WMM era II' 1 J GliKEiVSnOROUGII, JT. C SJTWdJT. 21. 1827. if i v 1 V V - slavrhnldine sisters to this mono fHi PATRIOT, . , mint of ffh- nation disgrace, whclh- . .... k I I I An i . A A A" A A I T rinted and published wenuy uy ' ; nrn i our Huemntn lo ini'iw T. EARLY STRAjYGE, solution passt d by the LegisllittiriS Atf wo Dollars per annum, payable within ' bfJMCS ot Ohio and Indiana if ee months from the receipt .f the tarsi IP hat 01 the bUtftpLY erittont i.n'oer, or Three Dollars atVr the cx'pi " OIU l MI'IMC III i c reieuuy iii- troilm t'fl ly Mr. unci adapted by the Legislature of the patriotic ton of i hat time. i .per t be discontinued unt il all trrc.ir aKi nrc pa:d, unless at the optioii of t!u- Mate of Pennsylvania, they are r Ei'l'ir; an 1 a failure to notify a discontin qyally honorable to themselves and w.ii ' cvrLierc pc"- .,vKi r.if niurtw rir w m i.vo -termer "I ' . I . I i 1 a meit. iiavu ucrn met anfl Tcrin'ocaira nv the Slave States, or rather by cer tarn functionaries in them posterity will learn with shame and indigna tion. - AD rEflTISEMEAVS, K'bt ceedmg 16 lines, neatly inserted three tirs for one dollar, and 25 cents for eve ryfuxceeding publication; those of grea ter4enth- in the same proper, t jot) Le MESS iGE Ofhc President of the Manumission ls&ocmfion at their last sum annu a Meeting. Fell 'v vIembbrs; Antieipat. lite bat .nailer sufficient to occupy i tune during itie shor Session, ' 111 a Mil. come oelore von irom inner i tires it would seen to upercede ic ic d i ccssitv, and QDsoiVC ine irom y ot presenting wriuen Cum iiNihttiiti at thii time. et as in timttis of this kind do nut : e iiai tonp;ii!ionary, ui-.y wm runer a - rrancdir retroirrade. tie nrmcipi they folesH are tar from bemj; r. ort, tit iome visible effect will ii prodii;! whenever they are pro itnul-ii h!. so a9 a spark nf p:i 4t t .fil ulioil afIv in flit A iiiprii!.! lly barren of events! I ha. thouuuii not inrumpatihle vi ii im duty oti')mi? a brief general view ol the plt ess of liberal principle in regari to th coloured populati:i. of this i'ffiintry, togctlierwith sotu b-" rvntins on events which have ransi)ircl since your annal meeting Lbti& vJ.Atv as the ne:u .A proposition Jiasjrw?.?!!j.,Jf?J?! Tri the Leg !aturr of Mary 7T "nratv n"rrnnnar"3iprnnH- ftit it ii believed a e in operation un der Jbriguidanre of providence to rcfunteiici the effects ot the tormcr. The rehrmation we contend for h or able. acter fit be n:iie llistor l appeal to all that h hm u?f and humane in the char man: It connot, therefore, . . in vain to -Americans. Mendenhall ihn Aiexauder Q-y and 0 David Wnrih. it Cfived a c (iimuoieat "m fr m eftch of the P' mate i fvolen? Ai s'tciations f NeW Hnlem, C-nter, and James ' own; these communications were ordered to he prenervrd id iho , secretary' otiive; tthe tbauku of this Asnorinlion presented to said g- eie and the experience of our throucb the medium .f th. Pre- owri tinea warrant this conclusion, ident. how rniny of our sisiter State have Moses Swaim Kq President of thd estJifiy ctuat rx? er imeut tho chr ?peialioii, teu't nd li;s jijaUftBf recnent our principles, and the whicii lie hou-e Heceptnl; nod elec practicability of mir ob,ect and re l f Be j nin waim, to fil the tf at this mom-nt exu! ng in the hap- cancy orraiioned by such resign? v . i linn. IIT 19.1111.. U'W IIIHIT Ul"ii, sptunginto existane unfet'ered by L The committee to whom wa refer', f ,. r i i I i ..:,! en wie immhuj uiiicai uu i nun ut cnoiri ijl' yrz:.;: - ou and that ao-mueb : -itre-t' r I hat occasional. uuliil.'isoi ,pas: Uxe la BeniveX delicate irt ifii A- miTieao Convention b" laid nv f tor 1 1 I . . r ' j I ' - - : . - ' i . .1 n F r . .-II . . ..... ; It the direction of the American C. lo-' a5,tailm 'lu,,,n "Ul " nsmernnon un ine nex nesg.on - nization Society h is indeed, verv ; wc are prepared o ex- -he hoard of Manage., report? .losirahlo that n simrlar nolicv should! I,cr':' I5tl t( 8PIse that a sentl thai theyYhave transit ed a memari. pervade tho other States 'the occas. firtn fun t nutiattrirf itior a nt r'rtliinl'il n tr , .... . . ... Hion and menu ice wi I attend the ion would in a few years vanish, 'fexerttng the power id Legislation tt i ho utmost warrantable extent. to prevent the migration of persons of cobur into We wi) ot here njter at large on the en. iuirv whether the. stern feature of our laws, in their application to persons of this description was nut sufficient to deor emigrants, wi hoti Ii- passage of the late Ac? or svhelher the assertion of such aprin- ple ot legislation chines wim a better ijrarr fnm.a re 'ablicwn as sHm'dv.tha:i the iustlv abhored 0:c- frmcol" jrrpetn.d alepiance proceed- d ft mi the ministry of a tLtu opean ''I otia; c!i a few years ago? .we cer :in!y were not prepared to consider )! mischief pmfered to be remedied of sai li magnitude as to require a large portion of the venerable time l otir representatives, even if the rcmedu did not. nmnict with consti It is kjown to you that in somefrtitiooal principles and the best de ofthf Uiited States Slavery has vanished before the reforming ener. gy of freenopular legislation; .hat others, trrln the commencement of fieir t Ii -lal sx slencet have erected a perpetual baricr against it in their 5 Stafr const tutinns, f - ming together j'a prepondelattng weight in tpescail f of the Uiioti: Notwithstanding thos particuar Slates, are mm par j otivrlv. free from the evil under 'Which we la!ior, yet solicitous for the honor, and the welfare of the VT'ni ed State to which the citizen owes his first and highest allegiance, societies arc almost. daily springing tip in them for the express purpos" of cooperating -in the. great work of bringing abou a general, tfafe and entire extermination of slavery fr mi ttitr nation. Indeed were the na tion io remain silent on this sub. J jeer, after Hearing promulged to the a wrl(l her declaration ot Kiguts, well might i he supposed that paralysis had seized her political virtue, & that Jiaving abandencd her first princu Iples corrantiou was fast invading I her vital functions producing those fearful symptoms of stupefaction , land torpor- which are the precursors ijf devolution to Republics. But tli fact is far othjer wise, while resov Jute efforts arc making in at least ifowr of thc: slaveh' lding States; the 'j ree States Xpc vigorous and active. iTbe correct fclings, and political uidi. in jir cojnt7 ui c larritu into ne several Lvcislaturcs of the tat- ',fijJ,--' ' ",--7 -S. v t if a,,( tn 'Rapacity they, are iot nlr f 0-1 nrr-h p w t ttm t fnof t Heir. fine rights of Men whom the laic l a i a S t acKnowietiges o dc iree.. it mav. however, hr fairly enquired whether an act to eevent tho migration, or rather therm and ingress of free white ci izens with droves of human creatures srekirg a disgraceful mr ket in N. C would not have reQect cd as much honor on the legislature and contributed as much to the fu tore happiness and prosperity of the State? When we sec the slave population congregating in the Southern States, where congeniality of climate gives quickened impulse to their icrease. while the shackles arc falling off their brethren in South America, Texas, and the Islands, and political liberty elevating them in the scale of nations, and these States cioshig their eyes on -those events and in stead of calling on the general gov ernment to exert her constitutional powers, and offering to concede where these are -inadequate arc wantenly and vainly insulting their sister States, and becoming refrac tory to the general government: wc feel a momentary alarm lest Pi vine providence is through our vol untary agency preparing the mearis? Just retribiiUon and ' of effecting that reformation which our success, ful i evolutionary struggle admon ishes us to make and which both our political and religious faith con spiro to amend at the hands of a virtuous and coussfant people. merit in power o perpetual slavery at m 'mgresp, praying inai a mv oe will ultimately predominate in N. C. phased lu prohibit th traffie in S ave is to insult her virtue ami patriotism. Jwi the wveral tuteg; and that 0. that, while the free States re JVw - Sauoilera, hat pledged pressing forward, giving to art and h'"!se,f u " 1 " . , , Ft- General Gray, informed the honso industry a degree of per.ect.on un- that the mPmoral from lH8 ociej7 known to any former a&e; She to fce Ue 0efera A.Vmbl. prj- is re rograding in moral principle Dg ,hal a , W be pa9tM, l0 JroMhit cherishing with fond predilection a ihV importation f slave into ibti system whih paralizea her inven State wa introduced by l iinelf. and -tion, and entcrii ize and like a refered to a eotinnttee: hicl:, f"m canker is gnawing i lie roots and some euuse unknown 'o him, t;ever vitalv of her republican irtur is to inady miy p port sink her political character to thej the board of munagert tendered -lowest dt iitbs ot " degradation. their reaignati-.; whit . the use "Before -closing this short commc ' teeepted, and a pimmted- liiei ard Menili'iihail, nr. Uaviil vv orll. iim tcAar t husids I . Hunt. Pv.tne- ks ifnn .ft nuit Aninn C .llln ! filt expediency of representing yui rj - j Oi. motion of Gen. Gra3, Itt-nlv , ed tliat ihe board of : ana- I br in atr eted to (haft a,raemirihl to the nicattun. permit me to invite your . ? . . : . . ' .1.. 'Tl auennoii io one. lUopci, i uirao mr; selves in the next session of the A merican Convention. Amoti1; tin many considerations h:cu point out the n;-opriety ;i tins measure !ex, General Aembfj, praying for that of Ssarmonizinaf the vievi-s otjihe enactment of a law lo tirobibit tha .... ( . introduetion of - lavts. ,fiom eiher Cohciiz ition is not among the least, j Mate iuto this-particular i .byapee nil. e:i the trreat Mt.bicct of AJiiran .sue- whicli vou are Willi dovout nicies -for t!; cess of flu; causi; io engaged I am Fellow Members yi-urs k J MOSKS SWAl.M. March 8th, 18 17. Extract fiom the minutes of the la'e siim-annufil, session of the .Mann mission Society of wV Carolina. ft . The General Atsoeiatron of the ManumM'ioii Society of Norih-Csro lina, onvened at Ubaree Meetinij house, in Ka'idolph Coon'y, accord iog to adj iu-riunent, on tho ninili it tho present MoMth. It appeared frm the retu ' ns produced fom th Heveral Branches that the followin:, wera represented by the number t delegate attached to tlieir utimes. viz. Center 4-, Deep Uiver ?, Caraw) 2, fjiclilanil Creek 0 Springfield 5 Deep-Creek 1, Trotters Creek J. Cane-Creek t. Jaiie -Town 1. K'nri uel 3, l,oeky Uver Chare 0. I' lirnacle 5 ew Salem 3,, Union 3, Bethel 2 I) vir 3, Muir Chapel t., i5eley9 Creek 1, I'rovidene 1, VVcsi fir hi 1. Jersey Seltl'trnent 1, South Fur k t - Loves-Creek 1, and Monnt Olivet 1. The following Blanche- were not repreented: viz. New (Jardti; K beoezer, iV.w berry larv s ulntors and that thev be ibsrueted - . - . ' . ... o procure as ma y signe a (si ble to juch leemorial, and make ie,tl P'ft thereof to th next Asocio ion'i On motion of Icobert . Hods'-n- lif.olvedi that this AMocitio fPi member wi h pleasure the uii'einitt xeruooH "i ou orny ineno y - vai ' ,. .. -CofKn, in p'omo.ing the ;:Tobjei "of ;;'' thin society and that we'daly ppre : eiate the Iosh sustained .dy -fiia deatbf ' ''!' to Society and lo the causa of human v ;f ity :;vV ...v ":y.;: The committee, corisistioi; of Phix Vi1 neas Nixnu, Henry B. 1 1 1 1 ! , n d J bti iinsbaw, appointed to recve ronj-A' tributions in aid of the funds repnhr fr C oatJhey have received 836 "7i.wlueli "J turn was ordered into the treasurvoi ' ' sioeiatiou W, On motion of Katban Hunt a rn nded by Dr Worth : li -( veI hat com miii eonsidiidg nf M.hp a r k v i waim, and YV .liiain ueynot t- h ijpni;itcd to prepare un esiv l a m morial to the next C'ngre'H o uy . ug for the abolitio. of "Shivery hi iho district of Columbia ; and for tho patronage f e General Guvi rnintnt to be extended in Colomz ition Society and that thev report to Ihe next meet- ing Oo mriTenf et" Grt:eml Ur&Y-Uc solved ttra? tt-.e thanks of this A soci ation h" prcentil lo ihe ciliz of the neigh boor h'ond lor ther hop al- ity attention tn the -meniber oflhia Crekv Shiloh Huntin h ue during the present Sesiinb .......jj On motion of Phineai rVtxnn-i-itr. Creek, lillshorough, tlreensbarnugb, solved that the thank f this Am I BdVs Suoal. B hobnth, and Mini aion be ' nruVriijed !o 'o.s Si mi dy-Crrek (will they do so any mor?h Kwqfar the able dtgaified, d m virtuous and cousisrant people, n t --Uc-Jved eum nuoieatio.ii from ptiil manner WwZi&MhH p: But we fhajl not d -vefl on this ?f j the ;CbaTtffcb t-re tVrs! T!;r-f.f ctif Tg'ril .ttrrtly rj-catUgo Irbn ngg V- Vj It rqe-.Hctoxc; cau?cs more. nojver-1 -,' H "' " '" "

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