The Patriot and Times IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY By James W. Albright & Bro. T Eli MS i Jwh inrariaMjr In ml vane. Qnp :r$2, nix month fl. '.", three mon. 75 ct. tlT-Vny N-noa .n.linff.V pubstcriWni will re fvive one copy yrati. iCT1 X. Sii!crilcrs receiving tlicir papers itU n croc before their tinmen are remiu'led ,Uit their biHrrition hits expired, an l unlcbd renewed in two cck will be diricontinued. Hates of Advertising. 1 iT. (10 Yin or If) 1 ft insertion, $ 1.00 Kach additional insertion, M ' hi I iiionthrt, 6.00 One year, 1.00 column lt insertion....... 5.00 Kch additional, I."0 ,mx mouths, 25.00 One year, 40.00 column lht inftertiou, 10.00 Each additional, 3.00 ix months, 35.00 Oue j ear, CO.OO J clunin 1st insertion 15.00 Each additional, 8.00 Kix months..- CO.OO Oae j-ear 100.00 tV' Fvea I II. Noticks 50 xt t ent higher than i rat JLTJ t'ourt urdern $S in advance. Yearly advertisement changed quarterly if dcidred. I'aymentfj quarterly in 'advance. Since uniting The Patriot and The Time the 'preys u jon our advertising column ha been ho ,trreat, we have been forced to receive but a few select advTtifMMiirnt, and adhere btrictly to the ahnve-C'.I.V ItATES. t''Obituary notires, over live, Vuivn, tbargetl as rid vertisfUH'iit.H. JJusiness Directory. .if forny at Law. o!t .( ofr. Nrtb Klin, fcpNMit Court llou.o. C, timer (iilm'r, - North I'.li.i, opjMiite Court Hou, ( adv ertimeiit.) A'hni.i ( Stitj.trs, Seeoud thor, Tat buildim;. iK.vrr .( Srttf'f, North Koom, l'a trick Row, in rwirof Por, Or A 1-Uf'n Ini Store. AiotIierarie ami Dru'ists. ;:. jr. Ciena. M.Ik. WVit Mark rt Street, McCoiund building. I'orhr .( A.Vr. West Market, nxt courthouse, (sec adv.) Auctioneer. Y. Etlminh. limbers. Noitl. Kim. opjMlt Court Hoiimi. JSaiiKeiM anl Insiiranee Agent. y (-' l'Hri, South Elm, Tat building, ( adv.) iri7i" .( Skul-er, South l'.lni, oprMiitite Kxpre OlFice, (ee adv.) Hoot anil Shoe Maker. E. Kirii St-hlit'ifl, West Market, )jo!it Mansion Hotel. Tho. S. !, L.tiot., 4 door North Steele' corner. 'l;ar .llanufartarer. A. llnn-lhutnn. Spilth YAm, Caldwell hlovk. 'aliuet .llakers and l'iilerlakers. John A. I'nt'hrtt, South Kliu, near DejMtt. Yw. Colli hi. Coiner fS yeaniore nrid Pavie streftn. Contraetor in Itriek-uork. Aim Mrhiilht. Coiili arlors in lVood-u ork. . .. ( -ollirr. J.K. Utility. lhwUl Kerf if. Coiifeetioners. F lUS.iu t, Tate ltuihlin, coiner ttor. J Il'irp'r Li mini f, Jr., South Klni. DreM-.Iakiii and fashions. Mr. .V. Mtt mirr, South Klin, (see a'dv.) Mr. A. I)ihr.r(li, Next door to Times Ollice. Dentists. J. H . lla.rlrtt, lt door Ifft hand, up tnirM, (arrett'n building. Dry ioods, liroeers nnt Produce Dealers. IT. S. Mre, Kat Market, Albright' new building. . lioiifzttfiii. Corner Kat Market and North Kim, l.iud.-ar corner, (ev adr.) A. Wenthrri;, Corner Katt Market ami llavio utreetN. jr. IK Trotter, F.nt Market. Albright's new building. .". .V.i.7. . WeM Market, opjMnte Porter A. Kckel, ,V. C. i.oi, Went Market, opjw.Mte Court Houne. Ant. Sliiit ( Sun, Smth Klni. near lepot, (e adr.) c. a. Y"tf. South Klni. $ uith f (iilmrr, (jMHsite Southern Hotel. A. IK Kfif, Kait Market utreet. St"!'. Corner Kat Market and Davie ktrects. . ir. c. r' ic. Corm r South Klin and Sycamore. Ka.-t Market, South Side. rotnidry and .Machine Shop. . ''irj'.'i v. Washington st., on the Uailroad. roeers and Confectioners. Si irrrtt ,( IV kite, Ka-t Market, next Post Office. General I'niiratioii Otlice, for the lVt'st ai.d Sonth-AVest. I.h 7. ' r, O.n'1 Southern Ai;ent, l and O. K. 1., Wet Market, oppoMte Mansion Hotel. n iti I ford Land Atreney of orth Carolina. Jno II (irttftr, (ien'l Agent. West Maiket, opjxisitv Man.Mon Hotel. JIarness-niakei. J. If. N. lt -k,r, Kasi Market t., near Court Htmse. Jinn, I Thoiit, Ctviivr South Klni and Sycamore. Hotels. .S ithrm ll t(l, Scale V lUack. proprietors, Wet Market, near Court Houhv. Planter lltl, J. T. Keese, proprietor, Ka.'t Market, near Court House. JJItioi Iealeis. lhtn ( HwiUr, Wholesale Dealers, West Market M., Garrett Uuilding. lavery Stables. rt". .. I'.LnonLinf Davie nttet. ?lillinery and Lady's Goods. Mn. H . .s. Jrr, ,Kast Market. Albright's new building. Air. Strnh Aitni, Wt Market, opjvite Court House. 7Inie and .Unsleal Instriuiient$. Vrrf. F. 11. Manner, South Klin, (ee adr.) Tailors. Jl. I.. Foirhr, Wet-t-Market, opposite. Southern Hotel. Tin ne Ik. Anu. I', d' Sullirttn. . Comer West Matket and Ashe streets. C. (I. Yatri. "ith Kim. - Photographer. West MarkM, Cotirt Hottfe, .ip fain'. THE PATRIOT .AND'T 17iT 5 Patriot XXX. V UlJ. Times VII. Tomb-Stones. Jlcnry (I Krllfff, South 111 m. Sign and Ornamental Painting,' A. Jr. I:,nhf, K&st Market, Albri-htV bhick. rhysieians. A. S. I'orter, West Market st., ( near Times Office.) J. Jl. (, West Market, McConnel building. Jas. A. Hull, North Kim, opjKsite courtdiouse. J. E, Lo'jan, ' Corner West-Market and Greene. Watchmakers and Jewellers. JJ". Farrar, South Klni, opposite Kxpress Office. Iktrid tievtt, Kast Maiket, Albright'K block. Guilford County Ofliccrs. Sheriff, K. M. Stafford. Coroner, John A. Pritchett. Trmnnrrr, John Hall. Clerk Superior Cuvrt, Abmni Clapp. Hervrder of Deeds, J. W. S. Parker. Surveyor, (t. W. IloWman. Comin ut!')cr.-Y in. M. Mebane, Chairman; Win. W. Wheeler. John C. Dennr, Jonathan Anthony, Zephauinh Mitchell, (colored). J. W. S. Parker, Clerk cx-ojicio of the board. WHITE MEN KEMEMBEli. " One Colored mail is worth a half dozen Irish or a Germans." Stilley" Kadical speech in Greensboro. A CAMPAIGN PAPER. Let every Conservative Club SUES CK I BE US. Iiesides being a irood local and agri cultural paper, The Patriot jfjj Times advocates the election of Seymour and lilair as the only hope of averting ANOTHER AVAJR tzF In clubs of ten the paper will be sentoneyear for $1.50 each ; Sjix months S0t7.cach ; three months -iOcts each. h very Democratic club in this dis trict van send us at least ten subscribers, and we trust they will do so, AXD AT OXCE! uWh n the storm is over, the Conserva tive party, representing, .is it does, THE PKOPEIJTY AM) INTELLIGENCE OF THE STATE, will tnkc the guidance ofnlbii rn, AND ALL YVILLIJE WELL.' Judge 1'earsotCx Letter. Agricultural. From tho Seuthu-l LETTER FROM THE STATE GEOLOGIST. To O. W. Whitfield, Etc., Don. D. M. Jamngcr and Col. J no. E. Jirtdaers. lomnuitec oj the Mate Agricultural nocu iy ; l . J .. - Gentlemen : By way of postscript to a recent communication on the sub- ject of manures, I enclose a briet article on composts, which was recently pre pared as a general answer to enquires on this subject, which are lrequently addressed to me by practical farmers in dillereiit parts ot the State. AN ith the view of promoting the manufacture of manures in a small way, by all our tanners, and the saving Of an enormous amount of material which annually goes to waste for want of a little care and a little instruction, 11 1 uesiraoio 10 piace in tneir nanus a lew simple compost loruiula?, applica- ble anywhere 111 the State, aild callilisr loroniy such materials as are generally accessible. Here are two which should be pre- pareu in summer or laii, to be used inc loiiowing spring; the materials may be either thoroughly mingled and Uien thrown into heaps, or laid down in alternate strata. Formula 1. Peat, 1 cord. Ashes, 10 bush. For ashes may be substituted twice the quantity of marl, or of leached ashes. Formula 2 Peat, 3 cords. -Lime, 5 bush. Salt, 1 I or peat may bo substituted muck. leat mold, pond-mud, &c. Dissolve the salt, slake the lime with the solu- 1 11111 .11111 1 111111 imr Tiri. A 7 i . v luc l'UiU ine ionowing may bo prepared in any season, ami 111 warm weather will be ready for use in two or three weeks : over heating should be prevented by .iiviui, .vim occasional lunuug: Formula 3 Peat 2 cords. Stable Manure, 1 cord. This will give three cords, nearly as xiLu iis siauiu manure ltseil. Formula 4 Peat, 10 bush. Night-soil 1 " For night-soil, may be substituted the same quantity of guano f Peruvian V lien manure, cotton seed meal, fish, lish-oilal, or any putrescent animal matter, itcau norse win cover cords of peat into excellent manure, ulIlcleIH loennen an acre 01 lanu. Formula 5 Straw, 3 tons. 3 bush. 1 " 5 " jt Ashes, Plaster, Night-soil, Salt, The result will be nearly equal to so mucu .guano. For Straw, bo substi mica itau-3, ecus, potato vines, corn stalks, Chinese cane, &c. Piaster is an excellent addition to any of the above formula;. To any of them also may be added with great auvaniage, yaru sweeping, scrapings : ' . fiSs-Wklfll'Hlwi'fc in, ill Mlliuj.wUi. u- . ,,.,,-m ... GEEENSBOEO, N. 0., THTJESDAT, SEPT. 10, 1868. . I : : ; of hen house, smoke house and privy, kitchen and chamber slops, animal offal of all sorts, soot, ashes, waste brine, &c; all of which are turned to valuable account, instead of being al lowed to pollute the air by their noxi ous exhalations, and to poison the wells bv their teachings, as so often happens, especially in towns. These may seem small matters, but they are not so to those who look for the "co uses of things," and cannot be so regarded by any to whom the wealth of society are not also such. Perhaps you will not consider it an intrusion if I add a few suggestions on the subject of the revival of agricultur al Societies in the State, and the best means of promoting the ends which your Society lias m view. I desire to call your attention to some considerations, on the propriety of organizing three subordinate Agri cultural Societies, corresponding to the three natural divisions of the State, viz : Eastern, Middle and YY estern. 3 regions are as diverse in their leading geographical, climate and ag ricultural features as it separated be half a continent. The Eastern division is characterized by the prevalence of level or slightly undulating plains and by peaty, alluvial and sandy sous; the middle, by a rolling and hilly surface and clayey and gravelly granitic soils; the western by a succession ot lotty mountain ranees witn limnire cross chains and spurs, intersected and divided by narrow valleys and elevated plateaus, with various soils, generally gravelly aud open,' often clayey. And these differences are accompanied by climatic features quite as distinctive, tne western section neing, in mis re spect, as strongly diverse from the eastern, as the latter is from Xew York. And it is apparent that the agricultur al products, the modes and implements of cultivation, the means and sources of fertilization in a word, all those matters which constitute the staple of the discussions of agricultural societies, must show a corresponding diversity. What interest, e. g. have the farmers of Duncombe in the discussion and experimentation of marls and peat, or in the cultivation ot the scuppernong, or cotton? And ou tho other hand, why should the farmer of Edgecombe or Perquimans waste his time in study ing the conditions of stock-raising, or the manufacture of cheese, butter, &c t lho suggestion I would make is, that the leading farmers of the middle section of the State, Mecklenburg, Guilford, Orange, &c, unite their influence and efforts to form a Society for the discussion and development of thos3 points which are common to the running iiiieiesis or iiiuao cWmiip, such as the proper selection aud rota tion of crops, the best methods ot re novating exhausted soils, the kinds, sources, manufacture, cost, transporta tion and modes or use ot lertilizers, &c: while a similar association ot farmers in the East take up such sub I" i li 1.. !. . il . lects as market caruenmcr, tne uiinza tion of marls, peat, &c, the cultivation of tho vine and other matters of special importance to the agriculture of tin.- region ; while in the A est they will naturally occupy themselves with cat- tie, fruit, dairy-farming, &c. There would remain a large residum ot subjects, whose interest is as wide as the limits of the State, which would belonsr to the proper province of the State Agricultural Society. Among those inn v lm mentioned iioiinnUnrnl education, the Agricultural College. the conduct of a State Agricultural paper, the introduction of agricultural implements and machinery : themanu- fiietnre trnnsnnrtntinn insneetinn of fertilizers, the whole matter of immirrntion nnil lnhm. the l-ennite. changes in our system of farminc and the like. You will no doubt agree with me is time tn ennsiiler these innttors in a practical way, -with a view to im mediate and efiectual action. Very resiiectfully, W. C. KERR. New Ue for Wood. In the North, shirt collars and bosoms are now made of wood. 1 he thin neeis cut irom the lor of curled maple or bass wood that are used to "paper1 walls arc also cut into collars and bosoms. An enterprising Philadelnhi- an has already taken out a patent formak i . . m . . . ... - mg them. The next thing will be cut- straw overcoats. In cases of blind staggers The Stock Journal says, the first thing to be done is to tap the Jugular vein and take as much blood as will restore the horse the use of his limbs. Then use the stomach nuniD or : i : .1 . v , .1 iv u meuiciiie xor me ooweis, as tne case mav need. Any person allowing Canada thistles to Srow ar,d mature on his land in Illinois is liable to a fine of $75. 10 give bnhancy to the e es shut them early at night, and open them early in the morning. It is not work that kills men; it is worry- it is not the revolution that destrovs the machinery, but the friction. The oil of pennyroyal, it is stated wil keep mosquitoes out of a room, scattered about even in small quantities. Tho proprietor of two Texan news-pa Pers naiS Put one of them up to raffle, five dollars a chance. mit patriot and Sdmo'j i? imwj. . GREENSBORO, X. C. THE GREAT PEACE MOVE MENT!! Peace ! or War! How , Look ! DOES IT The lie great peace lover, Gov. Holden, has caused to be issued the following u peace orders :" STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, Executive Deimrtmcntr AdJt Gcu'ls Office, Raleigh, August 27, 1808. Genual Okdees, ) No. 1. The following appointments bv the Governor, in the militia, are hereby ?by announceu: Aides-de-Camp, to Commander chief, with the rank of Colonel : Byron Laflin, of Pitt county. Robt M Douglas, of Rockingham co. Wm A Moore, of Chowan county. Win S Pearson, of Burke county. Major Generals : . . - "l'""'u tuuiuj . nAII 1 v line J Jones, ot v ake countv. J Q A Bryan, of Wilkes county." By order of Governor Holden, Commander-in-chief: A W FISHER, Adjutant General. STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA. Executive Department AdjVt GcnH Office, Raleigh, August 28, 1808. UENEltAL URDEKS, No. 11. ) The State is hereby divided into three divisions to be known as the Eastern, Middle and Western Divi sions. 1. The Eastern Division shall com prise the Counties of Currituck, Cam den, Pasquotank, Perquimans,Chowan, dates, Hertford, Bertie, Northampton Nash, Johnson, Harnett, Roberson, Cumberland, Richmond, Moore, -Mont gomery, Randolph, Davidson, Davie, R o wa n , C a ba rru s, t an 1 v, A n son , U nion and Mecklenburg. III. The Westearn Division shall he PmmtieR of Gaston, , Lincoln, Catawba, Alex- el . Ashe. Yndklll. Surrv. YVilkes, Watauga, Caldwell, Burke, McDowell, Rutherford, Hendersou, Buncombe, Mitchell, Polk, Alleghany, Yancey, Madison, Haywood', Transyl vania, Clay, Jackson, Macon and Cherokee. IV. 'Major-General F G Martindalo -i , -i ii is hereby assigned to tne command oi 1. Til iMoi'ni T-itli I r,T n t ters at Jamesville, Martin County. V. Major-General YV D Jones is hereby assigned to the command of the Middle Division, with Headquar ters at Raleigh, uake County. VI. Major-General J Q A Bryan is hereby assigned to the command ot the YVestern Division, with Headquar- ters at Trap Hill, Wilkes County. VII. The counties embraced in the foregoing Divisions respectively, shall constitufe separate commands, to which Colonels will hereafter be appointed, Bv order of Gov. Holden, Coniiiiaiiuer-iiicniei. A W FISHFR, Adjutant General. STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA. v . . . ... Executive Department, Adj t Gen i Upcc, Raleigh, ept. isr, 1000. GENERAL ORDERS, No. 3. ) t Tiw f4Pnuin- aimoiiitments made by the Governor are hereby announced: rr un Trtle in the. N. C. Alilitia AY'm AreFarland. Alison : Wm Latham, Smith. Alexander : H M Rav, Alamance ; A C Bryan, Allegh any ; II E .Stilly, Beaufort j J Y. Beaslev, Bertie ; J E Eldndge, iiaueiij EdwiirLegg, Brunswick ; T J Candler, Buncombe ; D C Pearson, Burke; David R Plufer, Cabarrus ; C C Jones, Caldwell; Matchet Taylor, Camden ; V A Moore, uartcrec ; j oio cno, Sb iinCei,lVh, - W F HeudersoiL 1 invidson . ' -V 1 l.'.l.iA.Atnllll lieo J x eaciv, iiiuccuiiiut, J T Harris, Franklin; ai Aiasreu, Forsvthe ; Thos D Hoffeler, Gates ; J I Moore, Granville; Joseph Dixon, Greene; M J Aydiott, Gaston; L 1 Laikins Halifax; V G B Barrett, Haywood; A J Glover, Hyde; S YY Hampton, Henderson; Thos Hoicoiube, Iredell; E R Mosher, Johnson, 0R Colgrove, Jones ; W Ames, Lenoir ; A A Crookston, lartin ; AN A 1 Murphv, McDowell ; Rntus uarringer, 3Iecklcnburg; G A Graham, Mont R Amnions, Macon; Ai. Macon M. Chanley, Madison; Wm Buckham, Mitchell; David S Barrett, Moore ; Charles E Sears, Nash ; J W Scheuckjr New Hanover; A J Allen, Northamp- ton; M O Hoy t, Unsiow ; 11 ilsqUOUlllK , O . I 11 rr linn if i UUI. a w fhertsnn' Pemuimans ; S C Bar r. , nett, Person ; R S Abrams, Polk j R F Trogden. Randolph; E T Long, iiauiax a gecombe, Aiartiu, V ash- with n flllI corps of Teachers., under the WlH3UEA, "i?f n l Feil A1r e' Jieautort A'itt, presidency and control of Rev. Jno. M. M. 1S ikoi.. aue, Renoir, craven, uar- Caldwell. After the suspension of the 'all classes, a .eret, Jones, Lhislovv, Wnplin, bamp- school in the latter part of the war. it was or color; and Ron. ISew llnnover. li n( mi. ( n ninhna If .. . j '.. . . . . . 1 11 r 1 ' ' . " ; w- ur a iroou winio oeapieu as a no oivene auu jrun.swiCK. 1 xt. xuBjimuw wniMoii snau com- federate army, an 1 after the surrender and 10 increase, its numbers by accessions prise the Counties of Warren, Gran- collapse, it was taken aiid used in a similar from all classes of electors: Therefore; yille, Orange, Person, Caswell, Rock- manner by the Federal nrmv; and still la- Bc u Resolved, 1st. That the dbject ingham, Stokes, Forsyth, Guilford, ter occupied as a barracks for the soldiers of this meeting, was to organize a Sey- Alamance, Chatham, Wake, Franklin, stationed for several months at thl mour and Blair Club ; and it shall bo u rri. ir.-.i.iu i.n i 1 n. t t i-kti- nraw .J sraus m-Uonaid, V naiuaui r'"-.tmOM anfl ' fort of all who mav will decide whether they iMinwili I I) LirCgg, ljlfiicuiim,- u , . . . I atT:! Ulv robimbus : W H S Sweet, for a longer or shorter time make it their to live under a most aT)j Craven- W A Mann, Cumberland; J literary and academic home. , and tyranny, or whether W Etheridge. Curritucu; m, - ;7 M (,u: rna of of liberty shall again sb I NO. 32. icl,mo1.',cs 3Iorins- k; a. Thomas, Koboson: I). MMallov.Kock- in rrli n-. T 1T : - . ' . ", y liogan. liutherford: Carlton Sessonis, Sampson - Jas Mar- TransylvaiU'a , Hu'oowni,, Sn- Jolm It Hanispn.-AVake ; Jas" II May' iil-iu, uaiTcn; ,i : Jlelson, AVasliine- ton: L v n atauga y C II a, Wayne; Gideon Smoot; ; G W Stanton, AMlson : T M 1 Brogde Wilkes Vestal, Yadkin ; J LRay, Yancy. i . 0 olOQ1s appomtedaro here in assigned to the command of their respective counties. . I5y order of Gov. Holden, Commander-in-chief. AW FISHER, -Adj't General, STATE OF.NORTII-CAROT.TXA- Eveciitire Department, AdJtQeiCls Office, m .Raleigh, Sept. 2d, 1808. . The attention of Colonels command- in ir the several connHos i iiioii v vnvii i I Til Altl "y-k tnni...A X Y uitu ic;jh;cu c couiines, such a rc- quest,sigued by five Magistrates should be at once forwarded to the Governor for his consideration. ! i A W FISHER, AUj t General. ( e have never seen the Circular alluded to, or we would publish it. It is probably a secret document to the KDGEWORTII SEMINARY. As this school opened last Monday for t!ie first time since the surrender, we derm the following a, ticlo from the Fayette- .. iouijic, pwuiiariy appropriate : xu uiu -uu pupuiar icmaie ocnoo , aiter a suspension of several years, h to ' be re- soitartor the sick and wounded soldiers of the Con- It has fur a good while, (indeed all the time since it was vacated.) been occupied as'a dwelling house bv private families, and some of its rooms as r. citation halls for classes of girls and children taught here by one and another of our citizens, male and fpmnlo. Tn its' restoration to its old use as an academy lor guV, alSu wiuih thA hist. f,.wmnnlhs it tins iindorcTonft a mm. plete and thorough cleansing, repairing re- painting, white-washing and re-furnishing, from top to bottom, from the centre to the circumference. It has been open for weeks to the inspection of all, and among the numbers who have gone to see it in its new, clean, inviting and cheering aspect. I went - .f t -i fit ucsteraau f utij awnc, ana icaucca I 7. 1 -.7i st II tli a jinm iiAo iTio siiif- luiilAtnno all the room, the porches, Ac, &c.,ofEdge worth. 1 hough 1 have lived here going on ten years, and have often been at Edge: worth, I had no idea that it was so capa eious. its rooms so well arranged, so com modious, and every thing so admirably ad- 7 apted to the great purpose tor wincii it lias been, and is to be used. There have been various alterations in several of the rooms, and in the adjoining bui'dings. . Everything about it impressed me with extreme pleas - ure there was such a sensation of purity, whiteness, neatness,ainness,roommc&s,com fort, light, ventilation, dryness. Jvery thing seems to ha' e been washed and scour ed; whitewashed or painted. The base, ment rooms and their cement floors ring hard like granite, and s-amdlike a bell. The air from the top to the bottom smells sweet. I feel conudent tfiat so tar as me huildinsr is concerned, the cooking and wash rooms, the recitation and lodging rooms, , , . the narlors. Arc. Edgi worth was never a more inviting and more virgin sta'e of i'- t purity and loveliness than it w.U be when again opened bv Brother Caldwell, for the still purer ana lovelier uauguters oi um Southern families. A large part ot the furniture will bc entirely new. The hands nre. rakinir ud and carrying off every thing on the grounds that could of fend the taste', or 'generate impurity or un wholcsomenoss. So much (and this is the chief object 1 have had in view) as to the condition of the Edgeworth building, rooms out-houses and grounds. No expense to have i een sparea to put, .cage- teachers, m;.I, and female, their skill, and 1l ll'.HW 1 1 1 ' . 1 L f 1 111 UaAV.VVaia - - i ajnuvo --- . , . , .1 pil music, in French, in drawing and paint- : :r, v.irti'icli nmrinsifini-; ' snellinfr. read- wlwi.lmthe elementary but funda- mental branches, in all, both the utile and tha dulci from all that i am icanvoi what Brother Caldwell designs, - - .. :im(1 will endeav(r to accomplish t.lf 111 iui an .,v.T.Un ,l to him. as to health, heart, mind V-V'A ia vv-" 7 ' refinement and culture, I -believe Edgeworth is about to enter lipoma and hi ihcr course vf prosperity ant that new fnlnes. hevond what lias contesseaiy itessedl tinguished it in its honorable pasr. -T - a IT a graduates, many of whom are all through .'IV. ..yniof nitrr.ns tf lt. nimilS ailU the South, brightening ami gladdening i ' , f .: ... i;,Titr., flu.l ma. our nomes. a sisicia, uuli"v'' : ny now as wives and mothers to all we v . , .a. a.. t - i n TviiL-( niri:ii onorL 10 rebusei- yVw, V',, ' 1 L .. :t encouraging their venerable l'abna mater." As to the society into which they come, section utn, ot Uircular tromthis office, y A Dufly, Esq.. a worthy aud re dated An frnsh '0Mi ' lft5 ' L.. , ... '1' ' . J CI i if t ?3i 7i t pccieu citizen. ot ureensboro. His it it is desired that a com nan v of ,n . , detailed militia lmni,i .J,a"L addrc?s was directed-principally to- l: VVnnr. U-rt h in fl condition to promote the health, tnem. xney kiiow umi as the social ad vanjbs, rel iioas (prU ilegca cl,-&54 whichUhey ibjhW itfitrinc' their temporary 8Uy m Greensboro', I need not enlarge upon.,. For , teal th&lness, tor mo rality, lor religion, for the'special outpour ings of the Spirit of God, no institution was Ipre bUssod thandcirprth h for. mer y earscven down to its very" close". A LARGE MASsl Arpp.TTX-n 7 Oak Ridge, N. Aug. 20, lS08.rr According to previous appointmeW,1 a large number of tho citizena nf nt- Ridge, and the surrounding cotmtrr alont" 11 Vc,ock' Prpbse or orgauizing.a Seymour, ami JBlaw Club. Ou motion of W W Kino. .T vvi sou, Esq., was cal nn .u G IIamilton w CJ-.rfc4'rt -v 4-1. A alleil to the chair, and as requested to act as Secretary of the meeting. ; The chairman, in a few remarks, explaiued the object of the meeting, and introduced our r estimable and worthy fellow citizen, D F ' Caldwell, who arose, And. in his usual forcible style, delivered one of the 'most elo- quent, thrilling and effective speeches. -to which wo have listened, in a many a day. . ' ; - , , """"ng was nest oUOresseil iiy .nuia, mtrionc, and eloonent siweh. ' A 4-: wards the colored part of th'n niidi and contained for them, the soundest advice. . r' ;f The Secretary row then requested to record the names of all present,--who 1 wls"ea to join the club. . A very large majrity of tho audience having given tI,cir Names, the club was then orgauizr ed by the' election of tho following officers, viz : J N Nelson. Tmi. "...i T Boling, Esqrs.rVice Presidents. W O Donnell,Esa..CormspondincrSocrrf:irv and O C Haniiiton recording Secretary ' , - i. - O - , The following resolutions were then offered by W lung, and unanimous., J , i f , ..... ...... The Elective Franchise ... . - . exercised in North Carolina bv vithout distinction of nice whereas! it is manifestly' nii.Vn,.,,,!.,,.:.., 4.1. r . I v-v1rv-vn.uii uu auuuv;iu lj tut; success f tlie democratic party in said State. known by the name of the Oak Ridge Seymour and Blair Club. : ' 2- That we heartily endorse and ap- Prove tlie platform and: principles a. dopted by; the National .Convention which met in tho City of New York on tue 4tn day 0I" July last;" recognizing uV.---. J .um iuuMiai to uur uu uisiresst'U couutry, and the only means.of restore g and preserving tho liberties of our people. 3. That "the' ifohiinatioii of Hon. Horatio Seymour, of New Yorki and Gen. Frank P. Blair, of Missouri tatf candidates for President ami Vico President of the United States, meets' with our most cordial approval, and that acknowledging them as States men of the highest ability, and worthy f standard bearers in our noble causey we will use every effort to secure their success."' ' 4. That this club will use every lion- orable means to influence colored elec tors to become members of the Great National Democratic party, and .will, by facts and arguments, show them that it is to their interest to voto.with the party that will sustain a constitu tional government. ' ' .:. ' o. That this club tender their thanks to Messrs. D F Caldwell and P F Duffy, for their eloquent and patriotic ad-, dresses delivered here to-day. G. That a copy. of the' proceedings 1 and resolutions of this meeting be sent ". I . . i i . a m mu iw vmumuuw .m wi u.,,.. for publication. The President then announced , the, meeting adjourned till 1 o'clock P..M,, Saturday the 5th of Sept., when the club will again meet for the purpose of a more eiiicienii organization, unu mo transaction of business. - , j. n. nelson;' t Chairman. ' O. C. Hamilton, Secy. , 1 1 i The citizens of Oak Ridge arc de termiued to do their duty in the com. ing struggle, the result of which, they consider of so much importance ' to the election shall continue ect despotism the free light' ine forth from' the now darkened political horizon. . k m 'I I 1 A 1 ' 1111 111 I'l I III I I III I I I l II I I III! C yAjimttiii vui issue in the next campaign; and will not be deluded by played out quasi philanthropsy, by which so many of . n otherwise good citizens, have been J I X m k . Aiil t-rx ii-ii n n ri rf V wllif-Tl in mm nlii 7 t-' ' , . I IHUUtCU l"II .4. .....V...,.. "IWIUIU - , .... . i :t:.. i and IiaiJUS oi me, is so uuiaguuisiic to their character. 0. C. H. Money Orders. My attention having been recently called tjo .several losses of small sums of money by - mail, l-lS would take this method ot again call- ; ing the attention. ot the Public td tho iaci, mat it is .uejirauw iui a.i iai ut, remitting monev by mail, to buy money i . - . . . j . orders, whereney can ue ouie, 1 ,.A : .nm lrv former nil letferk - kUUAr innev- slimild.lm remRt-ftTa 1 vn4, v'-j . , .... ed. U . A. JOBE, f fyecia! Agent y IT