The Patriot and Times IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY By James W. Albright & Bro. 7.7iVS caJi invariably in advance, Onvr S- 'x month $1.-., three nioa.75 ct. IaTAhv person newilingi' mWrilwoiwill re reive one ropy yrnti. iCy X. Sicrilcri rccc'mng (heir paper tiith a chmm lcforc their h.imeft arc reminded lmt their Miherirlin has expired, and unices Tcncwcd in two week will be discontinued. Advertising -Kales. 1 'ir. (10 line or Iw) 1st inHortlon $ 1.00 Kacli additional insertion, 50 Six month., ' . 0.00 Otic year, 10.00 J4' column Ij't insertion, f.9 Krich additional,.... 1"0 Six month, , 23.00 One year, 40.00 Ja' column lht insertion, 10.00 Each additional, 3.00 Six inonth-, 35.00 One year,.... C0.00 1 column Ift insertion, 15.00 Kach additional, 8.00 Six month-, CO.OO no year, 100.00 - I V Spkc! a i. Notices .r0 per cent higher than ft he abovo i-:itx. Court orilerr in adcauce. Yearly advertisement changed quarterly if desired. Payments tpi.irterly in advance. Since uniting The Patriot and The Times the press upon our advertising columns has been so jrresit, we have been forced to receive lut a few mdect advertisement, and ndlierc strictly to the abovn CASH KATES. , t"if Obituary notices, over five line, charged as -ad vertiseitH-iits. Business Directory. .Attorneys at Scutt .1, North Klin, pjoite Court House. (illiKtr ii Gilmer, North Kim, opposite Court House, (see advertisement.) lAtt. ( Starlet, Second t(r, Tate building. Seal i St-afrj, North Uooiu, Patrick I' rear of Por ter V Kckle's l)rii Store. Apothecaries and Druggists. .'. W. Glron, M.D., West Market Street, MeCW.nel building. Vvrt'r . Ki lt I, Vct Murk.'t, next courthouse, (see adv.) Auctioneer. 11". .'. I'.i'ranh. liar Iters. WiUr ,( Wiley, North Kim, opjMite Court House. Hanker and Insurance Agents. ilenn G. Kelo',", South Kim, Tate building, (iee-ndv.) Wilton Mm! er. South l'lm, ojijstsite Kxpress Ollice, (se adv.) Hoot and Shoe linkers. liirrh Schhi'ftl, West Market, opposite Mansion Hotel. Tho$. .V. fat., Divie st., i doors North Steele's corner. Ciar manufacturer. A. Hr-f i in a nn, South r.liu, Caldwell block. Cabinet Makers und Undertakers. J.-,;. A.. l'rifchit. So-iih Klin, near Depot. H"i. ol it AH, Corner of Sycamore and Davie streets. Contractor in 9rick-vork. It-ni l McKn !;,(. foiitr:tctor.s in Wood-work. . .. V!thr. I u t'l h'fi, y. ' Coiifertioiiers. Tate I'.s'.ild'ui;:, corner store. J I! rrfT i.imhdif, Jr., South Kli-r. Dress-llakinpr and Fashions. Mrs. X. Maitrie, ' South Klin, (ce adv.) Ja. A. DilnHith. Next door to Times Office. Dentists. .. W. lf.!-!it. 1st door left hand, un stairs. Garrett's building. Dry iooils, liroeers and I'roduec Dealers. W, S. Moore, Hast Market, Albright's new building. l. a. ; i(.': . Coiner K:it Market and North Elm, l.ind.-ay corner, (see adv.) A. Weathtr'ly. Coni'T Kast Market and Davie strevts. II. IK Trotter, East Market, Albright' new building. ,. ,'. May. West Market, opposite Porter & Eckl, !.;,, Wet Market, opposite Court House. !.. Slonn ( Sunn, South Elm, m ar Depot, (see adv.) G. Vote. South Elm. Smith Cllni'r, Opposite Southern Hotel. J. IK Klin', East Market street. N. Sterlr. Corner East Market and Davie streets. J. . C i'xn'xnc, Comer South Elm and Sycamore, Jio-jart t- Murray, East Market, South Side. Foundry and Machine Shop. J II TttrjJ'y, Washington st., on the IJailroad. CJrocers and Confectioners. St'inrtt .( White, Ea t Market, next Post Othec. 1 ...u.. nninn. Ctw Hi o Mouih-Wcst, T.ohIm Xiniaier. .t t. .1 .. 1 . 11 1 n T? n West Muiki-t, oppohitP Mansion Hotel. sftiiiiTnrtl I.aiul Asoncy of IVortli- Carolina. " Jno ? Gretter, (Jeul Afrent. Went Market, oppose Mnnslon Hotel llarness-iiiakei-s. J. W. S. Vitrhr, K:i-t Market t., near Court Houfe. Jamt K. Thorn, Conier South Kirn arid Sycamore. Hotels. Southern Until, Scales & Illack, proprietors, et Market, near Court House. ndntrr't Hotel, J. T. leene, proprietor, Kttt Market, near Court House. Mvcry Slallo. W. J. Kdmondion, Davie stm t. Millinery ami s Cioods. Mm. II . iS'. Moore, Kust Market, Albrfght' new building. Mrs. Somh .I.i West Miu-ket, opposite Court House. ITXiifcic and Musical Instriimciits. J'rof. 1 H. Manner, South Klni. (see adv.) Sen injr Jlachincs. I) II Lal'Uh, Salisbury st. "Tailors. n: L. Forhr. V.Vf t-Market, oppiite Southern Hotel. Tinners. Jo. O'Sillircn, Comer Wet MurXet and Afhc ttreets. r. a. Yut-t. South-Kim. Tonih-SltMit's. llnry ( A'n'A v;, ' S'ith Kim. I ME PATIIOT MBJHME8, VOL. Patriot XXX. Times VII. Si ii Painting-. A. W. Inrofrf, South Elm, Patriot building. Physicians. A. S. Porter, Wort Market i5t., (noarTimwi Office.) R. W. (ilenr Wrest Market, McConnel building. J. A. Hall, North Elm, opposite courtdiouse. J. . Jxifjan, Comer West-Market and Greene. Photogrnphers, Ilwjit t- Yate$, West Market, opposite Court House, up fltairs. Watchmakers and Jewellers. '. It. l-'arrar, South Elm, oppite Express Office. Itori'l Srott. East Market, Albright' block. Agricultural. TO THE FARMERS OF NORTH CAROLINA. At a meeting of the Farmers of Warren county, held at Warrcnton on tliclGth inst., for the purpose of taking steps towards the formation of an Im migration society, the following rcsolu- tion was unanimously adopted. "LWm, That the chairman ap. point a committee to correspond, cither bv letter or through the press, with the citizens of othcrcounties, inviting them to hold meetings in their counties and appoint delegates to a general meeting to be held at a certain point, (the time and place of holding which to be ap- pointed by this committee,) to consider the subject of immigration and organize a society if deemed proper- We the undersigned were appointed the committee under this resolution and in conformity to this requirement address you this letter through the press. The importance of immigration to the future prosperity of our State is fully apparent to us, as we have no doubt it is to you. This immigration can only be secured by organized and systematic action. We propose to form a society, embracing as many counties as may chorn tojoii, with us, and thus, by combination, accomplish "IMl iUUUl Ultl uu MJparaicij. feasibility of such an organization is almost unquestionable. Through it, we may induce the very best class of emigiauis irom otner states and lor turn countries, to settle upon out am- plus lands and aid in building up our wealth. There is an immense quantity, of land in the State lying idle, upon Nor is it necessary to give them, as a plan can bo devised by which we can make them available for our purpose and secure to the owner a fair price r thQVA- We call upon our sister counties to .u wr.: iiumber of counties have expressed A. . L. . . r . their -willingness to participate. Let vour delegates be untrameled and frcc your delegates be uutrameled, and free 10 auopt any pian wnicn may meet their views when assembled inconven a; nn. i 1 i.t. -i i- 11011. xne resolution imooscu iuo uui of appointing the time and place for noiuing tne general meeting, uponiuis committee, because not knowiug what counties would resnond to our invita- tion. n. ilnrn could not bo desimiated ,vith any certainty as to its being the proper one. In conclusion, let us say to our broth- er farmers, it is time to be up and doinir. Hold meetings at once and let 11a liavn n. F-irmnr's rniivpnti'nn nt. nn tj 1 ' eady dayj wllicU shall not ony devise hut ftxrantft proat tlnup-ss. Tho. nowsnanors of this Statft are re O o" " - X quested to insert this letter, and use their influence to promote the object has in view. "With an earnest desire for tho prosperity of our State and the rebuilding of her waste places, we sub scribe ourselves, lour brother larmers. B. F. LONG, WM. S. DAVIS, JNO. WATSON, J. 11. GAKLAND. 31any ot tne oirus most useiui 10 ine 1 J 11 farmer and horticulturist, as wrens, woodpeckers, nuthatches, titmice, &c., are species nesting in holes of decayed trees or stumps, and only found where such nlaces of abode exist, disappearing to a greater or less degree ith them. virions contrivances have ii nn. wh,,:h WC are paying taxes, and from ,,as iuveilted macllinery by which the ion of provisTonf said mcnt for silence jmd darkness ! . Who .""arui ffi. w hichwc are de, ying no revenue.- 8talk8) , twen.y-four hours afterbeing clause is postponed hall be extended - the Saxou . 85 Theselandsareallwe need to carry cut, arc converted into ketn of vciy untdsaidfnst day of January eighteen StmoMbets debt or obligation inemred in' aid of ourenterpriscintosncce.ssfuloieratiou. ,la.oa(1.s ready for spinlling.- T,';! iii.nnLl nVtn rend from the rocks of Mecklenburg first insurrection or rebellion against the uuuuai,- "M water, and the sediment will exhibit to supdIv suitable breedinr? Dlaces to v O Jk the birds mentioned, tlie most available and satisfactory being made of patterns of different " shapes, cither partially globular, clyindrlcat or conical, and suspended to tho trees. These when GEEENSBOEO, N. 0., THUESBAT, AUG. 6, 1868. smeared With tar or pitch and Stuck over with moss and lichens, are almost as acceptable to the birds as hollow trees would be, and attract large num bers of them. Distemper tn Cattle and the Hemedy. The Richmond lYMg says: We have been permitted to look over the proof of an article written by Mr. Frank G. Iluffin for the August number of the Southern Planter and Farmer, in which the writer says that having heard that many milch cows are dying in and around Richmond of distemper (pro Ierly speaking red water or really bil ious fever) he thinks it proper to make public a remedy he has successfully used and a preventive he has employed to his perfect satisfaction for the last twelve years. Mr. Ratlin says : The remedy is sugar or molasses either you choose ; the sugar as a bolus, the molasses as a drench a pint of sugar or a gallon of molasses, and the dose repeated at intervals until the nnrnial is relieved or dies Alter site sreeeii, a rea-spooniui oi caiomei ma be M8?1' I?1unn tlie Jvar 1 Clre(l a casowith ft Sall11. of sorghum molas- " l" ll. ff? for at the very worst it can only kl11 iQ cow antVsb? ,niSllt as wel1 dle of classes as of red water. The preventive is more important. I got it twelve vears ago from inv friend m R pt iiylop, of Amelia co. Beforo thafc r had sustained 8Crious losses ; since, I have never had a case, except when I carelessly neglected to prevent it. Take a. mixture of the fol lowing proportions : Salt, one gallon; Flour Sulphur, half pint; Saltpetre, half pint ; Copperas, one gill. Pulverize thoroughly and mix, and keep it where the cow can get to it daily. The Ramie Plant. This is of the ttIft ,1IniK, u ,lfm. ,. vatfi1 snilstit,uto. for. nn.l - v-w... v , , j - imi)roVemeut on. cotton. One nerson. Mr. ri0Czi has been cultivating it in Mexico for eleven vears, and lately he has introduced it into Cuba, where it vation is inexpensive and the cron is ationisinexpcnsicaiuitne crop is much larger than cotton. Mr. Roezl The cloth it makeg is stronffer even thau lin01l aild mucll more iastig in wear. The fibre is very white and has a silky -loss. It flmls a reaily sale in Eu-land at double the price of cotton, Thc Kamio lanfc wU1 glw iu Califor. . 1 . qfnj rmVnltiinl nmVtv tliof umli- StateAgncuituiai society mat appu- p.lHnn ho Timln to tho WirM.Unml ne to the Agricultural Burcau at Washington, for seeds or rootg of h s lam for usc in our State. It seems to i)romise that we would ivrt :,wiAft,winllf f f0;,i rtffrt ud lillftn ml t attention. T, , JRE FOR Fouxder. The Rural 7 7 , i "Id proposes to cure founder in .1. m 1 .1 , CURE I VTor horses in this way: Take the horse : i. 1 L r 1 .1 nuo a uiook or suuam oi warer, ueep J enou fasten that he 1 is warm kpcii him thoro hours, Then remove him and rub his legs tuoroucrulv to nromote circulation. o.'-a - still lame reneat the nroccss two I X - three times it In the long enough to keep water, when he should be taken out ther case re- - and rubbed as in the other The last number of tho Boston Jour nal of Chemistry says that tobacco is I . the greatest robber of soil that grows a ton of tobacco exhausting the soil as much as fourteen tons of wheat and fifteen tons of corn. frorw niKn n. sively used adulterate confectionery. 1&ulUtA ,Li:euicauuyma iass tho amount of adulteration. It is reported that the Cuban doctors say that the pineapple crop is bad iii'nil mpoiI film rntfinnra i?i o rnnv Tlm I plant perenmal, l,kc the nop, ionVof the second clausroftue-tlYlrty- a'H88fcmW moau JBE m .,u ao. oi ww .n m etc. well rooted it grows from third section of said act shall not ap- nccks of subject citizens, inscribed Section 4. rhe validity of the pub. iifteen to Uvcntv feet hi,h. The cnlti- Sv to oTiaUnsBfabant- 1 vvfcv-"- vumiiiM l v eil . jliiv l - .1 year, and cannot be safely eaten either by mechanics and laboring classes of the one of you still in doubtT Ihese shame invalids or healthful persons. country. . ' i less impostors told you they were se- Written for the Democratic Club, Lumpkin Ga. WE'LL fling freedom's banner out. , - Air" Bonnie Blue Flay." We'll fling proud freedom's banner out, Unsullied ami go fair ; We'll Ewell tbc chorua and we'll ehout For Seymour and for Blair. We'll fling proud freedom's banner out, O'er land from sea to sea ; We'll swell the chorus and vre'll ghout We must again be free ! Hurrah, hurrah, for Seymour and for Blair, We'll fling proud freedom's banner out, unsnllied and so fair. From Northern clims we hear the strain On Eastern hills the sound ; It rolls o'er every Southern plain, And shakes the West around ! While tyrants there their thrones upon, ; , Speak loud of people's 44 rights," We'll push the car of freedom on Uphold the Stars and Stripes. Hurrah, hurrah, &c, Yea, onward roll her mighty powers, 'Twill never be too late Tobles this beauteous land of ours To save the ship of state. And when the race is run and out, O'er land from 6ea to tea, We'll swell the chorus aud we'll shout That we again are free ! Hurrah, hurrah, &c. We'll then throw off the soldier's shroud Of war oppression's 6ighs ; We'll bannish then the gloomy cloud That o'er the nation lies. We'll fling proud freedom's banner out, Unsullied and so fair ; We'll swell the chorus and we'll shout For Soy mour aud for Blair. Hurrah, hurrah, &c. SJhc f atriot and jiimcs. GREENSBORO, N. C. TnE Bankrupt Law Amended. The "fifty percent, clause" of the r"" w"iJL " J l" 1L " mcu' wls &u ' amended by a bill passed in the Sen- at0 on baturday night as to allow all . -I,., . 1 persons who apply before the 1st day of January, 1SC9, to have the benefit fi.n i,oi.-vf lr,, n, ' fifty per cent, of their debts or not. The bill is as follows : rutcy commenced prior to the first i ., Janna eio-bteen hundred and giVty-uiue, and the time during which i nTol iv jw follows: In a ruptcy commenced of January eighteen hundred and six ted ,7" ooual to fifty per cent, of the claims 1)rovcd against his estate, upon which el, oil h linllr nsi iho .nrincinal debt - vho shall nae proea tneir ciaims, ot , . at or before the time i ii o,vTir.ot?rtTi v- t ie h&auig 0f the application for discharge. sehargc. Sc!2- Jf.',.ri7?, " the Statutes at Large, act as printed m tne &5ailV u shall read, i non-resident creditors' ; ,,'1 nrMn nPVt to the last thattheord or in nextto tneiasi imc of the thirty-ninth section of i - ,1.-11 .1 ( nml ?. I10 act siwu icau -auu , iac ine puiassc j r ; " . . i i, ,i fourth section ot said act,, 4 or .sbal1 sPCId 0 I to in 1 n mul thnt. It & . 0 7 .. or riniinrprl tn thp. register.7 in the 1 Snninr TPff Sf 'I . tJl . UUU. IIIC uniuovy I UUU f c? noted. That registers m bankruptcy shall have power to administer oaths m Vi oil,! in vniofinn to nil matters all cases, and m relation to au maiierb : ,-u;v. Anf lie mnr in rifl ministered bv bankruptcy in all cases, subject to. the revision of such proofs by the register aud by the court, according to the pro- TMoinnc nf fcfdd net. II AOiVlO V .v. t. ur.,-..OM f Trooirfpnt Pnlk's I II rl I L' LUC 1UU1 till BU4i v3.v-k Lunut uvvi j , . . : t.:,.r, :rti.qarl tlio ATpyi .1 f "VV- TinnoW. can war, tne expenses. iu,, - ment were $90,540,788. The expenses ..i.A -r f rr tio vprenr1 11 iiroceedings in bank- prociaimea mue peuucu - 4 ; 4 --i - ; rri MlowsTme pi rase ' presented or de- any tu respect " ' well as the white man. : , : ni fended,'in the'fourteeih section of aid fteno Th. Legislature has just pa-eed a la. act, shall read, prosecuted or defend- " emlouJ. fhe overeigntv of which declares the offices of all our incor- ed'; the phrase' non-rcsident debtors l,lolJLlew0uidbe vested in this select norated cities, towns and villares vacant: I I 1 1 I K'. II Ill" 1111 1 1111 I llUli I . . J 1 . I in linn ti-r sminn Twt'i rv-Lwo ui mu L the 1st of July, 1868, the third year of magoguU who govern the Houses . oQ nno Congress have finished tho. work of 01 are ri 000 more daring one year oi peace man they were daring foaryears of Democratic rule with the Mexican waron their hands, Is there any wonder that the cost of liv this ing remains at an oppressive figure to V RECONSTRUCTED ttt? Under this head the National Tnirl . - i1cau 4U- -ailonali me uiico oiii,oi tne iter. G. W. Welker, the following notice : Ye who fondly revere the Declaration ot Independence and claim freedom for men who disown the doctrines of feu dalism, oi villeinagi, and of-'slavery mill Tlirv 1vit- 4-1.4- mi . . . ?. and who deny that the civil liberty of requisite number of. States, and is now ". ourselves and our forefathers was a a part of the Federal Constitution, our pageant and a name, look for vour- iV , . . , ' r selves at the State of North Carolina lnny- aS're t0 ,hTO .ir; recol- as sketched by the hand of murder in lectlon'of its provisions refreshed: It her legislative halls. Read in another reads as follows: : . v-v i r column a bill which is pending now in Article IV. Section 1 ' All persons tlieconvocationofnegroesand vagrants born or naturalized in the United who, under the patronage of the Con- States, and subject to the jurisdiction gress of the United States, call them- thereof, are. citizens . of thfe-UnltSl Si55Sata?e oftbaftate--- Statesand of the State wherein they Ibis precipe of bondage provides : reside: No State shall make or en-s Ihat the Governor shall appoint, force any law which shall abridge the organize, and equip a force in each privileges or immunities of eitizens of county equal to titty men for each State the United States. Nor shall an v State representative, each twenty of whom deprive any person of . life, liberty, or to have a sergeant, and each hundred property without due process of laV, a captain, and the whole to be under nor deny to any person within its iu the management of a war department, risdiction the equal protection of the consisting ot a chief, and two assist- laws. . , i k y s A ants. This army is to be under the Section 2. 'Representatives shall be exclusive and plenary control of the apportioned among the several States Governor, who may order any part of according to their respective numbers it at Ins pleasure to any part of the counting the whole number of persons State. I he force is to be armed and in each State, including Indians not uniiormed, and each man shall have a taxed ; but whenever the right to vote badge of authority. He shall have two at any election for electors of Rresi dollars per day and found ; the chiefs dent and Vice-President of the United to have annual salaries and travelling States, Representatives in - Congress expenses, and the subordinate officers executive and judicial officers, or the an indefinite sum. All expenses inci- members of the Legislature thereof, is dent to the calling out of the force are denied to any of the male inhabitants to be 7eriT oh and collected from the of such State, being twenty -one years committee, in which the disturbance a- of age, and citizens of "the United rises. Any ten electors have the power States, or in any wa abridged, except, to call out this force, as well as any for participation in rebellion or other justice of the peace, sheriff, deputy crime, the basis of representation there sheriff, etc. This body of armed and in shall be reduced in the proportion licensed minions are expressly empow- which the number of suth male citizens ered to use all " necessary force to shall bear to the whble number of male preserve their authority. " No man citizens twenty-ouc years of age in that shall be an officer or private in this State., .; organization unless he be an elector of Section 3. No 'person" shall bo. n, the State, and first take and subscribe the constitutional oath of officeV' Each I . 1 T . . , , .. XCTa.J duty 0f the chief to nrenare and i (fi i t m. m j ir i 11 i i i . I . . . ward to each man appointed a member ot tms lorce a pnnted copy ot therKs I 7' T ... prexcrtueu w govern nis cotauci." xnis prescribed to govern his conduct." This army is called a "police." Their badges are called "police badges." Their powers are called u police powers," etc. A ,. - 1 11 i l. ; .T . 3 . . uii" designated hour at, night f Is curlew bell to mark in mercy i there no the mo Who ago in England t ltalcs are to be prescribed, to govern tuo co: JXS" tlus commoii law, . riues must suppianc rue common ia , COUblllU Hid I Constitn orth TJiat r rofioct and embody the cotl wouia rencci um cmumo system thus created, in which there is J thQ Goy. emor, his officers of this force, or the men themselves can be compelled by hody. lttney snouiu cron uicu uuv- ernorwithacrown, clothe himin purple, "Jj"; . ,? , , ffrant titles put a sceptre in nit nana, giant uul 1 f tb d efs alul captains, . . . t K t ion their sovereign powers no Ot the body. inners and titular nobilitv I . - . i; , 1 her ! From , the to reign a & ' i,;fftuMn and t.lm Rlf- f V t i ast rrentlemen? Must respect ot, at itasi, luucuu u t: jjuau A r f r t0 a control of Christianized sui'11? , . , c straineti vioicuue- '"f govern ment! Have t to ire its restoration ? j tolerate in our bosom a sys- tern of government that, affronts . X A 1 iTl 1 AC oil ninereentn ceniurv aim uwuiuw nn f Rlinll the. Kill fT OI JJahO 1 l"l lllZitiliVfil . . 1 I - " , . TT:i..l - mer seize and ffovern one oi me uiiucu 1 OtaiCS i 1U1SW llU.V"v fi of And tlis is a reconstructed State - rri, ;nJnnitAn nnd nneonseionable de- storing this State to its "practical iations t0 the Union ana such is the state from which they receive so called f SSo - Union that Ohio or New York is." . the pcopie 0f the llnited States, is any member ot the force, in addition to all dent, or hold any office,' civil or wiuuiiuj ium;e iu crs, may, at nis sole iary, unuer tne, unitea states, discretion, arrest and hold for twenty- der any State, who, havincr nrev lvl . . v , i - t i . l .... is, .vnmn i inrnii tnrno rvi cnnn 1 1 v t 1 1 1 iiism 1 1 1 nffr tbo first dav sna11 g (lown 10 lI,e Sl00iuy UI1U m1' ' "V' lum "L lL ". " aitei Hie nrSL UdV o . n -i aA va.i. lnlvfa nhlirrnfimis iindfhums sbnl curing, through tkreeloiiganddistress ing years of Southern 'imsrufe; republic can governments for those States 3 And this is the work they have done ! They bring into membership of the ; jTJnion, instead of a republican State of govern ment, an organized conspiracy, a gainst civil order ; a combination-of arms ( -rr r H "p"1"- uoi iy aim property ; an axso I IN U. ( . cmtion of abandoned outlaics and negro savage, jor xne purpose of punishing ctrihzation as acrinieinXorth Carolina. lSehokl tlieirwork. Mark it fordostrue. J'0"' a!V- fr your ase coim try, and your common lmnian naturd THE FOLTRTEENTII . AMEND- As it is claimed that this contrivance of Radicaiisin has been ratified bv the Senator or Representative in Congress, elector 'of President and -Viee-Presi- mili- " or uii;--. iously, . 1 . ' ' . 'J Z : r'"a"T"M,Li' t i i i .- i i i 11 111 w i 1 i i i ti'iia. m r or as an executive'or judicial officer of I - - ----- - , any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have en- I i. n . Tr ' m . , v . .. . oi tne umtea states, snail gaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or cqm- 1 fort to the enemies thereof; but Con- I 1 j i- . I for the payment of pensions and bouu- ties lor service m suppressing msurrec- tion or rebellion, shall not be ques- be held illegal and void. Section 5. The Congress shall have. - "KiTT meT TQ T VI? ATT? 9 - is iljusi, iair, rignt. or proper iur. um I t . r . . .1.. Republican Legislature of this State to re- fuse to allow the people to elect their of- v .1 1 r -i n fiCers after their late . pofcssions - that all 1 nnVrr i officers .hould be elected by the quahfied- voters of each county, cty and town ?Ve. pUt this nncation to tho colored man aS anAmtead 0f gvng tjie people thc right a" ' . . J J J J to elect their officers, which tho new Con - . ., stitntion guaranties, the late law provides I . , ... vfloale1 nositioiia uat the dec "" , , .rr of tion on me nrsi uonuay 01 .January next. Is this in accordance with the spirit of the Constitution is this giving tho s whole icir officers? It is not necessary for us to characterize slature as unfair, scl- unconstitutioual- all merely to call i the ,u rt man to the inconsistency of those persons - who control the State Government' and ui - t i llareot every man, and es, that of the colored laborer, depend: prosperity and success of : the jiro proppentv for-las a member of anv Srar TlMhim. the anj Biiccess of tho propcrtyholder. If n ? i i - u ; - J fl o o I . ..11 T I amnlnirmonf tn l ihnrorc hntl' nnrt TA11 trot - j -v." v.lUcTr.,;V- . , vu.. M . We tipQ 0Qt these ideas forlh(J Reri. !- . - .;1prninn of tlm,r linv, lrfnn of re - is the only party d.sposed to help the poor re - man.-CAarlott Democrat: Soap-suds, lime, soot and ashes, have all proved useful in (lestroying lmgs uii caobages and other plants.' " - .v- - "'- ' ic. ': 11. B. Bullock was iuaugufatCHl Gow ernor of Georgia oii tlie 22nd. 1 ; . i lie r'

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