I . ht i t i '" 1' I- '11 ' :; m . . 1 ' 1 : .in TIio Patriot and Times IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY 1 James W. Albright '& Bro. TERMS cash Invariably in inline. Dn.yoar f-V " lW m0875 Ct8' liAny person mliitfA' ulwcribws will re ceive onu copy yrafiV 4 i jc-j Subscribers receiving their papers ith a croH before their names are. reminded that their nubucriptiou has expired, and unless renewed in two weeks will be discontinued. llnte of Advertising. I aqr. (10 lino or letw) 1st insertion,.... .8 1.00 Euch additional insertion.....-. W c:- ..,,nl.y ' . 000 tl A iwv One year, . column lt insertion,... Each additional...... Six months,... One year, L,' column lt insertion, Each additional,. . . M inoiitlm, Un year, . . I c1ubih lt iiicrtim,. Eich additional,. Viy moll tits One vr.r .....iw.w f-y SpmJI M. NoTICKS 50 vr cent highi-rtlian HZf Court order fcrf In ah-ance. Yearly ndvertUements changed quarterly f desired, ravnu nts quarterly iu ad vu rice. Since uniting The l'atiiot and The Times the TrcMiipon our lulvertifin;,' columns has been ho rreat, we hate been forced to receive but a few select advci-tU-unMit, and adhexe etrictly to th above CASH HATKS. CZ Ob'ituarv noli.;, over live lint, ehaigetl B d vrrtifUu-ntM. p . ' i ... 10.00 5.00 i.;o 25.00 40.00 10.00 3.00 35.00 co.oo 15.00 8.00 co.oo tTAT Patriot XXX. f V ULi. i Times VII. Tomb-Stones. llcnry (i Kellogg, ; , . South Elm. ' Sign and Ornamental Painting:, A. W. Infold, . . , T.&ft Market, Albright' block. Physicians. . A. ,S. Porter, ' x Weft Market sr., (near Times Office.) It. W. (ilenn, Wvrt Market, McConnel building. Jut. K. Unll, North Kim, iiosite court-house. J. E. Lo-jan, Conu-r West-Market and Greene. Watchmakers and Jewellers. W. li. 1'itrrar, South Elm, opponte Express OlKce. l)trid ft-vtt. East Market, Albright's block. ; nil ford Comity OtIIecrs. Nitritf, li. M. Stafford. Coroner, John A. Pritcbett. Treatvrer, John Hall. Clerk Superior Court, Abram Clapp. - llccorder if lhrdi, J. AV. S. Parker. Surreyor, G. W. lhvmati. Comiiuiflonert.Wm. M. Mtbane, Chairman; JVm. W. Wheeler, John C. Denny, Jonathan Zephaniah Mitcliell, (colore!) 6EEENSB0R0, N. 0., THUESDAT,. DECEMBER 10, 1868. NO. 45: to tbo onions,' which should be avoid ed. The ground should be left perfect ly level The, cultivation of sets plant ed in the fall costs little more than the cultivation of cotton. .It requires ten bushels of sets to an acre ordinary price $5 per bushel. The purchase of sets is the chief cost.: There will be a few years in which the net profit per acre will not be niore than $200 if kept until winter, the profit, will be much greater. Last .winter onions sold in Savannah at 8 to 81) per bushel. The two ix)iiits on which most igno ranee exists in regard to the onion are the saving crop and keeping it until winter. There is no difficulty about either, if properly understood. When the onions are pulled up, they should be left on the ground for at least Busiiioss Directory. Facts for Farmers. .Attorneys at Law. Xrvtt .Wf. , North Elm, apptniU Court House. Gilmer . lHh(r, Nrth Elm. o).poit Court House, (fee advertisement.) Jdi nt tl '''. Sei ond Hooi', Tat? building. &;iles A- .V, Aiitlionr. '! J. W. & Parker, Clerk tx-oth'rio of the board. tCIl days tllCll gathered into conical piles of about three bushels, and allow ed to remain. about .two weeks. After a rain tho piles should be opened, take a day's sun, and then be made up again. They should not be moved to the onion house until the dew is off. The least dampness will cause them to rot. A cheap pine pole onion house can We t Market Street, JkUonnel uiuiumg. Vorter if- lie Lit. . West Market, nest courthoiwo, (see adv.) Auctioneer. li. J'tttrve. liar lers. Nortli Elm. oppomto Court llouss. Bnnliers and Insurance Agents. lltnru C A'7Ar. " .South Elm, Tate buihUni;, (weu adv.) South Elm, oi'iMto Express Oflice, (neo ,ulv.) Boot and Shoe Makers. A Kirrh S-hhujtl, Vet Market, opposite Marion Hotd. l)aticbt., 4 doors North Steele's comer. C'rsxir Manufacturer. A. 1'nt'lnainn, S.tuth lllm. Caldwell block. Cabinet Makers and Undertakers. Joh.t A. I'nteh.tt, South Elm, near Depot. HVi. 'i-Wi. Coiner of Stramorv nod Dari fctrseU. routractor in Hrick-work. oiilrnetors ia Wood-work. . .. Codirr. ,.ii. .. n.iLUy. Jt,tt i I Kevs"j. Confectioners. 7 'f, . Tate lowld'ui;', eonmr stwrs. J llart-rr l.imltu. Jr., .wiitli Elm. Dres-.llakiiif; and Pashionk. JJi t. .V. J'fu'i c, Swiilh Elm. (ecu adv.) Mr. A. IHIu-yrtb, Next door to Time Often. DrulKt. J. ir. I'vulett, lut door lrt hand, up utairs, Garrett' building. Pry ioods, 4Jrocers and Produce llealers. )". N. Moore, Ea.M Market, Albrii;bt' new building. . L. II. RouCuhn, ('wilier Eaxt Market and North Elm, EhuK-iv turner, (e adv.) A. Wtathnlit, Corner Eat Market and David streets. VT. IK TrvtUr, E;it Market, Albright's new building. .. .A'. Jay, West Market, opjM.hite Porter Eckel, J. C. Dotlton. ' Went Market, oppinite Court House. .South Elm, wear Depot, (neo adv.) C. C. 'ate$. .routh Elm. Smith J: Ciluie.', OpioNile Southern Hotel. . ). A7K. Eaht Market utreet. S. St, tie, Comer East Market and l)avi Mroets. D. ll ( '. J:n!,ow, Corner South Elm and Sycamore. 7i;f .( M unity, Eaft Market, South Side. roundl y and ?Iaeliinc Shop. . Tarj-teif, Wafliin:toii nt., on the Uailroad. firocers and Confectioners. .St.irrttt . IVhitr, Ea.-t Market, next Piwt Oflice. X.eueial i:mimation Oflice, for flic st and Nouth-West. I.ou it Ziinnur, (J.mi'1 Southern A Kent. It and O. li. lw., Wci-t Maiket, opposite Maueion Hotel. tfaiilford Land Agency of Nortfi C'arollua. Jtta It Cretter.Aliu'l Atrent. WVdt Mai ket, pjHMt Mansion Hotel. niames-niakers. .. ir. i;ii,r, P.;u.t Mi'.iket et., m ar Court lloio. Corner South Elm and Sycamor. 'Hotels. ,SonfAe, llttt, Seahn kV lllack, proprietors, Wext Market, nar Court Htutm. ,! Ituttl, J. T. lieee, uiiprletor, Eat Market, near Court House. Mqtior Ileaters, Iea ( '('', Whohul'Deah r, Wt Market ft., Carrot t Huilding. TJvery Stahles. n'. .. I '.if inoiul.ilit , Davie street. Tlilliiiery and I.ady'Ji ioods. Airs. IT. N. Moore, Eat Market, AH.rirht'i mw building. Mrt. Sitrtih Aifii,n$, Went Market, opjxmite Court Hoiish. IMusic and Jlusiral Instrmncnts. l'rf. t li. Maur'wt, South Elm, (fee adv.) . , . ; Tailors. 11. L. Totrfar, Webt-Market, cpiHwite Southern Hotel. Tinners. J no. K. O' Sullivan. Corner Wct Market and A flu? street. C. (i. Yatrp, ' South-Elm. X'liotorapliers. " II u jh it Yatrt, Wet Market, opposite Court House, up Htair. CULTIVATION OF ONIONS. A correspondent asks for informa tion as to the cultivation of onions. We "cannot do better than give the fol lowinir fiom our valued contemporary, the Southern Cultivator. Ve are ot be built. This will give sufficient air. Shelves made of slats can be put around the interior in tiers. If properly cured the onions can be put on these shelves one or two feet thick. Frost does not hurt them; they cannot have too much air, but must be kept dry. ' The onions will come olf in time for North Eoom, Patrick iiowfin rear of lor. opi,, that this may be made valua tor a E kie' 1 . blc crol almost anywhere, if carefully Apothecaries and Druists. i ... . V. r. i'. eh, M.n., and well cultivated : " Few persons among us have an' idea of the large sums , of , money an nually expended at the South for these seemiiiL'lv insiLrnificant Northern iro- dttcts. How many are aware that the " crop of winter cabbages, on the same butter crop of the State of New York ground and with the same mauuring. for 18G0, sold for more money than the These will be as profitable as theonions. whole cotton crop of Georgia, large as An acre ot ground win mus giu it was. and fair as were tho prices of liaudsome income. I have this yc , rn.v n,f ni.i,..nii- i- n fort.v acre field in corn, "which on an tiiai HiU I im; i iiiwttii v .W1I111411IJ. i -c' Dcnded in the State of Georgia for average will give twenty bushels per !.,t.,.i:.. ..,w..i., n..,l c. norp. 31 V llfltcil OI OUlOU hCL ? in uuiuiics, iiitiiiviui otrctta, Ptia tiuu iui i the table, would surprise us if we could bring more money than the whole ftelt nrrivo ;ir ir" This sum should bo saved. OI corn ai -1 per imstiei. We must diversify our labor. The great body of our open land must be grazed. The small portion of it that we do cultivate should be madeas rich ... 1 . . t !ll .i a possible ami piaiucu wiui nai.eer pays best in our More than that, the Northern producer, at sertain seasons of the year, can .bo undersold in his own market. In the months of June and July onions can be shipped by the car load to New York, and realize a net profit of $1 per bushel. Tho railroad will carry this whether it be on and other vegetables from Atlanta to potatoes, or cotton.' New York for 1.50 per hundred pounds. Onions weigh fifty-five pounds to the bushel. Any one can make his own calculation. .This vegetable will pay a good profit at fifty cents'per bushel, as 500 bushels to the acre is not a large he f airiot and iimes. GREENSBORO, N. O. .;SiiEWouij) Maiiey,a;Meciijln. ICA young man began visiting a youg woman who appeared to well pleased. One evening he called when it was quito late, which led the girl to enquire where he had been. "I had to work to:night.n ' u What ! do you work for a livingP I She inquired in astonishment. 5 jansOKLLANBOUB ITEMS. : , V, V" "Ti !ka ti - - " ' 1 ' " u,auuii ' auu sue turned np A desirable domestic - birda duck her pretty nose; -'.i ; , , of wife.- ' , . K ; : . ' ' ' t That was; tho; last time the young . ' Chicago spends two millions a velir man visited that youncr ladvx TTa i -TnE Gkeat Air Line. The foflow- on billiards-a cue-rious fact' 1 " ' ? no a wealthyman, and has one of mond and Danville Railroad, will be ' ' rw. - ! 1 The woman who disliked the name read with interest : Qnigsings, who is a Bachelor. will of mechanic is now the wife of n mifl: In respect of foreign or through bus- adPt the Grecian Bend during ' the Arable fool, a regular vagrant about iness your line is entitled by position winter nights.' !! ' ,: grog-shops, and tho soft, verdant and to a still more rapid crrowth. - To dp. ;t.t-.L.i,. , i .v ; a velop it in its natural and Ie-itimate A,nr corrts ot daily are used P oongea to take in proportions no practicable effort has 11 uriingion vt.) peg factory in 114 yiwr io Biiiiport herself been spared during the last three the manufacture of shoe pes " aud children. . ; . years. Much has been accomplished v ; ? You dislike the name of a mechanic, towards ultimate success, but much . The Emperor: of China is fourteen i,t ?C yet remains to- be done. The inatrni- years old., while ,h( intonrW a 1 " V . ' . ulolQers but tude of the interests at stake should nearly eleven - - n eu aressed loaters. : uuvsw iiu icuus.Mua oi euun. XUO re-J , .,'1 ""j giu who uas SO llttlO cent opening of the Columbia and Au- It is stated that three hundred Indr brainswho is so verdant: Wf gusta road from Columbia. S: n tn ; Graniteville, a point on the Soiith Car- f umu;uca v mculcai SCI100IS aro.now - Ul 44 youn man lor being olina road twelve miles east of luus- Iu good. practice in therTInited States. a mechanic-onc of God's noblemen tti,lias already-given you the, short it is that a vessel load of e mbsUignifiecl and honorable per- line by about seventy miles between urt v v . , . . sonage of .Heaven's creature Southern and Central Georgia and ad- " Coolies," direct.from China recently Youn- ' v; jacent localities, and Richmond :and arrived at Galveston in Texas. : are, young ladj, how you treat the Northern cities. When so organ- tL ' : : ' ' - - : yuuS mcu that work for a living, for lzeu as to give tins line a lair comne- J .ov.t ju uwv uho uay ue menial to one of comne- tition for tho travel, this improvement m.Y brothers wife's sister has bought them. must ailord a valuable accession to an accordeou." your business. . - ' r , 1 Daue But a still more important develop- 1110 " best illustrated paper out " ment to us is tlie air-line road between a bank note. Will some friend send County. The bill of the Senator from Currituck, Mr.Etheridge, forming the new county of Dare, from portions , of Currituck and Tyrrell has public regard its just proportions of a M. E. Church South. This Church l)assed the Senate, The name is taken great inter-state enterprise of immense in California has 29' churches. 2.S13 from tuat of Virginia Dare, the first value and importance to great and vi- ui niA a-n ono white child W' n a ,..,' . t.wwvv Ul I : .MvliUH ouu. Atlanta, Ga., and Charlotte, N. C. sample copy: This work is rapidly assuming in the tal interests both local and general; These most reasonably look to its con struction with increasing interest as destined to afford with its connections of which your line is a leading part a channel of communication unrival led in dieectness, grades, and climate : cinnati or Chicago. "I ...1 ' A. 1 .1 . T ' I ' ' - ' -- ' onc uy wuicii not oniyare tnetraue re property. , ; ,V The St. Louis Democrat thinks that the city will do more in the pork-packing line this season than either Cin- lhe island of Roanoke. th hnnta adjacent, and ; tho portion of Tyrrell east of Alligator river, are the lands incorporated within the , bill. Tho county site, it is proposed, will bo situated where the remains of. the old lations of the great commercial centres A colored man has been admitted as fort, built by Raleigh's pioneers, are ot the North with the interior and re- a student of law 'to the University of still visible. There too Virginia Dare mote South toc placed under new Michigan, at Ambincr-the first in- was bornf Thescheme is fullof iiU- and most beneficial forms, but also a Cf v;. i t . o. . t ' - great interior development to be effect- ance of the kmd in, that State. torical; reminiscences. By 5 all means ed, and a grand trunk thoroughfare The annual report of the Southern lefc the Legislature pass tlie bill, for a organized for six hundred miles, Methodist Book Publishing nouse at the map will sliow its utili. sirable for reasonable thiift and social Net profits from June 30,1807, to June . !"uuoam u uuu hai)piness that the white man has yet 30, 18G8, $18,000. lound on tins continent. This important work, it is expected, Loii is Napoleon is buying war mate- Stay 5 AT Home Boys A Southern I will ftnnn lw m mtiVA iirnnri'ns iiiirl in I rml. rimif. nnrl loff Hm nrronnviAa I fnoiKl nf mire wlir Jt? fnmnArnwIw r. particular, locality, j i-iot;;,iis to this enmnnnv :is to spp.nrnl , .r ii.-.'.:..J: I o. v..v i. ' n. .1 i 1 j i MiucuuudL'b aiiu HiKt'iiaiN m iiii I'liiiimi i uiuumi: 111 ki iuih. wrings us ns ions or cabbages, or I forever your impartial access to the , . - V fniio . u ti au , . 1 Ji . 1 . , -i v are filled to overflowing : still the work lollows leu our people. " csncciallr rr r---! immense uusiness it is aesrincu at 07 t 1.. . ' - " , crop. A totally different quality of soil Children's Feet. Life-long dis comfort, disease and sudden death of ten come to children through the inat tention or carelessness of the parents. A child should never be allowed, to go to sleep with cold feet j the thing to be last attended to, see that thefeet some time in the future to contribute to its eastward connections. The Bankrupt law. According to a provision of the Bankrupt law, as originally past, parties filing their pe titions within one vear after it went in- goes on. Lamartine has just celebrated his 78th birthday. He is completely in his dotage. He daily dictates to a secretary, but there is no sense in what he says. i no young men wno contemplate a search for fortune in this metropolis to stay at home. Of the thirty thousand Southerners in and around the city, probably not one-third are earning their salt.. As light porters subordin ate clerks on microscopic salaries, or Morile, Ala., December 2. Miss as bashful drummers among their " I .w .1.. wn . v-iswliwt iP ltl. lint! is ren uired for onions for market and J r ' i . ivt.; often resulted lOl Seetls l M.-l. miiuio reia aro to be grown a thin soil is required. A knowledge of this fact would have saved me last year two or three hun dred dollars. To grow sets, the ground inn at. hn TiprfWtlv idpiin otherwise 'it . , It -V . T 1 ItllllM IU, lilt lUUURl .1I1UUIU I1U is mi endless labor. No "Tnss or weed I y selt ascertain it the stockings are the to operation might bo discharged from their debts without regard to the Augusta J. Evans, author of Beulah, home acquaintaces, a portion of these 1 oi.tivtf rA oocnto tw iM-nnorfr ciirrpnil. I St. Elnin' nnii othpr trorlrs. rns mnr. I nufnrtimntps nrn -wnrrriiifr rkiif nil "t- in "I dangerous 'ittackol I m v. 4v.. j.v. ------ j - -.... i -- v.. ... .. ..v..j..t9 vuv ...i. m0 I 1 - il -i. C . l.r...!,. . I vinl 1 .i c f -riTrT-4- fr T, AT .WJIcriTi T'ic I niTlif?r4Tl -will!! Onctlf nf rtil 4-li nif ct4-ril Ol M f'l I'll SO'll thl'Olt 1 r"1 5 lUllt 1, it Ul'UlUl lUlMIl 11U JUU i icu mou uigiit w iJ. J-ix. t uwu, jl u c- i my wiioihuh.u lut ta. OIOIB. I i 1 . .. ,1 f fl.rt l.-iTtr rtx-rti-t-vf rt1 I ilnnt rf flirt'. AIYkliilrt nnrl Af rn f rrTn n-r- I in" tmflp. and Plirslnnr tliA lirm-n in llf frOm SfMIOOl Oil I l'" V UCJ UIIU tlt(lli iuc Kill t.vviujii.u junm ui inuunu uu ..luinjjuiuvi ... .v--..,. ..w.. . ..will. iu. croup, diptheria AIwjivs on eonn n..fr!n.V !..,, fmm a visit. or and allowed l.im to retain, might still nulroad. erran,l,in rainy, muddy or tl.awing be relieved of his debts This provis- division' op Texas. The Ilonston weather, the child's shoes should be 1UU Ul mumw i'-huu.,, w.w says that the question ofdivid- which they left their friends ! and h earth-stone. New York is no Eldora do for, any one without capital.'7 year, was afterwards extended, hy an in iuto tUree States be '" should be allowed to go to seed upon it the previous year. Twenty pounds' of seed arc required to an acre. Last winter the seed sold in New York at $2.30 per pound. They should be sow ed with the Weathers Meld onion drill, about nine inches apart in the rows. This drill opens the furrow, drops the seed, and covers and roll it. It is an invaluable -machine for the gardener cost before the war $5. The sets must be kept perfectly clean the seed hay ing been sown as early as practicable in February. Tho tools are the scuttle or the push hoe, and an old caseknife, with the blade bent or curved near the end. The working of this crop can bo done by children. The product should bo somewhat over 100 bushel per acre ordinary price 5 per bushel. The cost of cultivating an acre with amendment, to the 1st of January, a fritatecl on the re assembling of the least damp, and if so, they should be taken off, the feet held before the fire and rubbed with the hand till perfect ly dry, and another pair of stockings and another pair of shoes be put on, and the other shoes and stockings should be placed where they can be dried, so as to be ready for future use on a moment's notice. The Northern " Civilization.7' A. I iA 1 J-l ..f r.IMi - x-k rt A TTT-J11 I ISO I. ai l Ulf UMfiiftioo ru liiaiiu : 7A.l run ont in about twenty days. TTpon wll foilc(i by a lnoderate majority be- 5! fif;er,inri nftprtimtflntP thP.debtnr. . . . J . . left in charge of three children of the, :.itw..oH4vu. fore, and it is said that several ot tho McCulioch family, near Corning, N. Y., last -Wednesday, in a fit of rage at the will not be discharged unless at least del tes xho YOted against division fiffr rr wnt nf the nniounfc nroved .i ! n : ' RM! be paid or a majority of .Vorb4- ,UCn . ' "' ""est c,'ild for fretful, threV itors give their consent in writing. 1 . . ; ' "Wi' ..V , l v T " LiOiiisviue, lor a circuit oriwenty-nve uniu it was annost liieicss, aim men Death of a Distinguished French- miles, were recently startled by the dis- roasted its hands on the hot . stove. , , -i.-i.-i. e poverv that their bees had all simultane- When its mother returned homo at MAN. The deatn on oaturuay last, vl -:. , , , . . ; - ; Pierre Antoinc Trpneli advocate The deserted hives were all lull, ot gating the case. New lork Herald. .1 f A . X L . Trt;o i Toinioii- honev. containiucr irom sixty to seven- with a tew bits of charcoal to sweeten errjer.wa uum x - 1790. lie became a lawyer at a very ij-u iuu" vv. youth The Boston Journal says if the top nf n. pflrrnf. put. off nt. this sprismi. or later is placed in a saucer of water, tics, is reported by cable dispatch. M. ath on Saturday last, ot wv..v;.:..w.w inc Berrver the great ously decamped, going no one knew night it was dead. The girl was ar ate and legitimist in poli- whither. The mystery is still unsolved, rested and the coroner's jury is investi- cides that gashouse lime is a jrood fer tilizer. It should be spread upon the me this vear has been about 30. ground and allowed to lie some time Onion sots can be shipped North at a before being turned under, and before profit, independent of supplying the the crop is put in. He says it isdes- hoine demand. Thev should be taken trnctlVC to insects. up as soon as the tops are dead. Onion, for market should be plant it. it will form a radiated feathery plant early age, and when quite a youtn Tie Italian papers state that the threw lumscii into puuuw. "''-u great tunnel througn Aiont uenis is with the l?onrbons, and underwent no ma-iUo. VerV 'satisfactory progress. l'rotessor Iliggins, ot Baltimore, de ittie persecution on that account. . lie Tu0 total length is tolie 12,220 metres, ; j Checks for the following named per; sons have been received at Headquar ters, Post of Raleigh.; Applicants for the same must be identified : M A AVilliams, John T Cramer, J B Woods, ? Wr II II Dickey, T W Dairy mple, John ... P fi.rt rtrtnnonl -tnr Mnrsliai i -i n. ,1 .1. - i..r.1.. -.-lrtf ml ;lSoUC i ,iv . P i muVBS """K'-r A MeMurrv, A'B Sams, A T Clement. Xey, and Ins name was .denffied wi h 8)9CS mttres; sothat there .now remam .j0c; Calvin Kogers, O !N .Tox' the pleas in defense of 3,251 metres to be exeavated. Jnder (la AIfrcd'williams M S 5Iar. 182G,Clmteaabria.Hlmia audi nree any eircumstauees it is ttonghMtot GriggLevi Cox, M N Leary, t...:., YnnninA.1 nisi . T Tp. waselec- ii nfirn niflprtnlcinp will be, finished ' 0sj J' iJUU!S -i l iuiwu ' - ----- - i ui tiling ... . ; l ted a "deputy in 1S30, and after the bv the commencement of 1871. jr., Eli Shaukle, Joseph AlcLel lan, Jno m T11 T V, TT-1.. 0.,1 OUU.. ..,....' .! fli1,t . nf nharlesX. he . . .. u ., iC, uC1: OU,ly, Good Farming.-. John Simpson, IT, tnnnortinc the most PY''sf S,fna! 1 ,cto f ' Charles Moody, , James MarUu, Lieut .la citizen of this county, about 50 ycars '"Z' v Aer the. downfall HATES CUT, December .-.-ucnerai F Leidtkc, J V Cobb, Joba Lunn- Lu ,i . .1 , . . HUWU1 luuiouii. ni 1,00 AAtnrorl f A H IPVPllliA Y . O J J of Black .Kettle's band, killing one eci on Tlie ricnesr f-rouini tnat can he ! . r-- uimmi mnnsnres. 0 .. . . . , I UVUUl .v..- obtained. The Jfcw York gardeners . ""sslaC on nnuy-two acres f phmipI)0 he opposed thces- applyio tons ofbarn-yard manure, or StbnS tabiishment of a republic. Ue never- 1000 pounds Peruviau guano to the Potatoes, 100 gallons Sorghum Syrup, theless opposed Louis Napoleon & coup acre. . Certainly tho richer the land, aud an abundance of garden vegetables. getat and continued the bitter.enemy the greater the produce it cannot be IIe this with a one-horse plow, and - n ' emi)ire CVer after. As an advo- TT-rt fllllit- lirt AlA ll-rtll 7t, ,,l4t Tl. -Uyy 1 ....... . - . - , iiv tuiua ixu uiu li Vy ltu.1 lull V JLC i" , l l,,,f 4Viit- too rich. - - ocrat . i cate he had no superior and but lew Two kinds of onions succeed best ; ' t ; equals in France. . . : - - Willi U o,.,-ruuu, o : ;rw"Buau1WuulJ, V 1"""U , . . ,f!ft. rilJnf Wc!, 'fthfl : .1 a bad keeper, and should bo set out in ed one-third more tobacco this year ' Brick" Pomeroy after Jan.. lst? .will uclV ni ioi,Yin , lij r - a i.. I .... . - I ' I t- TiDircna. 1 l li October, for spring aud summer mark- than lastwhil", the quantity is twenty publish his mammoth week! et the yellow Danvers, which is an five per cent, better. The corn crop is per of 50 columns in New Y kly newspa- York cit3. This is to take the place of the La Crosse Democrat, and will . be , the largest and most interesting political newspaper published. ;.; excellent keeper. This is also best set at least double that of last year. out in October, but may bs very well set out in February or "March. The The arrival at Salt Iake often thous- cultivation is much easier when the sets arid first and second readers for Mor are planted in the fall. The rows' mon schools is announced. They are should bo one foot apart, and 'the sets nlinnt siv inches annrt, in tlip rnxr. ThA tools1 for cultivation, tho same as for to learn no other, all Gentile Jiterature rate of two million miles per day, has overflowing, with about -fifty applica- Ti yungcst mother i .Fiiglamt is .f- m i:,inw n.;n fi.n-ji .;iiiirt cnoi0i f fi,rti, io iiipirni it t-o?i in nnr fneps. Uous for admission on file. Standard, a girj ot .1 1 eais. j5CL3 J- A1U JA lAJUtll J 1 1 JJ tl AAA AiA A J 11 Vlll LI I 11114 JJ 31ttXlA .J lUVUll I I liO l 11 UiOaVU iV'J -lJ-i w - ' hundred and fifty and capturing . fifty. ToorEExcnASGES.-Tho.aasIiiyan, three Indians. He also captured one a oy 01 i years 01 age, irom wariow, thousand horses and mules, and des- Maml, arrived in Xev York Nov. 11 troyed fiftv-ohe lodges. Of the United f ,?f . 1',s. mtI'Pr ; rt T "5e TTiWin Joanna Bryan, his sister, who came to States troops, Captain Louis Hamil- v J a' i xr " ' ton was killed, Colonel Barnetz oun- . J - , -. : A'-"1 ' I ViamA. nhlA f Itnni. Fi-fim T li rtrv lrt rtrtinrt to this city--a few weeks ago, and was taken sick and sent to the Washington University Hospital. He lost botU his eyes from a disease of the brain, and is now in a most dislxessiiig situa tion, blind and penniless. He is aiixl: ous to niia nis nioiner. or . sisitit ami we hope the press wlH be kind enough nine- dun- ded. Black Kettle; tho principal chief, was killed and the tribe is badly crip- .pled.; ., . i, ' Wr are requested by the Superinten dent of the Insane Asylum to state that it is entirely unnecessary; to bring printed in the new Mormon alphabet, professor Newton, s of , Yale, says .patients to th Instit tio ;thout toextend thisnoticekUtimore Up. and ksthelittle saints will be allowed that a comet which is travelling at the, previous ircusiatatiQn,: LlBT. I ;; s. ; li I J