tare 1 IV i urn i. iii mil . . - ii iv a the onrrs(andin$. has lor it a patronugtv which il deserves ;u he number r hefi Oft motion of ttttniumin Bwaim, select committee consisting of Mose Swni.n.Dr Worth, and Vm. .Swaim coDtalnjinVtJete, was appointed to .correct, and tran- (jurDui hrnii1 mil the President's Menage, igeiJi-Ufil i inwhich th Review r witn an em :ei from I lie minutes, for insertion in the c Patriot. tin mrifion ot ftloscA tnvaini too JI( ui adjourned to meet at Spritig field Meeting Houe. in Guilford Coun.ly on the ecoad Friday in Sep tember next ot It o'clock A. M Those Editors who are willing to confer an obligation upon the Soeiety ai wII at a respectable number of their readers, will do so by giving the above extract an insertion iu their re spective papers. rlMVIO WORTH. Com. 1 MOSK9 SWAIM. I Wi. SWAIM. March the 10th 1 sir. n lie minutes, marks, lhaiJ'lihe history f :olumns of the (he 'States ii fo little known,' . . oT Northairoliriflif"Thitl been for want of materials or portant events to record; thege shall be brought to ligh; be found, that North Carolh in its early character and in gress, has maintained a plaed toe very u r s I . .. o f ,t h e a t at ea JL ' remarking on the great utility f en" a it will , both pro-i amons er bf.well fcurcil a a ieny una lurmsncti us witt) ttie Joiiowtng f " . pai ticnlars of it suicide which recent s c'oncernloflii'rge v took place in thai courity-rMrs. d History rthii vCjOtiiabine Zander; an accd lady jfe" who lad raisrd a large family, bo 0 Tcatne a litlfc singular, and cho$e for " nbt -1C a,,('c ('ie ,Pu8l Alri!Pan- t dolph Battle. On Sunday the 1st lliinst. she appeared rather wore sin-1 guiar than usual; but not so rnuchi notice. was taken of her eccentricity. 8 ut melancholy to relate, oh Mon- day morning, Mr. Battle's little ; daughter Avent to the .spring, and found her suspended in the sntincr 0 I grove by a grape vine, and dead, nearly six lect trom the Suicide. A ft icnil,tiuC liafltairil,7TTrr-.rr fa I urnislicd us'lWitli 'tlioVfoilowtnir; - OR EENSBO RO JJG I: "1 '. While VirtM reigns, let her sons rcj ieh .we Judge From the Raleigh Register. GEOLOGY OP NORTH CAROLINA. From the pressure of other matter, written historiw, the.Uevieir iog grs iiie luiiuwiug auvjee, w thiok it would be politic in We cDDfe9,that we. are LJitOe startled to hear Jodge Murptej talk of extendiDg hh hitory trijikr eighl octavo vatumsf exe I ui i ve o f pe ology, mineralogy botany and tncto orohgy.' Vho will ever re&il such a uisiury f,; ouppuso uie UlSioriani 01 we nave yet taken no ntntce oi an in- . jt" . " . . Jill In ntAlPH wrrp tn Iip a onnormia cHLlhleitGiostfhe uonMf nicy mini ue pueu up iu Kttkt mftilft i n nnr TtnArd nf Africill- --- A - i lJbraries..UuXthe?.Jiftiex would be la. lore, on tins "snojwra"0riur itue-.-p..-. -- -pzr-z: ' . , r J - ,' ken down. : It is idle to write books, .teasiou or our Legislature. w:n - ii i . r, . . fs- that never win be read.. If the, au The Professor introduces bis Re- ...,.. , . . port by remarking, that the late Ge oloist having noticed. In his Report to the Board, the most prominent mineral's to be found iu the Sta'e, such as ihe Ciayf, Marls and Lime, ftonei of the low countrythe Plum bngo and Magoesian Minerals of AV tikethe Freestone, Coal and No vaeulife of Orange and Chatham - v3 tb. Gold Minea of Montgomery and iAnsoo--:-and the Iron Ores of the IVrst, be might be considered in the character of a gleaner after the har vest has been gathered. - 'Professor Mitchell then briefly states what has been done, and why his reports will necessarily difl'er in 4ength and interest from those whichj have prectded them It became necessary that the whole State should be traversed anew, ther will take our advice, he will eon fine bimiieli strictly to ther History of JVortli Carolina, scrupulously -kei-p, ing clear of all extraneous matters ah fl jaeh'aa have o nly a rem ote bear ing.on thi subject. Let him keep clie to-this purpose, and compress all bis materials into two gctavo yol: umei, in whie!: every. line tha'1 i b ' taioa facr, Sf every sentence a point, and the whole b arranged nitb 'clear ne ss, method, and in ust prbp6rtioii Such a work will annwer its important ends; it will besought after and read. lAjlutXt-Rtii- Thpridrnt,l !ri;timc - sbsc"",D5. or Three f mrirrtWlnllli - - iXkaWealecn .CroUntaDij''ili 171h inst has aeain attemi t ii to Travelling Accommodations. A lino of Stages has coniffinci d run ning once a week, between Lincoln ton and Asliville, injhisntate? tiom whenre it will soon be exteixded to Newport, in Tennessee, ()MSdlngthe boundaries of the dilferent formations ' Warm Springs) where it will inter- j more accurately marked, and the mi teresting objecti which may ?iitherio ' ' have escaped observations, descnb In conformity to these views, the -Professor has directed his atteotiou - to the coutfties of Anson, Richmond, .( , .Montgomery Mocre, Chatham, Rob w esboj Cumberland, Uladeo, Colum " busBrunswick, New-Hanover, Du r, pliu, arfJ Sampson. Some of these counties nave . uceu: irnycricu iu a . dumber of difTereqt directioni, and o- hert, whose geology is more aim pie , .and unirormyin only one or two. In Hhv Geological Map, now in ihe pos sensioQ of the Board, extensive chan - ge must le made, and they are of 'such a nature, that to knowledge of Xhc Science will be necessary to judge oftbfer propriety.' Iiiielugent men in I h6 several r counties will be fully -Von.neteot to determine at least of ' the general accuracy of the delinea , " tipnt ; and I .may remark, io general, '.v . iji&'''Prtsf) ' with icpard to - ? v all the position! -taken by me. The ev : .a "ideneo on which they are founded is laid up in the Cabinet of the Uoi ver sity where a pretty complete series of Kpeeirnens, illustrative of the geol ogy of the counties gone over, is col lected, and I hope in the course of the anrvey. to- provide the means of stu dying our Mineral history, Without leaving Chapel Hill i We have pleasure to statins, that , ologirf t .will arrange a complete series of theie spe cimins to be placed ip the Jtate library in bur; CapportheT inspection W the members of our Ijie".; aUturef'ind A igenqe W;ho may wish to see them. - JVorth American Revieiv,V,e have' IfritTeceived the number of this- val t '. af( t oiher lines; and that a line will shortly be put into operation from Columbia, S. C. to Lincolnton : which, in connexion with the we'k ly stage between Salsbury" and Lin colnton, and the old established lines will afford facilities for travellers to pass through North Carolina from the south, east, and north, in Contin uous lines of stages, to Tennessee, Kentuc ky, and any section of the Western Country. This new means of convenient intercourse, with not only every part of our own, but wih other states, will, in a greater or less degree, henefirially affect every class of our citizens. If is a collateral branch of internal improvements , which, if not so immediate and man ifest in its results as some other branches, is ascertain in its ultimate benefits, and perhaps less objection-7 able in its operation. , " 1 . West. Carolinian. Mzapcth-CityTil7. Shipwrecks. Cant. Hall of the schooner Zeuophon, of Baltimore, arrived here on Wednesday last, and informs us that said schooner went ashore on Saturday night last on the North' Banks, IV w 15" failles south of Currituck Inlet, and is totally lost together with it cargo, consisting of sugar' and coffee. She was from Havana bound to Baltimore, 7 days oiUlUrun,- sails, &c.arc advertised ia be sold on Monday rc also learn from another source that sever ati vessels were driven a ' sihocd atl Ocraock .about tlfoisame time, but liavorall been cottcri off ex jeept one chooiter, with a centre- ' f lino Kit her feet ground. 72. Star. New Orleans, Match 3. 'TopunrjfrnoNs. - This number: concludes thetrsi yearof The Path iot, and hile we tender our grateful thanks o a generous 'polity for the encour ge mentthat has been rendered r tig at their hands we solicit a ronm uance of -their favors for the supyrt of our feeble, though homst exer tions for the public weal. We intend enlarging The Pjtrit one third, so as to contain as iitioli matter as any otner nwjspar New IJANKUThc bill toestab-' t,,c "PPPf of North Caritina, lisli another Bank in tho'City of New the firice will be the same as htreto- lars per anuim, wnths from the Orleans, has passed both houses, and fore,' viz: Two Do) la noWtilJrComa institution will bej unlike nyhet; H ,VAf esWuHolign ed exclusively to Planters, o vhtj-dibre; " i tsti plean at us, weJuili alonejoans aro to be made, the pay ment : of mhich isto be secured -by i lhe ftdlowin notice ofexpedi' nous jraveuing irom ine. ueeasjuer hirih(tt English fpaperywe dlfnot 'remember to haveBcen'ctjuaUeiil;':.' "i ne mues uriwccn ljiverpnoi antl 'MaiirhesteKareJ lrp SteiCowbH'T;iji?rtw6-"' hbuwalid th t eo Quarters .Halfa minute, only is RllMweiWQrpChangin htrsesal w h ic b 8 . )crsbnsai'c lent ploy ed 4 jo.. remttre : thehorf8i taniL-io place 4fteah. horac3 talhe" coacll.,, , i -j . iiftb a iteview. lor Anrii. mo conienia 4f of whteli do ruit aelraet fro. jhe ro- board.Arhich bilged. She s froth rWt.tf tf its editorsTho ombi pcw.'Vbrkand was bdhrc Ih. .Eden iSir.ia1oJltilenU wbicj this viyrfco,ff.i'nU:llynOtih laden with beef, VlV.:fttaedand. ulilRlrviJentF'ten-. Vporkrvl T roni "tr Theadvircs from Lflgnira, by the schr. Swift, at New Y -rkf are to the 28th March. A slip from our Cor respondent mentions that- Bolivar was still at Caraccas. He had $?n,t away his staff; and (he troops which acccmpunietJI him down Irom Bogo ta. - The Colombian ship of war of 64 guns, sailed about 10 days' pre vious, for Carthagena. A Colom bian sloop of war, Capt. Brown a French and Danish frigate Were lying at Luguira. The former was bound to Porto Cabello, for repairs. Extract of a letter dated Laguira.' - the 24th of March: ;The gloomy state of this coiin try at the present time, is beyond descriplion, . ?Rf volutions are daily taking place throughout the country. Bolivar's arrival has produced a very different eflect from what was anticipated; in place of n storing con fidence amongst the people, lio has destroyed all by his order. The stores of manyv of our mo at respecta. merchants hold double the amount of their debt, in G vernmcnt paper , which they refuse to take at any iiricc. " 1 1 r : The attempt to fo rm what is call ed a Legislative Jackson Caucus, fat llarrishurg, seems to. have miscarri ed virtually. Only 83 member "of the legislature attended. It is obser ved, however by a prominent advo cate ot uen. Jackson in tbo legisla a a a .a , j ture, mat ne uuu otners oi tne same take but a short space of rnoh to sure him, lbatrweafe aa littl tit as for any Mstingui shed men ; as he does, other person, and that our nr ing the passage ;;of the Messrs. VilMns' throiigli our, viljagc was rlther flhe efleit oflbve, of angl-r, or of reverence for distinguished en,? but merely because we believ them t .he . honest rorn and gentle ien . ;lhn th' Editor of the -ar nian for his prrsumptVvc adc, and "WoO tdlcora racturf oTHrni f e h B oas oeeu so severely uearm tyjx. own den, to mind his own tisine3grf THE MARKET. A t Fayette villev A pril ,i 2r-Ba con7 toS-Butter 1 b to WCoffee, prime. IS Cotton SS ip 8 31 Corn 70 to - 73 Flour BG f i 6 Oats 50 to 53 Sugar) prime. lr to 11 Salt 73 to OO-'lnllow 9 ta iOVV heat loo to ilOWhi key 45 to 50. j At Petersburg April tS.Baroa ' 7i P 8Corn 75- Cottirt 8 to d. The United States jo6p of xi?l L4diu5K.11, vapu onuricK. arlr at New York on Moneay trom lahfcas, and eight day from Hi, na. . ' : In the legislature! of Lomsianr there are 4.0 metnberi in favo of tQ Administration of tie General Gori ernmcnt, and 27 opjoscd thereto C iUELESTo.w S C, A pril ,4.4 Major General B nawN, of thelrH my and suite, arrived iu Jbiifiivl on Monday I'vening last, and took lodgings at Jones' Hotol, Broad 8teet. We are informed that the! General will proceed first to denri gia and then to Louisiana. We tmderatancl that th H n Messrs. Van Br res r.r.d Cambke tr.NO, ol New York, eft U, ra Vei hecaune they were of opinion that ei tber the nomination of their candid ate xinght to be left to a convention of delrgatffl from' the several counliei, or the election to'tho People; without formal domination. a ' 6' tr. The Vie sideot of the United States has recognised Charles John Pcshall, Esq. as Consul of his Britanic . JUa- je'ity folrlhefate tif oouiiiern tour, in Macott, lh sieam grange rartneWitp.--Charles Rh ouu vjcvmuci'viitinson, nave recent aisociated themselves as Editors the Weekly Messenger, a paper pi lishcjl in Russetiuiie, Ey. and to "'J I'ttiiuui generally im e"l !f o o f t h e Sil e n tfiajt e , une is oecmred to bAyfrien Generalacjtlidl; K J I I