fx i " ''fi t.;s of lis's If hit! i t 'IS. To amend enact paused in c o n i-siutu m ntnj regulate a turn ol UtXuhie lo h! rr Hp namci if Mar.-, .,i itl . , ft I' , ,,. K' i " i - ' -- authorize U,e i . - ii ' M Klll.edy. Ol ,-unt) of tirsnvillf , and to legitimrte thour j. lu Mi'dire to Kebee., a linflin ' of I f hM'ix eouniy, such ropery sic may I errafw r acnuire. i ru h of J,o Miner for the county oj 1 0 To it 1 f r I he CoiirH Courts Jij n; i k 17. I o establish i!ockvilli5 Aca ! it y in fi e county of Kowon, arid lo itxer j, urate the I rustrm thereof. i s I ( r.ninin an nrl pained it: IS 15 Jf.bUCC Ol " L HI IS I. i I, , itr.t i ffsroiiM T i aiixU n aud luirituck r"ui",, cs their Justice;., nno other purposes. do. T irea no uc paoed in II. yav :8td, cl epter 3.5, for Hit lfrueiioi oi Wolves in ihe county .l A -I.e. 3 Oi. To alter tlic time of holding flrciioi.s or members of Asmiitjjy and members - 1 Congress in (he county ol tiieeoe. 113 Concerning the town of Ox-lord. I I. II' t fill all nil IKgeJ III 13 I J -r K.7 1' . . . i.r,ni.,uli.uu. ... r........ S io -'g". mate and alter the - .i ' . . '.name ol iic LurolniH 71, ..i in the foun'v of Mrrklfiibure U. To n.PIill an act jaed Mt lie ffi.i M-stor. to uppoin- C '.mmiKdion r f. r i i Inuii ol IU tl ii, lli a uori, and for ihe bt Iter uf ti e said ttiwn Mrend an act f in ' e i ( r r 'iriilitiioi ' i r p . i-w ... i r: ' .ate lu ui ii ij'iicnii' tX ol I . "JO. 820, fo Ui low couuiv 66. To rejieal part of the firt sre tion ol an net pan-id in l..l1 chan ieiiuoro' ID liuilloril bono.) ,nto tiro operate and diii.nei ! 83. To amend tbe ale Laws '6"i-. 'RolhrrforilmuafT. i'i4.. V alio llo .ITi ..i .. ' . ' v a v ai'c.i mr iinn r in iinrutiiA ' K4fl O 78. ulu.r llie bdumlary line, Hajxood anil E.eti.l Bron 0'P ',,e firs,' o.,dB .r ...dc"Bi: nienl of uuneomh.e Mililui. ti, 7- r,..gU,e1,c enunty courf, ,M A,,il,ori,i.. .he Cminioner. ft! t !'' , of,h" ir,x i. ,tiltfc" Child ol tt.mhor W hite f Mennf,., i. . in a.,l Uroo-I, ari'ur-auce8 ..ml I. ..Ii iL . r iuu iv uiier ine nninea ana lale-iii male Lorey IIumoII and Sidney HttS. II l -i a, . - en, cnnureD ni aid White. t I.T Annoioiin r hi 7', ,.:, . appoint iu-j Crmmiisioners lo 81. lo appoint comniMBioners to av of) a road ln. I ;. i . rn.oJ ,.b,i.h ,he dl.idi.g Hue Sr.vt.! jl". , ? between the conn! ei of HorL ...i!. . ' .., uom X . v wuu ; "ii mr vaiotnin river ncoJn. t- a .. . i ' . 'T ampd '.l'. " ",or'9 Piobi therein : namra, io eoireet arrearf- ol taxei. L"m ,nCOrPrat,Dg M- A..fc.rmngh.C..nJC..r.. H3 r;' . i , . ) wood to contract with Jonepli 83. or the better repnlalion f Kilpa.iick to open a na. kwr fri, he Caarl. of Wet. and Quarter tf,,. hi, in0le l0 hc tL ' of Z ? Hi s-ons.ot Marnn county Mountain. P "' 84 io aher a act pamed in I81fi, 116. CoDcernins; Ihecoonlt of io eablMh and incorporate an Acud Bladen. & F in RESOLUTIONS; 1. Reiolulioo relative to the Secre- .21. . i j meiid an ac pt'-cd in .J.WtlK.. I'lli; Im. .Ar aiiejny ii ti.i jsdi county, and lo ii.corpo "! I ro.ti'ei iher. of :- prr l ibi' t e JiiiiiceNcf the r ' Com t of Driinfw ick.. Curri t' ' ' ore, from allow nr extra n- iiey fn ihrCniintv OIKeers. -'3 I " met rpt ate 1 1 I i gf villf iVofe uni! Female Ararleiry. 1 Loiiei .Mug eertein (Iflict ri' f if nrtij ol IJATidMin 2.1. I o i nipower .lo-ph Hin'on o' 1,-eilell cMi-vfy, to eret and kei p y ' ir certain Roada il;t re in mer. timed - 2 i Concerni t; hejUirrordn ol the Mpcrior Court of Colon bus cou To ircorji'rh.ff Rnanokt Cbi li ter. io. 4-, of rxrellcnt nnil rrost cx Crl i f l.'i 'Rl A cj, Mnmrn, in the H -J n r.. in perl en acl 'its li. Ipgnim; in IK2, for the heller reimliiii,,,, ,.f..f 7 .": t ,0 Pr'i Sttf V'i'.-n.fOr,,B.b.;..TlS.Xd l& .e of ,.,e I.e- miMners connlv. ,.,8,lre J . .. ' 2. In favnr if V . . tf ' m a special h. Inn prl iPnn...nr.i... .. 7.. iuch ior toAvnj and lu'amend t1r liim of an act f..r the bet- male them. 8 ' ,mP,e 500 acr" of ttUd rlrr town n Fffyelte. i 88 To incorporate the Jonenh ' Wa'r i l?bj M"Inta,n for par ff commiionpr- i.l Ldgecombe cmntv. b i ' I . V,,,e' J I . 53. To authorise the eommiM I isijeilevtfle to felect a special jusne tor taid the illili ectnn ter regulation of thv ville paab.l in 18 50, Aip iotine conimissionerii to owl t road from Saliihurv to Lin. 1 eolnton, j 57 To alter the name of Hf nry Brown of Ro!ieon ccunt, and to ! tesHiniMe him. 89. l o etablih an Academy on Hie land of John D. Ilawkinn'of Franklin. 0" To amend an aii nu.l . - . ' " IIUUQVII If -'" imui. . ' v..iiig mr iiiaDner in wnich r-mym df .l t 58 ' x restore In credit W illis inail hereafter be appoint Braille? ofthe coutv of Rnii.or. cA in -he couniy of fiamonon. .rd. ' ; , J 01. To &utUrie tlie bridge acroM oy iv entahlish L'cder Urove Aca-' . w"" ?rit-te town of Wintoo, nem) iii mc county ol Chatham and . ' ,l,c"rI'raie a company for ni to incorporate the Truitee " i'urYv thereof 1 CO, For the rel ief of Saninpl .Tnn lae eriff of Rowan. . Ol To nltoMhe namfg of John- B .ilmat and Willian. Cook, and Mary F anei CtU children of John It. w - j - - j i " i Oil TJB I - - - iiiii i u i, uii ll n WJ siL l -ILZjo passe o of oHifjd cohiiIv, and fur other q''"nk county, and legitimate j iH25' W"1'' ' the Superior C j-ij, .,, tUrr. nt , Lf'iniwick county, original 92. Corceming the Courts of IWde 03. To prevent the falling of tim ber in and obtruding the run of Ab boCa Creek in Davidson courtly , and i .fccoo r:ver in nay wood eonntv. Ml T.-.ftJi?!ltan.fi passed., in ourtu (h (Jcneral AvHcmbly now in force I . ...' i 29 Ii rlul !iih l I'nnr lt.j-n ;n t! . un'y rrf "Way ne. 30. Allow ing oMleace to the Spf rirtl JwsMci s of the euiiniy of Rich- 31 !" establish aru! regulale & li.ifip k n ad ii he court) ! Koj womI. b. called the Teiim nee Ri. Vi ' Tumi ike lion d 3? '!' divide. the third Heciment Ql 15 s ve I un'y Milma. 38 Rmjireiing the Count) 0' o..i c c lie' v. 34 txil l:.li a lor House in f! Mih:y ol.W anhin'on. 33. Ajpnjjrg onrnisin)pri to I IT a ri.,.d iirm Lincolnton ,lc R!'. .trdioii. .M To emaMish n At ademj upox tie Loo ? J.P. V llwki Sinihe C unf W arre'. N37. P'o itlintr for free ferrihges in A ii nM'rv t ounty. . ( ....... .... jJIKIUI U J 1 ! . 8 lo jue..riotale Spring Field Mnover and Adie counties, so far i' ;jii-i?i. in uir rouiny oi ueriiora. ns rlitlP in iliM -,nt. f TW. ti. , w - vvu.ny ui nrwusji .iirifimf Min Irnttpps tlurt-nl vi n i! Ti. n I In iv T-1. -.,. 7 'CXCIUMV lurmd Ction in nil p.--,. ! ti e Soneiior nd County ('onrn of ; w ,w r" ,,,e in,crvenlion of a Jury i ran:e to receive nav for lhpir mr. i "'C, ,J " vires. 3. In favor of Elizabeth ll 4. Diroctmg iht Fuldic Frintet to ofilain frorrif the Seeretarv of Srale a oernfivl ii riv of an aet .'. in r. the same. 5. In favor of Authur Huteliini. 0. In f.ivor of Sherwood Fort. 7. In favor of Elizabeth Harris. 8. Permilt'ng A I). Murphy lo have the use of B .oka in the Public Library. 9. In favor of Sarol McD Tutc. Sheriff of (he county of Uutherfo d ' 10 In favor of John Mc Rae, 0f Fayetteville f Au'horiaes the Ta iror to lend him R5.000 for Tnnr years, without interesf, k assut "m," in publishing his map ofthe Sat. ti. m lavor or iir ti......;ti m mm m - Will. beriff of Wilkes, for 9,7 i 7 12. In.fav.-ir of the heirs of io lluline. 13. In fnvor of Thomss Welch, of .rn..:ir.i .. . . ".I . "r" I 1-1 Itclnlive t( llie nnrel ... nf tni ofthe t.wn commons. Lf uny oori , Prl,()r to rt.tM.lv nro.JO,a, f.IP n(ir -. m .! . n Richmond lo pay cerla n Ottieers i .1 , r'"r,a'3 ,,,r P"r- 0. 0 eaiRtiTiafi two -nerate t ec, ' .t , .J . :y " cusine the neht ,.f tioim in tlie couniy of Hyde. n. . - 111c nuii in 41 rrpni 1 .......... v. 60. io amend the several aels of 1. ... .. . .. . I vvfiora revrvations were inmN hv Hi - " 1 r I,0Use '"I treaties of t8i7 and 18IQ. 1 ' ro appoint'cnmm.ssioner. fi.r thTn """T 5 A I It If . . n relative m n..hli. rn..;n lJ,P ro"'ny 01 1 W till j - ' - t "M-.n ill nr. Qn cn i' . . t-i i w . ' " ""cwrnuraie oenezer i.i. .i. xrr . V ie in inn iusenr(iii !.,!, br-ir, Soeiet,. in tl cn), f M. . "! " "'"n,0n ,n -quotank, Alhori,f, lhe (!ovefor , - iioinii. - ! nrrinmiAia rrn... 1 1. . K . . fJvK dtfK, rf'f the villaS f Chanel Hill. , X ! i I !" "P"" ' !o 10.. f, regul.i'e ,he lta.l.h j".?" ""'l ...I A.lUri.l.g Jonathan Coeper. erli!: r" SU e' ,b! "T l...n.r0rd..,in.vi,innde.rT ' I6 rl.r. "eh .fork, 1 .1 tumi mo iira)i on wl.ih t hev will ik Oaten or. their .own land. . c u. eJ w,u ur I dolpli. 07. To appoint rommissinnert to bu 'd a new CourC-House in Surry county, and for other- piirpoesns. 68. To appoint cnmroinsiorierss for the town of Kimton in Lenoir coun ty. 69. To repeal an act passed in 1824. reeulalio? I fie pairol of New . . .. . il . T . . . I . j a Hnnoini i ruipp ww reok over. 3 , 0 es.ablish n Poor House in 70. To appoint Commisslonors to th i nnty of Ansoo. :av offa town on the lands of Jo.eph iuur...r ,aw.i vritnui nrru- n, uryan, in the .county of JVortb- noil- i- ' iv counties of vvayneann mf d- Ip . '' 41. 'oreplan act paed at the Jn I sesion allowing c n p uxation lo tl (roi ! Jurors of the county of An he, 12. Renpfting the allowance of clam: r nil npfircpnating the public ir?of ey of I)avnNon Couniy. . r mm 43 lo Ktaiitisti ixew Mope Aca- inn io ' incorporate Rio fruaiee liirtMif. 14. To auuud an aet pagid im 1) 21, to allow pa to the Jurora o; tie Superior and County Courts oi amp'on. 71 To "S urry. 4i5. Irxjuirifvg Mills restore to credit Thomas vtnall. of Chowan county. 72. To incorporate Oak Forest A endfrny in Rohson munly. 73 To antho'iHi William Bnylan. of the couniy f ake. to erect a bridge aero Deep River. 74. To divide the IHchmond Mili tia into two sepetate regiments. 75. To repeal an act for the let tei reifulntion oflhe town ofLtrmber '. in the county of Robeson, passed n 1824. ' 76. To compel the Clerks of the "Mprrior. and County Courts: he t,rlf fLT Mills. In lmiill- n r. .1 I I... mm i n w m r m n air- rivrr n i L .. . i - .. 7 . .. . i "'cwiprju ine couotv ot I'lunuo un y ol Bureoiohe to b, kept open ank (( k j..r. .f( M hp ' 11,1 i ii t,ourt House ol said counlv. or with 46. to estililiti a .Poor Hoqm1 ifl i , i .1 t ' l.aR a mile iheeof. ll 1 nrity of Hyde. 4: I o rrn( n! in net . L- J ... la. .... tWeonnty a , ircriuiiiK nit nine hiki iiiare ff r, r ff r t ,. . ... r 1 . . - . . . 103- 7'e coo pel the ll,..lef nnd V " IV0' I "nml'7 .ey. other ofticer. of Lincoln & Wilkes to lon " "Tr " Wi-- t,,e07r'e-rS at the4Cn,r I1':"10 f 19 n fr f Jse Clark ler Na Vo'iJ'n I "W'T ' 20. In favor of the Vecur lies of fer, No. io, of Royal Arch Masons, James Means. ; - ' V in the City ol Raleigh. o4 ... , r, dii iV . i .i i 1 ""questing the Coverhor to Ho. Allowing Jurors in the Conn. ' .i...- ? . . .r. 10 i 6i r . ",UIkti iwiraioH in me iSrilla.ll tin. ty and Superior Courts of Linroh. to r . "r,,:'' o- reeeive pay for their servires. ZZ7 vJZZ C , .oeB 106. For the better protection of "l.l"? lo.lhe hi-lc the City of RaleiBh f om losse- bv Z. ' .r' .be ,n of- f1Pe " " ' v 1 l,,r "0ttra i tratieandpranta- keep up hi. .XT'tC'i ZZTSWTV' e,"eV aer. ,!;e public road, leading fro,,, , beth Kiver t ' K," H".h 7'.Rr..rM old null, oo Oraur creel.'. .,, i " , , .. 108. To . .heretlingof .A'7t"-.a Griaio- truns iii the iiieht time, in the (ireut r- r v llMinal in , he count, I i S lrn .!,. I'aiqu.lntb. 7 01 j auuiT.er trial id (ha Jennie l iheSlato - i'. iifiMit'fiHvii vi aine aI i i.i. it..:.. he. resulted ill the choice of .Innio. "I Austin, on the part ef that body. Uf Anstin received 21 vott Elijah 109. To divorce certain persons" ..H5i:?.,tl.Ineil,'....;L,.... . . ...:;:::.. .. "? ." .... itO.-Ta rerider-yaUd cerfain'of ii2r I aets ofFlil M f lmlW-'l i r 1 1 1