish purehased for the ut- of the said his history ot tbe state, and the o ther half to the Literary Fund provided Mr. Murphey relinquishes the privileges accruing from the Lottery granted him at the last ses sion, and enters into bond that in cube L ut tiis dejaUif; all Uie' papers , L this nnderiaking, shall be vested in the Sta'.e.) 19. Conrernine Executors. Ad- (crct county. 'or concealed themselves, or have . To validate all grants issued Committed them in secret. by ihe Secretary of Stare from .the) 16.- Tr aid the Clubfoot and 29;lnlay of iNovemher, 1825, to the ; Ilnrlow's Creek Canal Company. 2i day ol Dectmber, 1820. - (Lends tlvm S12,000 to compete h. i'o explain ao act passed in I their work, to be repaid, the tu.cr 1822 o aulh-.'iseihe County Cour's L8t annually, and one half of the to ruuirp administrators and otlnrs( principal at the end of ten years, to give other or counter securi y upon the petition ot their secu rities. 6. Supplemental to ah act passed ot the la t session of the General Assembly, to cede to the United States a certain tract of laud called B-igue's Ranks. Prescribes, tin uiode of distributing the wonty re Ceivid from the General Govern ment to thoae who owned the cedd lands 7. Appropriating SM()0 dollar for the purpose of improving thf na ligation of the Cajn -Fear River be low Wilmington. 8. Relating to the exercise ot the right of challenge in certain cases Gives to the defendant the assistance of counsel in selecting the Jury. 9. lot peal an act passed in 1820 direriing the County 'Courts to pay fees to certain fficers there in named, in certain cases, so far os relates to the counties mentioned in the act. Guilford, Surry, Ashe, Wilkes, Bladen and Ilaywood. 10. To prevent frauds and per juries in certain caRes. After first of January, 18?8, no action shall be brought whereby to charge any Executor or Administrator, upon any special promiso which, may be m ade, to answer, d a mages ,. out of his. own estate or to charge the defen dant upon ,any special promise to answer the debt, default or. miscar riage of another person, unless the agreement upon which such action "shall be brought shall be in writing.) and the remainder at the expiration ot fifteen years.) 17. To prevent free persons of color from migrating into this State, for he good government of such persons resident therein, and for other pm pose. (No free negro or mulatto hereafter to migrate to this State, or if -they do and shall not remove in twenty days after notice given, upon conviction of the fact, shall be liable fo a penalty of 500; and upon failure to pay the same, to bo liable to held in servitude and al labor for a . term not . exceeding ten years, the proceeds of such la bor to be paid to the County Prus tee for county purposes. If arty persons of the above description, come into the State, contrary to tjie provisions of this act, they may be arrested and carried before some Justice, who shall take good security for their appearance at the next court, and in defalt thereof shall commit them to jail. If after the expiration of the term of service for which such free negro or mulatto hall have been bound, they remain to .submit the same for arbitration.) 20. I o Authorise tho buildiog ol a Steam boat to be used on the ri ver Roanoke, and the waters of Al bemarle Ac Pamtico Sounds, and tho wafers .t James. River and Chefe petite Ray, and to incorporate company lor that purpose. (Ao thorises Cad wallader Jones and An drew Jo;ner,to op n books for in dividual subscriptions for this pur pose, not to exceed 13.000 dollars gutaung cists in i. lions ol hoshu and b,mi'f.-.-( Provides, that wJn-. fo Plein.iff V-- over less than 4 dollars in damages, he snail not in entitled to recovev ra jn coals thati daraaces. 21. I'o incorporate the ITewber Marine and Fire insiirance Com 20 Po alter an act pa3scd at the lust session, to provide a revenue for the payment of the civil list and contingent charges of government. Reduces the tax on Pedlars on the navigable, streams south side of the Albemarle Sound to 85. 2t. To revive and continue in furce an art passed in 182, for the relief of Purchasers of Cherokee laud sold under the authority of the S;atc. Extends the, time until the meeting of the next Assembly. To prohibit the trading with Slaves, except in the manner therein mentioned. (Provide? that after the lit day of May next, if any person shall boy of any slaref shall forfeit g tor, to be recovered by warrant provided, that it may be lawful for any person io the day time unly to re ceive from any slave, such article, as they may have permission in writ ing from their owners to sell, all vioiitioof of this act are indictable fT"fiets punishable w ilh fioe aid im btate. IJireeta the Secretary of State to register io a book such cer tificates ot Stock, as the Treasurer has received from any Corporation as evidence of the purehase) 2 Concerning theeotry of Marsh tud Swamp Lund (No entry be made of auco t.mds, where the quan tity does oot exceed fifty acres io ope body . and thai -itoated between liatl oftraets) 20 to amend an act pused in lSilSf declaring whav Hogshead and U.irrel Slaves are uirebaDtaliio 31 For tbt protect!"., of securities hi cert it in cae. Rirei-ts hfrnTj CoiitUblef, to levy in the S'li pUee on the p'opert) of the priopij al, before having recourse to the seou 04 Prescribing the mode nf sur veying and sflling the land lately Vquiced from the Cbcrokwe Indians. r Auih'jrises the (ioveruor tu appoint C inoiisiioners to luvp surveyed ond i oi. much oi mo ittna ns aniold, as in the estima on . ( (' Hiiussioners, n.ay be worth ..,i r ucrt . remain ho CO in shares of aO dollars, phi h. 21. IViiireveiit Jitigion by ti2U ? V!!!K9 SraThS v,st77n7tions of Vflsiu. RB3i.- in tnp Stutn thirfv iIvq riipv c lull 1 L f . " - r ,: V J J . 8100 on any ?cnn who shall give a be again name to the same penal-1 IVll,lfllIunt rmi( in writing tn an ties. Imposes a penalty of S500 on!, jAVe r any iIaVt, or fr e:ro 11 i every person (except manters of ves sels, who employ them as hands," and servants travelling with gentle men) who brings any free negro or moiatto into the. State. Provides that all idle dissipated free negroes and mulattocs, shall be arrested and give security that they will pursue 11. Allowing compensation to some honest means of, obtaining a Coronerrs in certain cases. (Pro- livelihood, or failing to do ao shall vides thai if any Irce white person bo hired out by the County Court, M lave shall! be found dead in any for. a term of time, which to them county, it shall be the duty of the may seem reasonable and just, not Cor oner 0 have said body decently exceeding three years. Provides TfrHTrredpf tt that all persons firing these -free 4l " ' .L 1 l' 'l , t '' sis - .a o diffttrenl swnnipi. nnd for ihe raining uf one or mure of them, and authorises the raising of 50,000 dol f by lottery, oot to commence lilt j.j ooo dollars are raised. 34 i'o aid t'e up -I nvd com plptiog the state road, leading f,rn tiuatsville. in ury Connty to tho Vi gioia line, by the wtiy of R wer' tare. Appropriates g5')0 for 'his purpose.) PRIVATE ACTS. i. An act to incorporate an Aca demy, on the lands of Sen Jonih in the county of Wake by the num. of P'Mnona Academy. " . Po change ihe time ani rrgo latn the manner of holding the Coun ty Courts of Haywood. 3. For the better regulation of the Couoty Courts of Nnl; nod North ampton. 4. For the better regulation of tho Town of Concord io the county of Cabarrus. 5, To establish Cambridge Acade my iu the county of Lenoir, and in corporate tbe Trustees thereof. 0. To repeal an aet passed in 1820, . t- repeal au act passed in 1824. ma king compennation to tbe Jurors of the Superior and Coanty Courts of Moore, Carteret " and Bertie, so far as it relates to the eouoty ofBertie 7. To Itgitimate certain persons therein oamed' 8 To authorise Benjamin V. Williams of Moore aou'ity, to erect a Bridgo across Deep River. 9 1 o amend an aei pusso in 1818 sell to or receive from tniothiT,' pro- to authorise the Wardens of-the pour. to build a poor-uoufe in tip county of Beaufort, io regulate the keeper of the ame and for other purpose. 1U Appointing Commiifiione's to erect a building in the town ol Lin coloton for the accoinmodat ion of Jurors II. Ta establish Ra'chelors Acde roy in the couoty of Martin and.tq . f iiico'porate the Trusteea ibereof. v 12; To, incorprate the Franklin Library Society of Buffalo, in Lin ' v coin county. j 43 l repeal an act piscd in1823, :-1 ghartffm? the fime oftiing tlo eounty . .... . - v . . perry proniDiieu m uiih mn iney nJial I receive lhirty-mn labes. If any slave tball be found in uoy shop, between 0 o'clock at night, or befare dtiy io-eak, or on Sunday or at any time, (unless sent) where they shall hare remained 15 minutes or if they shall be seen to carry into shop, &c. any article nupposed for sale'und not bring the am out, it-shall he! re ceded an presiiiriptive Cvideore a guinst the person. owning, tbe, shop, of si violation of lhi aet, unless re buiiiul by tberircUaiaMCP4 gfl. to amend "the 'laws regulating s(Mfi