I v Tho Patriot and Times IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY Py James V. Albright & Bro. v: TERMS h invarialiiy ii wlomrr; Onfr.ar$J, r'x iimntli thrt-e mm, 75 ct riTAny wrvn wuilingrf nWribtTSwill re frivr one cpj" g rat it. . JC7 X. SuWTir8 rccciting their papers hh a cro. W fore their names are reminded that their miWription hn expired, ami unlet tcnel in I to weeks will be ili.oontinuel. Hates of Advertising 1 wjr. (lOlin or Iw) lt insertion,. 1.00 Kach additional insert ion,.. . . 50 Six raonth.', .. . . COO 10.00 One jrenr, .... column 1 at insertion, Kch additional, Six tnnnthe, Ouc jcir, column let inM-rtion, Kach additional, 5.00 1J0 25.00 40.00 10.00 3.00 CO.00 15.00 Six monthii, Onejre.tr,. JL tlnmn lut iimertiyn,. Kach additional,-. 8.00 60.00 Fix month.',. One vear 100.00 W Si-k i vL Nmri s T0 per cent hlghr than lL ft!"iTe rati. lL"4m Court order $l in mica nee. Yearly a Itertinr mentu changed cjuarterljr if denrrd. I .iTmentu nuartcrlv in aUtance Since uniting Th l'atriut and The Timen the rru upon our a-ltertisin columns has heen no Hret, we lmTe hecn forced to recctTe but a few eU-ct nilTiii'mfiiient, ami adhere fctrictly to lLoaboTif CASH HATES I V Mutuary tiotirra, over fir Jinex, charged a adverti'nnMitM IJii.shie.ss Directory. Attornryn at Law. i.ott Jr Svtt. N"rtb LItn, .piHite Court llouxc. Cllmtr ,( (liluier. North Klin, oppite Court Hoi we, (ee advertivu)ent.) AJtutM ,1- StapJfi, SeiMid Hor, Tate lmiMinij. w-.i ( .Vrli , North lli-m, ratru-k Kow,iu rear of Por. trr A. Kckhy Pnij; Store. AptlMTtrio mill DriiKBKts. ;. jr. attuH, M.lh. er M.irkrt Street, McConnel building. Porter . Eelrl. Went Maiktt, next durthue, ( alv.) AMrtioiioor. IlnrlMrs. lViikf$,t- WUfti, Nrth Kin. opjHnite Court lloiue. Banker ami Insurance Agents. Usury (I. li'Hifj l. South Kl.n. Tate building, (ee adr.) Wilson ( Sltner, , Ntulh Klin, oi'piite Kxpre Olliee, (ee adr.) Bot ami Shoe linkers. .. A in A .( ' Wet M;irket, oj.pit Mansion Hotel. Iiieit., t dor North Stccle'i corner. Cigar Manufacturer. A. rii'tfi n ;!, Siilh Khu, Caldwell bUn-lc. Cabinet linkers and Untlertakerk. Jhn A. I'rit'hrtt, So'iih Khu, nrar D jHt. V'n(. t'vUlai, Cortur f Si annie and lJie street. rotitr:i (or in Ii ick-work. Ctitrarton in lVooil-work. Ji$. A. Ihkl'y. Mn'i Ktrt'y. ('iirertioncrK. Tat lluiM'm, enrr utore. Nutk Klin. Drc-M:ikhi and Fashions. Mr$. .V. Mitt rift. N.utli Khu, (oe ad.) Sirt. A. I tit rth. Next dr to Tinira Oflice: Dentists. J. llrtt 11 door l ft hand, up tair, Carrett'i Wudlin. Dry Cootls Grocer and Produce Dealers. II. .l.or-. Kat Market, Albright' uew building. A. . litut:akn. Corner Kant Market and North Kim, Kinder eornrr, (o adr.) J. H,f. Comer K-t tarktt and DaTie Mreet. W. IK Trotter. r.a-t Market, Alhriht'a new building. .'. J.y. West Market, opposite Porter A; Kekel, C. !'l.i. WmI Market, opposite Cotnt Hoio. T.. U ( Situt, South Klin, nar Depot, (new adr.) ff. r;. Yattt. Suth Khu. , Smith. (lihiier, )jjsite Southern Hotel. M. IK hfhif, V.Aut Market street. S. StftU, Corner Ka-t Market and lavie street. n. II". ('. llenlmr. Comer South Khn and Sycanioro. lUyart JL- Murray, Y.A.t Market, South Side. Foundry and Machine Shop. . Tarr-lejt. Wa.Miiuirtoii M., on the Uailroad. !rocers and Confectionen. Stttrrrtt ( White, Kat Market, next lwt Office.' eiieral r.iuiralion Otlice, for the AVest and South-lVe.st. Cn n' Siutheni Aent, 11 aid O. H. 11., Ae-t .dai Ket, opjostt"' Mansion Hotel fauilford Land Agency of North- t;arotiu:i. Jnn , (irttl'r. tu n'l .tr" it, M.iik-t, pHite Mansion Hotel. ilarness-iaaker.s. J. W. S. l', r, Kx Market t.t near Court lloune. Jan't 7 com, Comer South Khu ami Sycamore. Hotels. .Wr"'ra ll.te!, SealoR & Ulatk, proprietors e-i .Min kt J. n iir Court House. riititr's ll-tt'l. J. T. Keee, proprietor, K;it Murk, t, n. ar ('ourt Hoiie. Liquor Deal.ers. Dtan t Hwtff, Wholesale lpaler, Vet Marktt t., Garrett Huilding. I.ivery Stables. II. J. E!tHiltotH. ' Davie itreet. Millinery and LndyN fjoods. Mrt. II . .s. M,H,rt, Kat Mai kt t, Albrifrht'v new building. Mr$. Sit rah Alau, Wvt Market, opposite Court House. Music and Musical Iustriinients. I'rof. I II. Mauri r, South Kim, (.e adr.) fiewins Macliines. htViht Salisbury st. Tailors. W. L. ltrlrr, Wt Market. 'pjoiite Southern Hotel. Tinners. Jn. E. (Y SnU'wav , Corner Wrt Mnsket and AJjf streets, C. fi. Ytr$, S)uth-JClTp. t r ' - - rf . 1 ' v ' - j ' ........ . . 1 iiiLEl 1 i-JWLQJLw JL ...illlNi.P I I LvJLU"jO. ' .... ... . . ... i ........ . . . ... 1 Tomb-Stones. ;.! ' ',. 7?tiry ; Ar.7 ; ' : South Kim. Sin and Ornamental Painting J. II. I,olJ, . lAt Market Albright's IWk. 1 Physicians. : :. - ' A, S- I'ertcr, Went Market t., (near Time Office.) n. Jl Clean, West Market, McConnel building. Jt$. K. Jhll, ' North Kim, opposite court-howe. . J. K. Isyan, ... Corner West -Market aud Greene. - Photographers. . Un'jh fr Yattt, , . . Wet Market, opposite Court House, ' np stairs. -' ; ' Watchraakcrs aud Jewellers.. x , II. Jl. Farrar, South Kim, opjiosite Exjhvm Office. -Darid Scott, . ,': Kant Market, Albright' block. Guilford County Ofllccrs.4 ; Skerif, 11. M. Stafford., Coroner, John A. Tntchett. Treatvrer, John Hall. " CUrk Superior Court, , Abram Clapp. Hcrvrthr of ltet, J. W. S. Tarker. Sarretfitr, O.W. lJowman.' ' Commisnionert. Win. M., Meba qe, . Chairman; , Wni. W. Wheeler, John Or Dennv, Jonathan Anthony, Zephaniali Mitchell, (colored). J. W. S. Parker, Clerk ex-ojtie-io of the board. WHITE MEN KEMEMBEU. ; " One Colored man is worth a half j dozen Irish or a dozen fjcrinan'v' Stilleif llittlic;il speech in Greensboro. Whcn the storm is over, the Conserva tive party, representing, as it does, THE rKOrEKTl AM) 1 M IK L LI (i Ki (J OK THE STATE, will take the guidance ofaflniwAND ALL W1LLKE WELL." Judge Pea i'soa1 Letter COLORED MEN! Who rents vou lands? Is it Radicals or m Deniocrats Look out for your interests. THE STARS AND STRIPES. It is a singular,' as it is a significant fact, that it should give the Radicals great offence, to sec the' conservative Democracy of the country ralhing around and marching under the Stars and Stripes the flag ofour fathers and eouni utry.lf 0.U 1-art.v l.a.1 any rogam tl. ITuion and Co..stt..t.on, of for which tho Stars aud Stripes has long and should ever be the glorious ensign,' they would not snarl and snap as they now do when they see it hoisted and unfurled bv the conservative Democ- acy tho only tme Union party in the and. The sight of water to a dog, la boring under hydrophobia, will, it ia said, give him fits not that the water is impure or at all dangerous, but be- i.iu.u Lie j.t tw u .uxa l uy fiiseusea, it is upou ino siiinepini- A'lpiC UKU UlCOUUfiUUU Ollip I1 U . . t. ii .i ii. . oi t ot..: i.. rwlent Jits. . A c ha e heard of one of the veteran, wool-died,and stubbornly chronic, believing in tlie right of war i..,f .i. e..ru v e.,i-,iAC..;. :.. . . . i ' 7 . - , . . . . in ollice, l.as jinkd ti.c uamcais ; rav- ing and filming, the other day, like a mml do?, bcfausc the Conservatives this is as singular as it is significant; Hut let those who are struggling with a military chieftain at their head, to subvert the Constitution and degrade the flag ofour country by establishing an .emperor instead of . restoring the Constitutional-Union of, free and sov into ti-eason. even bv a radical seces- sion ranter, for-anv-man or party, in the Southern States, to march under the Mars and Stripes, Indeed it has not becu many years since some who arc cursing the conservative Democra cy for showing their love and respect for the Constitution and Union that the Stars -and Stripes signalizes, declined walking under it, and cursed all who did, as bitterly as thev now do k " ' the conservative Democracy for so do- mg. I'ut lot them rave on . to their heart's content. While the true Uniou iiivmu iuu lUllllin, everVWIiere, COIl- ..T 41 i... t tinuc to rally around and bear . aloft the Stars and Stripes, in such numbers and 'with such demonstrations of joy and respeet for the glorious Constitu- ii. 1 it:- J' . .. . hands of the true Union men of 'the the Union League of America in North idea of retaliation'. It is just and right country, Is certain to throw the origir Carolina, this order is' being rapidly to retaliate ; "it is more, it - is often ex-' organized' in even county. The books, nedient,. not 1111 frequently necessary. and Democrats "dared to unfurl and pcrtect Rystenr ot organization, extend- t Hem iney f L A. . . . ing irom the Eastern to ' the Western light to protect and defend themselves carry, at the head of their procession, boundaries of . the State, and from in their newly-acquired franchises the Stars and Stripes. We repeat that Virginia to the South Carolina line. This course ot, action on their part, . . .... I TTnirvn T,noTitn tn line Sfofn oiwl hv I ei-eign states, as established py; our "- i,v,. ,-. , ",-j. sess nouses anu Janus auawm -. fathers-eurse,rant, foam and rave on. tloso leagues 'was elected Governor, meai - Thus it happens that tlie for It cannot, thank God, be construed TliWisama mer race a lion, nag anu union oi our gaiiant '""o0 u,buiv n-v i cue 0fawf "Vc think so, unquesiionu forefiithcrs as will literally awe into groes and' scalawags,, encouraging iiv! Of course it is not to be supposed silence the dvswptic and tvranical carpet-bagger.,, scalawags and - the dupt-s wlio have the brazen audacity - . - - tern farmers to buy oxen for the I sake of Stng them. to In-Kepublicans, jind.thc iriendsof vu, .10 prepare to accompusn -Cy. ' But these are maucrs ui uii.i peace, Union and prosperity through- their, great peace, mission the party importance 'and are . . t i. titx i i. iinu-pvor mticn the necessity maj ot. out the lengthand breadth of the land. .havA ?ot only had .to ; place t them- mw ;nr. 4o meair is: that iron ox-rows arc improved by a farmer also outside ot, Yimit ut ..lejj, -wholesale crusade of : oppression-eai -who has tried thetn for eight years. It is and as will be seen yet, ; this is (the neiVon Kagainstthb; . coloretl e' hardly worth while however for the Wes- great, loyal, jUnipn party-Uie party of 1'. , .. - a: . 6EEENSB0K0,, 11. ! 0.,, THUBSDAT,' SEPT.' 3, 186a : i , ' - -..,14 I ; , - t From the New Orleans crcscem.j ( . MY SISTERS THREE4.; 1 , " ' 1 BY HON. riUSKLIX SAWYER. Diad! SiKters three! . 6ue iiu thy beauty' prime ! One in thy virtues harvest-time I 1 One in a mother's loftiest hopes sublime ! ; i Dead! Dead! All three! ... , , ' Ye died at Lome! Two tasters closed your eyes ! A father wept o'er sundered ties I A notler rent the air with frantic cries ! t Diwl ! Died at home ! . I was not there ! . Out in the world of strife , . .. - I battled for the sjKnls of life, , ? ' Nor dreamed that death had whetted hU dull '-knife!' Not tliere! .J Not there ! : "'' " All in one tomb! ! And there, as ! lapse the years, I go, dead sisters, with fresh tears, . To lure sweet spirit-voices to my ears From tlat one tomb! Jars the tombkloor ! . Three coffins there, and bones, Whereon death builds his ghastly thrones ! And mold has gathered thick upon the stones Inside that door ! Silence and .death J . . Not e'en the air is stirred ! Not e'en a tomb-bird's wing is whirred ! And yet, tnethinks, the spirit-whispers heard Are not dead! ' , t . u " ".We arc not here ! . . . Off in the better land, . . We sisters three glide hand iu hand '. To 'seraph -harmonies in God's own band! Not here ! - Not here !' HEAD THIS EVERYBODY, Below, the reader will find a leading editorial taken from the North Caroli- na Standard, ot August L'otii. - mis miamous sneet is owiicu, uiki .,iu-i 5 bert.iftiAtn.iMPnf. . ... . . ' VtlltVil, lit 2lll, J 111(11' HUIVU VI.FV.l- i n TiiiUfl-t.l .1 -... 1. ucii. i.uucucni, ami u every uuc iorm taroiiinan io reau or kinsman, l'ersonai revenge is trans carefully this ' most outrageous and muted into a religious virtue and pub- abomi,-Mc rt nl Iievcrl)pel niliiPfiniT Tf lm onr. s v vy. vf n jl. v a x, oeen equalled in tne known world uot even by that notorious thief-broker of London, Jonathan wild, who was tiied, convicted aim executed for a much less offence of this same kind, in tho 17th century. ' ' ' Let it not be forgotten that the o(((Mi iiiun u.n. UCU.MIUU. field who is also president of the Loyal Leagues in N. C, and from the same number in which the leader occurred, ' plltt fnllnwino-. " Under the efticient management of p.n,, F.ittlnfiohl , fir-nwl lrci,l,,f f " i -a v ivit j a 1 1 1 it i a 4i.oiui.iii; Irl ' iiiiinro otnl . fncivcinlnium U in perfect order, and wo aro imnnv. from a personal ovnminn. tion of the official records, to be able I a f Y i j 'vii i i io assureour inenusinai aitnouirn t ie nnAiMfiAiic nf lm nvilfii. nv. ...nl U IVlllllUIld Ul ' 1111 Ullll.1 lllU liUllUIICLI-U lloiselcssly aul withoiit any pamde or display, that there arc about seventv thousand enrolled members, under a . The great, secret and. object of . the league ms to maintain the laws and nreserve tho PEACE." 1 ' i i; i' '" i , u.A, . It should be remembered, in this connection, that AV. w. Ilotyeni the form or own or mill oil i tor 'of tho" i?t 7. r,;Was tlie Grand . aim 13 ortny oi serious consideration 1 ? ' it n - bv a- 'overs of peace. IIcrc w 8Ce tl,e 0ficlaJ organ of this State openly advocating t Scaling, or, as lIie are pieaseu io icrm u, iwaua n Orand President, Gen. Littlefield, announces that the. League now nura- l)ers : 7i00 : voters, and are gaining strength every night, plainly intimating to them that when their ,former Grand t i l. i t t n president, and, now, loyal Governor, suauurawu iu wieciuauy prgamziDg aml arming them, they will be able to I L-rutti tlin fnr of nn.l I . . . ' " 'T ' ' ' ..mw,, 0,m.( jubbuw at leisure, all those not of their party. Tlus is the Plain. and obvious mean- U,S 01 1 Standard? article, and is a mild but perfect retofc of the, bar- ionnr.,Ac. ilif1i- 1i;i-..1 1. them to go . bravely, : forward, in the of stealing, robbing and f, '"""'"'f everybody except the rty T . 7 A. . A 1 1 selves.. outside ,tho. ..Constitution great inoral rideas, w ho arenowltrug- glinjg to manacle; tlispart ;bf;;te n.:. t - ? , . yplept Loyal Leagues'; and' exhorting themselves to .go forth" and plundeV, steal, V rob and ' shoot down4 both' man an. beast, to enable' them to perp?tu; at4 as a party,' their excellence and great moral ideas, ' '::'!'ir" ";;: MliU,mVle reverence, can any good or sane man, Xorth or South,: behold sudi unblushing rascality and not ex claim, dod, in iiiercy, pity and speed, dy redeein us of such monstrous, bloody fiends and; thief-brokers as those who l,09?n.I.s! Can it;be possible is one . single, hones chris tian frieiii m N"6rth' Carolina' who wiil i eiiuiin in t nq ran ks ot a iiarty openly avowing siVclisentiments as contained m the article .below? If there be. ncu en puy xue man : :. 1 : , . . . RETALIATION Christianity condemns retaliation. Hut. Government is not administered on Christian principles. Even : well- fed Doctors of Divinity teH tis that we must not" construe too strictly s those passages which, I to a simpler compre . . . . nension, . seem, to inculcate , nonTresis- tance to injuries. However, be this as it niay, one thin gat least is certain and that IS, that Self-preservation is tliefirst iaw or uaiuro. aim we nnti tnat DotU individuals and nations illustrate the maxim. An eye for an eve and a tooth lor a tooun is snu law among men, and tne numDer ot those who turn the oth er, when one: cheek is smitten, is re markably small.. , ,;. . f In a state of nature, the risrht .to re dress an injury is lodged in the bauds ot the person wronged. The -ground 1lnman1 punishment is Justice. In jnsticc taketho-form of revenge; in the public mind, it takes the -form, of iio"iwu. auuo .uuuiju auuiciit I T - Lt il. . i -i u amoiiff me savage rriDes wJj0 took the lifc of lis ltb l)rothcr ,u; imnguauoii hoc ouiy .pisunes. our nntirovnft tho npf. Tho priininnl law in 1 civilized States does not change the I essential character of punishment. It merely relieves the injured party trom m,a piacos tll0-reiross.in the hands of tne state. It is entirely , incorrect to suppose that the object of" punishment to reform the criminal,- or to make crime ,xhese are onlv the. incidents, The stream cannot rise higher than the fountain. The State possesses no other to mnict punisnment mac t n e f Mfrhf win!! -ir(ia vnwfrd fin in i niflivirl. ualand which right has been granted over to the State, to exercise. Tho i.lon of 1111 lishmoilt. thoil. is the I ---w 7- A It'll fit 11 1 ' ffiof. llflS Sll TO-psf f! flifi fore-oin- jreneral reflections. , The coloredrace in North America has been enslaved for abort! two hundred years. I A J? M.. iKv tt-AtiA rt ii on-tn v icw years -mu. ujc uac vmnuuiu I trul ltt- tlin.-ltrOPlnilintlOO OT I'rCSldent " '.J .v iuv....".. Lincoln. A few years thereafter, they were made citizens of the United States, and the right ot suflrage was accorded drew .down upon tnem tivengeuucu ot tnose wno were desirous 01 ucpuv- ing tliem of these franchises. is a general rul2, the newiy enirancniseu L?nro .:is wv POor and entirely depen- I 7 . . n - 1 dent' upon 'their own labor for clothing, food and shelter. As a general rule, i illll l... I .ll w . . . iiiiiii.ii .ill n i iiifiiti i j . ' lUIKIlV M. CVJ .V" '--.- - - , r . i. imon ble political enemies. ; It further hap rtons to be a lamentable and disgrace ful fact that many of the possessors of these houses and lands and meat and corn are using these : for purposes of oppression. They arc combining witn each other not to give employment to those who will not consent to sell their citizenship. The only alternative, then, which is presented to thousands ofour Aifi'mic a to vote, tor Hermour aim Blair," or starve. But suppose they do not-choose to vote for Sey mour and Tllfiir and rather choose to take tne eliSSetoVatio-n tlian obnsentol- tHIA l"1! V uhtarily to what then ! 1 - 1 1 ? " t" v. . A mm . ". Tli i lotxr 1 . . SOmOTIlinff niUSL UfUUUL.- iiiyiu" i T1nooc;'iriK' be obeyed. Something must be done at avi hazards ; but the more quietly and peaceably it can be none so iimcu 1 .) '.. that men and women aim cnuureu ; S&ra d ciltfle are not kept under lock and ... . . , . " IX V M th'ero-''is'W efficient remedy for this choice. Tbc'fe Whenever the Republicans have con vwjtyj yiauiz.in aua arming, se-crutlandjiigbtf3;riinitarTconn I mi i II 1 .1 J-1..J- trol of a county, let a meeting of nthe ,V ,i.'i JS (J. . O X commissioners be called at once. Let . i . tliem make out a list of all the colored stone-masons, brick-layers, plasterers, painters and? carpenters. Then let them select a site of sufficient dimen- sions lor a village of from five to fifteen hundred colored ! s iv tlm raw may be. The work itself will ri l.n. pioymentjo; a considerable number of persons and sonm timn will Ka to complete it.: Then let the eountv paupers be moved in and be provided wiiit uoiLses anu xooa at the expense of tuose wnoave made them paupers. Let the tav bo so lnid oo fnk f AiV. the larn-o lmirUr Vf li twenty owns anv land at all and tho large.land holders are much rarer 1mcst1 to make inventory immedia This taxwill folllightlv upou the great el andnleiurn same Jorthwith mass of the people, while the oppres- nmer to assistant - nsRCsspr,. ami sivo land-holder will be' comi)eIledi to smila-mohthly iiiyeiitory.- throw his broad acres upon the market i. . . 4 I give the poor a cuanco to buy land. !, t of County. State of Korth Carolina, do solemnly swear or I uiuijii, iu iiicciico oi.'Aimigiuv. uou, that 1 will henceforth -.faithfully sup port, protect and defend the Constitu tion of the United States and the Union of the" States thereunder ; and that I win, in liKemanner, abide oy andtaith- fully support all laws and proclama tions which have been made during the existing rebellion with reference to the emancipation of slaves. So help me uod. , , . . -. ! ' Sworn arid subscribed to this the -clay of , A. D., 18, before ' I - , J. P. It is herehv cortifioil thnf. fho :iltn-n is a true copy of the original bath taken and subscribed by . ' ' ' J. 1 . The above is the stringent, amnesty oath that was taken by every citizen ot JNorth Carolina, under the Procla- mation ot President Johnson. Is it null and void or is it in full operation, and binding upon the conscience of all who took it ? If this be the case, as all adicals admit, then it requires no ar gument to prove that , all who have aken this stringent oath, have volun tarily sworn in the presence of Almighty God, to. oppose all the reconstruction awse of ; Congress ; if the late : Thad, Stevens, Judge Pearson and other n'omineut radicals, are correct when hey declare that all the reconstruction- measures are outside of the constitu tion, or extra-constitutional; ' . . Again, if this oath is not binding, who is laboring to re-enslave the ne groes, :the conservatives, or the radi cals f We refer this question to any loncst man, and respectfully ask him to answer, for the benefit of the delu ded f reed-men. , THE NEW INTERNAL REVENUE ' v".'- LAW. ' There is much inquiry for the action of Congress at its recent session in re ference to the internal tax laws. The Philadelphia Ledger has received a copy, covering some sixty closely prin ted pages, arid gives the following ab stract of those sections of the law of particular general importance : Section 45. Distillers, rectifiers and wholesale dealers, mixers of liquors, to keep books of daily purchases and sales, names of parties from whom bought and to whom sold, with all de tails of proofs, packages, marks, num bers, &c. Penalties denounced. , ,Sec. -io. ueceints or spirits in less thali twenty gallon packa ges withheld from any but authorized dealers, recti fiers, &c. Penalties denounced. i il feCC. -it. iieinspeciiou oi spirits uii change of packages in not less than ten gallons ; absence of marks evidence of fraud; -; ' Sec. 4S. Imitation wines, sparkling wines, and mixed liquors, liable to G per dozen quarts, and $3 per dozen pints, of at those rates in whatever package put up. opaiKiing wines made from native grapes exempt. . Re turns to be made semi-monthly, with out notice and payment forthwith, of tax due. Penalties denounced. . Sec. 57. All owners of any spirits whatsoever, intended for sale, exceed ing 50 gallons and not in the bonded ware house, required forthwith to make return of the same under oath to their collector on the act taking effect. Collector to be satisfied that the tax has been paid, then gague and stamp same. Directions as to returns and gaging. Penalties denounced for fraud ulent marking. Sec. 58. All forfeited , spirits to be sold subject to immediate payment of t a x. ; f Sec. 50. Special tax of distillersof 100 fortv gallon barrels 8100, and 84 for ear n additional parrel, uistniers de fined: monthly returns required. ' Wholesale liquor dealers to pay $100 if annual sales are not over 8-5,000 and 810 on each additional $1,000; de finition ; conditional exception of dis tillers and brewers selling on the pre mises f exemption as to 1 the conflict with State and municipal laws. Manufacturers , of-stills to pay .850 per annum,. ami $-0 1 for each still or worm, r .. , ..... , io raise money to pay the, taxes. Aud "TV -":y-ir ..m-u hi addition to this, let the Legislature 'riiil tJ (I deprive these exacting 'tyrant of the f-ScC Any .hj benefits of the stay law. and compel ttUe tU Kf them to pay. their, debts. Pass their bia actt' !f tll0ie 1,(3 1,0 TQlhc 1-01,aUy in,t,-u!ii V imposed, to pay a penalty of 81.000. uiiiijl uiu wutimo llillUIllUl illlll I - - a . ... , ... ;. , t Dealers in leaf tobacco : sales under 810,000 per. annum, 25, and; S2 on each'aaditional 81,000 y defluitiorr of p no exemption on account of paying tax ; as Tvnoiesaie ueaier, tqoacconist, mann facturer of cigars "or tobacco'; farmers - and planters selling their own products'" nnra on sales under 81,000, and 83 on cacu auuuionai ?i,uuu; ttelimtion of; every retail dealer, - inn, tavern, and . eannff onse. selling cigars, to pay, . a i ... : ' SP31 rooacco tieaiers. uiacui 42nd 82 per h000 011 the excess of of the penaVsum ot their bond. '-uucis m cigars io iay $wf r ana on eacirijUUU m excess of 85,- i ? 5. defined ; must give bond before . v1 Vi'1' ery cigar maiver to register ins name. Sec; ?VvSnuff llo, 33 cellts Per Pound Fino cnt Pluff ftlld s twist, 32 : 1 ' T V. " . "i AU j c" L A,lX" . - , , bec- Itequues every dealer hav., Ug ow more than 20 lbs. of tobacco ,r 10 l)0Ululs of snuff, imported or ? rcr'auuaiy i50;' prolnbi- toil . linlnec'ivrkrwlo e ot. 1 ,V ! VS y W ,0. See. 00. Anv person - fmiidnlnniK- executincr bond.' entrv. &o.. to ho im.-.. prisoned not less than one nor more ; uuui uve, years, ami an propertv to woicn lrreiates to De lorleited; S . 'i -i i i jviir uij I'KUiMi :(iv-iiKT THE COLORED ItAOE JtEAD 5 : 5 AND rOXDKR. ; William Ilolden is the Congres sional "'Governor" of Xorth Carolina! He was elevated to that position bv the " blacks" lor whom he predicted the fearful fate recorded -below. We wish every colored man in the State COuld rcad tG Ipody irophecy. Sure- ly they would no longer bo Jed bv the evil genius who made it. As the Pie- I I f .. ' . l . ulcon m tne man who now prof cm slaves of the Soutll it ; is welI tV a perusal, and wo hope every Demo- cratic and Conservative paper in tho btatc, will republish it. This nian Ilolden is now leading the unfortunate colored race to the ; destruction he Predicted. ; Let them read the follow ing awful prophecy and resolve to bo led no longer. by the bad whir 'Who made it: Extract from noldenVs paierof Oe tober 8th 1SG2: f 'f The proclamation ' of Abraham iincbln, ; which' we published Mn our ast, assuming the right to emancipate he slaves ot the.-bouth, is one of tho most MONSTROUSLY- WICKED DOCUMENTS'- that' ever emanated rom human authority. It breathes. in every line, the S)irit and the pur-. lose ot the INlRNAL REGIONS.' f this proclamation'' could be carried out, it would consign the whites and' blacks ot the .North, American conti-, uent to one common ruin. And, this is an abolition measure, designed to benefit the black race 1 It icould extinguish that race in less than ten years. Emancipation once offered, a struggle would commence between the wo races i'or the mastery. JJvery one hnoics now that struaule would' - terminate Pour millions of blacks would soon be reduced to a mere hand ful. They would be slaughtered by the whites, UNTIL EVERY HILL AND VALLEY IN THE SOUTH WOULD BE STAINED WITH H LOOD. They icould disappear like- the mist of the mom ing, and before any direct attempt could be made to colonize them. And this is the doom to which the abolition ists, with Lincoln at their head, would consign the slave. v Great Britain and France, in their acts of emancipation, exhibited some forethought and some of the principles'. ot chrisxanity, though, they ..committed' a fatal mistake as to the well-being and prosperity of both races ; but here is an edict, Oy the . head of a so-called Vhiristian people, ichich not only violates palpably and grossly the Constitution of his country, but.which, if successtul m its operation, would make four millions ot innocent creatures, panics to a bloudu struggle 'and, by arraying them against their masters, who are thev best Jriends, would inevitably lead to their destruction AS THE ONLY MEANS LEFT OF PRESERVING THE WHITE HACK. Such a measure would male a JTayti of tlie South and a Pandemonium of the Worth., It would utterly desolate the former and if the latter could stand by. and command or permit such a measure to be consummated, with all the horrors which would follow, rr WOULD WRIT; ITSELF PoWN IN HIS TORY AS WORTHY OF THE WORST EM INENCE AMONG FIENDS. Its deified Union, thus cemented bi. smoling blood, and founded anew on pile of human bones, would stand out an the GREATEST. MORAL OR POL ITICAL MONSTER ever known in the history of mankind. JBnt will the Northern people consent to this meas ure f. Will they approve it ! If they do, w e may look for an indefinite con tinuance of war, and for still greater suffering and sacrifices. Twenty holding Northern Statesmen, like Pierce and Fillmore, if they .would secretly combine, and simultaneously assail -"this proclamation at different points, might rouse and embody , i spirit which would HURL LINCOLN FROM HIS PLACE; .but we fear that there is no prospect' that' such a movement will be made. - f ? v Abolitionism, in its worst; form, npr pears to ?ha vq absolute coutrol of the Northern mind, and Northern coun cils. "lYUm ingtoii Star, ' ; " If