1 4JLo TTnn.nmn,. C.84tV.MT, JWtt t4. 1837. NO. ci 11 - j, . voi, n f A TH2 PATRIOT, jj printed untl paUliheil wet MTwoDo.lars per snnura, payable within thrre moiitU from the receipt of the first number, or Three Dollars after the txpr . but a general and extensive system j of internal improvement throughout i,v , ; Ilif wnoie oraic .10 iic nart nf lllS uiinseu 111 a n ! Message bv opening our water mnrom. renairinc our old roads and making new ones" and I would add bv introducing a general system of yii-t-iVitiwi imnnivement rouui an event. JlTiVERTlSEMEXTS, UotewseedinR i6 hnes. neatly iwserted tbre times tor on.- dollar, ana 25 cents for eve ry succeeding publication; those of grea tec JenK'h n,H.H?P"rt'?n"'.ljf!:. " ters to tbe.Iitor nMtii1fi ration ot'th:it time. lr . , a, romplisfed I vill take u,,..,. , III. I v.. " - e a-ri-n would be completely Utd. . i ,i: Improve our agricururai cnu. inn.in such a manner that th fer tilizing vallies of the west' (as Am nleased to term then) will have no advantage over the vallies and hills or Ni;. convert lur mwv and unproductive sods of our State intoluxurient fields and tortile plains, then m ake such roads as the farmers can carry exuberent natures better mfu" with fac tv ana ease 10 a of very little alarm. But this in crease roust have been proportion able among the whites and blacks ifnd if so into what insignificancy (inKc ihia alarmine? increase" dwin .tip What a timid easilv affrighted his Amicus must be, to be alarmed at shadows, and those the production of aeickly fancy and Uis pie, and you will fitd that & large portion of U8 jreemeirc not oujy ' . r. LI., i.'.. .1 . employed prontaoiy uu uiai muy oi ibem are ounqing up r nice fortune for whiet men selvrg Mttve umI not, and on whose far the vmr of aomin&iion ex" amine tboiie farms wbiet are gladly contributing to the eiViloment of their owners and yoo win find many -for the Patriot - No. II. m v.miMR: Alv yinciple object ill making t )c observations which i(dtii.w. h not to filler into the ,i.o...uCWm.t ativ narlicul ' subject: J- uiv" y - - - - but merely to correct the error and -k.. tho Konhestrv ino which Am fc has fal en, whether thruugh desien. I carniot take n4,.n myself t determine. He appears to have ne grand ob atid in order to accom nlish it, he sedulously endeavours r,.rtU., njrr if c contributary He trulv strains, at gnats as to nvm-v thine which may operate a. tftitist hfs favourite doctrine, but as O 1. , n to what m&y operdie, uowrVi IV- rawtely, in iis favour he '-swallows Camels." . The object which he appears to have in vi"w is to convince the good pc. pte of tt:s ,S ate! however re Iuctnt they maybe to believe it. thai slavery is the prime cause of all the evils which have befallen them A, do! all the disadvantage under which they now labour If the hea vens have refused to drop their fat ness int-) the earth or it the earth has denied her increase, il the pen-pK- become discontented and emi grate to Other States, if our lands are poor and b ucn, and our efforts to improve our State and thereby to cmeliorato our coudi.ion, have been abortive ami unsuccessful! Slavery 'is the cause of all. Let us endeavour to examine a tittle into this all pervading evil and UlUIIM" H"M J - . eased imagination. As we can barren, worn out old fifidUvboie noil not. ascertain the mtrease 01 uic Lblk- popnlati m of our own btate lor' the last ten yearn perui?." may not be improper, in orucr iu divest ourselves of the tenor wiui which Amicus has endeavoured, to bestrew us, to take a view of that of some of our sister States. The in crease of the black popul .'ion "of S-C from 100 tell iaiuw.;8 60.21 while that of the white tor the same ien. od was 169,524 more than trible thft lnrrease of the hlack population. And it is well known that the num- was never pointed by (befool of a Slave: i'l'his is not only U caie a mn$ the society Mj 'rtMs which form a large and reipectalfe jiortioD of the population ofur Coiutry, bat slso among other deooLjnations whose inclination does not led then) to own "laves althoah their pipctplem do not forbid it It it true live are many persons among us who by tho dnomiiiatioo otfrtemtn that ae ntt brofitabiy employed but the rltoo i not tbit tbey cottnot be profitably employed but because this will no. be io; it matters little lo suck ejL. where they are, whether in a sltve holding, or a free state, whether in a fertile or a barren country their cot ditton wontd still be the same, ther would still be inert, sluggish vaga bonds. - bpr af ulaves in S. C. in proportion mand as fair and generous i pn-. e --p;; e numeroUs than any in the union, and my ifo a?a,nst thrre. mG increase a r.mner the. aims o W. U-will soon " , , . r learn lthattheyarefoolj who roam by no means ala Amicus continues thes poverty and -this is my own ny native course must bnconB ho.tof our countrymen find land" will be a talisman which, un- But Amicus tells us this alarmin$ ha lam d lbeir cbaffc land lll oe a lausiuau wuio , k-aJ-in vat numbers to . .'. ... 's.:..:..: .1 iWruHi circumstances, will nvit . .aeter who iu.er.uj ... ic ihem immoveably to the soil of their .-an anty o, native State. Tennessee, Alabama and GeoigU .But to return to Amirns. Iie Uave an cauai,y 0f rights with the f.mnd no doubt that all the branches Meii? if 0 it ig tt new and strange o internal improvement recora- doctrielo m0 and i must acknowl mended by the Gov uere too pow- mygplf greatly indebted to Am- erftil for hira to combat collectively, J information. But per nm thi-rerore he selected what lie r" . ii is,t mnnn - - ... iiitans nc win ich in consider, d the most tangible parti Sutes wheM he alter -a.ning .n in agiMH yi.M..j i , ftbout (he Y .... . . i ... Jwho have been driver, eeds as il he had completely rowe.u - the whole. As rcdiculous and ex travigant a calculation an ifho hud iiresumcd upon a signal victory D cuttinc of the head ol a airagler But it was necessary lor Amicus to set aside cither" really or hypothe tirullv. 11 other reasons for the depopulation of our State by emi irration before he could introduce to advantage his fav.uritc doctrine of slavery to account tor this ex tensive and lamentable evil. The alarming increase of the coloured population" ho asserts may be looked upon as the prime cause which has driven such a large number of our -citizens to where an -r fj - ' titnent3 interests and feelings of so- nety.' What Amicus has taken his no. I ... ft . S I 1 -V .. f .i....:i ., mu i v or nsr its nas nrouuecu a rpi it il is as very a ucvn a mi j - --o, Cood friend Amicus would repre corresponding harmony in the sen ... ..ii i :,n,..in inlAPoata ami r?Piin""4 ft! fiO qent it. And in order to i we will follow (he venerable Anai cus throgh all his pil isophic mazs-8 and tnillifluous periods. Governor Burton in his Message to the last General Assembly asks the important question "what can otay the tide of emigration now llowinfc to the West but the im proveraont of our State? Amicus Jn his learned c nnment on this pas sage says bnt whether draining the Swamps will be found sufficient im provement to sfaif the tide of emigra tion: mail well be doubted, 1 admit very fiankly that draining a.fejiy.swamjis'WQUid not be a suth cient imiiroVemint to i sUy tliFtitlt of etnieration'' because this would be onlv a tmrtial improvement af lecting only a few individuals and not operating trcnerally and bcncfi cialiv upon thti whole community.' 'Amicus has certainly taken a very. unfair hold on this.sentencc. v hat the Gov. obveoualy meant by the improvement of the State, was not -irieiel4h&draiutnzj3ralc he did mean was talking ast numbers been driven from our State by this alarming increase of the blH'k population, it so men his puisant urgum- nt that those people have been driven from their native State by the dread of this alarming evil must (all to the ground lor those numerous emigrants, wnn very few exceptions, luvo wended their way to the western ens trict of Tennessee to Alabama and a :ir(-iu Hut what cocs more completely to show tha fallacy of his argument, is that those vast A 1 1 t . It AAlt rrowds ot people wno nave uccn (fn-penfrom our State have been attended and accompanied by a num her of S aves still more vast anu yet Amicus would gull us with the belief that they removed to evane the sathenne storm ol an losur- rection, can any thing be more cx inuont ntid foolnhr Can he seriously attempt to niake us be tinn of their more fortuuate neieh hours tbey see themselves slighted and despised by their superiors, neg lected by the world, and destitute of the means of raising themselves to respectability." These poverty smitten hoits" why smitten with poverty? Because they are smitten with a worse nlasno iom -wieu noverty itself oria;inat8, t dlenr&si Des n mm who has squander a bis ime in vain and frivolous pur. suits, or wanted his substance ia dram-shops deserve to be respected by those who through industry, enterprise and economy have raised themselves independaney? However Amicus mav think, it is mv humble nninimi that such mm deserve the' 'r severest consure & animadversion of .r rjieir countryuien. Whuoeyer Ami cus will show me a man whose chan. acter "poverty" has stamped with inferiority i will show mm one ;who ' was stamped with poverty, by Jazl ness intemperance or some otuer . ;s . . . 4 lions ot this alarming increase "i;j0V6 that men of common sense our coloured population from i am i ' understandinsr wuld retreat . i - mw unable to conjectnre so tar trom the m our grate with as much pro population of this State, either white cinjratjot3 a!, it fled from Sodom or black increasing to an alarming yet carry uitii them the very extent, we have groat reasons to ., wiliru WA, ,i,e cauije 0f all their regret hat its increase in no greater. f an(j neasinesH? I am very norry that I cannot pre- 4 larse oortion of our Soil," sent to the readers of the Patriot a Lftvt mieu. iwhich can bo made Rtatement of the increase of the black .Wnrient to urotitable cultivation - i v - i nonulation of our State, for the i monooolized b !ave proprietors last ten or twenty years, I am pur- and immediately converted in barren i i.i. .i . I ...... .....oin k. ik. alimiit itrmlfrv ut iiliin- suac eti inai me raosi iimiu uini uow- nrWip j.ii, ..-r -i m: i , , . hllt dly .would havo n,. cause of alarm :!.. MlMirtJ,H -I. vj r",. .. y . .-- or.ii ii nn i r Kv nn mfini . AfiilfO U'oniu C or Have iiioukih. oi from any sucli caase. " in i Houner"-;" degrading vice. Poverty stumps no man with infe riority iu this Country. i . H,: 1 The rank is but the guineas stamp "The man's the gold for a that ' Where is the man of honesty up- rigbtrcss and integr ty, who is not " respectedr So true is the isayiMg, Ilanor and shame in no condition rise" - V' That some men who are verv noor nre esteemed and respected by soeieC i . : .. . Ii li m ..I. . t iy, Willie ineir uiio ncunuj uc hours ore neglected and dispersed.v It is not cosily equipages an;' spfea Jed trappings which makes a person respectable it is the moral worth of !he man himself and h: correct and uuexceptioablo deportment. AmictH says further that thous. audi have been driven from this cu.iu try in ordr that their ebildreu miy iVom the eraiberinsr sto'ta of tntuection,', who in Tar vuveles chn the tlnmbcr of the ctea i itiou re bv no means; Amku would ever have thought of ne m r. at in-iinlto be enviea. are tea -:ii.tu : ,tc..., :y r 1810, 555 500 in 1820,636,829 giv ing an increase from 1800 till 1810 of only. 77,330 and from tho last period till 1820 of only 83,329. 1 ' If tills increase were altogether among tno black population and if the whites had not in ten years ' Tht ihf' cut docirioe otau insurrection iruumwio biiiui ij-uv.... - . . i i are thousands of freemen in X. C. not , Vo insurrection is bu bear which only profitably but agreeably omploy ' now vvill.not even frighten women & ed is a truth wlrich even Amicus him- cltihlren. ' self will not deny. nd that there Who ever heard one of the numerw areIikewHe tsandg T of old fifttds oUS group :f emegrants that passeaV--in the State whose soil never wis through ur Country in the eoure. of moistened bv the sweat of a Slave is th ear mention an tn-urrtlon I. . ... . v.i i .. ...j : ... k n..un nf their reinualr. INOt- had a f? ngle a'dition to ineir. num. equally true ana injrowtnvcf.r. u . v-..-v ,. LV rr y x'u. L.- i , : ..,m hnii iuir Lr vr Cnnntrv far en cift!Tio oi lhct3ver thought or tfretta tx : 1 4.