ier, Miava irae one Innil Road was read twiee and refer red. The hill To amend the act reg tilatingih Post-O.fice Department. ta, uiiKD'lefl, and ordered to a third rending. 'I lie bill making appropri ations for the support of the GoWro inent. fur the yejjr 1827, aUs reud a Ihird lime and passed- M. Dickerson made an unsuctesful e0ort to take up the Wooll-osBill. The bill making oppropriations for the Military ser vice of the U. S. ate, was after much Thc'uio'n, ordered to a third reading. j ii t- Mm mi uir auiuiiniciu in ciauiu some private bill; but fiIinrt about halfpast 9'o'alock, that the Senate had adjourned, the House .alio ad journed. '-' March, 1. ' la the Senate, Mrt Denton, from the Select Committee to whom were referred tho messages of the Presi dent of tho United States of the 5th and 6th ult. respecting Georgia and the Creek Indians, made a report thereon accompanied by a resolution. i . . - ! requesting I lie rresulent to continue - -j -.......... ... . i rvvjucami hid t resilient 10 tVUUUU of persons entitled to indemnification ! his exertions to procure the exline :uder the first article of the treaty of (ion ofth- Indian title to land with UUnt was, ni umeuded. ordered lo 1 in the chartered limit ,,f (Mr.i. n thilil VaaitiMM J at In the Wotise of Representatives, t lie diseiissiou on the resolution of. iered by Mr. Saunders -wan superse ded by t. discussion on the resolution ir red on the preceding day by Mr. J ) wight , r el atiw t oTlfe acTott n fa" of MfrAdamii ihile a rninister in "Eu rope; T he dif cession on this suuject hair io t terminated, when the expi ratioij of tlt - hnurtansed a suspen ir.n of the debate. The commi tee wr. Public Lands made a report on the eharge preferred against Mr. , (.iroluini, the Commissioners of the General Land Office, by John Wilson hich entirely aequited Mr Graham ... .. v . . ...... .... ........ . ---------- "fMJH"" A number of private bills ttdin iht House were passed., The bills making appropriations for the Naval service, for the Indian Department, and for the preservation and repair of the Cumberland road, werrtiaswd-. The bill for latin nuT arid opening snnarjr roads in trie Territory of Mi chigan, and tht bill making apnro- j priations . for the pubTic buildings. were discussed and liid on tlio table. The Vice President gave notice that he should, according to tisane, leave tho chair to-morrow at 12 o'clock. In ttio House of Representatives, mil tee, to whom were referred' the various memorials which relate to the subject of the colonization of free blacks oo the coast of Africa. This report, which was ordered to he printed, is intended to be preparatory to future legislation oo the subject, and contain a full exposition of the state of the Colonization Societv. and a series of arguments in favor of itsi will HOon lift hrnnvtit In a olna Pn objeet. The lat report, the reading aqnay, it is said, has joined Buenos m'nA M J daya from the line to Kio, and (ho firt land we made was that on eacb side of the entrance of harbour. Tho weather, during most of (he passage, waa rough. We went io(o the har. boorofUio in fine syle ; the Balti. more sails well, and is the admiration of every one. It seems to be the general opinion here that the war" of which, and the diseussiou to whieh it led, acenpying about three hours, was an able exposition, from the Committee to whom was referred the subjeet of the differences between the Executive of Georgia and th Un.ted States, of this important subject, em bracing a history of the proeedings which hare taken place on both aides, and accompanied bv tho voluminous mass or testimonv on tvhieh the rea-!th . .n... . . i M iwn .tbarts po.ition tf the rrt Wtee re funded. W thi Intest- of nffnirs in that Uepubhe We hav ju i'ir Tcio "rocreu uanaJatcd fcomittheaooeed aeeaunt Ayres in the contest with Brazil. hut she canaot muster mnch force. Most of the officers of the frigat will probably return home ip the ship. General Smith, to sail in a few days' for Baltimore." From the National Gazette The Mexican newspaper, called" Correo de la Federation, Jlixica, of to be printed. FOREIGN. aiuuitcu nil VJIISIiaiil w . - wi v j u u.. a, fitlltliA f.mnum "Tli'i.' Il.n... "tth'P diseuitinn on thn rnanf.ll inni nf resolveu itself into eommitlcc of tho Saurdejh was suspended by the winnr no wif rihir ni ini iininn aiiAn I he Colonial bill xvasogain diccosse'd. ir aA.uKDE.ffs was suspenucu I lengtli i of the morning business. lloue receded from its'disagrei The reement ,.3!r. Mallary hoviug moyed to a- t0 'be-vote of the enale, itiitiog on 'thend' the hill in tha fifth liue of the 1,5 amendment to strike oat the pro lirst scatiun. b? insertirur the word vi1 inserted in the Ilonsi in rela- sea," Mr Pearce and Mi. Cam- j lion 0 double rations; so that the hreleng' opposed tho amendment, atid LPrt,li? waslstriken out. Tho bill Mr. ir'troui' advocated it. The House 'r e Ta(l,ll ncreao of the navy Hif-n XuuV i rpt tilt tit AM(r ' : Vu8 IttKen DI). (IlAftlHIien in t Inmmit. lee, ana f ngroised and read a third 1 1 mri wi t h amendme ivri , ttmoNg whichT rs one striking out the appropriation for a Naval. Aeademy. bv a vote of 86 t;. 8 Tho bill froiw the Senate appointing Comtrisnto-nerii under tK late Convention with Great Britain was passed, with an amendment. The bill to regulate und fix the eoinjiensa. (ion of clerks was patsed, with an a menment. i the Colouial hill was rvsumed, w hen iCh Kioer.udmem. of Mr. Maliury was Bj?' .'i-d t. The commidee then rose nn'5 roported (he bill as amended. T!u first amendment, inserting the Mord iby sea," was then disagreed to, but b.'fort any other procenlingi were lakeo the If otise adjourned. febtiicry 23; In the Srnatr, the Colonial Trade bill wi" tuken up and further discus e!. .Several nmendmenta ere offer ed and i ejected The amendment of fered by Mr. Smith, of Md. as mod H"I on motion of Mr. Woodburn vaieurrtcd ayes' 33, noes 10. The several uppropriat ion bills received from the other House were passed. Many private bills were also passed. ' The Woollens bill came upon course, as a special order and on motion of Mr Heyoelaidit on the table, there wa- a tie, ayes 20 noes 20, when the Chair pjave the easting vote in tho ll'irmative. The bill to increase the pay and rations of Lieutenants passed midshipmen, and Burgeons of the U. I States Navy, was after some discus sion, laid on the table. The Senate greed to insist upon their amend inent to the military appropriation bill, striking out the restriction of the allowance of double rations to officers in the actual command of posts and garrisons whieh amendment had been disagreed to b the other House In the House of Representatives, Mr. Wright resumed bis observations on the Resolution of Mr. iSaunders, but had not concluded tbem, wheo trie pi ration of the hour compelled him (J;'sf before, he. had concluded' T he House then returned the consid eration of the Colonial Trade Bill, whieh'was termioated by d motion of pMx- Tomlinton, to lay it on the table in consequence of the Bill on the sub 3eft hpinS reiveJfiom the Senate, whieh can be aeted on this day and to-morrow. -The Bill making appro priation lor obtain Indian iVeaties nd,he Bills for The erection of light rx ou.a-jd itnprovemeot of harbors, of tho origin and distinctive trail of j tho two great parties into whieh the uanuu ii ii i T orui i ne matter is curious in itself, and ma Urnm I historically important from the isQb By (he Oroztmbn. Cant. M...H of l,ieir troggles- Liverpool paper of (ha f 8tb, and thel "'D"nnP lbe- I"t twelve-montb London Courier of tho tcth Jannari !l"ere b" beBQ developement or ex are received, beine one dav later than Pft?8,0.n .r parti a, which it.' I .. w . . " iue papers oy me Untaooia. London, Jaw iC. March, 2. Many bills were paxsed in both Houses. In (he Senate, tho Vice President left the chair, and VIr Macon was elected President of the Senate, pro tempore .Tho Senate disagreed to the amendments to the Colonial Trade Bill, made by the HoiiSe of Representatives, and both Houses having insisted, a committee of conference was appointed, who were unable to make any arrange ment As (he joint resolution which requires that bills shall not be pre sented to the president of the United States for signature on ihe last day of the session, has been, suspended as to those bills whieh may pass both Houses before 12 o'clock to-morrow, there it reason to believe that the bill may still pats in tome form Both Houses wtre in session till ahoat two o eloek this morning. ! March, 3. Aboul 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the Nineteeth Congress terminated its labors, and adjourned sine die. The only business performed in the House of Representative mi Satur day, was, the passage of a few riri- rate bill, the joint rule quires that no bills shall be sent to tnerresiitent for signature on the last day of the Session, having been sus pended so far as to allow all bills' to he sent to hioi whib should be passed before 1 o'clock of that day. -After 12 oVJockvthe reports of UM" ocici committees were receiv cd The fit which "was oftered. was tbe report of the .Xommittee which waseharsed with thninvaiilf;An certain "ccuiatjonagajnsUlexekiah Hunlinston. Tlirrii a t.-. .. We have just received inletligenrMi from Lisbon to the 2d instant. The Windsor Castle, Roraney, Melville. uiouciiesier, ami Wotlealev, arrived on the 27th. and landetf their troops There is oiri'ial ifltelligence of ev. cral actions having been fought be tween the Const itTitioirat and - frr.i forces all-flf-Avhiebarr-itatfdtc Have termited in favor if tbe former It is confirmed that Almeida had fallen.into the hands of tbe rebels. A private letter of (he 1st, says, "the Knslish troops are luhd itisr. hut il in beliaved tbey will have nothing to do" 5 -Detachmcnft from our regiments are ordered to embark thi morning on board of Steam boats, for Chat harn and Harwich, We have received Bombay papers to the flth of Augnsi They itate (hat the Pacha of Kgypt was likely to throw obstacles in the way of th steam navigation communication wih England, by way of the Red sea. The sugar and cofTeo market open ed more briskly this otorniog than last week. - The successor to the Commander in Cpief has not been finally named. Extract-of a Utter from Liver pooh dated Jan. 18. The letters from M "our market generally has been very uu.. w.ullJ-.jor cottons and yams, particularly so, and for calico, a very limited inquiry, the last at a thade to 21-2 per cent, below the preceding weefc .If the demand does not revive soon we iball, no doubt, experience a farther depres sion , Notwithstanding these accounts, our market yesterday was tolerably firm, and about 2000 bags of eolion were sold withont an? alteration in pricesthe principal sals nre of Uplands $ Alabamas, at 0 7-8 to 7 t- Af the I. Company's sales on the 10th, of 12,600 bales offered, about tO.COO were sold, generally ut a decline of about r-8 l per pound. trie corn market eonjinues verv "u,, The; import of the new rice i notet landsd. Turpentine is verv steady, nod mnv be quoted at jp to 13s -'Tar sells slowly "at Us. for good quality. u utsuuguisneii under &w denom'. ination at the end of the year 1825. The establishment of the free-mas sos of the ancient ritual of Vot k, which took place in September of that year, excited tbe real and rivalry of the Scottish order irrigulanly- establish- ed in the Republic, and whose l boor h.k rather 1 1 politieal object, than mere benefiefta. Unv had inttfedenffv httAc.A tr. j , . w . ..x. VM A. .... . ho nOM RIO DD JANETttQ. Lelters 16 the 10th of January, f r 0 tfl ... RtO . h 4 ve. hp p n t a i v A K .-1 1-. lha-differeAt politieal-partiertn the iic, enusiea tUemseives in the two rival societies. In' hoi h. honorable and meritorious citizens; there are also ambitiou.. innrAnt enlightened members but to the nnt. lisb party have adhered from sympa thy, the Spaniards wb were most eonspjeions for their hatred to inde pendence, .thoc who mst pertina eoouly eslled for the Boarboss, iho'O who advocated a central or eonsodd ated government, in opposition to tho noanimons will of states those who are adverse to salutary refor s those who do the Mex'oao peopl ti injustice to believe that ihey ar in capable of governing (hoomlv.-; those who vere adbereriti of norU do as fa as they saw in him th prop of abi!es and exclusive privileges. "The party which is denominated Vorkinos, Yorki!. is dangerous it n.mmrr poiut oi view. A Couiiderar ble number luve united under : his name, who are true repobiieahs and many who are republicans only from convenience. Tbo mass of the po. ple,--now beinningto enteriui idtas to whieh they were eforoiitt strangers, and to take an interest o public affairs, from which they had been entirely seperated, nature I ry ""Ji-at ide whieh bestows np. on tTieni most notices and con- derfi tioo. Those whof excited by t he spirit cf the age, desire l-he pe dy rdorui of abuse , those who. s n :eu wiljMhe example of the tj. ht,uf the North, aim at placing all thioga on the oma' footing here, those, 10 fct, iho wish the title of Republic' lo tbe.not, Jaginary..all have at. taehH thomsHvet closjely to tbo standard of York ' V.llany that is vigilant, will bo V lvet ;tefe for Virtue, ,if the slumber on her pott and hence it is t!,at oe has triomph-d over a gootl me 5 for (hf ptj,, l(f th former, knowing thattheir c4ui will do nothing for them, h thing for their cause, where i hi friend of the latter are foo apt tf PfllPCl nctr. tUiL. .?r-. ..., ..Ml,5 nun) irteif rause CoooecttCqt;-Tbtsrcp Getirgian at Norfoik. tiev